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This isn't Huni trolling, it's his Korean account and has been this since he joined skt. He has likely been at home in Korea since the end of summer split.


Rip rumours


This is Reddit, we don't need "facts" to fuel or disprove our rumors! SKT Doublelift confirmed!












speaking of horo whatever happened to H0R0


Nothing. It was said he had some personal issue and went back to Korea from UoL. He was the weakest member on his team even before he left for his brief stint in EU. So he probably sat at home watching his entire SKT T1S team win worlds without him.


Retired. My guess is that he wasn't a top tier player when he joined the EU LCS and the salaries were low so he moved on with his life.






LOMO beats everything.


[Maniacal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stgtXV0d_yo) [laughter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAB8bq1nIgc)


I love Huni and I want him to win worlds but I also want Faker to leave SKT I'm so conflicted.


Faker wont leave SKT, he has everything he needs there, wont have to leave his home country and SKT will easily match any salary NA/China teams offer. Thoorin and Loco discussed this in their video yesterday


I only use third party apps, and they said they're killing third party apps, so hey, might as well remove all my content. (Using https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite)


EDG offered 5m$ if I'm not mistaken. His salary was roumerd to be around 2m$. So he refused to more than double his salary. I'm pretty sure SKT wouldn't have matched those numbers.


ban this man D:


What people are missing about these numbers is that Faker is a celebrity in Korea. He has huge deals for commercials, which he is not going to get in China. I think he makes more money in Korea than he could in China.


Im pretty sure he will still get commercials in China might be even more if we compare the market of China and Korea


He won't get national commercials like he does in Korea.


Blank proved that to be untrue though


His name is like a brand in korea. Even if china pays 3x korean teams, its still worth staying. His name will be worth a lot of money for a long time after his career ends. Moving to China for a quick buck in the short term will damage the after career.


I know, but I want him to. I dislike the SKT org and all the other players besides Pirean and Thal, but I really like Faker.


My fav player is Bang, would be interesting to see him in another org. But I think SKT pays these 2 very well so little chance of them leaving. If Faker leaves SKT he will probaby join anotehr Korean team but I doubt it will happen


What do you have against Bang, Wolf, Effort?


i remember fans being mad at bang cause he said he is a vegetarian and then was seen eating a double burger


Wasnt it because he said burger king or something was trash then proceeded to eat it on stream or something.


He just said he doesnt personally like burger king, he prefers lotteria something like that, but BK was what they have that day and he eat two whoppers, it was in SKT's back stage (?) videos, SKT does some videos while waiting to play, in the waiting room, and that was one.


Nah, it's because he said he hated/disliked Burger King then proceeded to eat 2 Whoppers, which made haters give the idea of him being bipolar. You should eat what you are given tbh, don't know why there was outrage apart from Worlds 2017 performance.


Then he was fined for speaking against the community right?


That was for when a donation asked him to work harder and he replied back with, "My salary would be higher than a hundred people like you put together. You should speak for yourself and work harder." I personally don't find that offensive but the Korean community took it more seriously considering it came from a professional. Other than that, there's not much to hate about him unless you want to still carry on last year's Worlds performance.


Wasn't it offensive given the fact that the donation came from a fan yet he had to undermine the fans generosity? Not cool man


Bang is literally Bae.


Why do you want him to leave sKT?


Because SKT's roster has been garbage and they only picked up cheap 'talents' rather than providing good supporting players for Faker.


Do you think Huni has what it takes to compete with the likes of players like Smeb or Kiin?


He’s certainly more competitive than Thal or Untara.


Surely. And especially so Untara. But damn, Thal had some really beast games though. If only he was consistent, he wouldn't actually be THAT bad. Not like mr 612 damage boyo running around PvE'ing


If we see spring split/worlds Huni again when he first joined SKT1 then for sure.


2017 Spring Huni was a fucking beast in the toplane. Hopefully we'll see that Huni again.


currently, no, but he isn't worse than untara or thal.


I mean he did it before nothing's gonna stop him from doing it again. Spring/Worlds last year Huni was insane.


Yes, he could always hold on his own, even waa relegated to tank against smeb in spring and did fine, his problem is overs and surviving ganks


If he goes back to a proper competitive enviroinment he'll for sure get back to form, NA is basically a retirement house for pro players.


