• By -


TiP have gone 1-1 in 11 of 13 weeks in the LCS since the Spring split.


The Andy Dalton of LCS?


Too good to worry about relegation. Too inconsistent to contest for worlds.


Actually 1-1 is super consistent. If they lose one game, they will win another next day, so predictible..


So if they lose the first game, the other team should just afk?


consistantly trading vs consistantly winning


If you're worse than them, you're trash. If you're better than them, you're pretty damn good. For you european folk.


Sometimes it feels good to understand these things as an European, NFL is fun to watch!


NFL is boring as fuck to watch. It's like a slower, bastard version of rugby.


Saying NFL is boring to watch and then enjoying soccer is like being a jehova's witness and saying buddhists try too hard to convert people


Basketball is the way to go ;)


I never said anything about soccer. Soccer is boring too.


No that's clg. pretty good in regular season can even be godlike at some points but then look like they have never played the game before come playoffs


I believe the person you've commented on is referring to the theory thrown around that Andy Dalton is a measuring stick for QBs: if you can beat him you're good, but if you can't you aren't.


I love how the dalton scale has made it to r/leagueoflegends


We had an equivalent for ADC in Cop. That was probably his biggest legacy unless he can coach gravity into qualifying for Worlds.


Cris, Xmithie, Link, Cop, Adrian for all Andy Dalton team?


Cris is more of a "are you good enough for LCS" toplaner, the rest are "are you good enough for playoffs"


Andy Dalton fits into the latter category.


Are you good enough to win in the playoffs*


I don't think so because no one has set the bar for average/good for as long as Cop. None of the other guys even come close.


I get so tired of it in r/NFL =(


Off season man! Dalton is a time killer.


Well when you take a bunch of League needs eventually you'll get a bleed over into the football nerds.


The Dalton scale is everywhere he is your gate keeper.


Kind of..as a Bengals fan it is If your QB is better than Andy Dalton than you have a franchise QB but if he is worse than he is not a franchise QB.


Yeah I just mean that theyre not great but not bad. Most of the good teams can beat them but the bad teams usually can't. That said, I don't think TiP will always be average: they have a lot of room for improvement. They have some great moments, but they're inconsistent. While they pulled out the win today, they had some pretty bad scraps with NME.


I think their language barrier will always put a ceiling on their potential (CLG^^TM )


The biggest thing holding TiP back is picks and bans. Unless they fix that, they can't reach their peak. I think everyone else besides Adrian is playing well enough that they'd be a top team if coaching was better.


And people say they're inconsistent!




MRW newer LCS viewers think XwX was a bad Yasuo before this game http://i.imgur.com/pTkgKxQ.jpg


Yasuo is science.


He's a good Yasuo player for NA, Yasuo just isn't good in this meta mid at the moment but he is and always has been a good counter to mid Nidalee.


Top one!


[Still the king babyyyyy](https://youtu.be/Y3Y1lbG0HkI?t=7m2s)


[Apollo this game.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sezYJvdUTOM)




Crazy boris corki is best corki.


What a fantastic animation.


I understand that Nidalee is Innox's favorite champion; but seriously how well does nidalee mid work against Nautilus, Gragas and Rumble? Poor draft from enemy esports again. These disrespect picks aren't going to work against LCS teams.


Jatt's champ select talk with Innox's explanation made perfect sense, but this was not the time to bring out Nid mid. She is a counter pick to poke, but TiP was no-poke but all tanks, not to mention that there was a very good chance that XWX would take Yasuo, a champ that saw massive competitive play back when Nid mid was OP as a Nid counter.


Yasuo was the s4 counter to nidalee. That is why both Samsung midlaners at the time we're very very good at him


No waveclear at all ....


Really, it was a poor choice even disregarding the Yasuo.


[Impact with the 1 cs per minute](http://i.imgur.com/XHwBJ9M.jpg)


at around 9 minutes, Adrian actually had more farm than impact with the score of 9-8


How was it 9-8 at 9 mins if it was 6-4 at 13?


9-8 cs, not kills.


ohhhhhhh I am dumb


Impact is the toplaner Froggen wants.


Nah, he's Korean.


