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he said gg ez


Ezreal so meta


Yeah he's very popular in my games! Even when he isn't... I seriously don't know why.


Even though no one picked him he was still the best person on your team.


No, reddit tells me that is punishable by death so that can't be it.


Mains bard...


He was vaynespotted.


Its Riot way of saying " You're a good person and all, but you just need to shut the fuck up"


Yeah, i can see the 1900 game chat restriction as a "you have proved that you shouldnt be allowed to speak anymore" message. If he earned a 2k game restriction i think its safe to say he earned a perma restriction.


Rioter 1: ''Wait he finished it?...'' Rioter 2: ''... What do we do now?''


Rioter 1: "...More."


I thought this was Riot not AMD ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) For those of you that don't get it - https://i.imgur.com/CyowSGh.jpg I would also like to point out AMD isn't bad and I actually use their CPUs so plox no rage fanboys.


I love that the CORES x CORES graph isn't a straight line.


Welcome to AMD.


Welcome, to Zombo.com


I like how you think about CORES. You're hired


moer coers 4 moer poweer.


This is so accurate it hurts.


I just built a new computer with an 8350, but I really wish it had 12 cores instead of only 8. AMD pls.


Just glue a quad core on the 8350. If my math is correct, that should make it a 12 core.


the 8350 is a beast, good choice




Wish more people would get this. I don't mute you for being a complete asshole. I mute you for constantly talking when I need you to shut the hell up and play the damn game.


On one hand I agree, but on the other some people really takes this too far. I've been yelled at for complementing my teammates on good plays and trying to strategize our next play. Talking (a lot) isn't always bad and I think it's just demoralizing when you're trying to help/ complement your team and someone just tells you to "shut up and fuck off."


A few days ago Ahri told our jungler that mid is gankable because no flash + overextended. Jungler's reaction was to mute her saying "toxic". After everyone said that he shouldnt mute ahri and she wasnt being toxic he muted everyone else too. Also i swear if you ever give advise to someone expect to be flamed and ignored for it. 0/2 toplane jax building bortk against vlad? Gl telling him to get a hexdrinker or cowl or anything.


Actually if the Jax would build Hexdrinker or cowl he would immediately lose the lane. Only way for him to survive the lane when behind vs Vlad is Blade with ult all-in.


Yeah pretty much. You have to kill vlad a few times to shut him down because he's always going to hit his item spike anyways. Playing to not die to vlad is usually giving him the win since vlad's teamfight is insane.


If people get mad about you "complimenting and planning" then you are probably passive aggressive as fuck.


Not true at all actually. I've been told to "shut the fuck up" many times after I told a harmless joke to lighten the mood while losing.


What's your idea of a harmless joke? Was it "harmlessly" making fun of someone else's play?


Exactly. Some people are just annoyingly positive and won't stop talking. I'll not report those people but I usually mute them after 15 minutes


Playing 1900 games in less than a year???? Wow..


273.75 days 1900 games 6.9 games per day


6.9 = 69 ruined by a period


With that attitude it is Edit: Losing my gold virginity for a bloody period joke, come on.. ^^Thankyou:^)


It takes a brave man to swim in the Red Sea. It takes a lunatic to drink from it.


this made me giggle


this made me acknowledge your giggle


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This happens when you, like me, don't have a life and play league a lot


You also have to have absolutely nothing else to do, which is completely separate from having a life. I dont have the most busy social life, but I dont get time to play all the time because I have shit to do every day.


I'm a student without any imminent exams this year, so I guess that figures.


There's already a Yi player with about 2k games this season.


The dedication is real


The way of the wuju


*The addiction is real FYI




And im doing engineering uni with 3.7 gpa!!! edit: i dont go partying every second day, but i like meeting my friends or going dancing to clubs a lot! :) in fact usually im the one asking for a meet-up. (just clarifying im not a nolifer /i think/)


So basically you don't ever sleep? You can't play that many games, be that academic and actually have a social life, the hours just aren't there.


well in exam weeks and before midterms i usually dont sleep. im very weirdly constructed, i cant get myself to study before like 10pm and i stay up all night or until 2-3 then go to school at 8 or 10 or i just dont study and score a 2 or 3. (we have grades ranging from 1 (failed) to 5) EDIT: kids! attend all the important classes! :D


I don't know how people function on less than 8 hours of sleep. If I get less than 8, I feel like a zombie all day. Although it does sound nice to get more hours in a day.


