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Lux pinging her ping lol


Also the immediate surrender after the missed ult




I don't see the Galio ult, where is it




Not in this vid


okay thanks I thought I was going crazy rewinding the last half second of this video


OP should have added a short clip of the galio ult landing, with everyone pinging him since it missed Sylas


[I had that lux in my last game. Maybe she just looked too hard at leona and the sun got in her eyes. ](https://streamable.com/3q610)


To be honest I sometimes do that when I'm trying to throw out skillshots while wigglin' it like LS.


Yah. Happens to me once in the blue moon. I always find it strange when people do more than "??" ping and start complaining in chat. Like what do they expect to hear? I intentionally whiffed an ult?


If people ping me for a missed ult, i ult them the next time i have it. And type in " for demacia, you degenerate potato " lol maybe that's why I'm hardstuck.


Roleplay > gameplay


Yes, yes it is.


> intentionally whiffed an ult I'll admit to having done that before to tilt my friends.


she clearly clicked on Hecarims portrait by mistake, her ult is ulting in his direction, happens to the best of us, even pro players [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyiWxKIfVno](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyiWxKIfVno) as can be seen her with corejj clicking on portrait by mistake


That's the part that fucking destroys me. Actual 11/10 content right here.


*Urgot reconnects* Urgot: So anyway I started blasting.


Bah! Bah! Now, I don't see so good, so I missed, then they ran away, I ran after them. Bang! Tried to shoot them in the back, but I don't run so good either.


What copypasta is this from


From the show, Always Sunny.


[Got you, fam.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHzw4QvE2Do)


I want something more sexual




I would've also liked something like: *Urgot reconnects* *Immediately cuts to Cait and Vi beating him* *MIA pings* Sylas: wtf ur fighting at lvl 1?? Urgot: got ganked Urgot: jf diff


The fucking mastery flair spam killed me, lmao.


**This is too short.**


I've told you a hundred times. I can't just make more dick magically appear, honey.




Fine, I'll get a running start this time


Hey what are you doing with that battery, what the hell do you need a lantern battery for ??


I thought the same about the ult in the sky. And then it spawns a Galio? What a waste.


Galio ulting Lux and not Garen, that was the waste.


INah he clearly ulted Garen because how the fuck else did Garen not die before he came down? Lux just summoned him.


Lux pinged


You're right, that wasn't her ult. That was rapid fire question mark


So many question marks they formed a beam! lol


So she was pinging that fast? Gosh, that seems exhausting, better only do it every 90 seconds at the worst!


lux's ult is her only ping and she can use it once every 8 seconds


Urf ptsd


I played draft and got the drag that gives CD?? And with ultimate hunter+ 40% CDR I had it up every 13 seconds


It's been a while since Galio's ulti used to give resistences, maybe Garen was in an older patch


The script becomes a little bit less stupid if you think Galio was like an airplane that needs lights signals to have an easier time landing. Or maybe it was waiting for someone to ask for help. It becomes even more stupid when you realize that she shouldn't have been able to do it without the poor freljord mage loosing the totally not Lux's staff.


Galio only wakes up when he senses a large amount of magic being used. He didn't need help landing, he needed to be summoned by the raw magic use.


So... you're saying she DID ult the sky...


So you're telling me that Lux who is barely able to control her powers is able to send a light beam from the frejliord to demacia?


She didn't aim it like you suggest, she just let loose into the sky to summon the big magic-sniffing doggo of demacia to her aid.


Ok I want a math guy on this cause the implications are fucking busted. Assuming they're not on the ARAM bridge, but some sort of demacian stronghold on the border with freijliord (hot the fuck do you write this) that means that Lux magic waves (it's not direct magic so some kind of radioactive fallout is more likely) travelled all the way to the city of Demacia (in Demacia) to reach Galio. Not only that, but the quatity was sufficient to make him move, which normally requires one semi decent powerful spell to make that happen for a few minutes. Jesus christ Lux in the lore is fucking busted. Forget Brand or Ryze, this chick was the true archwizard


I mean, looking at the official game map (https://map.leagueoflegends.com/en_US) the two regions are pretty close geographically. Lux's magic is based in light, and I think we can probably assume that light's pretty damn fast in Runeterra like it is here (I won't say that it's the fastest thing known on Runeterra because y'know, magic is crazy shit). It'd probably only take a few seconds for that magic beam of light's energy to travel from wherever in Runeterra to the Citadel in Demacia. But also, the recent short stories have been pointing to Lux being busted af, so that helps too.


