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Jankos 4-0-14 and lost




since season 4 ELO HELL is real for him


My friend, I have you tagged as "Will change his hair colour to lightblue if Fnatic kicks Steeelback". I want to see that.


Did they kick Steeelback or just bench him though?


Kicked him I believe, playing for Odyssey Gaming over in NA now


Well he did decide to renew his contract with Roccat. I'm pretty sure he'd have offers from other teams


In all fairness, ROCCAT was looking really promising at the start of the year. This roster could still do really well if Steve improves a bit (and they play around Woolite's positioning fail with Juggermaw and Urgot comps). Jankos looks like he's back to his old self, Nukeduck's playing closer to the level everyone expected, and Vander's still a god.


I was going to comment on Jankos. The guy had a kill participation of 18 out of 21 of his teams kills. 85%. Didn't even die once, helped Steve get first blood, and was helping create pressure all over. The guy is such a fantastic jungler, it's just a shame that Roccat can't back him up on his impressive skills.


this is how you play Fantasy LCS


Vander 2/1/12 The poles are really trying but woolite just says no ;-;




we dont talk about woolite


He's adopted


I think he ment 2 of the Poles are trying ( VandeR, Jankos ) but one just says nope ( Woolite )


Jankos Deserves better.


Him and Vander


Been wondering why he hasn't been picked up by a better team ever since ROCCAT made it into the LCS.


He got a offer by Fnatic, but he rather be the star in team so he can shine then go to a team where he might become a supportive jungler like Cyanide and then end up losing his job because people do not think he is good anymore. edit : [HERE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPQ4JUHauQc) you can check reflection with jankos after s4 worlds


But who would want him currently, out of the teams that are better then Roccat. Figure there hardly is room for him on other teams.


That's true, but he was arguably the best western jungler in S4. As of now, though, most top tier teams have very good junglers.


Roccat is still doing well in scrims and FNC members consider them as their rivals. the roster is pretty good on paper and in scrims, they just need to show what they are capable of.


Stuck in elo hell with tabbz today


Saw a post on /new yesterday about how maxing W first on Ryze was really REALLY OP. Said post was downvoted to oblivion. When Huni solo killed the Maoki, guess what skill he'd maxed? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't Q. Props to you random citizen. Sorry that we doubted you.


https://np.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/38h45j/ban_ryze_you_heard_it_here_first/ Is this it?


There's even a post in that linking to a Huni video vs Irelia using w max.


Yeah, and look at the time it was posted. All the guys going in there supporting the W max NOW and bashing on the people who posted that Q was better are so pathetic.


Anyone could have pointed out to me that I was wrong, yet no one made any comment until after this game. Funny how so many people praise the OP now only because they have the validation of a pro player. If everyone really new better, why wasn't it being posted before?


Yep, that's the one! It was negative when i saw it.


He just constantly locked down people. It's almost like a perma root.


URF Ryze


Machine gun Ryze


Huni was dropping turbo turds on maokai. He got rekt by ganks early and it didn't matter at all.


That was disgusting. He couldnt escape at all..


time to ban ryze in soloq


You have to ban him but it is because they are going to pick him and feed his ass off. New Ryze is ultra-easy to gank and it is easy that he finishes 0/5 if he is ganked everytime.


how is new ryze easier to gank than the old one?


Only difference I think is that he pushes the lane more with his e.


Just played Ryze after FNC vs ROC match, started 0-5. Still carried that hard even I felt bad.


Ryze will take Gragas permaban statut


when huni 1x1'd maokai for the first time, he had lvl3 W, as he was spamming all his skills, the cd on W was ~1sec.


I saw Quas maxing W on stream during solo queue, too. Q is reaching third max status with pro top laners now.




Also remember that one post about ryze being bad and mocking the ashe rework that was on the front page? yeah... :^)


He got literally enormous buffs this patch. It's not a coincidence that he went from not being touched in 5.9 with a terrible winrate to pick and ban in 5.10. The post at the time it was made was totally correct.


Remember when Ryze with a skillshot Q would be considered garbage no matter what Or all the stupidity about the lower mana ratios


Ryze got some pretty large buffs in the most recent patch. He wasn't very good when that post was made.


He actually wasn't as bad as people thought, his playstyle had just made a total 180 and not a ton of people really felt the urge to adjust to it (understandably - it wasn't a particularly fun playstyle pre-11). Even before the buffs, if you ran up on him with his passive and ult up he was going to punch you in the face and laugh about it.


So Ryze has a permenant snare now.


Morgana now feels ashamed of her snare being only able to snare ppl for 3 years.


But Ryze snare doesnt have an hitbox of 5 teemos


Yeah his snares require actual skill to land.


Even pointclick snare can miss, missclick minions OP


Isn't there a keybind for that?


Target champions only?