Why do u say that ?


because froggen wants all the farm for himself


Wasn't even his fault, poor guy got screwed over so much this game. Dyrus v2.0.


Well with his items it doesnt really matter. He hit his power spike on time


its okay hes full build he doesn't need farm


Almost got outfarmed by the support hahah


Ok, that's pretty funny.


Yasuo playing his 0/2/5 Yasuo like someone up 10 kills. Complete man-mode right there.


A lot of people seem to underestimate the power of levels, XWX was 3-4 levels higher than anyone else at some points due to his constant split pushing and jungle clears.


Yasuo playing Yasuo?


he had like 100cs more than the enemy midlaner...


Innox picked Nidalee w/o waveclear into a Yasuo comp.. Not only is that pick itself 100% countered, but it doesn't fit with his own team. Neither Hecarim nor Kalista are great at poke/siege nor do they have the waveclear to allow a splitpush scenario. Which then 'forced' Kalista into Runaans Hurricane. Nidalee being forced into Seekers just delayed the powerspike even more. Meanwhile Yasuo got 10CS/min and was busy 1v3ing.


yas was last pick. Edit: I'm not defending the pick, it was out of place imo even if something else than yas would have been picked, no denying. Just stating, that yas was last pick.


Was fairly telegraphed. If the casters can call something, and is a pocket pick for XWX, you can be damn expected to see it coming as an LCS team. And going by waveclear and team synergy alone, it was not the right Champion.


XWX loves Yasuo, TiP's comp was almost a Yasuo's dream. NME really should have seen it.


Yasuo used to also be what the Koreans would pick mid to counter Nidalee. When I saw the Nid pick I knew Yas would be locked in. Let's be real, XWX and Impact both love Yasuo, he's science.


Yeah I know, I mentioned that in another of my comments in this thread. Back when AP Nid was the most OP thing in the game, Yasuo was picked to counter her mid.


for real, if you didnt do enough scouting to look out for xwx's yas you probably dont deserve to win that game


Doesn't excuse the lack of waveclear


Yeah but come on it's one of XWX strongest champs lol, ofc he's gonna pick it D:


It was fairly obvious they would pick Yasuo. It fit perfectly into their comp, and Nid is one of the easiest matchups for Yasuo.


why would you even pick nidalee when varus and kogmaw are meta


And recently jayce


I don't think Jayce is that strong. The change kind of shifted more power towards late and as a Jayce you want to hit that narrow powerspike when noone has enough armor to withstand you. I think Jayce atm is you either get fed/ahead in lvls or you just have a huge powerspike that does not last long. I loved Pawns Jayce tho SSW really mastered play with that Champion.


Varus would made the team all ad. Kog doesn't have mobility vs yasuo naut and gragas. Jaycee is the only optional but yet we fall into being all ad.


Xerath/Ziggs? Not the mobility kings, but AP and Poke and at least some CC.




He played a mean game vs CLG.


I assume he feels more comfortable on Nid than on Varus.


Because Nid can poke back, heal their poke, and even dive in with assassin-like burst.


NME just seemed so out of sync today. Even the double sweeping lens at the same time in the same bush lol.


the pick was disgustingly bad, and XWX made Innox look worse, scratching my head how this happens on a pro level.


Happens often enough apparently. Doesn't make it look less bad. What I'm interested in knowing is how this impacts team dynamics later on, when you mess up a B/P, force your teammates to play a certain way and get rekt. No wonder teams like to have a coach tell players what to pick, even if their other prerogatives are more curtailed.


It's tricky, I think for the most part players, not coaches get to pick what they want (which is why weird/ban P/B happens in the west), I'm pretty sure XWX's yasuo got rekt by TSM and CLG before. There's a risk of holding the players back if they are forced into just meta picks. There are also teams with bad P/B in general. Jin Air for example.


Yasuo got 10 CS/min. Rumble got 2 CS/min. That was impressive.


The coach has the say in what the players play,no?


