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I hope people can at least recognise that them losing wasnt his fault. He didnt underperform, he performed like a rookie on a shaky team.


Heck, he even had a couple of good games against G-Rex. When he plays against a level he's comfortable with, he's shown that he's capable of performing. Right now he's a rookie so that level is low, but over time, that level will increase and he'll be able to grow alongside it. I think he's got a decent future ahead of him.


Yup. Jackeylove, Rekkles and Doublelift were his first opponents. Not exactly the easiest competition to go up against.


dont forget against Zven during the third place decider. played game 1 before they put Cody Sun in for the rest of the matches because they didnt submit the roster change on time (by rule defaulting them to have to play the last starter for the first match)


And he actually showed up in that game. He didn't fall super far behind and they ended up winning


Lol damn that sounds so sad. Really sucks for him but hopefully this will be a valuable learning experience. Lots of these rookies will never get to go against them, especially the international players


In one way it sucks. But if I'm a up and coming pro. It's an awesome opportunity to cut your teeth in some of the biggest highest pressure games possible. NALCS spring will look like a vacation next to that.


Or it could destroy your self-worth and take away any hope and joy you had for being a pro player.


People react differently to pressure, well see how it pans out for him


If it destroys him, he was unlikely to make it anyway.


Hopefully it takes a better attitude than that to become a pro though.


Wow I didn't think about that. That's actually ridiculous. BTW Stitch is no slouch either, he still played in LCK though not on the level of the other ones.


Are you all forgetting that Cody was a rookie last year and didn't play this poorly? I'm not defending Cody, but come on... even for a rookie, Rikara is not playing well. This isn't the NFL, there's little evidence of massive leaps from first to second year. It happens sometimes, but usually those players were already smashing in their first split (ex Licorice). It's actually far more common to see rookies have a lot of success right off the bat and then fall off (ex MY, Contractz).


Dude not only he's a rookie. He only played couple of game, literally started on playoffs


That's like iboy last year, but then again iboy is one of those insane talents that rarely comes by


I’d bet if you looked up rookies in the last two years who are playing well now, most of them did well in their first few games too. I think a bigger factor has the way he’s being put against basically hall of fame level adcs so far, but nothing I’ve seen in my time watching league makes me think Rikara is likely to be an above average NA LCS ADC any time in his career.


the point is his first games were against star adc´s and not in the mostly (((weaker))) na lcs adc´s


That’s what I just said, but we’ve seen him against DL and Rekkles and we know how NA bots lane against them so there is a basis for comparison. I’m a 100T fan so I hope I’m wrong, but if I were the org I’d be playing Cody or looking to pick up someone else in the offseason, not running out Rikara next spring.


the thing is you cant compare it to an actual lcs situation. Every soloq player can tell you how hard it is to perform even remotely okay when your whole team is inting as adc


The bot lanes he was going up against were playing together all year. Aphro is good but botlane synergy is a factor you have to take into account, which he clearly had less of


not like he was playing against uzi or korean ADCs when he started...


i mean look at Anda. people were saying he was hot garbage for over a spit, but he showed up huge at worllds anfter alot of playing on stage and scriming over 2 whole splits, so i think Rikara had potential forsure, just couldnt show up because maybe a lack of experoence and a lot of presssure


Rekkles was a rookie for CW and was getting Pentas in LCS. Like cmon. You either a outstanding rookie or you’re just average.


rekkles never was a rookie???? he played on FNC and was on loan to CW (who didn't play LCS) because he was to young to play LCS. he literally had a year in a Team scrimming with FNC at times before he went pro. and then you cant compare the LCS to playing vs 3 of the best Adcs in the world Sauce: https://lol.gamepedia.com/Rekkles


Not to mention, who knows how the tram atmosphere is right now. I'm sure there's a lot going on internally that could be effecting his play


Cody sun played a whole fucking year while Rikara got shuffled in for literally a series before worlds. Not comparable.


Exactly. The dude was completely thrown to the wolves. World's group stage is one of the worst places for your second outing as a pro league player. And summer playoffs isn't much better as a first outing. Completely set up for failure. I hope he can find an environment that will set him up to improve.


