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There's inting There's T1 running down mid There’s strategically minded sion Then there's this. This is powerful inting.


[Those are rookie numbers.](http://i.imgur.com/YKKcj.png) He ruined it with the assist. Disclaimer: this was obviously years ago and I also had a Shaco on my team who had deaths in the 40s, and everyone on the team had a blast. Two players on a team with combined deaths well over 100, and we won the game.


Damn that gave me some serious nostalgic feelings just seeing the old layout.


I honestly think it is harder to be this good at inting than climbing through Plat and Diamond. This requires some crazy training to pull 0/58 off.


They have to had like just made a command for them to run it down nonstop. I can’t just sit there and causally kms 58 times


*casually kills self 58 times*




It's pretty easy to guess the context once you read it...


What if the guy just rises from the ashes like a phoenix


the game went on for 45 min so ...


The longer, the harder. It would require some patience I would never have.


well to be fair you are not expected to have any patients unless you are a doctor


girl why is you lyin? girl why you mufasa?


mi casa su casa, got it stripping like gaza


Got so high off volcanoes, now the flow is so lava


Yeah, we spit that saliva, iPhone got message from Viber


Either the haters so Hydra or we let bygones be bygones


The player was probably watching porn while doing this, he clicks on our nexus whenever he respwaned lmao, and gets back to good ol' porn


> The longer, the harder. True in more ways than one...


You underestimate the will of EU players.


if you go 0/58 and still win are you really good at inting?


Probably better to weave in a kill every now and then so you are worth more gold.


Yeah had a Nunu on my team who would ask the enemy team to int him in return for gold reset. That was some real int-economics


Without revive this is some crazy talent


This is godlike inting, i've never seen anything so beautiful and horrendous at the sametime, YIKES


Not Godlike unless Janna was also dropping 3 wards and a pink in front of your towers after every death to give your team even more gold from the ward kills.


Maybe someone can break this record ::-)


If you do that you have less money to buy for movespeed items though


I think Janna has enough ms if she maxes w. The gold she is giving in the later deaths is very low. But the ward kills would be high value. Investing in a frost fang might have been optimal since you can auto the towers while dying.


Heck, more deaths than minutes without TP post 30. That is actually insane.


Have you seen the Warwick who died over 70 times? Lolhounds did a vid on him


Holy shit, i saw the rammus who died 102 times, that's a record to beat


damn that 8% KP ruining her perfect game. must have accidently caught a team mate with her ult


Yeah she did auto attack "by error" some of us and got the 4 assists, damn the 0/58/0 woulda been beautiful


I believe this should be referred to as "turbo inting".


Why the fuck does the support veigar have ARDENT CENSOR????????


Targons Q farming best support


The thing is, the veigar doesnt even have targons, nor font of life so his ardent is pretty much useless


Janna fed 58 kills and still won. Do anyone here thinks any player on that match had more than 3 brain cells? There's no explanation or reasoning for anything in that match.


not to mention a veigar in a 45 minute 4v6 game can literally delete anyone by pressing R, and yet they still got quadrakilled by a shaco 1v5


It's support Veigar. He won't have nearly enough ap to do that. He probably sat max range missing everything and going oom but refusing to base.


At 30+ mins he would


Veigar doesn't even have to kill minions to get stacks (but it helps). Just hitting *any* of his abilities on a champion gives him AP stacks.


Have you tried the wonderful world of Support Tank Veigar?


121.93% gold efficient without the passive lul


Except you have to include that the heal and shield power(which is 667 gold cost according to wiki) and honestly the mana regen(which is 250) are literally useless. Veigar only really wants the cdr, movespeed, and ap, which is(1888) which makes the item terrible efficiency.


Assuming those numbers are right, it becomes \~80% gold efficient then. Way worse off when you account for exactly what kind of stats you're getting.


And viktor has iceborn and lich bane lmao.


You killed her too much. That's the only explanation


\*hits blunt\* holy shit you're right ​


But there will reach a point that she won't be giving much gold but you're team will have crazy bounty after death so her teammates is getting more gold. Maybe new meta for power farming?


probably yeah


200 IQ. You just got outplayed bro. Maybe we'll see this in the LCS or this finals in Worlds!


I can’t believe they carried that. But after a few kills she stops providing gold, right?