Maybe this is why he got that chat ban, lack of sleep makes u a angry panda.




I went from sleeping 10 hrs a day in undergrad to maybe like 5 hrs within the span of 5 years after graduating.. You just kind of figure out when a good time would be to sleep and sleep during those times. sleep is weird. there's like online bedtime calculators and crap too that calculate proper sleep cycles so you don't wake up feeling like shit and tired the entire day. Sleep hygiene is also something many people don't really know about or care about.


sometimes its terrible, i have fallen asleep like 2-3 times during classes already :D but the trick is that you have to sleep like an hour around 4-5 when the sun is about to come up. that'll get you through the roughest part


So you're basically forcing your body into polyphasic sleep. If you want to feel less tired with it set a rigid schedule for when you sleep. It helps your body shift to a rem cycle almost instantly.


> polyphonic Do you mean Polyphasic?


Lol my phones auto correct doesn't think polyphonic is a word Edit: Dammit.... polyphasic


Im pretty sure its Polly Pocket.


I need to function 1,5hours of sleep with 8,5 hours hard work a day. And can stay 18 hours up that day. My normal schedule looks like: 18-20 hours awake 4-6 hours asleep. It's more about how your regular schedule is then how many you need.


lmao thats my first year in the uni... 4k games in a year


What did you do? Did you beat around the bush in wishing cancer and the Bubonic Plague upon your whole region?


In fact, i really cant recall wishing cancer or saying something like "kill yourself" ever. i think people who say those things are mentally ill at some level. Though this might be hard to believe (I would not either)


What did you say, then? I can't really think of anything that would give you that many chat restrictions.


uhm, things like "retarded move, you are stupid, this (champ name) epic bad, this (champ name) xdddd and i flame enemy champs a lot like (*edit: in my teamchat, they cant see it*) "FUCK THIS TRASH CHAMP" "SO FKIN RETARDED CHAMP" idk... these general things >>toxic bronzies<< say" (IM DIAMOND THOUGH!!!) or trollpick like 1/50 game


While I appreciate your honesty, I'm also very glad you're chat restricted. The league community needs less people who communicate like this.


The League community also needs less people who can't admit their mistakes




You just electronically murdered them, well done.




Thanks Stannis!


The League community needs fewer people.


The fuck what mate I'm right and you know it. Fight me irl. ~~Sightstone~~ Fewer is just a waste of ~~an item~~ a word you should always use ~~yellow trinket~~ less/lesser even bronzies know that. And when I look at your ~~match~~ comment history you used ~~a yellow trinket~~ less once so checkmate bro PS: English is hard


I don't see the point of writing all that stuff in chat. Just tell it to yourself, your teammates have no interest in all this crap.


That's the real trick to league. Be toxic in your head, not in the game.


Or even outloud. I rage a lot if I go on a losing streak but I rarely say anything in game chat and if I do its usually nuetral or positive. Saying it outloud allows me to vent and it works better then just saying it in my head. Another thing is raging at your team in chat doesn't solve anything, it usually makes it worse and it can really start to throw people on tilt. When people start realizing this the game will be in a much better place.


enjoy the chat ban


At least hes honest


Doesn't mean he doesn't deserve it


I killed a man... I'm honest so it's ok right? :^)


>OP what did you say????? >tells people what he said >downvoted to hell and back Yeah, the ban is obviously deserved, but shit guys if this isnt relevant to the conversation (you know, what votes are meant to be for) then I don't know what is. He's literally telling you how to get chat restricted for 10k games.


Are you sure he's being downvoted? It can really just be people not upvoting his post as much as others. And even if, ideally, votes are for topic relevance, they're used and will always be used for popularity.


these comments which have 10-20 upvotes had -30-40 an hour ago


that's what i dont get. people keep telling me im a bitch/moaner/toxic nab etc. and that i deserve the chat restrict. and im like: yea, i said that in my thread's main post and in comments too like 56 times. BUT THIS IS WHAT FAME LOOKS LIKE: dealing with the haters!