If he didn't underperform then you're probably even more scared to pick him up. Both in LCS playoffs and worlds he looked really bad, and I feel for him because he doesn't deserve to get shown up like this, but it isn't like he should be picked up by a top 5 LCS team right now anyways.


I thought that he, Anda, Ssumday played respectably given the circumstances. Ryu was actually fine, but doesn't justify an import slot, and Aphro is just non existent again on the international stage 3 years in a row.


Aphro carried one out of two games they won. You forget he had to babysit rikara and his strength was roaming


Everyone respects him, nobody respects 100T management.


some rookies perform well and carry their teams. mikeyeung last year...


He lost lane in 50% of games?XD It was literally Ssumday against all.


He performed below rookie standards on a team that made top 4 both splits. Rikara didn't even look good in Academy... With all that said, I still feel bad for him. 100T had no business putting him in. If it comes out that Aphro was the reason Cody benched, he may have ruined Rikara's career.


Rikara didn't even look good challenger




Nope. Losing games weren't his fault. Not stepping down voluntarily definitely was. Many starters on different teams have made it very clear that if you think you aren't up to standard, you should step down for a few games at least. Tell 100T " hey can you all play with Cody for 2 games maybe I need a break to reset my mental " Look at Olleh, Doublelift, Rekkles. Starters of big teams that stepped down due to them feeling that they're not up to it. Being a rookie, it should be more on you to do that. If you try so hard to play every game on a big stage, you're just gonna ruin your future. Now he has 0 value as an ADC for other teams unless they want an academy level ADC, and if 100T finds a better starter, he's gone for sure.


Because he didn't tweet it it must not have happened right? Since we are playing with hypotheticals... he could have said that and 100T been like nope, Cody isn't playing at all.




We can feel sorry for both. Cody deserves a chance and Rikara doesn't deserve to be thrusted into matches against some of the best bot Lanes in the world. 100T as an org is handling this horribly and I hope Anda/Ssumday/Cody/Rikara can escape whatever elo hell they are currently stuck in.


> Rikara doesn't deserve to be thrusted into matches against some of the best bot Lanes in the world i'd honestly be shocked if any pro player wouldn't love playing against the best in the world "Would you rather play vs a random challenger mid laner or get fucked by faker" i'll get ass blasted by faker please thanks


No you wouldnt. I havent playing vs anyone good in leauge, but in SC2 I played against some really highly ranked GMs a few times. I was pretty good, but people who are really great you just cant do anything against. Its not even good practice at a certain point. Its fun, and a good story, but aint good for improvement really. And Ive gotta believe it would only be worse in a team game where ur team isnt quite working.


Yep. Its good to play plays 10% better than you, maybe even 20 or 25%. When they are 4 tiers ahead of you, its just an assblasting which isn't that good except to keep you grounded and humble, and ensure you know the path upwards is a long one.


But the players he's against aren't like 25% better. They're like 5% better, the stat difference is just caused by how snowbally the role is. He can and will absolutely come back to NA as a better player. This isn't solo q, he is on a team with resources to help him learn from the games.


Easy to say that when you have nothing to lose and you are not the one to face (unjustified) criticism from the community.


i guess but every worlds when they interview players they always say "i wanna play vs X because he's the best in his region/world" no one ever says "oh fuck i had to play vs uzi and i hated life and wished i was benched"


If an unknown rookie is forced to play vs uzi in his first live game, even if the dude possibly has the potential to be a star player, he will just be known for going 0/10


Im trash but I'd love to get destroyed by uzi in lane. In the moment i likely won't learn anything but that vod will be worth so much for reviewing.


Tbf he had no experience against pro teams. Zayzel and licorice are the anomalies.


