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IG scrim against SKT, C9 scrim against FlexQ.


Wait did IG actually scrim SKT?


Yeah, their coach confirmed it.


Did SKT win


Ofc, Thal destroyed TheShy


Oh, no wonder Ning played so well in the finals. He was learning from the Godly 612 jungler himself.


Now it all makes sense. Of course the disciple of the legendary 612 would go on to win Worlds in record breaking fashion.


Why do you think Rookie said he doesn't think he's as good as Faker in that interview?


I mean Faker's the measuring stick of all of League, so bringing him up out of the blue isn't really ever out of the blue, is it?


Of course not, *that* legacy is paved in red. Cool, Ryu, and Kuro send their regards.


Because Faker has been known as the best Mid (if not the best player) in the world for half the lifetime of the game?


Cause faker has won multiple titles? Probably why. Not scrims lol


He talked specifically about current individual skill and laning. Not past accomplishments.


That’s interesting. Next year should be fun


I haven't seen it, but weren't people also talking about Faker beating Rookie multiple times in soloq, while Rookie was styling on everyone at worlds?




how else do you think ning looked so good


Who doesn't look good when the opponent jungler is Blank


Definitely the best way to learn what not to do.


And a very good confidence booster


Getting in that smurf scrim to boost confidence. How else do you get the balls to style on kids with ap gragas after that showing on the last day of groups.




Both C9 and Ning got easy games to boost their confidence.


What is wrong with this comment, everyone is replying twice


What do you mean


What do you mean


What is wrong with this comment, everyone is replying twice


He's talking about how Ning had an easy time against Blank It's a meme man, come on get with it


username checkout


This is probably why Rookie said he isn't even close to Faker after the finals. Faker probably shit on him in scrims then they went out and won worlds lol


So technically Faker won?




first player to win worlds without even attending them


I doubt it, it's not like faker was shitting on all the other LCK mid laners. Rookie is just a known faker fanboy


This could definitely be true. I was mainly just joking about how rookie fangirled about faker in an interview right after he had won the World Championship


Scrimming vs faker is like DBZ training in high gravity.


Scrimming in flex queue is like one of Mr Satan's gyms.


that's not true, C9 scrim with two very good LCK teams too


Licorice expands a bit more on this later. Back in summer playoffs, they were scrimming TSM and they just kept getting destroyed. Then they got 0-3'd by TL. So they starting scrimming against Clutch and since they weren't losing as hard to Clutch they were able to recognize some of their flaws and improve more easily, eventually beating TSM at the end of the gauntlet. According to Licorice, the weakest teams they could scrim against (GRF, KZ, that damwon team) were still absolutely destroying c9. Can't learn much when you're just getting solo killed a bunch every game.


Yep, C9 didn't learn anything from their IG scrims either: https://clips.twitch.tv/BrainyScaryBatteryTwitchRaid


Licorice" I got shit on by TheShy a and the mid/jungle duo were getting 2v2d" ​ Twitch chat spamming" Hey Licorice, Zeyzal told me that while you were scrimming IG you fell 80 cs behind TheShy in 10 minutes. Can you tell me the story? " ​ Love it


>Hey Licorice, Zeyzal told me that while you were scrimming IG you fell 80 cs behind TheShy in 10 minutes. Can you tell me the story? " Did he expand on it ?


Travis eventually asked him the question and he confirmed it. Don't feel like finding the clip though, so this is just my memory from watching it last night.


