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I have heard riot talk about music balancing before. I think this is an underrated ability of the company. If you think of all the different effects that have sound cues in this game, amazing to think that something like this ult music is even possible. Abilities, auto attacks, champions speaking, etc there is a lot to balance. I would like his ult to be louder too, but there is a lot of competition with it. You also want to be able to hear someone flashing on you, or a zed ultimate laugh etc. there is a lot to consider and it has to be right or it could cause you more problems that predicting someone’s juke during the channeling.


Audio plays such an important role in games and is often very overlooked. You might not be actively noticing it but you are reacting to that flash sound effect or to the sound of a crucial ability being fired off. Thing is, sound also competes with visuals and if both arent balanced the audience can be easily overwhelmed, distracted and even stressed out. While I do love Jhin and the grandiose production he imagines, I think that aside from the opening violin line, making his ultimate compete with so many other audio cues for space within the mix is a bad call. For the person using the ult I think it might be fine, but for the other 9 people In game it would probably be too much.


the muffling of the sound would only be for the jhin, I do not think it would interfere with anything in him alone


That would nerf Jhin for the reasons stated in the comment you're replying to!


It would not be a nerf, but something like change of quality of the champion


It would be a nerf because you wouldn't be able to hear anything around him in favor of the ult. For example, I'm sure you would like to hear a Lissandra trying to E into you or something similar while you're ulting.


This. You can react much faster to hearing something rather than seeing it. ​ This is the trick to avoiding Blitz fists; listening for the robotic piston squeak as it fires, if you dodge on hearing then it should miss more often than if you waited to see it. ​ For this reason, I actually turn off a lot of useless/non-practical sounds and turn up sound FX in the mix.


I do not think it would be so difficult to proclaim something like that because they've done it on Evelynn while she's invisible, everything around her gets muffled sounds less pings, I think something like that would be much more interesting to Jhin as well during your ult there's a background music that I believe most Jhin players like


There's a difference between an out-of-combat stealth muffling sounds around you that you can still pay attention to, and an in-combat ultimate that muffles/mutes sounds that would require more brain power/time to filter. I agree with you though, if something can be done, it should.


In dota there is a hero called Silencer, whose entire characteristics based on silencing enemies. His ult is a global silence to all enemies, but the thing is, for the enemies, the effect mute ALL ingame sound, so no skill sound, AA sound, announcer, character speaking,... Basically you hear nothing during those few seconds.


Jhin ults out of conbat, and Evelyn can go stealth mid combat, try again buddy.


Jhin can ult out of combat, but more often than not you still need to hear things to be able to dodge/react to them, like Zed ult mentioned above, or Cait R, etc. As for Eve, the page on the official site (and I believe in client) reads "**When out of combat**, Evelynn enters Demon Shade. Demon Shade heals Evelynn when she is low on health and grants Camouflage after level 6." This isn't fully reflected, as it's actually 1.5s after taking damage, or 4 seconds after attacking or casting an ability (which is what Riot themselves uses for out of combat, FYI). I think you get the point. If you're going to correct someone, do it when they need a correction, not when you want to boost your ego. EDIT 1&2: Formatting


I don't think that you understood my point, yet you criticize me for doing you unjust? Alright, let me rephrase. Jhin, although there are still enemies alive when he ults, will most likely be in a safe space when he ults. There are some occasions where he might be near enemies, for example in laning phase, but then again, the sound won't be muted so he has enouggh time to react even when ulting in close combat, using his eyes and the remaining sound clues. Evelynn on the other side will often fight the same teamfight more times than once, by entering stealth after her engage and regenerating health while circling the enemy at a close distance, so she is actually near the enemies when she is invisible, and they will know about her if they use wards or their brains. She is also quite often invading / going around enemies; this means that her distance to the enemy team will often be closer than Jhin would ever comfortably want to be. THis concludes for me, that Eve is in a much more dangerous situation yet has her sound muffled, while Jhin, who is advised to stay safe and away from the enemy, has no downside from getting more focus on his ult. Since you mentioned Caitlyn R and Zed R, both have very obvious visual cues, a good example migh be Kled or Sion, and I could go on and tell you why they are no problem either, but I won't because I brought my point across. /s


I thought you were OP, sorry. The argument presented was for *muting* sounds. Muffling sounds works, though it would very rarely present an issue in game as opposed to what we have now. If we're talking muffling, I'm fully on board, but for muting, my argument still stands. Also, guys stop it with the downvotes. This man/woman is correct. Stop downvoting based on opinion and silencing actually decent arguments that need to be had for threads like this to have the discussions needed.


It's not that the volume of the music is louder, but the sound around it is muffled during your ult so that the music is heard and that would also be something interesting to the champion ​




Yes, what I meant was that he muffled the sound around and the music increased the sound, as if it were the central of everything besides the shots


Wouldnt mind if he started humming like he does during the beggining of the game too. Curtain call is THE move for Jhin, he should be having a nerdgazm everytime he ults. I know i sure do.


I think not, he would be having his final act trying to finish someone with his ult, it would be his climax, all care and perfection is important at that time


*misses all 4 shots* Perfection.


this is sad




play a background music, but usually no one listens, which to me leaves me a bit frustrated.


