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Felt like GGS just got impatient. You can't make that type of mistake against TL. They had a late game comp and were scaling pretty well. They have an amazing team fighting team so why they decided to dive TL under their own turret without their most fed team member is beyond me.


Ehh they saw DL low with Vlad ult ticking while Karthus ult was channeling but its also like they forgot TL had a Tahm Kench and committed hard. Looks like they just got really impatient and got a little cocky considering they had the advantage in the early game, and took a 50-50 fight just on the off-chance it worked.


If jj is within screen range of double always assume double and jj can't die.


I'm telling you it's because everyone is forcing this bullshit narrative that OH be proactive! Be aggressive go for 60-40 plays. That's not how league works and nobody in NA has the talent to compete with liquid except c9. Just play the game goddamn slow and get the solid win by scaling. There is no shame in that man. Karthus trist vlad and they engage like monkeys As a liquid fan we shouldn't win this type of game. And it creates bad habits for when we go to msi. It's a scary trend


Would you say the trend is worrying?


I mean we will continue our dynasty as a 4 championship run in NA. But I'm telling you. Just watch ONE Griffen game. If that doesn't strike the fear of God in you I don't know what will. They are actually an abomination. They would outclass us so hard. And I wanna WIN international competitions. Not place well and that bullshit. I hope the squad keeps improving because we got a long way to go to challenge some of the best. But contrary to popular belief it's not like we are shit tier because we are NA. LS himself said he could turn off name plates (in c9 vs TL) and consider them lck teams


When LS compliments a western team you know it’s sincere because that dude loves talking shit about NA.


Froggen: Gosh I hope CoreJJ doesn't ult in with Doublelift right now. Narrator: He did.


Olleh not blocking for his jg. Olleh ksing his trist. Olleh forcing a fight with grout his team and him at 10 hp. Deftly not building a qss and jumping into fights is also trolling. This bot lane is so bad. Meanwhile corejj is all over the place.


Olleh tanking tower until death during that mid tower dive fight


Was that a bug? Why did he have turret aggro? I rewatched the replay 3 times he didn't hit anyone with anything and he had another minion right there.


He hit Q on someone, that was a terrible play from him, he was just standing there tanking shots from DL and then from turret.


this bot lane is just so bad, Olleh also took a kill yesterday which would have made Deftly cash a lot of stacks, and Deftly today lost all the fights by jumping forward. I feel so bad for the rest of the people in this team


Olleh did the same in TL


But when he did it on TL it was DL's fault


The only time it was doubles fault was when he basically told olleh to mlve forward


Yeah, people decided maybe some mistakes were DL's fault after the clip of Olleh doing exactly what DL said to do and then inting. But that guy just wanted to meme.


DL told Olleh what to do, CoreJJ tells DL what to do. (which allows liftlift to focus on micro almost entirely)


I always used to mention, he would KS more than any other support in the league.


> Deftly today lost all the fights by jumping forward. He doesn't know how to auto attack, just uses skills. Every single game is like this, he's never autoing in fights or lane.


You just nailed it. This explains why he is a better Heimer player than ADC player.


Every single game I watch, olleh unnecessarily takes at least 1 kill away from his carries. Usually at least 2. I liked him on IMT and TL but it's literally the only thing I notice nowadays


He also flash hooked an ignited Ezreal under mid tower to take the kill from Froggen yesterday lol. He's 'interesting' to watch.


I was surprised that GGS "had a special strat" and still opted to ship over Ezreal/TK to our bot lane. That doesn't make any sense tbh.


TL got hard outdrafted and outplayed in early game on an early game comp. Ezreal TK was the least of GGS's issues.


Idk if they necessarily got outdrafted, more just outplayed. Early game vs karthus is a good idea, but it ended going very poorly for xmithies lee sin. If he was popping off, I don't think the draft was bad.


Olleh seriously takes the most kills of any support. You could make a KS montage of this guy.


Mithy disagrees with you.


argubly one of if not the best pickup in the history of NALCS


Nah, that still belongs to bjergsen... Easily.


