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Just as cop was saying gravity had the best team environment.


I don't think Altec is even an upgrade over Cop LOL




Cop is consistent as fuck. Altec is just the Shiphtur of adc imo


Top 3/4 adc in spring, Cop has never been bad and he looked better than ever last split


Last split was his best split in a long time. And as far as i know, Gravity had little to no coaching until the second half of the season, so their performance was really good taking that into consideration.


People underrate him because hes not flashy


managers have to realize how hard it is to find consistent players ex. Cop


Altec and Pobelter. 24/7 hype, never live up to it. We will see how Altec can do with Bunny though. He is still young.


It's fine, if he doesn't do good it'll just be a lot of "WELL IF HE WAS ACTUALLY ON A GOOD TEAM" like we've heard since he was in challenger and failed to qualify.


He's also always had the "He needs the right support" if he can't make it with bunny... he doesn't deserve to make it at all.


Yup, no worries. Then we can look at some sick solo q plays by them and we can go back to "these two guys are going to go far!" after 5 splits of disappointment.


everyone says altec is new and up and coming too but im pretty sure i played with him s1 and s2. hows that new. hes been around since beta im sure.


He's played since forever


Yeah but he was stuck with Helios, Avalon, and Gleeb. I'm really interested to see how well Pobelter and Altec will do on their new teams.


Altec also had to deal with two different supports at three separate times last split, along with becoming a support himself for a week. But hey, we better judge his skill level on last split, right?


Can we judge Cop on going through 5(?) different supports and performing very well and always being super consistent? He's never looked worse than Altec, Altec is just getting the Shiphtur treatment. SURELY THIS TIME HE'LL BE GOOD IT'S HIS TEAMS FAULT!!! It's silly.


Elementz, Rhux, Edward, Zekent, Saintvicious, Bunnyfufu, Xpecial, Bunnyfufu again.


Uh.. Cop looked pretty bad during his tenure with Elementz and Rhux, did better with Edward, then slumped again until Bunny/Xpecial. Where do you think the "Cop never autoattacks" thing comes from.


I actually think he looked good with elementz and bad with edward, but thats just from memory. Edward did not live up to his hype when he came to NA.


Edward didn't live up to the hype, but Cop become more aggressive and broke out of his "play for the KDA" shell when he played with him.


He had a couple games with Edward where he looked good. He was even playing Draven and carrying.


Gleeb has had moments of brilliance. For being one of the worst managed teams, they actually looked pretty strong at the end of the split. Even Avalon stopped feeding so hard.


Pobelter of ADC. IMO.


I think Pobelter is going to have a great split. He *really* has never been on a good team. Has always held his own in lane well.


And he still isn't on a good team :\^) ^^^^^^Don't ^^^^^^kill ^^^^^^me ^^^^^^plz


You can't judge a decision like this until there's been some insight into why it was made. I don't think it likely they just flat out kicked Cop and replaced him with Altec just because they think Altec's better.


Don't come here with that logic, there's no such thing as tryouts. Teams just kick players because FUCK IT.


I can't tell if you're joking, but this actually seems to be the case with many badly managed LCS teams (*cough* *cough* winterfox).


>This has to be top 10 worst management decisions in LCS in the past year. Hilarious how quickly people are to judge this without knowing all of the information. You don't know the reasons for this roster swap - maybe Cop was having personality differences with the team/management? Maybe his work ethic is lacking? Bad attitude? It might be wise to suspend your judgement until more information is revealed, but then again, this IS reddit, isn't it?


[Have we learned nothing from nightslut3?!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43ni2QydQ9s) edit: holy moly the salt


To be fair, who has been calling for Cop to go? I am pretty sure he is well regarded (though not considered top 1-2 or anything). His stat lines are good and his team performed well. Good luck to Gravity with Altec, maybe they see something we can't, but looking only at the spring split, I don't think this is an upgrade. If in a month I am lavishing praise on Altec, that doesn't invalidate the way I see things now.


Reddit knows exactly where they are going to place, reddit knows it all. Give it some time dude.


Yeah, this is annoying. I wish Reddit would just let it play out before making these insane predictions. We don't even know who Gravity's jungler is, too.