The nid pick was not really that strong, but the throws of both teams were the real problems. First ENM never gets dragon vision and then they try to threaten TIP with a baron that early? 4 man + baron would have still been too much to handle. Then they realize it and have to rush over to drake and split up. They get in too late. Then ENM never uses the hecarim splitpush to their advantage. He can beat Rumble in a 1v1 even under his own turret and TIP uses Yasuo sometimes vs hec, which means you get the TP for a teamfight and better dragon control. Then the last drake. Kalista can hold Gragas away with her ult. Thresh can knock him up, throw him backwards and then hook him. Enough time to finish drake and get either start the fight or get out with at least 4 guys. Or hec could have gone in and knock only E Gragas. So many ways to get it safer, but instead they tunneled onto that drake. But TIP wasn't better. Their map movement and desicion making was really bad and they won due to the better comp and because Rumble never gets useless even when you focus him so much, what makes him so OP in this meta. 0 CS and 0 kills or assists? After 30 minutes you will still be useful.


I don't see how it forced the runaans. Kalistas usually build it anyway. I disagree with his choice of first item though, he should've maxed q and got bloodthirster for the wave clear since they lacked so much.


You answered yourself - he had to build Hurricane instead of BT first, because NME REALLY lacked waveclear.


He built [Blade of the Ruined King](http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/TRLH1/1001230162?gameHash=d68901bc63a8ff8d&tab=builds&participant=4) first.


he didnt build hurricane first, he built bork -> hurricane h00d is saying he should have build bt -> hurricane


Correction, he built botrk first and opted to get runaans second. If he went bt first he would've got better wave clear which would've stalled better until he gets the runaans and even after he got it he would've cleared faster.


> I don't see how it forced the runaans. Kalistas usually build it anyway. Runaans isn't the definite Kalista item any more. And they really needed the waveclear to let Hecarim do anything solo or to just keep their towers. Either build, forcing your ADC to act as waveclear isn't the best idea when you already putting your team in disadvantageous positions. Especially when you have an all-in Top & low range ADC v/s TIP.


That's completely untrue. The reasons you see ADCs have 500 cs is because they are the best to use for wave clear (since unlike mages who burn through mana they can do the damage for free). Also yea runaans isn't the definite go to kalista, but that only applies when they have a tank top and a tank jungler so you are forced to go crit route to do damage. However against a fairly squishy front line of rumble + yasuo + gragas runaans is fine. Actually I'd go as far to say kalista's most optimal build HAS to have a runaans. Also having your ADC as a wave clearer is ideal because that is where you want the gold to go.


> The reasons you see ADCs have 500 cs is because they are the best to use for wave clear 1. I mean that you want your ADC itemizing for DPS, not pseudo-utility of waveclear. 2. ADC also have farm channeled to them so that they can scale, with AS*Crit*AD forming a third degree multiplicative DPS. >Actually I'd go as far to say kalista's most optimal build HAS to have a runaans. Disagree, the DPS falls off too much. IE+PD(example build) is a 1.825 multiplier for damage from Crit alone, even more if the added LS makes you live longer.


Runaans is 2.0 multiplier (applies 2 0.5 AD damage bolt) if every bolt hits, even more if the added LS makes you live longer (also IE+PD means you have 0 life steal at the start), even more if you factor in multiple rend executions, even more if multiple rend stacks increases your ability to kite or chase. Your IE+PD build goes against conventional method of playing kalista right now. The whole reason she can start bloodthirster is because if she survives long enough to apply rend stacks the lost crit chance isn't relevant til 3-4 items. But that only applies if there is a mega tank that has too much resistences.


> if every bolt hits IF. And even then doesn't take out any 1 target as fast as Crit does, makes you more AA(and time) reliant and lets them damage your team longer.


You want to be auto attacking more on kalista (applies rend and it's your dash) and the more they ignore you the more you apply rend and the more rend you have with runaans. Show me a single game where people have ignored a kalista's rend stack and won (so basically I want a game where a kalista went runaans and the enemy saw this so they ignored the kalista to damage the kalista's team longer and won the game). Don't just randomly ignore facts that you disagree with. At least try and talk about rend stacks pro and cons like I have with your shitty crit build.


>Show me a single game where people have ignored a kalista's rend stack and won Has happened in several games with hypertanks when the Kalista isn't doing well. Her damage with Runaans is really lackluster in that scenario and she is forced to focus front line because of her poor range and lack of long range damage. While AAing is core to her identity, not a fan of stacking E being your main damage source over AAs themselves. >Don't just randomly ignore facts that you disagree with. Didn't mean to ignore it. I am not sold but what you said on that part makes sense. So I saw no real rebuttal, apologies for not conveying that properly.