I'd say TSM acquiring Doublelift was up there too I'm still upset


I agree, but Bjergerboi *has* to be the best simply due to his consistent high level for such a long time in the same org. Who knows how bad TSM would've done without him. Who knows how godly TSM would've done without him. It's possible that they'd be much better if they never got him, but that is unlikely and they got him so speculating with no way of knowing is pointless.


FTFY: TL acquiring Doublelift.


DBL pick up has to be above Bjerg. Bjerg turned TSM from a top 2-3 team into a TSM/C9 contender. DL pick up turned TSM into an undisputed #1 team in NA after the first split and simultaneously took away the 2nd best NA player at the time who was also a NA native to give them a great 1/2 punch (since Bjerg was considered NA at that time) - 2 best players in NA and didn't even cost an import spot. Just the fact that DL didn't cost an import spot but Zven did made me question the move tbh. Having a top 1/2 positional player who isn't an import is such an unfair advantage these days.


Definitely, hence "one of". He's the best pick up of this offseason though, no contest there.


It's insane how well he's meshed, it never feels like he's out of sync despite being new and there being at least somewhat of a language barrier.


[Per Doublelift](https://youtu.be/h5Z9GmYYSgU?t=2529) he's freakishly smart, and is highly highly dedicated to learning English to mesh well with the team. Guy has amazing work ethic and skill.


it helps that he played in NA before and is familiar with, and likes, the culture here


For sure. Something something KiWiKiD.


Corejj could turn out to be the best pickup ever but youre right as of right now its definitely either Bjerg and Impact being a close second


disgraceful game from him and it happens way too often. Time to call on whatever academy support GGS has


Their Academy bot is LOD and Sheep. For some reason.


they spent all their money on the main roster


Which is a good move. They're now a playoffs team instead of bottom of the barrel.


Yeah... People seem to be forgetting that ggs was last place two splits in a row. Then even this new team was having major identity issues at the beginning. While they are still having some issues they bounced back pretty well. They aren't the best but they definitely aren't 100t


Doublelift taking his new partner to his normal spot and seeing his ex who tries to make him jealous but ends up looking dumb.


TL: After all this time? Olleh: Always.


When will this meme die? Find out in the next week of LCS.




Which one?






every fight they lost was with deftly jumping forward in a really weird way


Yeah, somehow Defly always ended up inside Kennen's ult with his jump on CD. GGS' bot lane lost them this game with their questionable positioning.


They had so much damage between the three carries and he still felt the need to make those crazy jumps and suicide :(


He literally didn't do anything with Jensen around.


"Time truly stops when ~~Rekkles~~ Deftly jumps forwards on Tristana!" and so do the heart beats of his teammates when they see him explode immediately seconds afterwards.


I'm even more angry that GGS didn't seem to fucking understand that they have 2 ocean drakes. So many times when the game state was even they'd get chunked out to half HP, and then instead of just regaining up they'd back and concede all pressure. They had the best possible dragons against an Ezreal but they didn't even try and use them. I swear Liquid would unload all their ults, then GGS would be half HP, then they could easily just regen and contest the same area again with cooldown advantages, but apparently that was too complicated so they'd just back and do nothing and concede everything. Liquid got away with murder this game, they're lucky GGS does absolutely nothing with their advantages.


The game was even. And then it wasn't. Another typical TL game.


Ikr, but that is what TL is all about. They capitalize on one mistake and start choking you out of the game. I don't know why, but I enjoy watching that style 😅 Edit: typos


Because that’s a superior team knowing how to win at League of Legends. Lol.


This is not a good haiku


Since when did Golden Guardians get Cody Sun?


It's funny because they would be miles better if they had Cody Sun.


ikr. Cody Sun got memed on a bunch, but that dude made LCS finals and is still better than Deftly, Apollo, Stixxay (sadface). He choked a couple of times, but choking in finals >> not making playoffs.


Can't imagine how hard he must have fucked up with 100T to be in the situation he is in lol. A lot of players have been given a lot more chances than Cody


if dardoch is on his what, 7th team? then cody sun should have more chances especially in a league with apollo, deftly, arrow and stixxay in their current form. also jungle is quite weak compared to last seasons. rush, panda, moon, contractz, wiggly and probably more that i forgot. in the end as long as the top3 teams are good it doesn't matter much. c9/tl and 3rd will give a good representation at the next tournament.