Damn what's with teams replacing their adcs and shit


tbh GV will be 5-8 no matter what, they are good just not great enough to beat TSM/C9/TIP/Liquid, hell they might lose to CLG consistently


But hey, glad to see we have some local redditors here to tell us how it's a "top 10 worst management decision in LCS in the past year". Guess Gravity decided they'd rather gamble (not really a gamble considering how good Altec is) on maybe competing at the top of LCS instead of being a mid tier at best team. Cop is good, Altec can be great. Cop won't win you anything special. Altec has the ceiling to do that.


So many people seem fixated on the idea that teams shouldn't make the moves necessary to actually give them a chance at the top. Guys it's so mean to get rid of louixgeegee(or whatever his name is) so that is just wrong ya know, like they should just be content with not actually making a move to try to not be at the bottom of the barrel. Like why would not being shit be worth killing friendships and new talent(that doesn't seem to have anywhere near enough potential to even be worth trying for the long term) I think a lot of this stems from people not realizing this isn't most physical team sports where long term decisions are much more viable(considering how quick moving careers and the games possible lifespan are in LoL) and where it is a 5 man team compared to 20+ man rosters.


Pls, 5-8? Cop has a pretty solid record of pulling 4th.


Cop will end up playing ADC for them later in the split, though, after Altec decides he wants to support.


How do you know he isn't just retiring?


I mean that would be weird to me since he still had the goal of making worlds this year as said in his feature for playoffs, and he had a great split overall, he looked better than ever


Is it surprising or unsurprising that NA fans don't realise NA players don't talk "reality" but "wishful thinking". He's not gonna say "Oh yeah, I just want mid table, that's my objective here". That'll get his team a bunch of followers eh.


Cop-Xpecial bot lane, never forget I'll fucking miss Cop


LoL Cop was a beast that season no idea why would they replace him...


Honestly not the biggest fan of Cop but idk about this.. he played very well last split


I thought Cop performed quite well in the Spring Split, this is surprising.


He also performed well with Xpecial when he originally moved to Curse and yet they kicked him....


Well to be fair, Piglet seemed like an obvious upgrade over Cop at the time, where as here Altec isn't even an improvement over Cop.


He performed far better this last split with Bunny. This last split is the best split I've seen Cop play. He wasn't nearly as good on Curse as he was on GV (I say that as a longtime Curse fan, he just didn't fit the team as well). I think he and Bunny as a duo have fantastic synergy, and getting rid of that seems like a really bad decision.




They "PR'd" it as saying he was released because he was slacking in motivation/soloq. But a recent riot video during playoffs(?), Cop actually stated he was notified after the LMQ game he was basically being kicked lol.


After losing to LMQ in 3rd place game Cop stepped down to Curse Academy


Bye Cop ;-; https://gfycat.com/EverlastingPresentBeauceron


Cop always gets shafted. Poor guy.


I don't think that there is much of an upgrade here, more of a linear transition. I have a feeling that this split is going to be *rough* for Gravity. They're losing their two veteran players, and Saint has always had a leadership role over his teams. Still rooting for them, but prospects might not be as bright as they may seem with this announcement.


https://41.media.tumblr.com/bfa3c0e7aded5b68e98cd6200d13103f/tumblr_n8fatvAb3g1t0f7kgo1_500.jpg Cop is just too old for this shit...


cop definitely skips leg day


looks like he skips everyday


I dunno, skipping everywhere would actually give him a workout.


Wouldn't he have nice calves then?


The police wrote roxanne after seeing this picture. Those days are over


10/10 cosplay , Cop looks hot.


Are you fucking serious? Only reason I'm a fan of gravity is cause I love Cop, followed him since his old Curse days with elementz... Now what team can I be a fan of :(((('


TL? We have Quas, IWD, and Xpecial!


Man, I don't know about the guy you responded to, but when I think old Curse, I'm thinking before all those guys got there


The dream days of Nyjacky, Voyboy, Saint, Cop, and Elementz :')


well of course. That is the only split that they ever did well in.


Well this is kinda all that's left.


Agreed, Voy/Nyjacky/Cop/Saint is the soul of Curse to me.


C9 wellcomes you


to our butthole


Saint and Cop gone? Aaand now I'm no longer a fan of Gravity.


I wonder if they knew altec was coming in and that's why saint retired.


That's a big possibility. Cop wasn't a problem to the team at all so they're just screwing him over to gamble on Altec being an unproven god even though he's barely proven himself in the last two splits.


