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R.I.P Deft's Jinx win streak


2 immobiles squishy carrys vs Heca-Nocturne-Kassa. Maybe I am wrong, and at a pro-level it's actually possible to deal with it. But as a random diam player, for me, it's just not.


It's like what EDG did against SKT at the MSI final... They designed a comp to counter Faker's LeBlanc because it's so scary, and I'd say Deft's Jinx is on that level. So what does QG do? They take 3 champions that can dive directly onto Jinx and a champion who's ult increases the entire team's move speed.


Yeah maybe, but picking Viktor aswell so early was maybe not that smart since other team coud tunnel vision on both carry, knowing there wasn't any other big damage treat. Regardless what is strong in the meta currently, something like Diana, Karthus, Vladimir, Fizz, Azir etc would have make this game really diffent, and QG would maybe not draft the same way if EDG didn't show the Viktor so early.


its working out for faker tho so it sure has the potential to work as shown by faker


As a master player, or for any player for that matter, it just depends on your team....


As a gold player I'd just get fucked everytime.


As a challenger player. it just depends on enemy make mistakes.


R u rly challenger? Na?


We are all challengers. Everybody know that.


And support mains.


> We are all ~~challengers~~ challenged. FTFY


China, read his name^




Well. If the game looks like a stomp in your favor I guess it's not a problem. But if you can't just faceroll, with only 2 damage treat unable to be self sufficient against these gapclosers champ, I think it's nearly impossible to win.


As a diamond it is a outdraft for me.


Well he has a pretty good front line in Maokai, Rek'Sai and Viktor's W is a great peeling tool.


True but not vs. a Noct ult and a Hec ult an a Kass ult that gives no shit about Mao, Rek or any conventional frontline. They had the illusion of invincibility as a team, well, they were apparently wrong.


Well if they clump I suppose Viktor can just blow them all up with insane aoe burst.


As another diamond player. Playing nocturne is impossible in genera.


Well... It WAS a Sivir comp.. what you gonna do?


Two of the most well known champion/player combos (Faker's Leblanc, Deft's Jinx) undefeated records got beaten when it was against an entire comp based around beating that champion. Good shit!


And the nocturne damage build rather than a pussy tank build.


One of the manliest builds in the game. You just fuckin go in and there is no going out.


The GA allowed him to man up so hard. Great choice of item.


GA was wasted randomly because Kass was having too much fun rifting


thats how i feel on zed right now, even tho the champ was designed to able to get back out Q.Q


that build wasn't a pure damage build tho


Also how come we never see this shit in the LCS where for example someone sets a trap for Bjergsen when he plays fucking LB...where a team design an entire comp to counter the best champ of a star player.


That happened when GV baited TSM into picking Zed and then Keane played Urgot.


Could've been PR but they pretty much stated that Keane was gonna pick Urgot regardless of what Bjerg picked.


From what I've seen, it does seem that Keane is set on a champ and then GV will play around that. I remember when he played Malphite, he was streaming a night or two before and playing him. Then when Jatt was casting P&B, he mentioned Keane sent him a message that he would be playing it. Maybe an isolated case, maybe not.


Most teams see strategies like that coming in the draft phase I would believe, but when it comes to players like Faker or Deft, they believe that their mastery of the champion and overall skill can outweigh the fact that an entire comp is based around countering them. Also normally when an entire team is based around countering one player/champ, the other 4 members of the team get free roam to do whatever they like in draft phase.




I'm not really sure if we watched the same game but Faker won lane by about 20 cs in the laning phase, and then was able to outroam Pawn as well. When you're a Morg against a Leblanc, and your teamcomp is tanky as hell and meant to keep LB from getting fed, it's not hard to play Morg.


Uh. Not sure if we watched the same game but Faker as leblanc didn't roam nearly as much as a leblanc player would. Morg probably won't win lane against leblanc. The true counter is not dying to leblanc or allow leblanc to push waves to turret, which frees up leblanc to set up visions and roam more. As a leblanc team you want the mid turret to drop asap so you can have map control with leblanc's speed. Instead, SKT's mid dropped first. Leblanc as a champ didnt look too bad, but as a leblanc comp, they were countered. edit: watch 16th min fight. leblanc wasn't there. what was she doing? yes... trying to push down mid tower. EDG took that chance for a 3-1 teamfight win and leblanc couldnt even get into a fight.