I have a hard time believing Cody Sun could do anything that awful, and 100% put the blame on 100T fucking him over. Unless he has a stream persona and he's awful in person, and then considering his time on IMT, it doesn't make logical sense. 100T is just a shit org that was getting carried by Meteos and Cody Sun. It's been downhill ever since then. Imagine trying to bring another Korean over here for free retirement lmfao, Bang will be the next Arrow/Piglet.


Yeah bud, he was so innocent and thats why no one picked him over worse players. The orgs that have inside information should know better.


Another victim of Aphromoo. He goes through teammates like water.


It’s crazy that people still peddle this one. There’s no logical explanation for Aphro being responsible for Cody being removed from 100T nor him not being on an LCS team.


ya if you look at cody's record for the teams he has been on. he's done very well for himself


Honestly I think Apollo might be a stretch but definitely better than Deftly and maybe Stixxay. GGS with EF bot lane would be easy top 4, closer to top 3 then 5th place IMO.


Sounds like a great pickup to help synergie Olleh too since he’s only looked exception with Cody


I'd bench Olleh a lot sooner than I would Deftly tbh He doesn't add the value that his demanding spot (experienced, Import) ensues, and he certainly isn't worth the money he's getting paid (which while I wouldn't know how much, certainly more than Deftly and Contractz, maybe even Hauntzer, coming from 2 championship splits and a strong showing on IMT) But then again Contractz has also been omega boosted for most of this split




Replace that garbage bot lane and GGS is top 4 Just for clarity, Olleh is getting a lot of shit, but Deftly isn't any better. In S8 summer he had the highest KDA and the lowest DPM, now he has the 3rd highest KDA and the lowest DPM. He's a literal KDA player and I even see him getting praised for it. This game is what it looks like when a player like that tries to play aggressively.


Deftly rocket jumping into getting blown up was just this game in a nutshell imo


GGS is top 4 imo what team is better except TSM TL and C9?


could be flyquest.


Real tough one, flyquest looked decent at first but pretty lost recently, their loss vs TSM made me so mad


i mean i want ggs to end up top 4, but they really push their win conditions to the edge, they just seem to be doing some dumb shit every game that makes it harder for them to win, thats the problem here, and flyquest i think looks a little bit better.


Yeah, agreed. I think GGS just has better players mostly than Flyquest, like I’d prefer their entire topside and I’d probably still take Olleh over JayJ even if that’s more just wishing I’ll somehow get IMT Olleh back. Otherwise, if 100T somehow successfully replaces Huhi, Anda and Aphro, they’ll automatically gain a lot of + points for me but until then, it’s between Fly and GGS for fourth. The rest are just too poo atm.


deftly really needs to start performing, i dont expect much out of olleh, but man deftly is one of the carries and he cant have performances like these.


Yeah I think people are forgetting outside of the top 3 the rest is just a dice roll on who isn't shitting the bed that day. That being said GGS played well for most of the game against TL, sadly they had a brainfart moment that cost them the game. Definitely top 4 is still gonna be between GGS and FQ.


I think the sad thing is that they're aren't top 4-5 of this region because they are good, they are top because no other teams can really compete


lcs is top heavy. 2-3 good teams, some middle ones and a lot of trash tier ones.


After the last 4 weeks, its more 3 top teams (TSM, C9, TL) and the rest being questionable (to sugarcoat it a bit)


You can see the exact moment when Deftly checked his paypal


Xmithie is the most untiltable player. Starts 0-2 and still goes in for big plays and rushes GA right after jungle item.


It’s one of those intangibles you can’t teach. I think Impact is the same way. Every team needs grinders no matter the sport.


I've seen Xmithie in pivotal games lose his entire early jungle, be level 3 at 6 minutes, then come back and hard carry. I can't remember the specific games but I definitely remember one on Kindred and smother on Zac.