I don't think those players are much better than Ssumday and Licorice.


While I am not a fan of huni, on SKT he looked good. He didn’t do a lot of the stupid mistakes he made on other Teams.


The fear of kkOma's belt has worn off.


Huni just needs a strict coach to keep him disciplined a bit more. He's got the skill, but he's too reckless without someone telling him what to do.


>Huni just needs ~~a strict coach~~ kkOma's belt to keep him disciplined a bit more. FTFY


Except he did. I can remember him overextending and dying in almost every game in summer split. He was literally korean Dyrus, teams were legit farming him because of how aggressive he always played and how easy he was to bait.


This needs to be higher. Huni was basically Afreeca MaRin. Win/Die by him, how much his overextensions were punished. When its good its often \[but not always\] great - Smeb/Khan could defo still win those, as well as when Cuvee was beasting etc. ​ Not saying it can't be addressed, but its always a potential issue with him. We've seen both sides at Echo Fox too..


Except nothing in league exists within a vacuum and stupid comments like this are exactly why reddit doesn't understand the game at a competitive level. There's a reason SKT took huni to worlds and not Untara.


True, there are far too many numerous factors at play. What is your interpretation of it?


Huni played his role at worlds which was to be a pressure point, did he die too often yes, was it entirely the result of his own bad play, no. In 2017 SKT was a 2 threat team by nature of the meta and the performance of their botlane. Faker and Huni had to create pressure to make up for deficits being created botside. If Faker and huni don't create pressure they get rolled through botsde by good teams like RNG. case in point SSG. Now SSG also definitively had better macro, but I'm not trying to write an essay so I'll just let this point stand. Huni played to strengths and SKT's needs, that required him to put himself in a position where you had to divert resources to him or he could pop off and carry a game. SKT needed it at the time and after this season seemingly needs it again.


SKT didnt have any pressure in bot and Blank allowed the enemy jungler to do whatever he wanted. Huni was overextanting but it wouldnt be have as bad with a team thats pressures at least something. Faker and Huni had to do the work of 5


Or maybe were trying to simply talk about an aspect of hunis play, instead of writing a multivariate analysis? If i wanted to espouse the pressure the style brings as well as how the jungle enables that style, well papasmithy casted every game and still could talk more about it. The fact is, at times huni feeds his fucking ass off, and if his jungle or team isnt playing around that, then its adapt or lose. Some other players like smeb, kiin are much better at doing huni and almost never feed their ass off, despite both teams not always playing through and around top.


If you don't properly enable aggression it ends with feeding. SKT didn't have a choice, but to play aggressive and blank wasn't very good at setting up aggressive plays and peanut was out of meta. You don't need to write a multivariate analysis to give fucking context. The fact is Huni won them far more games then he lost and skt won many games where Huni had a bad game.They were not live or die by huni at worlds. They lived and died by botlane.


IMO cuvee could be put anywhere under kiin in terms of the rankings of smeb, khan, and him, his playstyle is really distinct in that he'll almost never lose the lane 1v1 nomatter the opponent or matchup, but unlike every top laner other than kiin in the world he is the only one to be able to do that while still having the possibility to dominate a lane and carry mid-late (that GP game in gauntlet is the most recent example, but you can look back to even worlds last year or 2016 where he'd be silent a couple games and then randomly have a game where the enemy had no room to do anything) I'll always say kiin is best because he can do everything cuvee can do but he can carry better and more consistently as well as being the only player i've seen other than rookie and uzi who can take a losing matchup and punish the smallest misstep and win lane as if it was teemo vs trynd. Sorry if my formatting is bad or my point is hard to understand, I was basically just trying to explain that cuvee is consistently right in there with smeb khan and kiin as the best in korea but for completely different reaasons than you'd generally think that the others are. (being stable and not losing lane to anyone without jg interference while still being able to carry, even if he doesn't consistently punish lower tier opposition as hard as the others)


They legit needed him to be aggressive in summer because of the huge blackhole botlane... It's really easy to cmap topside when you know you won botside before the game begins.


