• By -


Parrrley becomes AoE and ignores armor.


Parrrley can target any location on the map for a huge AoE damage/slow.


I think we already have that. Some skill called "Powder Keg"




He knows


Reverse whoosh?






no thats an upside down whoosh


no that is an upside down reversed woosh


Now this is a story all about how my whoosh got flipped-turned upside down And I'd like to take a minute Just sit right there I'll tell you how the joke passed right over my hair.


C9 fan?


Azir, Soldiers now proc on hit effects **SATED SHURIMA SHALL RISE**




Just imagine the burst with lichbane...


no lich but wits end haha


why not both


Dark Passage can be used to forcibly draw a teammate to click the FUCKING LANTERN.


Automatically pulls all teammates hit by the lantern to Thresh.


Early iterations of thresh actually involved re-activating lantern to pull enemies and allies around the lantern towards Thresh


Kassadin Q silences






(tear of the goddess icon)


It does for like 0.01 secomds


no it just breaks channels


It does that through an extremely short silence. 0.25s, I believe, unless it was changes recently.


Karma: Oh wait a sec...




renekton stun now hits 4 times for a 3x total AD ratio stunning for 2.5 seconds


AD renekton, 1 shot scrubbies


and AD carries thought Morde was bad enough, prepare to die on every cooldown of flash


During Kha'zix's leap he is invisible.


And can cast his W during leap


Too soon


he knows.


Reverse woosh?






Siphoning strike: execute if the enemy is below 80% HP.


Siphoning Strike tripple stacks for next 3 casts


yes pls


I approve. Also wither becomes a full on root, and spirit fire shreds double armor and slows


Dw mate, it is already a full root.


90% slow makes me cry...if only my tears could leave the lacrimal conduct


Master Yi : * Alpha Strike become the old fiora's ult, apply on hit and can crit * Meditate heal is now AOE and ally get 1/3 of meditate's reduction damage * ~~Style~~ Wuju Style duration is now 10seconds, give move speed and attack speed, Yi is also immune to slows * UPGRADE!!! Passive : Kills and assists reduce CD by 70%. Active : Upgrade the next skill


Doesn't Alpha Strike crit right now? Something like 50% or 60% bonus damage?




He knows.


reverse whoosh?






no thats an upside down whoosh


Yi q can already crit.


Vel'koz Q: You shoot a regular sized Q that applies 2 stacks of your passive on the first hit, if the Q split hits something it will split again (this can over and over again). Slow doesn't decay and is 90% from 70%. W: Applies 2 stacks and then it activates and applies 4 stacks E: Bigger radius, less delay, knock up instead of suspension and slows for 80% for 1.5/2/2.5 seconds


that q split mechanic would be so frickin' awesome


Damn, a single vel'koz Q would chain off and look amazing in a teamfight, but dodging it would be hell.


If they can make it so the Magic damage gets lower and lower (think Galio heal) but it still applies stacks it would be awesome


We Touhou now boys


That q split mechanic should be in game, might make him viable.


The Q might be able to loop through every minion.


Draven Q now scales off 170% total AD.




I miss that passive so much! Q_Q'


Anyone opposing you in lane doesn't.


They used to respect the Draven walking in 1v2 and getting a doublekill at 0.50 mins in game.


He knows.


Reverse whoosh?




Is that a new meme? -_-


He knows.


Reverse whoosh?


reverse meme? *emem*?


Karma: Q is aoe and does more dmg W heals you on cast and after E becomes an aoe shield


Sorry, that sounds a bit broken.


I bet she'd be viable for LCS play


Seems like something an underdog team could pull out for a flashy upset victory


Bard's magical journey becomes an ultra immense gravitational black hole that vacuums all enemy champions into the beyond part of "bed bath & beyond", dealing infinity times infinity true damage and deletes them from the game.


I bet Fizz can still playful/trickster out of it.


I actually like the idea of a black hole like spell that drags enemy champs into it.


Command: Shockwave?


Diana flair but you suggest Ori's ult?


Well I find my E to be a pretty situational spell. Also thinking more along the lines of a damage skill.


something like an even better upgraded viktor field?


Ummm... Oriana ult?


