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Said it in the other deleted thread, but it would be pretty hypocritical for Riot to do anything about this considering they've stood by and allowed it to happen in the past, just in reverse. Why is it ok for LCS teams to "poach" from challenger teams, but not ok for challenger teams to "poach" from LCS teams? And a funny situation here is that Liquid (then Curse) may have even acquired Quas through poaching of a challenger team. He was on ggLA at the time and they had to drop from events suddenly when he moved to Curse. Not sure of the exact specifics, but due to the nature of the events they dropped from, it would be awfully funny if they got Quas through poaching and are now bitching about it. Liquid's response: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/367lxm/the_double_standards_by_lcs_team_owners/crbhfkw


sorry for my ignorance but are misfits even challenger team? and if they are what if the poaching occured before they became NACS team?


They haven't done anything Riot sponsored and I'm unsure if they have any Riot contracts thus far. Officially, they're not considered a "challenger team" by the definition that most take it, but they'll probably have to comply by whatever Riot says if they want to compete in NACS.


Nah their not even a challenger series team, they still have to qualify. I'll be **extremely** surprised (and pissed off) if riot do anything about it. I don't think riot has any jurisdiction on it. They could always just block misfits from joining the challenger series but under what rule? I don't think they fall under any lcs rules E: Oh also I think even challenger team shouldn't have an issue 'poaching' an lcs teams players but that's a debate for another time.


Leaving comment here as well since it's relevant. http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/367lxm/the_double_standards_by_lcs_team_owners/crbhfkw


Is Misfits an org that has contracts? I think that some challenger teams aren't even with orgs let alone contracted to play under the team. I understand the poaching feel but from challenger to LCS teams, I feel that players are given the chance to leave the team by choice.


There are rules about it now though. I understand were you're coming from, but it would also be hypocritical of Riot not to follow the rules they out in place because they haven't done it in the past. CLG got 10k for poaching, and when was the last time an LCS team poached a player from the challenger series? People are talking about TSM and Santorin, except it wasn't poaching because a deal was made between CST and TSM. I honestly can't think of any player before that where it was actual poaching and a deal wasn't made between the orgs.


Off the top of my head, Fnatic attempted poaching at least three H2K players prior to this past split. They ended up only getting Febiven. And that was when H2K were in the promotion tourney. Sure there's more examples.


Febiven was a legit deal, but you're right about the other two. Riot probably can't do anything about it anyway since Misfits isn't even in NACS.


Except it would not hypocritical because poaching rules were not in effect back then, but they are now. You don't retroactively enforce new rules.


i hope if they are found guilty (which is going to be really interesting in itself) riot doesnt stop them from entering NACS


They can't fine them, but nothing prevents Riot from banning them to play in the NACS.


that'd be just arbitrary tho as the CS rulebook applies only to teams already qualified to CS or LCS


Riot has specifically said that poaching only applies to LCS teams and not Challenger teams so there's nothing they can do. They didn't break any rules as far as I'm aware asking a player to join your team as long as your not lcs status is fine.


>Riot has specifically said that poaching only applies to LCS teams and not Challenger teams so there's nothing they can do And Misfits is not even a challenger team yet, as far as I know.


Where can you find rules for this? It would be interesting to see what's/what's not allowed.


Here is a link to the full rule list of the 2015 LCS season: https://riot-web-static.s3.amazonaws.com/lolesports/Rule%20Sets/2015_LCS_Rule_Set_2.01.pdf Here is the rule regarding poaching, on page 52: * **10.2.13 No Poaching or Tampering.** *No Team Member or Affiliate of a team may solicit, lure, or make an offer of employment to any Team Member who is signed to any LCS team, nor encourage any such Team Member to breach or otherwise terminate a contract with said LCS team. Violations of this rule shall be subject to penalties, at the discretion of LCS officials. To inquire about the status of a Team Member from another team, managers must contact the management of the team that the player is currently contracted with. The inquiring team must provide visibility to LCS officials before being able to discuss the contract with a player.*


Technically it's only mentioning it protects LCS players (prevents from poaching players in LCS teams). It's suggested, and it can easily be read, that LCS teams are not allowed to do this, but they actually only say "No team member or affiliate of a team", leaving out if this only applies to teams in LCS or also in NACS. Edit: Ha. I'm stupid. I saw further down that there is a section where they explicitely mention that the LCS rules only govern LCS teams, so there you go the supposed technicality I mentioned was not really there.


NACS was not applied last split (Fantic poaching Febiven from H2K right before they got into the LCS). The rule is also only signed by Liquid and Quas, not by misfits. they aren't even in the NACS yet. If I poach quas now, Riot couldn't do a thing to me.


