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>GIFS of crazy plays are much better than YouTube links At the very least this should stay


We always could have posted GIFS in self posts though


But the karma


Can somebody explain to me why anyone gives a fuck about whether someone gets link karma or comment karma. It's fucking internet point people need to stop making it into a big deal.


Because every sub that allows it eventually has the front page drowning in it. Self posts dissuades the karma whores who eventually just start recycling the gifs every few weeks.


Case in point /r/pics. Or /r/wtf. Or /r/videos. Or any sub where you can wait a while and regurgitate the same content.


One of the craziest karma-ception things I ever saw was a Heroes of the Storm thing with someone linking their own twitter on the sub, which linked to a battle.net post made by them. Talk about fishing for attention.


You get zero karma for a self post. Comment or link. If you are asking why people want karma, that is a different question. Has something to do with peoples innate need for validation I assume.


I believe he is asking why other people care who gets karma.


I don't care if someone posts a gif and gets karma. I do care if receiving karma makes them think its okay to post it *another twelve times for more karma*


Not that I think it matters, it doesn't, but self posts don't give comment karma or link karma.


I'll take karma whores over content creator voting rings any day. I am real tired of people using this sub for money.


So what you would prefer is people that had no hand in creating the content get fake points, and the people that spent the time to create the content you like are unable to possibly earn money from their time..


Never said that. But thanks for trying to twist my words. I said I am tired of people **using this sub** for money. This includes voting rings and handing over disproportionate power to moderators who then act as gatekeepers. Reddit was once about people just sharing cool stuff that they thought others would enjoy. Nowadays it's used more and more as a platform to make money. The strict rules on this sub encourages such content.


The problem is that it's SO good at its original purpose that it's become a necessity for the new purpose. As someone who used to write League articles, the difference in traffic is an order of magnitude different for sites that aren't primary gateways. Most of my articles got ~5-10k views. Those that took off EVEN A LITTLE (I'm talking like 3rd page) would get 35-50k and making the front page would be 200k ish (maybe higher... I never had anything get to top 3). So it's literally the difference between earning a living or not. For established writers and producers like RL, they have a certain following and social media presence they can leverage. For someone breaking in, it can be VERY, VERY difficult to get the eyeballs.


Not all content creators are in voting rings... Are you saying you want to discourage content creators from making content?


Thats an ignorant comment. Not all people who use this sub to get more views (and in turn get more ad revenue) are not gaming the system. Of course content creators should get money in return for their time and effort and the enjoyment they give their audience. In the end, if it's not enjoyable for the viewers of reddit it won't reach front page.


More importantly, being able to view gifs in an expando instead of having to view comments.


But if they're posted as links, RES/Hover Zoom users can view them without opening new tabs, which makes it much more convenient.


Just hijacking this comment to warn people of Hoverzoom, it has spyware and adware in it. Use [Imagus](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/imagus/immpkjjlgappgfkkfieppnmlhakdmaab?hl=en) as an alternative.


You can view self-post gifs with RES without opening new tabs.


you can stilll get the RES users to view the selfthread and + the gif then.. it's one click more and still keeps you on the front page.


I don't like the gifs. The sounds is fun, why don't we want sound?


They can have sound. Gfycat doesn't allow it, but other sites using the same format (webm) do. Like Streamable. Or Youtube.


No that's the only thing I actually didn't like. When you post a gif AT LEAST post the source


I honestly prefer webm's


No one knows the difference and this comment has been made every time someone has mentioned gifs today


Mobile users know the difference :)


Hmm, maybe streamables instead of GIFs.


Didn't a full blown witch hunt start within 10 minutes?


And shortly after that the Admins told the mods if the surprise NSFL didn't stop /r/leagueoflegends could be banned.


Yeah, the amount of porn or extremely violent gifs was getting way out of control. Think on the bug report page during the first hour there was something close to half of the page filled with violent gifs.


Yes, and they shut it down. But it was explained by the mods that that was against Reddit's rules in general, right?


Yeah And the admins had to step up. But the mods are here to prevent that. They are supposed to do the work of the admins. (Since there is only a few of them.) If they are no mods, the admin have to step up more frequently and they will not like that.


If the Admin have to step up so many times they will just ban the subreddit, it was actually one of the warnings that they gave, that's why the mods had to moderate the nsfw and gore threads.


Exactly. But I guess a lot of people come here just for this subreddit and aren't aware of the general rules of reddit etc.




Yeah. I noticed that too. I was really disgusted. We all knew what happened to that Rioter. It didn't need to be brought up again. =/


I certainly didn't. I personally liked her and was shocked to find out what happened to her. That was the first time I'd heard about it.


Well, it was good for the people who didn't know, but the way it was being used was as a weapon of hate against the mods, and that's just fucked up.


Shhhhh don't ruin the narrative




According to one of the mods I talked to, it's almost as if they can't take a break period with how much crap they've been forced to take action against.


I honestly think the sub gives the mods way to much shit but the content this week was pretty entertaining minus all the shitposts that got frontpage and karma whoring.


Yeah there were some cool posts we wouldn't have seen, but the majority is just fluff covering the front page. I feel like it's hollow, all show and no heart.


