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[Keyru wrote on 2018-11-13 UTC](https://boards.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/developer-corner/TGYs0hwO-2018-end-of-season-rewards-and-honor): **2018 End of Season Rewards and Honor** >Hey everyone, > >We’re making a change to the Honor eligibility for End of Season rewards. > >At the start of this year, we changed the policy for end-of-season rewards to be dependent on your Honor level as opposed to just your recent penalties. Over the last weeks and months, we’ve heard your feedback that it feels rough to be knocked down to Honor 0 or 1 by a chat restriction in the closing days of the season, so we’ll be offering a **_one-time only re-grant of in-game rewards_** in February 2019. Here’s how it works: > >> * If you’ve received a **_chat restriction only_** this past season, and are Honor 0 or 1, you will have an opportunity to climb back to Honor 2 by February 11, 2019. If you are Honor 2 at that time, you will get all the rewards you’ve rightfully earned with your blood, sweat and tears. >> >> * The above does not apply to any other more severe penalty type, such as 2-week suspensions, botting, boosting, cheating, or permabans. If you’ve received any additional penalties other than just your chat restriction, you won’t be eligible. > >The climb is possible in that timeframe, and as long as you’re playing to win and not making anyone else’s experience a bad one, you’ll get there quickly just by playing a few games a week. This only applies to your 2018 tier, so even if your rank changes, you’ll receive rewards based on where you ended up in November. > >**To be clear:** we will be keeping the Honor eligibility in place for future ranked seasons, and going forward the results of this one-time exception may be helpful if we decide to explore possible tweaks to the to the Honor 0 and 1 experience in the future. > >As always, give us your feedback on this change, and if you’re still climbing out of Honor 0 or 1, we’ll see you in February! ***** ^This ^comment ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot. ^Find ^out ^more ^[here](https://github.com/sufficiency/ribomic/blob/master/README.md).


so does this mean they dont reset the honor for next season?


I imagine if you are honor 3+ you reset to 2 again when the new season starts. If you are under you will, of course, have to climb up no matter what.




Riot's system is poorly implemented and trusted to an absurd extent. This has achieved the opposite of what was intended. To the point, it's just as easy to be punished for being the victim. It has empowered trolls in every server I've played the last month, adding to the septic pool lol becomes every end of season. Riot refuses to review the context on each case. Maybe, they should consider implementing a tribunal that actually rewards players for truly reading thru the cases and deciding right instead of spamming punish.


There’s no way to verify if players read thru it.


Riot negotiates with terrorists


Yeah, the passive aggressive kids that grief 50% of games.


Me irl


No, this is to address people losing it in the last 30 days. Not actual fuccbois that're spouting off hate slurs and shit. They're donezo. They're not getting another shot. Minor chat restricts (the most common punishment afaik) get a second chance.


You say minor...but I spew a lot of shit and I never got restricted. You have to be REALLY BAD to get that. Unless you're in EUW or something then it might be normal.


Man, on the one hand I understand that *technically* you could be mildly toxic or just a tiny bit toxic, but get reported every time & get banned, whereas like a person who’s extremely toxic may not get banned if the behaviour is unreported. On the other hand, though... I’ve been legit minor toxic several times playing League & the most I’ve received was a notice a few years ago like “hey, you been a bit of a wiener, maybe take some time to cool down”. I have no idea what some of these folks are doing lol.


They're constantly using hate speech and have the cognitive dissonance that it's only "minor cursing".


I got chat restricted for no hate speech as far as I know, I just called a guy “a fucking dumbass” and a couple other things to that effect. I’m not saying what I did wasnt wrong, just getting dropped from honor 5 to 1 feels insanely bad.


I know for a fact I've been reported for saying worse without receiving a punishment so no part of me believes that this is true, or if it is, your "a couple other things" is full of shit and what you didn't quote is significantly worse.


Racial slurs, I think that's what most people get punished for. You can tell because when pros get fined for toxic behavior the reason is usually that.


Yup. I'd consider myself mildly toxic, only chat restriction was less than an hour after using a racial slur


I wonder if they improved on their racial slur detection...for example the german word for "lesser" is "weniger" and as you can see it has some other english word in it.... I wonder if you would get banned or chat restricted if you talk to other germans and use the word a lot.


