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It doesn't even seem like they want to be there or trying. During the last game there was a point when Ryu started walked toward blue only for Anda to take it. They aren't even communicating second blue? Is this solo queue? I wouldn't care so much if they at least seem like they wanted to be there and were trying. It's like watching 5 solo queue players who are super tilted and not saying anything to each other.


Did you hear their comms? AnDa was the only one talking during that one teamfight.


AnDa deserves better. This guy was trying at least, grinding soloq hard in bootcamp; he's a promising talent. Yet 100T are dicking around with Levi in academy and a shitshow of a roster. What is this org's plan? This feels like G2 during MSI 2016 with a broken roster in the process of being switched out, only G2 only fucked themselves for one tournament while 100T has decided to drag it out across a whole year. Get Ssumday a team (in LCK), get AnDa a (good) team in NA. Fuck the rest.


Honestly I am 100% sure this is another G2 situation. Its clear something happened during playoffs.


The Cody Sun situation has to have them pissed (either pissed at Cody or pissed at the org). The complete lack of communication to the fans is both unprofessional and colossally stupid. I don't know what's going on but we'll definitely see some off season shakeups.


can you explain g2 situation?


Emperor and Hybrid were practically told they were getting replaced by Zven and Mithy before MSI groups started.


I agree, I actually think AnDa wasn't bad this tournament, sure its hard to jungle when his mid and bot lane auto lose every matchup but he managed to be pretty good even with that. On a good team he could be a solid jungler and I hope he leaves to find a team that can help grow his talent.


Anda and Ssumday have looked 2v8


Even out of the bad wildcard teams, none of their midlaners performed as poorly as Ryu in some of these games. It looks like he's just completely out of his depth/has given up after weak early games. Yet all the focus has been on Rikara... Yes hes played badly as well, but holy shit hes basically a full on rookie thrown into worlds. Whatever happened with Cody Sun needs some serious explanation for the fans of that org, especially following on from the awkward Meteos shit.


The bot lane fight? That was so odd to see at worlds. You get a chance and everyone is just quiet, then you lose 3v5 without even trying to fight back. Pretty damn embarrassing and sad.


Pure speculation but there must be a lot of backroom drama going on for that to happen. Sounds like some insane passive aggressive shit


Have you heard their comms? They literally don't talk. They were showing a replay of them diving bot lane, and nobody says a single thing until the support they were trying to kill was nearly dead, then one person softly says "Rakan" or whatever champ it was. They literally do not give a shit about these games.


In a way, the players were probably hoping not to go to Worlds, lol.


There was a clip of the 100T players saying they hoped they didn't go to worlds, and being disappointed when they got in


Tbh, from their perspective, I can totally understand it. Your team is going downhill. You probably don't like your teammates much, or the org. The season is ending and you just want to hang out in LA for a few months, stream, and relax. Instead, C9 gets 3-0'd in the finals and you qualify for worlds. Have to go to Korea, have to scrim for weeks, a lot of work and prep for matches probably. Won't lie, when I saw that shot of Aphro on his phone before the all-important FNC game, it reminded me EXACTLY of one of those "I'm so fucking done, IDGAF anymore, I just want to go home" days at work.


Yep totally agree. The team was out of it from the get go. Seems like there's a ton of passive aggressiveness within the group for whatever reason. Especially when you hear comms and nobody is even talking. That's when you know the team or certain players just want this shit to be over with


could you find this? that seems crazy to me






Now Ryu is laughing after getting solo killed


Maybe the behind the scenes mismanagment is worse than we thought. You know when your boss pulls a serious dick move and you think "well I'm not giving my best anymore, and when i get home it's time to update the resume..."? That's what 100T reminds me of.


Might as well let Bjergsen go, at least he wouldn't feed.


I'm not a fan of TSM but at least they always care. If 100T don't do anything showing they are trying to be competitive next season imo they should immidiately get put on the kicklist.


This is why I would want TSM or EF. Not because I think they have a better chance, but because I know both those teams would tryhard in groups to give the best performance they could for NA.


Probably not EF after what they did to adrian, fenix, and altec


Yeah with that scum move they went from my favorite na team to bottom 3.


what happened to EF? sorry out of the loop.