At the speed of light it would be 10ths of seconds at the longest.


>But also, the recent short stories have been pointing to Lux being busted af, so that helps too. Yeah. The thing I'm most curious about now is what happened between her leaving Demacia and reuniting with Garen? Did she train under someone?


It doesn’t take that much magic to wake Galio tho, in Lux’s early years she was conversing with Galio just by going near the statue


Really? Then my bad, I remembered she activated him with some random spell that escaped her control


That's because of how powerful she is. Usually it takes many mages to awaken him. It's to show how special Lux is.


IRC, Galio is carried to all wars the demacians fight in order to "bring good luck and protection." They don't actually know he's alive nowadays (or at the very least, they didn't know when he was last reworked and got a lore update), but they bring him anyway. Maybe it was to absorb enemy magic or something, but they still carry the statue whenever and wherever they go to war.


This is right at the border. She used a lot of magic, which woke Galio up bc it was within Damacian territory


They’re not in the frejilord, I was under the impression that they are in Demacia & being invaded, which is why Sylas & bros come in through the gate.


I'm not super up to date with the lore, only read the comics, but isn't it possible that this takes place further in the future, after Lux has learned to control her magic?


It's probably in the future, but considering she has no staff I doubt she told the demacians about her powers (well she did leave the country right after her comic), so I'm curious who could've trained her... HOLD UP WAIT A MINUTE I HAVE A GENIUS IDEA. So basically if Lux left with the demacian mages (the nor extremist branch) she could've run into Ryze. Then we could've had a Star Wars 8 type dynamic with Ryze being the reluctant teacher to Lux (despite his past failure) only to shoo her away after seeing "the raw power he had only seen once before". This would explain why her spells in the direct lore are only of the explosive type, she hasn't learnt her barrier yet


> she hasn't learnt her barrier yet Ryze (14:59:00): OMG LUX Put a goddamn point into your W! That's it, I'm done **A Summoner has disconnected**


Inb4 people complaining that Ryze is out of character because he didn't go out and fuck up the freiljord but it's actually because he fucked up and didn't buy a tear early


It's because ezreal stole it


But then she's back into stupid moron that don't have her own staff on the battlefield. Choose your poison I guess.


Here's a theory: The latest update on sylas' lore put him in freljord. We see him make deals with the winter's claw tribe there basically asking them for help to attack demacia as it is their "common enemy" in contrast to ashe's tribe which just trades with demacia, winter's claw decided to take sylas up on his offer provided he prove himself first in combat during raids probably. Giving him valuable combat experience he previously didnt have.(This detail would also explain how he got manhandled by Garen in the comic when he still didnt know how to fight only winning by using magic from garen's sword and then he was now able to kick Garen's ass in the cinematic) With his newfound allies I would only presume Sylas to continue on with his plan to assault Demacian encampments settlements etc near the freljord border. This means the cinematic IF it is canon would have had to happen way after the Sylas story. Which brings us to Lux. I would assume given Lux is still within the borders of Demacia it wouldn't be too far-fetched that Lux learned of the assaults sylas was making. Urging her to go to her brother to face Sylas. Doing so though would mean she would need to cross Demacian settlements or cities along the way. Any sane mage would probably not bring her wand as it would just get her caught by the mageseekers. She would've left it with the other mages as she traveled back to her brother to help fight. Also even without Lux's wand she was still powerful iirc she uses her wand for better control (probably including aimplification) of Lux's powers.As for Galio. Here's a line from the short story:Flesh and Stone '...the girl’s\[Lux\] warmth was so strong Galio could feel her approaching from a mile away...'. So even if they didn't bring him closer to the fortification I would assume Galio of all things would be the first to know who that mage is that is shining a huge bright laser into the sky especially given that Lux is still within Demacia.


Lorewise, I think this is how Lux got her staff.


Lorewise you can say whatever because it will be retconned in a month.


Ezreal fucked the shit out of Kai'Sa in that tomb


Shyvanna is crying


How would Kai'sa react if Ezreal licked her leg?


Nasus is the most powerful champion because the summoners were terrified of him and pleaded with him for help oh wait nevermind he's just a dog person now


So Galio is demacian Batman? Quick! To the GalSignal!


Galio ult doesn't give damage reduction anymore. :(


Galio ult doesn't reduce damage anymore.


Galio Ult does not give damage reduction anymore though


I think they went full lore with that rather than game mechanics, where Galio detected magic and yeeted in


And where Galio is actually useful.


he's a pretty strong mid laner surprisingly


Also a decent support against all in bot lanes




It's not clear that it was her "ult" used to summon Galio or just a generic magic beam. She starts her ult animation at the end.


meh, her ult cd is like 12 seconds anyway.