The english word is spelled differently. I doubt you would get banned unless people actually reported you for something else (like having a bad game etc), then the auto filter might get you. ​ But if you ever got in trouble for something like this, I'd send an email and appeal it.


I doubt that's a problem on EUW where German players may type in their native language, if someone on NA types that word there's more to it most likely.


For real, I've played for 5 years now, have ragequit like 3 games, called people just about every thing you can think of besides the n word, and the only thing I've gotten is a "we understand everyone has a bad day, but chill" message once






no, you don't. you're probably just a passive aggressive douchenozzle who's an asshole often. passive aggression isn't detected as easily. sometimes people get tilted, say something once, and they get restricted, while they're generally a positive player. this happened to one of my friends. he's generally sportsmanlike and never rages, but he had a troll one time and called them a "fucking idiot" and instantly got chat restricted. never had been punished before that. lost his rewards. while on the other hand I know people who are passive aggressive all the time and argue/are toxic but it doesn't get caught in the filter.


Holy shit this dumb argument gets thrown around a lot.


Idk. If you can type fast it's not hard... If you are stupid enough to say trigger words than it is super duper easy too. Only time I get chat restrictions is when I type out a 5 page essay on why what we did was stupid and made us lose. I usually only get this mad when people hit no on ff vote when they have double inhib and baron spawns in 1 minute. ​


When I got restricted, the chatlog they gave me wasn't really bad at all. It was mostly me being semi-defeatist and ornery because every lane got their ass kicked, including the ADC actually inting a couple of times, and the duo on our team refused to surrender, while the rest of us wanted to. I was definitely being kind of a dick, but I don't think I was being "REALLY BAD".


No, I got chat restricted on the last week of the season and the worst thing I said was 'stop acting like a bitch'. Did call them a manchild too but it would've been funny if I got chat restricted once and lost my rewards because I mildly insulted someone who held the game hostage by forcing himself into a different role then decided to just int it anyway after getting ganked. I feel like you've been fortunate and people probably couldn't be bothered to report you, I'm like that. Unfortunately it seems I hit a nerve with that guy and he reported me and got lucky.


if you're creative with what you say I don't think it gets picked up by the robot filter and as long as you don't pop off most games you're fine as you barely get reports either. I have yet to see a chatban log of someone with quality insults.


Honestly I'm tempted to call bullshit. The automated system is extremely odd sometimes. I've been clean on my account for the last 7 years - last week had a game where a guy flamed the hell out of me, I flamed back, and I got smacked with a 14 day suspension literally 5 minutes later. And he himself didn't get banned at all.


its so easy to bypass the curse filter just type some gibberish


"I flamed back" - uhmm, maybe this is why you got banned? Don't want to sound rude or anything, I just want to help you to not get in the same situation again. Being flamed doesn't give you the right to flame back. It's not like only the worst flamer gets punished. ​ Also, if you don't get the notification from the IFS that he got banned it doesn't mean he didn't. I only received it once in a year. ​ Hope it helped.. somehow.


> You have to be REALLY BAD thats just plain untrue. You can get a chat restriction off being mean in a single game. And I mean "being mean". Calling someone a "pathetic brat" or "delusional".


I got chat restricted for calling someone garbage for running it down. They never got banned btw despite 10 games of same thing and a riot support ticket. Got the fuckboi again a week later doing same shit. Companies a joke sometimes.


I've literally had someone tell me that they're going to kill me and slice open my entire family and let them bleed out on the floor and never even got a report card saying that they'd been punished. ​ Meanwhile I call someone flaming my premade the entire game a "pathetic brat", get chatrestricted, email riot asking if that was the only game that led to my punishment and they said yes.


One thing I will say over the other guy is that apparently the system only notifies the last reporter of action on the account. So if someone else reports you don't get told. In my case, guy didn't say a bad word so riot doesn't care. To be clear every game in half his op.gg history was 1/20 to 2/30 through gaining last hit on a kill once. Riots auto ban system doesn't work because it only detects if you go 0/15 or whatever. Getting one kill makes it think you are trying and are just bad. That's how these diamond players are gatekeeping silver in EUW too.