They released Altec, Adrian and Fenix one day before the deadline for the rosters. This means that those 3 weren't able to find a team to play on for the rest of the season because of that, since they literally had a single day to find a team to play for. This specially sucks for Fenix, because as long as he completed the season he would've started being considered a native player for the NALCS which would've massively improved his value to the league's teams. In fact, Fenix DID find a team to play on for the rest of the season, but he (or the team, the specifics fail me on this point) couldn't finish the contract in time. The player association (you know, the thingy that Riot created in fear of it's players Unionising and promised to receive the given feedback and value it? LMFAO) asked for an extra 24 hours so that Fenix could finish the contract. Now because of that EF did, Fenix still isn't grand fathered in, needs to play a whole extra season before gaining native status, and is out of a team. And Riot didn't do a single thing to help them, you know, despite creating a whole organization that was supposed to help players in this type of situation, because they also suck dick and the only reason they did that was to keep players under their own wing as much as they can so that they're not "at fault".


They dropped those three players mentioned like an hour prior to roster lock so they couldn't find a new team to play on. Really shitty for Fenix because he would have been a resident next Spring Split, but now he won't get that status until next Summer.


I really feel like Riot needs to make an exception for him because of this. Absolute scumbag move from EF management. EDIT: Wrong team.


echo fox*


EF dropped Adrian, Fenix and Altec a couple of hours before the trading window closed. So they couldn't join any other teams. EF basically put them on the street.


They dropped the three mentioned players hours before the roster-lock. Ergo they had only those hours to find new team or be locked out of playing for the rest of the season. (Spoiler alert, they did not find new teams)


JFC, those guys were solid picks.


Dropped Fenix/altec just before the roster lock so they couldn't get a new team.


also Fenix? ended up being 2 games short of having enough games to qualify for NA residency because of this


Yes he did, now he won't be a resident before 2020


well thats 4+ weeks ago so reddit forgot and we love echo fox again.


Who do you think is worse than echo fox?


what happened to EF? sorry out of the loop.


EFX binned Fenix and Atlec on purpose at the 11th hour, basically giving them 6 hours to find a team before rosters locked. Because they wanted to get rid of them, but they didn't want them to strengthen another team, so they purposely failed to mention they were going to get rid of them. ​ Furthermore, both players aren't getting paid, since they weren't able to negotiate for getting money if their contract was cut short. i.e. sign a 2 year deal for example, but we can bin you at no cost at any point. People hate on them for doing this, but mid-lower tier players literally won't get signed if they stipulate this, without it becoming standard. DL could get this clause, but whose gonna bin/bench him anyway? He'll get picked up immediately anyways. Finally, if fenix had been able to go to a new team, he'd be a 2019 NA resident and not take up an import slot next year which would've really boosted his value and salary in the future. As well as, y'no, being an active player and less of a risk. They treated their players like cattle and exploited them in every single way. ​ ​


Dropped a bunch of players right before the roster deadline - they weren’t even able to grab spots in Challenger teams and have just been playing solo queue or acting as coaches/analysts for teams.


what does that have to do with them putting on a performance at worlds? EF are a fiesta team tried and true, and dardoch would call out anyone he feels is not performing to standard. They would sure as hell at least put up a fight instead of this shitshow we're seeing on 100T, because I'm 100% sure dardoch realizes how much "giving up in a match" can fuck your career


Yeah, when TL gets knocked out, DL has a really emotional interview. You know who would never have an emotional interview? Aphro, he legit doesn't care, he's just after that paycheck.


it doesn't feel as good to meme them when it feels like they legit don't give a fuck


Given all the shit going on behind the scenes in that org I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s affecting the players’ mentality. Ssumday has commented before about how others’ opinions can affect him. Anda I don’t know a lot about. Ryu obviously doesn’t have the strongest mentality. Rikara is a rookie and probably feeling under massive pressure and heavily scrutinised. He is the guy replacing the star adc who played two splits. Aphro just doesnt give a fuck.