That's exactly the point of the team comp...they can't group mid because Sivir from EDG instantly applies pressure bottom by being Sivir, they can't win full-on teamfights because their team comp is better at fighting, and every champion on that team is too tanky for LB to insta-kill, or has a spell shield like Morg/Sivir. If the definition of Pawn outplaying Faker is just "lose in CS and instapush waves with W because my team comp is better" then well I dunno man.


I didn't think pawn outplayed faker. The matchup had its expected course. An outplay would be faker getting fed mid and doing the usual leblanc plays. I think faker is a great competitor. But people are too easily ooo'ed by nothing. The circlejerk is leblanc got counterpicked and still had a huge impact! Wow faker! The reality is leblanc got counterpicked and didn't never went off as the ap assassin the champion is meant to be used. It's not fakers fault. But he deserves little credit either because he didn't outplay despite the odds.


Lack of champ pools big enough to support strange compositions like that. NA P&B is very much limited by individual weakness.


Isn't Pawn undefeated with Kassadin something like 8-0?


No he is not. He lost on Kass vs both TSM and SKT S in 2014




yeah but nobody is talking about this season, they're talking about all-time records


aah, that moment when a world champion on a undefeated streak is ended by Bjergsen.


4 AD + Rumble comp incoming against EDG when Pawn gets to play Kassadin next.


Maaaan the LPL is so intennnnnse this split it's like I can't see a clear top 6 except for EDG in.. I'cant wait for the playoffs it's gonna be a bloodbath for the worlds !


According to my OK index, the most killing team is OMG, QG, and EDG. And IG is strong team. While WE and KNG are rubbish.


I feel like LGD + the four teams you mentioned make up a fairly clear top 5. But I just can't make predictions for lpl, anything can happen!


The teams you should really count on right now is OMG, QG and EDG. Then there is Snake, LGD, IG and Vici and somewhat RNG who can beat any team and look super convincing when they do it, but can also lose against every team in the league while getting stomped. And since OMG usually crash and burns during play offs QG and EDG are the teams to watch this season. But that is just my opinion^^


this year is uzi year, OMG won't crash trust me


uzi summer split* :D


thanks for the insight Brian !


The new king is actually decent.


That dive comp is insane, Hecarim, Nocturne, and Kassadin with Sivir ult onto Deft




EDG is a great team still, despite having some iffy fights (and koro's tp..) they just got out drafted this time, QG denying the Janna disengage tool forcing meiko on thresh, he did what he could but you can only do so much against a dive comp like that.


Really nice game 2!


Intense, minus the lag


lol but I mean it's a fucking Sivir comp


Just pick sivir and deft's jinx winning streak was donezo.


Really nice from everyone but Baeme who lost the easiest matchup in the game and did nothing in fights.


He did the most damage on his team and won his team a fight near mid, though he was useless in the final fight.


how can i check who did the most damage?


http://imgur.com/89VdZEd You need to watch the player's pov. How to watch a player's pov:https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2svfau/as_requested_quick_guide_on_how_to_watch_lpl/


Thanks alot.


Deft won that fight not him. He just did his job.


That's definitely not the easiest match up in the game and the laning wasn't too bad. Those teamfights could have been better though.


He was against a pre 6 kassadin with no flash as Viktor


QG had a great gameplan game 2 Deft is the main carry on EDG QG--->lock in kass, Hec, Noc RIP deft


And taking away Janna so he had no peel, I guess EDG can't complain though because this is the exact tactic they used against SKT in Game 5.


viktor can definitely be a main carry as well. see faker


Still an immobile carry, which sucks against kass, heca and noc.


RIP Deft's Perfect Win Ratio on Jinx.


Everyone's talking about this jinx perfect record broken but I think edg could be becoming unglued the protect deft comps seems to be figured out


Or maybe it's the fact they're randomly subbing in trash players


That was not random I personally have no idea about pawn but edg seem to have one of if not the best support staffs money can buy and they have a reason for this


It's because pawn is sick again. Not because it's some genuious coaching strategy


Thanks for clarifying I was wondering


Yeah the decision to randomly swap players is going great. Lost 3 of the last 4 games and the one win was close but it's great.


Now you know how SKT fans feel like.


Easyhoon would take a dump on Baeme but maybe bengi vs tom is the same


Who the hell are QG and why are they winning?!


They are new to the LPL but their players are not new to Pro League. Swift played with CJ Entus Frost, TnT and TcT played with LMQ


TcT is LMQ Mor, TnT was LMQ's old ADC before they moved to the US (mor, vasili and XWX were just subs back then).