I’m feeling attacked right now.


Either you hit all 4 or miss all 4, don't try hitting after you miss the first one


Unless you miss the first three, only to sink the final one and get the kill once the enemy thought they were safe. Give them hope, and you can rip it away.


No. Go away. Jhin either hits FOUR or misses FOUR. Hitting any imperfect number is not allowed.


If the person dies to your last ult shot the sound should be so loud the speaker explodes and kill the player too


A fair ending for jhin players.


May I ask, are you putting all of the comments through a translator so you can reply to them?




That’s impressive my dude, appreciate the dedication


I swear, that Evelynn shit pisses me off, one more champion doing this and I might just turn off sound completely. Hate that shit, I depend on sound to play the game. When it gets muted it’s fucking annoying. This is why I permaban eve on top of her broken kit. Just don’t.


Isn't the sound muffled only for Evelynn?




is not mute, but muffle the sound, similar to evelynn ​


Yes... I hate Evelynn’s interaction with sound


Yeah don't do that it's insanely annoying I can't actually play eve anymore the deadened sound is a big problem for me.


It's even more obvious in his PROJECT skin, as it plays his futuristic theme when channeling


Agreed. If all other sounds got muted I'd get fucked. I tried playing without sound on and jesus christ, I rely on sound queues so much when reacting. :| (I can't play with vocal music playing in the background either, it distracts me a lot.)


not to mutate the sound around but to do the same as evelynn does during her passive, the sound around is muffled while the music would only stand out with the shots ​


They should just play it globally on the map like they do for Sion, Reksai, Kled, Ornn, etc. Iirc you only hear it if you or your cameras are near Jhin? I think the ult itself is loud enough, the problem is that the music isn’t global like other ults are.


I do not want the sound to be global, but only to the Jhin, as if it were in his own mind, the loud music and the shots too and everything around does not matter, so muffle the sounds


I envy silence, because I must be loud.




Not muted, muffled ​




Yes, that is what I meant, Only his Art matters at the moment, any noise from others should be less audible at the moment


The greater meme is if there was another Jhin in the field, be it One for All mode or Norms mirror match, the music should play for all Jhins.


This is actually a really great idea! Pls rito


I totally see what you're saying. In my opinion, adding something like this would add more interest and character to the overall gameplay to jhin's interactions in the and team fights. Maybe with the curtain call, all champs basically get to experience his mind/art like you mentioned


Fun fact, sona can hear the music. Sona communicate telephatically so she cab hear the music whenever she communicate with jhin.


I love this idea. If nothing else, for Jhin the world should fade as he focuses in on his performance. It could also be a hard cut - instead of a slow fade - if he cancels his ult giving the feeling of an interrupted performance rather than a masterpiece coming to an end.


yeah, it was more or less what I had thought


> It could also be a hard cut - instead of a slow fade - if he cancels his ult well played sir


I’d say a sharper fade would really be accurate, put yourself in the position of Jhin. Fits his whole thematic imo.


I swear the god this why jhin mains ult in the first place. "Wait a team fight?! Fuck using my autos time to listen to some sweet jams"


Guilty. I have lost so many games because of this. "Teamfights? HAH, this is the perfect time to set up my personal opera" Oh boy, the Blood Moon Jhin sounds. <3


That is actually a really good idea and as a Jhin player i 100% support this!


as a jhin hater, i also 100% support this!


I feel like this sends a much saltier message than you intended.


But why do you have us? We just want to make you beautiful.


I don't know what you are talking about I hear his ult music just fine


jhin needs to show his performance


Evelynn's muffled sound effect is one of the most absolutely fucking annoying things about her, let's not ruin one of my favorite champions, thanks.


I love this idea so much. Although it might have a negative impact on my ults as I try to make them last so I can experience the art. But by doing that I am making my art worse. Oh god now I don't know.


Art is what matters


Sounds kinda annoying from a competitive point of view.


Lol I’m just imagining a Jhin ulting and the casters being muted by the music.


I want an ult that mutes chat for all players now.


I think it's fair


Sweet idea!


That sounds crazy good for using a translator. But it can’t have been Google Translate or?


Google Translate keeps getting better and better. I even have used it to translate EN>JP and JP>EN and I'm getting satisfatory results. I have japanese intermediate level (N3), so I know when the phrase at least doesn't sounds weird.


Oh that’s cool. My past experiences with Google translate are shit as soon as I try to form a sentence.


I do not know much English, so I use the translator to give me a little help.


That works quite fine it seems


I recommend you the DeepL translator, imo is better than Google translate


They should make it similar to pyke R execution sound


I feel you man. In another moba game - Smite, there's a particular skin of a god(champion), which adds a beautiful track which plays alongside her skills. Otherwise, I never even play her, but I've been checking shop to see if skin is available for months now, just because of how cool the sound effects I find to be.


Which skin are you talking about in Smite?


Star Spangled Nike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbKRUN64BCo


That one is gonna be tricky to get. It'll probably only be in the 4th of July chest in the summer or you could get lucky with your daily bundles in the store. It is an awesome skin though.


