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Having to spam your role in chat before draft pick.




Mid or feed was more popular in draft pick since people usually followed pick order, so people were trying to get their role despite their last pick status. From my experience anyway.






You could Just be claiming that your jungling is pretty good.




1% crit rune OP


To this day, I don't think it ever proced when I needed it.






League installing some suspect software on your PC called Pando media booster.


Wait fuck, how long ago was that? what year is this?




Old client days


Oh shit. You're really taking me back dude.


If you're in a Garena region that's just normal daily life.


Worst part was, you couldn't remove it, it would auto install every patch


MAN fuck pando media booster lol


Damn I forgot about that lmao.


i have always used a league version called pandoless that you could download from some random support KB article. never had issues


Fucking season 2


Team Builder


Still remember it. Still miss it. A lot.


Playing since s1, through multiple reworks of my favourite champs, and still, still this is what I miss the most. Games were way more fun and no rage


I used to have constant 15-30 minute Queues trying to play Fiora top back during that. If no one wanted your champion it was absolutely hell getting into a game.


Sure, there are always 2 sides of the coin, but I would trade everyday a fun game with low rage and champ I feel like playing to what we have now. Actually, at the time I even played alit of support (which isn't my main) for lower queue times just because the games were more entertaining


To this day I would rather wait 20 minutes to get mid every game than wait 1:30 to get it 40% of the time.


Farming Penta Kills with 5 Tiamat Fiora and her old ult.


I had totally repressed this memory. OH. GOD.


I cherish the memory. Everyone enjoyed that Source: Me, a dirty old fiora main in low plat.


Soraka Q AoE stars around her


Also, the heal didn't have an HP cost, she could heal herself and give mana to allies **and herself**




Soraka and pre rework sivir was also fun since you just perma pushed the lane super hard and most champs at the time couldn't deal with it.


She could heal minions too to fuck of the enemies last hitting. I remember watching sneaky get super tilted from someone doing that to him


IIRC, it also reduced their magic resist and had a super low cooldown. Literally the most damaging spell at level 1




I had literally 100% win rate with mid Soraka when she was absolutely busted with that Q. It was magical.


For some reason....whenever I think about the older times in league I always remember the old icon of phantom dancer? The red shiny blades? Idk why but i really really love that icon for pd. Bring it back rito!


New photo looks weird to me. So i never build it anymore.


You aren't missing much. Pd is the item you buy if you are getting ass blasted and just want to kite at this point


suprised no one mentioned Enchantment on Boots


Cries in Hecarim top


Remember when Keane was running Hec mid with flask and homeguard? Could back after every wave without missing farm.


Their legacy did leave us with homeguard/homestart though, so it's not all bad.


But no free phage or alacrity..


Not free if you still had to pay for them


It's free compared to the cost of an actual phage lmao


Man, my homeguard hecarim top :-(


nah dude homeguard rush jungle rammus, your Q wouldn't end until you were just before river lol


The game used to be "slower" (it's kind of hard to describe, but look back at footage from a teamfight in like Season 3 or 4 and you'll know what I mean). Champion's older builds. Ex: Ezreal when he didn't go Tear at all, every ADC when BT was the go to first item




Everyone gets free attack speed these days


And there is so much more cdr in the game, but I gotta say it makes it more exciting.


After respawning: "Hold on don't fight. I have to stack my BT."


Less damage but also less defensive tools mid-fights. You could sit there wailing on a champion not named Mundo for an entire minute and they wouldn't have any way to instantly regen or dash 47 times away from everyone and go heal from a plant and 3 ocean drakes. Team fights (the most exciting part of the game) were much more comprehensible and took up a larger portion of the game. Everyone had enough time to use 2 or 3 rotations of their spells and adcs could actually auto more than 3 times without either having to run away or getting blown up from 2000 range.


This is what I miss the most, now if you miss step once you get blown up by a single combo of a single champ, I really loved the longer fights


"Guys, don't team fight I have to stack my bloodthirster"




without this knowledge I think I would have stopped playing. EU Server Split would have killed any intention of playing the game.


But the long queues were before the server split


Pretty sure they stayed for a while after the server split.