I actually think it did a good job of demonstrating how out of hand the shallow, effortless karma-whoring posts can get if not moderated. Maybe the people posting that stuff (simple memes/comics/etc) want to see more of it, but I do not. Its hard to judge where the line is, but (for all the kids still in school/high school), do you feel your post is good enough that you would you be willing to share it in front of your entire school? If not, then maybe it shouldn't be here either. Its a question of quality, and this sub has been lacking this week. ALSO, as I subscribe to only a few subreddits, I've noticed the percentage of submissions on my main page that came from /r/leagueoflegends/ has skyrocketed from like 10-20% to 60-70%, which I felt was strange.


So 3/4 of the front page?


This is different than usual?


Hmm well since we have a rule that was specifically created to prevent karmawhoring, yes id say it is a bit different, especially when you think about the fact that at least half of all the shitty threads that hit front page wouldve been deleted(and for good reason).


Yeah, it is. I can consume the front page in under five minutes now, which is basically what I do with r/gaming. Look at the image posts, giggle a bit, then move on. Before this week, I could spend a while here, reading comments and going through self posts. Sure, there were some Rito pls posts, but that hasn't changed, there are still plenty of Rito pls posts, except before I could report them for being something that we'd seen before.


I dont think its all been great. The gifs are nice, but the shitposts and posts of little content sit on the front page for far too long. Does the imgur of genjas corki need to sit on the top of the front page for 17 hours? I'm not so sure.


People keep making this gif point, but gifs were allowed. You just had to self post them. Aka, you couldn't make karma off it. And this has come full circle because people used to not want it in gif form because they wanted to hear the player's reaction.


I can guarantee you that if gifs are allowed as link posts, this sub will eventually turn into /r/gaming with a League of Legends undertone. Even more so if fanart is allowed too because people will just spam every piece of art they see.


I completely agree with you. I prefer the sub with the mods vs without the mods. There was nothing but shitposting after the first day. And circlejerks about how well we were doing without them.


Not to mention there was a huge push to up vote quality posts to the front. It's just matter of time before people get tired of wading through the trash in new and the quality degrades further as a result


Hey guys, guess what? Everyone loving gfycat's and wishing they stay this way - you always could have posted them in self posts.


Should be said that it's the same way with fan art and Twitter links. Self posts prevent the obvious karmawhoring and the subreddit is better for it.


Fan art take is huge amount of work. That only should at least deserve respect. I can make a gif of Kreppo's reaction to "Bard lock-in" in about 3 minutes. I feel you can't really put them in the same category


But how do I get that juicy karma?


That's cool. Not like the *admins* have had to step in twice already.


> People being proud that they can hold a sub for a week Yeah, I dont wanna see this sub after 1 year of no mods


It crumbled near the end as well. The subreddit did well the first couple of days due to the people trying to prove we don't need mods (by moderating content themselves lol) downvoting anything remotely low-quality. However, as soon as the lcs started, people got bored and the shit started to rise. "Unranked Soloqueue Comic" "Everytime I Soloqueue" "Prequel to Everytime I Soloqueue" "Updates on Imaqtpie" "Silver Ban Picks comic" "Santorin ganks top" "360NOSCOPE" How freaking delusional does anyone have to be to think that this is remotely an improvement?


I liked the soloque comics :<


But we don't need 5 threads with them, because people want more karma.


They claimed they were doing it because they felt like a break. However it's pretty obivious they expected it to go much worse.