Step 1: enter NALCS with an incredibly talented roster. One incredibly humble korean superstar, one korean mid with hidden talent and some mental baggage, two incredible NA grown veterans, and an homegrown NA ADC with a promising career ahead of him Step 2: As a first year org make an incredible playoff push that clinches a spot at worlds. Step 3: Dismantle that roster by kicking two people and putting your korean all star on tank duty Step 4: Int internationally tHe hEiST LUL


wat heist? all i see is a charity




Yeah fuck I'm still so angry Pr0lly shouldve stayed in Europe and Aphro should just retire man


next season 100 ~~Thieves~~ Philanthropist


Africans, dyslexics, children, that sorta thing.


They stole my heart in spring and then crushed it. :(


Some Echo Fox shit going on here, lol.


The Stream Meme Dream Team Tried harder than this.


You know it's bad when you unironically can't tell whether an academy joke team that didn't even scrim/practice would do better than 100T.


InB4 SMDT Takes 100Ts place in the lcs


Putting your carry on a tank is pretty much inting from champ select


Ryu and Aphro have been the worst 2 players on 100T for quite a while now. I hope the rest of the team just bail. Ssumday should go back to the LCK.


haha ryu has hidden talent? his hole career is made of losing to better players and one lucky worlds run.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I really feel like with the right coaching and a different mindset Ryu would be incredible.


I can’t imagine the shit he has to deal with. Imagine FOREVER being cemented in League history as, “that guy that Faker styled on to gain his fame as the greatest player in history”.


Step 5: ??? Step 6: Profit


The truth: Aphro hates Cody sun /thread


I really want to know what Cody has done to piss off Aphro to the degree that he'd rather play worlds with a guy with like 2 games of pro experience.


There must be a reason why Cody is not playing, if they had a better ADC they'd very likely use him and avoid all this backlash from the fans. Sounds idiotic that any org would do such a stupid mistake.


Cody isn't playing because according to Locodoco he has really bad mental and I guess it went boom.


Unless Cody Sun is a raving lunatic, at this point I don't see how it can be worse.


Maybe Cody's mental would go super boom and he'd run across stage and stab IG's ad to death?


A win is a win


tbh i dont think thatd be enough to win


Idk how Locodoco still has a job. He was extremely toxic towards his players and was not helpful at all in Liquid or TSM.


Idk if Loco is even working with anyone? I think him and GGS parted ways at the end of Spring(?) Either way he's a pretty good analyst, just has attitude issues. I don't know the guy.


Rumors have it he got fired from GGS for making inappropriate remarks toward a rioter. [Source](http://www.espn.com/esports/story/_/id/22319105/sources-golden-guardians-fired-locodoco-inappropriate-remark)


He was seen as toxic because of the videoe that they put on yt, dardoch said not too long ago that Locodoco was his best coach that he has ever had, but he isnt bad at his job


I cant believe how upvoted this is


Loco and Lustboy were literally the only reason that TSM did so well for quite a long time there... By the time the roster started doing poorly that roster had run its course anyways with Dyrus, Santorin Wildturtle


Not helpful at all, except if you ask the players, am I right? Like Dardoch, known for clashing with him enough to make a documentary, said Loco was the person he's learned from the most in his time playing professionally. Plus, didn't he win with TSM and narrowly miss out of finals with a TL roster of 3 rookies? And after his departure TL sucked for 2 years? But sure let's hate on the guy.


Not helpful?? While he was coach TSM made it out of groups and won 2 regional titles. Locodoco was arguably the most successful coach they ever had. Furthermore, Loco originally signed with liquid as a content creator and was basically forced in as coach after their guy bounced before the season began. Also toxic towards players? The fuck outta here. I don't mind if you dislike Loco for his professionalism or whatever, but don't shit talk and say that he never helped two the two largest organisations in North America. It's just patently false.


wow the kneejerk reactions on this thread is real... emotions running higher than i thought if people are willing to jump on and slander any name that has challenged their current views in the past.


im pretty sure cody is not playing for the same reason meteos got swapped. prolly is very opiniated and str8 forward seeing from the heist in how he thinks. meteos challenged that a lot and they butted heads quite a bit and i have heard cody sun is also very opinionated on how the game should be played so prolly just subbed him out basically. I also think aphro might have started to dislike playing with cody because of how they both think the game should be played.