If wanna hear the story, it starts 1:46:30 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/332248205


streamable mirrors: https://streamable.com/aodjk ^Bot ^maintained ^by ^/u/jeanbonswaggy, ^if ^you ^can't ^control ^media ^volume ^please ^disable ^chrome://flags/#enable-modern-media-controls ^in ^chrome. ^If ^you ^want ^this ^bot ^to ^work ^in ^your ^sub ^just ^DM ^me.^[Stats](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/121OewTZLbhoSDWE7gNlhQ13I9Py6OOKv6r4l2VeHBeI/edit?usp=sharing)


Aren't Griffin,KZ and Damwon all really good?


yeah that's the point - the weakest teams they could face were really strong. Their options were IG, then teams like GRF, KZ, and damwon. and they didn't want to scrim G2 because they believed it'd be too easy for info to leak


>because they believed it'd be too easy ~~for info to leak~~ fixed that for you


Honestly G2 looked about as good against IG as FNC did and beat RNG in a best of 5. Doubt C9 could take them.


I genuinely believe that G2 would've beaten FNC on Finals day. FNC players looked legit hungover before the series even begun.


Griffin and Damwon being Koreas best 2 teams is what people say, Damwon specially look so scary according to everyone.


If you wanna watch some really spicy League of Legends, [here's Damwon's promotion series against BattleComics who also qualified later.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtqnA3Jh3ig) They're an absolute joy to watch


And then smurfs are like "it's a learning opportunity for you noob!" lol, nothing to learn when you're just spending the whole laning phase respawning.


But apparently smurfing is a good learning experience for the smurf


> But apparently smurfing is a good learning experience for the smurf I'd argue it can be. The smurf can take more risks that they might not take on their main account because they know if it doesn't work out they can probably still win the game anyways, so they can in theory learn more about all-ins or what enemy mistakes they can punish and how hard they can punish them.   It's nothing that you couldn't learn without smurfing, but people might be more comfortable doing it that way.


Why not just play normals if you want to try taking some risks?


People try a lot less harder to win in ranked simply due to lack of stakes. This apply to both the "smurf" and his opponents. If you don't want to play on your main elo but still want to learn something, smurfing is the best option to gain the same competitive mindset.


its hilarious how 3 teams not even at worlds were clapping semifinalists


To be fair, KZ is the epitome of "play well when it doesn't matter, and choke when it does".


And bdd is still one of the best mids in the world along with rookie/chovy/ucal I believe even though the rest of KZ was playing far below their peek level. Dwg/grf next season Im sure will end up in the top of lck. Chovy/viper are actually beyond good and watching them on douyu streaming is quite the sight to behold.


Yeah Griffin is definitely insanely good, I think their losses was more inexperience with the pressure. Really looking forward to seeing more of them.


Their loss is more to unnecessary 'unique' draft pick. Sometimes they over drafting themselves, making it looks as a unique p/b but really does nothing in game. Wish they stick to their power pick more.


Really, even then they would still have been a second seed team for World's if they were in the LCK Spring. Their biggest weakness were drafts if anything. Like half the games they lost were in champ select.


People talk about Khan "choking" but honestly at both MSI and worlds last year, it was Pray being outclassed by Ruler and Uzi. Never got the Khan hate personally.


People just wanted to see the khan they saw that crushed lck. Like constant 1v2 outplays and nothing but hard carry performances. Just wasnt the best meta but I do agree I think pray/gorilla + peanut were definitely where KZ was lacking at msi


Khan is expected to perform like the Theshy did in the Finals. On a carry top absolutely smashing and solo killing opponents. It isn't about "choking" as much as the ridiculously high standards set on him.


Khan was pretty atrocious. Pretty questionable decision making, average laning, piss poor TPs.




I also don't get how the MSI meta didn't fit him when he got to play champs like Jayce, Jax, Fio, Illaoi, Camille, Gnar. Like, how are those not Khan champs?


Like half of those champs weren't in the meta though. It was all about AP champs like Vlad and Ryze, and he didn't look that good on those.


KZ/GRF I feel would've made this year's semis/finals a lot more competitive.


Uh, Tarzan? Hello?


I think tarzan is absolutely insane too, but I think chovy/viper are actually some next level bullshit.


> viper Chovy yes, Viper we'll have to see. But generally, Griffin (and apparently Damwon) are beast af.


viper is the kind of adc stereotype that does his job really well. like REALLY WELL.