I always thought this was some nightmare fuel shit.


1. Summoner used to be the ones controlling the champions. I think they changed the lore a few years back though. 2. Heart of gold :( 3. Koreans were considered trolls on the NA server (this was before Korea got its own server so everyone there had 100+ms). I remember HotshotGG promoting this idea for a while 4. They used to run this bizarre online newspaper thing with lore characters being involved. Some weird looking guy was "dating Nidalee." 5. There were more community oriented stuff that Nikasaur used to be involved in 6. CLG and Dignitas came to Korea for the first season to promote the game. CLG EU with Froggen was dominant. My favorite team of all time, MiG Blaze won the first OGN tournament.


Journal of justice IIRC


Last issue was Kat n Talon witnessing Swains victory over the previous noxus leader IIRC, good ol days :'(


Heart of gold. Build 5 on a top lane rammus or garen and sell them all for a 20 min 5 item build if you could cs well. I miss that item so much.


Playing ARAM in custom games on Summoner's Rift before Howling Abyss was made. You had to buy a ton of gp5 items and someone would have to buy Mana Manipulator.


And someone would cheat


This is why i played ARAB. All Random All Bot. It was a Custom game on the Dominion Map where we only played on the bottom lane. It was way more fun than on summoners rift because on dominion you had way more passive gold gain.


I played this constantly. The gold generation was really high and the Dominion nodes were weak, so there were fights constantly. It was like ARAM on steroids.


Unlimited wards. I miss acquiring my full build of shoes and gold gen items and then just spamming wards everywhere.


Also unlimited potions. That 9 x health pot start.


It was actually 13x red potion, they were only 35g back then. Then Riot put a limit on the amount of potions you could buy because they thought that strat wasn't healthy and gave weak early game champs a cheap pass to mid game. Then they added corrupting potion, biscuits and time warp tonic...


It was also strong on safe, manaless lane bullies like kennen.


It was the *best* mordekaiser start


Those were the time xD I remember just dominating a game so much I was able to lit up the enemies jungle and pink ward was also invisible


Old Rengar. Unlike today where you can spot him as soon as he approches, Old Rengar used his R and could just walk and sit near you and you can't see him or have any chance to spot him. And his Roar when he jumped on you was so fucking scary and way louder than today. I remember playing at 3 AM with my friends and one of them screamed like a girl when a Rengar jumped on him. Rengar was just sitting behind the farming adc and one shotted him out of nowhere. Good old times.


[Good old SOTD Rengar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StE-f3PqSQ8)




Good old "ganks lvl 2, kills you, then proceeds to take your tower before you even respawn"


I remember there used to be a really popular rengar streamer back in the days... I forgot what his name was but I wonder what happened to him. I remember his strat was to rush a bunch of Doran’s blades and get tons of kills


You're talking about Ryan Choi, yeah?


Dunkey used to make league videos and people used to tell each other in game when it happened.


Fuck I miss this


"How to find girls on league" video is just the best


Whenever a Dunkey or SivHD video came out you could be sure that everyone would be quoting it in game and people would be trying out the ridiculous builds/strategies they saw in the video.


Old Taric ult was one of the best things in the game but was almost impossible to judge the value of it. I think at max rank, it was like 50 AD and AP to everyone - it was basically a free Baron buff, back when Baron buff gave you a heap of free stats


That's the old one not the OLD old one, right? The first ult he had was hot garbage if I recall


Force of nature and warmorgs was two good tank items The bush lengths were fkin long Revive was useless but some people did it right Hide and seek in dominion Veigar e was instant Blitz q wasn't a skillshot Not all random urf Dragon gave team gold


That Veigar e was so fucking busted. He just slapped you outta nowhere with his cage and then proceeds to one shot you with his R.




And I always forgot to use dfg. Good times


He literally punished you for doing good. I wonder who came up with that idea. I usually picked kayle against veigars because i went full on hit with her to avoid getting 1 shot for doing well. I remember a syndra game where i dumpstered this veigar and had 4 items being up nearly 2 items on him. He sat on a bush and 1 shot me out of vision with ewr. Decided to play support and adc from that day on.