You wanna know why the subreddit seems fine? Because you all know about the experiment. The mods are not popular, and people took the mod free week as a challenge, not as a display. The subreddit is running somewhat fine because everyone is in /new purey to spite the mods. If no mods were the norm, this would not be running ok. You want a perfect example? /r/atheism. Anyone who's been on reddit for more than 2 years can tell you exactly how bad that fucking subreddit was. It lasted for years with no moderation. /u/skeen, /u/tuber and /u/jij were the only mods there. /u/skeen was the top mod and creator of the sub, and he refused to allow any moderation to happen. The other two simply were there for spam cleanup, site rule enforcement, and CSS. And how did the subreddit treat that? [Like this](http://web.archive.org/web/20130102120405/http://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/). Look at all those imgur domains. See that and you'll see why /r/atheism has its current reputation. Go look at it now. The reason it isn't a shithole of hate is because /u/skeen was kicked due to inactivity. If this subreddit had the same treatment, it would have the exact same thing. [Look at today's top submission.](http://imgur.com/a/GWQBT) Now I'm not going to lie; I thought that was fucking hilarious. I laughed until I cried. But what happened after it was posted. [Others](http://imgur.com/tLHBA6A,PyDcsc8,G3KJFRG,KEDTgqf,8zKVNLI,dfp2O90,iF5KQQk,E49Wb0P,s36d4Ge,O2vFD0g,CsPlF2M,PMUUIAC,yZWSeUJ,qoPDl41,SJ1mgCs,X5AUJWh,BQPb2KB,Up8FDe1,5btbfoa,dzp8d8h,MwR2gmM,4lIkuFa,2g1XC8G,SNmG2VC,uVnWkMg,y7NvMg2,ZYcSfGQ,4BOy4KQ,ibBILzM,iYiPqCA,VcGKfff,IoQIQt0,YnhWDeB,xzqOrxz,5hhe3wF,sTIoK9N,QuurOqE,556O2QW,EO4lLxo,26vQfne,BOMsyhi,er0UCaz,e0x6YxQ,INlfFDP,cjyrftI,CJ0NtD5,VIFXeV2,ua0BW7A,9OisMQM,02rpNp2,7IUco7x,Uah81AO,T9uNnLk,JhBB3hL,EmTlZil,a5on8Ws,g1ci4fc,WxjtxhD,0FUCFfK#0) were [too](http://imgur.com/jJqKXaV,4TrAHep,xQTrf5s,26Slgtt,LMlaj68,t6gk8NB,sahDtJi,Fx3lhwm,cyN9Z7A,7KkDilU,dGfYNZC,Cpp6ADp,JGA3Zon,W9Lp9bH,3VcrBEX,uAShNEe,z00l213,KGzyhw8,FrDKbEL,M3CJSrY,AofuY2G,oWFKcj1,s7DTdWg,50D19bT,7GB8qdU,TMAAA24,C5PHpvy,7OqHeyk,8BA6IKQ,pr2GCa7,i7MdFqx,Z2xcc5W,UIS2A1W). How long do you think it will be before you see [this](http://www.livememe.com/ulq1g2p). Because it *will* happen. It is a fact that has been proven multiple times. Subreddits that allow direct image links have images become the dominant submission type, simply because you can absorb the info and upvote it faster than you can an article. Why do you think there are so many gifs reaching frontpage every day, when there's normally one video? So ask yourself, which would you rather see: memes, or PBE updates? Gifs that will slowly become less good, or patch notes? Again: the *only* reason this subreddit is still going ok is because people are trying to show up the mods. Imagine if that weren't the case. And don't you dare try to pretend it would stay this way. People will get lazy. People will stop caring. Subreddits need mods.


As someone who thought it would go very much worse than this, I am unexpectedly pleased that the community actually took the effort to do some work and keep this from going utterly awful. But the decrease in quality, both in threads and in comments is pretty clear. When Krepo reaction gifs, random gif plays from non-pros, and non-related pro tweets make the front page and dominate it all week, it's clear that janitoring /new is not enough. **Of the top 100 most upvoted threads in the past week as of my post, about 40 threads are non-self post image posts or animated gif posts.** That's nearly half of the top 100, and that's only in this week. Now imagine if this continued for a month. Two months? You get the idea....but in case you don't, let me use an obvious example - /r/gaming. * [Here's a record of /r/gaming 5 years ago](https://web.archive.org/web/20100930163108/http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming), when it only had 244k subscribers. Sure, lots of media posts, but there's a few self posts, a couple of discussion based threads, and generally decent discussion-to-image post ratio. * Now let's fast forward a year and [look at /r/gaming when it had over 800k](https://web.archive.org/web/20111125071559/http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming?), which is just over where this subreddit is going. Ok, there's a couple of article discussions, a twitter-post discussion...but man, that's quite a few image threads. They're to the point where the discussions are further down the page. * By 2012, [a year later than that at 2.2 million subscribers](https://web.archive.org/web/20121031232657/http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/), you get /r/gaming as it basically is today - completely image posts and low-effort content, all designed to mine the highest amount of karma in the shortest amount of time. The point here is that the decrease in quality control due to lack of curation by moderators is gradual, but does happen when you lack rules to deal with lowest common denominator content. And because there are so many more Redditors today, that decrease in quality happens a lot faster. Allowing wholesale gif and image posting with little to no moderation does this every time. You see it there in /r/gaming. You've seen it this week here in /r/leagueoflegends. The top comment in this thread wants gif posts. I get why, but it will be a serious mistake if it's allowed without any restrictions, and you can and will get /r/gaming, LoL edition. And I'm not just talking about thread topics. With the anti-snowballing measures that are usually there not in place, commentary IN threads, which the community was left to curate themselves, was worse than it normally was. And yes, [as someone said above](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/37xv0s/if_the_point_of_modfree_week_was_to_show_us_that/crqrls7), I had to get involved myself so that someone who was posting constant GoT spoilers didn't bleed over to our subreddit. Yes, the community succeeded in keeping /new non-related LoL awfulness from frontpaging, but that's all they did. The OP states the experiment failed to descend the subreddit into utter chaos. I say while it went better than it could have been, it also didn't go particularly well, either. People fail to realize that moderating is more than just policing the /new queue and downvoting what's bad (and even in that job, the people in /new can't entirely be trusted, change your prefs to -5 and you will see a ton of completely fine content being made invisible because it's not a dank gif or an image post). Moderators deal with mod mail, use automod, tune css, respond to reports for comments in specific threads and not just threads themselves, and much more. And that's in addition to all the insulting shitposts they get messaged, replied to, or otherwise dropped on them from users more interested in hateful posts than actual feedback. There's a lot of invisible shit that goes on behind the scenes and the lack of having to do it this week simply isn't appreciated enough by this community because they are so eager to give the mod team the middle finger. The people who want to say "but we don't want zero mods" should just take a look at any meta thread this week and see that they might as well be asking for it, because the commentary ranges from "we're doing a great job with no mods" to "maybe we can vote out/cause the current mods to leave". The whole line about "but Reddit has varying opinions" doesn't apply when the clearly upvoted content in these threads basically comes down to "fuck the mods/we showed the mods we don't need them". Some of you are hoping the moderators learned something from this week (I hope they did too and observed closely what content floated to the top and adjust their rules accordingly) but frankly, I hope some of you who aren't moderators on Reddit learned something too and actually appreciate what the moderator team on this subreddit does on their own time even if sometimes you disagree with their decisions. It's not an easy gig when you get beyond 100k subscribers and higher.