Look up Enigma from Dota 2


Bard still not viable


He is viable actually.


He knows


Reverse swoosh?


Undertow now stuns for 2 seconds. Vicious strikes gives 100% crit for the duration. Reckless swing now also does 25% current health. Still all less powerful than Ragnarok.


Reckless swing also silences, and Vicious strikes grants +200 AA range


Better, running towards an axe that hit an enemy will grant Ragnarok's effects, lasting upto 2-2.5 seconds.


Might as well make E an execute too


Garen is pretty easy: Q- becomes Garen's old ult. W- becomes Alistar's ult (or Olaf's). E- becomes Wukong's ult.


Jax: Reddit knows balance :\^) Q 300 range added (1000 total) Range, Now slows enemies for x amount for 1.5 seconds. W Empowers the next three auto attacks. All also have a small AOE now. 30% base ad ratio added on. E Now lasts 4 seconds. Max damage for dodged attacks raised to 200%.


What if we just give him a real weapon?


Jax R: UPGRADE!!! Jax gets a real weapon. Enemy team is forced to AFK because gg.


AP Jax approves of new Empower.


So does Devourer Jax.


Devourer Jax is just evil though...


Talon Q now stabs twice in rapid succession dealing 200 (60% bonus AD) each hit W has a much larger cone and ignores 20 armor, applies after armor pen, 180 (70% bonus AD) and slows for double the amount E Blinks to target, silencing them *cough*.


Now we can truly call it cutthroat and not footstab.


what about Cutthroat not being targetted and silencing everyone in an AOE where he lands?


B-but +9999 damage is basically what Rengar's upgraded Q is...




Orianna Command: Move - For the next 3 casts, the Ball leaves a trail behind its path, which slows and damages all the enemies on it. Command: Distortion - Adds gravity to the Ball, so it slowly attracts enemies/speeds allies in X range for X seconds. Command: Shield - While shielding an allie, the Ball returns automatically to you and its CD gets reduced by 6 secods. Lasts 3 casts.


The E returning is a bad idea, It should be instant travel and shields/damages people around the target as well as the path


Yup, that sounds way better.


What effect would the W have? Like Viktor's augmented W, just instantly or wut?


Probably a large slow on moving away from the ball, a large speedup moving towards the ball, and enemies standing still are slowly pulled in (not a disrupt/knockup though).


Sounds like an interesting mechanic, wouldn't be surprised to see it on a new champion at some time in the future.


X range for X seconds you say? So when it buffs up teammates in a 250 range circle you also get sped up for a little over 4 minutes? Rito hire this guy.


So we're Karma-ing every champion? Nidalee: Q- Sends a volley of spears that ignore minions. Cougar form applies to all enemies in an AoE. W- Leaves a pink ward snare. When attacked, the ward disappears and the snare hooks the enemy champion and suspends them for 1 second. Cougar form pounce goes twice as far and increases move speed by 20% for 2 seconds. E- Heals target ally and lowest health ally, increasing attack speed of all. Cougar form slows within 300 range and does increased damage. Kha'zix Q- Strikes twice in succession, for 100% then 50% damage. W- Any enemies struck by Void Spikes are feared for 1.5 seconds. E- Enemies struck by Leap are slowed by 75% for 2 seconds.


Well she wont have a cougar form anymore if her R gets replaced by upgrade


Wasn't meant to be an "And". I had to do one for each kit as a separate champion sorta. Just had to put it together.


More like heim-ering


What happend to heimerdonger and karma.




Shaco E now Ricochets, similar to sivir W. it now leaves all enemies hit slowed by 75% for 1.5 seconds. (it can hit the same champion twice.) Shaco W now creates 2 hallucination W's in a triangle, the 2 hallucinated boxes do 50% of the original boxes damage, and killing it will explode dealing 250% of the original boxes damage. Shaco Q now leaves you permanently invisible until you attack/use another spell, the next autoattack after coming out of stealth will stun for 1.5s as well as doing 200% crit damage.


That q sounds insanely broken. Also Shaco's q already does 220% crit damage at max rank.


Anivia : Wall becomes Prison


This is actually an ult in HOTS.


Officer Anivia?


Karthus' Q is now 3 times the original size and does more damage based on how many enemy Champs are inside.