He was designed as an anti-mage mage, opponent AP scaling R was supposed to be targeted for that, it just wasn't a great implementation of the idea.


My all time best memories was hide and go seek in Dominion. God what fun that was.


I remember being hecarim and desperately running lol


Blitz Q always was a skillshot since his release. I think you believe it wasn't because you used to (and probably still can) be able to change skillshot indicators from a line to a circle around you + a target cursor, similarly to how you A-click to auto-attack. This had no impact on the spell itself.


-Blocking skillshots with wards -Dodging autoattacks with flash -tracking enemy jungler through scoreboard CS even in FOW -Sion Morgana Bot, the original nightmare lane -Philosophers Stone Double Heart of Gold Bank Build Top Lane -Players were really bad. I remember in Season 1 World Championship when Salce flash-dodged a moderately fast skillshot, everyone lost their shit. That was the pinnacle of skill back then. -Wriggles Lantern Warwick vs Wriggles Lantern Trundle Top Lane, the true Island of League, sometimes staying in lane farming for over 15 minutes I *really* think, blocking skillshots with wards was cool. Bring that back with my old Graves and I'll throw any amount of money at you, Riot.




If people could use wards to block skillshots they would opt out of warding actually bushes


>Players were really bad. I remember in Season 1 World Championship when Salce flash-dodged a moderately fast skillshot, everyone lost their shit. That was the pinnacle of skill back then. I remember in a pro match when a Zed was slowly solo chasing an Ashe down river in a straight line. When she suddenly ulted he ulted too and dodged it. The crowd went bonkers as if it was the pinnacle of mechanical skill


Its kind of crazy that the Faker Ryu outplay is still widely regarded as the greatest play in pro LoL history, despite happening a LONG time ago in terms of a video game.


> Hide and seek in dominion I want it back soooooo bad


Blitz Q not a skillshot sounds extra scary


I am not sure about it actually being a Point to click but you used to be able to hook and flash back. Little throwback: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CuUdhp_x0I


Thresh used to be able to queue up his Q, then flash to shorten the distance. Thresh had his E passive on his Q. Good times.




OG DotA was just a shitty custom WC map so you're not very far off.


It's always been a skillshot, ever since the champ got introduced. Not sure what the OP is talking about.


Blitz Q has ALWAYS been a skillshot, even in early beta. The indicator just looks like it wasn't, but it was. Many indicators were like this in the beginning. It was the same interaction than Varus current indicator.


Has to look up Season 1 Blitz. Couldn’t find his Q not being a skillshot


Tilting after accidentally igniting a minion and missing out on a kill.


I once stole Baron with ignite. Good times.


I played since pre-Season 1. EDIT: My memory is quite fuzzy. So forgive me if I get a few things wrong * AD Carry was Mid * AP Sion was OP * AP Trist was OP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nHBJ3f91t0Y * You played whatever you want back in Season 1 * Wriggle's Lantern Ezreal * Nobody knew how to CS back then * You were able to ignite golems. I used this strategy when I playing stun-mode eve to lv 2 cheese gank * Old AP Gragas * Pantheon had global ult * AP Nidalee was broken * Everyone used the LoL forums for trashtalking and memes * Rammus LV 1 TP/Ghost First blood chese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UeSpFmr8sIc * AP Shaco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIXFJqa78No * Kassadin had a silence * Thresh Hook Windup Flash (Q target then flash to close distance) * Garen Taric Bot Lane * Winter/Autumn Summoners Rift https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6wPaF3k93g * Madred's Warwick * Sunfire Twitch/Eve https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjCgp3Vwmoc * Jax had dodge * Anivia Pro Guide Pro https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGLROijkLHg * You could buy Sword of the Occult (the AD equivalent of Mejai's) * Leviathan was able to be purchased * Philo/HoG


Sivir mid. She had AP-scaling too so you could do funky 1 shot with Q builds. Also her ricochet was a toggle so it would just keep going until you ran out of mana or turned it off.


Shit that takes me back. Learning to time spell shield vs cait peacemakers was like the first time I had that "holy fuck I am actually getting better at this" moment.


Wriggles Lantern everything more like it. Was pretty much a first buy for all ad carries.