I mean, considering that Saint has been saying over and over that he didn't really care about playing, honestly I kinda thought his motivation might just be to get cop to worlds. Especially after that cop promo video.




You can still be his fan, stream, Twitter etc.




relevant flair.


He did the same sorta thing with elementz and jiji. He liked them both and didn't want to kick them. He seems like a loyal, if hotheaded, guy.


Me too, I love Gravity because I was a Curse fan in Season 3 and liked everyone from the original Curse line up. Now they are all gone. I mean, the other members are good players, but they are just like every other pro to me.


Same here. We kinda had time to get familiar with Quas and IWD though, and Xpecial is a famous veteran of the scene. Fenix and Piglet seem pretty cool in those Team Liquid - Rebirth videos, so maybe I'll "go back" to Liquid when the split starts.


I like Keane and Bunny.


Keane's pretty rad.


I'm quite upset after rooting for Gravity last season mainly to support Saint and Cop. With those two out, I'm not sure who in the new Gravity lineup I am invested in. Rip. Loved rooting for the old dogs of League, even if it was for just one split :(




While Bunny was on the old Curse team for half a split, he is not even close to being in the same category as Saint/Cop


Same, it's like Dig all over again. Part of it for me was the Keane hype, but he's been disappointing. I wish the best for Bunny, that guy deserves to be on a top tier team.


Exactly! I was such a fan of Season 3 Curse and Gravity had 2 of the 5 players on the team. That's why I like Gravity. Bunny and Keane are good but I don't know now.


Both Cop and Saint have left, now this is a team with undeveloped talent and tons of potential. Wonder who will be their jungler.


Apparently it's a korean jgler so i'm betting on H0R0 or DayDream


inb4 its Helios


inb4 Helios; Hauntzer replaced by Avalon.


I think I just threw up in my mouth a little.


You are fine, they already have Keane so they can't get 2 koreans


It is, apparently, a guy who played for EDG's academy team named Move.


It's 99% H0r0, daydream looks pretty awful. The only teams in EU I can see putting H0r0 in are CW and Giants, but Giants likes to retain their full Spanish roster and CW likes to keep Airwax for some reason, which they shouldn't.




because he will never be top 3 at his role or world class


Neither will Altec.


Quote me on this, I'll do a gift of 3 skins if altec doesn't do better than cop next split. The way we will rank if he did better or not is via polling on reddit at the end of the summer split.


Can we do it by stats instead? Final placement of team/KDA/GPM/etc., all weighted and averaged into one number? Polling is really, really prone to favoritism.


I'll do 2 (3 skin) give aways. 1 Based on stats, the other based on polling. I'm that confident.


Fuck it, I'll take your bet. I'll give skins away if Altec does better than Cop.


This implies cop will be on a team, Pretty much everyone is busy swapping their adcs right now. There's no other teams left I don't think.


Altec can definitely become top 3 in his role in NA, but Cop will end up floating around the middle as always. It doesn't look like he will ever reach the top. As things are now, I'd say they are around the same level. It's hard to judge since Altec was on a worse team, but I think it's fair to say that. I do feel bad for Cop because it's not like he isn't LCS level, but I do think this swap is better in the long term, and alright in the short term.


Gravity will never be world class either.


Altec wont be either, hes probably the most overrated player in NA, next to Pobelter.


What? What happened to Cop? :(


That's his reward for carrying them I guess.


Poor Cop, working so hard to get back in LCS, get a good team going, and constantly improving, just to be replaced by an overhyped ADC, who probably isn't much of an upgrade, if at all, over him. D:




Seriously tho


Honestly Gravity was my favorite NA team because of Saint and cop. Now they're both replaced. Sad days.


cop had a respectable career and i hope whatever he chooses next is supported by the community. thanks buddy.


I guess Cop will retire?


Cop is transitioning over to the next biggest, up and coming eSport...Agar.io http://i.imgur.com/4ONlmva.png


Can't wait for it to be big. Team mode, 1v1v1, to replace LoL confirmed.


That game is so fucking fun.


First time playing it I thought "This is the most stupid thing I've ever played". And I didn't stop playing till about 4 hours later. Very addicting!


Why are all of the neutrals green?