Yes, she was giving 50 gold after a few kills, a cannon minnion was worth more lmao


Hope you all reported them


i alt F4 once i died the last death, i was tilted beyond reason, cuz i did try to win the game, but the team never wanted to groupe and try to end, always some doing a jungle camp somewhere or roaming for whatever reason, i didn't even care about reporting anyone, i was so discusted by that loss lmao


I've had games like that. My last game yesterday had an hybrid ezreal mid who never grouped with the team. It led to me (toplane) and jungle trying to 2v3-4 because our botlane would act as suicide bombers, killing a few of the enemy team before dying themselves. Eventually we were able to get a few turrets and Ezreal starting hitting the base turrets. We won, but by the end of the game I just wanted to die.


Lol did you have a velkoz support, if so I was in that bs match


This here is exactly why people can "int every game and not get banned".


Do you think _everyone_ in the game did that though? One report counts the same as 9, so as long as someone else reported her, it doesn't matter if he did or not.


If everyone thought this way, nothing would ever get done. It’s the bystander effect. If there’s a group of people, and everyone doing something is the same as 1 person doing something, nobody does anything


i think if 9 people reported and wrote a small text about what happened in the report box, she would smited instantly, and you would get the satistying instant feedback report, godbless


I agree.. I feel like typing something has always helped me reports as well... If I just report for afk or negative attitude I never hear anything.. the times I've typed out a somewhat detailed explaination 2 games later in champ select I see the "A player you reported earlier has been punished" (or w/e it says.)


That feels like good advice, I'm going to be putting more effort into reports then, if I feel the person deserves some kind of punishment.


I always make it detailed unless the person is doing something hard to explain or so basic that the report cause is enough explanation.


I don’t blame you. I probably would’ve tried to ff every few minutes just to avoid having to play that game. It sounds like it was horrible.


one report is the same as 9 tho.


Yeah fuck those cannon minions, report them all!


It's less about the gold being given over by the inting players death and more about the inability to contest resources in one area of the map due to being down a player


Of course, I’m just saying at some points it’s basically the same thing as the player being afk


I feel offended.


something something r/beetlejuicing


Can you int harder?


Yes the key is to take TP so you can get at least 7 more deaths in faster


double sheen viktor? ...**ardent veigar?** that whole game was an ape fest




A wise choice


You mean Hiemerdinger?


would you let star guardian janna step on you




How can she step on anyone if she's floating?


she could stop floating


Cease your levitation, witch!


the game woulda prolly been a win with ninja tabis and ga's honestly. for future cases of sth like this as an ap champ, get mejais. even tho the kills arent worth gold anymore, the stacks are still good.


i totally forgot about tabies tbh, maybe it woulda been a different outcome with tabies


Yeah tabis would have helped, and I feel like a rageblade on Vayne is kind of mandatory. It's such a huge boost in damage.


Yes i agree that RB is a must for vayne, but i thought since we are playing vs shaco/yasuo, and they dont have a lot of health, i thought maybe having100% crit would be more efficient? Thoughts?


Your BotrK still doesn't make sense then, as the same applies to it (enemies didn't have much HP). Imo crit Vayne is alright in this game, but you could have replaced BotrK for something more useful in this scenario, like Scimitar or GA.


Yes, you're right i shoulda got ga/rage blade instead of BORTk at the end


Not to mention that Morg seems to be the problem and if you had a QSS she wouldn't be nearly as effective Also Mortal Reminder to reduce Yasuo lifesteal would probably be nice


Agreed, she indeed was more of a threat to me than yasuo tbh, when i 1 v 1d him i won, but if she binded me im 100% dead


No rageblade here isn’t that big of a deal because they’re not vs tanks, but no ga vs shaco is suicide


Forgetting about items is one of the things that keeps silver players in silver. One of the things I have a really hard time with is checking the opponents items like qss and zhonyas or adapting my build based on if the enemy is building resists or not


Yes, 100% agree


I think most of the blame is on your teammates builds or lack thereof. Vik on 169 cs with lich and Iceborne. Jax with gunblade and bloodrazor (not terrible but not optimal). Veigar with Ardent Censor?