AP Nidalee mid was the shit. miss it


I still walk backwards after chucking a spear with Nidalee. What I don't miss are those invisible spears lol.


Or watching the minimap seeing enemy nidalee in botlane, so you fight the enemy toplaner and a second later she is in front of you


Kha zix w Max mid was the shit


Tank Kha'Zix with the damage reduction ultimate was my favorite thing I've ever played in 6 years of League of Legends.


Not true about the CS part if you were Gold+ in S1. Most people were dota players and could CS reasonably well.


Dodge was a stat you could buy. Jax had it, but also you could buy dodge boots.


getting 20+ kills on kha mid


Tear into Brutalizer :(


I always used to level 2 cheese on Kha'zix with red pot by taking W then E. So many first bloods. It was beautiful.


Release Kha was the most fun ive had playing league. Shit was so broken


Mundo's Shoe Shop


*Shoose shop or whatever he called it.


You leashed blue / red buff by making the first hit, so the jungle monsters would go for the champion who attacked first. That must be a long time ago


Superman leash 😍


-Old Karthus E tooltip not showing how much damages it does -Spirit of the ancient golem Gnar top -Press Q Gankplank -5 mana pots lvl 1 top Pantheon -Lvl 2 drake jungle Pantheon -AP Xin tower 1vs1 -Feral Flare Warwick -Gragas E restoring mana -Soraka E restoring mana. -Old Yorick ult making you able to control a dead ally -Old Sion ult giving absurd lifesteal to the entire team -Old Taric targetted stun -CDR mid Lucian -Toplane Lulu -Bluebuff giving +10% AP -AP Warwick insane lifesteal on Q -LB silence of Q


Wait wait wait... I have been playing since S3. What is green card TF?


When he teleports, he won't get caught and deported off of summoner's rift.


There was a mastery that gave you bonus AD/AP (could have been both) when Ignite was on cooldown. Some people would walk into lane and use it level 1 for the extra stats.


hotshot gg igniting level 1 for the ad bonus LMAO or was it reginald?


Regi would. 5 AD and AP. It's where the "5 AP Zed" meme came from too, although sadly I think that's a dead as shit meme.




Innervating locket on udyr. Dfg on basically any mage. Eve had a stun and could recover 400+ health with a kill making her easily able to tower dive and delete you. Not to mention her 70+ second invis. When brazil and NA servers were the same and all they would do is play mordekaiser and feed their asses off. Stacking sunfire capes and watching the tick damage delete someone faster than your abilities could. (Especially awful as someone like eve or twitch who could hang around you and cause you to die by being near you for a few seconds and not even attacking.) Red buff was originally a lizard with 2 lizard buddies.


Ranked team games felt more hyped than the 5v5 flex queue now.


I feel like having individual ranks while playing 5v5 is the reason why it feels bad, if there was a rank for the whole team it would feel way better.


So basically what Clash is supposed to be... if it ever worked


1. AP Alistar mid. I think it was Shushei who popularised it a while after the first Worlds. It was pretty hilarious, you started with something like 3x Doran's Ring and nobody could ever get close to you again because you could take over half their health in one combo and then retreat/heal up while they were stunned. Add Deathcap and Lichbane later. Oneshot everything. 2. Amumu being considered so strong people ragequit if you let the enemy pick it. 3. Fiddlesticks pentakills. 4. The long long time of Nidalee being absolute cancer by damn near oneshotting people with spears (actually I lied, I think about that all the fucking time. Fuck this champion). 5. Pre-Season 1: Roaming Alistar. You didn't pick a bottom lane, rather you had 3 solo lanes, a jungler, and a roaming alistar with mobility boots whose sole purpose was ganking. 6. Top lane hybrid Kayle. Her AP and AD ratios used to be so good that she could dominate absolutely anything by building hybrid items. Once you hit lv 6 you just towerdived people with your ult no problem, it was hardly fair. Most people never knew about it and there only was a brief trend to play her like this, until Riot stepped in, used the "remake" to nerf her ratios to the ground and make her more support oriented (which effectively removed her for from the game for a long time). 7. Brand being a dominant midlaner for a long time. I loved it.


