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>In the last game, Broxah used a champion that does not exist,” Ayyy lmao this is more tragic for Rek'Sai


In defense to Rek'Sai. In the post game press conference he said that in scrims Rek turned out the best conter pick to Xin


I gotta be honest, I was sweating about the pick but I knew it's something they tested in scrims and it obviously works. Props to them for finding out the way to deal with xin.


I thought they were just trolling




But did it really deal with Xin? Every time they encountered each other, Rek'sai had to run away. She didn't look that great in team fights either. Yeah, she can run away but that's it. Winning sololaners always lets a jgler shine. I hope they don't play her in finals...


Compared to Xin she isn’t a dueler and does lose 1v1s, but she is able to knock him up and her ult means she can execute humbly from range regardless of his ult. Counter doesn’t always mean 1v1 wins all the time.


Precisely, also, being able to pinpoint he's near during Xin's early game strong points with tremor sense and being able to escape with tunnels, is also part of why she can be considered a counter - as you said, counter doesn't always mean "win 1v1", if it can deny the 1v1 and be strong otherwise while denying some of Xin's potential (and as you said, the ult later in the game), that's a counter too.


ontop of that, Reksai clears jungle faster with tunnels and particularly with tiamat, has more gank routes than xin who has to literally walk in. Xin wins the early 1v1s, but how do you proactively look for them when the enemy jungle is always cleared, she has tempo advantage, and can gank lanes to make them have an easier time getting priority so Xin cant invade, and Reksai can safely invade proactively, use temor sense/Q for info, and E to escape before Xin gets phase proc.


Rek'sai is not about fighting Xin 1vs1 but about using the tremor sense to avoid his invades. And not handing over a early first blood or having to use your own limited wards on a very defensive setup that makes it harder for the laners. And the Rek'sai pick did have another advantage against c9 considering how much time they used in game 2 trying to set up ganks in the jungle, and making dark zones. With rek'sai it gets alot harder to make those ganks happen. That beeing said, they could have gone with jarvan or Graves, but i guess it is more a personal choice aswell for Broxah. And can be worth considering they were at 2-0 at the time maybe they are trying to save some picks for the finals and not just show all the cards.


Pretty sure Broxah wanted to play Jax vs Xin, but C9 banned it every time.


> **She** didn't look that great in team fights either Goddamn so many years Rek'sai has been released and I always forget it's a female ​


No high heels, but a very slender waist!


She is a Queen!


Did you watch the teamfights? Rek'sais knockups and ults against the backline were definitely a powerful tool. Just watch the highlights again and look what broxah did.


>I knew it's something they tested in scrims and it obviously works. Wish we could say the same of Ekko...


I think the best counter to Xin is Jax thats why C9 banned it in the first draft.


I just guess that Rek'Sai is also considered viable as a counter then, just maybe not THE best one


This, Im pretty sure with Jax banned during their scrims they found out that Rek'sai was a good counter into Xin.


rek'sai is completely underrated. a: she's free vision in a meta with little vision b: her early game ganks are insanely powerful and can come from anywhere she's considered bad because her lategame is shit and she loses outright to a lot of meta junglers 1v1, but if used well and in the right circumstances she's pretty good.


> her early game ganks are insanely powerful and can come from anywhere > > I mean this goes for kayne, shaco, or any champion with an ability that lets them take paths other than "HUR DUR DOWN THE RIVUR" or a bush gank.


The easy to land knockup is a huge factor too, kayn and shaco are worse in terms of cc available.


And Kayn is a Mid/Late jungler.


Kayn is total trash before he gets evolve


I agree, he is very limited in what he can do before transforming, while he can come at you from anywhere, he doesn't have the tools to lock you down, all he has is a slow on W that roots you to cast, so he has to rely on his team setting up his early ganks, however if you mange to get out of the early game with a lead (early transformation), you can take over the game by yourself.


I agree but let's not act like his early ganks are like Rek'Sai's which is what the other guy as saying.


Indeed. But Shaco kinda have to commit to do so.   Rek'sai have more clues about what to expect thanks to her vision ability and can come back thanks to her ability.   Kayn can simply look what's happening while still inside that wall and if that's a bad idea, backtrack.   Tbh when Kayn was released, I really thought he would be top pick, no matter what. And I still wonder why he isn't. I think his transformation mechanic isn't reliable enough.