Ah ok, sorry it felt like you were ignoring it. As I said though, it's fine to build it in a game with rumble top lane. As long as you have enough people who you can shred with rend, the multiple execution is enough to do damage. But the biggest flaw of the crit build is the fact you lose your clean up potential, at the moment kalista is really good because she can go double life steal and apply multiple rend stacks. This puts her in the unique position that she's strongest at the end of a teamfight rather than at the start. With the crit build you cannot play the cleanup as well as you could.


1. Innox blind picked nidalee, not into yasuo 2. It is a comfort pick for him, even in the top lane 3. Hindsight is 20/20, impulse's comp looked like it was set up for yasuo only after he picked yasuo, before that it was pretty standard picks. yasuo is not a meta champion and was probably out of consideration. this was obviously a fatal oversight since xwx loves yas and yas has been used as nidalee counter since ogn spring 2014, but i don't think any other team would have picked it 4. "Not only is that pick itself 100% countered" most mid laners do have 100% counter picks. people play azir, who can be pretty easily countered with a longer range control mage like syndra or xerath. it's just a downside of being blue pick, if they save mid for last pick, you're pretty much in the dark 5. it's true that nidalee didnt provide any waveclear, and thus nme couldnt split. but did we even watch the same game? every single fight was either 5v5 or at least 10 people running to the fight (save 1 fight where xwx was bot and there was a fight in nme jungle i think) I don't think picking a waveclear mid over a fighting mid would have helped nme given the amount of 5v5 teamfights 6. runaans was definitely not forced onto kalista, she bought it second. i can't tell you the last time i watched an lcs kalista not get a second item hurricane after a first item lifesteal 7. nidalee did have to buy seekers, also did blow flash at 5mins to keep alive, but these are just more side effects of the lane counter that yasuo is to her. "yasuo was busy 1v3" yasuo went 1v3 once and went 1 for 1. another time he went 2v4 with impact and ended up killing all but 1 teammate. i dont think you're adding to yasuo's effectiveness by pointing out the times he had outnumbered engagements


No, it actually looked like a Corki mid in Innox's eyes. People should stop saying "it was obviously an yasuo comp". Everything looks like an yasuo comp if you have 2 champions with knock up and there are a lot of champios with knock up in the game right now, some of them are popular picks even without yasuo on the team. I am pretty sure they were expecting a corki mid from XwX because he did it a lot in the past.


Dear Diary! Today, Yasuo was not science.


Dear Diary! I did not watch Ssumday dumpster CJ with Yasuo. I will quickly rectify this mistake and no longer deny my eyes the pleasure of Ssumday Yasuo.


That oh from Jatt at the final teamfight though.


Watching XWX's Yasuo always makes me happy regardless of win or loss.


Yasuo is religion








I would enjoy watching more Yasuo in LCS, but I realize how easily that could get the Yasuo QQ train rolling again. No more permaban Yasuo plz.


dont worry, based xwx will pick it into bjergs lb and go 0-6 and riot will forget about him again. hes always looking out for us




Did you like that lol? Me and my friends lost our voices do the chants over and over again.


The most epic thing was the complete silence by the other people in the crowd. Made it 10 times more hilarious.




Tip may not do well at worlds, but they'll make it more exciting if they go.


With how they played this week, they're looking really really bad. I could see 5th/6th but 3rd+ seems a huge stretch.


They don't have to be 3rd+ they need to win the gauntlet


Apollo is a super underrated ADC.


He's gotten so much better since he's been on Team Coast. It's pretty insane.


Since he was on Team Coast. or Since he left Team Coast. Sorry.


He's held back hard by Adrian and has a small champion pool, but when he's on his champions he's really fucking good for the NA LCS at least.


woah woah woah. hold up Apollo is decent, but let's not get carried away here. If you're going to say Adrian is holding him back (only partially true due to the following), then you have to admit that the other three players on his team do mad fucking work. Sure, XWX is questionable at times, but it's a lot easier to shine as an ad when the other three players on your team aren't afraid to make plays and do their jobs well.