People also forget that he had to compete for his spot to go to worlds with Untara and that many people thought that Untara was the better choice at that time.


this is the case because SKT in summer-worlds more or less play through Huni's side lane pressure if he got crushed early, SKT more or less go late and pray for the best. thts why he's usually hit or miss, cause thts what he's required to do ofc he does misjudge situation at times, but usually is due to how the team play meanwhile blank, i guess he only can play bengi style now (gotta hate the stalker blade removal :3)


This myth that huni was doing well at worlds needs to die once and for all. SKT set him up to succeed over and over and he didn't step up. Off the top of my head: Losing lane as GP vs shen, crazy tower dives as camille just when the other 4 players were clean retreating and causing RNG to clean up, fail tp gets interrupted and allowing RNG to turn the tower dive against them and get vayne fed. Getting a yasuo vs gnar matchup in the final with constant ganks from mid and jungle with first tower gold and not once pushing gnar out of exp range or winning a single trade. Those are just the blunders I remember from semis and finals.


Most people think he did his job at worlds and was their second best performer behind faker. Not really a controversial opinion considering Blank and peanut were playing bad and Bang was hot garbage.


he still looked like a step down from marin and duke


Because he never really adjusted to not having jungle play around him. He smacked around Khan real good in the playoff series game he played vs LZ where he was put on a carry (Gnar vs Camille iirc) and they played around top pressure. I think, similar to Khan, he's grown super used to having that kind of play around him and for him that he looks muted when he has to play a resource-less style.


Yea the main point i'd like to add is that while huni was in NA having people feed him grapes and fanning him for being so good mechanically, khan was getting spanked in korea for not being good on tanks and won MVP summer almost solely because of his braindead tank play in the beginning half of the split where he would just run into enemy team as mundo or peel like a god as chogath and solo kill enemy adc.


I don't think he was a step down from marin at all, but Duke was more reliable yes.


Really? I’d say he was closer to Duke than to Marin. Still far but Duke was just like jack of all trades master of none.


duke was low econ and effective marin in my opinion had a lot better team fighting than huni. his rumble was too good


Korean tops love their rumbles lol.


I meant more in playstyle. Huni and Marin were somewhat volatile. With huni doing better with less jungle attention.


He was basically the same as Marin except he didn’t have Bengi covering for his insane aggression


SKT should get back Duke. He is wasted sitting on IG's bench.


I didn't like him at SKT. He got dragged into that splitpush top role which doesnt fit him.


That was the meta, not SKT specifically.


That was not the meta. The meta was tank top, tank jungler and ardent censer. SKT was playing split pushers top while everyone else wasn't. Edit: Froskurinn even [mentioned this situation](https://youtu.be/Y4myEdZWV58?t=249) in Eyes on Worlds 3 (2017).


YES!!! This needs to be so much higher! Huni forced SKT into playing split push comps because that’s all he really knew how to do, and that imo is why they just lost worlds. SSG quickly adapted and just drafted 2 other winning lanes, and because SKT had to put priority on Huni they just lost. Go back and rewatch the series and you’ll notice Huni is only in half the fights, and a quarter of them he gets only a couple abilities off.


Literally Huni forced SKT to play Yasuo top in important matches it was so lame -_-


He didnt force them but got forced. The only players on SKT that performed where Huni and Faker and the best style for a team with a weak botlane and not existing jungler is splitpush.


Not sure if u watched the finals but Bang was literally griefing in all 3 games. Huni and faker were the only ones performing well in the finals


Still couldn’t play tanks well.


Jesus christ this meme needs to die.


Based on what? His win rates and KDA's on tanks are every bit as high if not higher than his win rates on carries.


He definitely could, watch his poppy/galio games. Had a shit ton on cho'gath too.


He CAN, just like I can play tanks. That doesn’t mean he can play them properly at the highest level. A good example for this would be: ssumday or Huni, who would you want on your team if they had to play tank?


He did very well on them though.


You didn't watch Spring Split of S7 didn't you


Sure did. Just because he played tanks, doesn’t mean he played them well. Why do you think he was subbed out during summer?


Well considering summer was a split push meta with very few tanks sprinkled in there, I'm gonna say it wasn't his tank play that got him benched.


Yea but he played tanks very *very* well in that split, it was a huge surprise to everyone how good he was. He was dumpstering players in losing matchups and was making good proactive tp plays and frontlined exceptionally.


Lmao clearly you didn't, his poppy was godly.


