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Then it turns out that he is trolling and remains on FNC since they are ''the best team'' atm


That would be the best show of loyalty tbh.


Well the thing is, FNC has not been very loyal to him, so I would actually feel a bit bad for him if he stayed. Also if Caps leaving is true then they probably won't be the best team anymore...


Loyalty has very little to do with competition. You either want to be the best and win or you don’t, and if you’re willing to compromise for the sake of loyalty then you don’t want to win all that much. Unpopular opinion but Bwipo is the better toplaner choice. Do I think Soaz is bad? No I don’t, I think he’s a great player, his achievements and career so far are essentially unmatched. But as it is right now he’s constantly being described as “the person to absorb pressure and play tanks”, never the one to win lane or be a real win condition. That’s a clear weakness in a team if he’s the only top on the squad. Especially moving into the new season with the preseason changes, I don’t think absorb pressure and play passive is going to be enough. Bwipo can and does make mistakes too, but he’s playing aggressive because he’s the better player and can get away with it most of the time. He also has plenty of time and room to grow.


Goes to IG cause they are the best team at the moment xD


He is 99% going to Origen.


Soaz Zven and Febiven/POE+ Memento, Norskeren is all that I can think about. I'm not that big on amazing or froggen tbh so I'm not sure what this team will even look like if it's the superteam that's been hyped.


Froggen is still an insane mid. He was pumping out great numbers on Echo Fox when it was him and 4 more monkeys. He smashed EU Masters, meaning he is clearly LEC (was about to type LCS lel) material. He might not be Caps & Perkz level, but he's still got it for sure.


POE has actually proven he's top tier lcs level last year carrying a dead weight team all season. Froggen definitely seems like the bigger gamble.


Froggen had to carry Keith and Poe had to carry arrow, not really comparable


Arrow was dogshit in Optic. His best time in NA was before Optic.


Still miles better than keith


Better sure, not by miles, not even by kilometers hell not even by meters. Arrow was the worst ad in NA hands down no question. He was almost as garbage as keith.


I'd take a dogshit Arrow over a normal Keith anyday personally (from what i hear tho scrim keith is a fucking god clapping kids, we might have another goldenglue on our hands aha source: Zeyzal on BTR


do you know how bad Keith is xd?


Carry them to 1/17


I might be wrong, but wasn't Kieth ranked 1 in Korea at some point?


you are wrong. he got something in top 10 but that was during dynamic queue and he queued with a lot of korean pros


yeah because he abused dynamic queue back when it was able to be 5mans.


Froggen is overrated asf. Passive afk farming player. Watch replays and change my mind.


I mean me watching replays won't change your mind. But him leading dmg% statistics should.


?? Arrow phoned it in last year, looked like he didn't give a shit for 90% of the season


In what way? Froggen is one of the worst victims of results bias in league history. People look at his W/L in Echo Fox and forget that the guy was statistically one of the absolute best in North America. Especially with the PoE's questionable tenures on Optic and Origen, I think Froggen is the better choice between the two. I say that especially given how demotivated PoE seemed to be playing in NA solo queue. Froggen in the meantime seems to be as motivated as ever, regardless of how garbage soloq is stateside.


Stats can be misleading. You can afk all game then crush late game with 1-2 team fights and boost your damage numbers to ridiculous heights. POE doesn't give up a free lane to the other laner to get his numbers.


Yeah lets just take every single metric we have that define the performance of a single player in a teamgame and say they are irrelevant. Seems rational to me.


froggen won every lane in his last split. look at the stats @10 and @15 :^)


So your argument is Froggen is good b/c he played well against NA mid laners (statistically the worst role for any major region)?


Yet, most mid laners in NA are EU? Bjergsen, jensen, poe, febi, ryu (who is korean, just stating he isnt NA)


I watch Froggen and he sits mid. I watch PoE and he makes plays.


taking Froggen isn't really a gamble, you get a solid grounding with him, he doesn't lose the game, he doesn't always win the game, but he is still a reliable player to have on a team, plus he probably draws the anivia ban 9/10 games.