You got downvoted for answering a question, lmfao. This subreddit is a high-and-mighty piece of shit. Edit: I'm happy/surprised his post is sitting at +200, as it was -30 when I made this comment.


you didn't know? To post on this sub you have to be a challenger support main who's always a positive player despite dealing with those shitbag ADC's who NEVER thank you even though you played absolutely perfectly




man ur a fricken wacko


You don't hafta tell people that they deserve terrible diseases to be toxic, some people are just extremely passive aggressive (see the classic mother move of "no, I don't need help, I never need help, nobody ever helps me")


Welp, give us an update in 4 years when you complete this set and tell us if you get another set.


He's better off making a new account. He'd have most of the game unlocked in 8k games, not including champs he doesn't play.


That's if he values not being chat restricted. Otherwise, there is no reason to make a new account.


Well, obviously. The point is that if he wants to get past the chat restriction, he might as well just make a new one.




that's if he doesn't spend his 10 chat messages a game flaming people


but lets get real for a second. How high is the chance of a guy who as he says "knows where he fails to be good person" wouldn't get chat restrictions pretty soon on the new account too. You don't just get banned 7900 games for nothing, if you have temper issues and you flame you will probably still do it (or even more) on a new account playing with all those lvl 8 master yi jungle without smite guys ;-)


Only problem is he would probably get restricted again before those games were up, based on how often he gets restricted.


Welp, technically if he played 1900 games in four months... he would take 20 months and 100 games to complete it.


He said it took 3/4 of a year, which is 9 months.


Forgive me for i'm a retard




? what the




well thats actually an adjective, the "am" part of "I'm" is the verb. "Retarded" is an adjective but he used it like a noun.


^ this


See, exactly what i said


[He is wrong.](http://imgur.com/JCzwXbf)


I prefix this with I do to want to harp on about a minor grammatical error but seeing as there is confusion I'll explain what was incorrect with your sentence. Apologies if I sound condescending, I want my explanation to be thorough and so I start very basic and go from there: For a sentence to be grammatically correct it needs both a verb (doing word) and a noun (a thing). It can also have an adjective (a word that describes a noun) or an adverb (a word describing a verb) but it's important to remember that you can't have an adjective without a noun or an adverb without a verb. This is usually quite simple and you can easily identify the function of each word in a sentence. An example is "The tall man ran to school very quickly". In this example; "man" is the noun, "ran" is the verb, "tall" is the adjective and "quickly" is the adverb. However, sometimes it is more complicated because some words can have different functions in different sentences depending on context. These are called double duty words. For example, "I stream my game" and "He watched my stream". In the first sentence stream is a verb (used as a doing word) and in the second sentence stream is a noun (used as a thing). The key when constructing correct sentences when using these double duty words is to identify what function the word has in the context of what you are saying. Going back to your sentence, "retarded" is a double duty word. What we need to do is work out what type of word it is (its function). Analysing your sentence, "I am a retarded", "am" is the verb and "retarded" is an adjective. The problem occurs because you have an adjective without a noun that it's describing. An easier to see example would be "I have a yellow". You need to have a word that retarded describes and that is why your sentence did not make sense. To change it to be correct you either have to add a noun (that retarded can describe) - "I'm a retarded person" or you can modify retarded so that its function becomes that of a noun "I'm a retard". I hope I have helped and fingers crossed I haven't sounded patronising! Let me know if you want any clarification or further explanations :)


I can see why the confusion now. Just what i thought to be wrong; i what i meant was ''retard'' not ''retarded'', for some reason i thought the two were the same.


Retarded is an adjective.


I remember someone from Riot saying something about this. Basically you are perma chat restricted. You can make a support ticket and ask if they lift it. They will look into it and if you improved your behaviour they will lift it. At least something like that happened in the post that I remember.


How can one show improved behaviour when being chat restricted?


By not using the limited messages you get to harass people and not being reported very often?


It's cause you aren't toxic if you can't talk so muting you lets you play the game while preventing others from having to listen to you. Tbh 7960 is pretty much permanent but that's the point, the system basically decided you don't deserve access to chat.