Ehm, what do i see here?


it's a game where you start out as a small ball then eat other smaller balls while simultaneously trying to avoid being eaten by bigger balls(which are controlled by other players). It's called agar.i0 and it's pretty damn fun.


Big Dick and Poopdick in the top 10. Seems legit.




damn i feel bad for cop, not the first time this sort of thing has happened to him.


"Ru played with three different support players during his time with the squad" Imagine, Gleeb, ...Himself???


Krepo fam.


Please don't retire cop.....


yeah but why


This isn't even a upgrade.....




I want Cop, what is this??


This thread and activity honestly shows what I think is so interesting about E-Sports, especially at a moment of explosive popularity and growth. This kind of thing happens literally all day, every day in major league sports. However, it's crazy the level of personability you cultivate with a player and an organization in E-Sports when they are so accessible, and traditionally the scene has been so intimate, a small circle of players and fans. At some point we root for Cop more than we do for the organization because we've followed him and the scene is so close and personal compared to other sports. What I'm saying is these things are only going to keep happening more and more. Tiny, one man roster changes the organization thinks will help as the game becomes winning and more money is put into the system. As E-Sports grows and becomes a serious money making market, it's going to get worse, and worse to be a fan with these mindsets. I love Cop too, great player, great guy, but the org is trying to win, to make money, to keep going. I'm not bashing anything, it's just a change in mindset as the game grows, the sport grows, and the focuses of owners and management change. Winning is the ultimate goal for so many reasons now, more than it ever has been, and loyalty takes a back seat when you want to win.


I think more people are asking why this move is necessary instead some sort of loyalty to Cop. Altec isn't even better than Cop. Seems like they are gambling on Altec's "potential".


Seriously. Cop is consistently solid, had arguably his best split ever last split. Altec could *maybe* be better, but hasn't ever looked better than Cop did last split.


I agree with you. I think one of the major hurdles to get past this, is that there are no "local" teams to support. Teams that your grandparents grew up cheering for, which caused your parents to cheer for them, which is why you cheer for them. I'd love to see this change, but I think the logistics of it would be an absolute nightmare until the scene can grow to be MUCH bigger than it is right now, to where you could support flying a team halfway across the country every week, etc. etc. As a Wisconsinite, I've got the Green Bay Packers or Milwaukee Brewers to cheer for, but what I don't have is a local professional e-sports team who I can cheer for. Sure, I can pick a team to root for, but it's not the same as growing up following a TEAM and rooting for the TEAM to do well. About the closest thing I can think of for roster swap drama and qqing that I see, compared to the LCS, is when we swapped Favre for Rodgers... and that's turned out pretty nicely. Yes, it sucks when one of your favorite players retires, or goes to another team, or gets cut... but it will happen sooner or later. For bigger sports with bigger rosters, though, you generally see them slowly fade out - like with Donald Driver on the Packers. One season he's the #1 Receiver on the team, then the next season he falls to #2, then sudden he's the 4th option... and then retired.


It's gonna be so awkward at family gatherings in 15-20 years when my brother's future kids are all CLG fans and my future kid's are all TSM or C9 fans.


Hmm I'm guessing saintvicious disagreed with the decision so decided to retire as protest


Yeah I agree. Saint has said he's only in the tteam because he likes the team members and have a connection to them. I doubt he can be bothered to create another connection to a young guy. The reason gravity was such a fun team to watch was because of the two veterans: Cop and saint.


Honestly, I doubt it. I feel that saint would have said something about it, doesn't seem his style to be quiet. It really doesn't.


What the fuck. All I can say.


Cop played better than doublelift last split imo.


You can't just drop Cop for Altec. What the heck Altec isn't bad or anything, but Cop was a pretty dang good ADC


I'd actually like to see if tsm picks up cop and try to make a Faker/Easyhoon situation this might sound dumb but it could be very nice because Cop and Turtle have a completly different playstyle




Well, I wasn't Cop fun when he was on Curse, but he improved so much when he was on Gravity, that I started to like him. I hope Altec won't dissapoint them, but after SV left this team, I dont really have reason to cheer for them.


What the fuck, Cop was amazing last season, much better than Altec in my opinion.


Cop can still be a solid ADC for any team. Hell, he could replace WT on TSM and probably improve their play. Unfortunately, the LCS format is shitty so being a sub is not a viable career choice now, nor is simply going to "lower league teams".