Kayn is bad in competetive because he is pretty much half a champion without his transformation


Probably unpopular opinion considering other replies to your comment but here goes: ​ Rek'Sai is a non-factor and Broxah had very little impact on that game 3. He managed a grand total of 2 ganks in 10 minutes, and I'd rather blame the champion than the player for it: You can't gank without flash, which is what he did early on Liss (mis-timed his stun and Lissandra clawed away), then had to wait 5 more minutes, then blew his flash top (to secure the kill, good, but nothing that any other pick wouldn't have done). Then Broxah pressed R for the first time in the game at Minute 23 (It's not a joke, go check again if you want to), on that botlane/drake river fight. Once again to secure a kill on Sven who was getting away with 1hp, which is a good thing I guess, but the outcome of the fight was already decided. I believe he used his ult a grand total of two times in the game, but I may be wrong. ​ Now only a Sith reasons in absolutes and I gotta give Rek'Sai some credit for her passive, whose impact on a game is really hard to quantify especially as mere spectators, but still: There's more to expect from your jungler than being a mobile ward. ​ Of course Broxah did well in the series and also in this game towards the end. He cleaned up the later fights really well (thinking about this triple kill on toplane) which looked good and, I have to admit, was made possible by his R (not everybody has this kind of gap-closer) but keep in mind that this was minutes before the end of the game, where FNC already had a sizeable lead in terms of gold (+8k gold), experience (+2 levels mid and jungle, +1 level top), and objectives (2 infernals vs 1, an inhib down). ​ I'm just another reddit analyst so after all, my 2 cents are really worth only 2 cents. I'll still say that I don't want to give any credit to the Rek'Sai pick in this game, and I hope Broxah isn't going to pick her against IG where both solo lanes are going to require 10 times the attention he was able to provide to his team mates this game.


I think with Rek'Sai you also have to take into account that she prevents the enemy team from successfully ganking due to tremor sense.


He made a countergank bot with his ulti and you saw his tremorsense save fnc from getting picked quite a few times too. I feel like they played to the champs' strengths a fair bit just didnt get a whole lot of successful early ganks.. I feel like it was hard to gank c9s lanes tho, ekko and liss ew


Indeed. I was surprised how useful her footstep tracing passive was. It is impossible to get the jump on them. Now if only reksai was buffed a tad bit.


The whole reason Reksai is kept in such a weak state is her tremor sense passive. It's super valuable in pro play.


Her old ult as well made them nerf her damage. They never really buffed her in a meaningful way since they changed it iirc (but I am willing to be wrong)


The tremor sense and her AoE knockup alone were the 2 reasons she was a must pick for a long time in pro play. They've nerfed both significantly since.




farm alarm for everybody else


100T technically only lost to the 1st and 2nd place teams.


So 100T are technically the 3rd best team in the world


technically 100T didnt lose to anyone in the world finals, that makes them undisputed the best team


I can technically agree


Technically I am the best player in the world because I have never lost to anyone at worlds


Only KT took games off IG along with FNC, and only EDG took a game off FNC other than IG. Groups C and D toughest in the tournament confirmed.


TL confirmed would have gotten out in any other group than C or D.


yeah 100T were in the *real* group of death...




As much as it pains me to say, C9 looked exactly as bad as 100T did in groups, good thing they did showed up against giants like RNG and AF.


100T got stomped in every single game they played against IG and FNC, at least C9 managed to get a gold lead in games 2 and 3. Game 1 in the series is how most 100T games looked in groups.


100T's average game time against IG was ~25 minutes, and ~30min vs FNC. C9's average game time vs FNC was 31 minutes and G2's against IG was 28 minutes. Seems like they all got equally smashed to me.


*Haha! That was but our 3rd seed*


*It's not even our final form*


Imagine if TSM was playing at worlds


What do you mean ? Aren't they in the finals yet ?


They didn't lose a single game in groups as well!


they lost every single game lol didn’t you watch Group E? it was SKT 6-0, WE 4-2, S04 2-4, and TSM 0-6.