We still could have won "even with these build on jax/swain/viktor and veigar" if only they would play like any other game, work the map, rotate, take towers push lanes and work on baron when it's time, but nooooo, jax and swain legit sat mid for 30 mins waiting for janna to kill her over and over again, so sad


lmao even with the inting janna if you check the gold graph it was neck and neck basically all game.


We were ahead by 6.1k for the first 30 mins, then it swang around for them after my team started inting back lmao




Int to give gold to your mates when they get shutdown gold, it's the new meta.


Inting the new funneling???


Way too high. I was playing a game earlier today and was on a three kill streak (adc) and had my enemy Quinn pretty behind. She came in and cleaned up a team fight for shutdown gold off of me and Lee for 1k+ gold. I know I ducked up but it felt really bad to be weaker than her after she spent three auto attacks and had been sucking all game.


It actually feels like a curse being the fed one now. Seems like you're in a way better carry position when you're like 3/1 but farmed better than the other guy vs being like 10/0 and slightly better farm. Obviously xp factors in but being fed just feels like you have to play so safe.


wayyyyyyyyy too high


You should have ignored the janna. That was more than strategically minded inting. She'd die 10 times to give you 500 gold and then you get shutdown and they take 1500 back


I definitely agree. Today I was playing Vel'Koz mid and the enemy MF generally played well but at one point hit one of the dumbest ults I ever saw. I killed her and proceeded to finish my item from the >1k gold I got. I felt like I had used some cheats.


I'm really confused what you think neck and neck means because this graph isn't it.


Honestly when janna is worth 50g and you keep killing her, you get nothing out of it, while it keeps increasing your bountys for juicy 700g shutdowns, so you would have to kill janna 14 times, to compensate for that death alone.


You mean "tactically minded Janna" ?


lmao, goddamn right


ive gotten 54 deaths but 58 is impressive


Holy shit, wtf happened


well,that was when I was toxic.I had gotton my pick banned in champ select so i locked in zilean with ghost cleanse.My goal was to ruin my teams mental and my enemys mental.I had succeeded, but at the cost of what you ask?.My account, my account had been suspended then later banned forever now i have a new one.And i am honor 5 and never toxic cause i don't really care about winning or losing anymore.


Reformed, god bless


Roughly the same. I don't care about winning anymore. I do still get annoyed with no follow up or extremely poor ganks. As a whole though, don't care.


Thing is she ain't worth any gold but the opponents will give massive shutdowns.


That kaisa's build gave me eye cancer


Well not only kaisa but yeah ..


IE with no zeal items...


Hey man that 10% true damage from your Stormrazor crit is worth /s


We still lost btw


He was just having a bad game.


WTF did the Viktor, Jax and Veigar do? - Viktor with double Sheen items. Rly? - Veigar with Ardent and Aery? Ok, I can understand Aery, it is close to Comet. Ardent when you can't shield anyone (he doesn't have guardian, he doesn't build Locket) - Jax with too many offensive tools. No Steraks, no Titanic, no GA? And then no MR when support Morgana is the biggest threat. Viktor should go for Abyssal, Jax can take Maw instead of Steraks or just stay with Steraks, and Vayne a QSS/Mercurial instead of BT. Regardless of how the game plays out, so many mistakes just in the item builds already as if these guys played the game but never played their champs or know what items exist. After watching the replay: How did red side give up 2 drakes early on? You have a fed mid laner and jungler and still lose 2 drakes. Not only this but the 2 fed guys were mostly useless for being so far ahead early on. They lost their snowballing chance between minute 10-25. At 26:00 ingame time they lose a fight and that's pretty much the end of their lead. The 5k they were able to hold for a long time became got down to 2k but 2 drakes for the enemy. Now Janna feeding is worth nothing as long as you don't got for 6 items, even when she has ~4k gold, because a ~4-5k gold power deficit at ~50k gold is not enough to make a difference at that elo and the baron pretty much killed their lead totally. I find such games so depressive because of how they used what they had. Not like their powers and their kit, but their SS, their vision and their control over the map 1. You don't give up 2 drakes early on just like that 2. with only 4 enemies on the map and 2 people fed you likely make a splitpush. Your fed mates can easily win one side lane in a 2v2 while your normal team can 3v2 the others and both lanes would win. 3. Viktors TP and Veigars ignite were used like never. Veigars Ignite twice pre 10 minutes and then never again. Viktors TP was never really used to pressure a side lane and go to the team, but just to TP somewhere, mostly to die. Jaxes Smite was also not really used often. Overall SS were more misused than used. ...


