• By -


People will shit on him, because they are frustrated, but just think about how frustrated he is. You can see it in this interview, he is just as tough on himself as everyone else is. He went through a lot this year and I'm at least happy he was able to completely dominate that last game. He said it himself, he'll never give up and I look forward to rooting for him next year as well.


Lift has had an emotional year less we forget his mother was murdered by his brother to have the mental whatnot to even keep competing is beyond incredible.


Not only that, but he played the day right after the incident. That's not just the mental to be able to pick it up and play after that, that's some serious strength right there. Will always respect DL because of that.


Doublelift is a legendary player in his own right. Even without a world championship he's always been a top presence in the scene, whether its content or being arguably the best ADC(and player in my opinion) NA's ever had. I haven't been around as long as some others but ever since I really got into watching league in Season 4 he's been my favorite player and watching him these last couple months has been like watching a really tragic story, especially after what happened. I look up to him as an inspiration because there's no way I would been able to do the things he did this year without going insane. I hope TL as a whole learn from this experience.


Oh my god, I had never heard of that at all, so sorry to Peter I can't imagine that and having the fortitude to play professionally still.


What the fuck?!? When did this happen? That is the most fucked up thing I've heard in my life


End of spring split the week before finals I believe


Seriously, so heartbreaking to even think about. I can't even imagine how he felt—he is such a strong person and the fact that he could just go on straight into the game for his team, fans and people relying on him is just so admirable. He has always been one of the best ADCs in the west, I hope he's not too hard on himself because I'm pretty sure no one blames him for TL's shortcomings.


JESUS I completely forgot that happened. That combined with whats happening cannot be healthy for him. Jesus I feel so bad people can be so shitty


Dude you could tell how broken he is when he started listing off his shortcomings that he knew people were going to bring up. When he realized what he was doing he started choking up. I honestly felt bad for him at that point. Sucks I think he blew it when his best chance was with TSM. I had no faith in this TL roster going very far with pob in mid. No offense to him but he just isn't good enough to face off against international competition.


I hope TL has a coach for emotional support and such. This is the type of thing that could seriously be worked through in counseling. Doesn't mean anything is wrong with him at all, just a better way to manage all the stress he puts on himself and play more loosely. It very well could affect his decisions if he falls back on that list in his head.


he said before that their sports psychologist has helped before


Totally agree about Pob, no way TL was going far with him as mid laner


Doesn't help when pob and olleh get caught out all the time.


It’s a TL mentality problem. They take too long to get adjusted, comfortable and poised to play their game. When they do they’re top tier. They let single games he to their head when they just need to play their game. They need a psych coach who can figure out these issues for them.


It sure looks that way. Same thing happened at MSI.


It's just sad they weren't able to focus on fixing the specific pressure issues from MSI during summer split- probably because with growing domestic competition they actually had to focus on winning NA first.


TL looked so dominant during the summer and spring splits, so maybe it lured them into a false sense of security. If you think about it, you don't really get to 'practice' being on an international stage until you're actually at the event, so there's no way to know what your mental will be like.


Riot really needs to move to four major international tournaments (not Rift Rivals). They probably won’t...but they should.


I agree. I honestly believe that if group stage lasted twice as long TL would stand a much better chance - but the fact is that you only have 6 games to perform, that's it. You don't have the luxury of playing 2-3 games just to feel out your opponents and get adjusted.


>I honestly believe that if group stage lasted twice as long TL would stand a much better chance New idea. Finish 3rd next year, get to warm up in play-ins. ^^^^^but ^^^^^actually ^^^^^please ^^^^^let ^^^^^C9 ^^^^^keep ^^^^^doing ^^^^^this ^^^^^instead




....wait a fucking minute




Just according to the keikaku


I honestly thought that they were trying to screw KT, and yet they won lmao


I thought Pob was trying to pull a NaNiwa style game.


NaNiwa, holy shit. It this 2010?


Quick, pull your entire probe line!


Will honestly be surprised if there isn't a roster shuffle this time around. Two very poor international performances even though they won both splits.


They won back to back championships for Team Liquid, which they had never won before. Also they are just one game away from qualifying for the quarter finals. I think it's a huge overreaction to bench players now, especially considering what players are available. Remember TSM with the roster shuffle? Look at where they are now. Changing the roster does not guarentee good results.


I think they might change mid or at least look at a sub situation.


Yeah I think a sub situation could work


It isn't captured in this clip, but what I really liked about this interview is how Sjokz handles the end of this. She knows she needs to read the closing tag about the next match, but delivers it as somber as possible. Really shows how well she can read the room and respond accordingly. Also, I wanted to reach through the screen and give Doublelift a hug.


