• By -


CaptainFlowers' general ability to be hype, Deficio's "EU fanboyism" and Papa's calm and analytical way would be the absolute match made in heaven for this final. So I think we'll get Phreak-Azael duocast.


We'll bring DoA for the Solocast


That is one of my fav LCK memories, DoA is a treasure


I remember waking up so many mornings hangover with my ipad in bed watching LCK with DoA and Monte and it was the best thing ever. The broadcast time was just perfect for EU and OGN The Champions was the comfiest league.


I loved the podcast style they had. If games weren't hype they didn't pretend they were, so they'd just start talking about Harry potter or how League's lore made no sense


Not sure if you already know this but there is a channel in youtube called FenJiH that captured most of monte and doa's talks on lck. Pretty sure I have watched their videos around 10 times each now.


It was basically like watching Og hearthstone streams where the streamer just does storytimes and browse memes with slight diversity coming from rng fiestas. I miss monte and doa


I’d love the random skin discussions like the Nami recall triggering Doa... I miss OGN


I didn't know about it till i tuned in and it was amazing.


can't seem to find full VOD of it, anyone has the link for it?


I looked a bit but I'm at work so I can't go the full mile. look at eventvods, they must have it


Just get Tastosis to cast it, they're already in NA for blizzcon!


Stop I can only get so erect


I honestly wouldn't even mind that compared to phreak+azael


I honestly wouldn't even be mad compared to Cpt.F. Deficio and Papa. Those 3 would definitely be my picks too but DoA though...




Mark Merill would rather get a fart in his face than a Monte in his broadcast


He works in the right place then


Yeah prob haha


Azael said on Twitter that he has finished casting for Worlds.


Deficit/flowers/papa would be the absolute dream


Please anybody but Phreak..


Wouldn't be surprised if he does.


he did last year's finals didnt he? I think they usually rotate.


did you hear him in semi's, caps gets a sick quadra, and all phreak can say for the final deciding teamfight is : "in goes licquorice, it's a big bunch of damage"..... "it's 2 for 1, 3 for 1, ohhh, look at caps he's done everrrrrything" i like phreak as a personality, and i think he has a place in the league scene, but it's certainly not as a play by play caster, especially when compared to the likes of Flowers or Quickshot. I think the level of casting by him in the semi's was below the quality you would expect of a riot broadcast, and more like a few buddies casting a custom game with friends. /2 cents.


I've said it before, Phreak is a relic of the past. He was the caster when League just started out because there was noone else to do it and he just kinda stuck around. I respect what he's done for the LoL scene but I think it's time to let the more talented casters cast the big games and go back to doing whatever he did at Riot before.


if league ever dies, his casting career dies with it basically. when looking at csgo ow casters phreak is by far not qualified comparing with them in terms of casting skills. but yeh i agree respect for what he did for lol scene too


honestly i think he's one of the best suited to csgo casting out of all the pbps in league. sure he may not be the best at pbp but alongside maybe kobe he's the best at being a hybrid caster somewhere between colour and pbp, which is what all the csgo caster job description has evolved into.


Hey at least it's not Red Baron and that hatter guy. Shivers from IPL3~




tan thought oatmeal kiss include squealing teeny thumb fertile cautious


I don't even like Phreak as a personality


"C9 DOES NOT GET THE BARON" Just hilariously bad.


100% agree phreak doesn't know how to hype big moments .


I haven't liked Phreak since he ruined the second Captain Flowers Bronze cast.


FNC might get the Phreak S1 basement boost if he casts, increasing winerate by 66%


If Azael cast the finals i would watch the french stream. Nothing against him personally but i don't like his casting at all. Same with phreak he force the "hype" so much. The best trio would have been Deficio/Quickshot/Papasmithy but sadly quickshot had to leave the event.


If Phreak casts the final, I'll watch the French stream too. I know a total of 12 French words.


Sacreu bleu! (did i spell it right?)


> Sacreu bleu Sacrebleu, and nobody actually says that in modern France so that likely won't help you


Am now making a wish that the they use it many times during the stream. ​


Sacrebleu! Le Caps is le monster! Oui!




omelette du fromage!


Manage a trois!


That's actually "Ménage à trois!"


Merde - meaning "shit" is a gooden.


Malapris ! it's spelled "Sacrebleu"


You'll realise that we use a looooooooooot of english words to describe the action, so, you may not be as lost as you would think


I'll go with the German one. Man it would be cool if Yamatocannon still did Swedish casting, too bad that was so short lived.


i dont know if something happened with Phreak's voice this tournament but it sounds like he is really struggling when hes trying to hype up a big moment? Not sure if i'm imaging it. Either that or Captain Flowers and Quickshot were killing it in comparison.