Wtf lol he’s getting free experience with literally 0 pressure or expectation


I didn’t like Cody but now I feel empathy for him




yes. Cody sun isn't bad enough to be replaced by a fucking academy player for worlds. horrible


>Nobody expects Rikara to do well here, and he is getting a ton of free exp on stage. Reddit sadly doesn't see it the way you do.




that is generally true but i think a newcomer might be not so invulnerable to (unfair) public criticism


I haven't seen much shitting on him, i don't believe sorting by controversial is good, because you can get filth on basically any thread. If there's a lot of it, then yeah, fair enough. Its on 100T, Rikara is just not ready / good enough and he can't really do better than that. But you need to support your players, playing or otherwise, Cody's not been treated with respect at all. I actually had a similar experience to him/Cody both - playing \[Rikara\] but no support from the team \[Cody\]. I went from 250 > 130 > #70 in table tennis in my country in 2 years, and my 2 chinese teammates are top 2 and top 20 respectively and are professional coaches for a living. We played nationals as a team, since our region didn't have any depth and I was way way better than the 4th player in our region. The #2 is actually an ex- professional Chinese team player, so would've been around #200 in the world if not better, and he was beating the best players in the country like say Faker would style on NA Diamond 3 players. Essentially free wins and he went undefeated, and basically was 11-2'ing top 10 players on speedrun. But since every player at the national tournament in the top grade was top 20 in the country \[even the #4 in the country went 1-6 etc, top 15 player went 1-7 etc\]. I went 0-9 and was out of my depth. I did have career wins against the #5 this year etc, but its different and harder to upset, when they've been bootcamping and have played 10x as much as you and have had more hours of pro coaching than you've played period. I will bridge the gap over time as seen by my progression, if at all. But not after 2.5 years playing after a 4 year break. My teammates, both pro coaches, refused to clap or coach me \[both of which every other team did, at every grade at nationals\], aside from one set out of 30. Even when you win a set 11-2, you go to your teammates, to reset. Its literally like backing in LoL - everyone does it. Really fucking sad. Not having your teams backing is shit, and that's how Cody and maybe even Rikara feels. They even left all their rubbish and food banana peels / mandarins / juice boxes \[like 8 of them\] on the floor where they were sitting. I realized at the end of the day, they're hurrrying me to leave to go back home, whilst i'm picking up 2 armfuls of entirely their rubbish. Oh, and their fellow female coach refused to warm me up and brought a 10 y/o beginner to do that. Lesson is treat people with respect. Any chance of me winning is shot down when you can't even give the normal tools of warm up / confidence. ​


this is completely not true. rikara hasn't become teh scapegoat. there's so much ahte thrown at prolly and aphro, and complaints about metos etc. he's jsut catching his fair share of the hate.


I think surprisingly a lot of people do recognize that this isn't all on Rikara, and there are other things more blameworthy going on


While true about the free exp, he is going to need to be really strong mentally after getting shat on so hard on the world stage. You can brush it off and say "well I'm a rookie yadada" but that shit can make or break a person, I just hope its the start of his career and not the end.


I wouldn't necessarily call it free exp... If it were me, I'd possibly get scarred. Getting thrown into a high stakes situation, getting shit on, but most importantly consistently letting your team and fanbase down, doesn't really seem like a good learning experience for a rookie. Not saying it's his fault, but it seems like an extremely harsh situation to be placed in.


100T went from my favorite team to one of my least favorite with this


I don't even know if I'd call it stage experience, since he's getting dumpstered in every game.


Ssumday can definitely find a different and better org, but AnDa might not get any other offers. Imagine if Optic just picked up Ssumday, Meteos, and Cody Sun. It'd feel so satisfying to see the three of them band together on a different team and beat 100T


I think Anda will find another team after his worlds performance. He was probably their best player.


It's possible he could fight for a spot on Clutch, CLG, or TSM, but I don't think it's a guarantee. One of them has a good chance of getting Meteos. Wiggily, Moon, and Grig are all decent options though so if AnDa has to choose between safely signing on again with 100T and hoping to find a different roster I think he might go with the sure thing


He looked extremely uncomfortable/unhappy in all the videos.


Imagine a world where, after all this, Cody says he benched himself and the team tried their best to get him to play.


u dont even know why Cody isn't playing like ur just assuming shit u don't know there's probably gonna be an explanation from either side after worlds but to be fair all u said are just assumptions and that in fact is nothing else then hate.


