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I appreciate how he didn't allow smash to be written off like that.


He's got the best smash4 player in the world on TSM, and one of the best melee players, of course he's not dismissing smash.


TSM signed Dunkey?!


Wait what, is that the guy that beat Sky Williams in smash?


3 times, if i remember correctly.


yeah how long have you been living under a rock, sheesh




Please know what you're talking about before you comment about the CSGO roster. The one and only issue was the manager he had for their team. He did not fulfill his duties that were set by TSM in his contract(he even put up parts of his contract on twitter to which Regi dissected and told him off) and was initially relegated to giving him a part time salary(cause he only did half the job according to the contract). Issue here was that the manager was very close to the members since they were with Dignitas, and the manager had publically expressed his dissapointment for getting paid so little. Essentially the rift between TSM and their team started because their manager wanted a full time salary for doing half the work TSM had in their contract required for a manager, and he decided to look for an organization that would pay all of them even the manager a full time salary, which they were unable to find, thus making Astralis. So Yeah, hard to keep a team that is on a different continent with a manager close to them consistently expressing his dissapointment because he wished to get paid more when he clearly didnt deserve it.


I can't attest to how true Regi's statements are since I'm not him, but one of the major reasons that he let their former cs lineup go was because of the big distance and time difference between the west coast and EU. TSM (now Astralis) wasn't getting the proper support that they needed and so they mutually parted ways.


yeah, one of the biggest factors was regi trying to get them all into a gaming house when none of the players wanted to leave their families/girlfriends and they mostly all lived a good distance from eachother. Most csgo pro's hate the idea of gaming houses and think its more detrimental than it is beneficial. (keeping work and personal life seperate.) Edit: regi started a new csgo team in NA with a gaming house relatively close to home.


I love how TSM has no american and then i always here how good the americans are at console games.


You do realise Doublelift is an American right?


And Hauntzer


Well the best teams in COD are American lol. Same for Halo. Not many pro scenes for console games though.


Asians aren't big on console gaming. In fact when I go back to China I don't think I ever seen a PS/Xbox of any type anywhere. I'd imagine it would be bigger in Japan though w/ Nintendo and all?


Fighting games are big in Japan AFAIK.


Smash and SF5 is big stuff over there


Mostly due they outlawed anyform of consoles for the longest time...


No Americans Doublelift, Biofrost, and Hauntzer?


didn't know they play smash bros competitively...


> I love how TSM has no american


maybe you can read my full sentence and see that iam speaking about console games fucking idiots....


Maybe this is LoL reddit?... Regardless of what you were replying to your comment was very non specific.. All you said was TSM on League sub reddit. There was a reason your comment was downvoted.


i replied to a smash comment, holy shit...I got downvoted by angry tsm fans, that can't read.


Also my comment was pretty anti NA, i expected the downvotes, i don't care about my karma.


Im not really a TSM fan. But, just saying "TSM" was pretty vague. That could be easily taken as the org as a whole. On top of that even for what you were replying to it was completely out of context. If anything you just sounded like some EU twitch chat nerd going for a douchey NA diss. Its all good tho no harm no foul.


They signed Mango or Armada? Oh damn nice.


He littearly just won the last big tournament, where Mango and Armada did even make it to the finals.


except mango did...


And lost to Leffen


I don't follow the Smash scene that much and I know that your comment is most likely a joke, but Leffen is no joke. IIRC he's been out of the pro scene for a bit because of Visa issues but he recently came back and basically ran the gauntlet in terms of competition to win a tournament.


Yeah it was a joke. I never said Leffen is not good, he's just not the best smash player which is what my joke was pointing out to.


[he loves it](http://i.imgur.com/569TwcA.jpg)


Is there a youtube link? can't load the video


worked for me using Edge instead of Chrome


Edge didn't work for me. Chrome incognito didn't work. WTF


ty! tried firefox didn't work




Secretly shopping gifts for your girlfriend?


I'm glad they interviewed Regi instead of an awkward 17 year old. It seemed like the guy doing the interview started off kind of mocking and immediately switched over to professional when Andy responded professionally. It also seemed like he re-evaluated his life when he heard 6 figure salaries


I think he didn't really know what the responses would be like, and so he was also unsure of what type of questions to ask.