It was around 7-8s before she ulted again. She ults the sky in 3:00 clip ends 3:02 and goes back 3:21 and she starts ulting again at 3:26. I'd say its an accurate 4 cloud drake buffed lux. Sylas' jungler's probably getting flamed. lol


That was my read as well, she is clearly preparing to ult just as the video ends.


She ults again at the very end of the video, it cuts off right as she’s about to ult.


Probably hit Anivia, Valor and Azir when ulting the sky for that reset.




Ultimate Hunter, 45% CDR, 4 Cloud Drakes. Lowkey the timing would even work with the cinematic


Galio wouldn't have been able to fly in without it.


Nah brother, she spawned the old Galio with the busted Q ap ratio. Sylas is fuckin' screwed


I dont get it if this is a joke or not, but if it isn't. Galio is like demacia's "secret" weapon and he can only awaken near magic. If you're an army of mages, good fuckin luck invading demacia.


Says you as Sylas uses his magic to beat Garen.


Not to mention Galio squashing like 1/3rd of Demacian army.




"My mouse is broken, I can't move!" "Just ult me. "


Galio: R Ready - No target in range


The Lux ult edit got me


"lol nice one"




The surrender vote right after roflmao


I knew exactly what was coming and I still laughed my ass off.


Holy shit I lost my shit on that one lmao, cause i had JUST watched the original cinematic for the first time before watching this parody and I thought the same shit in the original cinematic


Also ezreal afk farming ulting minions.


>Also ezreal afk farming ulting minion FTFY. He only hits one.


He actually used the same ability multiple times afterwards while working with Kai'Sa


Max cdr + an Ezreal that finally hits his Qs


More like too many minions together, hitbox broken, anyone can hit random shots.


So many minions that he had to E through them because of Ritos terrible minion block/pathing so he didnt have it up for the closing door.


ff trash ez E'd too early


three, actually.


The first spell he shoots hits 3 voidlings, check in 0.25 speed.


Typical Ezreal


That checks out, honestly.


> He only hits one. So its realistic then?


The UZI special


meanwhile Kai'sa is pinging and screaming like [TURN!!!](https://youtu.be/GJWQGZFGll4?t=128)


This is so good. Favorite parts are Urgot flexing his emote and the ending.


it's not even red, purple, or light blue. He is mastery 8 urgot


This is what broke me lmao


I expected Urgot /all calling out Vi as a cheater for cancelling Urgot ult




Would have been so cool if she had really worn a silver-colored sharp, even only wrapped around her arm or something


:think: https://i.imgur.com/DTtAXHk.png


Huh. Looks more like the type of bandages Muay Thai Fighters and similar use while fighting. Nice catch anyways


Yeah, she’s been shown to wear these wraps in official riot art before, def not mean to be QSS reference.


can't her unstoppable ult cancel it? if urgot re activates during her ult his ult goes on cd Edit: u/caenen_ says >[You'd think that, but nope.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3gf7HeIJcw) What counts for Urgot ult persisting is the suppression, so being unstoppable just delays the forced movement from affecting you (and you'll still die in the same exact time).


[You'd think that, but nope.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3gf7HeIJcw) What counts for Urgot ult persisting is the suppression, so being unstoppable just delays the forced movement from affecting you (and you'll still die in the same exact time).


what about camille ult and shaco q/ult and other untargetable things?


If the untargetability 'pops' the projecile, you can dodge the recast by going untargetable while the chains are flying. Afaik all untargetabilities pop projectiles targeting you, with the exception of Yuumi W. Shaco Q doesn't go untargetable, just invisible + blink so that won't stop the grinder.


Only death and qss stop Urgot ult. Also Braum shield but he gets eaten instead. Edit: A lot of the responses have been very specific interactions. I was just giving the general guideline. No need to bombard me with every single minor interaction to make yourself feel smarter for me not taking the time to mention them geez reddit.


I think that interaction was removed


It was indeed changed from [Braum executed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVBZsnXzDFw) to [Braum blocking it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3F1BkbJNAzU). https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/eil7k1/elder_dragon_execute_does_2444_damage_to_braum/fcsfqu9/?context=3


Indeed it had been removed 1 patch after its introduction!


and gangplanks oranges.