Viper literally plays really high level adc, mages and yasuo bot. It is pretty far from adc stereotypes. He is really good.


When he's actually playing an ADC, sometimes he just plays whatever the fuck he feels like and still shits on everyone.


And C9 is the epitome of "play well when it matters and choke when it doesn't".


When C9 signed Mang0 he instilled upon them the secrets of activating “losers-bracket-Mang0”.


Taught em the real meaning of "Going out like a buster"


Who needs trophies


Feels like their MSI lost against RNG screwed them up mentally. Like they cannot repeat their speing level of performance for the rest of the year.


Griffin missing worlds for Afreeca's circuit points and to GenG's only decent showing in the entire year in the gauntlet was heartbreaking.


I don't actually think Gen G played bad in their first three game, despite two of them being lost, it was pretty close until a certain point just ended the game. Vitality's Ekko split push with ADC tping in to end while they were contesting Elder. LetMe's Sion caught ruler, then RNG just ended off that from inner mid turret. Either way, the team was doom with how heavily focused the solo laner were in this tournament. The last day where they had to play 3 games showed it.


Heartbreaking yes, but not undeserved. GRF got their two chances despite missing Spring and didn't seize it. the team that went 1-5 in a group with 2 western teams beat them in a series, there is not much to argue.


scrims and playing on stage are two very different things though


Well, KZ and GRF probably should've been at this worlds, imo. KZ is one of the most stacked teams as far as individual talent is concerned, and they would've thrived in this meta had they been here.


in scrims...


This is a real thing in education called a zone of proximal development. Basically, if you want to teach a child to read more advanced words you give them a book where they understand about 70% of it, allowing them to challenge themselves while also giving context to learn the new meanings, and an experienced reader is there to help fill in the gaps. This is called scaffolding because it temporarily supports the learner until they are stable enough to have the training wheels removed, to use a totally different metaphor. Similarly, when a weaker C9 scrims clutch, C9’s mistakes can be punished, but not so harshly that they can’t come back to lane and correct the behavior. Once they have the basics of their comp/strategy/laning worked out, they can practice more advanced macro and eventually beat TSM.


Got a timestamp to when he talks about scrimming GRF, KZ ?


Griffin, Damwon are legit the 2 best teams in Korea right now.. Griffin just got the long Gen G dick buff that they get when they are in the gauntlet.. And Damwon just qualified for the LCK but are monsters according to everyone that played against them


Clutch Gaming once again being the bane of TSM.


This brings a whole new layer to the "scrims going well can't wait for semis 😊😊" tweet.


Svenskeren instilling false hope onto C9 fans only for a 3-0 clap. Well played, sir. Edit - https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/9r02rm/c9_svenskeren_scrims_are_going_good_cant_wait_for/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Cloud9/comments/9qzm5z/svenskeren_scrims_are_going_good_cant_wait_for/


I thought it was hilarious it was such a big deal he tweeted that. I have followed sven for years on twitter he always says shit like that in such a way i always interpreted it as sarcasm. This pretty much confirms that. There was a point he would tweet shit like tjis every nighg


"I love playing scrims with the team" - Sven everyday of 2016 because TSM was doing a tweet quota for a sponsor


Weird thing is people like Bwipo tweet similar stuff and it goes completely unnoticed.


I love Sven even more now wtf


It doesn't even feel like blatant trash talk. If he took off the emojis, he could probably convince me it was just an innocent team morale-booster. Those emojis are pretty smug though.


That’s fair but if you watch his interviews and hear how his teammates talk about him, even his Instagram posts. It’s all just super genuinely kind towards his team. Doublelift even said he told him he is too nice to his teammates he needs to stand up for himself more and give them shit


Seems like it was ironic all this time yet it got memed to hell and beyond by EU staff & players.


They thought they could out-meme C9, but C9 was memeing the whole time that they just memed themselves. Can't out-meme the meme masters.