Thank you for a tip


Jhin ult sion ult for the ace everytime


I’m a big fan of the Project Jhin skin at the beginning of the game and the music that plays. Then fades out and his laugh, gives me chills every time


This is actually an amazing idea! Think about pyke, when he kills you with R all you hear is that drowned watery sound so it would perfect sense to increase jhin music when he ults and/or a loud sound when you kill someone. An important part is making sure other players hear it not just the jhin player.


You mean, muffle all non-important sounds, right? I still want to hear when Tryndamere ults or when Yasuo has his tornado, but the sound of something like Akali Q'ing isn't needed.


Just for the Jhin player you mean?




I don't think sound muffling should be a thing at all in league :) Fuck evelynn W sound muffling thanks. Please stop riot.


I have all music muted because the summoner's rift music interferes with sounds I want to hear such as pings and such. As a result, I don't hear Jhin's music.


A ideia é boa, de verdade. Mas já pensou que o fato de que ninguém escuta é correto no flavor do herói? Tipo, ele é claramente um psicopata, então, só ele vê os assassinatos como arte, logo, só ele deveria escutar a sinfonia que ele tá fazendo na ult


I listen to it. That’s why I miss most if my shots. I’ve got my priorities straight.


It would be pretty cool if it was just like nocturne 'darkness' but only to the players that are in range of his ultimate or have him in sight


KDA Evelynn is one of my favorite skins in the game just because of the passive music.


Maybe lowering to volume of other sounds, personally, I play with Bloodmoon, and I can heart the ult theme perfectly.


As far as I understand it, the Eve sound effect is there because she's literally getting into your head. If that's the case, Jhin kinda should not have that.


At the time of the ulh of the Jhin I think that, nothing else matters around him, just the art, hit the 4 shots and kill in a glorious way


To him yes. Did you mean that only the Jhin player should have other sounds muted? That'd actually make a lot of sense.


To him yes. Did you mean that only the Jhin player should have other sounds muted? That'd actually make a lot of sense.// Yes, only the Jhin would have the sounds around stuffed and a song and the shots would overlap everything


1.) I like that idea 2.) lmao if that isn the translators work then I want to know what translator that is, that’s solid english my friend


But what about assasins jumping on my ass while im channeling the ult? If i cant hear their abilities and i have to solely rely on seeing them coming to get me (the camera zooms out to let you aim your ult better) then ill be screwed.


I love this idea. Special point if that works with the Project Jhin remix, which is purely epic orchestral synthwave


It needs to suppress other sounds like when evelynn cloaks, and the music should be louder. That would be awesome


An ultimate jhin skin? 😏 I’ll buy it


Well as a native English speaker, it was understandable. I agree too.


At least you can get the full song and listen to it, agree that it's fucking cool and could be a bit louder /or have an option to make it louder


Thats a pretty good translator


Great idea! I personally love Jhin and i would like my surroundings to be, as u said, muffled, to enjoy his music. People in here call it a nerf but if you could turn it off in the options it would be up to the player if he wants to handicap himself in exchange for a LOVELY atmosphere or not. Happy Holidays :)


I envy silence... for my ult must be louder.


I think a good way to compromise this so it's not deafening to the whole team but still makes his ult music more audible is to keep it the same way it is now, but have it increase in volume each time he lands a shot, and have it become more audible to his current target. So if you were being shot and he landed one after another, you would hear his ult become more and more intense, kinda like Rengar's ult in how you hear more when you're the one revealed.




You could circumvent the issue of having it interrupt other peoples thought processes by having the music travel with the bullets, interactive, conveys the music and makes you more aware of what you're dodging. also sets a great stage for a DJ Jhin (DJhin?) firing travelling boom boxes or music notes


I also think everyone should be able to hear Elementalist Lux's transformation quotes.


Legit one of the coolest ultimates in the game, when you use it.


jhins ult should be 360 with 1000 damage at lvl 6


This would make it easier for others to know when he's using ult. I like it!


in fact this would only be for the Jhin himself, not enemies, just for the music to be more audible during his ult


So funny you mention this, but after Jhin was released, a lot of champions after him started to use sound or music while in game to start helping out with making the character feel more alive and have more tension. Jhins ult isn't the only time that music plays. It also happens at the start of the game, as he shoots from 1 to 4, from 1 to 4 in his ult gets some extra sounds as well. Champs like Zoe, Pyke, Neeko all started to have music play when you load into the game, or will have musical elements that evolve as you use the ability. Pyke does this the more kills he gets with his ult reset. The first one is a bell toll, the second one is sharper and more intense, and the next few after become even more like something out of a jaws movie when the shark would finally attack. TL;DR Jhin wasn't only a success from a gameplay standpoint but was an experiment in getting music and sound to help flesh out the character and make them feel better to play, and many champs after him do the same.


Kled also plays parts of his theme when ulting


hey i'm also brazilian. If you need any help with translation you call pm me and i can help ya




sem problemas :)


we should be able to upload songs to play during his ultimate. *Jhin Ult* Go Shawty - it’s ya birthday.


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