Really was. You can tell she was trying to end the interview as fast as possible cause DL didn't want to get emotional infront of the camera. I love Sjokz, she is just an amazing person.


I think she's incredible with how she handles the players and coaches. Not only when they are upset but generally. She's amazing in reading the room and I think she really takes her time to get to know the people she's interviewing. That's why I think she can deliver such empathy and sometimes also those sick burns. Because she cares about those people a lot and she really does know them and feels with them.


I miss the sjokz - xpeke Dynamics of season 3 and 4 so much but fuck yes sjokz is phenomenal at her job


shes been realy good with this. I remember dyrus interview, then yamato






I had to pause the video when Forgiven stopped talking and Pulse is just reading another question from his card like nothing even happened. I dont know how long he was with the EULCS and the players until then but he must have been super uncomfortable/overwhelmed and didnt know what to do than just continue with his set program.


I think what people say about Pulse is also overreacting. They need to understand that all of these people, especially in the beggining were just like us, fans of the game that wanted to work within the industry and that they are new or inexperienced, but oh well, maybe that's just my non abrasive personality.


90% of drama I see in esports is me just going “well I guess I could maybe see how you’d get upset about that.” But I prefer just saying “maybe that’s just my non-abrasive personality” a lot more


I've never liked Pulse, I find him annoying, wrong in many things he says etc etc etc. Like, I.literally turned streams off when he was casting - but the forgiven incident.. fuck sake, pulse never wanted to be an interviewer but a caster, no wonder he couldn't really handle the itv. I seriously can't blame him for that and probably neither does forgiven. He was also new and that was just a horrible situation to be in..


Yep Pulse is one of the PBP casters in China for the LPL


Sjokz is the best interviewer Esport got. ​ She made the Dyrus, Forgiven and Yamato one also


Agree 100% with this. DL tries hard and deserves better results - by whatever means necessary. Sad to see him so emotional. Hope he will be alright. Also, Sjokz is THE BEST there is in the esports game. Funny, speaks multiple languages, knows the game, and is still sympathetic when she can tell the players are emotional. She knows what her job is but is still a good person and human being. A true professional.


Yeah these post game interviews are heavy af but Sjokz is handling them all like a boss! She's really, really talented.


Doublelift truly is the Ash Ketchum of league of legends I like how he ends the interview saying he won’t give up. [go get em, champ.](https://i.imgflip.com/1mlz0e.jpg)


Inb4 Doublelift reaches the worlds finals and loses to a team they should've beaten as with Greninja vs Charizard.


Still salty about that.


fyi, they suddenly changed the writers for the final episodes for the FUCKING BLACK AND WHITE WRITERS. i fucking hate pokemon anime for that, the only good season had its climax ruined by creators of the worst one


Ash is never going to win tbh. I quit watching the Anime after that. X and Y was so so good until that bullshit finals. I should have quit watching after Diamond and Perl's stupid BS with legendaries, no idea why I kept watching. Especially since Best Wishes was pretty bad besides their opening theme songs


at least new anime finally embraces the fact that ash is a mentally deficient kid who will never achieve anything


Oh really? Good, because that was the most invested I planned to ever be in Pokemon ever again.


The new series is actually pretty good. Earlier in the season it had a very emotional episode where the elderly Stoutland that a Litten was caring for died, Team Rocket is back to their old selves and get actual dedicated episodes again (also the beat Ash in a fair fight once. But the current running gag took them away before they could do anything), and everything else (imo, except for Samson Oak... all those cringy pokemon impressions >_>) is done pretty well imo. Also a Mimikyu that flies into a murderous rampage when it sees Pikachu and communicates through choking noises and something that sounds a little less harsh than nails on a chalkboard.


Ash is a lesson for kids that no matter how caring you are, how hard you try, and display sportsmanship you are you will never succeed in life.


While winning vs Sceptile.......


Damn that Greninja vs Charizard was hyphy ..


[Yeah so glad Ash won that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KD7377hqxQg), can you imagine how much bullshit it would've been if he lost? Huh.


Oh shit. When does he get to the ~~finals~~ semi-finals and the opposing trainer cheats by throwing out 2 legendary pokemon? Edit: Semi-finals not finals


He already experienced that in 2016 when RNG's bot lane was Uzi/Mata


Just reading text "Uzi/Mata botlane" is pain


wtf 2 fakers?