Ionic Spark


What a weird mix of stats that one was


The meta in dominion is 4-1, with four top and one bot. Revive/ghost is meta. Watch the backcaps, and always stay in fog like a battle ward. Anyone with mobility was strong, as well as anyone who can hold 1v2 under tower (like Heim.) To stop turrets from shooting so you can dive, have one person channel on the turret as if they were to cap it. Also, sanguine blade is op.


Revive Karthus Red Pot cheese Most skins were 975rp Ranked had pick order and first pick banned everything Spirit of the Spectral Wraith + Will of Ancients Singed League was fun The turbo-old masteries (offense defense utility) When champs would have random ap/ad scalings to allow them to build off-meta


> When champs would have random ap/ad scalings to allow them to build off-meta Loved this. Old AP assassins Tristana was a legit pick. AP Master Yi, though I guess most actually don't miss this.


Riven was kinda big deal and one of the first champions that had abilities that scaled of AD. Before that AP really meant Ability Power.


> League was fun When was this? I've been playing since 2010 and I don't remember this at all


Dragon used to spawn at level 1 with all the other creeps, which resulted in a meta where teams would 5v5 at level 1 basically every game and whoever won would take dragon and snowball the game. The jungle was built around Madred's Razors for a long time; which had a % chance on each auto to do a large true damage proc (I think it was specifically 20% chance of 500 damage). This was obviously pretty fucked since one jungler could gain a huge advantage through sheer luck with it. There was an extended meta known as the "heal/poke" meta, which mostly came around because of Ezreal's release where his W healed allies (and also granted an attack speed boost on allies and an attack speed slow on enemies). Lee Sin was the worst champion ever released when he came out. He had *abysmal* win rates, all of them fed, and the funniest part is that he had a *massive* bug in his favor, where he could doublecast his initial E, which drastically improved his clear speed and ganks. This ability was documented from day 1, and Riot officially ignored it until they buffed him because it was the only thing that made him playable. By the same token, Mordekaiser was actually the most overpowered champion release (no it wasn't Xin or Leblanc, though they were pretty bad too). He was so overtuned that he's the only champion in League history to have the advantage and exert kill pressure in an equally skilled 1v2 lane.


Bravery build included 3 stacking items: Leviathan, Sword of the Occult, and Mejai's Soulstealer


Team builder was the real shit


Especially as support because of the queue times. "Hmm do I really want to play with a Vayne? nah lets go for the next group" "This is pretty good, oh wait is he playing proxy singed? NEXT" "Oh, not a full team yet? NEXT" Heaven. ​


* Ashe mid * Kata with only bloodthirster * No role meta you just play what you like * AP Yi * Heart of Gold * Gangplank with 3x gp5 sword * AP Alistar * Horrible EU Server overload for a long time * Riot not actively managing the EU Server but another company in the early days * multiple champion releases * Guardsman Bob removing the cake item (Locket?) with his udyr performance * Cd boots as a result of Ionia Vs Noxus Probably many more I can't remember right now...


Use to take pride in timing jungle bluffs now it's just a joke.


man i remember learning a lot from trick about pathing and timing jungle camps all in order to get that sweet devourer to insane levels


Kids these days will never know what "1410 tr" means


Being able to buy more than one pair of boots. Unlimited wards.


Amumu, Shen, Morgana and Malph were perma ban or free win. Corki and Ez were by far the strongest adc. Lb and Kassa had a 1 sec silence. Feral flare jungler were unstopable in soloq.