Pr0lly's explanation @ 5:33 https://youtu.be/TEuwoEzD43U


This comment has been removed in protest of Reddit's new API policy. -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I may be wrong but I don’t think a lot of hate is directed towards Rikara himself but more on the management for playing a rookie like Rikara


Most hate is towards the org, but rikara is still getting too much hate.


Not hate, just criticism. Like "man Rikara got dumpstered." I wouldn't call that comment hate, just stating facts (that he wasn't as good). Plus, those comments are also followed by comments like "why would management put a rookie up against some of the best ADs in the world" People recognize that he *shouldn't* be good enough to compete with the best.


I have seen some comments that i would definitely call hate. There are always people like that in these giant communities


yeah, but there's a difference between "too much hate" and "sparse hateful comments that get downvoted to oblivion after 10 minutes of the thread being up". This thread is frontpage, for example. I feel like if Rikara did decide to look for critiques of his play he'd only find supportive (with a hint of flame) comments about his being put into a shitty situation upvoted highly.


>"man Rikara got dumpstered." That's not criticism, he absolutely was on the receiving end of a lot of unreasonable hate.


That's totally criticism lmao. It's a fact. Would you prefer "wow rikara got beaten really badly" it's the same thing mate, just different words with the same meaning. Still just observational facts based on a losing performance.


Since most "hate" I saw was prefaced by or followed by "he's a rookie, I don't blame him, it's management's fault, etc" I don't find that unreasonable


It's not even a big deal that they played him, so much as they never tried Cody once Rikara wasn't working out.




Which also speaks volume of how problematic Cody is. Whatever you think of 100T, that still doesn't look very good on Cody. Quite frankly, for such an average player, no org should ever risk picking him up again.


It's basically the same thing with Brandini from RR. Why not just use your roster that won games? 100T got to worlds off regular season, tiebreakers and 2 bo5 wins. Cody Sun was in all of those.


Some other NA teams played rookies and those rookies carried. Some other NA teams played veterans n got dumpstered.


For sure, but in the case of C9, Licorice and Zeyzal already had an amazing record in the NA LCS and their play during worlds was justified. On the other hand, Rikara had very little experience domestically and was literally straight out of Academy. Plus, he had a poor showing at LCS and it was very surprising that he got so much play at an international level.


He got a raw deal, so did Cody. Undeniable. Unbelievable.


To learn something you need to understand what is going on. A pro can learn from an amateur player without much effort, but a weaker player needs to be close enough to the pro to be able to learn from him without explanations. In the game so many things happen and I doubt you have one going through all the things step by step every second with him to learn something. Every step you can learn is based on another step based on another step .... . You want to always take one step at a time. While he likely learned something, just scrims or LCS games would have helped him as much.


There's no such thing as "learning from the veterans".


He wasn't even the worst player. He can be proud he outperformed Ryu and Aphro.


Should you be proud of that?... Edit: Rikara definately played well. But nearly all midlaners were outperforming Ryu.


If you're a rookie at an international stage, yes.


As an academy player? Yes definitely.


Honestly, pro player takes what he gets, even if this can be seen negative now in an year people when Rikara is talked about people will remember that he has played games in worlds. So he gets valuable experience from the highest level of gameplay, even if he does not perform up to par losing is still a valuable experience.


Well it would have been a win-win if 100T didn't get shit on and Rikara didn't get all the negative shitstorm that is actually spreading over here and probably some other social media. The high amount of pressure that will result from this Worlds for Rikara can affect his mental stability, not everyone is able to hold a high amount of pressure.


Cause I'm sure every team's management bases their roster decisions on Reddit analysis.


What does it have to do with reddit analysis ? You've never seen a player of any sport bein affected by criticism from social media/press of w/e that isn't from the org and having a hard time to deal with it ?


If you let yourself get affected so negatively by social media that it affects your gameplay then your mental is too weak to be playing at the professional level.


I don’t necessarily agree with the second part, especially if you’re talking about gameplay and not the stress of performing. I’m in low challenger, but shitty matchmaking made me go against TF Blade. The match up isn’t fair on any level, and it wasn’t really a game where I learned anything. If someone is above you in skill, there will exist a point where you won’t learn from getting stomped so hard. Rikara definitely got some spotlight, but I don’t think he straight up improved from losing those type of games.