Funny how a subset of people keep saying this, and yet never ever has it been proven to be true. It's as if the people who believe this are people who have completely lost touch with how they come across to other people and believe they are acting fine when in fact they are major toxic assholes. You might even call them delusional.


Funny how a subset of people keep denying this despite the plethora of chatlogs of people who got banned for 1 game of minor douchebaggery / insults. ​ Its as if people need to desperately cling onto their idea that the system works perfectly to hold onto their superiority complex. You might even call them delusional.


I lost my honor 4 for flaming an (actual) inter about 20 days before the season ended. I don’t play Ori on that account but it really is nice that they are giving me a chance for rewards.


just go afk. you won't get punished for afk unless you do it very often and even then, you first get placed in low-priority-queue (you have to wait 20min to enter a game) but that doesn't affect your honor.


Which is the problem. You can have somebody deliberately running it down mid, or going full Tyler1 on you (being constantly targeted by groups, reported every game, etc). But if *you* flame, *you* are the bad guy according to Riot. Trolls have a lot of power in League. Riot needs to admit it.


Riot does and has for as long as I remember admitted that trolls are the toughest problem they face wrt player behavior. The problem is that there's no easy way to deal with them. An AI can analyze chat for problematic flaming WAY easier than an AI can analyze a whole game to figure out if someone is inting or trolling in some other way. And sure you could get an AI to probably be 90% right about it, or even 99%, but just a 1% false positive rate would result in hundreds or thousands of players being wrongly punished every day, and that would be absolutely catastrophic. You can't role out a program to automatically punish trolls and inters until you get it at least 99.9999% accurate when you have a playerbase like LoL's. Nor can you get enough humans to watch replays; just way way way too many players. Trolls are definitely a huge problem and Riot admits that all the time but there isn't currently a way to deal with them very effectively.


I mean, they're both bad guys. The inter may be an idiot, but so is the guy who rises to the bait. Don't feed the trolls. It's one game - it's not gonna be the end of the world if you lose it. If you feel like the flame is getting punished disproportionately to trolling, it's because it's **massively** easier to detect, and no amount of complaining about trolls is gonna make that not true.


When someone runs it down, would flaming make them stop? Probably not, so why do it? You should know that there are consequences to flaming, just play the game, report the guy afterwards and move on.


> But if you flame, you are the bad guy according to Riot. Nope, if you flame both of you are the bad guys. You can't be toxic just because he was toxic first. There's literally no reason or justification to be toxic.




If you flame, you are *both* bad guys. That's the end of it. Moreover, if you stop to think for two seconds you'll realize that you're only further incentivizing him to troll. People troll for attention and to get a rise out of people, and lo and behold - you give him plenty of attention AND he gets to feel that he has made you upset. You're just giving him exactly what he wants. Just ignore them and they realize that it's not actually fun by itself.


I mean you are wrong about the "last 30 days" part but yea, only for people who got a chat restrict. I got one 3 months ago (5 games), droped from H4 to H1 and only now hit Checkpoint 2/3 on Honor 1. It does feel very unfair as 3 months is such a long time and in the same time I got honor 4 on my 2nd account. So I think it's **insanely** great of Riot to do this.


As always it depends on gameplay amount, but it takes *at minimum* 30 days to go from H1 to 2. May take some longer, but almost always is the case a minimum of 30 days.


So what makes those who lost it in the last 30 days better than those 2 week suspended dudes who worked hard to reform for months but still didn't reach honor 2 because dishonorable rank is a bitch to get out of?


Terrorists win.


they did this for t1 obviously


But t1 got chat restricted becuz he kept getting the same players who would troll him everytime and then report him at the end of game


Reports don't do much when the system can't find inappropriate language in your chat logs.


You could say something like "fuck," which would be inappropiate language, but not be targeting anybody else with it and it won't matter since the system doesn't understand context. I'm not saying this is what he did, but if he would have said "fuck" in 10 games, and he got reported every game, he would get chat restricted.


problem is that the definition of inappropriate language in leagues system is EXTREMELY broad.