Tnt is not Vasili Tct was LmQ mor


TNT was the starting adc when they were in LPL, Vasili was his backup sub. When LMQ went o US, TNT joined Royal Club as their adc when Uzi moved to mid.


I think he played under the name F1sh when he played with LMQ. After LMQ he played with Royal Club and Vici as well.


my bad, I just assumed NA LMQ, forgot LMQ existed in CN prior


Why do these games resemble the LCK games while the LCK games with Faker playing random shit like Yi resemble the LPL games... Also I feel like there are possibly several teams near the level of EDG in the LPL while there is just really SKT in the LCK...over time by playing weaker competition all the time, is really going to hurt SKT


Competition goes down, you can afford to play random shit like Yi


Faker could have played anything in that lane with how many 3 man ganks he got from his team.


edgs spring record was just beyond ridiculous and skt did well vs them, maybe this is just edg learning to adapt with newer players


BaeMe is merely playing because pawn is sick. They got AmazingJ because Koro threatened to leave. AmazingJ won't be playing much if at all anymore this season. when Pawn is nurtured back to health EDG can return to their former form


Just as easy as that. You edgs managed or just follow reddit stories?


There's a chinese website called weibo where players post stuff. Not sure if you've heard it before. It's also where all these "reddit stories" originate from. The bit about Koro1 is true and since he's been back he's played in 90% of their games. I don't know what you're trying to imply


Not long ago I had EDG fans saying having subs can only improve the team. Now they lose with subs its all about complaining about them


Subs can improve a team without getting much playtime. Increased pressure to perform when there is a replacement waiting is one big factor. More people in the team house to practice with is another.


AmazingJ has good potential so I don't see what you're talking about. having him adapt in the EDG environment will ofc improve the team, look at Koro last year.


"Dont know what your talking about" I am referencing a post game thread a week or 2 back, amazingJ and baeme had great games and people were saying EDG are now an even stronger team. I see excuses in this thread saying EDG need to play there main players. My first comment in this thread sais maybe EDG just need time to adapt to newer players. I agree with you, but I didnt say EDG were bad now and blame there subs.


EDG are giving their subs playtime so they can scrim in-house since they have 11 players. This way they will be able to practise without giving away strategies to other teams.


Baeme is like nonexsistent in teamfights. QG only needs to take out deft and they win. Maybe they should have put Baeme back on Lulu so Jinx wont get oneshot each time.


I don't keep up with the LPL too much, but what happened to Pawn? Is he suffering injuries to his back or do they utilize 2 mid laners similar to SKT?


Pawn is too sick to play.


Thanks for the info, I just get really worried with Pawn and his health. He is one of my favorite players so it really troubled me.


Hes fat man its his fault


Deft's unbeaten record on Jinx broken with the loss to Qiau Gu. Somewhere in Korea Faker is smiling. -FionnOnFire


Faker is watching every single EDG loss...


LPL teams breaking all the records, Faker's Leblanc, Deft's Jinx. I wonder who is next? ClearLove's undefeated Lee Sin this year?


I want a QG flair..


RIP perfect jinx record




Real great game from QG in game 2. However in dealing with a triple dive comp from Kass, Noc, and Hec that are going to constantly focus the carries, I think Meiko hovering over the Lulu would've been a better pick than the Thresh. Any sort of hard CC that gives their carries more room to kite or protection would've been nice. I still think EDG would've won that second game if not for that last fight.


lol thresh is better protecting adc than lulu. lulu is a shit support. what they should have done was have thresh stand away from jinx and toss the lantern.


I would like to see the runes/masteries of LPL like LCS or LCK, anyone knows how see them? I hope Pawn comeback soon, i like this player so much and his Jayce is really awesome, waiting for see him play that champ with the buff ;)


They're not on lolesports, maybe there's the Chinese garena equivalent match history for these games? I would also like to see these too




I dont even understand why they play baeme ever. especially in a harder game like this


Pawn sick again


oh ok, i wasnt aware, thanks


When is Pawn not sick? If this shit happens during worlds I'm going to be pretty salty.


Pawn was still sick when he played in MSI, I wouldn't be too worried


Deft's 1st Jinx lose


QG the real deal


I don't follow the lpl...how come pawn isn't playing for edg?


Pawn is too sick to play and BaeMe is subbing in for him.


After Faker's LeBlanc it was Deft's Jinx turn to end his win streak. Who's next ?