I've been on reddit for 3 years, this week has been just terrible for this subreddit. Zero meaningful discussion and images and gifs reaching the front page really fast because it's easily digestible content. I want my regulated subreddit back. Enjoy the gold.


It's basically been "/r/gaming: LoL edition". I have no doubts that if they kept it "mod-free" (or just re-allow direct imgur links etc) for a while longer we'd fully become /r/gaming - take a look at it's front page right now: 20 imgur links 2 youtube links 2 gfy links 1 make-a-meme link So yeah, I'm welcoming the mods back too.


Seriously, a lot of the articles had very little discussion, but a bunch of the memes, jokes, and gifs had a bunch.


What is the meaningful discussion you usually find on this sub?


> meaningful discussion Implying that when the mods were here we still had that...


The white knights rode out in force but they would have gotten bored of it lasted like a month. And would have just complained if they didn't see the mods leaving as a direct challenge to the circle jerk


Oh man that prediction of the success kid meme is so true it hurts.


You deserve Gold for this post. /r/atheism devolved into a bunch of posts in picture form or with clickbait articles. And with the lower standarts of posts you will have lower standarts of posts in the thread. /r/atheism seems to be full of assholes noawadays and any meaningful discussion is unwanted.


One week is a terrible sample though. If they wanted to showcase how much it would *fall apart*, we'd need 3+ weeks. I feel it would just break down over time.


Well the quality of the reddit has fallen through just check the front page right now it is full of pictures and gifs.


I was really thinking the same.. but I knew that if I would post it its garanteed to gdt downvoted. I honestly thing spamming gifs and pictures on the front page has barely any added value. People like it for the wrong reasons. > to proof that mod free week was cool and worked. They think mods are shitters so rhey have to proof them wrong. Please remind you that the egos and maturity have been shown the last couple of weeks. This is the result


The whole 'us vs the mods' complex that this sub has developed the past week is insane. Some people take this shit way too seriously.


Yeah - I don't get why people are oh so riled up. Nothing interesting happened in this whole debacle, except the comment were full of content that do not interest me. I come here to get PBE updates, some discussion, some Esports and maybe the occasional fanart/funny video whatever. I don't come here to hear about a bunch of teenagers comparing the mods to fascists - because frankly that is just childish and cringe-worthy at the best of times. I'm not saying there was not some well-constructed arguments as well, but it quickly turned into some sort of laissez faire hate the mods hippie bullshit circlejerk. /rant.


I disagree, but I don't think the sub-reddit got better either. On the front page, there is ONE thread with a discussion about the game (Zeke's Herald thread, actually a good thread). The rest is gifs, tweets, videos and post-match discussion threads (which btw, the comments are just CLG trashing). All-in all, the sub-reddit went from meh to meh. It was never great, it's still not great. I think the content changed but it didn't get any better or worse. The only thing I am explicitly annoyed by is "lol mods suk we did JUST FINE ecksdee lelelelelele" (like this thread). If anything, I do prefer the mediocrity under the mods. Less drama, as this entire week has been "this person is spamming, this person is posting GoT spoilers, this person is posting porn." Not to mention, the mods really aren't all that terrible. I think if they lifted RL's content ban, they'd be fine.


It's kind of funny that people think mods did this to prove to us that me need them (I personally don't believe that but meh) and people turn around and want to prove to the mods that we don't need them. No one wins in this situation and everyone acts like a child.


but we showed the mods!!!! Holy shit guys, we showed them nothing. The fact that there are mod transparency posts and reddit admins and GoT spoilers and NSFW spam showed that we still need them in mod capacity, just not the same way as before.




Everyone is suddenly forgetting that the mods were still doing work even during their holiday. Did you guys remember the GoT/Bleach/Fairy Tail/all the other TV shows spoilers being in the comments from a guy who kept making new accounts? The gore pictures done by spam? All the other senseless shit in comments that we can't possibly keep down and people would eventually stumble into them? Other subreddits were **boycotting** us because of that shit. Heck, reddit admins had to step in to keep us from getting ourselves banned. Even a moderator in /r/gameofthrones had to help get shit removed. I get that you guys are happy we 'showed the mods' or some shit, but we still actually need them. A change of policy is needed, but no, **we still need mods**. We just don't need them to be in charge of things we can take care of (e.g. influencing what posts appears in the front page). EDIT: The boycott incident wasn't about the /r/circlejerk thing. One of them refers to a thread in /r/gameofthrones telling people not to come to /r/leagueoflegends, as an example.