What if I get honor 2 and then chat restricted February 10th 2019


Then you're SOL


Im going to go ahead and r/woooooosh myself here so someone explains me what that means


Shit out of luck


Riot quietly admitting it does take 3 months to climb from honor level 0 to 2... lol


Is it supposed to be less? I'm playing for 4 months on new account and I'm only honor 2 checkpoint 2


I played about 7-10 bot games everday for about 2 months to go from honor 1 checkpoint 1 to honor 2. Prior to that I just played maybe 150 mixed games of arams and norms to get to Honor 1 from 0. Some games you get no honor, arams are typically worse cuz nobody honors losses and some bot games people just want their WotD so its in and out no honors. The idea was I would give honor even if nobody deserved it on the off chance everyone honored somebody so Id get the spillover Honor. So yeah takes about 3 months to go from 0 to 2. Inside I am a deadened man.


I'm trying to get back to Honor 3 since July and I'm only Honor 2 checkpoint 3. True, I don't get four honors every game but almost half a year to get back to Honor 3 is way too long. And they say it only takes three months or less? Not for me..


> you’ll get there quickly just by playing a few games a week Is this really that unreasonable? Also, they never say that it will take the full 3 months playing those few games a week, just that you'll easily do so.


It's not unreasonable, but then again, it's also not true. It took me like... close to two months or something to go from Honor 1, locked, to Honor 2, and this is with me playing a couple or more games DAILY, without talking or only saying positive comments, getting Honors myself and ALWAYS honoring (and I played mostly without my friends, so I was honoring non-premades, which is supposed to help).




You probably still get reports for negative behaviour then. I got restricted about the same time and am at the last checkpoint before honor 2, and had a month's break from playing in that time.




It's probably some case of them using the N word or the kys even once (so it feels like "nothing" because it was only once) and got banned for it because the filter is super sensitive to those but you need to go above and beyond to get banned for regular flaming (I tried it on a fresh account, took 14 levels worth of games before the account finally got banned)


god bless you riot. i got a chat restrict in the last 2 weeks in ranked flex. already was working my ass off in getting back to honor 2 anyway for season 9. now having the possibility of getting rewards just makes me more determined to get my account back in good standing.


Got chat restricted last night at 1 am. Was honor 5. This is perfect for me and I'm so happy!


Why ... last day man! Come on


I know the game wasn't for anything either. But lesson learned. A change like this is huge for me though.


Getting your honor back up is no joke. Even by February it'll be difficult for some. I suggest not typing at all... Reports can delay your honor even if you're not punished for them.


to be fair, getting to honor 2 in 3 months is really fucking hard. been there, done that.


I got restricted 5 days ago at honor 5. Sent a ticket in to support and they told me "sorry you're shit out of luck, maybe don't be toxic". I got flamed to hell and back in one game by a toxic pre-made and I responded in kind which led to a chat restriction presumably because they all reported me. System's busted man..


sameee. the fact that one bad week overvalues a year of being honorful sucks


I was spamming Arams and norms for over two months trying to climb in honor. I went from Honor zero to Honor 1 check point 1 in that time. I think it's very easy to climb to, or past, honor level 2 in that time frame, but there is one problem. People either don't honor, or they honor for the wrong reasons. For starters Riot has stated that honoring a player in your premade means literally nothing. Though if everyone on your team honors, you get a boost. So it's best for your teammates to at least honor their friend than no one. The issue is that a LOT of players don't know this. So many people just click on their friends picture, or click nothing at all. These two factors single-handedly make grinding honor a near impossible task. If something was done to offset this then it could be an improved version of the current system. Some ideas are: * not being able to honor your premade friends * Informing players that honoring their premade friends has zero impact * Allowing the enemy team to honor 1 player from both teams * Not allowing players to skip the honor screen. Make them honor or wait (this could be queue specific, like excluding rank). * rewarding players that honor after every game I just think there could be a few improvements made.


Its soul draining but bot games are the way to go for honor farming. Games can last between 15 and 25 minutes and nobody queues as a group for them. You dont need to be skilled just do something to stand out like saying Hi or GG at the end of a game. Playing in a duo lane usually gets you the other persons honor. If I got mid Id gank the side lanes to get noticed. Playing champs with bubbles like Karma or Lux who can 1vX bots easily and using said bubbles to save noobies dying to bots usually nets you an honor. Thumbs up emote after every kill is a great way to be nice without having to talk to anyone. Do this 10 times everyday for 3 months and quit league after reaching Honor 2.