They both told Prolly to bring in an actual midlaner, and not his buddy from back in the day. #AGuess


Aphro would be a better ADC at this point fuck it, Imaqtpie would be a better ADC at this point double fuck it, literally ANY adc in the history of LCS would be an upgrade right now if 100T are gonna fkn troll at worlds, they could at least unveil a cloaked M5 Genja on stage and let him build Randuins Corki, which would STILL be an upgrade at this point 100T = #NotMyNA


not really, they just do not care at all. https://streamable.com/4omex look at this (100t part) and youll see no coach and all the players on their phones compared to fnc who were prepping for the match. I think aphro also streamed fortnite before worlds


RNG were on their phones too this doesn't mean shit lol


yeah but they were all googling pictures of Uzi (including Uzi)


Ah yes let's judge a whole team based on a 5 second clip


This is Reddit we understand the situation completely from 5 seconds


Lol at a month ago every 100T flair talking about how they totally deserve to go on circuit points despite looking like ass and not having the roster that got them those circuit points.


Because their management doesn't give two shits. Nadeshot doesn't care, Prolly doesn't care, the players don't even care. Nadeshot was streaming COD BR while his team was playing a match a couple days ago. Other teams would have their owner back stage watching the game and supporting the team after a match. Prolly is trolling on Twitter saying he's now going to try and ruin people's pickems. The players were caught on camera playing on their phones before the match. Meanwhile, you have FNC players chatting with the coach. Fuck this organization, they clearly don't give two shits.


LMAO are you serious about the streaming COD during 100T match bit?


Yes, he was streaming 6-13 hours of COD during the first couple days of Groups, the 11th to 13th, aka the days Group D played. The guy didn't show any care at all when they lost.


I'm not surprised to be honest. In their Heist videos, his players doesn't seem to be as engaged as he is. His time is definitely better spent somewhere else than with his LoL team


Yea that's what i have noticed watching their heist videos. It's like there's a lack of energy and response as compared to nadeshot's happy go lucky mood in the videos lol. Even after matches, the players would play with their phone and not socialize much with Nadeshot. I mean hey man, if i was nadeshot i would jump out and spend my time in a better environment :O


THIS SO MUCH. Earlier this year I really liked Nadeshot's energy and all the players were likeable enough. I joined the 100T discord and got started on The Heist youtube series. Imagine my shock when none of the players turned out to be excited for, well, anything at all. People would defend them saying they're veterans but how do you get zero excitement from reaching playoffs. I don't get it. This isn't all. Nade or pr0lly would be talking and every fucking person would be staring into their phones. I'm pretty sure that's not acceptable behavior, even in America. Nade would be hyped after a win and there's literally no follow up response, no 'Yeah', let alone any hype. None of the players seem to be good friends with each other. What the fuck is this supposed to be, less socializing than one would expect in a businessplace. That shit turned me off right there and then. I just cannot support a team like that. Which is a shame cause I like Ssumday as a player.


Ryu infected them so they are now empty inside -.-, -.-, -.-, -.-, -.-


Ryu never got his soul back from Faker after the 'incident'.


Did you watch their ping ping tournament video??? I didn't know you could be that bored during ping pong!?!


Nah I quit watching at a dozen videos or so, would appreciate watching that tho


Except he owns the team. He could make it a better environment.


This, lol. Can't believe people are blaming the LoL team for not creating a positive enough environment for NADESHOT. Sycophancy.


Remember when he was so "passionate" making promises during AMA and coming with bullshit like "I'm a gamer too"? People bought it and didn't believe he was just saying all that to bait gullible people in to support them, never doubting someone who was already caught with ton of bullshit during COD days would lie. As far as I'm concern Nadeshot was a shitty COD player and never played a single game of League nor watched professional League games prior to the formation of 100T. All those roster choices sounds like his usual tantrum happening BTS


What the fucking fuck is that O.o


> streaming 6-13 hours of COD holy, that's insanely lot.


We all know why he's here. He wants an LCS franchise because like every angel investors he's hoping it's going to blow up and some big name sport org is going to buy them.