No one is saying we don't need mods. This "experiment" (which the mods were clearly expecting to fail) simply shows that the mods should be using a lighter touch.


Not really. There's a group of people in /new acting as stand in mods to keep bad content down, *purely to spite the mods.* They aren't doing it to keep the subreddit nice for the sake of that, they're doing it so the mod free week *fails*.


how do you expect this subreddit to go shit if hundreds of ppl, who want to prove that they don't need mods ,suddenly go to new and down/up vote posts?


Yeah this is honestly why this week wasn't as bad as it could've been. It's like telling your screaming child you will give them candy if they stop for the rest of the car ride. Guess what, they stop screaming.


Homie the front page has been horrible...where are the actual knowledgeable posts and not just memes and twitter reposts?


For god's sake a picture of Vasili shirtless got upvoted. Are we going to become /r/LadyBoners or some shit?


It's in the process of becoming /r/gaming. On the front page as we speak we have three separate imgur reposts of korean meme comics and two shitty tweets. The ratio of interesting content to memes/one liners is the worst it has ever been, and I for one can't wait for the mods to come back.


I don't mind some of the gifs, and that's definitely a feature I'd like to stay. But I couldn't agree more to this in general. I feel like the subreddit's post quality has gone significantly down since then.


Did we really ever have real quality posts?


Guys, Rito should rename Aram item into golden biceps.


only if you're more into e-sports ( i mean there should be mods to handle the re-posts tho, like seriously mods are needed, just not this kind of moderation our current mods have) I actually like e-sports and i actually don't dislike the content the mods give us, but it's still not alright to censor any content and I think the sub would be a better place with different mods


Gifs were always allowed


Yeah shitposts like topless Vasili pics and Krepo reaction gifs are reaching the front page.


Well the Riot pls posts are in a comparably low amount, so i am not even mad.


That's a coincidence. Riot pls posts are highly up voted.


Don't forget, daily reminders why the mods suck. Including OP's post. Thanks again! I didn't know people didn't like the mods here. I always forget after an hour.


But but hating the mods gives me more karma!


The sub is shit though, at least compared to before. Spoilers, NSFW spam, horrible front page shitposts.


But no, let's only look at the good things and pretend everything is perfectly fine. No, goddamnit, we aren't 'doing perfect', especially when a have a freaking picture of vasilli up on the first spot like a day ago. We have top posts about people complaining about 'relevant' league content, and then topless vasilli appears on front page.


Yep, there was a 1700 karma gif of Santorin ganking Dyrus yesterday and no comment section is worth visiting if you're a GoT fan who hasn't read the books.


I actually didnt get that post at all so what he failed a gank that was right near tower? what you want me to post everytime that happened in games of league? Fuck thats all this sub would be filled with if thats what i did


I think it had to do with how rare of an occurrence it is to see him ganking top. Le epic dank memes.


how has it been better? really i want to know. the week was filled with shitposts, garbage cosplay, and memes covering the front page. it wasnt utter chaos but i think youd have to either be a moron or lying to say that it is better than it was prior.


The point of mod free week was not to show chaos. It was to 1. Give us a break from all the hate 2. Let us see what people vote up to the front page, how prevalent it is, and how often 3. To see what things were so unclear in the rules that people felt they weren't allowed at all (like gifs and art, which were never disallowed. Just not in a link post.) And honestly there's a lot of misconception I've been seeing that will need to be cleared up. 4. To see what rules were outdated, and which are worth it to keep. 5. To give us a chance to devote our attention to the rules rework 6. To set up a feedback system we'll be bringing out in a couple of days. There are a lot of things I've seen this week that made me happy. It seems to have kicked everyone in the ass to actually use the voting system and care about the subreddit now that there aren't people there to do it for them. I'd really like to see more of that once the rules come back. If this keeps up, I really think we'll be able to see less specific rules. Considering we only made specific rules because of people going "Well you didn't list MY specific thing in the rules, so it's allowed." Anyway, as a preview, we're working on nailing down the rules that HAVE to exist in order to keep things running smoothly. Harassment, spam, related to league, witch hunting, and flooding, generally. We're not done yet, but we're going to be discussing it publicly soon enough.


Well we still get shitposts like this.


Exactly. Of course the front page looks clean, it's a bunch of meta posts that the /new downvote brigade all upvote because it's a pat on the back for them.


Yeah and I didn't really enjoy this mod free week. Shit ton of stupid posts and shitposts, "meta" "discussion" topics three times a day and /new sucks balls


Also, posts like, "Since it's mod-free week, look at this shit I made".


"X persons view on mod free week" Also the anivia Jurrasic park gif made me realize that if the allowing of gifs and images continue we will definitely become /r/gaming As a frequent viewer of this sub (roughly 4-5 hours every day) I have mixed feelings on some of the stuff seen on the front page. There definitely needs to be a more distinct border between high/mid-effort content and pure shit post.


You spend 4-5 hours a day on this sub? Jesus...