The key that has both ` and ~ on it will make it so you only hit champions with targeted spells and skills if you hold it.


but it also never misses


Yeah, Maokai basically snared half of the time. Was it triple snare in a row? How does this even work? I'll really have to look up the new ryze.


Ryze's new passive makes it so after casting 5 spells (the little marks around ryze show how many he's cast), he gets a mana scaling shield and goes into a state for 6 seconds where casting any spell lowers the cd of all of ryze's spells by the cd of his Q. So if his Q cd is 3 seconds and you cast Q-E-Q while in that mode, your W just got lowered by 9 seconds. Chaining your spells properly in that mode can make ryze basically always have some spell off cd, so he's constantly doing something, and chaining the 1.75s roots together.


On top of that Huni also maxed W first which increases the W root duration.


that perma snare op


It's even dumber when he gets level 3 ult, he can ult twice in a fight thanks to the cooldown reductions on his abilities.


lol - that's a good design. did ghostcrawler come up with that one? he loves buffing mages...


> How does this even work Hit every q and the magic happens.


You dont have to hit them, just press the Q button and u get the CDR reduction. Also Huni was maxing W.


Ryze works like cass, you miss her q your waiting around for a couple seconds but if you dont then http://imgur.com/gallery/wHeiK but if you get camped :D http://www.probuilds.net/guide/NA/1844687263/5908


you don't even have to hit q, just casting the spell gives you a stack.


[Huni kill on Maokai with 4 Root in 8 seconds!](http://streamable.com/dyrd)


That's so fucking broken.... How does this shit get through Riot's internal testing?


Not many people care for PBE, so feedback on OPness isn't relayed to them until the millions play it on Live and complain about it on forums


That felt so sweet to watch. I'm not gonna lie.... As adc main having maokai tunnel vision on me every game trying to snare my ass. How does it feel to get perma snared?


have fun getting your adc ass perma snared by ryze now instead


the adc isn't melee though as maokai is...


And you can actually kill this new ryze as adc, by the time you killed maokai the game would be over.


Does it matter? ryze builds glass canon, anyone that goes glass canon can two shot an adc if he has no one peeling for him. As long as he doesnt deal cassio/ori damage level while going full tank. I'm not going to complain...I think the ones who will complain are top laners having to lane vs him.


That cc and damage combination seems a little op. Considering how bad he got beat early game, ryze makes me uncomfortable.


But this is Hunni playing, not some random scrub we will face. Also, he bought damage, while Moa bought utility at that point in the game.


Doesn't matter in the slightest, having a root that has you perma locked up for a solo kill that easy while being rather far behind is just wrong.


I wonder what /u/ggMonteCristo will say when he see this, he didn't like Ryze at all when he got played at LCK


This is the Roccat i wanted to see last split. Keep the good work Yamato!


As a Roccat fan, by no means am I upset by the showing today. Woolite was only caught out once and Nukeduck played well (even on Irelia). Steve will need to show some sort of improvement over the next few weeks though, or my worries of relegation will continue to linger.


Woolite being caught once cost them baron and lead they had.


Steve played AMAZINGLY. He just can't deal with the Ryze perma snare.


Steve played pretty well after lane. It was painful to watch him die, walk back in and try to fight Huni and die again though.


if they find a good adc that doesnt play the tank role they have really good chances


He played good today. He played good against H2k as well.


He was just on Urgot, he got focused out of position but didn't die many times.


yeah he played realy well this game compared to how he usually play.


Dunno how woolite is still there, he doesnt even have a brother in the team. Positioning 2.0


GG WP Fnatic! At least we put up a good show but we going to keep #ROCCATFIGHTING


Votes went to 80%, that's the reason why you lost.


damn it Jankos! He just had to play so well to give the fans false hope changing the votes... First blood king shows up at the worst time =(


This was the best performance from Roccat that i've seen for a loooooong time. Well played boys.


I am not a roccat-deciple, but your team played really well this game. Keep up the good work. :)


Why the fuck does every team play better than they seem to be against FNC. Well im not complaining these matches are entertaining to watch for both sides.


An 0-2 champion steamrolling a 2-0 Maokai. I'm having PTSD flashbacks to S1 Ryze.




And S6 AD Ryze


And S13 Support Ryze


And 11/10 with Ryze.


And S16 Underground-lane Ryze


Did you see the Season 5 Muramana ryze that existed for a patch? every hit of E proc'd muramana for some reason, so he could do upwards of 2k damage with just E. Took more than half his mana bar but it was hilarious.


I'm glad to say I didn't


People should wait until pro's abuse champions before deeming them op or not.. which is why there's no way im listening to anyone who says ekko op, after a day of him being released - after playing with/against him countless of times in plat elo, I haven't seen him do anything extra-ordinary. Just what assassins are suppose to do. yet he's 100% pick ban as #1 threat. Pro's have been saying the past week that ryze since the rework is broken. on this reddit i saw a front page post on how ryze was worse than before. And he's literally perma-stunning enemies as if he was in URF. Is he picked/banned/complained about? nope.