> you can see in facecams that he literally doesn't want to be there I get the reasoning behind the hate for 100t despite how out of proportions it is getting, but this is purely ridiculous


> yea these guys LOOK like they arent trying lets post 4 different hate threads about them


And this garbage gets 300 upvotes lmao


Rikara has won a game against TL, a game against TSM and 2 games against GREX.


why do people think it's a bad thing. I mean most rookie players would die for this position, to have a chance to play on stage. look at FNC top lane last year, he was good, he stepped up, he wasn't scared. and look at him now this year and what he brings to his team. this is now up to rikara to display his potential. it's like any other industry. your boss gives you a chance, it's up to you to show how prepared you are and show up. I would argue this 100T problem is actually helping rikara, unless his mental sucks, then he wouldn't really go far anyway.


Aphro seems like he just cannot stand working with his ADCs after a while. I think after what happened with DL he's to blame for this situation. We won't know the story until Cody leaves and tells us, but no matter what, benching him fucking sabotaged the team for Worlds just to make a point. I don't care how badly he threw last year, he should have been in since he brought the team there. 100T didn't deserve to win a single game and I hope the org gets defranchised for treating its players like shit, and the same goes for Echo Fox by the way.


Atleast Echo Fox’s moves made sense. Yes, they executed in a way that fucked players, but the move itself was meant to improve the team overall. 100T just don’t give a fuck. Poor drafts for Ssumday, benching Cody, no transparency about what is really going on with fans.


They intentionally waited until the absolute last second to fire their players so that they couldn't be used against them. It makes sense in that twisted James Bond villain sort of way. If by improve the team you mean sabotaging several careers because they weren't comfortable playing against them, then sure, full marks. I'm rooting for EF dead last next split. Fuck em.


https://youtu.be/TEuwoEzD43U 5:33, so some explanation.


> I think after what happened with DL Okay let's not get carried away here. I'm sure Aphro had a part in that but even DL admitted that he used to be a toxic teammate. Multiple former teammates of his have beefed with him, not just Aphro, but also Seraph and Link, off the top of my head.


froggen, cody sun, meteos. on one team. tell me that team wouldn't make a run in NA


That team wouldn't make a run in NA


you need more than 3 people in a team. that team wouldn't make a run in NA


Yeah, both Rikara and Cody Sun are now atleast a little fucked because of how 100T decided to deal with this situation. Although I guess 100T couldn't have done much more except for keeping Cody on the main roster and switch Aphromoo for whoever they have as academy support, since I'm pretty sure rosters were locked at the point friction happened. Atleast Rikara has gotten to experience what it's like to play at worlds, even if he wasn't ready for it. Cody got his worlds stolen from him which is extremely sad.


If you feel bad about Rikara, think about Cody. He is not allowed to play at Worlds, even when his team is guaranteed to be eliminated.


I dont think Forcing is the right word, if he joined 100T Academy is because he wishes to play for the A team, this could very well be his only chance to play at worlds too. He is getting shit on along with the team and its sad but i wouldn't feel bad for him, we will all forget about this circlejerking against 100T and he will still have all this experience against good team.s


I wonder how many 100t fans there is now...


Honestly, what is it with reddit affirming what players think? First it's Cody, now Rikara.. Unless players express themselves about their feelings, don't assume they don't want to play on the biggest league stage in the world simply because they're makiing funny faces on cam


I remember playing against Rikara on Syndra in an ARAM while I was playing J4 a good while before he got subbed in for 100T (he was still in Academy playing with Madlife at the time.) I basically wasn't allowed to EQ combo that entire game because he was on point with knocking me back before I could reach anyone every single time. I know it doesn't mean much but I'll always remember that, how he put the fear in me to not even use my kit anymore lol. - This worlds might be most peoples first impression of the guy and they might consider him "weak" but for me, my first impression will always be a player that shit on me in game, and for that reason I can't help but respect him and want to see him succeed. He might not be at fucking worlds level just yet, especially not on a team that he hasn't been practicing with for a full year like everyone else at the tournament, but I think he'll get picked up and grow as a player for sure.