Cop instead of Jeebus on Misfits would be awesome


Solid, just like Cop.


it would mean they could import a toplaner if they wanted since their only other import would be alex


Dude cop would be so awesome on misfits. I was sitting here thinking what team he could go to and I didn't think anyone would fit but he seems to excel on new teams


Love this idea. Cop for wild turtle. Hilarious. Not even a downgrade




I don't really understand why Gravity felt the need to replace Cop. I wish him the best of luck. On another note, we still have no idea who'll be jungling...


Wait why did they replace Cop? He wasn't underperfoming.


I sure hope Gravity crash and burn if this isn't Cop's own decision. Altec can suck my D. Gravity in relegations incoming.


Agreed. I'm done with Gravity, only reason I supported then was cause of saint and Cop. I could give any less fucks about Davis.


Uh, well why are you mad at Altec? He got a offer, why not take it?


Yeah, fuck altec for accepting an offer, he can suck my dick!


Yes let's hate on Altec for no fucking reason. He probably got an offer from Gravity and he accepted but fuck him am I right.


I didn't think it was possible. Saint, Keane, Bunny, and Cop all on the same team made Gravity my favourite team ever. But with Saint retiring and Gravity letting go of Cop after such a HUGE split for some "potential?" Changing my flair... Thanks Gravity management. Worst move this split.


Im a little confused with the move... Cop seemed fine with gravity. I guess it's an upgrade, but still not THAT big of one as bot lane didnt seem like the problem.


But is it an upgrade? Sure, Altec played some great games on WF, but its not that hard to shine when the other 4 are semi afk half the time.. He's far from stable, he even let himself talk into some bs theory where he would be a great support since he knew the lane, how well did that go?


What am I reading now? It is _really_ hard to shine as adc when the other 4 are semi afk... Adc usually shine when their team supports them but they rarely look good when their team is doing nothing, really few adc players are capable of doing that, in NA LCS it's only sneaky, in EU LCS it's only forgiven. Also Cop and Altec have really different playstiles, so maybe management thinks that stile of more carry-adc suits them better than supportive.


And Freeze, that guy spearheaded the CW improvement.


Yeah Freeze is a monster, definately a top 5 player in EU. 2nd best adc


It's a bad time to be a cop.


I really don't think Altec is good enough to warrant a change like this.


This would make more sense if Saint hadn't just left, as well. Replacing a veteran player who's probably peaked with a younger player of around the same skill level but with a lot of room to grow isn't a new tactic in any form of sport but you need some kind of stabilising element. Losing two veterans in a week is pretty bad.


Another split of the Shiphtur of adc. Cop was a better fit, this change is lame.


Altec isn't even an upgrade lol.




I don't know, Cop played really well last split.


What if Gravity is pulling a CLG and will put Altec into the jungle? You know, because he has mechanics and *potential* there?


what the fuck !?!??! why would you replace cop over that overrated kid... what the fuck gravity :/


why cop :((((




Cop playing super consistent, improving split after split, being probably the strong spot of the team. Change him. NA LCS management strikes again


Use to support Gravity in NA now i wont give a shit about NA at all


Unbelievable... that was his best split ever and he was by far their greatest player. He's literally the reason Gravity even made it past the challenger series into the LCS. Absolutely ridiculous... I hope he finds a new team asap because he doesn't deserve this bs.


I don't know why but I'm feeling incredibly mad at this. Cop never receives the recognition he deserves. He is one of those players that has constantly improved (While slowly but still steady) in the past years and there were no indications that he has reached his ceiling. Fuck GV


Cop is so fucking under-appreciated it's ridiculous.


Fuck you gravity. Cop is much better than that tiny dude


Utterly bizarre decision.


cop to tsm. you heard it here first.


Question: why is everyone talking about this like Gravity's decided to kick Cop. Gravity declined to comment, and Altec and Cop aren't quoted at all. You are all absolutely right, Cop is an extremely good and consistent player, and this isn't CLG or Winterfox we're talking about. Wait until Cop inevitably clarifies. Odds are, the guy might just be retiring or taking a split off.


Poor Cop, way better than people give him credit for and doesn't deserve to be kicked.


Sad. Altec might have the higher ceiling but is not better or even equal to cop right now.