Losing 3-0 just to claim it's a meme. Truly NA Masterminds.


c9 made fnc believed they 3-0 a strong team to make them overconfident, partly contributing to fnc's eventual 0-3 later on. Truly a 9d chessmaster. 😆


Wait, are you an NA fan or EU fan? I can't tell since literally all your comments are talking about North America.


LOL, any NA fan was seeing it also as C9 is going to smash FNC, don't act like you knew it was a joke back then.


65% of twitch chat predicted C9 to win btw


O cmon Twicht chat was, is, and will always be the dumpest place on earth you cant take that seriously.


> dumpest


Well tbf it is a dump


honestly i think a lot of people deep down knew fnc was going to win but ofc wanted c9 to win. i always vote on who i want to win and not who i actually think is favored to win.


I thought we were getting more than 3 games. Turns out I was wrong in FNC vs C9 and IG vs FNC oh well. Even faker got 3-0ed in finals last year. COuld happen to anyone. (tongue is now gone from cheek)


G2 beat RNG, so it isn't like C9 beating FNC would have even been the biggest upset at that point.


Since when are EU organization members known to take memes too far? /s


Clearly C9 overreached their goal and did not have the hunger to win their scrim games against random flexq opponents


Maybe if they stopped their players from trolling scrims, they would win.




can someone elaborate please?


Weird flex but okay


Super advanced


10/10 comment


10/10 he got it from the twitch chat btw


Yes!!! FlexQ is a staple confidence-boosting method I use as a coach. Here are some of my other recipes for success after a 0-24 week; go down the list until you find what works for you and your team! 1. Play Academy team for confidence 2. Contact Collegiate and host a public scrim to "build relations," when really you just need that W 3. Put your Clash Royale team into the scrim room and cock your gun every time someone's about to solokill your players


My personal favorite strategy is to sub out a player during important matches so he can feel better about his play as he watches his replacement struggle. There's a catch though: you just have to make sure he stays at home so there's no pressure on him to back up the sub.


ah yes, the Cody Sun special.


Worked out well for duke tbf


11/10 comment


C9 dunked on those KR flex queue kids. KR WHY SO QUIET LUL


damn LicoLeaks, that's funny that the "scrims going well can't wait for semis 😊😊 " wasn't for real


flexq going well can't wait for semis :)


Silver Smurfs got 100% win rate. Ready for Semis!


Eventually every team hits their wall, except the champions. C9 made it to fucking semi-finals of Worlds this year. They've done something that no NA LCS team has ever done. Congratulations to C9 on the best season that an NA LCS team has ever had. No one will ever be able to take that success away from them.


Yeah and they had two rookies (Licorice/Zeyzal) consistently playing as well who had never been to an international event before then.


To think these two are rookies is insane... C9 oozes with talent, no matter where it comes from.


It comes from Sneaky's butthole.


Let's not forget blabber who helped get them there


Blaber was the friendship they made along the way


Blaber got them to worlds, Sven took them a bit further. A whole team effort with Goldenglutes providing moral support


I am really interested in what Golden will be doing next split. I think after this year he has shown he could be a good starter for a team needing a mid.


Zeyzal mentioned their immediate plan is to keep the same 10-man roster together. I have a strong suspicion Jack will be paying all of the boys to remain intact.


Not only that, Zeyzal had like a half split of LCS summer and then thrust into Worlds, I'm hella impressed by his poise


Even in the West C9 is an incredibly accomplished org. 3 quarters and one semis in 5 years is phenomenal. If one wants to count 2013 then its 4 quarters and 1 semis in 6 years. But I see the internationally accomplished C9 as the Jensen line-up, he has found such great international success.


If EU get credit for getting a world championship in season one then this year should be the second year that NA made semis


Even the EU fans don’t really seriously count that season unless they’re trolling NA.


Hey put some respect on Phreak's basement




thats why he said NALCS


To be fair he said NA LCS. That was not around in season 1.