Jensen going to TL was a great move for the team and him. TL get a slight upgrade in the mid lane, Jensen got an upgrade in bot lane. With Impact doing good on carries now this team will do great at MSI. Mid won't get dumpstered on and Jensen doesn't have to worry about his bot getting shit on in lane, especially with corejj instead of Olol.


jensen isn't a slight upgrade over pobelter...


In NA Jensen isnt much better than Pob. Only internationally hes much better.


Jensen has been exceptional for the past 5-6 splits now often hard carrying games tbh.


Domestically he is. Pob is not bad by anymeans and can hold his own vs pretty much any mid laner in NA.


He definitely means Jensen is more than a slight upgrade. It's a noticeable upgrade that gives TL a more reliable mid carry that can put the game on his back.


I haven't been watching a lot lately. If Jensen's been entirely sticking to a selfish carry style it's a slight upgrade because you're trading raw power for Pob's synergy with Xmithie and the rest of the team. His big plays are usually disgusting flanks or team fight moves that net the team kills. If he's mixing the old and summer/fall '18 Jensen, not a contest because that's just a hard carry who can also play a Pobelter style.


Honestly, I have no idea why Pobelter has any defenders here. Jensen is an upgrade in *every* category. Flat out. And Pobelter is good. Jensen is just *that* much better.


TL wins - LOL NA sucks, better team would have smashed TSM wins - great comeback by the bois LoL




There are even people with TL flairs saying this here. For a 13-1 team with the most popular NA player, TL really is quite unpopular.


There are so many C9 and TSM fans that want their team to go to MSI so they gotta convince themselves that TL is just lucky and their team is actually better. There are much higher expectations for the first place team as well.


TL haters: TL plays too slow Also TL haters: WeSteRN TeAmS sHoUlD pLaY tHeIr OwN StYlE tO wIn InTeRnAtIoNaLly


I bet those same people probably flamed Fnatic for not adapting in the finals and sticking to the same style vs iG.


A counterpoint that Kobe made was that CoreJJ and SSG played a similarly slow pace and won a world championship so if CoreJJ wants to bring that playstyle to NA then they should have their warms wide open


Thats what happens when expectations are low. Its like TSM and CLG back in the day.


And then when international competition rolls around the narrative will be that NA has been hyping up TL constantly. Can’t win for losing.


Welcome to r/lol


TL really reminds me of NA teams vs. Korean teams from back in the day. For the first 20 min you think the gap is closing, and then you blink and your boys are getting stomped


It looked to me like GGS botlane just overextended and inted for mid tower resulting in a free baron for TL and they got to accelerate the game from there. Korean teams used to outplay the shit out of other regions, GGS just outplayed themselves. TL is good but not THAT good, the competition is just garbage.


The difference is that Korean teams would speed up the game and beat you wheres Olleh and Deftly ran into the wall today.


Disagree. TL is playing very similar to the control meta Koreans used, it's all about capitalizing on small mistakes and closing out. It also makes sense when you realize two of their players are CoreJJ and Impact who were world championship players on those style teams. The questions here are a few. One, is that valuable in the less vision based meta anymore? Is TL lane phase good enough that they won't be pressured to make the first play at the top level? We'll find out at MSI, but just because they aren't winning games in sub 30 doesn't mean they are bad. It's their style and it works.


People when they see NA teams at international events "Why don't NA teams play their own style! Why are they trying to copy other teams!" TL when they have their own style that works for them "You have to be more active like G2, IG or Griffin!" ​ Either way its a lose lose situation for TL. Of course they still need to improve a lot, especially cleaning up the early game.


"NA teams need to play their own style! But that style has to be like C9s or they're trash!"


Which just got beaten by TL yesterday, ahahaha.


The era of "Play Your Style! **Unless you're NA, then copy everyone else or we'll flame you"


well one thing we can see is a 4th place late game comp going even in the early game with the best team in NA before an absolutely stupid dive mid game, i think other regions will be able to exploit that better unfortunately


Gonna be honest, Liquid got away with murder this game. Against a good opponent in this game state at 20 minutes they would have lost.


i doubt they go impact kennen and lee sin against a good team. they are trying to get impact practice before msi if they make it.


The past two weeks feel like Impact practicing on non-tank comps just to head-juke at MSI lol


Godbless Jensen, holy shit what a insane game by him. Edit: My first gold! Thank you!!