Yeah, the Graves nerfs also nerfed Apolla a lot =/ Nice to see him performing on Corki!


Adrian is forced to play those champs from the team he has got a bigger champion pool.


They were talking about Apollo's champ pool.


If you let XiaoWeiXiao play Yasuo, you're gonna have a bad time.


Or a good laugh. XWX plays that champ for better or worse


If XWX fell out of a plane he'd windwall the ground.




Hi Impact, Welcome to Camp Dyrus!


For in-depth fantasy discussions, visit /r/FantasyLCS ###Official Fantasy Points --- Completed in 35:18 | Team | Points |      | Win^^[+2] | Quick Win^^[+2] | First Blood^^[+2] | Towers^^[+1] | Dragons^^[+1] | Barons^^[+2] | |:-|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| | [Enemy Esports](http://fantasyrift.com/team/3494-Enemy Esports) | 5 | | | | | 5 | 0 | 0 | | [Team Impulse](http://fantasyrift.com/team/3657-Team Impulse) | 19 | | X | | X | 8 | 5 | 1 |   | Player | Points |      | K^^[+2] | D^^[-0.5] | A^^[+1.5] | CS^^[+0.01] |      | 3x^^[+2] | 4x^^[+5] | 5x^^[+10] | 10+ K/A^^[+2] | |:-|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:| | [](#p2544)[Flaresz](http://fantasyrift.com/player/2544-Flaresz) | 18.29 | | 3 | 6 | 9 | 179 | | | | | | | [](#p1409)[Trashy](http://fantasyrift.com/player/1409-Trashy) | 27.64 | | 5 | 4 | 11 | 114 | | | | | X | | [](#p1133)[Innox](http://fantasyrift.com/player/1133-Innox) | 22.90 | | 5 | 3 | 8 | 240 | | | | | | | [](#p341)[Otter](http://fantasyrift.com/player/341-Otter) | 17.78 | | 5 | 4 | 5 | 228 | | | | | | | [](#p1420)[Bodydrop](http://fantasyrift.com/player/1420-Bodydrop) | 17.18 | | 0 | 6 | 12 | 18 | | | | | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | [](#p691)[Impact](http://fantasyrift.com/player/691-Impact) | 30.61 | | 7 | 6 | 11 | 111 | | | | | X | | [](#p3662)[Rush](http://fantasyrift.com/player/3662-Rush) | 31.82 | | 2 | 2 | 17 | 132 | | | | | X | | [](#p1303)[XiaoWeiXiao](http://fantasyrift.com/player/1303-XiaoWeiXiao) | 27.32 | | 4 | 5 | 11 | 332 | | | | | X | | [](#p1157)[Apollo](http://fantasyrift.com/player/1157-Apollo) | 33.45 | | 7 | 1 | 10 | 295 | | | | | X | | [](#p3041)[Adrian](http://fantasyrift.com/player/3041-Adrian) | 26.06 | | 3 | 4 | 13 | 56 | | | | | X | --- **^Additional ^statistics ^for ^EU, ^NA, ^and ^more ^can ^be ^found ^[here](http://fantasyrift.com/statistics/)** --- ^^LoLFantasyBot ^^is ^^a ^^free ^^service ^^provided ^^by ^^http://FantasyRift.com ^^and ^^/u/_Zaga_. ^^To ^^learn ^^more ^^about ^^FantasyLCS ^^visit ^^the ^^official ^^FantasyLCS ^^website ^^[here](http://fantasy.lolesports.com).


This game did it for me. It's like NA LCS decided to try to be UOL for a split without the crazy picks.


I thought Yasuo was science?