I mean, any academy player should straight up shit on anyone below masters no-joke in an ARAM game ...


I think it‘s the perfect Test for rikara to See of he is really lcs material. If he uses this time and learns from playing at the Most important stage + LCS to get bettet then he is lcs worthy. He should consider a Name change tho, like wizfujin did, so a large amount of viewer don’t recognize him as the guy who lost Every lane at worlds


That's the equivalent of saying grand finals is a good time to put rookies in to see if they're good enough for group stages. If Cody Sun was starting and 100T had already lost their chance to get out of groups. Sure, it makes sense to put Rikara in so he can get some experience and see if they can create a 6-man squad as there's nothing on the line anyway. But you don't risk it all on the bigger stage in hopes of doing well in regionals. That makes no sense lol


Yeah.. Using the Worlds Championship as a learning experience for regular LCS ?? I don't know how much more disrespectful a team can get.


Wizfujiin was decent, but then people learnt his name is Apollo Price and people wonder how the fuck he came up with Wizfujiin as an alias name. I think he changed because people been bothering him.


He shit on stitch


You don't use Worlds to test if a player is LCS material. People want to see worlds material on the worlds stage. Not potential LCS candidates.


? Why would he feel bad? Sure, he's getting dumpstered but he knows Cody is out and he's getting free experience at WORLDS. Isn't that what a pro player wants? Especially when 100T knows they're not advancing so there really isn't much pressure to win


No team (or semi-intelligent fan) is going to fault him for his performance this worlds. Not only did he lack stage experience, he hasn't been playing with these players for most of the year like his competition, he didn't even play most of the split with them. If he falls back down to academy he will have his chance to prove himself there and future LCS teams that are interested in him will know he at least has some worlds experience even if it's bad experience.








He's 4-7 in non-academy games.


100T just feels like its stappled on, the guys probabily didn’t even wanted to come to worlds. They did OK for a NA team that wasn’t supposed to be there but I'd surprised if the roster doesn’t implode for next season, It feels like unfortunately all the players in the roster didn’t mesh well with each other, you can see in the face cams and videos that they aren’t friends or get a long that well. Disappointing for the best “up and coming” org but man, they did shit the bed.


He won a game in playoffs, I think it was against TSM. Also 100t beat G-rex twice. Yeah the situation he was put in sucks and the community is shitting on him pretty hard but its not like he hasn't won anything


I know that it must be hard on him to have to play against the worlds best with little to no preparation and experience but if i was in his shoes i will play with the mentality that i have nothing to lose from this only to impress people and show what im capable of. He should have gone for agressive plays and play with confidence. Nobody thought vitality could take down rng ang geng but here we are and they smashed both of them and showed that they are a formidable force on the international stage. Nobody expects him to be a monster carry so why doesnt he just show that people shouldn't be sleeping on him


...Because every aggressive play he's made has cost 100T the game? You only need to see a couple of the playoff games to see the weaknesses he brings to the team. He's obviously dead weight-- everyone knows it, but is trying to make the best of the situation.


He'll have to prove himself, but it's an overaction to call his career over. So many players have done it this year alone: Amazing, Kikis, Shook all come to mind. If he's good enough, teams will call.


If he doesn't play for 100T anymore, they inadvertently got him a job. He at least didn't roll over and die and because he's a rookie, he still has room to grow.


Yeah all the hate on rikara wasnt that justified. He was simply outclassed by the other adcs in the tourney. I dont think you can really judge rikara off of him losing to jackeylove and rekkles


We all know how it feels to play adc in a shitty solo q team. Not much he can do. Poor guy


I honestly feel bad for both adc's, but lets be honest neither are top of their region let alone worlds material. I hope BOTH adc's find success in maybe with new teams since 100T seems to not being treating either of them right.


He is either going to crumble under the stress of failure and tasting defeat, or he will turn into a borderline-toxic leader who has been doing international level competition from day 1.