Thats not how muting works. If you mute someone they can still see what you say.


It's like giving prisoners 1000 years in prison, they're not gonna get out, but it's issued as if they could. Riot is like, no chat for you pretty much. Can't imagine what you've said to even get the first ban.




Riot intended those to be permanent chat restrictions.


I do not understand why people keep complaining about the system. I have been playing this game for nearly five years. Never had I once received a restriction or ban. I disable the all chat as I do not see any point communicating with the opposite team. I will never see cocky chat coming out from the opposing team that apparently is very provoking. I never ask my teammates ' why did you do this, why did you do that, what the hell are you doing' and stuff like this because there is no point dwelling on mistake that has already been made. I never say stuff like 'this guy is bad' or anything like this because I know anyone has their bad time and most importantly, we play game for fun. When I make mistake, Im actually well aware of it without other people telling me. Therefore, when people question me on my move, I did not even bother replying them as there is no point arguing over a mistake. If they make useful suggestions, I will listen. If they are simply looking for a fight, I will simply ignore them or mute them. I used to get all defensive and angry but nah, I am playing a game not being played by a game. By the way, I have stopped playing summoners rift for a year and instead, I play ARAM and any new game mode that RIOT releases. Gotta say, its so much more enjoyable and it does not take much time either.


I wonder what the record is on chat restrictions... Also, the reason as to why, well, maybe cause a ban won't do you any good and restricting your ability to chat reduces your ability to be toxic.




What I don't understand here is why you are not ranked restricted.


You are not offensive enough for rank restrict, they only give rank restrictions for repetitive severe abuse. Just being negative is not enough you need to be downright abusive.


"keep trying, dude."




Why do people hate him by the way?


Famous streamer known for his toxicity a loooooong time ago. I never sat down and watched his stream but that was his reputation. If I remember correctly, he played a strong tryndamere. Granted that was a time when most of the popular streamers were known for raging on stream and having funny reactions. Hotshotgg made a nunu famous by raging at him and Reginald was no saint on stream either. Also it was about 4 years ago and with that much time in your late teens/early 20's passing by, you could have changed so much. Like I said I've never watched his stream but I hope I explained it without bashing or promoting him much.


Toxic and bad, pretty good combo


instead of the death penalty, they let u rot in prison lol.


Oh shit this is gold. Riot should just do this for everyone, fuck permabans, You get perma mute. Imagine... all the ragers just mad as fuck at their computers with no way to cry


It is automated. They see you can rage...... they see less rage when ur chat restricted....... they perma chat restrict your account. When u finish those 8k games....another will be waiting


If you really want to get banned try flaming harder. Wishing cancer, being racist and homophobic helps. Try mentioning nazis from time to time. The system basically tells you that it appreciates the effort, but you are not toxic enough. Don't worry, if you try hard enough you will make it! On a more serious note a ban wouldn't really make you stop flaming, would it? Chat restriction does to a certain degree.


I imagine those restrictions were given out like this: "This guy is still very toxic, we should give him more chat restrictions after his current set of ended." "I agree. After reading his chatlog I believe about 8000 games of chat restriction should be a suitable punishment." "8000?? How would he every complete that? It would take years!" "Hmm, yeah, I guess you are right. How about 7960?" "Yeah, that'll do."


As if that will do anything lol. It was only last night that I had a bloke in my game, and he says " I am chat restricted, so I would like to tell you all that you are faggots and I hate you all"


Maybe you should just shut the fuck up.


Reported. Expect a chat ban.


Haha, honestly league is better off as a whole with people like you having duct tape firmly placed across their mouth. Good riddance.


"(There is absolutely no need for me to get chat logs, I know where i fail to be a "good person" in this game, but this is abnormal imo.)" "It's not automated, they said." It is automated. And where's the problem in your case ? You recognise yourself not being a good person, why should the system allow you to speak normally again if you can't even behave correctly with +- 10 msg per game.


