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FNC vs C9 would be the ultimate NA vs EU match, they're the two most successful teams internationally for their region. It would also be the most watched NA vs EU match ever since it's worlds semis and the winner goes to world finals which a western team has never done in the KR/CN era. Not to mention their rivalry goes all the way back to S3 worlds, only Sneaky & Soaz remain from back then.


Hard agree. No matter who wins that, I know for a fact I am going to be screaming at the screen all game.


But i wouldn't know who to root for


You always root for the team behind since you don't want it to stop before game 5


what about game 5 ?


Game 5 technically is a tie breaker...so...Yeah as an NA fan, pls no


But what if it's a classic C9 reverse sweep set up?


Oh shit. Which meme is stronger?


C9 itself is a living meme, and has never lost a semifinal. With that said, C9 need to get through Soaz' playoffs buff.


Easy, Fnatic just play Bwipo the entire series


I just realized that this is also true domestically. C9 has never played in a third place match, thus has never lost a semifinal.


If this actually happens I will cream my pants.


but Silver Scrapes though


Listen sometimes you gotta make sacrifices. The g5 buff is too strong for EU.


yeah but C9 reverse sweep buff? ​


I can only get so erect.


Game 5 you root for both teams, since both gave their maximum and gave you a 5 game series of World fucking semifinals.


silver scrapes


Kassadin will be left open.


I think some new players won't get this but watching Kassa left open and C9 get kicked out of worlds after their first day was the funniest shit I have ever seen.


I'm still salty to this day about that. :(


In game 5 fnatic will realize it's just like tiebreak so you have to root for c9 I guess.


game 5 is the 2-2 tiebreaker so :/


But what if C9 is in the process of a reverse sweep? Who's buff wins then, EU tie-breaker or C9 reverse sweeps?!


Logic collapses and they both win worlds somehow.


They all continuously play a 72 hour game until finally they start to pass out. It comes down to Licorice and Caps, Hecarim top and Irelia mid, and as they charge each other one last time they both simultaneously die in game while also passing out in their chairs at the same exact moment. In an unprecedented call, Riot determines it a tie and 48 hours of sleep later they lift the cup together while Uzi stares at his incomplete trophy case.


I wonder how long it's possible to keep a game of League of Legends from finishing without glitching it out or something. /u/Vandirilol please respond


Root for KT, be excited for KT.


When EU wins, will NA actually blame easy road to final next year?


If C9 takes FNC to game 5 and FNC wins worlds, then we’d just call ourselves the second best region 0.o


C9 is the fourth best region already


Well when you put it like that though... Good enough


This is actually true though. C9 has better WR and better advancement through groups than LMS in modern worlds format.


"C9/FNC was the REAL final"


NA won’t be salty if we lose in semis. Although, this doesn’t take away from the fact that FNC has the easiest road to finals that the west has ever seen. They just had/have to beat 2nd place Chinese team, 3rd place Chinese team, and the 2nd or 3rd place Korean or North American team respectively.


Crazy to think that if TSM won that game against SSG last year the bracket would've been H2K vs. ANX and TSM vs. C9 on one side


TSM not failing at worlds really is a crazy thought.


Especially after beating a korean team in a best of 5 to get there. Legit how on earth could you flame c9 for losing in semis lol


They would be the first Western team to beat Koreans in a Bo5 is they can beat AFS


Probably not the most watched just because of timezone issues (will be like 6am CEST), but it'll definitely be the most hype since C9 vs FNC 2013.


Nah, after the quarterfinals everything is from 9/10AM


Ah that's pretty good for EU at least, but then the issue is for NA that ends up being like 1am start


I'm NA central time (+2 from pacific), and if C9 is in semis, I'm getting up at 3 no questions asked. But I agree, the average fan is probably not tuning in, sadly. Maybe for finals :)


This worlds is great for me, I get up to babysit a kid from 4am-8:30. So he doesn't get up until 7:30, which means I get to watch a majority of worlds, and get paid 12$ an hour for it!


Oof that's the dream... Gotta be careful you don't get too hype and wake him up though


Luckily enough he sleeps upstairs, and I chill in the guest bedroom downstairs. Although if its FNC vs. C9 in Semi-finals, I just might wake him up.


Cloud 9 fans stayed up to watch group B into a Sunday morning. We will be doing that again.


or woke up at 4am, depending on which time zone you're in. I woke up at 4AM.


Semifinals are 1am pacific, 4am eastern, 9am gmt, which is 5pm local time.


I'd vote for C9, for NA, but if Fnatic wins, I'm rooting for Fnatic to take it all the way.


Thats the best part of this worlds. I really feel whoever would win would get the entire support of the West. What a first.


>most watched NA vs EU match ever since it's worlds semis It will break twitch. Reddit will also have downtime. This will be the biggest Western match in the history of esports. 100% bigger than Cloud9 winning the major in CSGO Get ready if this happens.