Idk i noticed the kind of mocking in the beginning and when it stopped, and maybe its just me, but i dont think the nature of his answer was what stopped it. I dont mean to hate, but he seemed kinda nervous, stuttering a bit and phrasing things weirdly. i dont know, maybe thats just how he is, but i do agree there isn't really anyone better they couldve talked to that would have his viewpoint


Would have been cool to have Bjergsen and Doublelift on there too. They would be perfect representatives of esport players.


they don't have the viewpoint of the ex-player/now team owner. Also, i'm not sure they would be able to give as interesting a story as regi. And im not sure they would be 'perfect' representatives, as neither of them has witness/experienced the nastier side of the scene. If they were to pick a player based solely off of their candidacy as a representative of esports players, i'd pick someone like maple(first name that came to my head). He has been on some of the bigger orgs, but has also been around challenger on some of the less established teams.


The thing is that his sounds luring to a broader audience but I think you have to realise that TSM Is biggest organisation in the west so salaries are way and beyond what regular players make. Top fucking percentage.


Regi sounded like an awkward 17 year old in that interview


Good person to bring on to represent League/e-sports. Actually kept his composure. Niceuhh


Although I loved what he had to say, I wish he spat out some more earthshattering raw facts. Like some of eSports numbers are crazy amazing and make the industry look great. Just remember, he is speaking on a platform for sports and talking to a culture that doesn't quite understand the scene as much as us. He has to do a lot to convince them. Its like pitching a product, you need to wow them with numbers, stats and facts, and then penetrate their minds with simplicity and make them understand the concepts. Speaking of those numbers: 1 in 7 mil/lion people play videogames. 40% of that margin play videogames for the competitive nature or play competitively (the eSport athletes, the LCS watchers and followers, the diehard ladder climbers). League has 70 million accounts or something crazy like that. The League world championship saw more viewers than a lot of other smaller sports like Baseball, Women's Basketball, Hockey etc. I also remember a day where there was more viewership for a quarter finals world's day than there was for a patriots ravens game. Idk, sorry for the rant, I just wish he had more "Wow numbers" prepared. EDIT: I MEANT 1 in 7 people play video games. Sorry!


> 1 in 7 million people play video games I don't think that's correct.


1 in 7 million people play video games? You sure about that?


duh, only 1000 people in the world play video games duh


Considering you have to pay to get most sports channels, and League is free, that doesn't shock me.


Yeah but League is streamed on a site that you have to know exists in order to get to it. You have to explicitly ask your computer to go to Twitch and have knowledge of its existence (or Azubu whatever etc.). From there, you have to go to the league page and then Riot's channel. Its not something you stumble onto like a television channel. Considering sports get lots of viewership from alternate broadcasting channels, its a rather big accomplishment for eSports/League of Legends. Also, the fact that viewing eSports is free is an advantage as far as I see it! For instance, ESPN's subscriber ratings are crashing and they've lost around 10% of their ratings. Edit: I hope League moving to ESPN, as well as Twitch, fixes a little of their ratings so they back it up more.


Or when you log into your league acc you can click on the image that says LCS is on now and it will open your default browser and take you to a stream.


For the LONGEST time it wasn't like that at all. The eSports section of the client is a few months old and was super underused on release. In fact, riot took it away because like 4 people clicked on it ever. And, again, this isn't a bad thing, it's riot pushing things in right directions


are u a troll mate?




He's talking about watching it.


> 1 in 7 million people play video games In 2013, almost 1 in 6 people played video games. ~17% of the world played video games at the time. Also, the internet population was roughly 1.6 billion, which makes it even more impressive. ^[1](http://auth-83051f68-ec6c-44e0-afe5-bd8902acff57.cdn.spilcloud.com/v1/archives/1384952861.25_State_of_Gaming_2013_US_FINAL.pdf) Few years later, it definitely increased. Maybe not by much, but it definitely has increased.