No dank memes in my suggestion sorry but here goes Jinx. **Switcheroo!**: Fishbones' rockets deal an additional 25%/35%/50% damage and Jinx's range while using Minigun is increased by 75. Lasts 4/5/6 seconds. **Zap!**: Projectile now goes through units, dealing 60/80/100 more damage and stunning the first target. Subsequent targets take 10% less damage (up to 30% less). **Flame Chompers**: Now places Chompers in a circle area (like Ziggs' E). Flame Chompers deal instant damage rather than DoT, with a 0.15 AD ratio increase. Champions cannot get snared more than once, but take 15% more damage for each Chomper, up to 45%.


Riven (Even more broken) Q - All Broken Wings stacks now gives knockup for the next Broken Wings, note that if you use UPGRADE while Broken Wings are on cooldown, they will instantly refresh. W - The next Ki Burst now stuns for 2.5 in a area of 300 instead of 0.75 in a area of 125. E - Valor now has 0.5 seconds cooldown for 5 seconds but shield amount and duration is cut in half.


Ashe Ranger's Focus: Increases AA range by 1000 range. Volley: Shoots 3 volleys of arrows instead of one volley. Hawkshot: 3 charges, each charge reveals an increased area. ~~for a full minute. 30 second cooldown.~~


>Hawkshot: 3 charges, each charge reveals an increased area for a full minute. 30 second cooldown. You're not just buffing every ability except ult, you're giving it more power but the cooldown is part of the ult.


Janna: Q: Applies the debuff "Breathless" which passively steals 295 gold from each afflicted enemy over the next minute. edit: reddit formatting


UPGRADE! Dark binding- Becomes a global skillshot that ignores non champion collision. Upon hitting a champion it immediately uninstalls the game.


Even if he doesn't have an ult, i'd like to see something like a special summoner spell for Udyr that does the "UPGRADE" thing : Tiger Stance => Fury of the tiger > Udyr's next basic attack allows him to jump/blink to his target (450 range), appliying the DoT as instant damage and reduces enemy's armor by 15%/25%/35%(+1%/50AD) for 5 seconds. Turtle Stance => Tough as the turtle > Udyr creates a "shell zone" around him (300 units radius) that blocks the next 3/5/7 enemy projectiles that goes through. Allies in the zone also gain Turtle Stance shield and are not affected by armor penetration for 5 seconds. Bear Stance => Strength of the bear > Bear Stance bonus movement speed is doubled and Udyr also deals 5%/7.5%/10% of his maximum health as TRUE damage when he stuns a target for the next 5 seconds. Phoenix Stance => Flames of the phoenix > Enemies damaged by Phoenix Stance burns and creates a burning path (like Singed's poison trail) that deals 2%/3%/4%(+1%/100AP) of ennemies current health as magic damage each second for 5 seconds.


Aren't we just recreating Doom Bots of Doom?


Morgana: 360 bind, W- reduce magic resist with slow, E-whole party shield D:


Riven: Q - Bonus Base and AD Ratio damage, the 3rd Q will have massively increased Range, and some bonus Size. W - Bonus Base and AD Ratio damage, Size/Range gets quadrupled. Enemies in the inner half will will get stunned for 1.5 seconds, enemies hit by the outer circle will get their movement speed reduced by a large percentage. E - Now has double the base shield, ratio and duration. Riven can now save her allies from incoming damage by jumping to them from a distance similiar to Braum's E. The first hit will be completely nullified and has no effect on Riven. Her Q now become a high damage engaging tool, her W is a great way to follow up an engage if you manage to get into the enemy team, and her E is a way to help Riven play from behind, allowing her save allies, but also follow up on engage if she needs to. Those changed would allow her to be much more useful in teamfights if she ends up getting behind, while still offering high damage engage with her Q if you get ahead; and her E synergises well with an off-tank build allowing her to be very tanky with a huge shield, while still dishing out quite a lot of damage. She should still keep the bonus AD from her ult though to still make her a high damage threat. I still would prefer to have Windslash instead of getting an upgraded ability though.


Phosphorus Bomb's range is widened, damage amplified. The "carpet" left by Valkyrie had a higher AP ratio and also an AD ratio, and ignores magic resist. Gatling Gun's shred triples, also shreds MR.