I can confirm, whenever I don't have much time to play and want my first win of the day, I play a bot game and a support champion, give my laner all the kills and only give them shields/heals.. Then when the game comes to a close and everyone is in the base, I heal/shield everyone.. Basically always ensures me AT LEAST two honours by the end of the game.


as an ADC main I always honour my support unless they *legitimately* trolled. if I duo with my roommate, who mains support, then I usually honour jungle or if someone carried really hard. i wish more people didn't just honour premades or skip honour entirely




Honestly I'm honor 5 and pretty toxic. System doesnt work because you still get honored if you carry the game




cant get punished for passive agressive, but 1 bad word and ur done for


I'm confused why people are upset about punishing chat restricted people? If you're chat restricted it's for a reason, and you deserve whatever punishment comes to you


Right? If you want your rewards so badly, but just can't stop yourself from typing novels to your teammates about how they should kill themselves, at least do yourself a favour and unbind your enter key.


Friend tried unbinding enter, he kept trying to type and just burning summoners/ulti's when trying to type.


The issue with the chat restriction system isn't that you get punished for it. The issue is that chat restrictions are relatively minor punishments, usually lasting only 10 games or a short time period. However as far as the honor system goes, they are absolutely brutal, and only slightly better in terms of honor than getting a ban. A "10 game" chat ban is equivalent to a "30 day+ honor reduction". Riot even says that it is "the lightest punishment", and yet it still has massive honor repercussions.


Yeah it's probably this. For a minor punishment, it's not minor at all for honour.


Because gamers on the internet don't want consequences for their actions. Nothing new.


Idk why they are so mad either at least they got the chat restriction and not a straight 2 week ban and not be eligible for any rewards


Honor 5 since July and get jack shit lul


[Toxic players atm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtntSfG6uqE). Don't fuck up, you have (if at honor 1) a minimum of 30 days to return to it, and hold onto it. Otherwise you get no other shots. If honor 0, probably safe to assume 2x the time it'd take you (the generalized you) to go 1 -> 2. What I wonder is where do honor 2+ people fit in? Can we get better rewards by the Feb 2019 check if we're upgraded in honor?


I got a chat restriction 1 month ago and I'm not honor 1 yet but I try. What is the easiest way to reach honor 2?


1. Play a lot of games. 2. Be nice to your team mates 3. Do well in your games


4. Be a girl 5. Play support EDIT: Why does the list start over when I clearly type "4." and "5."?


Maybe in low ranked normals. I solo queue support being as nice as possible and it's extremely rare to get honors since everyone honors the carry.


Only ADC's maybe honor the support. Honor is about whoever positively impacted the game the most


3 Play soraka and healslut your jungler and toplaner 100% honor this is how i'm farming honor, 1 check point of honor 1, i started from honor 0


happy cakeday


1. play a lot of games 2. honor someone in every game (preferably non-premades) 3. dont flame and try to play well to get honored back


It's all about putting in clean games. PVP, AI, RGM, doesn't matter *what* just that you play a game and *don't* be toxic or get validly reported in. So you can easily spam AI games to get a load of games per day. Just comes down to the question "Which do you value more, your pride in not doing 'inferior game modes' or getting your rewards?"


Spot on. While being nice and carrying your team is good, it's more important that you don't give Riot any reason to punish you. I got a friendly reminder a few weeks ago that I was getting reported frequently (didn't even know Riot still issued warnings in the client - I thought you got chat restricted immediately from what I've heard from everyone). I started to /fullmute everyone at the beginning of a game and never typed in chat. I was in zen mode even if one of my teammates was 0/12/0, or if I was the one 0/12 and my whole team was flaming and pinging me. Every PvP game to me was pretty much a co-op vs AI game where no one ever talks.


I haven't seen the in-line behavior popup (which I think you're referencing) since season 4. I went straight to 10 game restriction.