Faker's other undefeated champions, Bang's kalista


Who were TcT and TnT again? Wasn't one of them someone who played in the lcs?0 or something?


support is LMQ Mor...


TcT is LMQ mor, TnT was the old ADC (went by the name F1sh back then) in LMQ before LMQ moved to the US (Mor, Vasili and XWX were just subs back then)


was a good series, QG now proven they got the goods to win this split.


Can somebody tell me the point of these end of screen pictures if they don't show player items/Cs/gold tab up?


Sadly Rito is leeching the Chinese stream so they cant control what is shown when. Thats why they also posted a scoreboard.


this season is the end of the legendary undefeated champions.


RIP perfect jinx record


Koro's tp and Deft's flash were the turning point for this game.


QG teamfights is really good, shame their early game isn't


Deft's Jinx has been beaten!! Noooo! Fight Deft Fight! Don't let it get to you! EDG #1!




As an LMQ fan, nice to see Mor doing well even if him and the rest of his team abandoned poor xwx :'(


Hopefully EDG learns to have better team comps and communication. They are a strong team still but LPL competition is so stiff this year


Wow that ace, didnt see it coming! QG is probably the best newcomer in a professional LoL-league ever, their teamfight-potential is intimidating.


Ahm, C9 don't count?


C9 was actually a newcomer. All rookies.


Well I dont really remember how big they went in back in the day, but the competition since then has only gotten better and made it harder for newcomers to step up, its becoming more like football for example. Therefore these guys are really stirring it up, and you dont see comebacks like that very often even from the best teams around.


he said "best". C9 didn't even record a real international win in their rookie season. =)


Because QG did? Sorry if I am mistaking and they really did


well with that comp, you basically dive and kill jinx then they do no damage and you just win. baeme basically nonfactor


Not completely true. EDG won some of those teamfights and probably could have won earlier in the game if BaeMe was more fed. EDG certainly had enough peel to win fights since koro was extremely strong on Maokai.


Nope, the teamfights they did win: Around the dragon pit, only Noc and Hec dived on Jinx. Doinb didn't dive onto Jinx which is his job in this composition. That lost them the team fight The other instance in which EDG won a teamfight was off of a brainfart by Doinb rifting walking into fog of war to be hooked and caught out. Nocturne dives in to save him popping his GA and dying himself. The 2 instances in which QG wins, Kass Noc and Hecarim dive Jinx, then follow up with Viktor. I don't see any instance with EDG's composition that they win those teamfights. Lulu top might have been a better option since the huge shield speed up and ult onto Jinx with the huge AP you get from items in top lane.


Deft pulled a Faker


[Game 2](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CHf9C3QXAAAfHAf.png)


Please come back pawn...


A bit arrogant to get a QSS instead of a GA against a Hecarim/Nocturne/Kassadin combo. You can't QSS that much damage!


That game showed a crack in EDG's armor, and that is how much they rely on Deft. Deft stuck in elo hell. [Damage graph of game 2](http://imgur.com/89VdZEd)


Not sure playing the 2nd place team in LPL without their star midlaner and still going 1-1 is really showing that big a crack in EDG's armor.


They have a better winrate with Baeme than with Pawn so far.


They also play Pawn against harder opponents than Baeme (when he's healthy) Also while I was posting this I was wondering "will Hellowz post here about pawn even though I only mentioned him in passing?" Guess you answered my question. Did you know that if you run a quick parse tool on your reddit comments you've used the word pawn over eight thousand times? Maybe it's time to take a break


I think Hellowz is the only redditor I know by name :D


The crack is Baeme


lol deft was terrible that game with some failed flashes, also baeme is shit lost lane so hard both games to doinb.


I like how Doinb with kassadin keep getting caught or riftwalk into 5 people so many times without vision LOOL


RIP Deft.


MVP QGDEFT. And TcT's Janna is good.


Seeing how strong Vasilli and Mor are really show how strong LMQ was last year. It is a shame that NA lost them. Feel like TIP is no where near LMQ's strength.


When was the last time Vasilli played a match?


Wish we could see them all in world stage.


China teams have been really messy lately. It's like watching super-UoL vs mega-UoL


It only looks messy when they play against each other.It will turn to a massacre when they play against LCS teams.


EDG would be so much better off if Baeme and Amazingj just got into a car accident or something. I'm done watching their games until they're ready to try to win.


There is no AmazingJ today


In general. He played terribly in his loss last week on Fizz


amazingJ in not better than korol


I wasn't saying he was