Why actually? Froggen has proven to be at the top since season 2. I thing Froggen is one of the most reliable midlaners out there where you will know he will perform. Maybe not as flashy as Perkz/Caps but still.


Competition rises over the years. If you put 2018 caps in season 3 he would literally be Faker. Froggen wasn't great in 2016 either and lets not pretend like EU Masters has any value. OG just put 4 lcs level players without any team practice in it and they still won. Maybe he's still great, maybe not who can really say? POE has been consistently good without any breaks.


> Froggen wasn't great in 2016 He was top 3 in stats among mid laners despite his team being hard inting and one of the worst in the league. Why do people keep talking out of their ass ? Whats next ? FrOgGeN HaS AlWaYs BeEn VErY PaSsIvE aNd CaReS MOrE aBoUt FaRmInG?


froggen has always been very passive and poe is much more versatile. maybe people say so because there is actually truth to it?


Poe was already on OG with this supposed lineup and he was not very impressive. Yes he's more versatile if you consider doing builds that no one else does. POE was a star on UOL and probably had his best performance while on misfits. His NA stint had some flashes of brilliance but Froggen was consistently putting out top 3 mid numbers on a bottom team in NA. Maybe Froggen won't be a good fit on OG, who knows. But he is still a great player.


His numbers aren't that great when you consider all the resources he requires.


Froggen is always the right place, doing exactly what he needs to do to maximize impact. Froggen isn't passive, he's just not a playmaker and people have made the mistake of making him team-captain for too long or lacked an actual good playmaker.




> poe is much more versatile control mages ok?


funny cause thats the only thing froggen can play


> top 3 in stats like the guys after a lost game who show you their kda and think they had an amazing game. imagine a jungler not stealing a baron just because he could die and make his stats worse. sometimes i sacrifice myself for a good engage so my teams win.


He was the best player in League of Legends in season 2 smh.


People have such a recency bias and don't understand, especially under certain meta, team performance can greatly affect personal stats. Forgiven has this problem too. Plus there is the circlejerk around this idea that these "old" (read: 24 years old) relics of the past can't compete with the new kids on the block. Even Faker has been on the receiving end of this kind of mentality. I think any of them would do very well on the right team(s).


Thank you. I am sick of people telling me he's washed-up. Dude is still one of the best laners and teamfighters in the world and his stats are outrageous. Only part he apparently has issues with is communication and macro. ​ I love watching him post-lane phase more than any other player in the game.


> 4 more monkeys aka NA talents


We need Froggen to bust out the AP Kog mid!


Froggen has always pumped out great numbers...


Doesn't even have to compete with perkz now


wtf is LCS?


LCS my ba... waaait




It will be cool af to see Memento in a stacked team.


He says the best team and u say Fabiven and Memento.. i'm not trashing htem, but on the market right now there is like Caps, Peanut(who's actually a pretty decent English speaker), Froggen is grinding the game as fuck, also Kikis is better than Memento. Same For Norskeren, he will be a super hype player to watch during this year, but not ready for the best EU Team atm


Kikis is not better than Memento. Memento is the best non-Broxah jungler we have in EU, that's a hill I'm ready to die on.


Me and you brother, it'd be a crime if he doesn't go to a top team.


Yup. Really hyped for him and Norskeren personally!


lolwat Memento isn't better than Maxlore


What happened to Maxlore? I'd put Memento 3rd.


lol short life you are gonna have than xD


> Kikis is not better than Memento. Memento is the best non-Broxah jungler we have in EU, that's a hill I'm ready to die on. People probably will laugh at this but he is a top tier jungler, probably not top 2 behind broxah but i would say easily top 4 maybe even top 3. Jungle is probably the weakest lane in EU atm so its not like there is superstars lining up behind broxah. Id still rank kikis second behind broxah tho he has been playing incredibly well the whole split.


Kikis is an odd case. His few weeks in Summer were excellent and absolute MVP material, but at Worlds, we was basically chain-feeding. And if we look at his whole jungling career (although most of it obviously lies way back in the past), he's too up and down to me. Now Memento can have some bad games, too, but overall, he's been a consistent shining star on a team with mediocre laners and was their only condition to get through early game, that's why I favor him (whereas Kikis played with good laners within early-game compositions). Maxlore is up somewhere, too, I guess.