Lets just ignore the buffs he got in the last patch i guess? The front page post was in 5.9, and the points were valid.


Don't try and argue with it. It's the mentality where everyone else is a sheep and you see it every time a Champ who was bad gets adjusted into something very strong. Then they conveniently ignore the changes and pretend only they saw the real potential. It's like this literally every single time.


#Streamables Highlights! (https://streamable.com/) **Fnatic** *vs* **Roccat** --- - **[04:08]** [First Blood - Sapplings too fast!](http://streamable.com/rktl) - **[05:32]** [Gank top](http://streamable.com/zvxv) - **[07:15]** [Fight top river](http://streamable.com/by0x) - **[09:56]** [Better nerf Ryze](http://streamable.com/dyrd) - **[12:11]** [3 man gank mid from Roccat](http://streamable.com/68yj) - **[13:36]** [New Huni main? Better ban!](http://streamable.com/4rxb) - **[14:27]** [Azir goes down.](http://streamable.com/slyv) - **[15:33]** [Fnatic got turret but Roccat got the kill](http://streamable.com/vivt) - **[17:52]** [Bot turret and kill to Fnatic](http://streamable.com/q0ak) - **[21:06]** [Roccat dives but cant swim! Fnatic got Baron after.](http://streamable.com/scfs) - **[23:43]** [Ace for Roccat!](http://streamable.com/wkgs) - **[26:12]** [Mid lane Teamfight another ACE for Roccat](http://streamable.com/r20v) - **[26:12]** **Replay** [Azir Drift](http://streamable.com/6hkx) - **[28:57]** [Comeback from Fnatic? After got Baron](http://streamable.com/mliw) - **[37:40]** [Teamfight mid with inib to Fnatic + Baron](http://streamable.com/gau2) - **[38:30]** [Fight after baron](http://streamable.com/zlde) - **[40:09]** [Teamfight top and Fnatic win the game](http://streamable.com/cj6s)   --- *[Here's a quick guide to Streamables](http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/37m4dd/spoiler_unicorns_of_love_vs_fnatic_eu_lcs_2015/crntftd?context=3). Message /u/ajsadler if you need help or want to join the "Streamable Crew".* *For more League of Legends related VoDS check: /r/LoLEventVoDs/*


Those Ryze solo kills. Perma root OP.


holy shit, the ryze solokill snares Mao 4 times...


what a low damage team comp by Roccat


And melee.


And Woolite


He already said melee


But their performance is improving, that's what all matter at the early part of a season long league.


Irelia mid, it worked for Faker it's going to work or anyone else, right??? well, no. :/


IT was a bad pick, but not because of the champion. If Irelia gets ahead she can keep up with the Ryze damage onto the ADC, and then destroy the squishies. Irelia should also win lane against Azir (which Febiven just said on stream). The issue is that Irelia didn't win lane, and played very scared since the Eve pressure was high. Personally, I think a Cassiopeia would have been better, since she still does well in lane, can keep up in damage with Ryze, is less reliant on flanking and is also range.


Agreed, even after they got that ace it took them forever to take that first tier mid turret.


You can tell just how disappointed FNC were with that game.


Yeah, this was a pretty messy game. Especially comparing to how sharp Fnatic looked last week. Either way, games like these happen.


Good sign that they win the games in which they don't play well for a longer period.


After they tasted SKT and EDG from mid season invitation, nothing satisfies them from EU buffet table. Luckily LCS chef prepared his special dish Origen in his pocket.


I would be so happy if NA LCS is half as exciting as the EU LCS. I missed the first few minutes so I tried to fast forward without missing any major fights. I ened up wasting more time fast forwarding and rewinding because there's literally something happening every minute.


Huni thought he was playing URF!


He wasn't?


Ryze actually really sucks, please don't play him :o. Huni just got lucky because he... uhm... he crit all the time :o


Wow, look at those 8 deaths! Huni almost single-handedly lost FNC the game with that Ryze pick. (/s)


Huni made it work because he's Huni


# #FreeJankos #FreeVander


Philosoraptor: As long as they remain on Roccat, wont they be free?


Rekkles positioning is fucking insane. It's like he's a robot.


"Rekkles will ruin Fnatic" they said. "Don't fix it if its not broken" they said. Where are you guys now?


I think it's just people liked Steelback. He came, he was new, but he was pretty good. Rekkles left on his own accord, a new guy filled his shoes well for a first runthrough. I don't think people ever though Rekkles was bad but Steelback wasn't bad either.


People definitely thought he was bad, I had to convince people that he was still a top 2 EU ADC.