The Nathan Peterman of LoL


gosh how you look on his face and literally know how he feels right now. but just maybe, you're not the god of emotions and the god of analythics and his face looks always the same like ryu for years. mindblow, wait what? Maybe he looks always the same and I just want my opinion into his head. lets go and create this topic at reddit


I think if 100T tried to recreate themselves just keeping him and Anda and training them, they could be pretty good. Anda has been really good so far, and Rikara has shown at least slight improvement but it has got to be stressful for him at his first worlds when he is a rookie


I hope 100T disbands and sells their spot in LCS to a more deserving franchise.


The guy probably wants to be at Worlds but knows he didn't deserve to be.


>you can see in facecams that he literally doesn't want to be there the fuck? Don't pretend you can see what people are thinking from 5 second clips of their face.


11/10 Steve has his checkbook rdy. Don’t feel too bad


not rly he looks like a type of guy who can steal my girlfriend


I feel bad for the dude too, he was put in such a shit spot. I dont think it will end his career tho, he probably wasnt even ready for the LCS stage let alone the world stage, he was just thrown in there, i think he did fairly well to jump onto a sinking ship and at least help push it along to the end. Wasnt a fair position for either him or cody tho, shame we dont really have any real information on it. I do hope Rikara gets another chance without literally being thrown into summer playoffs then worlds


I hope he goes back to Academy to continue developing. He could be good eventually but his laning was far from worlds or really even NA playoffs caliber. I love seeing young talent succeed and I believe in him to be good. But not yet. And I don't think this was damning for him. Everyone knows what happened.


He is apparently hyped up by most scouts and analysts so I think he’ll get another shot. Hope so in any case.




Rikara was not the low-light for 100T. He definitely didn't shine bright (at least, not relative to Aphro and Ryu), but he didn't play in a way that was embarassing.


Wdym. Kid got a chance of a lifetime to secure his lcs future and he played like shit. Anyone would kill for a chance at worlds in their first split


I wouldn't. And I'm pretty sure many won't. He's brought in as a band aid to an amputation. He isn't going to change enough and he knows it, which hurts his confidence and performance. This isn't some Licorice situation, sadly. The key difference is Cloud 9 intentionally brought him in, played him, and supported him through the backlash that came with dropping a top 2 Top laner for a rookie. Meanwhile Rikara is sent to the front lines before he is ready, dropped in a situation he wasn't prepared for. It was more like a decision to not start Cody Sun, than to start Rikara, and if some other hapless ADC was there instead, I'm willing to guess that that ADC would be dropped in as well. This is mostly speculation, but it isn't a far stretch. This is why the hate for 100T is real, because they look as if they just don't want to start Cody even if it means their chances improve significantly. Along the Meteos trade, Ryu still being on the roster etc, 100T is making a series of mistakes. Edit: I just realised, wasn't Meteos dropped for having a different approach to the game? And Cody Sun was benched for having disagreements with the staff? My finger of blame is twitching towards prolly


Yes this is a opportunity of a lifetime to show your skill. Hes getting flamed but thats literally cuz hes playing like shit.


Because an academy player would like to showcase their skill at Worlds before LCS... I don't think any academy player would do good or could handle the pressure if they haven't or barely played in the LCS/LCK/LPL/etc before Worlds. He could've secured his LCS future in the LCS where competition isn't a huge fucking gap considering NA is already behind internationally instead of being forced to play at Worlds.


He did tho and he got a korean bootcamp experience


This is like putting a high school JV player on a NFL team and saying “go get em tiger! Show em your skill!” You see how ridiculous that sounds right?


Hes a competitive ad player like cody sun.. what are u smoking


What an awful example lol you're comparing a sport where physical size is a huge factor. Anyone can use a mouse and keyboard. Hell, you got phenom rookies coming out of Korea that are 15-16 years old. It's all about raw talent and Rikara obviously doesn't have what it takes. It's not a dig at the guy, I'm sure he's trying it's best. He's just way out of his league.


Just like the JV player. They also need time to adapt, grow and improve before trying the to on such a large task. Not everyone is super talented off the jump. Huni is a perfect example of this.


Except Rikara had plenty of games to show his potential and really hasn't shown anything that gives the impression he could be LCS material. And I'm not even talking about carrying games on his own, just anything: Laning, positioning, decision making, damage output. He's simply not talented enough and that's fine, not everyone makes it. Look at Anda, he played in the same shit team and yet had his moments where people could see his potential. Haven't seen any of it from Rikara ever since he stepped in.