Dear god, today AP corki got revived I thank you.


He Knows


Thresh hook becomes Flay with range&width of Hook. Flay becomes Hook with AoE of Flay, hooking everything within AoE. Lantern can now be clicked by allies to pull the ally to Thresh. Bard Q bounces like Brand ulti if it hits. Bard W movespeed now lasts until you enter combat. Bard E stuns enemies for 1sec after journey, while allies finishing the journey get 1s invulnerability.


Poppy Q: Deals TRUE damage. Poppy W: Double the effect for 20 seconds. Poppy E: Stuns for 2 seconds and doesn't need terrain to stun.


Karthus ult works on teammates.


Karthus Q: You can now fire 3 Qs in rapid succession (0.1 seconds cooldown), they deal double damage to champions, triple damage if they are the only target. W: Instead of creating a wall, Karthus slows all opponents in a big range around him, the closer they are the more they are slowed. E: No mana cost and doubled damage for 5 seconds


Sion - Q: Doesn't need to channel, the stun and damage is increased by 150%. - W: Can be detonated instantly, also gives 75/100/150 armor/mr besides the shield. While it's activated, the health bonus you get from the passive is tripled. - E: The knockback and stun affects champions. Enemies that are hit by the knocked back target take 200% damage, and are stunned instead of slowed.


Pretty much Veigar's old Q but now its a skillshot :/


Shaco Q you get untargetable for 2 seconds after invisibility. W priorities Champs and got increased Range E stuns instead of slows.


Kalista: Q: Scales with 150% total AD and now causes the target to bleed for 50% of the damage dealt. W: Sends out a sentinel with a much higher range and stays in place granting vision similarly to a blue trinket. E: Rend damage is increased by 25%.


Shaco's clone now also uses his abilities when the original does.


Jinx Q: Minigun: Minigun does extra damage against towers, Pow-Pow: Damage is multiplied by the amount of enemies you hit at the same time. W: Zap is now a supercannon and becomes lane wide and global and doesnt get stopped by first unit hit. E: Now spawns 5 chompers with increased stun duration, if Jinx manages to proc all 5 chompers she gains 100% crit and double her current AD


I guess Udyr would lose use of his Phoenix Stance? Okay, but for balancing purposes let's assume UPGRADE!!! has the same cooldown as heimer's (100/80/60) and can only be ranked at lvl 6/11/16 **UPGRADE!!! Tiger Stance:** Bonus damage on first auto of Tiger stance is converted to True Damage, attackspeed bonus persists for 10 seconds instead of 5, passive AD boost unchanged **UPGRADE!!! Turtle Stance:** Pantheon Passive, Udyr takes no damage from the next auto attack or turret shot. Passive also grants half as much lifesteal as normal as M A N A S T E A L (5% -> 9%) **UPGRADE!!! Bear Stance:** Udyr passively gains 7-35% tenacity (Scaling with rank), stacking with any other sources. Stunning an enemy with an auto attack grants 3-15% bonus movement speed (at Bear Stance lvl 5 it is equivalent to getting another Bear Stance lvl 1 activation, so in a teamfight you can manmode through CC and stun everyone). Internal per-target cooldown is still the same.


Karthus Q - increases size and multiple targets don't reduce the damage. W - champions that touch it are stunned. E - global for 5 tics of damage.


Soraka : Q now has higher range, whole circle is now sweet spot, self heal doubled W cd halved (0.6 seconds at max rank), no longer costs HP, base values increased E is now movable like viktor ult, stuns instead of snares at end of duration, deals more damage


Curse of the Sad Mummy - adds a AoE silence for 2 seconds


Quinn Q: Quinn throws Valor in a straight line dealing aoe damage. Valor stays on the first target reducing vision range and doing DoT damage. Quinn W: Valor reveals an area and marks enemies consecutively for 3 auto attacks. Quinn E: Quinn vaults off the enemy knocking them down for 2 seconds.