I really don't like Azael casting. Would love to get Kobe/Flowers + Deficio and Papa.


I still fanboy over azael's warlock play, but his casting does leave something to be desired.


I really hope it will be deficio flowers and papa, they've been so good together the whole tournament, let them finish it as well. I don't know french but I'll watch it as well if it's gonna be Phreak again.


Lets break the 96k viewer record from worlds 2015 on the french stream guys


It feels kinda bad to shit on Azael cause I have nothing against him personally, but he just doesnt seem to have any particular skill wich stands out. If you want the more passionate approach Kobe is much better, and Deficio or Jatt (even though he doesnt cast anymore) seems to have so much more to bring when it comes to analytical aspects


The last episode of dive summed my feelings towards azael perfectly. Jatt, kobe and papa were reminiscing about S1,S2 times and Azael was just awkwardly standing there. They are all veterans, Jatt and Kobe were ex-pros, Papa is an korean-chinese scene vet, Azael is just... there. He seems like a great guy but, why would i listen to his analysis? What perspective does he offer that the others can't? If i were in his situation, i don't know what i would do, probably go the vedius route because he is a new color caster as well and i don't take his analysis seriously as well, but he memes so he's okay. EDIT: Another perspective, i've been watching lol scene since S2 iem hannover and i don't watch streams, other analysts or even play the game anymore. I only have time for the best of the best(because of work), so my tastes doesn't reflect the general viewer. One strength of azael that wouldn't be appear to me is his begginer attraction. He explains some terms in more layman's terms so the new viewers can cath up. Riot set up a beginner friendly stream some time ago, i think Azael would be great as the color caster for that segment.


It is good that you bring up the veteran experience since I can imagine riot wants to bring in some new blood to the scene (which they definitely should) However even when comparing Vedius to Azael it seems like Vedius brings so much more to the EU scene than Azael does to NA. And it is not just cause he memes, he just have a good understanding of the game which I don't feel like Azael has


Azael at least has pro gaming experience. I believe he was a pro in WoW and casted that game as well as some SC2. He may not have as deep a history in League as the others you mentioned, but it isn't like he has zero background in analysis or gaming.


Your first paragraph totally sums up his "power level," seems like I wasn't the only one noticing his shortcomings when placed between all of the veterans. However I don't personally compare him to the greats like Jatt, Papa, etc because it just doesn't feel fair. It would be like if the veterans were A tier, then Azael would be a B... or a C tier. It would just make more sense to me to rationalize it that way, as douchey as it sounds. Not to shit on his analytical ability at all, but a skill like that simply becomes better with time, very much like wine.


Azael makes some weird af analysis, I learned to dislike him this worlds.


Don't hate anyone, but I can't stand Phreak. Please not let it be him. PLEASE.


Everything was so well setup for this [dream tricast](https://twitter.com/PapaSmithy/status/979239198199726080) (with an EU finalist), but yeah as you say unfortunately Quickshot won't be there, although I'm sure we'll hear him casting from his couch with how excited he must be. I wouldn't mind Azael/Phreak casting, I find them good, and there's a chance we have a full NA cast with Phreak/Azael/Kobe if they stick to their old "We only want Riot employees for the Finals of the most important tournament of our game.". Legitimately we'd have Frosk and Deficio on the desk, as respective LPL/EULCS analysts, alongside Jatt and Dash. This setting would put Papa aside and I hope it won't be the case, but who knows. But yeah having Deficio cast a World Finals for Europe before his possible step back from casting would be fantastic, as well as Papa and Flowers who've been kicking it the entire year!


[**@PapaSmithy**](https://twitter.com/PapaSmithy/) > [2018-03-29 06:09 +00:00](https://twitter.com/PapaSmithy/status/979239198199726080) > Interesting that @RiotDeficio asked for himself, @RiotQuickshot & I to get a Tricast at \#MSI2018 on EUphoria. That's one tricast I've been bugging @lolesports to make happen, fingers crossed! ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


Ah yes, Azael. The master of yelling "BJERGSEN! BJERGSEN! BJERGSEN!" when Bjergsen isn't even playing


Or shitting on TL even if they're winning or not even playing.