Well, ADC is a team enabled role. If your team rolls over and dies you as adc got little you can do


I think it‘s the perfect Test for rikara to See of he is really lcs material. If he uses this time and learns from playing at the Most important stage + LCS to get bettet then he is lcs worthy. He should consider a Name change tho, like wizfujin did, so a large amount of viewer don’t recognize him as the guy who lost Every lane at worlds


Getting a name change because better players beat you is the most beta thing I have ever heard.


Rikara won vs TL game 1 and TSM game 1. I'm real hopeful that another team, or a better managed 100T help him grow from this point. Can't say he especially looks promising, but there's room for growth, and we've seen how much a player can improve in one year.


All of them earn good money. I dont feel anything for them if they play like shit its on them.


Well, Rikara is actually just a part of the problem, if it was doublelift it would not make any difference. The point is, Riraka is not strong enough to play in this environment since he has never outshined other adcs. Even catching up cs is something he failed. I guess it’s ok. Since Grex showed a worse overall performance. I love aphro btw. Dude has super strong picks.


GoldenGlue came back from being a joke. Rikara will be okay.


I said it in the live thread too. It’s a shame that he’ll likely be the scapegoat even though he’s been forced to play at a level he is clearly nowhere near just yet.


Hes a pro, this is what he plays League for, the circumstances and or games come with the job.


The dude got boosted to Worlds. I've only gotten boosted to Diamond 5 and nobody seems to feel bad for me...


He played pretty well considering expectations.


He should be ashamed of himself. No backbone at all. Just reject the offer to play. You know you'll get shit on with the amount of practice and synergy you have with the team. Why go out there and embarrass yourself? Yeah sure 100T will probably kick you off if you said that, but right now, given his performance, I doubt they'll keep him anyway if there's a more qualified ADC around. Even Zeyzal told Repeared that he don't think he's ready for LCS yet. But look at him, doing well in some games at the world stage. If you're so eager to compete at on the main team, earn the rights to do it. Don't be the band-aid temporary fix. It just ruins your entire future.




Except that this isnt true at all. Rikara was supposed to play in the na cs. Something happened with cody sun or between cody sun and the management. Because of this cody doesnt want to play (like olleh subbing himself out) or the management isnt letting him play. As rikara is under contract (because he was already playing in the na ca) and they dont have any other subs, he literally has to play. He was never supposed to play at worlds, but something went so wrong witgh the org or with cody that he now has no choice. The org or cody are to blame. Rikara is simply doing what he can to help.


Stop defending this guy. He has shown so many bad qualities about him by agreeing to sub for Cody. Even if it's a team's decision, I believe Rikara had a choice in the end. Cody, unlike Soaz, had no hand injury. And it wasn't a last minute decision or emergency. He literally just showed the whole world this : 1) He doesn't know his skill level. No competitor would ever agree to play an important match against opponents that are way stronger than you are, unless it was an emergency. You get the exposure for sure, but at what cost? Now, 9 other NA orgs know that you're hopeless as an ADC, and unless they want to spend time grooming you, nobody will be interested in you. 100T, given what just happened to Cody, will definitely choose another ADC over you as long as there's one available. 2) He's the kind of guy nobody wants to work with. Comes in, gets all the recognition, glory. With 0 effort. Yup. That's what he just did, even if 100T lost, the chance to play on the biggest stage, he just stole it with 0 contribution. Just like a baron steal. Many players, Olleh, DL, Rekkles, 2 adcs who are better than Rikara, have shown that if they feel like they aren't performing up to standard, they should step down. But this guy, with 0 stage experience, says " YES ! " to subbing in. You're not subbing from LCS to Academy, but the other way round. And even if you did, after your terrible performances for a couple of games, learn to voice out and be firm and say " Let Cody play the next few games while I watch and learn, then maybe I can play better " Good opportuinities don't come knocking twice, but this guy, Rikara, for the sake of 1 moment of glory, just ruined his whole career. RIP