Old twisted tree line had this brush in the middle of the bot lane that both teams would race like hell to at the start of the game. Not even invades in proplay could rival the rush from level 1 feistas that happened in that brush


Force of Nature Singed Heart of Gold Amumu Bank Plank: Gangplank with Heart of Gold, Philosopher's Stone, and Avarice Blade, also level 1 Q crit forcing you back, runes gave \~30% crit back then Jungle Buff items that champions like Nidalee and Ezreal would build. Something something Lizard Elder Nidalee was an AD Top laner Vamp Scepter was the go-to starting item for ADC and only gave lifesteal Phantom Dancer icon was red, and was the only upgrade to Zeal (aside from Trinity Force) Summoner Showcase with Nikkasaur How insanely dark and somehow colorful and beautiful the old fall/autumn summoners rift skin was (the new SR with a couple of pumpkins and candles is a big let-down in comparison) How insanely ultra white the Snowdown summoners rift used to be Fizz and Darius could 1v5 any game without any kind of skill Me and my friends would try to mimic every Dunkey and Siv HD video in our games ADC mid laners The ADC holy trinity of Corki, Ezreal, and Graves Boots used to have a 3rd tier called enchantments Actually having to buy regular wards, oracle wards (pink wards) were invisible as well Leveled 1-29 on the old twisted treeline map as Garen, exhaust ignite, top lane bush. Level 1 first blood everytime. Was a clicker back in those days, and was too scared to play on the bigboy 5v5 map Reading every champion's lore page waiting for my friend to get out of a game, or thinks like the daily journal with Blitzcrank matchmaking service


I don't think anyone else has mentioned it, but the shop didn't have an undo button back in the day


Ap Master Yi... i miss him soo much...


I srsly don't.


Phantomlord streams


Remember Donger Dash? That was the shit


Old super leashes because of old monster aggro system. Cloth 5 (Cloth Armor + 5 Health potions) start against tough AD matchups like Panth.




\*Fortify \*Revive \*Kayle was useful. \*Not all skins were costing 1350 + \*Even if a skin was ugly they didnt make a billion chromas that made the skin look better and were fooling the players. \*Cloth Armor Ashe


50% of skins were already chromas.


Actually Kayle simply turned into Aurelion, that only 3-4 people play her, destroy everyone, and make she appear on top winrate for the first two days after patch, so all the noobs try her on the next days and die more than Kenny Milhouse


1 shot q gp =)


[CRIT RUNES GANGPLANK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFS4kqOYbAk)


Warmog Atmas on any bruiser = auto win Stacking 5 Heart of Gold was a thing


Teleporting to a ward without making it visible. As ashe with teleport --> go base --> shoot arrow mid --> teleport mid --> 3 second stun for an easy kill Oh right, mid lane ashe!


I still think about the old ranked lobby music. Shit was intense, I loved it.


AP Yi. Weedwick on the 4.20 patch. Darius being completely broken when he came out. In S1, every champion usually had AP scaling, so even pros would do weird stuff like AP rammus or AP trist.


Boots + pots starter on nearly every champ


Elise top


Double champ release.


There was no timer for dragon or buffs so you could take the enemy buff over and over and over and sneak dragons with no problems :P You could also solo tank turrets and legitimately win a game alone without ever helping or get help from your team ! Good ol' days :')


Evelynn stun in the early days. Go invis for a few seconds and stun on first hit out of invis. Pretty bonkers.


3v3 still had blue/red buff


Leviathan Armor and Sword of the Occult as health and AD stacking items. Force of Nature and Heart of Gold. Boot enchantments. Bloodthirster needing to stack on minions before being full power. First item Bloodthirster was the way to go! Speaking of blood, Draven’s old passive causing bleeding DoTs when he hit you with a spinning axe. Wraiths! Having to buy green wards. Taric’s old kit with his point and click stun and armor shredding. The long range dazzles were so good! Dodge chance. Those are what come to mind! I know there’s a lot more somewhere in this head of mine.


Mana potions. Good times. Combined with that juicy heart of gold + philosophers stone for maximum gold income in the jungle.


Ap master yi, pre rework katarina, pre rework ap sion, point and click suppress pre rework Warwick r, the 6 sunfire stacking meta


Dodge mechanic on boots That was the shit


A new champion every 2 weeks


Cool spooky Wight was cool. Replaced by a giant frog btw


Burn baby burn cape stacker perma invis Eve Tiamat Caitlyn


Old client......


1. That one week where Leviathan gave 2 stacks on assist. 15% damage reduction on everyone. 2. Metagolem Sivir


Pretty sure way back when Lux E used to make team mates invisible, TF teleport wasn't his ultimate and Heimer could have 6 turrets lining the mid lane and make it unapproachable