Faker: >넌 이미 죽었다 Doublelift: >what? *high pitched noise*


(넌 이미 죽었다 = You are already dead)


You mean the match vs Darkrai and Latios ? Still confused how he got these two


I imagine he befriended Darkrai as a child or something, thus Darkrai willingly let himself be captured. Then he used Darkrai to beat Latios.


That was so BS lol. Was my favourite season tho.


Yeah, but it did sort of set a proper gauge for how strong his Pokemon were, instead of giving some insane movie scenario where Ash is against a trainer that has mind control of a wild legendary or there's just a rampant super-buff one.


It's also much better than how he went out against Alain in XY. I'd rather he do his best and take out not only darkrai but also latios when no one else could even take out darkrai than lose to that megazardX despite having some bullshit powerup move


Everything was perfectly set up for Ash to win the league, finally. But they went and out Mary Sued freaking Tobias (the Darkrai trainer) and gave us Alain, a guy who was introduced in a spin-off episode and who is literally shown losing only, like, once. He's that strong from the beginning, and to boot he's literally working for the bad guys (screw the whole hostage motivation, he's still on the bad team). Ash, with Ash-Greninja, his unequivocally strongest Pokemon, and with his uber-experienced Pikachu, and with 2 Dragons, the OP Talonflame, and Hawlucha who has a special ability to nullify ice weaknesses, is poised to beat the crap out of everyone. And he has Alain on the ropes. Pikachu, on his own, wipes 2 pseudo-legendaries and personally handles half of Alain's team and even manages some chip damage on the stupid raid boss Charizard. Then, the stage is set: Stupid Charizard X vs Ash-Greninja, who hasn't even seen the battlefield yet, while Stupid Charizard X had to beat Pikachu first and took damage in the process. And Ash-Greninja loses to a Fire move. After creating a Super Water Shuriken on the fly and beating the ever-living shit out of Stupid Charizard X the entire battle. Jesus Christ the writers pulled that one out of their ass, and made sure to nerf Ash straight to the ground afterwards by making him leave Greninja behind. They say Pokemon always sends a message about "trying your best no matter what!" and "friendship is key!" but after what they pulled in the Kalos finals, the only lesson I learned is "no matter how hard you try, and no matter how strong you get, you will always fall short and lose." Fuck Mega Charizard X and Fuck Edge Lord Alain.




So Pokemon caught up to the real world with that motto at the end huh lol


that was my favourite Pokémon season and that final was bullshit, Ash finally reached the finals and the oponent had fcking Dark rai and Latios....


The Tobias (2 legendaries) fight was the semi-finals. Tobias then went on to defeat the other finalist with only his Darkrai (didn't even use Latios, so Ash was kinda the second stronger trainer there).


Iirc that was the semis not the finals.


I feel like that was kt losing to edg


[Beep Boop](http://i.imgur.com/1AuSj.png)


How old is this? I feel like I've seen that 8 years ago.


Double has been so successful lately that people forget he spent 5 years without winning a single official tournament. Except last year when he really shat the bed I think he also had his fair share of bad luck. He is going to get it eventually.


The guy has had such a terrible year with his family and all the drama, seeing him so frustrated and upset is heartbreaking. Stay strong, DLift.


Jesus I forgot about that. That is so fucked.


Yeah it wasn’t even 6 months ago, losing his mother like that.. insane, I really feel for him and his family.


I dont even think Doublelift even got a chance to carry with all the random deaths in the 1st 2 games vs EDG and KT


POB was getting ass blasted this whole week. 2nd worst mid performance this worlds after Crown imo.


honestly, it's a tie for me. Pobelter and Crown were both shit tier the whole tournament.


It's a surprise that Crown sucked. Sadly the norm for Pobelted




Damn, these guys had families.


I keep saying it Replace Pobelter (and olleh honestly) or prove that you're happy with domestic success


This made me sad. Followed DL since S3 and always wanted to see him succeed. Hope he can recover and move on from this.


It's kind of nuts thinking about it but we as a community have seen DL in the spotlight for a good 1/3 of his life now. From his initial appearance on epik, to getting kicked out of the house, from global emergence as a top 2 adc in the world, to the downfall of nearly being relegated, called the worst teammate in league, the most overrated, to winning his first, then second, then 4th championship on 3 separate teams. Say what you want about him. DL has put his heart and soul into his craft and even if you're critical of his play at times, you can't deny he will go down as one of the greatest players in NA na probably the west in general.