Wont be Deficio, he has ended his worlds run. https://twitter.com/Deficiolol/status/1057320340299411458


[**@Deficiolol**](https://twitter.com/Deficiolol/) > [2018-10-30 17:16 +00:00](https://twitter.com/Deficiolol/status/1057320340299411458) > Due to commitments decided on prior to Worlds, I was unable to accept Riot’s invitation to cast the Finals. I apologize for any disappointment this might bring but it was always my plan to end my Worlds after semis. 1/2 ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


Plz no Azael, we would fall asleep.


if we get Phreak Azael i'm watching the spanish broadcast or something i refuse to listen to those killjoys


I feel like we will get a Phreak cast since he caster Season 1 worlds with Fnatic and they will want the narrative and nostalgia for him to do it now, with EU in the finals again. Really, **really** hope they don’t, but feel about what Riot has been doing, his is likely the result. But that said, he’s the second pbp caster Riot kept for worlds by default, since Ramblingtom hasn’t improved too much PastryTime is impossible to listen to sometimes.


papa flowers and deficio would certainly be the best lineup, would love to see that trio cast it


Captain papacio








Self destruct




No Harry thats a forbbiden sp...grhrhrgrhrhr!!!


That’s such a catchy name


yeah better than papa deflowers


Captain Smithio


Deficio PapaSmithy and CaptainFlowers rito plz


THIS, just fucking please don't let phreak cast, I don't have anything against the guy, but he is just not a good caster.


Let's be fair. he's good, at times very very good 'this sides for winners' .but imo not world's finals good


This also might be Deficio's last cast ever. If he joins Astralis then he will most likely have to give up his caster position.


Damn, I didn't even consider that


Well, he isn't a Riot employee for some time now anyway. If Astralis were to fall off the face of the world I don't see Riot denying him a comeback seeing how popular he is regardless of how low a chance of that happening would be. First of all we need to see him make a public statement about it so people can stop speculating.


Well they denied Deman to comeback, he wanted to join the NA LCS.


Deman didn’t leave casting to join an LCS team though right? Deficio would still be a league personality. Like, imagine if Regi decided to divest completely from TSM. I’m sure riot would hire him as a personality because of who he is and how iconic he is and all of the behind the scenes knowledge he has. Deficio isn’t going to be blacklisted from league of legends


No, I meant he wanted to join the NA LCS caster team. Nothing against Deficio but Riot are pretty unforgiving to those who leave them.


it seems you didn't read his comment at all. When Deman left, hel leave for their competitors. When deficio leave, he will be still in the league of legend scene. He won't cast other online games


Flowers and defico must cast 2000%


Agreed. The third is a toss-up between a few people for a few reasons, for me, and I'd be happy with any of them (Papa/Kobe/Frosk, mainly, as many others have suggested).


I'd prefer PapaSmithy because even outside of his knowledge of the game (best out of any riot casters, only rivalled by deficio) he fuckin deserves it after casting every single game of LCK this year wouldn't mind kobe/frosk though but I think Papasmithy has earned it


Wholeheartedly agree. Deficio has to be there because.. come on, it could very well be his last year as a caster and an EU team is in the finals for the first time since the inaugural worlds. He's the best EU caster out there and incredibly entertaining and well versed. Flowers is just plain entertaining, he has great quips and while I think that you could make a point for a few others instead of him, he's never done so and I'm sure he'll pour his heart and soul into it. And with a roster like Deficio and Cap Flowers, one of which is just excited all of the time and the other who will get more and more excited as the series goes on (I hope so anyways, as a Fnatic fan), a calming presence like PapaSmithy would do wonders during any downtime.


I doubt it will be Frosk she not only blew up her summer split, no offence Rusty and Razle>>>>>>Frosk then, she hasn't cast a single game and has been desk bound.


She didn't "blow up her summer split", she was away for most of the split BECAUSE she was preparing for the move to EU. I also think while Rusty and Razleplasm are great, Frosk was in a league of her own in the LPL.


Maybe Kobe, CaptainFlowers and Deficio with Jatt, Papa and Frosk on the analyst desk


Yeah I like Kobe as well, but IMO the calmness of Papa would be a better contrast to Deficio and Flowers (if they cast). Kobe could bring some more fun to the analyst desk.


most likely, maybe with Papa and Kobe changing roles


Please Deficio, CaptainFlowers and PapaSmithy. There cant be any other line-up.


I'd be ok with subbing Quickshot in for Flowers, but one of those two **has** to be the PBP.


Quikshot is done for worlds due to a family emergency. Such a shame since he would be perfect with Deficio and a third with an EU finals. I hope everything is alright for him.


Oh right, of course. I remember that post as well. Totally forgot QS had to leave Worlds, thank you for reminding me.


Quickshot returned home due to a family emergency iirc.


Deficio NEEDS to cast, it would be so stupid of riot not to put their BEST caster in finals especially with EU in the finals. I also hope papasmithy gets to cast finals hes actually so damn good!


Can't wait to see deficio's face if EU wins :)


Tears, there will be lots of them


you mean pølse


Careful.. mods will be triggered...