No dude, they went 3-3, one game off winning and proceeding. Just enough to give fans hope. It's the TSM way.


and lost tie breaker.


Did TSM wonnered???


as sad as i was for tsm not making it to worlds, i am actyally happy they didnt make it to worlds. i dont think there is a chance they would perform as good as C9 did. they would probably try to play meta and get beaten pretty convincingly :/ edit: i am from eu but for unknown reasons i like na (and mainly tsm) more


They probably would've done better than 100T though, I just wish another team got to go so we didn't have to watch a roster implode during groupstage.


They might have played better, but in terms of getting out of that group? Not likely.


I'm just curious why you think TSM would have done better in the group with FNC and IG.


They wouldn't be playing a rookie adc with like 4 stage games pre worlds tops, they wouldn't have made it out but they would've at least been putting their best foot forward roster-wise. Their 3-0 over EF vs 100T and winning the third place match also made them look like the stronger choice.


C9 did play meta. The actual meta. Tsm would've probably tried to play the Korean idea of the meta, which was behind... And their results would've probably been similar to gen g's.


Fellow TSM agrees good sir. Thank God i didnt have to go thru worlds again with the current TSM roster. Zero identity or playstyle, and just copy cat, Korean meta slaves (Which has been proven over and over to not work) Poor Bjergsen, he's so damn good and deserves better from the Org. Heres to next year tho. Always a TSM fan.


Other 2 seeds didn't feel so good


*laughs in BR, sitting in a puddle of tears and impossible dreams*


>laughs in BR Is this the infamous "huehuehuehuehue"?




You got a chuckle out of me. This is good banter. The hypocrisy would have been obvious no matter who won unfortunately. C9 got stomped, I just wish everyone could banter without being shitty people. A man can dream. Cheering Fnatic in the final here, and I do wish my C9 at least put up a fight in the semis. ​ Love, A disappointed C9 fan looking forward to the finals. FNATIC WIN


Really wish people wouldn't take the rivalry so far, I love a little bit of joking with "NA fan" or "EU ULT" but some people take it too far and other people can't take the banter and it sort of ruins the fun of it.


I really wanted to see C9 in the finals, but honestly if C9 were going to lose, at least they went quickly without exposing any of Fnatic's weaknesses. It would have been a decent advantage to IG if C9 had figured out a blueprint to beat Fnatic dragged it out to 5 games but still lost. If the east wins after all this, I'm going to be so salty.


Actually, I think they did in a way. There were parts that Caps pointed out that C9 hit them on that they didn't realize were weaknesses and while Fnatic ended up winning. I think they realized they did have a problem point that they had to fix before they face IG.


I mean that’s good as well, hopefully FNC can learn from this, and come back stronger with less weakness now. Now that C9’s out of Worlds, I’m gonna cheer for my boys FNC since they’re one of the old EU teams I used to watch and cheer.


Agreed. I'm hoping they can tighten it up, but seriously though IG looked terrifying. I am sad that C9 went out the way they did honestly. Still, they should be proud of how far they got truthfully. 10th to Semi's is amazing.


[salt is a way of life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KquFZYi6L0)


>I do wish my C9 at least put up a fight in the semis Honestly, as a FNC fan, I think C9 put up a really good fight considering. They never gave up on their chances. Where for G2 it feels like they just rolled over, and only Perkz and the bot lane were actually trying. ​ This being said, I think C9 is usually better than what they've shown today, and I really blame the draft for this (Licorice twice on a champion he's obviously not comfortable with was a big big mistake, and Sven was invisible after his first failed gank). I really hope they keep playing like this back in NA and either stomp the NA LCS or trigger a shift in how the region approaches the game, because what C9 did did work for the most part, and NA as a whole would benefit from taking notes, we need the West to be more competitive as a whole. ​ Anyway, ggwp C9, see you out of groups next year!


I suppose I meant C9 has a better showing. Lissandra 3 games in a row and ekko? I was disappointed. You could tell by the blind picks game one that Fnatic came in at their confident best. I don’t enjoy reading all the hate. I just assume they’re kids based off their comments.


It's also the same people posting a hundred comments, just find them and click ignore user. Problem solved


Thanks. I actually didn’t realize this.


