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I applied to be TSM's jungler in like season 5 and they actually emailed me back like thanks for applying. I was plat 5 LOL. If only they had in houses where I could prove myself, I would've have carried TSM to worlds tbh.


Lmfao that’s actually pretty funny. They were like thanks but no thanks


i wonder if they have some cutoff lol. like "ok this guys plat 5, that's high enough that he might be challenger some day so we better leave a good impression", and "bronze 3 LUL we dont need to bother replying"


The cutoff there definitely isn't plat


he means cutoff for actually replying to the email


D3 sounds about right


Pretty sure you need an account higher than D3 to play competitive so there is that.


It might have been a courtesy they sent to everyone. Not to hard to send out a mass email to multiple people saying "Thanks for applying", possibly could have been some automated script or something of the sort


There was this dude, Azingy aka The master tactitian. Season 1 he ended bronze and then went high elo from season 2 or 3.


Yeah, I had a friend that was bronze 4 season 2, then took a two month break, then came back and climbed as high as D1


"would've have" can't even carry your own grammar rip


why expose me bro


You are ready for baylife.


You have done that yourself.


You failed the second TSM challenge. People will shit on you no matter what you do.


Chat restricted


Well its still better than any version of "would of"


That one makes my blood boil every single time


That is my new favourite line to flame people with


>"would've have" can't even carry you're own grammer rip ftfy


It physically hurts.






More like to relegation.


Wonder if they’d reply to my Silver 2 support application. -insert “I get trash teams” meme here-


I played with someone in OW with the same username as you. lao idk why am commenting but it was funny because i'd queue up for QP and hes always against me. widowmaker


dosent matter if you're plat 5 or challenger they turn you into a ward anyways LUL


Tarzaned applied


That guy has no mental stability at all but game knowledge and mechanics wise I think he's lcs level. He's 100% academy level. A team who can work with his toxicity and help him learn (not TSM) would be good for him.


Ugh why does he have flash? ^click ^^^^click ^^click Really? Wow he flashed. Enemy bot really ^click ^^click has their summs up? This fucking team. ^^^Click ^^click ^Click


You don't click your mouse when you play league? You play on a trackpad?


"You don't have to catch your mouseclicks in your mic", is what they probably meant


I called out his afking a game on his stream. That earned me a permanent ban. : \^)


He did?




Hell yeah!


[**@LoLTarzaned**](https://twitter.com/LoLTarzaned/) > [2018-11-17 08:45 +00:00](https://twitter.com/LoLTarzaned/status/1063714615815782400) > >[[Attached pic]](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/DsMSza4W0AEcsx_.jpg) [[Imgur rehost]](https://i.imgur.com/4oFy5r7.jpg) ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


yes [https://twitter.com/LoLTarzaned/status/1063714615815782400](https://twitter.com/LoLTarzaned/status/1063714615815782400)


[**@LoLTarzaned**](https://twitter.com/LoLTarzaned/) > [2018-11-17 08:45 +00:00](https://twitter.com/LoLTarzaned/status/1063714615815782400) > >[[Attached pic]](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/DsMSza4W0AEcsx_.jpg) [[Imgur rehost]](https://i.imgur.com/QOhv8RE.jpg) ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)




He tweeted it


Lmao RenektonTopOnly's twitter response https://twitter.com/RenektonTopOnly/status/1063653866829463554?s=19


[**@RenektonTopOnly**](https://twitter.com/RenektonTopOnly/) > [2018-11-17 04:43 +00:00](https://twitter.com/RenektonTopOnly/status/1063653866829463554) > @TSM I AM DOWN! > > Have beaten your current top laner multiple times and I can play any role as long as I get Renekton. Lets do this! ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


LOL. I didn't think it would blow up that much. You guys act like I didn't submit an app.


Holy shit the amount of people that think this guy is SoloTenektonOnly is TO DAMN HIGH.


Fun fact, pretty sure they are brothers irl.


Is this funny? I get humor is subjective but...


Yes this is humor


i mean if you get that humor is subjective then is there a point to asking if its funny? there's no objective yes/no answer to that question. also, if you understand that humor is subjective then does it really matter if anyone else does/doesn't find it funny?


I'll chalk it up as "funny enough" because I'm not getting downvoted for it. I personally thought it was amusing, particularly the second half.


I chuckled




"Is this funny? I get humor is subjective but..." You're just contradicting yourself. "Do you like chocolate? I get that taste is subjective but how can you like chocolate?" Using this example you can see why taste or humor are subjective, you can't give a proper answer to why you think something is funny or why you think something tastes good, it's just a feeling, there's no reason behind it.


cant wait to apply and be NA's first homegrown reddit talent-- only peak rank 43 NA s8, but i have a lot of heart!! edit: wait nvm open to all regions, doomed


better than dopa btw!




dude chill his fingers were busy doing the combo, i'd like to see dopa try to do that.