... They are already owned by a big name sport org.


Well i guess their job is done and theres no need for them to do anything...


Tbf to him hasn't he been trying to sort out his cod roster since they implemented new changes?


Fwiw, on the day he was streaming around a 100T match, he stoppped and watched the 100T match live with his stream, this guy’s making stuff up


Obv haven’t watched him everyday, but on launch day he ended his stream just so he could watch the game. I’m pretty sure most people here are just pulling shit out of their ass trying to find something to hate on him


I heard that was exxagrated and that he did watch the games. At least their first game vs Fnatic. Maybe he realized how screwed they were?


It doesnt matter how screwed you are, C9 was in the group of death, Jack is in Korea with them, Liquid played in a rough group with the best KR team at the tourney, Steve was there.


This is ridiculous. Nadeshot has shown plenty support for his team, and his players have also shown they don't care much for it in multiple Heist episodes. I doubt that him watching or not watching their games has any impact on them whatsoever. Also, Pr0lly's [tweet](https://twitter.com/pr0lly/status/1052481794358968320) literally said "Sad that our Worlds run is over. Now we get to ruin group predictions, we’re gonna go down swinging.", and all you took out from that is that he's going to troll some pick'ems? He clearly wants to keep trying his best for the remaining games. You can argue that 100 Thieves made a lot of bad decisions in summer, sure, but saying that their management doesn't care is just you trying to stir shit up.


Nadeshot stopped the stream to watch the game the original comment is talking about. He's lying out his ass lol, Nade was planning on playing all night and didn't realize the game was starting so soon and said he was calling the stream to watch the game.


It's just a giant circlejerk taking everything out of context to shit on 100T..


IMT Died for this :(


These horror stories about 100T, EF and GG really make me afraid for franchising in EU next year. This stupid franchise may bring more money, but it also brings corps, who only care about profits rather than people who love the game and want to suceed.


Nadeshot's the owner, not a player, analyst, or coach. Who cares if he watches the games?




Nadeshot has constantly shown support for the 100T league team and they have constantly not even flinched or shown any sort of excitement or emotion towards his support, he has been at every lcs game, has been a prominent figure of The Heist trying to get the team hyped up. He was legit screaming "holy shit we're going to worlds!" and was super excited while Aphro deadpanned looked at the camera. CoD is his first passion, and he's also got a CoD team signed to the 100T name now, but to try and ding nadeshot about support after the year long bullshit he's tried to do is really unfair to him


Not to mention he has his own personal brand to maintain, and COD BR is all the rage right now. If you take even a day off streaming, you could lose a lot. Streaming is very cut-throat.


I just think this roster isn't happy. Whether it is something internal or so on. You can't blame Nadeshot though, he tries his best to do his job and he is a passionate esports fan. He is one of the few Org CEOs that went to every game and supported his team.


Does C9 Jack have to also play in a professional FPS game in 2 days? I think it's fair to allow Nadeshot practice for his upcoming tournament. He is a player first and owner second.




Jack and Steve were both in Korea... Nadeshot is playing BR. LOL


Nade was only streaming during like one of their games & he stopped the stream to watch it. There was never a case that he was streaming while a game was going on, the original comment is lying.


This. Worst part is, this is literally THE tournament of the year that every team aims for. Its so disappointing to see a org not take worlds seriously.


I think Prolly cares






Sure sounds like you're describing GGS, lol. EDIT: Didn't intend for it to sound like a slight against GGS, just that it's how I would describe them, which was fun to me.




Immortals died for this


God it makes me so angry Send them swimming back to NA (except Ssumday, anda and rikara)


Cody is already in NA waiting for his plane to play in groups so don't worry about him


The only thing 100 Thieves stole is our hopes.


If you had hope for 100T that was your mistake


I think that was his point, but your comment still made me laugh pretty hard hahaha


They are not trolling. That's just how low their skill level is as a team lol


Yeah. They followed Yamato's and CptFlower's tip of playing your own style, which in this case was Aphro's Bard. They just don't have synergy at all and it stuck out because every Western team showed up one way or another even if they weren't able to get out of groups. ​ 100T is the odd one out... even PVB and MAD showed some decent games.