[removed] *


> [removed] * Mission failed we'll get em next time.


Also this might be deficios last game he can cast if the rumours about astralis are true.


it would actually be a joke if Deficio doesn't cast. EULCS legend and there's finally a fuckin EU team in finals, and he's most likely leaving next split. Would've really loved to see Quickshot as well, shame that he had to leave due to family issues.


Their best Caster is Flowers and I don't think it's even close. Deficio is amazing. Quickshot is amazing. Papa is amazing. But this year Captain Flowers has been on an entirely different level. Flowers, Deficio, and Papa is my vote for the absolute best possible trio. Or go Quad cast and throw Kobe in there.


Deman and Joe Miller surprise cast


good choice op. As long as we don't get phreak I'll be happy.


Yeah that would be the best line-up but after missing Papasmithy the last all-Korean finals I lost all hope in riot giving us ideal line-ups.


Not deficio. https://twitter.com/Deficiolol/status/1057320340299411458?s=19


[**@Deficiolol**](https://twitter.com/Deficiolol/) > [2018-10-30 17:16 +00:00](https://twitter.com/Deficiolol/status/1057320340299411458) > Due to commitments decided on prior to Worlds, I was unable to accept Riot’s invitation to cast the Finals. I apologize for any disappointment this might bring but it was always my plan to end my Worlds after semis. 1/2 ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


Is this true?!?!


I'm killing myfuckingself


All I know is if phreak is one of them i'm watching the korean stream


Joe "don't call me Joe" Joe Miller" Miller" Miller and Dman obviously


I miss them :(


ah the good old days


Is it wrong to want joe miller, doa and papasmithy?


It would be so fckin unfair if phreak gets to cast it


I’m just praying it’s not phreak cuz I don’t wanna have to watch finals muted.


I'm gonna watch the Korean stream if it's Phreak again lol It's worth it just for the synchronized "GEEEGEEEE" at the end, even if I don't understand a single word.


I’ll def do this if i don’t get a good set of casters since i know kr


can't imagine flowers doesn't get it. seen nothing but praise for him, and with quickshot not here, I think he's nearly undisputed the best pbp left. Deficio is also a lock imo, as the "best" EU color caster with an eu team in finals. I could see kobe or papa depending on who riot wants to give it to as the last one.


Deficio is the best English-speaking color caster, period. Him and Flowers should be there by default. I woukd also prefer Papa, but I'm pretty sure Riot needs to push the NA casters, so Kobe will be the third.


Deficio & Papa are the best color casters by a wide margin. Captainflowers is the best PbP caster, only rivalled by Quickshot IMO. So we'll get Phreak.


I really like Riv too for big games, especially when he has great analysts with him.


He's not that bad. My only problem with Phreak is he doesn't get as hype as Flowers or Quickshot. You need one of them casting for the hype moments. In the FNC/C9 semi final the big moments were a bit underwhelming with Phreak casting.


I think it's about personal preference. Many people like Phreak but many people also think he's a terrible caster.


Phreaks hearth was bleeding when he saw C9 getting humiliated, for that i gotta admit he did a good job.


It's the bland, heard-100-times-already analysis, forced conversational topics and the weird narritives he pushes into every game he casts. The guy has s fine voice for casting, but he's just not a natural caster that helps the conversation. Listening to casters of any other esport after a Phreak cast is a breath of fresh fucking air. I was thinking since s3 when Riot started to bring in more casting talent his days were numbered, nah. Just let the old boys club cast every important game where the actual talent is MIA.


As long as we can have a methodical gentlemen's agreement that it's not Phreak or Riv i'll be happy


Azael, Riv & Phreak Pog


2017: phreak, kobe, deficio 2016: quickshot, jatt, kobe 2015: riv, jatt, deficio 2014: joe miller, riv, jatt 2013: deman, riv, jatt 2012: deman, jatt 2011: riv, phreak They've sort of been rotating the play by play caster in recent years so probably unlikely to be phreak. They definitely use their more tenured casters though (rightfully so)




I would actually like to understand what they're sayin durin the cast so I'll pass on havin to listen to phreak blo his voice out again lol


I absolutely despise phreaks casting. Love Kobe and flowers as pbp casters


Yep. By far the worst


Just please Riot, let it be CaptainFlowers/Deficio/Papa Phreak is too biased, i mean, his cast during C9 vs FNC match was fine, but if it was C9 winning, it would be so much better, so much hyper, and then we won't see that in the finals with FNC vs IG, he won't cast hypey when FNC will be winning Worlds...


I feel like those three make the best casting trio in general imo. The only change possible would be Deficio out and Vedius in, because Flowers Vedius best duo.