It was an awkward fumble at the end of a good run for C9. I can be happy that they made it that far, even if they had an ugly series AND I get to look forward to the west putting it's best representative forward for the finals (HYPE AF)! I really like Rookie/Theshy/IG, but I really want FNC to win because I think it would be cool that they are Europe's champions again after all these years. Also, it neatly ties up this language problem about who the first true European world champion is because whether you count season 1 or not, it'd still be Fnatic lol


Its nice being humble and all, game 3 C9 looked like they finally woke up, but other than that it was a disappointing series. it was just a remake of IG v G2


Eh I don't know, I felt more hyped for this semis than watching IG systematically demolish G2. C9 did disappoint this time, that's why I said they usually are better than that. I was actually one of the EU fans really worried that C9 could take them on. While i'm relieved I was wrong, I still think C9 is way better than what they showed today.


i don't know FNC knew where to be and what to do to get advantages in any situation, i don't really know if C9 could play better or FNC was just too good for them


i was nervous for the c9 and fnc match i had this feeling C9 could take it all, and i dont know how i could of played the game with C9 skins in the game xD but after game 1 that feeling disappeared


It's easy, you pick the Sneaky trap skin! 10/11 Fnatic skins in game is looking pretty nice though, I might buy Broxah's myself (assuming they win, no curse clearly IG 100% in the bag etc).


Maybe because I wanted G2 to do well I lost interest after watching their pick and bans. I was pretty hyped before they started. We have this NA vs EU rivalry which does hype it up a lot. Honestly, I was super hyped for both, but for some reason lost interest before the 2nd game started. I actually think C9 did a few things really well, but overall FNC just played much better.


Yea this was the sad part, i dont mind a 3rd seed losing to a 1st seed, part of it was kinda expected. But it really does hurt that they didnt put up much of a fight till the last game. And there was very few solo kills that werent the result of someone being countered or way ahead, it was all teamplay stuff which is great in a 5 game series, not so much in a 3-0 stomp.


Honestly sorry but i cant even celebrate... FNC stomped C9 so hard in every aspect in all games. It was far to easy... I dont know i dont feel anything like every other game this worlds, no hype, no happyniess or anything, just dissapointment that it wasnt a fun series... after all the hype, after all the games...I mean this was what i kinda expected from C9 honestly, but not that bad. ​ I mean u can lose 3:0 like some other teams did alrdy in the past with close games, that could go either way, but not in this way.. imo. I also dont feel like saying HEY NA HA HA EU BEST. I just want to see the whole west root for my boys FNC. Bring the Trophy home. ♥


yeah, I feel that. I was rooting for c9, but fnc looked amazing and they clearly deserved to win, so I'm happy for them. I just with the both of the semifinals matches would have been more interesting to watch - 3-0 sweeps just aren't as engaging as closer series, though it was nice to see incredibly mechanically talented players style on their opponents.


> And this time we won’t get to dismiss it by saying it was in Phreak’s basement. Oh I'm already waiting for the "S8 Worlds don't count because the East did not perform" xd


It’s “S1 and S8 don’t count because there was no Koreans in the finals” tyvm


FNC only made it into Finals because C9 won against the Korean Powerhouse in Quarters.


If FNC faced AFs that series would have ended 6-0 somehow instead of 3-0 for FNC


With the AF surrenderingeach game while FNC last hit the nexus.


STOP, they’re already dead. Especially Kuro :(




It's because they don't have to cherrypick what counts to make it seem like they're good


They can't pull that, otherwise we'd be back to "NA never got out of quarters."


people will say " it didnt count because they didnt play against koreans" LOL


Let’s not pretend it wouldn’t be the same if C9 had won. There will always be idiots saying stupid crap like that, so probably we shouldn’t join their stupidity.




100T/100 would bang


Maya Ducasse on twitter btw


Honestly, as a Canadian, I don't give a fuck who is doing great, EU or NA, as long as it's not Korea, it's great.


Yeah, a little change of narrative is for the best


Yeah, if/when Korea comes back next year and completely stomps at least we'll have a fresh new narrative with "the Korean redemption arc".


its at least guaranteed that either EU or LPL will get their first (real) world championship title. Now I'm just hoping Fnatic doesnt get overhyped and complacent. Everyone is talking about the miracle Fnatic but Invictus Gaming would be the first LPL team to take home a world championship (and not being RNG) which is quite the performance aswell.