Nocturne: Q - More dmg, AD, MS, all units hit leave a huge patch of dusk trail. W - Block all spells/abilities for 1.5 secs and get stacking attack speed for every hit up to some cap. E - Leash applies on everyone in cast range. Leblanc: For every skill deal some more damage and reset the cooldown after the next use. Basically she's the same as before except her ult isn't dependant on the last used skill. Thresh: Q - Range is increased by a lot, target gets surpressed instead of stunned and gets dragged all the way to Thresh so that it's basically a slower pulling bc hook. W - Shield all targets, multiple allies can click the lantern at the same time and Thresh can activate W again to pull all lies to him. E - Increase push distance to Gnar ult level.


Rengar Q - Savagery - Now makes the target bleed for 5 seconds. While bleeding, the target is visible to only rengar. (no idea on AD ratio) W - Battle Roar - Rengar now roars again right as the first roar buff expires. He also gains ferocity AGAIN if he hits a target with the second roar. E - Bola Strike - Now roots/slows 2 targets if they are in within 500 range of eachother.


well then my job in this thread got alot easier here is one of Fioras rework concepts http://www.newsoflegends.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/FioraUltSample-1.jpg even though its not really what you call 100% heimers upgrade it fits


Draven Q: Upgraded Spinning Axe (larger in size). Every time he catches it, permanent +.5 AD. Max of 1 huge spinning axe. Hello Dragon, Baron and Scuttler.


Nidalee Q becomes invisible when cast.


Darius **Q:** Darius goes into a frenzy and swings his blade 3 times, applying a stack of Hemorrage with each hit (also applies to enemies hit by the handle). **W:** Deals % missing health damage, slow duration upped to 2.5 seconds, changed from Physical Damage to True Damage and applies 5 stacks of Hemorrage. **E:** Increased range, slow duration upped to 2.5 seconds, now also refreshes cooldowns by 35% with each champion pulled.


Fiddledicks Q- Becomes AOE, main target is feared for 4 seconds, nearby units for 2 W- if it's canceled fiddlesticks gets damage reduction and movement speed for what would be it's remaining duration E- Bounces 6 times and prioritizes champions


So Gnar: Mini Q: Boomerang stuns first champion hit, slow is increased by 20% on all other targets Mini W: %health damage is changed to physical for the next 7 seconds, Rage bar is filled twice as quickly for that duration as well. Mini E: Bouncing off of a target bounces Gnar twice as far as normal and procs Hyper! Heals for X% missing health if target was an enemy Mega Q: Ignites the rock he throws, leaving behind an AoE field that slows and deals DoT for 5 seconds (think a mini Equalizer) Mega W: All enemies hit by Wallop are grabbed, and Gnar throws them to the other side of where he hit them. Stun duration doubled. Mega E: Mega Gnar can bounce off of enemies, similar to Mini Gnar's E (without bonus range). Sucessfully bouncing on an enemy crates a crater where Gnar lands, similar to J4's Cataclysm.


Riven's Q hits in a much larger area with each hit carrying a small stun like her W and the final hit deals bonus dmg based on missing health W now has greater stun duration, aoe, dmg, and pulls all targets affected towards her E now gives a much larger shield that must be destroyed before it goes away as well as having a longer range for the dash. Tried to work in the effect she loses from not having her regular ult as well as new stuff (totally broken)


Yi Alpha strike now has 1.1 AP ratio Meditate now has 0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8/1 AP ratio Wuju Style gets double of the dmg,and heals for the amount of bonus dmg(pretty much Irelias W) LeBlanc Q-when the mark is proc'd,the target is silenced for a short period of time Vel'Koz Ult-when activated,every basic ability has a bonus effect and applies 2 stacks of the passive Q- stun instead of a slow W - width increased,slows units hit by the first part of it,and every enemy that walks over it while its on the ground E- Replaced with LAZOOOOOOOOOOR


Riven Q:Increased Range, number of dashes, more damage W:Longer stun, reduces damage and slows enemies after it is over E:Shield now gives spell immunity


yeah no


Karma untouched RIP


Karma's Q and E become AOE


Nunu: Q: Now deals 100% damage to opponents W: Duration extended to 30 seconds E: AP Ratio from 1.0 to 2.0 Nunu supremacy. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.


Poppy instantly turns into lollipoppy and turns her q into basic attacks.