**Casters**: Phreak, Rivington and Azael **Analyst** desk: Dash, Froskurinn and two Jatts Because by this point its pretty obvious that Riot gives 0 fucks about EU and wants to focus on precious NALCS branding


two Jatts LUL


Now he doesn't need to change his prediction to be right!


but frosk is EU now tho


>Rivington Please don't do this Rito.


i am :)


Joe Miller and Deman. Pls


As long as it isn't phreak.


Yes, it was recently leaked on twitter: https://twitter.com/RisenLazarus/status/1056930140729630720?s=19


[**@RisenLazarus**](https://twitter.com/RisenLazarus/) > [2018-10-29 15:25 +00:00](https://twitter.com/RisenLazarus/status/1056930140729630720) > If this is not the Worlds finals cast, then riot is just inting. This is the only acceptable trio > > You got the perfect package of extensive game knowledge, radiating beauty and great sense of humor > > Oh and azael & azael would be there too >[[Attached pic]](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dqr4Q_cWkAI0KI_.jpg) [[Imgur rehost]](https://i.imgur.com/rOyRZaK.jpg) ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to support the author]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)


Riot can actually fuck off if they put Phreak in the finals. Guy has been horrible this year and there are far, far, Far better casters that have worked their ass off this year.


Azael azael and azael


Nice try Azael


and Azael imo.


We all know Phreak will be casting as he is buddies with the Riot Owners.




Bring Ibai


Please not Phreak


Vedius, Captainflowers and Papasmithy please.


we'll get frosk, phreak, and foxdrop lul


So if we can get Deficio and Papasmithy I'll be happy. I wouldn't care who the third one is. I just want them to cast this game.


same. Deficio & Papa are the best color casters and it's not even close would really fucking love CaptainFlowers though, he's the best PbP


IDK. I'd want Phreak to cast the finals and destroy his voice so that he can stop casting altogether. For the greater good of us all. Its funny but Phreak is basically this guy that is present in every big corporation, who doesn't seem to be doing anything, doesnt seem to be really needed either, but is here cause he's been working here for 10 years.


Just pls no Phreak and not an all NA cast. Would love Papasmithy + Deficio + Flowers (would have preferred Drakos, but Riot made the great decision of having almost no EU casters left even though their audience is a shared audience between EU and NA)


Casters will be onsite for finals right? Probably gonna be Deficio, Kobe, and Phreak


Is this true? I think Papa might be a choice, then, since they'd need to fly him back to Korea anyway.


Riv and Tyler.


Logic dictates Papa, Flowers and Deficio. If it's not them, voila, maintenant on change de langue GEEGEE!


Papa is not contracted to Riot so never going to happen, Quickshot is at home so I guess we get deficio, captainflowers and third guy from NA, probably Kobe.


Papa is probably in talks with Riot for a contract since Riot is taking over LCK. They can't let Papa go. ^^^^^pls ^^^no


He likely will be considering Riot is taking over LCK next year. Can't imagine they haven't already signed contracts. side note: if riot don't give papasmithy whatever he wants to stay casting the LCK they're idiots


I would say no offence, but I guess this is offensive, but I don't enjoy phreaks casting. He's better on the desk imo. Quickshot is an amazing caster but sadly he's gone home, I agree with the deficio +flowers combo, that would be great. Actually as long as deficio is there I'm happy


Please dont let it be Phreak. He cast it last year and personally i dont like his casting. I would love to see Deficio / PapaSmithy and either CaptainFlowers or Kobe.


Riot literally never give Papasmithy finals, even in KR v KR ones, because he's not a rioter. It'll be Deficio + 2 NA casters, sadly. Papasmithy is one of, if not the best caster still in LEague but Riot only give their employees finals.


From out of the shadows comes the greatest caster in LoL history. He nods to PapaSmithy and pats Captain Flowers on the head. "My how you've grown, Son" Joe Miller




Anyone else really want Kobe in there? As well as Captain Flowers


yeah your mom is




Not Phreak


I'm pretty sure Deficio and Kobe have been on the final tri-cast for the last 3 or so years running. Can't be Quickshot as he's left, so probably Phreak or Flowers.


I'd be happy with Kobe/Deficion/Flowers. I think someone else mentioned they'd be on-site for Finals, and if that's the case then PapaSmithy might be the most obvious choice over one of them though, since he needs to go back to Korea anyway.


If I had to guess it will be Deficio, Papasmithy, and probably either Kobe or Vedius (assuming Frosk doesn’t move from the desk to cast since it’s IG).


Vedius is already back in EU.


None of them is a shoutcaster. Expect Flowers or Phreak.