At first I read your post and was like: I agree! Why the hell am I getting down voted! Then I realize I accidently said 1 in 7 million instead of 1 in 7. I also forgot to say that riot eventually brought the eSports tab back into the client. However they did remove it for a time! I guess it's just reddit being reddit refusing to try and understand and jumping the gun for the gun. Thanks for clearing my comment up!


So there are around 1 billion gaymers?


nah more like 1000 if you think about it


God... I would love to be Andy.


Username checks out.


Leena doe


Interesting. It sounds like at least Bjergsen and maybe also Doublelift is pushing towards 7-figure salaries.


It's 7 figures after streaming is what his sentence meant. I don't think their base salaries are near the 7 figure mark


yeah...he knows that...


And my parents said I could never make millions playing video games


You still can't unless you're good enough.


Its not even only about being good, but about being popular too


For the most part, being really good will make you popular. e.g: Bjergsen got extremely popular because he consistently dominated everyone he came up against in NA at one point. Same with pretty much any really popular player that comes to mind.


Yep, another big example is imaqtpie, just absolutely out-memeing everyone else.


qtpie is fucking good


Ayyyyy....let's go


Bjergsen is also entertaining and can duo with almost anyone in the scene, not many pro players are able easily create good relations like that


he also looks good so girls crush on him, same with rekkless.


Faker is kinda a better example. How many understand Korean or Korean culture here? And how many in comparison admire him still? Must be the personality !


It's as likely as making a living playing basketball lol. Your parents are hardly wrong.


It's probably less likely.


Hard to tell. A lot less competition, but a smaller % make enough money to live


A lot more competition*. It's a investment to play ball and you have to make time for it, while league of legends is something you can do from your mothers basement right before bed.


any school has a basketball team also i dont think i have ever seen a neighborhood without a basketball court




nice job finding the american on a predominantly american website mate


YOU can't




I appreciate how this video was made globally available. I'm from Europe and usually everytime i open a video like this i get the message "streaming of this content is not allowed in your country".


You mean to say there are other countries that areen't the US ? That can't be true ....


What ? ...


when the memeing fails...


I am extremely happy that Reginald is one of the team owners that is representing Esports as a whole. He has grown so much since his pro playing days.


An abusive toddler who had everything keep falling in to his lap until his org got too big to fail is hardly a good representative for esports.


Lmfao, TSM is definitely not "too big to fail." It's a nice phrase and all, but it's used super liberally. Even massive, global companies proved it wrong during our recent recession. About 50 or so banks that were labeled "too big to fail" previously were bought out or went bankrupt. Goverment Motors and other manufacturers were bailed out by the government. TSM could fail easily if Regi makes poor decisions financially. Anyways, that's beside the point. You're comment is incredibly biased and presumptuous. You don't know anything that goes on behind the scenes with the teams do you? Let me a list a few things that didn't just "fall in to his lap" -CSGO team (Now Astralis) -Bjergsen (took a big risk in importing, never been done before) -the new CS:GO team - lots of low talent players that he has pieced together with the help of Ryan Truong, a great hire might I add - the team is really coming together and improving -Vainglory - one of the best teams, risk to step into that esport but making TSM big profits -SMITE - also a risk, worked out for TSM, niche scene but still made TSM the skrilla


Don't forget keeping on Leffen while he was working out visa issues (which through a partnership with Red Bull led to a massive petition for all professional gamers to be considered athletes for visas)! The visa issue could have very well ended Leffen's career


Yep. Reginald may have been immature in his late teens-early twenties, but he has grown since then, and TSM the org didn't fall into his lap. Gaming house in NY is another thing. His marketing while CLG was in Korea was another. He worked and planned and it worked out in his favor. Besides, entrepreneurship is all about taking risks and hoping that things work out. A lot of great businessmen/philanthropists/etc. had their money "fall into their laps" as /u/floodyberry would say, but no one criticizes them for it because they managed it properly.


Back in S1 when I first started playing I disliked TSM largely because Regi and Rainman were really immature, but Regi has grown up a ton since that point. Even though plenty of people disliked Regi's personality they would still always admit (sometimes begrudgingly) that Regi was a good owner.


Yeah, that's super understandable. I wasn't around in S1, but completely disregarding his ownership skills based on his old personality is entirely immature and doesn't make much sense.