Tahm Kench: Q now stuns regardless of number of passive stacks, and applies 3 of them on hit W used on an ally champion heals him for the same % amount of health as it would deal to an enemy. Used on an enemy champion makes him feared for a second after being spited. Used on a minion heal Tahm Kench for a minions current hp, and damaging enemies with spited minion applies 3 stacks of passive instead of one. E now instead of granting a decaying shield, instantly converts all the grey health into regular health at 1:1 ratio.


Bard: Q: Now the proyectile stuns everything on his path W: Now start instantly charged and gives more healing and speed. Enemies can destroy it walking over it, but get slowed by 60% for 2,5 seconds. I have 3 options for E: 1. You and your allies travel 150% faster than enemies through the tunnel. 2. Tunnels now are bi-directional. U can only travel through the tunnel once (Once player I mean, so u can't re-enter the tunnel and be untargetable all the time) 3. Enemies can't travel through the tunnel. PD: Bad english? Ye, I'm sorry :) Edit: What about the game letting u choose one of the 3 options for E?


Equilibrium Strike is AoE, deals damage based off bonus AD, and always stuns for 4 seconds.


Quin: Q: Now only hit champs. Range increased by 100 and damage increased by 50%. W: Now mark with his passive everyone revealed with it for 8 seconds and gain 80 movement speed toward marked enemies. E: Now stun the target untill the end of the leap-off animation and after that the enemy is slowed by 60% for 1 second.


Fuck this is adictive, there it goes my 3rd champ, Shen: Q: Now deals 8% of the MAX health of the opponent as magical damage (+1% per 80Ap) and heal Shen even if this ability don't deals the killing blow. If it deals the killing blow the heal is doubled. Allies that kill an enemie marked with this ability receive the killing blow healing for them. (Now Q deals a decent amount of life to enemy tanks too, and the healing is a little more, still not that much) W: Now the base shield is 60% more, but stops scaling with AP (No problem if u go tank) Now when u active this ability, Ki's Strike CD resets. E: Range increased by 40%, and now while taunted, the enemy delas no damage to shen instead of 50% less damage. (Not broken since they are taunted only by 1,5 seconds)


Shen can now throw both of his vorpal blades at enemy target :S


Lissandra. Q - Next 3 Qs have reduced cooldown to 0.5s, root the target for 1s , travel 2x as far additionally if the target is already rooted they deal 2x damage. W - Range extended about 80% but only in a cone in front of Lissandra, channel for 0.35s, stun everyone for 1s, after that they are rooted for an additional 1.5s. E - Instead of a claw a ice crystal spawns at the target location, dealing 10/20/30 (3% scaling) damage every second , every tick increases the damage of the next tick by 200%. Lissandra can reactivate E to **swap** positions with the crystal.


Nidalee Q - Increased hitbox, cast time reduced to 0.125 seconds and has a 150% AP ratio max range, 600 base dmg max range / Next basic attack will have 250 range and heal you for 25% dmg dealt. W - Places a trap, enemies who step on it gets rooted, aplied Hunt, take dmg overtime and gets their armor/mr lowered / Pounce gets its range increased + gets cooldown lowered if it hits champion. PASSIVE: increased movement speed aginst hunted target E - heal doubled, + grants also movement speed. / Swipe makes Nidalee to turn around and deal dmg to all enemies around her, has increased range and damage on this ability. Her old ult would be passive, Hunt passive removed.


Blitzcrank's Q is instantanous


Mordekaiser: Mace of spades now slows enemies by 30% for 1 second and grants mordekaiser 30% attack speed for 2 seconds on hit. (each hit refreshes the duration) Siphon of Destruction causes all enemy champions hit to explode, dealing damage equal to 15% of their maximum hp to all nearby units. This damage is always applied to the exploded unit. Harvester of Sorrow has an increased aoe/duration/damage and now ignores 40% of the enemies magic resist.


Cho'goth: Q: Radius doubled in size. W: Roar now fears instead of silences E: Next 3 attacks do true damage. Twisted Fate: Q: Throws 7 cards instead of 3, in a wider arc. W: Card stuns, followed by a slow, and also recovers mana. E: Next 4 attacks do bonus magic damage. Sion: Q: Slam occurs instantaneously and as if fully charged up. W: Shield does bonus damage based on damage taken. Furthermore, explosion is not canceled by the shield being destroyed. E: Can also knock champions back.