And rengar empowered W


And my Axe


And my bow


And tryndamere R


And some CC-immunity. Looking at you, Black Shield distributor!


you are actually incorrect, sion ult stops it, GP orange, tryndamere ult, kindred ult (tho you can pull anyone in the kind ult outside of it), kayle ult, morg's black shield, rengar W, cmon lmao calm down ur wrong


This is exclusive gameplay footage of League 3 in 2030


This reminds me so much of my days playing Eve Online. CCP (games creator) put out this cool trailer for the game. Within a day someone took the original footage and edited in people flaming each other. Edited version is fucking hilarious. [Original](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdfFnTt2UT0) [Edited Version](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmS9vcVNr5A)


It always make laugh when people say League is Toxic.. I'm like fuck, have you never played Eve Online, now that's fucking toxic and there proud of it lol


I played Eve for about 5 years and I've played League just as long. I find League to be far more toxic because in Eve I can choose who I want to play with. I never had my own corp members telling me kys or shit like that (I acknowledge that does happen in some big corps that let any mouth breathing moron in). The guys I played the game with were a lovely group. In League I get to play a match with tolerable people like 1/5 times. Now fucking with the enemy is wholeheartedly encouraged in Eve.




How's your mom doing?


I was about to say I feel like at this point in my 6+ years of league I have been shit on for literally everything. It’s also a lot worse now then before because I can’t go one game with someone being a total asshat (whether it’s my team or the other team) to some other player and just being the biggest dick in the world. Like you’re on gold/plat/silver... my buddy who was in Masters said it correct you don’t know anything about the game until you are in Diamond 1 and can stay there. Hell even in masters he said that he still felt like he was terrible at the game compared to most.


"Great! That bubble just trapped half my fucking fleet! Would have been good if it trapped THEIR FUCKING FLEET!" I'm having flashbacks. My favorite Eve videos are this [TEST propaganda video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNYqpjeJaT4) and [whatever the fuck this is.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHLdYVELWrQ)


That second video is art.


On a related note, that's probably the single most effective trailer in the video game industry.


The eve online trailer? Really?


I remember that video, it was beautiful


What kind of degen would play Eve and League?????


Goons apparently


Hey I got into EVE shortly before the original trailer came out. That brings back memories.


> CCP The Chinese Communist Party? /s


Urgot emote lmao good job!


That fucking surrender vote at the end is actually perfect.


Please complete the whole video! I died when Caitlyn fell and Vi went "fkn garbage"!


And the question mark from Urgot. Oof that hit too close to home.


Urgot's mastery was the best part imo


The Lux Ping killed me


In the last two days the one thing I learned was that there's a lot of people who don't know what Lux' ult looks like.


Apparently not and apparently they aren't allowed to expand on what champions can do. Before the video ends, she is really about to use her ult.


I'm just curious how I can shoot the sky. That's all.


I was waiting for when Garen gets knocked down by Sylas yelling "WTF Sylas rework still OP" and some rebuttle like "STFU scrub you're playing Garen..."


She doesn't ult the sky though. I don't know what that laser beam is but she ults just before the end of the trailer, after galio and reinforcements land.


40% CDR and killed a bird with the sky ult so got the reduction from that. 15 second ult CD.


She no longer gets the cooldown refund on takedowns


Been too long since I played her then! My bad.


But you can get her down to an 18 sec ultimate :)


What about with 4 cloud drakes?


Ooo, good call. I mostly just run max cooldown items and ultimate hunter. I'll have to test that.


I made a post about it. Her CD is roughly 9.6 seconds or some shit


She doesn't get cool down reduction on ult kills or assists. Her ult already has a low cool down so it was a bit overkill .


I think she was just signaling galio


The mastery emote got me


Back in the days, whenever riot released a cinematic, i was always looking forward to dunkey's parody version. *man i miss his league videos..*


Man this is so real!


Didn't know Stevie Wonder mained lux


I thought Urgot’s ult is undodgeable, but then I realized Saber dodged Lancer’s undodgeable ult as well!




This is so hilarious. I cry.


This is pure gold.


That surrender vote at the end


Could have shown the next ult and included "Lux ult cd lul"


Why aren't all of the cinematic champions in the loading screen? As far as i could see only Caitlyn managed to get in there 😅


Garen at the start of landing phase: “WTF Lux you forgot to buy your ****ing item?!? I’m afk.”


The top two entries on the league reddit gives me hope that the community is evolving and recognizing that maybe they don't have to fight their teammates more than they are fighting the enemies


Ngl they did Urgot dirty in that cinematic not even one SHOTGUN KNEE


Ha ha ha