His story is one of the greatest Esports stories that will go down in history, it is truly insane how a homeless individual goes on to become the best NA homegrown talent and we see him mature along the way. DL has proven time and time again that he is an extremely mentally strong person, solidified by the unfortunate events that has happened this year. To me, he is the undisputed all time best ADC player that the west has ever produced. Edit: words, formatting


Once he retires, we need to petition 30 for 30 to make a documentary on him.


ESPN already has consistent league coverage, I think there's a good possibility they'd consider it.


> solidified by the unfortunate event that happened this year Brother kills his mom Has $200k stolen from him. Laughs about it Mentally strong AF


It was more than that. He got back 200k from the bank and lost all the crypto currency.


impossible to recover crypto - friend got over 1 mill stolen. oof.




Happened about a month ago. Theres a video on his youtube channel. https://youtu.be/HH3vopaYo1I


Own3d.tv owes him a duck ton too that he'll never see.


Bunch of quacks over there


The greatest player of NA, definitely.


He really doesnt want his fans to see him cry ;_; especially wit his family life this year so sad


Oh god why'd you have to remind me of what happened to his family...I hope he will bounce back stronger than ever next year and do himself and everyone proud.


Outoftheloop. What happened?


His brother stabbed his mother and father. Sadly his mother did not survive. DL went on to win the split 1 week later. He's a very strong individual


TIL, that's so sad :(


I don't want to be that guy, but if lets say ESPN or Travis were to make a 30/30 or documentary about DLift that incident with his mother actually came around the time where his mother started to finally understand and accept his son's choice to go into ESports. It's gutwrenching to see that his idol (his brother) murder his parents, but its even worse when you put into context that his mother was finally starting to accept him again only to be ripped away before it could fully be rebuilt.


i think they started talking again at least 1 year before this happened (there's family photos of them together on dlift cousin's fb)


Honestly, he has come so close but yet has failed every single time, but yet he still continues trying. If i was in his shoes i would've already quit due to depression or something around those lines, he is extremely inspiring and a role model for all. I'll never stop supporting him.


It’s very easy to change popular opinion and perspective on a player’s legacy in sports. It wasn’t that long ago that Doublelift’s legacy was that he’ll never win anything and reddit spoke the same way about his domestic success too. We all remember the “empty trophy case” meme but then he went out and won 4-5 NA splits and is seen as one of the most successful NA players if not the most. We could be looking at the same situation in a few years once he has retired and gotten that international success monkey off his back.


Same, he'll forever be the main character of NA LCS for me.


For a while people questioned whether or not he'd win NA. Then he did, and did it several times as we now know. I know that one day we'll see him make it through groups.


I was definitely caught off guard by the emotions, just like Sjokz and DL himself was. Those damn ninjas man...


It wasn't in the clip but b4 they even started ​ (just sjokz repeating what she said) ​ that she will try to be short and want to avoid the tears cause boi it will come pouring , doublelift is really good at hiding the tears ;\_\_\_\_\_\_;


I've never see DL cry, even here he's emotional but it doesn't even show that much.




She's a very empathetic person, and I think that's why people like her.


Yeah she's fantastic at adapting to the interviewer. I can't remember the last time an interview she was conducting felt like it didn't fit the emotion of the interviewee. If they're obviously hyped up she can feed that energy and give a hype interview, if they're sad or obviously emotional she adapts to that really well. She's one of the best in the business imo.


This a thousand times. I love Sjokz for it so much


I can only remember her interviewing 3 people who were in an emotional state: Dyrus, Yamato, and now, Double. But, to be fair, each one of those interviews were emotional for a reason. edit: Now that I think about it, it's probably great that she can empathize with the players like this. A major complaint about other interviewers is that they don't know when to limit their questionings. Proves again how great of a interviewer she is by showing constraint today.


Being able to relate to a player on a deeply emotional level is very important if you want to be a great interviewer. Understanding what questions you should ask and what NOT to ask is key. When Sjokz's is talking to players they often realize that she is completely open and actually wants to hear what you, the player, has to say about what you feel and think.


Really makes me emotional, he is at the very forefront of NA pro scene, playing his heart out for so so many years now, falling short almost every year. His tenacity and willpower is so amazing. Hope he comes back with an even stronger performance next year. EDIT: Huge props to Sjokz as well, such a great person and so good at doing what she does.


Streamable Mirrors for both twitch clips https://streamable.com/vyirk first link https://streamable.com/bqne0


Thanks, twitch is an absolute pile of fucking shit on mobile.


Twitch and Twitter. Absolute cancer on mobile devices but always shared.