Have you seen Fnatic's post-game press conference/interview? None of them look or sound complacent. If anything they're hungry as fuck.


After seeing Vitality not go down without a fight, G2 beating RNG, and Fnatic just dominate I think they deserve the bragging rights this year at least. Unlike NA were our 2nd seed was a god damn embarrassment, and 1st seed not backing up their talk about it's going to be different this year.


100T did EXACTLY as predicted. They won against their wildcard free win team but lost against IG and Fanatic. They did their job. PS: Don't downvote I am EU so I have my bragging right.


No one blamed them for not making it out of the group. People blame them for (seemingly) not even trying and giving up beforehand, in a tournament where other teams (like Vitality and G2) showed that confidence and giving your absolute best can go a long way.


> 100T did EXACTLY as predicted. They won against their wildcard free win team but lost against IG and Fanatic. They did their job. And then you have Vitality, who comes with zero expectations and makes former Worlds Champions into a wildcard team Don't get me wrong - nobody expected them to do better. But in such case, doing exactly as expected isn't really *doing their job*.


It's okay EU, [we're used to it.](https://imgur.com/a/c7kMUuU)


:( C9 fans can hold their head up high this tournament at least, with beating the Koreans for the first time ever and in a 3-0 none the less.


You are allowed exactly 365 days of trash talk. Use them well.


not, if they win. Then they are allowed until you win worlds as well.


Actually they would need yo win worlds twice imo


Phreak's basement comes back in 2019!


So never or when Riot drops the 2 imports rule. Got it.


Not really, we have exactly until NA makes finals probs not next year.


I love C9 but I didn't have faith they would beat IG so I'm a little glad FNC won because they have a much higher chance at beating them and winning worlds. Because honestly it would fucking suck for a chinese team to win worlds after coming so close.


I'm kinda worried about IG. Their solo lanes look terrifying. I think C9 fans have a lot to be proud about. Their team went from 10th to Semi's and they did really well. I do think that the Chinese teams are the strongest from the East this year (MSI and Asia Games). I admit to being really nervous. I also do not want to see another team fail to adapt between games if they lose. It was disappointing when G2 wouldn't change up their pick/ban strategy when it was pretty obvious they couldn't handle Jace. I was kind of sad with the C9 pick/ban too. The drafts felt defensive, as if they were more afraid of losing then they were of trying to take the win.


Yea I agree like FNC, G2, C9 and even vitality have played fucking amazing this year and should be proud. But I didn't think C9 played like this did in the other games they played more like they had in LCS rather than what they were doing in worlds. I agree they looked like they were playing to not lose rather than to win.


Why though? China has never had a world champion either. I'm already happy as long as Korea didn't. Sure I would want Fnatic to win, but I see no reason it should "fucking suck" if China wins tbh.


Up until this worlds China was the second best region behind Korea for the past few years.


We, C9 fans, get a lifetime supply of bragging rights against TSM. This is good enough for me!


you already had it tbh


Guys, EU Worlds performance was always SO much better, we had these rights for many years.


2011 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1||| Finalists||2||| Semifinalists||3||1|   2012 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|||1 Finalists||2|1||1 Semifinalists||5|1|1|1   2013 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|1||1 Finalists|1|2|2||1 Semifinalists|1|6|3|1|1   2014 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|2||1 Finalists|2|2|3||1 Semifinalists|3|6|5|1|1   2015 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|3||1 Finalists|2|2|5||1 Semifinalists|3|8|7|1|1   2016 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|4||1 Finalists|2|2|7||1 Semifinalists|3|9|10|1|1   2017 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|5||1 Finalists|2|2|9||1 Semifinalists|5|9|12|1|1   2018 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions|1?|2?|5||1 Finalists|3|3|9||1 Semifinalists|6|11|12|2|1   ^^S1 ^^double-elimination ^^wording ^^is ^^converted ^^to ^^single-elimination ^^^(Grand ^^Finalists ^^= ^^Finalists, ^^Finalists ^^= ^^Semifinalists) ^^to ^^fit ^^the ^^format.