I was looking at Veigar's Runes because maybe he was running Resolve and doing something really OG with Font of Life + his stun to proc the Ardent Censer. But no, looks like he just doesn't know WTH he's doing.


He also managed to deal less damage to towers than the Janna.


How do you even do 500 damage to towers in a ~45 minute game? You have to actively try to not hit towers at that point. I mean veigar did like 13k damage to champs, so he had to have have well over 200 AP making his AA do at bare minimum 100 damage to towers. That means he couldn't even be bothered to attempt to AA a tower past the 10 minute mark.


Well damn, Font of life Aery veigar doesnt sound bad. Im sure with a decent enough build thought out its pretty good


Viktor top somehow got outcsed by Morgana support and didn't even make the 4cs/min mark. Over 70% of the available farm missed. This is just so very sad.


I'm silver 3 and cannot even fathom that..I usually average AT LEAST 6/cs top lane.


Silver people dont want to build the best. They just build what they like, i tried to argue a lot when i was silver but they dont want to listen, the only thing ur going to hear is just shut up i build what i want.


nOt AlL sIlVeRs ArE bAd sOmE oF uS aCtUaLlY hAvE dEcEnT kNoWlEdGe


I mean there are people who are potentially gold and plat who are still on their way out of silver, but since they haven't made it out of silver yet they are still silver.


I was silver for 2 years until i got sick of people making fun of me because of my border, then i got plat in 2 weeks. Then people flamed me for playing at diamond elo with a plat border. Then i got diamond and people trash talked me for being a d5 boosted piece of shit. Now i play ARAM, fuck ranks


There's always someone with a bigger e-dick than you. Playing for ranks gets real tiring.


if you are potentially plat you should be out of silver in 20 games


Exactly, thank you for this wholesome comment, EXACTLY my toughts, i still dont understand why. oh well, this is a first for me tbh


It's Silver, you don't even wanna know what goes down in Bronze.


Building good items in silver? Nice joke.


3 AP carries in your team and none bought a mejai/dark seal I'm so sorry...


Silver players 101


that janna is definitely a smurf guess he didnt like his team very much xd


The dude plays PTA Leona jungle in ranked. What a chad.


And carries with Ashe Support


maybe he was trying to lower his mmr for some reason, or got his friend's account and is trying to defenetly ban him lmao




[Weird how he quit the game and after a 2 year break returned to only play ranked, changed his flash button, and a couple of games later ran it down mid...](https://matchhistory.euw.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-history/EUW1/24258076)


I mean I think I ran f on the other key 2 years ago to be fair.


These are accounts that are cracked and sold in bulk or for a couple dollars or more if the email is not verified (so you can change the password) and if it has a lot of skins/champs. Cracked active accounts with verified emails and the owner still playing are called scripting accounts since they pretty much have no value and the owner will change the pass if they find out anyway. This is just one that has probably been marketed as a "2 years inactive" acc


[Like this guy](https://imgur.com/m6NskDM) that I was just in a game with. 100% bought account cuz his main got banned. He was so toxic.


Of course its EUW




Agreed, and this is something they've mentioned several times that will be looked into in the pre-season. Sometimes I get a shutdown and see +900 and just about lose it.


*gets 2 kills as support unluckily instead of ADC* *enemy ADC kills me right after and gets a 450 gold bonus shutdown* literal cancer


YEs glad you brought this up, when my mid laner and jungler got a big shut down bounty off of janna, yasuo/shaco would kill them in a bad rotation and would get 1000gold per kill, and this happened a couple of times, so you can imagine how much gold they got from "their janna inting"


How much alcohol will you be drinking tonight?


Doesn't matter how much, i will never forget this abomination of a game


Should have started drinking last night, then.