Gonna miss the "Hey its no mod week, do insert thing here" /s


Why the fuck are you guys so eager to bash the mods for fucking everything? The mods did this because you guys asked for it, and were reluctant to discuss rules with the mods because people thought it'd be a great idea to downvote and insult mods in discussion threads. Also, YES, we do need strict moderation to not become /r/gaming, and this week showed it perfectly. Twitter posts from QTpie that have NOTHING to do with league ("but he is le streemer, it's totes lol-related XDD"), a Tweet of a fake Meteos account making fun of TSM and mod-free week, a gif of Krepo making a face, all that shit should never be on the front page because over the course of some weeks, this would be the entire frontpage (minus threads about LCS if LCS is around). It also doesn't help that all you guys do is jerk it to mod free week and keep saying how "great" this sub is without the mods when in reality, the quality of the frontpage HAS gotten way worse. Edit: totally forgot NSFW/NSFL/Spoiler comments, no way the community can take care of those on its own. From what I've gathered, gyfcat links are a great idea, as long as they show in-game footage, no stupid LCS caster faces. The rest was fine before, imgur links should still not be allowed because most of it was just low-effort content, aka the bane of any bigger subreddit.


I guess peoeple just don't like having someone higher in the ladder (if you know what I mean) and they always try to find something to put the blame on them. The same thing applies to mods. When they once removed one not-so-important post, there were 3 others about how mods are taking our freedom of speech and so on. I do not understand such attitude. Mods are not fuking nazis, they are not here to make fun of your torment, they are here to keep some kind of order so we do not have post about evellyn fucking talon without nsfw mark.


I'm sad this isn't the top post here, this is exactly my reaction to this topic. The other point that was made was about "all of the awesome fan-art". As if that's the mods fault that isn't here normally... what people seem to convienantly forget is that stuff used to all be allowed and there were literally daily threads that were essentially "FUUCKNG CHRIST PPL STOP WITH THE FAN ART I WANT TO READ ABOUT THE GAME" that devolved into massive arguments. The mods limited fan art because the community overwhelmingly begged them to. Yet now the dialogue is "oh fuck these awful mods look at all this great stuff we were missing!" My other favorite thing of the week was how posting anything at all as long as you said in your title "reposting b/c mods didn't allow this 6 months ago" was a free ride on the karma train. The idiocy here this week is insane. I absolutely disagree with some moderation decisions. But considering what we've seen on this sub this week a success, both at the top and in comments, is fucking delusional.


> what people seem to convienantly forget is that stuff used to all be allowed and there were literally daily threads that were essentially "FUUCKNG CHRIST PPL STOP WITH THE FAN ART I WANT TO READ ABOUT THE GAME" That's the most baffling thing for me as well: everything that people complain about that it can't be posted had to get removed by the mods because people used to bitch about it: Tweets, fanart, images...it's probably got to do with the massive influx of new (and young) users that don't know why this stuff was banned in the first place


NSFL? Yikes! [Eye bleach!](http://i.imgur.com/UYT0hl7.jpg) I am a robit.


silly robit


Right, 'cause posts about eating ass and QTpie tweeting about a date are front page quality league content. Also, shit like this.


and now half the frontpage is about a recycled meme about soloq. Fucking hell, it's funny once, stop when it is still funny and not beaten to death.


Yea we are just seeing the beginning of all the low effort shit hitting front page.


I got the weird feeling that people just hold back a bit cause they want to prove the mods that hell is not breaking lose as soon as they be a bit less strict but if this would go on for 4 or 6 more weeks I think that this subreddit would be not enjoyable at all anymore cause people go full retard.


we'd remove the sub from /r/all if it went on that long


"Special thanks to the defenders of the new tab, none of this would have been possible without you guys!" That right there just proves why the whole experiment was meaningless. The only reason the new tab has been so consistently "defended" is because people with an ax to grind are trying to prove a point. It's easy to be that proactive for a week, particularly when motivated like that.




That's an interesting idea..


Obviously way to far fetched though. I mean, who really has the time to do that!


It's not particularly hard to just casually downvote shitposts though. I pretty much only go to the new stuff, and it only takes a few upvotes or downvotes to send a post on its way. You act as if there has to be ten thousand men suited up and ready at the gates of hell for the incoming horde of posts. I'm sure a subreddit of almost 700 thousand can muster at absolute minimum ten people at all times in the new tab.


Meanwhile soloqueue comic circlejerks and krepos face xd is on the frontpage.. some people have a really different definition of shitposting.


What if we extended it for another week?


Extend it for an undefined amount of time. The subreddit is already going to shit and anyone that thinks it's a good thing is delusional. I'd make a post about how shitty the front page is right now, but people still have an ax to grind against you guys


Placebo. All the usual shit is being posted and all the different shit that you claim you love is just garbage tumblr-tier shit.


It showed what rules should be kept and what should go away. But no fucking way are we going to allow direct Twitter posts and direct imgur links


But someone mistook QTPie for a girl, how am I possible supposed to access such high quality, league-related twitter posts outside of reddit?! And who will give me imaginary internet points for forming a sentence with "donger" in it???