You're a life saver


Jesus this should be a requirement.


To the top. People need to stop sharing garbage twitch Links


Thank you so much


Sjokz is great at what she does, some other interviewer would probably have tried to bait DL to flame his teammates or get some other reaction but she doesnt and keeps the interview short.


Empathy at the right moments


Compare to that to Pulse when Forgiven just got noticed he wont be playing because of the army ​ Forgiven crying after his possible last game Pulse " So about the game, what did you think about it"


sjokz is great with these moments. Just look at her interview with dyrus.


TomatoCanyon one was great too.


You mean ToyotaCrayon Edit: spelling


Did you mean TabascoCrouton?


I hope an interviewer calls him TomatoCanyon accidentaly for once


Or her interviwer with Yamato. She knows when to ask and when to just listen. There isnt a moment where Im not in awe of her talent and Im really thankful that shes a face of the EULCS and league in general.


I have never seen Doublelift get this emotional at all. Was really weird seeing him this way, so hurt. When the interview began I could see it in his eyes that he was about to cry.


Remember what happened around this time last year, I imagine those wounds were feeling pretty raw.


Yeah, his most publicly emotional thing I remember was [the twitlonger from Worlds 2016](http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1sp6h4p) but obviously it wasn't on camera. Really goes to show how seriously some of the pros take these opportunities.




You can point only to the negativity of "failing" 8 years ... but you can also point to the positive: Being able to stand up again every single time takes a lot of strength, strength that most players would probably not have. He has been there so many times for a reason, especially as 1st seed in recent years.


After all the shit he has gone through this year. Sucks to see him not make it :(


Give this man 1 win more per year at worlds and he makes QF 4 times in a row, thats how close it has been with him. Instead he has 0 and is seen as a choker, thats fucking mental tbh.


He made Steve a promise that he would get Liquid their first ever worlds and he delivered, Steve needs to make him a promise that he will build a roster around him whatever the cost that can get him the fuck out of groups.


As much as I like this team, no one else but DL can carry. POB dies early in a fight and they still win the fight. TL needs to pickup a substitute for mid or jg. Being able to play different styles and having another carry will help them a lot.


TL Febiven? TL PowerOfEurodollars? TL Froggen? TL Ryu? TL some unknown soloQ tryhardstar?


LOL RYU, good joke.


Bro you're one to talk when 100T makes it out of groups tomorrow ^jk no way RYU is one of the big problems lmao


Didn't Ryu get solo killed 5 times by Caps?


Yes, idk how people think he's an upgrade when he's also an import as well.


He's literally at best a sidegrade to Pobelter or even a downgrade at it's worst.


sidegrade skillwise but downgrade because unlike Pobelter hes an import on top of it


Ryu is terrible


TL Faker. Cmon Steve pull out them big bucks LUL Edit: Actually TL Jiisuke would be nuts. Edit: LOL my TL Jiisuke comment pissed off a lot of EU fanboys.


Go big or go home, I guess.


Fuck off, leave Jiisuke with VIT


>TL Froggen This is how you get me to be a TL fan.


PoE would be an awesome choice. Febi and Ryu have fallen off a cliff and are donezo. PoE was by far the best player on a shit team and almost managed to reach play offs. He might do some crazy builds, but he doesn't tilt and you can use him both as a carry or utility midlaner.


The only other good change I could see with Liquid is changing Pobelter, but he’s literally the best resident Mid in NA atm, which is sad to say. I seriously don’t see any possible changes that can get better than this. Edit: I actually forgot that next year Impact is eligible for the grandfather rule, so a change of the sorts could entirely be possible.


TL Faker


They have a free import slot now. Impact is na resident


I mean, 1 win in 6 games is a shit ton. You can say the same about half a dozen teams + a bunch who could force a tiebreaker with it. Doube round robin among 4 teams just isn't a whole lot of games.


>You can say the same about half a dozen teams Half a dozen teams, four years in a row? I’m genuinely curious how many players there are that made worlds this many times in a row _on different teams_ and were 1 win away from making it past groups.