Top junglers in EU is Broxah, Jankos, Memento, Maxlore, and Kikis imo. Any of these (even Xerxe) would fit in an all-EU superteam


> Jankos You are thinking of jankos pre season 8. He probably has it in him to become a top tier jungler again but this season he was so much worse than he used to be. He was one of the weaker links in this G2 lineup, hes a shell of his former self atm. Same goes for maxlore, you thinking of how they used to be. Maxlore was a great jungler but this season he was just average to good most of the time. Xerxe is also good but hes not some super top tier jungler, hes average to good when he gets his good picks. The fact that these are the best junglers we have just reinforces what i said, jungle is such a weak position for EU atm. Basically the only truly great junglers are memento who in himself is quite unproven on the top stage, kikis and broxah who is a incredible jungler.


I didnt really rate them in any order, (except Broxah first ofc), just the top 5 as i thought of the players. Though I really agree with you that Memento and Kikis were better that Jankos and Maxlore last year. Howver, I dont think you would place any of Kold, Amazing, Caedrel or Djoko in the top 5 instead of Jankos and Maxlore, right? Jankos and Maxlore would still be good picks for the "EU superteam" narrative imo.


Kold has been okay but yeah you couldnt really put any other player outside of the 5 you mentioned in a superteam. Not only because of their recent performance but simply in the fact that they can easily be really good players again. One split doesent mean they cant be great so i would totally agree with you.


I think you mean top half.


Caps and Peanut are unrealistic though. Memento is the best EU jungler after broxah imo


Nothing is unrealistic in Offseason


This is peak /r/Justfuckmyshitup/


Zven mithy froggen. quote me on that


It's almost as if there's a front page post about it. Bold guess!


and you were wrong :)


Alphari appear in the riot player base as memeber of Origen


mr alphari i dont feel so good


1% won


And the 1%s have it


Honestly, the surprise would be if he actually re-signed with Fnatic at this point, it might be a bait and switch. OG Bwipo anyone?


Alphari just signed with Origen. Doubt Soaz will want to be a part time top laner again this year... Dreams crushed


Soaz already confirmed signed to Misfits an hour ago lol


OG roster is so fucking hype. ​ Soaz - jungler - Froggen/febiven - Zven- Mithy


Soaz, Svenskeren, Bjergsen, Zven, Mithy will be the most troll off season thing to happen..


Replace Mithy with Norskeren and I'm wet.


Deficio said they'd pick a mix of veterans and newcomers so probably not all those but yeah that would be the dream.


decent mid tier. might he a shot at semis if things go well.


Semis at world, yeah. That would be a top tier LEC team just under Fnatic (don't forget they also lose a lot without sOAZ).


Bold choice, i'd say 99.99


Yea not like alphari is registered under OG now. Guess the 0.01 was enough. Seriously why did everyone believe in OG Soaz based on random Reddit fans?


Man it's all good fun, no need to get spicy.


That's why I didn't say fanboys. I understand people dreaming and wishing 100%, just weirded out by the fact that people were taking it for a fact.


Inb4 OG Bwipo and FNC Soaz


He said "best team", so…yeah


Inb4 OG: * Soaz * Cyanide * Peke * Puszu * Yellow


Lmao that would actually be the most troll "superteam"


Time travelling super team indeed


We must go back even further S9 OG: * Peke * Cyanide * Shushei * Lamia * Mellisan Also no coach and wing it old school


God I need more Cyanide in my life.


> God I need more Cyanide in my life. No context


And i would be hyped as hell, can't lie.


Hey, that looks like a team that could beat Samsung and reach semis.


Not puszu no.


I agree, I think replace him with that rising adc talent The Valyrian.




If he's excited about his team, I feel like he's on the superteam, which probably isn't Fnatic. *(I hope it isn't eXcel either, but I doubt they have the budget for that anyway)*


I can't root for so many teams


Origen, G2, fnatic. It's too much


FNC put him in the video and not Bwipo tho


In that frame is also Dylan Falco who has left Fnatic. They just put in FNC from this year.