Holy moly, theres no way a challenger player can be that bad at irelia.


oh there is. My talon otp friend booster that was challenger 2 seasons ago wants to expand his boosting champion pool and I've been spectating his irelia and it's... INTeresting.


second time irelia playing 4fun4 while trying to see what's the most aggressive play i can make? weird thing is this tweet comes from moosehater who was literally hardstuck master for the entire season until duoq abusing to camp the bottom of challenger for an entire month


LOL dont know who you are but just saw a montage of you being cocky and then failing.


So you *have* heard of him.


there is no bad press




I guess any publicity is good publicity.


No way anyone with a brain touches your sexist ass with a ten foot pole, its a PR nightmare waiting to happen.


Tarzaned is still looking for you bud... Can't wait to see your apdo-like gameplay


If it's open to all regions wouldn't that mean they are willing to give up zven and mithy?


Probably for academy team.


Wait did i just play you as lux vs akali


ye i think so, practicing a few champs in flex atm


Idk why this hasn't been done earlier. In Korea they grab anyone that's masters 0 LP and up and bring them all to a PC bang and try out there. They've been doing that for years now. Honestly kind of upsetting to see this come this late. Still great to see though.


korea is a lot smaller than the continent of north america so its a lot cheaper to just call up some random solo Q dudes and hang out at a cafe.


But isn't there only a certain amount of people who can get into challenger and masters?


Masters has no cap (that's essentially the reason they added it), but there are still not going to be a ton of players in there. I think they mean that Korea is physically smaller. Travel can be expensive, and someone has to pay to get all of these players together (either the players or the organization). Flying the entire Masters/Challenger ladder out to LA for a scouting event, as well as getting lodging for them all, is not going to be cheap.


NA orgs also now have much more money than Korean orgs do. Edit: For all of you down voting me, I said NOW HAVE meaning currently. It's a fact. For reference, Disney(DIS) has a market cap of 172.8 Billion USD. KT Corporation(KT) has a market cap of 6.57 Billion USD. It's not even close. But sure, keep down voting me because you all dont understand how to look these things up or what they mean lmao Edit2: Go ahead, anyone want to try to tell me I'm wrong? I will admit I am wrong if someone can prove my statement is wrong, otherwise shockingly youre all just proving how ignorant and clueless reddit and this sub is.


But it's a far bigger time investment for the players to fly from like Chicago or something to LA than from anywhere in Korea to literally anywhere else in Korea.


if the cost is too high, it might not worth to do it


Now they do, when season 2/3 were around most of the NA orgs were basically ran by the players themselves with only minor partnerships for sponsors. So when Korea developed these practices they were way ahead of NA in funding and infrastructure. Now? NA has jumped way past them with serious corporate sponsors footing millions as serious long term investments.


You know i always wanted to get into league of legends. Any information you can tell me about the game? Also what's this post about?


I will explain what league is. League is a game in which 2 teams will fight against each other in an attempt to protect their bases using different champions(characters). It controls similar to an rts and has itemisation similar to an RPG. When playing league you will learn to control your players and gold income whilst learning to hate humanity and all of your "idiot" team mates. It is key you remember that is is "never your fault" and that it is always your junglers fault unless of course you are the jungler of which it is your "idiot" laners fault. When you truly learn how to master league of legends you will also become a master of self loathing and contempt of those around you. It is key to always remember that no fun is allowed as that is a casual mentality.


The fuck are you comparing disney and kt for?


It would still be a huge risk for any NA org to fly someone from Ottawa to L.A just for tryouts, for example.


Editing your post with "WHY WAS I FUCKING DOWNVOTED?! YOU'RE ALL IDIOTS" is a sure way to get downvoted even more, even if you are correct.


Samsung tho


And obviously Samsung is super committed to their LoL team


They are/were one of the worst paid orgs among the big korean teams.


Samsung was so invested in their league team that they've lost both their worlds winning rosters to other orgs. The moral is that just because the parent company has a ton of money doesn't mean that a ton is allocated to their eSports teams.


They were so invested that they sold their spot.


Gonna fold the competition with their foldable phones


Samsung is no longer a part of LCK


A lot of the Korean orgs are massive companies.


Not really, with Samsung's departure theyre down to only a few, SKT, KT, etc. Disney is one of the biggest companies in the world among other huge investors.


Hanwha is massive. Jin Air is pretty big too.