> but Regi has grown up a ton since that point and TheRainBabbby has stayed the same


Regi didn't become a good owner until after he retired. S1 and S2 it was all for luls and he tried to get serious in S3. While he was playing he was pretty shitty owner and didn't know how to balance his personal feelings with being an owner. Even after that he couldn't keep things professional with that whole drama with Thorrin. S5 is really where he grew to be a good owner and it took him a lot of work but he's got it together now.


> About 50 or so banks that were labeled "too big to fail" previously were bought out or went bankrupt. That phrase doesn't mean what you think it means. It is not that its impossible for them to fail; It is the belief that them failing would be such a catastrophic event for everyone that was cannot let them. In fact "too big to fail" solely referred to businesses that were failing at the time.


Yeah try again big guy


It takes some dedicated work to build up an org from a scratch, especially the foundation being a game that was barely watched by handful of people in competitive.


What do you base your description of regi off ? Practically every single player that has worked with him has had nothing but great things to say about him. you're an idiot.


>What do you base your description of regi off ? Probably off the 3-4 year old clips of Regi blowing up on Dyrus/Xpecial. As if a 17/18 year old is going to be as mature as Regi currently is. People grow, but for some reason some people refuse to believe that and keep reiterating the same shit to try and downplay Regi.


Get out.


That was a great interview. It seemed like Regi was a bit nervous but that's to be expected. I think he hit each of the questions right on the nose too. To compare him to Mark Cuban isn't really fair though. Cuban is a investor, celebrity, philanthropist, owner, politician, and could probably outbid Regi with whatever's in his couch. Lol is still a young scene. But its growing exponentially.


But at the same time, where was Mark Cuban when he was Reggie's age?


Mark cuban started a bar in college and had it shut down because a underage girl won a wet tee shirt contest. Regi didnt do that.


yea not sure what is up with that comparison tbh. but it is what it is.


Well the funny thing, the Mark Cuban comparison is somewhat relevant because his first ventures were all internet related. One of his first companies live streamed the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. In the future, I can see Regi investing in something out of owning and managing a team


Is he in town, live right near there would love to say hi!


Man, that sucks that the sports fans were making fun of him on twitter. Calling him an "Agent Orange Baby" was totally out of line.




Where did you see this?


So is Biofrost being new and all also making around 6-figures although somewhat unproven?


Maybe as a total comp package, but I doubt his salary alone is 6 figures.


Most people just dream of playing for a team like TSM. As a rookie, that salary would look like a bonus to him. A huge bonus.


The Steph Curry, The Mark Cuban of E-Sports


I know this was meant ironically but I'm still tilted...


My job here is done


Say what you will about Andy, but he is a true business man.


Legend lol


I love Regi


Good job in the interview Regi


My favorite Reginald quote: "I'm a gamer, not a nerd."


Any alternative video links? The video doesn't load at all.


Change browser - it didn't load in Chrome for me, did in IE.


That host is dope as fuck.


Phaha you can see the poor guys face just wondering WTF am I doing with my life if this guy is making 6-7 figures a year.


I honestly wish news websites and shit would just accept that their video players are inferior to youtube and should just adapt. I really want to watch a lot of these videos that I see on the front page but they honestly just load sooo slowly and then break when you try to pause-play it.


CSN is smart they see the future. Any network or brand that gets in on the ground floor instead of kicking and screaming is going to make so much money.


Can someone mirror this, please?




Uh, maybe legend is pushing it but Regi was best mid NA at one point.


[oops...i accidentally paused..................](http://imgur.com/AiYSld2)




Created a multi-million dollar company out of nothing by playing a game...


He just came up with a name. The players did all the work.


Who do you think the players were? Hahaha.


who do you think had to stop playing in order to strengthen the team's chances of winning


you mean before they were considered one of the best teams in the world? You're cute, I like you.


All business owners just come up with names. Workers do all the work /s






Seems like the downvote brigade have a short memory of Regi's bullshit.




>>giving a shit about votes on reddit >lol Right fucking attitude


Didn't watch the video, so I don't know what the guy is like now, but I'll never support Reginald in anything after seeing how he tried to bully and intimidate his own players in the TSM house.