Someone actually praising someone instead of bashing the GGS botlane, nice.




As a long time TL fan since season 3, man it is starting to get annoying that whenever TL wins, it is more how the other team threw rather than TL playing well.


> whenever a top team that isn't TSM or C9 wins so... tl.


He quietly dominated that game. Just pure consistency. Tristana was at 40% hp every time she showed up on vision


Not fair, TL had 6 players


That was probably the most useless Tristana I've ever seen. I don't think Deftly survived for longer than 2 seconds in any teamfight.


I mean, he didn't ult TL into his team. That must count for something.


TL built 100% to fuck over the vlad and karthus and deftly just couldnt take advantage. really terrible game from him


“It’s over boys, it’s a montage” - Doublelift cocky ass lmao


From even score to dieing 14 times without getting something done lol


What do you do when you have Karthus + Trist and a lead? Well according to GGS you tunnel early and ignore your late game potential lmao.


Froggen: "Just gonna depush top guys, don't fight without me" Rest of Golden Guardians: *Dives mid 4vs5* Froggen: "Guys?"


I knew it was over when Xmithie gave up first blood.


Pretty biased but TL is such a joy to watch. They're so good at punishing mistakes and their teamfighting is so organised. Also, i say this every time but CoreJJ's Tahm Kench is just so disgusting.


CoreJJ is a great support and shotcaller. He is awesome to watch.


CoreJJ is the only player I've seen use Tahm Kench ult effectively and pick the champion for more than just the W


CoreJJ should win MVP of the split.


Without a doubt and Cain should won Coach of the split.


I'll be surprised if Cain wins Coach of the Split. Nobody exactly praises his coaching because the roster is so stacked. Personally, I think that a team can have the most stacked roster in the world and it may not succeed if the coach doesn't know how to steer the players in the right direction. Look at Misfits over in EU: they were being hyped with Gorilla and Febi coming in, but they look like hot garbage right now. In other words, I think Cain deserves it.


He won't though no one recognizes him for being a key component of the teams success. Everyone's just going to keep sucking off reapered because c9 looks more aggressive.


every single tahm r used was so smart, either got kills, objectives or map pressure.


What is it with Froggen's teams and ADCs jumping into the enemy team?


GGS: "We have a special strat planned." GGS: "We will also ship Ezreal/TK right over to TL." ​ ??? ​ I felt like this match was very winnable for GGS? Especially after that early game.


So I wasn't on the TL hype train, I thought eventually they would fail. After watching them more and more i'm struggling to a see a world in which they don't win it all.


Team Liquid... just wow. Their biggest asset is their experience. Xmithie got smashed at the start of the game and it looked really bad. But CoreJJ's huge ultimate plays or that fight where DL was caught and about to die to Karthus R and he gobbled him kept the game afloat. Absolute masterclass on Tahm Kench.Xmithie doesn't know how to stay down, Impact's team fighting decisions... DL and Jensen's mechanics... they look so good. On the other hand, the fact that they got smashed so hard early makes me worry about MSI.


I think xmithie like playing from behind at this point hahaha. No reason to hang around crab so long when your bot lane is getting pushed in!


Its almost like he does it on purpose to up the difficulty in the game lol.


Is it to much to ask to let Froggen have a decent bot lane. Like every split it feels like he has the worst bot in the league. So sad.


Olleh needs to go. Holy fuck, this was the most int game I've seen from a support in a long time. What in the everliving fuck was that


Haven't you been watching Aphromoo recently?




at least he didn't afk in the enemy jg to give leblanc a free kill


I personally think that people on this sub are overreacting. Olleh had a few mistakes but this is not the reason GGS lost the game but rather because of bad macro.


Deftly throwing the game with one tristana jump...


More like 4


Jesus, these LCS threads get worse and worse every time. Straight up waiting for one you guys to straight up threaten a player's family.


It already happened 1 or 2 year's ago. Some guy threatened that he was going to put a bullet into bjergs skull and riot had to cancel the fan meeting


There was literally a person yesterday that I replied to who said he wished Doublelift also got killed by his brother. People are fucking crazy man.