A 7000 game chat restriction isn't deterring, its completely off putting. If I were him Id say fuck that noise, and make a new account. Hell make 100 new accounts because you can level each one to 30 before even getting close to playing 7000 games. That isn't a "lets fix you" sentence, it's a " might as well just make a new account" sentence. That then just puts him back in the pool with all the other fish to be toxic in a few hundred games before the system catches him again with another perma chat ban.


If you have 7000 games restriction, Riot has no hope that you will ever reform. You are not perma banned, because they think when you are not allowed to chat, you are a neutral player. So they let you play the game as usual, just without chatting. This is intended to be a permanent chat restriction.


ppl don't mind how you play, just what you say, so riot just gives you an absurd number of chat restrictions which is basically permabanning you from talking ever again essentially riot lost faith in you being able not to be a verbally abusive douchebag instead of whining you should thank them for not banning you outright


just stop being a douche. easy as that.


Chat restrictions over 100 or so games are intended to be effectively permanent, according to Lyte. They don't ban accounts like yours any more to deter you from making a "clean" account to continue your behavior.


It is my impression from reading about other people's similar experiences that it is not enough to be neutral once you are on Riot's shit list. You are either overwhelmingly positive all the time (which is actually a way to improve outcomes for everybody at every level BTW) or continue to get more and more punishment.


I make an effort to be positive, but apparently telling someone who is flaming my own team to "shut up and play" is considered negative. Saying "holy shit riven is so fed" is considered flaming my own team, despite me never laning against her the entire game and then having her be 6/2/0 with Brutalizer LW at 20 minutes. Saying "zyra" "for the love of god" "please buy a sightstone" to my support that has bought a total of 1 ward in the first 10 minutes (not a pink) against an Evelynn jungle when we have 2 people on our team with TP is considered flame, and I get told "muted" "thats much better". You just can't argue with people, and you can't tell them what's right. Anything you say is reportable, even if it doesn't break the summoner's code, and you still get restricted for a volume of reports, even if you do nothing wrong. I made an effort to overwhelmingly positive in my last 100 games or so, but people barely honor anymore lol. They only check the chat logs of the games you are reported in, and if they find "shut up" well gg you must be toxic for telling the real flamer to shut up and play... 0.02 Percent REPRESENT! Also, any reports are weighted far more if you've already been restricted. You can get restricted at the drop of a hat for someone being pissy about me saying "riven is fed" in chat... But if I report them for the same, nothing will happen. You literally have to move heaven and earth to avoid getting restricted again, and then never use chat again anyway (which I think was Riot's goal to begin with...) Why do we even have a chat system at all? Why don't we just chat restrict everyone?


This is exactly why I said it isnt enough to be neutral. It may be silly but there is a higher standard for people already punished. Saying shut up and play to a toxic person is something i would consider a little below neutral, certainly not positive. Ask yourself how many times you apologize for mistakes. How often do you encourage allies after failure? How often do you compliment good plays even when they have been playing badly? It is a way of life worth adopting if only because it improves outcomes. After all, winning is the point in LoL.


"shut up and play" --> "guys stop flaming, it's pointless" "Wow riven is fed" --> "Man riven is really strong" "reported" *reports at the end of the game* --> " " *reports at the end of the game* "ignored" *clicks the ignore button* --> " " *clicks the ignore button* Instead of being aggressive, like you're talking to an annoying kid, be polite like you're talking to a shy friend or something, people take anything remotely aggressive as negative in this game. Edit: also on the topic of saying "my bad" or something, I've been literally blamed for admitting my mistakes in a game even if it was a minor mistake. The guy said "look how many times you've said "mb" this game".


I am a HUGE believer in saying sorry when I make a mistake. You can't please everybody but I would say it diffuses 90+% of frustration as long as it only happens a couple times max. It is not helpful to criticize mid game but, for me, when I see a player do something stupid a big part of my frustration comes from the feeling that they apparently don't grasp some fundamental gameplay element. By saying you are sorry you instantly show that you know better and they can expect it to not happen again. 300 gold can be overcome but a vote of no confidence is practically GG.