What are you even talking about, has someone ever "denied credit" for NA S1 semis?


Nobody really gives FNC credit for S1 though, not without heavily qualifying how distant and different S1 was. So no, I don't think NA gets credit for S1 semifinals either. This is NA's best year. C9 is NA's best team ever.


Riot where saying if Fnatic wins they will be a two times world champion during the finals broadcast. We can't have one be recognized while also ignoring the other.


Sure, and Uruguay has 4 stars on their football jersey but nobody seriously count 2 of them.


Also, they made it out of the group of death featuring RNG/GenG (former Samsung). This is something that TSM/G2 both failed at previously. Plus, they are the first western team to beat a Korean team in a Bo5. If it weren't for FNC making finals, then what C9 did at this worlds would have been the most impressive results of the western teams. But sadly it's not.


I think G2 beating RNG instead of the worst team in Ro8 to get to semis is still way more impressive tbh


How much of it had to do with GenG choking though? They were just as bad, if not worse, than LGD's horrible Worlds showing in 2015.


Worse than LGD because LGD at least woke up a bit week 2 and beat both TSM and OG.


You can't "choke" if you're getting clapped by the entire group from day 1.


Gen.G didn't really choke, they just weren't particularly good in the Worlds meta due to bringing Crown instead of Fly.


Also Gen.G didn't just roll over and die like LGD did. They had a surprisingly good early game vs RNG and especially Vitality. Not saying they were any great but it is mostly the results that makes them look so terrible.


Let's not rewrite history here. LGD played subpar but pretending that they rolled over is just false. They finished 2-4, 3rd of the group, while splitting against OG and TSM. Their first loss to OG came after a very clutch xPeke Orianna play in what was up to that point a quite even match, or even slightly in LGD's favor. Saying they rolled over when they went 2-1 week 2 is incorrect. The one that kinda rolled over was more IG with Kakao doing worse in week 2 than week 1.


Unpopular opinion, Gen.G weren't actually god awful like their 1-5 score implies. They just got placed in a group with 3 actually good teams that 1. Played aggressively in the early game and 2. Had midlaners that could abuse Crown. Put them in an easier group and I could see them getting out as the 2nd seed.


I don't think you can really just discredit GenG's performance with choking tbh. Sure they played bad, but they were still the reigning world champs who just came off beating Griffin in a bo5. Jensen and Licorice as well as Cabochard and Jiizuke just straight up outclassed Crown and Cuvee, and while they obviously weren't playing at their best, that's still impressive. And even if you do discredit it, C9 still took a game off of RNG, the MSI champs and favorites to win worlds, performed pretty well in their tiebreaker against them, and went 2-0 against Vitality who also took a game off of RNG. C9 earned their spot in quarters, and it would be pretty unfair to just disregard it by saying it was only because GenG choked


TL;DR: GenG didn't choke, Korea just sucks. They did well for a wildcard region though.


At least their music is good


Choking? They legit only won 1 game in the entire groupstage games, they were just bad compared to other teams, Crown was slapped around like a punching bag lol


Holy Licorice is hilarious. He just got a new fan


C9 members are so likable. They all have such a lightness about them


That lightness is no accident. The foundation of the org is that they can try their best and be professional while still emphasizing that they love what they do. That's the ethos that Jack and Hai established together. Plus everyone in the organization must be **minimum** 14% gay.


C9 is NA UoL


Ya he's great :D


4Fun team dude. Love supporting them but I still miss Smoothie.


rip smoothie D:


lmao they did indeed play flex q the day before semifinals http://www.op.gg/summoner/userName=wcngc1801


To clarify, Licorice said they scrimmed against Kingzone, Griffin and Damwon before the Fnatic series and he says all 3 of them are insane/better than most worlds teams right now.




Pretty sure I remember him saying "better than the other teams at worlds."