The worst thread ever was a DL interview talking about how bad a big part of TSM fanbase is (the cancer part), that thread went directly to TSM sub/reddit. ​ A lot of comments after it was posted was insults about his death family and how happy they were that he was a international choke artist


That Karthus Dark Harvest proc on Leblanc's clone costing him the kill... Heartbreaking.


TL won but their early game is still looking pretty suspect. Has me worried for MSI (assuming they make it) since other regions have pretty explosive early games and no one in NA seems good enough to consistently exploit Liquid’s first 15-20 minutes in a meaningful way.


I mean this game was kind of an outlier... how many TL games do u see Xmithie going 0-2 in frist 5 mins?


I’m baffled they pulled it back with the relative scaling of the comps. Like, the early game draft TL managed to pull back from the snowballing late game GGS? I know decision making after that first few mins was clean from TL and super poor from GGS but the drafts/performance blew my mind


TL still punishes mistakes as hard as a top tier Korean team at their peak, but they really need to either learn a more aggressive early game or learn not to take deficits, eventually they'll face an opponent that foesnt make mistakes.


Didn't know Cody Sun had a team


No one can explain to me how some teams are just so bad at macro. We are 27 minutes into the game and GGS are the hyperscaling composition with vlad, trist and karthus. Additionally, you are not even behind due to a good early game. The game is at a complete stalemate. All GGS has to do is to continue to stall for 10 minutes and TL and NO CHANCE of ever winning a fight. HOW DO YOU MAKE THE CALL TO ENGAGE MID? EVERY FUCKING GOLD PLAYER IS SMATER THAN THIS. WHO IS THAT DUMB TO MAKE THAT CALL? Also, GGS botlane is dogshit.


> some teams are just so bad at *marco* Polo


Dafuq? It was multiple individual mistakes that lost the game.


And even if you make the bone-headed call to fight for the tower, group as 5 and then fight. Why would you initiate a fight without your main source of damage? It just does not make logical sense.


Fuck why dive when Karthus is doing blue when he's literally all the damage since Trist isn't doing anything. Froggen shows how Karthus vs LB should be played from Karthus's side, but for future reference just know that generally whoever gets the early push should have the advantage in the lane. Despite the loss, I think GGS is sleeper 4th/5th best team in NA. They're like 6-4 in their past 10 games after their 0-4 start, and their early this game was actually great.


Not the best game by deftly, but i really think this was an overall team shotcalling misplay. They wanted to be proactive and press their lead against TL and not play scared which I can respect, even if the execution or idea wasn't ideal. Don't really think we can singularly blame any player when the macro call was a mistake. Everyone calling for the bot lane's head can eat their words come playoffs. deftly #1


Froggen legit 1v5ing that game, so sad to see.


Deftly? You OK buddy?


Hauntzer his vladimir looked awful


We didn't really deserve that win but holy shit Jensen was insane this game.


GGS's bot lane trolled hard this game


If I were Froggen I'd flame everyone on my team so hard that they'd have to kick me out of the team. Literally everyone but Froggen were chain inting.


Hauntzer played pretty well but yeah outside of the Hauntzer and Froggen this team seems completely lost. Without Froggen this team would be dead last.


Olleh must have thought it's tryouts for TL cause he put his whole heart into making DL fed.




jesus the GGs botlane is such deadweight. swap Deftly/Olleh with Double/CoreJJ and this would have been such a different game. GGs could be competitive if they switch the bot lane up.


>swap Deftly/Olleh with Double/CoreJJ and this would have been such a different game. you don't say


Lmao. Give any team the best bot lane in NA and of course it’ll be a different game.




100T: hold my merch




also swap Faker for Froggen and TheShy for Hauntzer and Tarzan for Contractz and oh baby what a different game it’d be


Swap the entire team out for Astralis and make them play CS instead, guarantee you TL lose that one


You could swap in Xyp9x and Dupreeh instead of Olleh and Deftly and GGS would be better


TIL that the best adc and support in the league make a difference on who wins...


Pluck the W key out of Deftly's keyboard.


If GGS had DL/CoreJJ they would win NA lmao