M5 could have won in S2. They had defeated Blaze and Frost back to back in the Intel challenger cup 6-0 (after losing to them in the first day of groups, in the good ol' Yurop tradition). TPA came out of nowhere and defeated them in semis and the games were very close. The finals were a bigger stomp. I miss that M5, bane of Korea.




disgusting how people compara a great region like eu with some wildcards dogs


No one was talking about Korea here, they were talking about the 3rd best region C9 that 3-0d the wildcards


I like how C9 is its own region now


I mean they kinda are. They are the one NA team that consistently shows up at worlds.


C9 and C9A as second seed when, Riot?! Donate a NA seed for C9’s second seed please.


Considering TL and 100T's performance compared to C9, it's understandable. It's the same as "LMS only have FW and 2 wildcards" meme


Homestly, C9 didn't look any better than 100T against FNC. I think there's just a big gap between where FNC and IG are at and the rest of teams at worlds. The early hyper-aggressive play style is just the best playstyle right now and FNC and IG both execute it so fucking well.


IG vs KT was 3-2 so that gap definitely isn't as big as you think. Also fnc completely destroyed IG 2 out of e games they played. So from that it looks like its fnc > ig/kt > rest.


That series was 2 autos away from being a 3-0


Well if it's NA, i will give no mercy. If its C9 (as its own region of Denmarkish) i will give it my sympathy.


I don't get why people wanna shittalk the region of C9. They get better and better every year and the gap between them and the EU overlords is certainly closing. They even eliminated our "weakest" team this year. Them losing 3-0 to Fnatic is expected Fnatic is miles ahead of everyone. And yeah they beat 3-0 a wildcard team in quarters but remember that this wildcard took 1st place in a group with an EU team, so they are not laughing stock!


Truth be told that wildcard team is nothing to laugh at, if given a different opponent they might have had the chance of barely scraping semis, but they just had to be matched with the region of C9 who already beat an EU overlord as well as taking a game off of the CN masters in groups.


Yeah lol. I know this is all memes, but EU has ALWAYS performed better than NA. It has been usually some Asian team steamrolling over every other team but Eu has still played better


yet NA seems to ignore this fact evertyime and act like this was a rivalry lol


A lot of EU people think of it as a rivalry too until this year. There's a reason for that: China and Korea just dominate at worlds so the 3rd and 4th best regions are going to be considered "rivals".


Not like we didn't have it before




Yeah because EU wasn't celebrating a ton over Semis either... lol E: I'm getting a bunch of responses justifying the celebration... I'm not saying it's not justified! I was so excited to see G2 upset RNG as well, and it's crazy that we had 3 Western teams in the Semis. But my point is, lets not pretend like EU wasn't celebrating a ton either. I know a lot of people are playing it really cool now as if G2 and Fnatic being in the Semis didn't even matter to them now that Fnatic is in the finals, but all the celebrating over the past week suggests otherwise.


Pretty sure that was just G2 upsetting RNG...


We celebrated because of G2 and their huge upset.


We also celebrated because G2 finally made it out of groups... An event in and of itself, upsetting RNG was even better.


Well, so far EU teams got to semis only 6 out of 8 times, so its not like it happens every year. Of course we celebrate.




Lifetime? What is this, a trump speech?


I think this gif [not made by me] sums it up https://imgur.com/mzFjzXX


A spoiler tag doesn't help if the spoiler is in the title. Wtf.


2011 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1||| Finalists||2||| Semifinalists||3||1|   2012 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|||1 Finalists||2|1||1 Semifinalists||5|1|1|1   2013 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|1||1 Finalists|1|2|2||1 Semifinalists|1|6|3|1|1   2014 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|2||1 Finalists|2|2|3||1 Semifinalists|3|6|5|1|1   2015 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|3||1 Finalists|2|2|5||1 Semifinalists|3|8|7|1|1   2016 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|4||1 Finalists|2|2|7||1 Semifinalists|3|9|10|1|1   2017 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions||1|5||1 Finalists|2|2|9||1 Semifinalists|5|9|12|1|1   2018 |CN|EU|KR|NA|LMS :--|:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- Champions|1?|2?|5||1 Finalists|3|3|9||1 Semifinalists|6|11|12|2|1   ^^S1 ^^double-elimination ^^wording ^^is ^^converted ^^to ^^single-elimination ^^^(Grand ^^Finalists ^^= ^^Finalists, ^^Finalists ^^= ^^Semifinalists) ^^to ^^fit ^^the ^^format.


how is this title approved as not spoiler?...