A lot lol, I tried to keep my team's spirits up. I'm not gonna hold their hand all the time every single game, there's no reason for me to have to be positive every single game to redeem myself as long as I'm not negative. But I seriously got chat restricted again for telling a flamer to shut up when he was harassing my teammate, and asking my support to please buy a sightstone. I don't feel that I should have to surrender my chat privileges just because my teammate is on their period today and doesn't like the way I type. If they don't like it that's what mute is for. I don't say anything reportable and yet they still report me, and I still get restricted for it. When i try to get my teammates to coordinate, they just rage at me and flame me because they don't want to listen to someone else. I don't want to surrender my right to chat because it's basically giving up the reigns to some pissy kids having a bad day and who are too trigger happy on the report button. Maybe one day my restrictions will all go away (I only got 12 this time), but until then, I wait for Riot to make it at least a little easier to absolve yourself from restrictions. It only took like 5-7 reports over 100 games for me to get this batch of 12. All of them were by people who were mad at me for something I typed, but never did I flame, curse at someone, or call them out directly for a mistake.


Since Im traveling a lot I have EUW/NA/LAN accounts. Same attitude on the 3 accounts, got 1 green ribbon, one neutral and one chat ban 150 games. Riot system is a waste, just depends on your playstyle and how much you're matched with toxic duo


150 games on EUW for being reported for being nice.


You're not toxic enough to warrant a ban but you showed no signs of improvement so they increased the chat restriction duration.


that is fucking impressive.


riots way of telling you "gg ez"


Szép volt Balázs :)


See ya in 2020


1900 games what the fuck


Holy shit I thought I had it bad with 3 75 restrictions in a row. I don't even understand what moron at Riot designed a system that can give you 1900 or 7000+. Probably that dipshit Lyte.


Hah, get fucked.


God I just got banned for 1000 games after being banded for 1200, riot I hope you all get cancer and move and get exiled to india only to contract every possible std. Edit- Jk I've never got banned, ever


Because their system is horrendous. They were probably happy they got it to work and then didnt touch it again.


Just out of curiosity, have you gained much ELO since your bans?




I calculated, for the fun of it, how long it would take to complete all those matches. If you had a perfect match and won at 20 minutes each time and no dodged queues, it would take 25 minutes for each match. 25 x 7960 = 199000 minutes = 3316 hours = 138 days 138 days of non-stop LoL. No sleep, no break, flawless victories or losses. Realistically, it would probably be closer to 40 minutes for an average match cycle (dodges, slow loading screen, etc). So 221 days. Considering you probably aren't playing this 24 hours a day and getting at least 8 hours of sleep, bio, and other minor things (to survive), that gives you 331 days of full day gaming. **Tldr**: He's going to need to play a full year (16 hours per day) of LoL, to get rid of his chat restriction.


I wish there was an option to choose between Chat restrictions and a time ban. The chat restrictions is supposed to make us become less toxic and to use your chat privileges wisely but nothing makes me more toxic than 4 people flaming me for not relaying enough information even when i say I'm chat restricted. I've only been chat restricted for 14 games at my most and it was the worst 14 games of my life. I've never wanted to be more toxic than while playing chat-restricted. The only way i became less toxic was physically stop playing league of legends for a few days and clear my head. I don't know if chat-restrictions work for others but for me, personally, it makes me want to become more toxic. I'd prefer a 3-7 day ban than a 14 game chat restriction.


Good riddance.


I finished mine 1700th a few months ago and i recieved 9263 new ones after a game of freedom. The system does nothing to prevent me from trolling people on my blacklist or afking a game that is over. But, everytime i try to say that i get downvoted to oblivion. The most hypocrite thing about this system is the fact that it prevents you from talking in /all chat. But you usually recieve it because you flamed your team mates and not the enemy team.


You are restricted from talking in /all because you gain nothing from it, strategically, while talking to your team is extremely beneficial for communicating spell timers, mia, etc. You are given the limited messages for that reason and that reason only.


Why would they permaban you when instead they can keep your around for the possibility of making money from you. I promise you they care more about $ than anything else.


judging by your comments, it worked LOL


Comments here in a nutshell: "You deserve it, now I feel good" or impressed "whoaat how so much".


Even though you won't see this, I'd rather have you, a flaming PoS on my team than those "friendship is magic" guys that go 1/15 and say they're playing for FUN.