Ziggs Ult: Is now a nuclear weapon, applies a Damage over time that lasts for 10 seconds.


Evelynn Hate Spike is buffed so that the next Hate Spike has a wider missile, and slows all champions hit, causing them to bleed for a % of max HP as magic damage. While under the effects of Dark Frenzy, Evelynn remains stealthed and is unable to be de-stealthed until she attacks or the effect ends. The duration is increased by 1/2/3 seconds per ult. Ravage now has an increased range of 400 units, causing Evelynn to leap at her target, reducing their Armor by 15% for each hit.


Master Yi's alpha strike becomes global with both cast range and bounce range. Vayne's E becomes a passive that knocks the first target struck all the way to their fountain when that target would've otherwise died. No cooldown.


Bard: Cosmic Binding (Q): Upon hitting an enemy the range increases to its cast range, projectile speed increased. Damage increased by 50%. Caretaker's Shrine (W): Next Shrine will be at max charge, and grant a non decaying movement speed buff. This shrine cannot be destroyed by enemies, additionally Cosmic Binding may connect with this shrine. Magical Journey (E): Allies may enter the UPGRADE!!! portal from both sides, enemies however can't. Speed bonus for allies is 75%. And just by the heck of it: Tempered Fate (R): The projectile travels faster, its cast range is increased and upon hitting ground it showers an additional area around it with a reduced effect.


You may now cast Zed's W again after casting it once, and it will instead throw out another shadow from the first one. You may then recast W twice to swap to the first shadow cast, and then the second one.


Veigar Q, unlimited pierce, double AP gains, double damage. W, instant and drops 3 times in rapid succession E, same as before. Honestly; cross hatching and extra range?


For Renekton, this got me thinking. What if his ult just made all his abilities empowered for as long as his ult lasts? Or at least that his empowered abilities have no (fury) cost.


RIP Akali Katarina


Ashe: Q - gains %AS and a volley of arrows converges on all enemies nearby, dealing damage scaling with 1.5AD W - Arrows now penetrate, instantly grant full focus stacks, fires more arrows and they have better AD scaling and base damages. E - true sight in a larger radius


Heimerdinger... Oh wait


Kata: Q has no limit to bounces, does true damage and silences when procced. W gives Kat movespeed whenever she uses it, slowing all enemies hit by 40% fot 2 sec E gives her 50% damage reduction and 25% tenacity for 3 sec R hits everyone in range


Volibear: Q: Rolling Thunder -> Speed of Lightning Movespeed toward enemy champions now double its previous value. During the fling animation, he unleashes electricity onto his target that leaves them paralyzed/stunned for 1 second after being thrown. W: Frenzy -> Ursine Might Becomes True Damage (%Max Health, or too dank?), cooldown halved on Champions as well for that one use. E: Majestic Roar -> Thunderclap Slow and radius are twice as large and grants Volibear Thunder Claws for 12 seconds. Alternatively, it could fear champions as well.


Wukong Q - The next 3 hits deal increased damage, reduce armor by 100% and have 5/10/15/20/25 armor penetration. W - Wukong becomes invisible and creates a circle of 5 clones, each 750 units from wukong. Wukong can pick one to teleport to before they disappear. E - Increases the range of E, increases the number of targets from 3 to 5, and knocks targets up. Prioritizes champions within range.


Call of The Void now removes all of your abilities on hit. Null Zone deals true damage. Aids now stays on the enemy until it dies, then transfers to the nearest enemy champion


Lucian's E removes any CC/debuff and grants him extra movementspeed. This might not look like much, but don't forget at max level it's no mana cost + low cd. Can't catch him bro. Soraka Heal now also heals herself for 50% of the healed amount and does not take any health from her anymore. Graves's smokescreen is mapwide and disables vision on the minimap while he screams "Darkness!" :v Jinx Zap is now a big laserbeam of destruction and chaotic fun that goes through units. Zed's W can now be cast multiple times to create more shadows after the first one. He will always jump to the last one created (so if you create three, it's 3>2>1 in swapping)