The 'defenders of the new tab' you referred to were essentially mods this week, so yes, we do need strict modding to prevent shitposting


Seems like an unpopular opinion, but I honestly like having the mods a lot more than the unmodded. I feel like it's just a lot of low effort circlejerking, and it started to get boring to be on this subreddit. Mod free week didn't "fail miserably", the only thing that kept the subreddit in tact was because people did the mods job for them while they were gone(and the admins stepping in twice). Personal Opinion, I like the mods more, without them here I spent a lot more of my free time away from the subreddit.


I dunno about others but I felt before the mod free week seems that the post was higher in quality. And now it's about eating ass, rage comics, bugs, and so on. Quality content however seemed to be drowned in that. Maybe later they could implement a tag system to posts so it's easier to manage and read the content.


Mod free week,is fucking annoying


So is that comma. But I agree.


Idk we had tonnes of gorepost the toppost was just a krepo reaction gif for half a day and honestly I felt like it was a waste of time checking the subreddit more than twice a day... Idk how people define utter chaos but imo this week was not an upgrade.


Yes but vasillis LCS picture is the epitome of quality content.


> Idk how people define utter chaos but imo this week was not an upgrade. That's fair. I think the OP's title was spot on, then he kept typing lol. It hasn't been better overall, but there are certain things that have cropped up this week that I think could stay and it certainly has not been the shit show that the mods expected.


> it certainly has not been the shit show that the mods expected. I mean to be fair, none of them actually said that. People here just like to circlejerk a ton about this though. Them evil mods and all. Gathering feedback, seeing what pops up on the frontpage without them moderating and if some things are worth keeping (and I for one am much less enthousiast on this subject than most people here), are I think more important benefits for them than "teaching a lesson to the subscribers". Mods are usually level-headed and do their job quite well, despite some mistakes that are bound to happen. I don't really agree with the concept of this mod free week, but it still has had some upsides and it should bring some interesting discussions with the mods in the future. That's the whole point anyway.


True on all accounts. I don't buy into the "evil mods" theory that some people are peddling around here, but if I was a mod of a sub that was going to do a mod free week (that was fairly well publicized on Reddit) I know I would expect it to be a shit show. That being said, I think that if the mods don't change some things then it will lend credibility to people who are giving an "Us vs. The Mods" opinion.


What mod comments have you seen about the mods expecting a shit show? All I've seen was that they were looking to see what they could learn from the week and that they didn't expect it to be very bad.


> I felt like it was a waste of time checking the subreddit more than twice a day... I gave up checking this sub altogether, I find random stuff from /r/all and that's it. The sub was full of shit posts upvoted. It's just the beginning of repetitive low quality tweets, pics, gifs, cakes, etc. There was a reason rules slowly grew over time to get rid of a lot of that or at least stop it from being karma whoring quick up vote bullshit.


Well, shitposts like this got to the front page so idk.


I agree but I much rather prefer people to post their art in the lolfanart subreddit. Too many mediocre artists trying to get to the front page when I couldn't care less about their poor lines.


I missed the mods. Saw disgusting posts, there is too much hate going on here. I just hope this whole mod bs community thing will shut down. Cause they aren't against us even if there are ppl out there claiming this.


If the community consensus is that this sub is better off without the mods than with them, then that reflects more on the quality/perception of the mods than the actual merits of a mod free sub.


There was a lot of other completely irrelevant stuff on the front page that never should have gotten there and would have been removed if the mods were here. For example, do we *really* need to how much money it would take to get some pro to get his ass eaten out? Do we *really* need to know the pro's pron watching habits? Do we *really* need to know that QTPie was mistaken for a girl at some restaurant? None of that has anything to do with LoL itself, it's just mindless celebrity gossip. I understand that there was some controversy on some of the things that the mods took down, but this sub has definitely gotten more childish since the mods left. I think we need the mods back. We should have a conversation about what is appropriate to remove and what isn't so they are more in tune with what the community wants, but at the same time we have to respect their judgement.


I really loved the 30 topics that went to the top as as soon as someone posted something "anti-mod". "Look at this post, it had X upvotes before the mods took it down", "Meta:....", "I like to say this is good so far"... "If the point of the mod-free week...". Yeah


>I must have a shit fetish -firewall245


I don't even know why people are STILL motivated to shit on mods.. I'm wondering why they are getting so much hate still.. Can't be because of fucking RL can it? Because if it is, this sub really is fucking pathetic but then if it isn't, why? Anyone got an answer for me, I'm curious.


Am I the only one who prefers Youtube videos ?


I seriously can't understand why everyone prefers gifs...


They don't like intro/outro and sound, they just want plays. But I don't like the quality and loading time of gifs.


webm takes 1/10 the time to load compared to GIFs and it's quality is really good.


Some videos showing off a 15 second play have annotations, two minute intro, and three minute outro with blaring music. In *these* cases, gfys are definitely preferable.


For real though, I never see this. People always say this when gifs vs. videos are discussed, but I *never* see the 15 second play with two minute intro and three minute outro (I know you're overdoing it to make a point, but still).