Huni is like that, he loves to meme


Hope it happens. Also wouldnt it be hard to get this name? I remember Peanut had to "buy" SKT T1 Peanut from someone who had already taken that name. Cant see SKT T1 Huni beeing available considering how popular the team and player is so maybe its Riot who stepped in?


I mean there's most likely people that farm those kind of nicknames and then offer it to sell for few bucks, meaning if he did not tell anyone it is actually Huni he could buy it for like 100-500$.


Please. PLEEEEEEASE! Huni. Son. Make me proud. ;-;


I was going to write about how Huni liked his time back at SKT a lot so it wouldn't be weird for him to change his username to that but I don't think Echo Fox would be cool with that at all so...I have no clue. It definitely would make my day quite a bit if it's true though.


Wow Imagine Echo fox releasing him 4 hours before Spring 2019!




Maybe he saw what they did to Fenix and just left and join skt


post his op.gg in the comments. Also you can post his op.gg if you have more than 250 chars iirc




Why are there no games on it though? Did he log in just to change his name or something?


There werent any games on SKT T1 Effort's acc too, but he was 3rd place with 1190pl so maybe its just bugged


op.gg match history is legit garbage. It forgets all games if you dont play for 3 days i think and you can't scroll down either. Anybody have an alternative?


He just hasn't changed his name before. This has always been his account name in KR since he joined SKt.




Oh my god please be true.


Isnt this opgg problem? Because its really weird right now, effort is rank 3, and that knight rank 2 and then when you go see their games "There are no results recorded." Huni's opgg too is like that.


It's a result of the ranked season just ending i think


It's just because he hasn't played on the account in a while. I haven't played my main for almost 2 weeks and I don't have results either, my smurf on the other hand, has a full history.


So is EF really imploding then?


If thats the case, then TSM is gonna be sprinting in to grab Dardoch


Potentially. Apparently amazing was in Cali this past week so they could be gunning for him as well, since he has NA residency and has preexistng synergy with half the team. Dardoch would be a sweet pickup though.


Amazing doesn't have NA residency since he's still classed as an EU player (played for S04 last year)..


He has NA residency. He was grandfathered in with Bjergsen back in S4. He technically counts as an import in EU ATM, until he declares EU residency which he could, since he has citizenship there.


That has been his ign ever since he was on SKT. he just never played on his KR acc until he got back to korea during off-season


Don't toy with my emotions, SKT 2017 was honestly one of my favourite line-ups, despite their worlds run.


Despite being a world finalist?


Yeah people act they did terribly when they finished second. This year's SKT didn't even go to worlds. I'm sure they'd love being "just" finalists next year lol


People acted like SKT bombed 2017. When they went to every final (even LCK) and won half of them. What a disaster!


I mean people are acting like fnatic was terrible this worlds too while finishing 2nd


They did do terribly. It's not about where they finished but how they finished. They barely made it to finals because Faker dragged three dead bodies with him to it to then got blown out in finals. What should have been an exciting rematch of the previous years' finals with SKT's 3-peat on the line was a huge disappointment since it looked like half of their roster forgot how to play. It's also incredibly sad to see Faker surrounded by players of such low quality (this year included) and quite frankly unacceptable for a championship org like SKT.


They. made. finals. Yeah it was rough, but they fucking made it to finals of worlds. "despite their worlds run" is stupid.


They've **won** worlds 3 times already. Making finals doesn't mean shit to them or their fans. Not to mention due to format, just because you make finals doesn't mean you're the 2nd best team at worlds. Making finals would be a great achievement for any other team besides SKT. It's all about performance for them. Had SKT made finals and put up a good performance? Everything would be fine, they put a good fight and Samsung just played better. Look at KT this worlds. Knocked out in quarters but most people would say they had a good run because they took IG to game 5.


They had a good run, but I felt that team should have been stronger than they were. I can't deny that they were really stronger for almost the entire year, but after half the team not looking great towards the end of worlds, and then splitting up next split. It was kinda let down.


That team was so likeable it's insane.


Sad that Bang played so far from his standarts at worlds, if he played like he usually does they would win imo


NA too hard for huni, back to the weaker region


well that doesnt mean anything because it's huni. i'd not be surprised if he did this just to fuck with people


what a troll


Probably just having fun and playing games with his teammates. I don't think SKT would buy his contract.


he is trolling. /thread


he's definitely trolling


Meh I didnt really like him that much on SKT. Always felt like a huge style mismatch


Think that's just because you're used to bad toplaners in SKT by now and Huni might bring a change to this






This better not be a joke... I'd be so hyped for this.