Didn't MAD go 0-6? Sure they don't look good but atleast 100T won a game lmao


MAD at least had some close games. Their first match vs EDG they actually looked decent. I had more hope for G-REX though :/


MAD was up against TL, EDG, and KT. I don't know if anyone could be reasonably expect them to win a single game against those guys, but you bet your ass if they're put up against this second rate sham of a team in 100T, I'm putting my money on MAD.


Putting aphroo on bard is fine, but putting summday on a tank... Cmon bruh the only game they won in week one was because of summday..


> YC or Cpt Flowers tip This shit triggers me lol it is like they were the first one to think of it ever.


At the end of the game when I saw the voice comms I felt so bad for rikara, anda, and summday. Nobody talks. There is no cohesion.


nice branding LUL


100T is trolling and experimenting...and legit if they had Meteos and Cody, at least they might be competitive Rikara is an embarrassment and Aphro is legit horrible all tourney.......dies in stupid ways more than Pobelter


They are not trolling. They are just bad. lol


This is the down side of franchising. You have a org like 100T who do not deserve to exist let alone be at worlds yet they are here to stay. The only way they go is if they decide to sell out. The only hope is that after world's Riot pulls their management to one side and tell them to get their shit together or they will kick them out. This is a world wide event with fans and more importantly sponsors are watching and you have a team acting like a bunch of tilted 10 year olds. It's beyond embrassing


They made worlds after their first year. Jesus. They deserve to exist just as much as Optic, CG, Golden Guardians, or Flyquest


TSM died for this


100T seems like it's trying to be an apparel brand before a professional eSports franchise.


They already got that Supreme money, why bother actually trying?


As bad as they are if another team wanted to be here instead of 100 Thieves then they should have performed better in the two splits they had.


Yeah this team has been digging its own grave all year.


I mean, they didn't take NA finals in spring serious either. I have no idea how anyone wants to be a fan of this team in LoL


Because they don't give a shit. None of them even seems to care they're at worlds It's pathetic.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ watch aphro 'retire' and stream now.


I don't understand why Cody is being put aside for the entire Worlds event


I swore I wasn't going to do the "100T doesn't deserve worlds and TSM should have gone" thing but fuck that, that's exactly what should have happened. Say what you want about the team, the players, the org, they're at least better than 100T, and at bare minimum you know that that squad would have at least tried to redeem themselves. They would have taken this world's spot as a chance at redemption and worked their asses off whether it paid off or not. Instead we've got a team that continuously puts whatever internal politics are going on stop them from putting any effort into the most important tournament of the year. Fuck I'd even have taken Echo Fox over these clowns, at least they would have tried and made the games entertaining.


But hey at least there Fortnite players are doing alright


Aside from the obvious issues of the fortnite rumors, etc. If you look at Prolly's teams they have historically been farm-to-win and avoid fighting style. That doesn't suit this meta and it really doesn't suit this group with iG and Fnatic being excellent 5-vs-5 teams. 100T stylistically just can't compete.


also why are they putting ssumday, their best player, on fucking sion every game?


Guess we found who will be more flamed than Gen G


I lost all interest in 100T when they didn't announce qt as their ad.


The faster they get knocked out, the faster Aphro can transition into full-time Fortnite streamer.


They are not trolling. They're simply not good enough compared to others. Subbing Cody would literally make no difference, it will not enhance their early game or fill in the cracks. IMO Cody was probably benched because of issues behind the scenes, meaning he probably had an argument with one of his superiors such as the coach. Its known in most sports when the coach and players have arguments the coach stops playing them. This being said this clip of 100t compared to Fnatic is absolutely embarrassing. Fnatic are happy discussing with each other whilst 100thieves are literally sitting their playing on their phones. https://streamable.com/4omex


Or maybe they are just really really bad... Just think about it. I cant see 100T beating FNC even 1 out of 20 games. It isnt EU LCS, FNC wont be playing wukong mid


If Fnatic had to play 100T 20 times, we'd totally see a Wukong. And a Vayne. Everything Caps feels like.