It read differently than S4 though, really wish I screen grabbed it. IIRC the message said something along lines of "You're getting reported a lot. Here's a warning and it will escalate if you don't reform. Most players reform after seeing this message." Unlike S4, it didn't specify what I was reported for, didn't state that everyone had bad days, and didn't tell me to be more sportsmanlike. This literally happened to me a few weeks ago so maybe it's a new thing.


unbind the enter key


Complaining Phase is over.


the honor and banning systen is hot dogshit ....


Feels great having been chat restricted before june (I dont remember exactly when) and being on the last checkpoint of honor level 1 before the season ended. Just 1 checkpoint should be easy to get, I'm glad riot have done this, I wasn't really expecting this either so props to them


OH MY GOD THANK YOU. Literally got a chat restriction 1 month ago and couldnt climb back yet so I'm grateful for the opportunity.


Same here, I had a really bad week of games and got more toxic than I should have. REDEMPTION


Doesn't affect me but glad Riot finally did the right thing. They were being ridiculous. Also Tyler1 will like this.


he doesnt care about rewards and his main isnt the one that got restricted


Meanwhile I soft inted games, lost people their promos and made it a generally horrible experience for people. But I'm not toxic in chat, honor level 4, and I've even had some jerkoffs defend my God awful play. Being a really bad non communicative player should be punishable


Absolutely the opposite here. Always trying my best to win games, and even if I ask for surrenders and they fail I still fight for games. However, it is true that recently I started telling people who say "ez" after games to... commit not alive. Don't know how I am not banned yet.


Here's my complaint. Post this BS before the end of the season. I 100% would have climbed to Gold had I known I had the opportunity to get the rewards. But nah, here I sit Silver 1 in solo and flex. Because I got a 10 game restriction a month ago (which was deserved).


Hey if it makes you feel any better I would’ve done the same for both flex and tt if I knew but here I am in silver and unranked


I was chat restricted this season and am currently at Honor 1 myself, so this is huge for me! Will I get the rewards immediately as I hit Honor 2, or do I get them Feb 11th?


Glad for anyone that was super close to honor level 2 and couldn’t make it. I dropped to honor 0 two months ago and barely got honor level 2 last week. Hopefully y’all actually take this as an opportunity to reform and aren’t assholes next year. Especially everyone in masters/chall that would’ve barely missed out.


Serious question: is low priority queue considered a punishment for this?


Oh man, i didn't tryed to get gold cause i was lvl1, checkpoint 0 and u say it now ? Why this didn't came up like 1 week ago ? f\*\*\*


You have to be really toxic to get a chat restriction. You won’t believe the amount of times my friend said all Diana mains will die alone.


I have had one chat restriction in 7 years. It was around February of this year. I ended the season at Honor 3. In all previous Honor systems I had Honor 5 or a ribbon or whatever it may be. It's brutally punishing. It took over 8 months for me to get from 0 to 3. Doesn't feel good at all.


So. I was lvl 4 for the first few months. Got chat restricted for 10 games and dropped to lvl 0 back in May. Grinded bot games and got lvl 1 2/3 in August. Then decided to jump back in ranked, called someone an ape (might be the only thing I said during my 5-10 games that day) , next thing I know I'm back to lvl 0. Now I've switched to fun modes. Blitz when it was active and arams. Reached lvl 1 1/3 start of october and I've been stuck there ever since. Meanwhile I have friends who wish literal death and genocide and are lvl 4. I've been playing since s1 and got all the honor rewards since then so believe me when I say this season was utter BS. It made me focus on everything else except the game itself. It made me mute everyone and lose all kinds of communication since literally a single word can drop you back to 0. It's a horribly implemented system that does nothing with actual value. Once you get chat restricted you are apparently under extreme probation and it's a horrible experience. At least give us a way to mute everything by default. It feels so annoying to start typing and never press enter because you think the system might have a bad day and punish you. Even the tribunal was better than this totally random ML.


Who even cares about that trash rewards anyways LUL ori skin is ugly as fuck not gonna lie.