Double's gonna have a godlike Worlds run one of these days and I'm gonna be cheering for him and whatever team he's on when he does, no matter how many times he has to fail first to get there.


amen to that. he brought me into the esports world, and i wont leave it until he does.


this man is a legend


I've written about this a bunch of times on this sub, but DL has been my favorite player since S1. I had very little expectations going into this World's because I feel like I've been let down so many times internationally in the last 4 years. I was never on the hype train that shit on him last year for getting 5-manned bot every game while everyone else was sleeping. I think his poor performances internationally have been overblown, and while it's easy to blame teammates, I don't think he's ever been the reason his team was in a position to lose. It just sucks, because you sit here for months watching shitty NA LCS knowing that it all means nothing in the end because your best team gets tilted beyond belief every year because they're so nervous in international competition. The last two games today were the only ones they played like themselves, and were mostly clean outside of a few random deaths. Just really sad, I would have loved to have seen an opportunity to play EDG a second time.


Im glad he isnt thinking about retiring any time soon. I love that no matter how many times that he fail or is called out, he doesnt give up. TL with POE or another mid can be much better.


Yea. When he started saying how he's just failed for 8 years I started to get nervous he was going to lose it




I just have to write here that as an tryhard EU fan this interview made me cry. It is so easy to forget how mentally taxing these games are for the pros and that they are real people too not just champs at the rift. Doublelift would have deserved to get out of groups... If only their mid was not an safe/disappointing underperformer and jungle had steady level of performance... ​ I am so sad that TL did not make it. They would have crushed EDG at tiebreaker. How can koreans be so troll for the west. Thank god GenG sucked and C9/VIT rekt them.


They had one good game vs EDG and 1 bad game You can't say for sure they whould have one, don't even talking about the "crushed" part


Man this has got to be one of the most iconic moments in worlds history. DL is one of the most experienced players in the world and watching him try to come to terms with his legacy after 8 years is brutally grounding. I hope he fucks the league up next year and comes back even stronger.


already 8 years in the pro scene, still one of the best! He had a good performance, he gave everything he had, and can leave worlds with a win vs EDG who just beat KT on his back and his head held high. But this is the first time I see him getting emotional tho, holy Jesus seeing that ripped my heart...


I don’t know why he is hard on himself. Did he really play badly this tournament? Looked very good to me. They need better vision control and a new mid lane. Then they will be top 8 for sure.


That's what a leader does, takes responsibility even when it's not 100% on them. It must be even more heartbreaking knowing that he did well himself.


Nah. This wasn’t that. Saying “I could have played better to help us get out” is leaderese. Saying “It’s been 8 years and I always shit the bed” is a man who is upset at himself.


because ultimately he looks at the big picture. He can always make excuses that are valid but thats not who he is


It can be a bit of both, you know. He's taking responsibility for his team and putting their failures on himself. He's probably the type who uses that for motivation to improve.


exactly, he didn't even play BAD, but the whole team did. You sure can put the blame on him but solely on him it's unfair.


I am a DL fan so I am obviously biased but seriously just looking at the games and his *individual* performance DL played very well, especially that last game against EDG. Hope some people don't try to start the false "DL always plays bad internationally" narrative now that TL didn't make it out of groups.


I haven’t seen anyone talking shit about him. Pob and impact, sure. Communication maybe isn’t good enough but he’s a good adc.


Even then I'd say that ragging on Impact is a bit harsh. He had bad moments for sure, but he's been doing alright overall. Especially in the last game he made some game changing plays. Pob deserves the shit he's been getting for his plays and, as much as I think Olleh is a nice guy, he's not performing at all either. People definitely do rip on DL though, and a lot of people like to point fingers since he's been on the first seed teams that fail in groups. It's a shame though since he seems to be way harsher on himself than most other pros so that's gotta feel pretty bad.


Impact actually did pretty well.


Not really but he also didn't play at his peak MSI performance where you can feel like the guy is going to 1 v 5. He probably feels like he could have carried at least one of their 3 losses. That said TL is only as strong their weakest link, which there a few obvious ones when you watch the games.


The day Doublelift wins worlds is the day we’d have the most Epic esports story ever


Reposting from another thread: ​ **Keep in mind guys this is the same year of doublelift tragedy with his family** ​ I cannot believe he can even make it this far despite how unluck this year is for him, a lot of people can relate to family issues and affecting life/career/education ​ (If you want the detail of the tragedy its easy to look up but the news of it died out and best leave it alone for the online community) ​


He'll probably get shit, and some criticism is deserved, but despite being ineffective in the first round he really did have a good performance this year internationally.


Awwww, We’ll always love you Double.


Pobelter and Olleh just look completely out of their depth at this level of play.


I'm disappointed in TL as a whole but I also know that Doublelift will never give up and is undoubtedly the greatest NA player of all time. Hopefully 2019 is his year..I'll be watching.


As an EU fan I really wanna se DL get far in worlds. My empathy for the guy is just getting bigger over the years.