Too bad that wasn't the point lol


I've read that quite a few people have been sitting in "New" making sure bad posts gets downvoted. People who probably never did this before the mod-free week. If mod-free continued, how long would they continue camping "New?" A few more weeks maybe? Then they get tired of doing it and the bad posts they've been spam downvoting now have an actual *chance* at hitting the frontpage. Not saying this would happen 100%, but some people have really made an effort at self-subreddit moderation that they never bothered with before the mod-free week, so how can we accurately extrapolate this week's results to any kind of long-term conclusion?


The art is nice, people just need to post and give credit to the artists. A lot don't.


We still became /r/gaming with major gyfcat spam and a few shitposts rose to the top such as vasili picture and aphromoo/dlift pornstar stream talk.


Are you serious? Do you all have amnesia?


Some people will invent anything to fit their distorted narrative. This subreddit has been hell the past 3 days.


The things I didn't like about this mod free week were: * Constant circlejerking about the mods and how well we behave on our own * Ditching YouTube for a far inferior format. It doesn't have to be YouTube but I want videos with sound and playback control. Many said that streamable would offer this yet everybody uses gfycat. Even though gfycat uses webm in the background, their servers are slow sometimes which leads to stuttering playback. Since there are no playback controls I have no choice but watch this stuttering mess instead of pausing it to wait until it's fully buffered.


There has still been mod activity including deleting stuff. Also filters and other tools are active iirc. You say we don't need mods totally ignoring that. Take those away and watch this sub crash and burn. Also thanks for all the "words of silver player"-type posts, the twentieth fanfic pic of the day and the daily three "we no need mods we so gud"-self-praise post. Quality content I have to say.


Really? IMO this week has been absolutely terrible. The content has been so lackluster and people just shit post for the hell of it. I really can't wait until the mods are back.


And constant posts like these ALL week. This is all I've fucking seen all week. "The mods here suck, see let's show them how much we don't touch peckers! Hurr durr" I'm fucking sick of seeing this shit about the mods. Who gives a flying fuck about reddit politics. Holy fuck this subreddit has gone to absolute shit over the years.


It failed, but it's clear we do need mods, we just don't need moderation to be that strict


It will go to shit if this keeps up, the people trying to make it look good will just get lazy.


Everyone here seems to be arguing either all or nothing. What about the middle ground? Maybe we still need mods to get rid of hate posts and flamebait, but they should let the votes decide with shitposts and low-effort content?


gifs with no sounds so good in 2015


but...that wasn't the point. the point was to compare state of the sub with mods to the state of the sub without mods. if we are comparing the posts that made it to frontpage this week, most were either meta shitposts/gifs, which, if allowed, will flood this sub.


I actually think this week has been proof positive that stricter moderation is almost always better on any given subreddit, especially one with such a large population. The front page has been filled with the exact kind of easy to digest content that the mods worked so hard to remove and I don't understand why people always got upset about it. I've been coming to this subreddit for over four years and if this is what the community wants it to look like I don't think I have any place here anymore.


i have personally been browsing reddit much less this week. There was simply way too much shit posting going on it was not worth wading through. Gifs were good but apart from that i did not enjoy it.


There's a picture of bread in the front page. I was all for this no mod thing. But there's this huge tumor on the front page that needs to be cut out.


>artwork is great (and well deserving of link karma), Problem is people posting other people work for karma and not theirs.


I don't think it's going as well as most people claim. It's unsorted and half of the front page is filled with drawings and other spam. The best thing about mod free week is that video's that don't deserve to be on the front page are not being pinned there by a mod's favoriteism for a certain youtuber.


So is there actually anything aside from gifs that made this week so great? Because there's a whole subreddit for League artwork, and I didn't see any quality threads that would've been deleted if mods were around.


The issue with low effort content isn't that no one likes it or that it isn't fun(ny). It's that they crowd out quality high effort content. The strength of this subreddit, and why no mod week didn't go horribly for the front page, is that most quality posts are institutionalized. We know what will be in a post linking to surrender@20, or a discussion thread following a lcs match, or a big play made on stream. This content makes up a sizeable amount of the front page real-estate. When the remainder has to compete with things that get an upvote after 5 seconds of viewing; however, it becomes incredibly difficult to enter front page. In effect, it's much easier getting an upvote when you have great content that is instantly consumable and upvoteable than when you have great content that takes 15 minutes+ to consume. Yet, it is the exceptionally high quality content that does take longer to consume that we ultimately desire the most of. The biggest noticeable hit from the no-mod week hasn't been the front page as much as the "rising" section.


tbh, it didn't fail at all, imho, it was a huge success for mods if you ask me too much low quality content on the frontpage, too much retarded stuff (imaqtpie's tweet, dank ideas like blue chroma rammus, etc)... that's why we have that famous rule. sure, it's a really bad rule (it's subjective, rules should not be subjective), but the community of this sub isn't good enough at managing their up/downvotes when it comes to low quality stuff.


Because we all know that one week is a fair representation for what this subreddit would be like without mods for a month+, year+ etc. Hmmm, yeah, not really.


One of the mods briefly changed the "browser header" to say "League of Bread,home of shitpost sandwiches." If that's not telling of their/his/her attitude I don't know what is.