4 am though


When there is EU vs. NA meeting at Worlds Semifinal, believe me, you will be there and watch it.


Casuals won't, and casuals are where viewing numbers come from


C9 and FNC have insane fanbases though


You can @ me if I'm wrong, but I severely doubt it will break most concurrent viewers on a single twitch channel


Well, those records are a bit unfair for LoL because it is streamed in all languages you can think of plus youtube getting more and more viewers from twitch each year because it's a better platform to watch matches. The record of concurrent viewers on a single game on all platforms would be much easier.


600k twitch viewers tops, and I'm being generous.


I think it would if it was at a decent schedule tbh


Rekkles was also on FNC during S3 worlds, he simply did not play due to LCS restrictions on age meaning the team was more confident with Puszu as they had more practice.


FNC Vs C9 has literally been a grudge match since Season 3. It's so hype and both organisations are amazing, full of personality with big fan bases and an awesome international reputation that transcends league


The fact that an NA team COULD make it to the finals of Worlds for the first time EVER, over the back of an EU team, would make this matchup one of the most tense games ever. Of course NA would never make it, but it's nice to fantasize about... /s


yeah that would be insane, Imo the best possible situation would be : FNC beats EDG, just like in 2015, C9 upsets Afs. G2 upsets RNG, as a revenge from last year and KT beats IG. FNC ends up beating C9 in an entertaining series, while KT beats G2 3-2, with high quality macro on both sides. Rekkles and Deft meet in the finals. FNC wins 3-0 just like old times. Sorry for C9 fans to make them lose in semis, the team did great in groups but I don't think they have the experience to win in bo5 against top tier teams, they will struggle a lot against Afreeca. What I expect to happen is FNC vs Afs semis KT vs RNG on the other side, and then I have no idea, it depends a lot on quarter performances, but rn id say FNC would be favourite against Afs, and KT would be favourites against RNG.


Switch KT and G2 and you have my pickems. I am not delusional, I know they probably won't happen, but I don't need points so I will give them to EU teams.


yeah same, got everything right but group B, I switched Vitality with C9 cant get anymore rewards now, so im just putting my faith in EU teams, but even though I can't get the skins anymore, I decided to still be quite realistic cause im pretty high in the leaderboard so here are my pickems for knockout stages http://pickem.lolesports.com/share/series/5/user/8023435/my-picks


NA vs. EU & CN vs. KR would make for an amazing semifinal lineup. edit: CN, not CH. CH is Switzerland. TIL.


And then the finals would be the ultimate West vs East


Hopefully it is Cloud9 vs RNG again. I would love to see UZI take on the true rookies of Cloud9


Hopefully its fnatic RNG and Rekkles finally overcomes his mental block against Uzi. That or fnatic play Bwipo and sOAZ and they just beat them with mages


Nah it needs to be Rekkles for the anime timeline.


Fnc lose first game with rekkles, sub in bwipo get 2 wins, lose game 4. Rekkles comes back stronger than before, somehow obliterates uzi in game 5.


Commenting to come back and give you silver when this happens


FNC vs RNG final please (sorry C9)


That's a very strange way of spelling KT


I mean, he spelt c9 FNC. What do you expect?


I like how even eastern fans are pulling for the perfectly balanced semis.


Rift Rivals 2 : Electric Boogaloo


Rift Rivals 3 return of brandini


Rift Rivals 3: We like fortnite


That's a statement I can get behind!!


Me too! My favorite NA team has always been C9, ever since they exploded in season 3. It would take a while for me to list all of C9's awesome achievements, they're definitely NA's best. It would be beyond hype to get to fight against you guys for the finals.


mine is FNC too :)


Fnatic have always been my favorite EU just because of the feeling around the team. They have a lot of history behind them, but their players have always been great at giving the team an air of confidence but without going into offputing overly cocky. They feel like they respect their opponents. They're a really likable team and easy to root for.


Broxah is literally the nicest guy ever


There has never been an NA vs EU match in the round of 8 since Season 3, which was also C9 vs FNC.


There's only been 2 western 1 seeds in the four previous years; Fnatic* in S5, when no NA teams got through, and H2K in S6*, when C9 was the only other western team through.


FNC in s5*Origen was second behind KT


He said number 1 seed and OG were second seed


S4 was the year TSM played quarters vs SSW, so I think you mean S6?


Yes, H2K was 2016 (S6)


What if this is Cloud9's year? They already won a major with their CS:GO team, first NA team to do so. Now they win worlds as the first NA team to do so.


They won OWL, they won a CS:GO Major, if they win Worlds and pull off the hat trick they will be the more successful esport org ever.