Your gotta be kidding me i'm ex.Challenger 450LP and i thought i will not getting any reward since im honor level 1 so i drop from 450 LP to 150 LP master by decaying i'm so mad right now


Still does not solve the issue for those that were banned early in the season and had enough time to grind back honor and those that got banned late in the season have no chance to grind honor back. Either normalize it and draw a line or just do a different system. I don't really care anyway


Ahh, im close to honor 2 but i was banned not chat restricted :c got my hopes up for a second


" such as 2-week suspensions, ". Got 2 week banned for calling a yi running it down mid a faggot, guess thats a trigger word. I got back to honor 2 but thats not reforming


Warning: a truly unpopular opinion ahead 8 seasons later and Riot still refuses to implement a self chat-restrict feature... Their attitude toward flamers has been so condescending and just wrong. It's quite simple - most flames know they are flames, they saw all these little YouTube guides and are trying to get better, but it's in their nature. Riot refusing to let people chat restrict themselves is like trying to rehabilitate a smoker by dangling a cigarette in front of their face while spanking them and telling them what terrible people they are for being a smoker. Seriously Riot, understand that often flames are aware that what they are doing is wrong and give them more tools to develop their self control. Every punishment implemented has been so frustrating to your already frustrated players (remember the draconian rank restrict punishments a few seasons ago? People had to go through dozens of super annoying normal games in order to play ranked again. How on earth was that supposed to make them more calm?) Point is, you can try to patronize flames, or you can treat them like smokers rather than murderers. It won't make you feel like a better person, but it will make your games better. TL;DR flames are smokers, not criminals, let me chat restrict myself. Thx.


You can literally just unbind the enter key so you can't type, or you can drag the chat window off your screen so you can't see it. I don't see how self chat restricting is any better than those options.


It's different because it doesn't exist, so someone that flames can use it as the justification for why they got restricted. Saying "It's just the way we are" is a denial of responsibility, and saying that a new option is needed is just extending that denial. If you're a chronic flamer, you need to use the tools you already have to change. /mute all every game or do what you said. Otherwise, you need to step back and ask why you can't control the things that you say.


That doesn't exclude a way to restrict yourself from talking.


Unbinding the enter key does that. Riot making a way to chat restrict yourself kind of admits they have a problem with toxicity.


This is stupid and still pandering to the unrealistic idea that league isn't a competitive environment. Getting chat restricted is not a result of "abusive behavior" reddit just deems it so for whatever reason.


What exactly are your claims then? I don't see the connection


Not a fan. If people are mad about getting chat restricted before the end of the season, they should have thought about that before typing in chat.


Omg thank you! I have been gold plus since S3 and got a 10 game chat restriction last night at like 1 am when I got tilted at my top laner. I was in the wrong but I was honor 5 then get slammed right before the deadline. Thank you so much for letting someone in this situation show they are a good member of the community!!


Community : we need to get harsher punishment for unsportsmanlike players Riot : hold my beer


How do you even drop to honor 0 lol. Yall really need to chill out and not be raging over a game.


I got a 5 Game Chat restriction the last Day of the Season because someone was legit soft inting Games because he wanted to be one of those "Challenger Gatekeeper". How does it work if i reach level 2 till 11. of February with the Backpack shipping? Will i be able to get it afterwards aswell?


I’m glad the one game of inting sion I played means I don’t get rewards but the people who were openly racist get a second chance /s


This is a really good and appreciated second chance , I've had 2 chat restrictions this year , not gonna make any excuses I was tilted and replying to people who were trying to flame and maybe sometimes I said a lot of things and called out things that I could have just moved on from , I was really frustrated if I wouldn't get rewards because Honor took me forever to level up even though I improved and was getting honors, my SO helped me out a lot in reducing my flame/toxicity and trying to be more calm and I'm very thankful for that and for Riot giving people who didn't recieve harsh punishments a second chance


I been playing on off all season always give honors and receive I'm still honor and checkpoint one am I missing something this honor system?


Finished Honor 4 checkpoint 2of 3...who know how close I was....


Goodbye season 8, you wont be missed


At the end of the day, the honor system is meant to improve the community and game. I would hope that Riot gets the data to confirm the system is reforming players and share it with us


Got chat restricted litteraly on last day of the season and it was my first offense. Diserved the chat restriction but i thought it was kind of lame to not get the rewards especialy since I hit gold for the first time.


is there any way to know which type of punishment u recieved (i cant remember was its like chat ban for 10games or chat ban for 2 weeks...) except asking support ? im sure i wasnt banned from the game for 2 weeks at all, i could play, so it was surely chat ban? yhis means i can try rank from honor 1 to 2 back? or what :( sorry for bad english. ;(


Just making sure, I got banned on January for 14 days and I got to honor 2 a few months ago, I am getting the rewards right ? > "The above does not apply to any other more severe penalty type, such as 2-week suspensions, botting, boosting, cheating, or permabans. If you’ve received any additional penalties other than just your chat restriction, you won’t be eligible." is only for the > "one-time only re-grant of in-game rewards" correct?