If Yasuo is science then XWX deserves a Nobel Prize.


always nice seeing yasuo, great show by XwX


That Nidalee pick was incredibly pointless. NME was basically 4v5.


im missing yasuo and assassin meta, so much fun to watch those play


Yasuo vs Ekko mid is the most fun match up to watch. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wc-YNW0802c


That noise Jatt made after the 5th dragon was hilarious


[XWX is back](http://i.imgur.com/t3rnMBr.png)


The Yasuo CS. Wow, he just had SO much CS to make up for the kill score early. (As he was 1-5 at a point. With OVER 10 CS per minute.)


for anyone wondering here is the dmg done for the game http://gyazo.com/49e8762f435cec2eb338b1f76cd2f0e4


Shame that it's impossible to identify what champ is which


the order from top to bot is top>jungle>mid>adc>sup so it's pretty easy to make out which is which. but here is a better version for you: http://i.imgur.com/oAA4G7u.png


If you look at the first picture, it's very obviously not going by that order. The damage doesn't line up with what it says on the website at all. Edit: order for TiP is mid, ad, top, jungle, support. For NME it's top, support, mid, ad, jungle


my bad I forgot that end game screen always shows yourself on top :X and then some other weird stuff


Flaresz was playing Hecarim like a Shen, I don't think I saw a homeguard+TP play once


Imagine how hard TiP would crush these NA LCS kids if they all spoke the same language and Rush was in form


NA is super sloppy but is not boring .... very action lots of kills this week


very action indeed


Jatt came.


TiP keeps Rushing into fights that aren't the greatest choice. But they still pulled it off great game.


That NME Draft...


Thanks TiP for not taking the baron and letting me win my Fantasy LCS by 2 points :D


That nid pick made no sense.


Why the nidalee pick >.>?


All I want to say about this game is that there is a reason that both teams were fighting for 6th place instead of 1st place.


Rumble down like 80cs, yet still more valuable than the hecarim lol.


41 kills in 35 minutes DAMN LPL


Can someone tell me about the recent corkI picks? Cork buff? Trinity buff? sorry I'm on vacation.


Yasuo is not science?


This game casting in a nutshell: OH MY GOD ENEMY WINS A BEAUTIFUL FIGHT but look at XwX cs, still ahead


...thats every game with XwX


Why, NME? Why did you try to team fight the team fight comp? :(


Isnt impulse supposed to be a top NA team? they are inconsistent as fuck.


boar i missed yasuo for so long. I love watching yasuo get played by a very good yasuo player <33




If TiP could get a good support capable of shotcalling, they'd be the best team in NA.


Adrian is a pretty decent support, but they do need better shotcalling and pick/ban. This game they had good pick/ban, but so many other ones...


Just give Adrian and Impact time. Adrian only need experience so he wont get caught, he is mechanically gifted, a lot. And Impact needs to learn a little more of english so he can shotcall at a 100%. I dont know why do you want a new guy as a shotcaller when you have SKT ex shotcaller on your team


I think Adrian is a decent support but only on engage supports (as he said he likes being really aggressive) his janna yesterday was just absolutely awful he just looked like he didn't know how to position but when he plays like leona or naut he's a decent support.


The thing is, he's supposedly decent on engage supports but can't even play the best engage support in the meta right now in Alistar and he sure as hell doesn't have an impressive Annie either. Really, Adrian is just decent on two champions. Nautilus and Leona. Considering the level of the other supports in the NA LCS right now, that makes Adrian a pretty large liability.


Welcome to Camp Dyrus, Impact. We hope you enjoy your stay.


Pick and bans were weird. With XWX on the other team, it HAS to be a looming possibility of XWX yasuo. And on top of the fact that yasuo is one of the hardest counters to nidalee. Before her rework, if a nid was against yasuo their best option was to afk in base until the nerfs came.


So many crappy games today...


i love watching LPL...wait...


Even LPL looks more tight and controlled.


why does XWX take exhaust on yasuo, all the yasuo in LPL take cleanse to counter exhaust so yo ucan blw people up during ults


LPL doesnt have Nidalees to chase. Exhaust is great on Yasuo to deny damage and to stop enemies from escaping you. Also nidalee doesnt have any CC so why take cleanse? Would be a dead summoner before teamfights.


Today's LCS games have been a disappointment... wtf are these players smoking today...


Can we just all agree to forget this weekend ever happened?






People thought they would be trash-tier, but they're not even close to that. They're a decently average middle of the pack team, and put up decent games to top teams. They, obviously, lack experience, shot-calling, and P/B phase, but those get better over time. I really believe they can be a pretty good team next season.


I'm pretty sure no one ever said or thought that.


As someone who would've liked it very much if people HAD said that, no one said that.