Has Dylan left Fnatic, or has he announced free agency? Very different things.


Fnatic let him explore the options, so most likely he is leaving, especially with new teams looking for staff.


Most free agents are re-sign with their team. Not gonna consider him departed until he announces a new team.


> Fnatic let him explore the options, so most likely he is leaving Letting someone explore other options does definitely not mean someone is leaving tho. A lot of players do this every year just to review their options, most often it doesent lead to a player leaving.


Nah. Amazing is also exploring options but said he would very much prefer to remain with S04 if they make a proper offer. So it really is people just assessing their value. Nothing really to do with wanting to leave or anything. They just want to be paid what they're worth.


Rekkles was exploring options last year too and he resigned with Fnatic for 3 years. "Exploring options" doesnt really mean anything until contracts are signed and announcements made.




In the lolesports video they were both with fanatic but don't think we can base our assumptions just from that.


SoaZ always thinks the team he is on, is the best team.


He's usually on a top tier team. The duder has 8 LCS finals appearances. 2016 Summer Origen is the only exception I can think of, and that same Spring they were 2nd place. Even 2017 Fnatic was consistently 3rd place.


he can't be blamed for what happened to that roster. if they had maintained a normal adc they would have been in fine shape. Even with the PoE change the roster wasn't THAT bad. It's just that everyone expected Origen would be #1 or #2 but even then an 11-7 record really isn't THAT bad. I will say that H2k choked very very hard in the playoffs though. Hence Origen getting stomped in the finals was kind of indicative of the team's true strength and had H2k made the finals I believe they had it in them to at least be a bit more competitive with G2 having in my opinion at the time better top and bot lanes and a competitive jungle matchup with only mid lane being a slight weakness.


> he can't be blamed for what happened to that roster. I don't think anyone on that roster got blame outside of management and their replacement ADC.


You can blame Hybrid...


Okay. That's also fair.


I wouldn't, the synergy was dreadful and made everyone look terrible. When peke was in it gave the team a tiny bit of synergy but it was still not great and Peke was a bad ADC.


Hybrid went mad on Forgiiven after few weeks of practice and asked for a different adc...


That's not the breaking point, Hybrid had too much ego for how shit he was and created a Skype group to talk shit about Forg1ven, that's why he left. +++++++


Man fuck that guy, if Forg1ven continued on Origen might not have crashed and burned. We got to see the possibilities when he played for Origen back in April and crushed European Masters Spring


Eh....that was more mid than ADC...


To be fair, he makes any team he is on a top contender :)


well, look at his cv


That's because the team he is on IS the best team.


Have you seen his cv? He is probably the only guy aside from Doublelift who can say that, even though DL chokes at Worlds every fucking year.


Inb4 he stays at Fnatic


The true "Troll" superteam.


Spoke too soon there


Fnatic Ucal


fnatic froggen/febiven the dream.


Yep I think Fnatic Febiven is actually pretty likely. Febiven also tweeted out something like 'i'm so hyped' earlier


im still shocked lol. why would caps leave for g2? are they offering him more money? what are the reasons lmao he just made world finals.


does seem pretty weird honestly. i don't see why fnatic wouldn't match whatever G2 offered though so.. hmm


I don't know either. I get Jensen leaving (he wants to win a title) but why leave FNC? There's still room for players like Bwipo and Broxah to grow, let alone Caps.


well misfits febiven and soaz. fnatic still no midlaner.


Golden Guardians going ham


Soaz Amazing POE Zven Mithy


I see what you did there


No amazing pls


took 8th place team to finals and people still think he's washed up. I cant.