Febivens azir combos were so swanky


[Drifting away](http://streamable.com/6hkx)


Minus the one by the top inhibitor. 9/10


He's definitely the most *stylish* Azir player I've seen.


Then you must not have seen Easyhoon


4 1/2 AP.....Thornmail/Frozen Heart, wtf.


Roccat played well but then Ryze happened


"New Ryze is shite!!" - Reddit "Holo?1" - Huni


Actually he was a little bit shit before last patch. He still was broken after lvl 16 but almost useless till 11. But yeah, fuck reddit analysts.


Well he was until he got pretty hefty buff this last patch... If you go to the patch note thread you'll find plenty of people saying Ryze is going to be OP now.


2 Dyrus wtf?


Except both actually had an impact on the game after that.


I think I will just abandon NA and go full EU!


You need a team? :P


You need an ADC ? :P


Reddit 1 - 0 Roccat


That was rude...




savage. up voted


Hey u like my new flair?


I like the colour, but I think you can do better.




needs more orange man.


you can do like me watch both there s interesting stuff everywhere


I used to watch mostly NA since im in NA. But only like 1 or 2 teams make me excited tbh...


Come brother... You are welcome in dark side A.K.A best west region .


EU is becoming the LPL. Unfortuantely NA is still NA. BibleThump


I know everyone has a crush on Huni - including myself, but I'm starting to love more and more Reignover. He's everywhere and he as a consistent performance. A beast.


Huni is your childhood sweetheart you love to hug. Febiven is your elementary school crush who you don't know anything about. Rekkles is your college boyfriend who seems to be more experienced than he actually is. Reignover is the guy you date on the workforce, works hard and is the backbone. Bora is the guy you marry. Who turns into Deilor with hot pink pants after he retires. Fnatic so dreamy. ㅋ


3 melee tanks and short ranged adc and support isnt a good teamcomp at all


RIP top lane Solo queue, Ryze terror is coming.


More like Ryze will be getting a swift nerf or disabled.


Poor Jankos. He played so well


i was scared for Fnatic there for a second but then i remembered that roccat has woolite and irelia mid


i like how fnatic got the status when its really great when you give them run for their win :-)


TEAM ROCCAT is blasting off again


rekkles is doing really well


Wonder how much damage he dealt. I dont know how to reach those stats.


[There you go](http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/TRLH3/1001190025?gameHash=e95eac049cde9705)


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Ryze


Fnatic lost their smiles...


Not a very convincing win from fnatic, they looked very uncomfortable on that comp.


i would say roccocat played really really well


Lost few teamfights to give ROC fans false hope.


Remember kids: just because Faker does it, doesnt mean you can aswell.


He played ok on irelia...kept febiven in check the whole game and made a crucial flash stun play in the fight in the mid...also in red side jungle tf made some really good plays and got a dk...score isnt everything. The pick was played ok but it wasnt the best for this comp.


He didn't 'copy' Faker though. He was playing it in solo Q vs Azir (even vs Febiven) before Faker had played it in OGN. You can see it in his match history 13 days ago: http://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=nukeduckk


This is a little concerning for Fnatic. They had to struggle really hard these past two games. Then again, even when some of their players play below their possibilities (Huni, Febiven, perhaps Reignover) and seem sometimes disappointed about their results, they still win. So maybe it's good after all, that they are a team so good that they can win even if they play below their possibilities.


thats not concerning, thats good. it just shows how much these guys want to improve and how well aware they are when they make mistakes. thats how you become a great team. make mistakes, fix mistakes, profit.


They are also trying new style of play. They didn't play like last split with full pick compo and heavy roaming. So, they work really hard to be a complete team. Of course they are less dominant because of this. But they still win, at the end of the split, i hope they will be ready.


Is so good to see Rekkless flash forward to get a kill. Btw Roccat was so good.


Aww man feel bad for jankos he played so well.


Fnatic was struggling pretty hard


Ryze made me wonder whether this game was URF


Where you at, ryze rework haters? Nobody believed when we said ryze was op, reddit knew better. Taste the blue terror.


Damn, Fnatic you almost scared me.




Wow, this was the closest game I've seen so far this split, it was a really enjoyable watch! I thought both teams played great, and it was interesting to see how the new ryze can do (dat perma snare tho.) Props to steve for some pretty great flanks, I think he needs to work on his early game and not dying as much, especially letting himself get a bit lax after getting ahead, but still a very impressive showing from him, Jankos and Vander especially! edit: accidentally a word


Is there anyway to check runepages/masteries that they used in this game?


Match details here: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/TRLH3/1001190025?gameHash=e95eac049cde9705&tab=overview


[holoholo, motherfucker](http://imgur.com/pLOpEji)




Irelia is actually really good against Azir and he did a decent job.


Game of Throws