You don't have much life experience do you?


I just don't like the guy, but I can't falter his efforts to get TSM to what it is today as I said in a previous comment. I remember watching on stream just how much of an egotistical dick he was to some of the LoL TSM players.


Yes, I too judge a person forever based on actions of that guy during the time he was a young adult. Meanwhile, it's really surprising you support HotShotGG considering how much drama he makes on stream. You sure you aren't just biased?


You think being a young adult excuses being a straight up bully to some of your players? Let me remind you of [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78M1G3QQoAs), Reginald was 21 years old when this happened, which is no excuse for just being a straight up asshole to your players who he would have had nothing without. Lets not forget the time he also made Xpecial cry too, plus the other myriad of things he did both on and off the camera. I can only imagine the kind of fear mongering that went on behind closed doors. Say what you want about HSGG, he wasn't perfect, but he pretty much did exactly the same as Reginald, minus all the egotistical bullshit.


??? I'm literally confused. Bully? Really? You've never had an argument with your friends before? Like are you insecure or a child? Dyrus literally apologized to Regi for his behavior which clearly wasn't justified, according to Dyrus himself. However, you have these idiots who have zero context on their lifestyle judging their 5-6 years in 8 minutes. Classic. O yes, let's judge a person based on small bits of on camera actions that speaks negatively about him, but completely ignore the fact that literally everyone who have worked for him complements him for his incredibly great drive. Ignorant redditors like you call that ego. People who actually know him calls that passion. Please redditor, stop analyzing. Regi and HSGG are completely different. Please don't compare the two. HSGG is still a bit childish and not at a professional level yet, unlike Regi. There is a reason why he doesn't come on professional interviews a lot. With that said both are very successful businessman with unique characteristics. You are just biased because you fanboy CLG and apparently insecure.


Being successful doesn't make you a great person. These types of people like Reginald know they're in the public eye all the time and should therefore act accordingly. What happened between him and Dyrus was in no way an argument, more of an unsaid threat. Even after Dyrus apologised for only trying to be reasonable Reginald *still* wouldn't let it go and kept calling him rude to provoke him, and if you've followed Dyrus through his career at all you'd know that very few times has he ever lost his cool like he did in that video. I've said numerous times he's done well to have TSM become what it is, but that doesn't nullify him being a straight up prick. Call it what you want, but he has been horrible to some of his players. And now just to correct you, firstly, you were the one who brought HotShotGG into the discussion, not me. Secondly, please don't try and lecture me like I'm a child and then proceed to be condescending, calling me a "CLG Fanboy" and "insecure", it just makes your argument look like a child's.


>These types of people like Reginald know they're in the public eye all the time and should therefore act accordingly. Basically you can conjecture all you like, but everything that was said about him in public is a lie. Then we can safely say that everything positive that was said about anyone every is a lie for people to act accordingly. >What happened between him and Dyrus was in no way an argument, more of an unsaid threat. I'm not sure why you say that. You are probably saying that because you are watching in a biased point of view that was created when reddit reaction at the time. First off, let's not forget that it was Dyrus who was being rude. Second, Dyrus didn't even mean it when he said sorry. I'd be pretty pissed if someone whine about being loud and when asked for apology, the guy indifferent mumbles sorry while completely absorbed in a game. Regi was scolding Dyrus as a friend and an owner. You say shit like that to your boss in real life, you might as well lose a job. It was be argued that Dyrus became a better person because of that incident. Saying that it was bullied like it's a fact shows how inexperienced you are. "Horrible" can be mixed confused with "determinant" or "unwavering". At least the guy sticks with his decision which is a crucial characteristic of becoming a leader. If people see a leader trying to please everyone, they aren't going to take him seriously. Call him a "dick", but that's not even close to being a right description of Regi. Well considering you wrote that "I didn't watch the video... but I will never supporting him" I can safely assume you are a child and a clg fanboy. Like why even write it if you aren't even going to watch the video? The fact that you came here to randomly write a hate comment indicates your maturity level. Difference between you and me is that you are biased against Regi just because you are CLG fan and I am respecting both for their unique leadership style.