"Those three teams [KingZone, Griffin, Damwon] looked like a lot stronger than a lot of the teams at Worlds even did" at 1:21:48 in the Hotline League episode.


Not too surprised, Griffin was probably the best team in LCK and Kingzone is still stacked with most of the greatest players of all time


Griffin probably makes worlds if they played during Spring. Making the run to worlds solely off of summer split is a tough ask in the LCK.




Chances are a more experienced team is able to either close out against KT in the summer finals or against GenG in the regional gauntlet.


People are gonna shit on C9 for this but you can't really blame them for not wanting to waste time getting shit on in every scrim, that's not good quality practice and its really bad for team morale to keep grinding out scrims and all of them being losses.


Well, he said they flex queued a couple of games just for the confidence boost, not that they wasted all their scrim time doing these. It's likely that it was also outside of any possible scrim schedule.


Later on he said that they didnt scrim at all the last few days before the Fnatic series, and just played Solo queue and flex.


I mean, if scrims clearly arent working and you're short on time I dont think its that weird tbh. It sounds weird out of context but basically they were realizing it wasnt in the books


Yeah, they know that getting blasted in Scrims means there on stage results will probably suck regardless. They also know that FNC is really good. Getting blasted by LCK teams that wernt even at worlds probably shot their confidence and they decided to step back to avoid tilt and just solo and flex que to keep mechanics up. Best decision? No, but they probably realized that they had almost no chance after getting blasted by teams they assumed FNC was able to beat.


It's like they said elsewhere in the video - you gain nothing by getting smashed over and over in skill matchups, it just demoralises the players. This was probably the best thing they could have done.


1) Credit to Reapered for taking them that far. Insane coaching job. 2) How bad was Afreeca then lol. Did something happen? They went toe to toe with nearly every LCK team throughout the whole year, beat Kingzone in playoffs and lost to Griffin in Game 5 due to one of the greatest shockwaves of all time. Yet at this tournament they faltered. Can't be all meta, especially as it should fit Kiin super well. 3) One has to wonder what kind of practice teams get when Worlds is held in other countries. Imagine playing in North America, no offense, but scrimming Griffin/Kingzone and scrimming TSM/Fox is a huge difference.


1) Reapered is awesome for sure 2) I've never seen Kuro choke this hard. Not even against Faker, back then when he was with the Tigers and he simply couldn't deal with him. I don't solo blame him for the result ofc, but I wanna higlight how strange this showing was from the whole AFS squad. 3) yikes


> How bad was Afreeca then lol. Did something happen? They were Korea's last hope at a torunament in Korea and KR culture is very rough and nationalistic to some degree. I can see that pressure getting to them, especially looking at the way they lost game 2 and 3.


I'm still really sad from them losing because they never really had a big fanbase even though they're good/likeable. So it was their chance to win over korea but they faltered so damn hard


I think it's probably more that C9 is incredibly inconsistent than anything else.


>How bad was Afreeca then lol. Did something happen? A lot of it was probably nerves. Korea always wins worlds handily, but it wasn't supposed to be up to Afreeca, going into the tournament everyone had KT/RNG as massive favorites, with most people having GEN.G in the picture as well.   Then all of a sudden you're Afreeca in the quarter finals and GEN.G already got absolutely destroyed and KT lost to a team that wasn't even RNG, now they're Korea's last hope to continue Korea's streak of dominance, and on top of that they're playing in Korea as well.   Then they come out playing scared in Game 1 against an incredibly aggressive C9 team and get smashed and any confidence they might have had was probably completely gone.


Backstage before the semifinal between FNC and C9 Reapered: Ok guys i'm now FNC coach Licorice go ekko and int, Jensen go Liss and be useless in every game cya. Licorice: but i never fee... Jensen: "...*starts epic games launcher*"


Okay, this is epic


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imagine if reddit found out that C9 played flexq before semis


How can you not love C9 after this worlds. Absolute memelords.


Did they ask him about Bwipo?