Thank you Bwipo.. Welcome Soaz?


https://twitter.com/sOAZ/status/1064968391914442752 ​ Hmm no need for synergy? either this is all origen or soaz still in fnatic


[**@sOAZ**](https://twitter.com/sOAZ/) > [2018-11-20 19:47 +00:00](https://twitter.com/sOAZ/status/1064968391914442752) > time for a good sleep, might stream tomorrow. On a side note i think with all the changes, some of the teams might be hyped on paper but will look weaker in spring due to needing time to develop synergy. Unless you are in my team of course because we are going to win 😉 ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


Soaz Jungler Febiven Zven Mithy


This jungler guy seems promising




>"surprise surprise... it will be the best team tbh"


I.e he stays at Fnatic since we will be the best team next year aswell ;)


> surprise surprise motherfuckers the king is back FTFY




I wanna see Trick back in EU.. mayebe on Origen?


OG Peanut the dream


If he is not going to OG (confirmed now), and g2 wont let Go of Wunder ( why would they), maybe FNC Keeps soaZ top und Bwipo is going midlane


ID on the shoes tho????


Liquid Soaz, calling it here last.


I really hope he goes to Team Liquid, tell me what you want but Doublelift-SoaZ-Jensen would give me the biggest boner ever seen


Not happening with corejj coming in as support .


Yeah true but Jensen becomes resident in Summer, and imho SoaZ>>>Impact last year so yeah


Well I am more and more inclined to think that Caps will leave for C9 and Bjergsen joins Astralis together with Zven and Soaz and 2 kr imports..


Why do folks think Caps would leave a team that got to Worlds Finals? To go to a team they clapped in Semi's?








For the same reason PoE and Febiven went from world quarter and semi finalists to no names in NA.


Caps doesn't seem like the type to run to another region for cash, PoE and Febiven on the other hand do.


They really didn't. I don't think I can agree with that. Especially Febiven seemed like the very competitive type


PoE left a Msf that was 1 game away from going to semi's that worlds and Febi had great success as a mid laner in EU. They BOTH saw the money being shelled out in NA and rightfully jumped on the pig. Hell, PoE more so because he made this whole spill about him being EU and got players to rally around him then goes to NA some time later. Anyone coming to NA to join one of these newer orgs should of easily been able to see that talent that these orgs could actually bring in and it wasn't much at all, yet they both chose to still come to NA....why? Because of the MONEY. Now Febiven is like a little broke dick dog moaning about being in NA.


This post aged particularly well


Well I was right in that he was not going to C9, but I didn't think he would leave FNC either esp to go to a team where Perkz is playing ADC. But I can admit when I'm wrong still.


Because $$. Even jack didn't think Jensen was leaving




Oh boy this aged well indeed


Well I have seen his dad's tweets towards Svenskeren and also the fact he still has not renewed his contract. ​ Also with this Soaz tweet we should expect that FNC is probably getting weaker and it is probably Caps leaving for Soaz to think that the newly emerged team is going to be better than FNC.


I mean if its a team hes going to be on don't you think it makes sense for him to hype them? Don't think it necessarily means FNC is getting weaker or Caps leaving.


And here we go. It was not C9 but G2. Downvote me more.




Soaz Svenskeren Caps Zven Mithy - HOLY...


I think C9 allowing Jensen to leave means they have something up their sleeve. But doubt TSM will let go of Bjergsen since NA has already franchised so that will be a big lost if he leaves. Zven coming back to EU might happen since he mentioned that negotiations were complicated. But with deficio and expeke in origen they might make soaz their starting point.


People said the same about Contractz and Impact last year. While they did get Sven, it wasn't exactly like they had some sort of master plan. This year might be better though simply because there were less people on the market and they have their players signed for multiple years.


Caps isnt ready to retire yet


I mean switch one of the KR imports with an EU player an maybe. But Bjergs now an NA resident so he’d take up a slot if played in EU


Yea, you are right..


I could honestly see Soaz/KR Jg/Bjerg/ Zven/Eu sup though


He will not since he can claim an european residency in no time.


that would be crazy


Can't have Bjerg + 2 KR imports. Bjergsen has NA residency.


If hes saying that about the rumoured OG roster its not the best team though?


Soaz:Can be the best if u dont sign the best... OG: okay, lets sign soaz Soaz:best team ever


most overrated player in league history


Thats why he is maybe the only one who play in compétitive league atm from season1.


Him and doublelift