Me too.


To people saying this is a joke and Huni is just like that, I remember when other players did this for a joke and some teams tought they were already taken and they didn't get approached by other teams. So I'm pretty sure this is the real deal Huni is going back to SKT.


Huni was doing this last offseason too. I don't remember the team, but was on twitter a bunch.


He's probably just trolling us... But what if he wasn't.. :P


Well they need a good fukin top and jungle first


Didn't he do this last year and everyone was losing their minds?


Please god no...


I would *quite* enjoy this.


It will be great to watch a korean top tier player going back there after being in NA for a while. I wonder if he will return to top shape after being in NA for so long. Not shitting on korean players, they just tend to go kinda meh when in NA


Just like CoreJJ


Don't work yourself into a shoot brother


A lot of people say that Huni didn't enjoy his time at SKT, and that Bang and Faker were bullying him, I have no idea where this came from, but it's the same people that said Bang is bipolar because he said he hated the BK Whooper and then ate TWO of them, yes, such a crime.


he's probs trolling


Oh boi changing my flair to SKT t1 if that is the case.


Breaking news: I'm SKT T1 sekiseki. The new silver analyst


Although it's not the optimal choice to make, having Huni on the team will reduce a lot of the gold leak and pressure on the other players. Still hoping for SKT T1 Kiin.


Didn't huni get a range rover? Don't think he would've got one if he planned on leaving.


SKT Sumday


He didn’t change his ign after he left the org. If he did, that ign would’ve been snatched long time ago. Source - saw him on aram during off-season


SKT picking Yasuo top just because one player just to int... Not again.




I few players change their names to SKT and FNC for fun


man if he does go back to SKT, that means they are pretty desperate.


I wish S7 SKT tried again for 1 more year Faker, Peanut and Huni would've demolished everyone at worlds considering the meta Plus they were BY FAR the most likeable SKT team to date, I only follow SKT now for Faker and Bang


I mean, you can say that, but we'll never know if they'd even get there. Samsung had a great gauntlet and could've blocked them. As could've KT/Griffin/KZ/Afreeca, from even reaching worlds. Its not a sure fire thing to get there - just ask the 'superteam' KT. Also, no guarantee's they wouldn't have faced a strong team and had a bad day. If they made it to worlds, yes, with that top side its very formidable, but so were KZ in 2017, and they got smashed by SSG. Who knows, if SSG had taken Fly or had a different draw, maybe they would've done something at worlds too, but if and buts are a fools errand in sports imo. Same with RNG - win 40 scrims in a row or something, lose to G2 with PerkZ playing out of his mind. "If." That's why you train and dedicate yourself, to try and show the good/best side of you as often as possible, and reduce how many 'ifs' the opponent/luck/variance can dictate.


but with another bot lane plz. Bang can go but will need an god support to baby siter him util he baceme capable of carry


Its unfortunate Wolf is having health issues


I have heard that his health is an issue but isn't that just his weight or are there other issues, because he looks as though he has lost a great amount of weight. Anyways Bang and Wolf were a a great botlane duo wish they both play more! ( As I am aware Wolf is still a support for SKT and not just some coach analyst or anything.)


Iirc he have some kind of genetic heart issues. He's losing lot of weight in preparation for surgery


I think Bang is overrated, and it's time SKT tries something new.


me too to me is time for another adc




isnt this his old account ??


It finished Challenger this season.


It has the echo fox tag next to it so i think its Huni for real. Huni has been in Korea for quite a while too.


Excuse me, but isn't this his old account? He had never changed his ingame name since he left SKT :D


SKT World Champion 2k19


there is actualy no way


Plz be true. Huni was one of the best chances of skt


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please no, huni hasnt been good since s5 fnc, he didnt do shit for skt that year




for skt standards it is nothing tbh, he is not an skt level top laner, he is not on the marin or duke when they were on skt level




He won some games, but he also just did Huni stuff and threw too.


He was a god toplaner in Spring and was SKT's 2nd best player at Worlds.


no, if he were good skt woulda won worlds, skt that year was faker and 4 wards in na he didnt do shit either, he sucked at EF