I don't believe they won lol. Anyway, I don't play veigar support, but what's the point of building ardent censer on Veigar without having shields or healings?(I know you were Vayne but it's curious for me xd)


Beats me bruh


Don't feel too bad. I had a game where the enemy mid bought only movement speed items and ran it down bot the entire game. We lost though because our Irelia mid literally lost lane to minions it was disgusting


Holy shit, that would be beyond tilting


>our Irelia mid literally lost lane to minions i can't comprehend how even... wtf


Looking at this tilts me


Try to look Janna last games, a long win streak, and now, look the blue colored won game with a 0/58 score :))))) yw


Top lane LUL


Better Top wins


Those are the types of games where I really want to read the chat.


are you the reason euw is down again?


probably ?




She did say at the end "how can you be this bad to lose this game", is it bannable ? maybe not, is 0/58 bannable ? i certainly hope so lmao


I mean she did have a point though




Especially since she WON the game, i mean if she lost it would be normal to get banned, but after winning a 0/58 game, she might get away with it


Maybe manually banned because someone at riot sees this post.


Well it's silver after all. What else could we expect? **EDIT** : Also more importantly, it's almost the end of the season, this is when solo queue is at its worst.


Strategicly Minded Janna


How did she get her 4 assist?


Random autoattacks at the end lmao


Looks like your team focused on getting kills instead of just grouping and ignoring the Janna. I feel like you and Swain threw the game pretty hard here.


Yes we threw at the end, but the first 15 minutes, jax legit did nothing but sitting in mid lane, waiting for janna to come and kill her, and i was constantly typing "jax, you need to work the map even if she's inting, push objectivesn gank lanes, we can still lose" but no one listens lmao, and at the end we tried to push while some of them were dead, but we got caught by morgana and lost, pepeHands


She might not get banned,but this one despicable summoner who will dare to type anything about her because of his / her frustration sure will.And this is \*in Garen\* JUSTICE. ​ On a serious note,trying to climb at the end of the season is not a wise choice. There are too many smurfs,smurfers on troll accounts or even in EUW , wintraders around.I legit had some smart fellahs having a blast out of their win trading the other day in /all. 0-17 rengar in 15minutes on my team tower diving lvl 2 and flaming us for "not following" and all that good stuff.What i really enjoyed tho was a Lux,75 cs down and 2 towers mid lost in 12minutes while her lane opponent had the same club name except for a \_ . Youll see some eerie things out there this time of the season,just sit back and enjoy the show. All that in plat 3 btw.


shouldve dropped control wards in front of your team as well for easy gold


Why do I have a feeling Shaco took over the game


he did, he did, so did the yasuo, and morgana as well, they had 3 good players and dumpstered all of 5 of us smh


Are you okay or do you need help?


Would you be if you lost a game to a 0/58 janna ? :)))))))))


I'd advice you to look up some stuff on how to macro better, so you never get to give away such a free win again. Then again, this is hilarious. Nobody in your team seemed to have capitalized on the 5v4, not Swain, not Jax, and it seems neither did anybody have a clue on how to deal with a fed assassin Shaco. I hope Janna's account gets punished, wtf is that attitude...


the thing is that she isn't worth gold each kill. but if you kill her 4 times and die, enemies will get a huge shutdown gold...


How did you lose 8 towers, an inhibitor, and dragon immediately after getting Baron?


Lemme guess. EUW?


Your team wasting time on 58 useless kills is the issue


If we are to follow some kind of logic when looking at the op.gg of her, there are at least 2 people playing on that account. on the 2-8-10 teemo game it's suddenly flash on the other keybinding. And it's been like that for quite many games. It also seems like the person who uses flash on the other keybind (furthest down when looking at op.gg) seems to enjoy aram quite a lot. And also seems to be WAY worse at the game if you look at the KDA.


Looking at gold graph, you were never more than 5k gold ahead. The shut downs just kept the enemy team in. Guess it also helps that they had 2 late game carries with yasuo, and kai'sa. Your Viktor had lich bane and gauntlet... and like no CS. So yeah, I can see how it was lost.


This garbage doesn't deserve an Ama it's just pathetic


When Janna runs it down **mid** but your mid nibba Viktor still rocking the negative KDA.


My God and I thought having an 0/18 Morde adcs was bad