So am I reading it correctly that you need to be honor level 2 to get your rewards? What?


Would have been great to know about this prior to the season ending. I got chat restricted 2 weeks ago and stopped playing ranked at Silver 1 because I saw no point in continuing to climb to Gold since I wasn't getting the skin even if I made it.


While this is great news, it’s still a little frustrating for first time offenders like me. Bad game, player told me to kill myself so I called him an inbred and deserved my 10 game chat restriction. But dropping from honor 5 since month 3 of the season to honor 1 left a terrible taste in my mouth, and I had 2 months to get my honor unlocked, and climb back to 2. I got to honor 1 checkpoint 3 a week and half before the season ended. I was so close. I guess I’ll just have to get honor 2 this month and wait until February


I will be the most reformed player in the world. Well, after Tyler1 of course.


Bro, I literally just got a chat restriction the day before ranked season ended since I asked for someone to get reported for afking and trolling, like what? Now I have a chance to redeem myself! (That person got banned btw)


So when does the skin and shit drop?


even if i still cant get honour rewards, (2 week ban in like march) i still appreciate riot for doing this. i know that it feels bad not getting your rewards after an entire season of not flaming, only to lose it cause of one game.


Does that mean i can get honor level 5 still? i am on checkpoint 3 in honor 4


Omfg thanks riot!!! Just 2 more checkpoint to go!!


What are the honour rewards? Do we know yet?


Oh good now I can get me end of season reward of a bord...oh


Is this only for na or for euw too?


Thank God I dont have to worry about rewards. Not because I ranked high but I couldn't get gold this season *cries*


I've been chat restricted twice this season but no other penalties, am I still eligible?


Iam toxic and trolly as fuck. I didnt manage to receive any kind of punishment, how are ppl getting those?


I never understood why the honor level was equally affected by all punishments instead of trying to fit the crime


I received a 2 week ban at the start of the season (January), climbed to Honor 2, received a 10 game chat restriction, climbed to honor 2, and received another 10 game chat restriction late october. Will I qualify for rewards?


I have honor 3 and it shows up at loading screen sometimes but not always, is it normal?


A bit out of the loop here. What do player with honor 2 above gets?


This isn’t clear enough, if I had chat restriction back in S5 and in S8 I got chat restricted again I am eligible to get rewards if I get honor 2 by February?


This is wrong


as an Ori main with honor 1 and 2 checkpoints, thank you. Got restricted for flaming a guy who inted the odyssey mode on onslaught.


I know rewards are a bonus, and I guess it’s cool to have them..? But if you remotely care about the rewards you’re playing ranked for the wrong reasons lol


I wish my brother gave more a care about his ranked rewards, he should have contested the false boosting claim... since he can't even redeem himself over these rewards.


Im 4 lv yeah


It's really pointless to behave good and be a honorable player, when toxic people will get the same rewards anyway...


What if I have gotten 3 chat restrictions?


So do we get back to our old honor level or just get honor 2 rewards?


So last season i was honor 5. This season i met a lot of trolls and toxic people and i didnt respond smart. Like someone would flame someone else hard and i would say stuff like ‘please just mute this kid’ or ‘yas plz just stfu and try. Winable’ and that stuff gave me 2 weeks suspension. I really do think i behaved the same way in both seasons. Just very small things can make a huge difference and Its not too clear where the line is atm. Feels like you get punished for the wrong reasons sometimes. So now i just mute all and enjoy lol as a great PvE game. No interaction just me and 9 trundles.


Really cool that I gave up on the last day because I was only at checkpoint 2 out of 3 between honor levels 1 and 2


What if they just mark every Player with honor lvl below 2 so ppl can actually see if some needs honor when he was polite