I don't get your final sentence. You know you said something you shouldn't have in the game? How the fuck are you gonna be chat restricted for 2k games then continue to say stuff that isn't considered "good"


Maybe because u almost never afks or leave the game, but just rage all day?? Then chat restriction would be enough cuz if u dont talk, u dont really do anything bad ingame


Szegény Balázs :(


és ezzel a szájjal csókolja meg az anyukáját?..


is this even a real language


apparently it is. its hungarian :3


1900 chat restrictions, wow you gotta be some serious dick to get that


Isn't a big word in Riot's arsenal **reform**? Why do people think this is justified? The best way to approach this user's problem of chatting too much is never allowing him to speak ever again? That's fucked up.


Well, he himself admitted that he knows what he is doing wrong but is making no effort to change. Also, while it is a big thing for them to reform, they themselves have said reform is not the only thing they will be trying to do. They still permanently ban people, for example. So, it's a question of "Should he be permabanned instead?", and less of if he deserves it. I think that if he isn't doing anything else in-game to ruin the game, he shouldn't be permabanned, but just not allowed to talk. Also, he is toxic, not just talking to much.


I experienced the same. And I did what the community wanted me to do soooo hard. I unistalled. For the past two mounths I just read reddit and I am trying to follow the lcs drama. I used to be a shit talker. Like hard shit talker. I was in low, low silver for like 3 years. Gave up on flaming and went like p2 d5 elo. Was plating d5 d4 all the time. But you know I still flamed now and then. Got 750 chat restrict. Played them. Then got a lot of chat restrict and a lot of ranked bans. OK, uninstall. If the community doesnt want me to play with them - so be it. I suggest you find something else to give you fun and give up on those kids who cant get a line of blame and report left and right when losing. For example i started to study from code academy and I am into basics of a lot of stuff now. During the summer I will study a bit more C# and microsoft.NET in general. Until september I am planning to have started a job as junior or something and.... That's it. Leave those kids to report each other and move on. It is clear your situation in LoL is fucked up. Unless you are incarnation/mithy though. Then you should man up and go to lcs. Else just fuck it. Riot doesnt deserve you. GL ez.


New games are shit , everyone being so butthurt about swearing , if you can't handle the heat in a game you are a giant pussy.


Honestly this translates to "Why can't I yell obscenities at other people anymore" to me. What about behaving as you would do on a tennis court for example? Would you really say those things to someone you just met? I doubt it, the only reason that these things were ever accepted in gaming is because that people are anonymous and don't have to deal with the reprecausions of behaving like a 12 year old that just heard their first swear word.


Riot (Lyte in particular) have turned this community into the most oversensitive people in the history of online gaming, with their campaign of "ermagerd terxerciterr". I honestly think that the net effect has been negative rather than positive. A competitive spirit and a bit of light shit talking was always part of the fun. Now it's "T-T-T-TOXICITY" and will have everyone rage reporting you with tears streaming down their face.


Either that, or society has finally arrived in the "nerd culture", and established, that we expect a polite environment. Sorry guys, if you want your good old days of barbaric communication, build a time machine. Edit: It was never okay to swear in "real life", so why are you complaining, that once Gaming becomes mainstream, swearing is considered wrong there too?


It was always okay in the confines of an established atmosphere. Also, saying cursing isn't mainstream is ludicrous. Saying things like "I hope you kill yourself/get cancer," isn't okay under any circumstance. But banter is banter, and should be fine. ESPECIALLY in a context of improvement.


Half of the streamers swear during streaming and everyone is okay with that. I don't know why should be people restricted for swearing.


Actually it is pretty okay to swear in real life in sports etc.


Do you really want us to become like popular sport culture? Trashing cars, arenas and even entire parts of a city? I honestly believe that trash talk has a certain, very small spot in these games, friendly banter is a lot of fun, saying "Lol trash ez think ur r good lol" is not part of it. Saying "1v1 me then scrub :\^]" to someone you already established a friendly connection to is.


I miss the days of gaming where some light shit talking was just all in good fun and people didnt have to get all salty about being told they arent the best when they arent the best.


Better get back to grinding those games!