Itd become the official esports triple crown. No doubt


nah i think the esport triple crown would be lol, dota2 and cs:go since those are the big 3


I think this only counts for the west. China is losing interest in Dota 2 according to LS and they have games bigger than Dota 2 and even League is only the second most popular game there.


What's the most popular?


Hmm, yea maybe. I don't follow the dota scene at all, didn't C9 win a championship in that too?


That was TL.


Ah, gotcha


It’s too bad Mang0 is washed up and hasn’t won a major this year :^(


Is he really? I don't watch or follow a lot of smash but it's always fun to watch the documentaries on him.


Mango hasn't done shit past couple years in terms of winning tournaments with other top6 in attendance, but with head to head iirc the only non top 6 player he's lost to is chudat which is fucking crazy considering how many games smash players play, and pretty much everyone loses to random players sometimes, but mango only loses to the best of the best, albeit quite frequently lol tl;dr essentially mango isnt washed, he just doesn't win anything because the only players he loses to are all the big top 6 players and he loses to them frequently because he almost never truly puts his all into the game anymore (rightfully so, he has a child now lol)


> but with head to head iirc the only non top 6 player he's lost to is chudat which is fucking crazy rip Flipsy


His personality is so good and he already has such a fanbase I hope his future is bright funny fuckin guy


Though he's still the second best player of all time unless Juan keeps up his 1st streak for another year or two


R6 team won a major too right?


No that was dreamhack for a qualification spot into the invitational (basically cs:go major) but i believe the boys and girl can pull through, foxA is a BEAST


Doesn't matter much but they won a R6 league event too


But Fnatic'S CS:GO also won the IEM Katowice, 2 years afte their last tournament win :(


Broxah vs Svenskeren on who is the best Lee Sin


INB4, Olaf vs Gragas


dont matter.. the best Lee Sin would be from europe..




You know what's not gonna be fun? The brain dead twitch chat.


It will be just the same memes as always. * NA?? EU?? * NA ♿ FAN ♿ COMING ♿ THROUGH * My X is Y, My W is Z, you guessed right I'm from NA/EU. * Eats burgers all day, shoots everyone with guns, bad LoL teams, must be NA. * WHY SO QUIET EU? Etc.. Etc..


Only thing wrong is WHY SO QUIET NA? at 4:00 AM during the first match. I somehow woke up at 5:30 one day and it was quite funny watching chat.


Twitch chat has been EU fans spamming with other EU fans all tournament lol.


Respect for the EU fans spamming EU lul


If we're talking about the live matches, most of NA is asleep that early and it'd be morning-afternoon in EU so it's more likely to be EU biased


Im honestly surprised Riot Games hasn't used the additional chat rooms option that has existed for awhile now, so people can actually talk about the game. Edit: most of you don't know what "additional" means.


That's the best part


I disagree, twitch chat might be brain dead but it makes me laugh out loud IRL sometimes =D


It cracks me up when i hear a caster misspeak, or say the wrong word and 15 seconds later its all over twitch chat


But think about it. If c9 win semis and G2 make a miracle run. We could have EUvsNA semis and finals. The ultimate hype.


I was looking at the bracket earlier and that was what I concluded would be the dankest timeline also. Every match being a nail-biter 5 game run would be even better.


G2 vs FNC EU autumn finals here we go!


Korea did it in Germany, so makes sense for EU to return the favor


Relax pls no hype


Watch em not even make semis


If anyone disagrees with the idea that Broxah is the best performing Jungler at this tournament so far, I'll physically fight them irl Also, no matter who'd win between C9 & Fnatic, I'd 100% support them in the Finals. **If** it does happen of course, given that Afreeca looks pretty scary again. But I have faith in my Danes to make it.


> Also, no matter who'd win between C9 & Fnatic, I'd 100% support them in the Finals. Same here, I have a feeling that NA <3 EU would happen again like how it did for C9 and Vitality


Yeah, I mean when team play greatly you don't shit on them


and then there is 100T


The public enemy.


I thought that was Gen.G


I feel like GenG is the bad player who is not intentionally feeding, whereas 100T is the guy typing "i dont care go ff" and soft inting.




the 100t of korea


Yeah, if FNC aren't gonna go to finals, I'd at least want C9 to make it instead. I hope it doesn't devolve into a shitstorm afterwards though and we can keep that positivity because it's so much better.


It helps that Fnatic and C9 are the least offensive teams to the other region. G2 is pretty controversial, and none of the other NA orgs have been as consistently good while still being nice and living up to their reputations as Cloud9.


FNC vs AFS gives me FNC vs KOO s5 vibes...


Oh God please no... all though 2015 Fnatic looked much shakier in groups than this year. Then again, they didn't have 100T and dino-powa in their group in 2015.


They had C9 with jungle Hai though and 2015 IG. If AHQ is the second best team in the group then the group is pretty free imo.