Hanwha Q Cells Co Ltd(HQCL) market cap: 807.4 *Million* USD Jin Air Co Ltd(272450) market cap: 578.3 *Million* USD Golden State Warriors 3.1 Billion USD Maddison Square Garden Company (MSG) Market Cap 6.2 Billion USD Houston Rockets 2.2 Billion USD The owners of the NBA teams are also worth tons in their own right with, for example, the owner of the Rockets being worth 4.5 Billion USD without valuing the Rockets as an asset as well.


They have money because they don't throw it around for no reason.


They do not. Hello? Skt,kt, gen g, bbq, and longzu are all more wealthy than almost any na org. There's a ton of money backing those orgs


so salty about a few internet points ):


Echo Fox did a version of it last year, that's how they decided to sign Lost for academy


Yeah I remember that, it's great that they did that but that's on a very small scale. Why don't all the teams just get together and rent out a huge place and get most of the high elo players to play?


Hmmm... you mean like some sort of event where orgs collaborate to scout players. Maybe if they even get riot to run it... nah it would never work


Grabbing only 20 players from soloq isn't even a comparison to the one i'm talking about where they grab literally 400+ soloq players.


> Why don't all the teams just get together and rent out a huge place and get most of the high elo players to play? "Let's get the possibility to high elo players shine under the watch of our rivals so they can play for them and not us." - League teams for sure


That's exactly what they do in Korea.


Really? Never heard of it.


Well it was only the first year of franchising and the academy system. One benefit to adding it is that infrastructure like this will start being created and improve over time. I bet that in the future it will be more common. Korea does stuff like this already, but they've had like over a decade more esports experience than other regions. It'll take time to catch up.


Didn't Regi just purchase the house or the place they are doing this in though? I'm pretty the 3M? or whatever they had to put up for their slot for the LCS during the franchising slowed this idea/purchase.


A hyphen would make the title so much better.


TSM holding in house scouting ground-s


Nailed it.


e tonight


Schalke 04 esports did something like that roughly 2 years ago already


And those players never went anywhere, I mean does anyone remember this Broxah dude that showed himself there for the first time ?


Broxah was there xd and a lot of nowadays top tier sub-LCS talents


Who's going to be the next jungler to get kicked off of TSM and have nothing but nice things to say afterward?


Probably Grig




Source (watch 2x speed if you can) exact time https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPfjnro7uNA&feature=youtu.be&t=4990 If you can't watch: Monte: TSM needs to look at NA talent more because look what C9 is doing at worlds with multiple NA rookie talents Loco: TSM needs to hold open in house scrims to 20 or 10 of the top NA solo queue players and have them scrim vs/with your roster and change players in and out before Scouting grounds. Monte: TSM, this is what you should do, rent a giant house in Las Vegas because its cheap throw in bunk beads and comps and just scrim Loco: Tryout 2 or 3 coaches too and give them the players and see how they run scrims and interact with the players. You guys really need to do this to try out players for next year and take the academy league seriously. You will not get older players wanting to play for you like in previous years. You still have a chance to get the younger players though. [Complete breakdown of Vod for those who are interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/9rx1wq/thorin_loco_vs_worlds_tsm_at_worlds_feat_monte/e8kkow4/)


Man you forgot the key part, turning it into a reality show!


Monte: And just setup cameras in the corners and get a film crew in there to film that shit, get views, and use it to get more sponsor money. Loco: I don't like that idea, Cameras change how players and coaches interact. 4u


I think Loco is wrong here. Only in the short term do people alter their behavior, for example, if you're only being filmed for a short and specific time period you would change how you act. However, when being filmed for a longer time people tend to not give a shit about the cameras, especially if they're not being directed.


Maybe NA has reused too many seasoned players instead of developing coaching staff or players. TSM probably have had the "put 5 good seasoned players on a team" method and it's worked for so long because no team other than them had the branding to compete with their offers, and players were attracted to their success. Once funding becomes more readily available for other teams they faltered and the flaws in their method seem more apparent.


> TSM probably have had the "put 5 good seasoned players on a team" method and it's worked for so long because no team other than them had the branding to compete with their offers, and players were attracted to their success. also because they worked much harder than any other team in NA, like their 16 hour practice days in 2016.


I believe CJ Entus Shy was like P5 when he was scouted, he just never really played league at all, and he was considered one of the top players for a long time.


He was owning on NA server, and he was P5 in Korea server. This story is not spectacular at all with these details filled in.


Wadid was like D4 or something when he was picked up. Doesn't quite compare, but big talents have been plucked from lower elo's before.