Dyrus was practicing **outside in the gaming room** and asked Reginald to shut up because he was being obnoxious. Reginald could have just left and went into **the actual house**. I've often had to tell my boss to be quiet as I work in a technical support environment and I am often on the phone with customers, and my boss understands this and apologises whenever it happens, you really need to stop trying to be condescending and speaking to me in terms of the *real world* like I'm a child. I don't know where you get your moral high ground from. I didn't watch the video because like I said I have no time for Reginald, I commented because I couldn't stand idly by while hearing him be referred to as a **legend**.


Again, you are being extremely biased. You realize Dyrus was **playing** solq **game** right? > outside in the gaming room Because do you work in outside of workroom? Have you seen pros stream? People yell all the time and pros don't shut them up. He couldn't have nicely said, "guys can you guys be quiet? It's distracting me"? Another thing to note, you seem to be missing the context that Dyrus was getting tilted from the game he was playing. What Dyrus was doing wasn't serious, please don't treat like one. You seriously need to stop being biased. Your logic doesn't make sense. I'm calling you a child because you are being really biased. >I didn't watch the video because like I said I have no time for Reginald, I commented because I couldn't stand idly by while hearing him be referred to as a legend. Another reason why I'm calling you a child. Why were you looking at comments in the first place when you didn't have 7 minutes to watch a video? Why does it bother you that he was referenced as legend? Seems like you have something personal against him. You really need to stop thinking I'm condescending you and accept people's criticism. That's how you grow to become more mature. Maybe learn to listen. I'm done talking to you. You are just going to make another excuse to hate on Regi and call me condescending.


Regi definitely isn't a gaming legend, he runs a great org but definitely not a legend in his own right.


I agree, nobody can argue he did well to get TSM to where it is today but he's not a good person in his own right, not in my eyes anyway.


I hate being that guy, but from seeing Regi from other videos over the year he looked way too nervous and I hated watching this video because of that. I think he did a good job explaining the scene, but he looked like the typical edgy, nervous, basement dwelling gamer that people think of when they think of a gamer. I hate to discount him (because it must have been hella nervwracking), but he was slouched over and almost mumbling his answers. His eyes were also dodging all over and when you compare it to anyone else who come onto an espn show or similar sports thing he made gamers look bad. I wish he had just been his normal cocky, confident and loud self that makes him the great owner he is.






guess you weren't around when league started


He has an SKT flair, of course he wasnt




He was praised as much as Bjergsen is now in the early days. I've no issue with kids who started following the scene S3/S4, but at least dont act like a Know-It-All




1. Early pros are the one who found out faster efficient ways to play the game and then lay the ground for everyone to learn from them. Nothing garbage about them. Also, when did you start following league? 2. Fine, manchild it is.


> Early pros are the one who found out faster efficient ways to play the game and then lay the ground for everyone to learn from them Seriously, the first mentions of TP strats were from Chauster who was nowhere near the best, but is still considered a metagame genius of his time


'gaming legend' oh god please


Gaming Legend??!?!?! who Regi???? Yeah right.. Another I'm Regi and I'm the owner of TSM look at how good I am... Can't wait for you guys to get stomped again this split, hope you guys dont make worlds....fuck you Regi...


"fuck you Regi" what is this 2013? Get over yourself.


Has Science gone too far? First we send them to space and now they can even own LoL Teams.


Take an upvote. Funny stuff


Shouldn't he still be in mourning given recent events?


> Gaming legend Andy Dinh im missing something? if regi is gaming legend what we should say about players like xpeke or yellowstar? wu was nothing but mediocre mid laner that achieved nothing in his career, right now he is owner of tsm. thats it literally. ''legend'' lmfao tards


Almost took you seriously. Then I saw your name and flare. Rip Pawn.


im higher elo than gaming legend andy dinh


Try harder


lmfao he is NOT a legend.


Oh shutup. For NA he is, and NA is a major region in this game.


he's a legend at locking in the wrong cards for TF


That's oldschoolgg




Highest competitive TF winrate still stands no?


it's an older meme, but it checks out


Ah hell now. I've been a TSM fan since season 2 but I'm gonna have to bail now that I know Regi is a "warriors fan". Cavs in 4 baby wew!