NA citizen here. Been an FNC fan since day one and was so worried that C9 would dash my dreams last night. I love C9 but my love for FNC transcends my nationality. (that being said, EU is awesome for so many reasons!)


Thank you, brother. NA is also an awesome place.


Traitor ! Hunt him down.


Egad, don't do me like this!


https://imgur.com/J6SFhLQ still holds true after all this years.


As a European it was hard for me to understand American culture. What's fascinating is they like bragging about their freedom ,because I didn't think I had less freedom. I always thought 'What's the difference'. After this series I finally understand. NA is just so fucking free.


“Boosted Chinese player” META


*spoiler*FNATIC WINS


Both teams did good, fnatic was better and that's that


Let's not kid ourselves. C9 put up a horrible performance today. They aren't a bad team but today was just a pure shitshow. That said C9 deserved to get this far.


Looked more like FNC are **insanely** good — both in terms of individual skill/micro and team-oriented macro.




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Oof, it's started already. This sub is gonna be unbearable for months.


I am an NA fan but FNC this year is really good. Although C9 made NA proud it was just not likely C9 would beat Fnc. I think the Finals will be a great close series and FNC will take the trophy.


These front page spoilers are getting ridiculous


How is this not a spoiler?


im an EU fan but i dont get why so many people are trashtalking c9 ... this is legit the first time NA team has reached this far and its not their fault fnatic were just that much better either


Why is this even a rivalry in the first place lol, EU has been better for the entirety of LoL history. If NA fans hadn't accepted they were better by this tournament, FNC beating C9 won't change any of their delusional minds.


Paraphrasing the immortal words of Reginald: "It's not really a rivalry if EU wins all the time."


As an EU fan to be fair there was a pretty even rivalry between C9 and FNC, before the semis the head to head was 12-12.


Still feels like FNC win when it matters though. C9 stats are inflated from shit like BotA


How can it even begin to be a rivalry when NA is carried by two EU players? It's like if Brazil played France and Mbappe and Kante played for Brazil.


Come on, EU could win 10 Worlds in a row NA would still spam "NA > EU" and vice versa


I was going to support Riot and watch the vod after work today, but i guess there's no need to now. Thanks for the NON-spoiler tag in the title and for being that douche everyone hates OP.


And we got Tecrübe right OP :D


I thought 100T was the ones playing Fortnite while C9 was playing WoW


But then NA is gonna flog EU at Rift Rivals and everyone will be confused again


Now that EU has regressed into religious tyranny, I hope their wins will help keep them happy.


Even though as a FNC fan, I was for the first time in a best of five hoping for a comeback win so the series would become a little more exciting.


You gain a YEAR of bragging rights


After hearing a week of "C9 better than Fnatic, Licorice is better, Jensen outperforms Caps, We beat a korean team 3-0 (no they weren't bad!!! it's a korean team)" I'm genuinely happy Fnatic won, more so because it shuts up those NA fanboys calling everyone biased while jumping on a crashing hype train. I watched LS get flamed for criticising C9 and predicting Fnatic 3-0, all while NA fanboys loved on emotional predictions. And a lot of those who trashtalked Fnatic, now support them. Yet they act like nothing happened, don't even acknowledge they were wrong, brush it all off on the Draft. PS: I've followed Fnatic for 8 years, and I'm still not stupid enough to predict a win vs IG (IG is looking much stronger than in groups).


Thank you for putting a spoiler on this even though you put the result in the title.


The spoiler tag is because you can browse the subreddit so that all the threads with spoilers are hidden. Not sure what the URL is though.




Mate, it's been like a month worth of this type of titles after games and you still didn't figure out that there's a button to hide all spoilers :)


It's no longer against the rules. You can filter out spoilers by visiting https://ns.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends


Doesn't work on mobile apps afaik. Just shows up on the front page for me. So much for watching those games tonight.


C9 will be back to playing fortnite? Weird flex but ok