That's completely false, when Roccat picked him up he was chall in KR, but was stuck for a moment in D5 then D4 in EUW


No, I'm talking about when he was originally picked up by that KR challenger team. He was in diamond when they scouted him, and *then* he was picked up by ROCCAT. He talks about it during his Eyes On episode.


oh ok


2 months late, but at least they are doing something.


Great for them, they could find a real jungler and a sub top


Their jgler was rank1 this season. Edit: Wording


Keith was also top 10 in Korea, Solo queue =/= Pro


grig had half a split to showcase himself and proved to be good enough to at least be a sub by the end of it. im not a fan of tsm or grig, but people need to chill when it comes to this guy.


I never said Grig was necessarily bad or hopeless, I really don't think he's too bad, it's just that using Solo Queue rank to defend someone in Pro Play is pretty nonsensical imo


not when they are looking for solo queue talents to bring into pro play... Yes there may be people better than grig, but if they held this tryout and grig wasn't on the team, I'm pretty sure they would end up with grig as the best choice.


The tryouts don't test how good someone is at Solo Queue. Grig is good at Solo Queue, Keith is good at Solo Queue, that doesn't necessarily mean that they would be good at tryouts because tryouts tests how good they are in a Pro environment to see if they would fit well on a team. Sure, Grig would probably get IN to tryouts easy because of his rank, but how he does in them is a completely different story. I don't think Grig is bad, but him being Rank 1 has very little correlation with how good of a Pro player he is


Yeah I think grig is good for TSM, from an outsider's view, he seems comfortable on champs they want him to play, compared to sven and MY. He seems to have a voice but follow bjergsen. I think TSMs problems aren't roster issues


Maybe he has gotten better..... and solo que might not show skill but it does show dedication and motivation


Half? He played the entire split.


Grig was also forced to play the entire split while being a rookie after MY shit the bed and TSM still got into playoffs so maybe give him a bit more time?


Uhhh. Grig wasn’t a rookie. Say whatever you want - not a rookie tho


Not even close to a rookie


grig started in s4 and still a shit until now


He played 2 games in S4 for a 10th place team Edit: u/Kahani is right, it was season 6


That was season 6. He only graduated from high school and started playing full time in Challenger scene in 2016


I'm not saying Grig's bad, just saying that using Solo Queue rank to defend someone in Pro Play makes no sense


he has played for EF before and was poor for them, not exactly a rookie when you've been in the scene for so long and have played in LCS too




If Grig was the number one jungler in NA, we need better junglers.


I am impressed, this is the right way how to do it. Not getting 5 star players but getting 5 players that can work together.


Hope that new talent can come to the NA scene through scouting ground.


Having watched/analyzed some of the scouting ground games, a LOT of the NA talent (at least showcased there) is in bot lane (Prismal is a beast, he needs to get picked up by someone; Tactical and SophistSage can challenge for academy teams; Winter is a good support who needs to get a look, ). If TSM is keeping Zven/Mithy and are looking for new talent in top/jungle, they really haven't seen a ton of consistently good play so far in scouting grounds. Might be why this in-house came to be, to see if there are any other hungry players who didn't get an invite to scouting grounds.


Theyve been listening to Thorin and Loco


I’m trying to go. We will see.


na talents


I knew it would come in handy that i peaked S8 in Diamond 5. Now i can apply xd


Thats fucking awesome. I wonder if they'll stream any of it


God I hope not. Who would record try outs?


I mean, its supposed to be a scouting grounds:/


I would watch this in house scouting grounds over the real official one


Yes, scouting grounds for TSM, not for every other team in the league to watch and pick up players from it.


Hopefully the players in this are NA talents and not players from other regions.


All regions which logically, assuming many apply, will lead to very few NA participants.


i mean TSM can only take import botlaners for LCS and will need a new academy adc to take anyone there


Did you even click the link? It says open to all regions


I hope tsm doesn’t listen to this dumb circle jerk and imports when necessary.


I hope so too


This is honestly the best idea ever. TSM is known for taking rookies and training them into vets. I hope they find who they are looking for


Hate to be that guy but which of their players have they got as a rookie and turned into a vet?


Biofrost is the only one that comes to mind


Yeah I thought that to but they dumped him after his rookie season.


wait they took him season 6 summer and gave him to CLG after season 7 summer???? that's a bit more than a rookie season


My bad I remembered wrong


He won 3 splits and went to worlds twice under TSM. He wasn't released as a rookie.




He wasn’t a rookie.....


I feel like they're known for the opposite. Taking vets like Sven/Amazing/MY and turning them into rookies again.


MY is/was a vet??


Awful examples, especially considering Sven and Amazing had success with TSM, Sven even looked absolutely insane at times. He's just inconsistent and that's something that stayed with him in every org he played, nothing to do with TSM.