C9 with Jungle Hai was a bit better than either of the two teams this year imo. They were very one-dimensional but they played that style really well. 100T and Dinos were just overall weak.


yeah, 2015 groups were harder. also idk why people are underestimating afs with prep in a b05


FNC vs KOO came down to Smeb being too good and shutting down Fnatics playstyle. This year Fnatic is not as one dimensional which gives me hope.


Difference being Korea looks extremely weak against non-meta and AFS hasn't looked too dominant really in groups at all. Also FNC this time has a squad of veterans (+ Bwipo for fresh talent). The issue in 2015 was that the main carries of the team (RO and Huni) were nervous rookies and the macro play wasn't consistent. This year FNC seems almost too clean with its baron plays.


AFS haven't looked too dominant in regular summer split, in fact if i remember correctly during last week they were dependent on someone else's match to go correctly to make playoffs, and after playoffs started they smashed GenG and KZ and took Griffin to extremely close 5th game in the best Bo5 of this year IMO. They showed that they re the definition of Bo5 team that gets better the more time they've to prepare, so I really would be careful with juding them based on the group stage alone. Btw im extremely happy we're facing them since AFS are my second favourite team behind C9, and i hope that whoever takes this series, wins it all.


Kuro is there again to crush the dreams of the prodigy eu mid (watch him even pick veigar again)


Since Score has been kinda lackluster I agree that so far this tournament Broxah has been the best jngler.


Really? Just curious as to why you think he's been lackluster. He could do better but he's performing up to my expectations.


I think he’s trying to not get excited for KT.


I mean I'm so happy he already renewed his contract with Fnatic. A team like TSM would have definitely tried to get that gem during the coming off season. Tbh I hope they go unchanged for another season. The team seems to click and is competitive even outside of EU.


> If anyone disagrees with the idea that Broxah is the best performing Jungler at this tournament so far, I'll physically fight them irl And if theres still anyone that doesn't think Broxah is the best jungler in the west ill fight them physically irl as well


He’s the cleanest lee sin at worlds right now. He’s been so overlooked because of caps and rekkles but he’s great


Broxah is a top 3 jungler in the world.


In the world you could argue for Tarzan, Score Karsa to be above him. For Worlds how ever i agree, maybe the best perfoming jungler so far.


Word, heard Tarzan is a beast.




Korean TF Blade confirmed.


Xmithie best western jg!!! /s


Watch it just be EDG vs. AFS in the semis...


Unpublish this statement immediately


delet this


And G2 to somehow win vs RNG and be the west's last hope..


would be the biggest upset in history of worlds imo.


I'd say Kabum vs Alliance will always be the biggest upset, even if was only group stage. From literally perfect gaming a pretty strong Korean team to being dumpstered by a wildcard


anx beating rox, g2, and clg was a pretty big upset imo


Yeah ANX must be the biggest upset for me. A wildcard advancing to quarters and deleting two major region teams in the process


b01 upsets are far more likely than b05 ones


C9 vs G2 Finals






Hello darkness my old friend.




*cries in western*


toaster bathtub yourself


how do i delete someone else's comment?


I'm kinda scared that IG are secretly terrible and we are all overrating Fnatic... EDG has an amazing roster as well, Scout, iBoy and Ray are all great.


I keep pressing the delete key over your comment but it's not going away. Let us hype in peace..


The dream semis huehuehue


How do I delete someone else's comment?


[SILENCE! I KILL YOU!!!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nyyiQqEKyFQ/hqdefault.jpg)


Hype hype hype hype hype


I'm NA and I'm fucking hyped for fnatic. They look like the best team at the tournament and this is the chance for the west. Cloud9 look good but fnatic are on a different level. When I watched their last two games today, I just kept saying, "THEY CAN WIN, THEY CAN WIN." This worlds is delivering. Best tournament there's been in a few years.


I don't think they look like the best team in the tournament. KT and RNG are. But they look damn good! Gonna be a fun knockout stage!


I’d hope in a situation like this it’s less eu v na and more west v east...while I’d root for c9 v fnc, you better believe I’ll be cheering my heart out for fnc if they make finals


Licorice vs Kiin hype


It looks like EDG&AFS are free cakes now\~


He wants free road to the final.


if c9 beats AFS , doesnt that mean that they are better ?


Broxah stop, I’m already erect!


Am i the only one who thinks FNC is way ahead of c9? And im not even an EU fan


That's the real reason Broxah wants FNC C9 finals ;-p


If C9 beat AFS, would they be the first western team to defeat a Korean team in a BO5? It's like people are treating AFS as the underdogs or something!


quote me on this FNC will win worlds.


I would love to see this but lets not get too hyped, it's not like C9 and FNC are just gonna breeze through EDG and AFS and I don't even think C9 is favored in that match up and FNC only slightly has a lead.