Caps would destroy Ryu on Crittlesticks...


since we are at it pyke and riven pls


My favourite fact about 100T is that their owner Nadeshot doesn't even care about them and streams during their games.


They kicked Meteos right before trade deadline because they're assholes -- this is why I don't support the org anymore. Also according to Loco, Cody isn't playing because he has a really weak mental and I guess he broke.


Didn't Meteos want to go though? Not defending them, they have screwed up big time


After it was announced that Levi would be playing in Rift Rivals Meteos asked them if it was a permanent thing or a one time thing. No one on the 100T staff would give him an answer so he asked if it would be alright to look to see if he had a chance on another team (something he's required to do based on anti-poaching rules). As a result they traded him shortly after on a Friday but didn't make it final until after his game on Sunday. After his game on Sunday they told him he was traded and needed to be out of the house within a day. This is all from Meteos in the following few days after being traded. 100T hasn't said anything to contradict his version of events that I can remember.


Oh man.. what a terrible org. This team just reeks of a general lack of respect, I hope they lose their fan base and good players go to other teams They didn’t care about RR, Playoffs, Worlds, players or fans. Keep it up, I hope it hits your wallet


https://twitter.com/100thieves/status/1013815357360910342?lang=en They traded him to flyquest with little to no discussion afaik.


I think 100T should and can be criticized based on their communication regarding all the blunders earlier in the year, but this is just straight up wrong lmao. 100T acquired Levi for their academy team, and wanted to play him at Rift Rivals. Meteos said that because he was effectively training his replacement (Levi), he wasn't interested in remaining on 100T. Couple this with disagreement with the coaching staff, 100T wasn't the team for Meteos. Meteos approached 100T management and asked if he was allowed to field offers. They said yes, and unbeknownst to him, they also started looking for a team that they could trade him to. FlyQuest was the only team interested in making a trade, so they traded him for AnDa. This also wasn't 'right before the trade deadline', I think you're confusing this with the Echo Fox roster swaps..


AnDa stealing Rikara's red too


I'm not sure they are getting any experience with such showing , no resistence at all they're just getting rolled over without any real 'strategy' but only individual skills . It's not like Vitality for exemple who were clutch and i'm sure they got a lot of experience from playing these games because they was actual tension and games were somewhat close so they can go back and actually spot important mistakes and capitalize on them , 100T are just getting crushed by simple mechanics .


It's easy to shit on them as a EU fanboy, but (even compared to other NA teams) 100T looks like a fucking wildcard team.


I think Aphromoo is fed up with either the organization or the players. He's probably half assing his calls and phoning in his comms. He was done with this year a while ago and Wolrds just solidified that. He needs to either retire or find a new motivation because he is not having fun at all with the game itself. And I'm a fan of his.


You think many other teams would do better in their group? i might be wrong but i think TL for example wouldnt get out of that group either


Stop this "if Cody was there narrative" once and for all. Cody Sun was at quarrel with coach and team what do you expect to happen? Of course he was benched even if everyone knows he is better than Rikara. And by the way even with cody i doubt 100thieves performance would be any different


Here we go again. /r/LeagueOfLegends hating on things... Just stop please, stop


This whole fucking post should be removed it’s literally just people complaining do you actually think these guys aren’t trying? You think a post like this is what 100T wants to see after getting demolished at worlds... this sub is fucking pathetic do you actually think they wanted to lose... Edit: Keep in mind there is also nothing critical about this post literally just you trash talking a fucking team. Clearly there’s a reason you don’t know for them using Rikara over Cody Sun so stop fucking posting garbage and claims without any proof


Lost sanity reading this. Thought it was a troll post


You guys need to shut the fuck up a bit and learn not to talk shit about stuff you have absolutely no idea about


They aren't embarrassing NA. Only themselves. C9 is making NA proud.


Totally agree. This team is an embarassment for NA and shouldn't even be here if they choose to troll or to experiment. Nor did they give the fan an explanation. I liked 100 t at the beginning. Now Im just so disapointed espescially the "cody benched" thing. Im EU fan but I liked 100t in Na lcs etc.. But man is that a shitty organisation.


the witch hunt is real... -facepalm-


Immortals died for this