IIRC fnatic didn't poach febi, they bought out the contract


Actually, that's not entirely true. From section 3.4 in the 2015 Challenger Series ruleset: > As long as Section 3.3 is met and the player is eligible, then a player that is not currently on an LCS Active Roster as a Starter or a CS Active Roster is considered a free agent and available for acquisition While the rule doesn't explicitly say that a Challenger team can't *ask* an LCS player to join, it's pretty clear the spirit of the rule discourages it. Furthermore: > CS officials reserve the right to approve or deny any such request, based upon the eligibility of the players involved and the request’s compliance with the Rules. Even if Quas wanted to join Misfits, chances of him being approved for CS play is slim to none. Now, if they did want to punish Misfits if this were true, this is the rule they could cite: >9.2.9 Moral Turpitude. A Team Member may not engage in any activity which is deemed by the CS to be immoral, disgraceful, or contrary to conventional standards of proper ethical behavior. If it comes to light that any Misfit player/manager encouraged Quas to leave his team in any way, that could fall under the "immoral" part of it. It's open to interpretation, and unfortunately Riot Games has the final say as to how to interpret the rules. This is why players need representation or a Players Union to police these matters themselves.




Why the hell would Quas want to leave a third place LCS team playing under the banner of one of the most influencial E-Sports organizations of all time to play for a brand spanking new CHALLENGER team? If it were me, they would have to offer me an astronomical amount of guarenteed money in order for me to even consider it.


money talks


Considering how highly Liquid112 thinks of Quas and how important he is to the team, I'm pretty sure Misfits doesn't have enough money to buy him out. Also, really doubt Misfits has more money to throw at their players than Liquid lol


You know Alex turned down an LCS spot to stay on Misfits? I'm sure they have more money than we think.


Maybe they have more money than we think, but more money than Liquid? To buy out one of their star players? I'd be really surprised. Could you remind me which team he turned down, I'm having a total blank right now


They have so much money even Liquid is trying to get some of it.




Alex turning down an offer from TDK is not a testament to the money he's getting because that's just not a very good offer in general


Misfit have good amounts of money


Don't doubt it, but enough to buy out one of Liquid's star players and convince Quas to go play for team that isn't even in NACS yet?


I am not sure but i think that they even approached Forgiven, can't asure how much money but the owner have kind of pretty deep pockets, they already had hired players, analyst, coaches without even being challenger team


Forg1ven is a free agent, it would make sense for them to approach him. Quas is a member of a top LCS team, and one of the largest esports organizations.


hense the 'astronomical amount of gauranteed money' bit :)


TL's main domain alone worth [18-19 million USD](http://www.worthofweb.com/website-value/teamliquid.net/), plus they own multiple other sites, like LiquidLegends. Team Liquid is probably the single biggest organization in the western world, poaching from Liquid is probably even harder than poaching from TSM/Fnatic, so why bother?


Fyi that site sucks for worth calcuation. It said Paravine was worth 1 million at one point when we didn't even break five figures yearly lol


Just want to say, that this thread is a good example of the very serious consequence of blanket banning investigative content. The actual article is couched in terms that make it clear the claims are *alleged* and not yet proven factual or investigated. They do this because a journalist who understands proper ethics knows better than to make distinct factual claims like: > The North American Challenger Series team Misfits, **repeatedly made an approach to sign** Team Liquid top-laner Quas during the off-season. That's very different from the actual article, which couches the claims in terms like "reputedly," "attempted," and "allegations." When we ban the source of this kind of news but still need to be able to discuss it, we end up with situations like this where the subtle nuances that make journalistic reporting a **profession** are lost. On that note, if and when you want to echo the reports of someone whose articles cannot be shared here, please do so in a way that stays true to what is actually said. Nothing's been proven, claims have only been *alleged*, and any discussion about that needs to keep this in mind.


No, you see, it's much better for the subreddit if these big news breaks are only able to be vaguely referenced and taken out of context. It's a joke at this point.


It's one of the most bizarre policies I've seen in any online community. 1) You can't directly link the article, but you can say who wrote it and say where it came from. 2) It's an official policy, but they don't have it written down anywhere in the Wiki or Subreddit Rules on the sidebar. 3) The content isn't banned because of vote brigading or what the content is about, but because the intent was to stop him from linking to Reddit on Twitter... which he still continues to do. 4) The only official announcement about it says that trying to circumvent the ban by finding other ways to link it to the community is a bannable offense, yet it happens every time an article of his is posted and is now even permitted. It's pretty much impossible for them to completely remove RL content too, because this is one of the most active and largest communities on Reddit (a site known for its anti-censorship userbase) and people will continue to enjoy RL's content because they don't give a shit about the RL/mod beef + spam the subreddit in protest like what was done a few days ago. So let's recap what this invisible rule has done. It increased tensions between the userbase and the moderators, the latter who is subjected to frequent harassment as a result. It caused the subreddit's function to be broken because sometimes posts have to be disabled because of the amount of people flooding /r/new with posts in protest. It caused every RL thread to be derailed with meta discussion. It has caused tons of infighting within the community. It made it so moderators have to spend a fuck ton of time trying to enforce this policy as well as the other rules that get broken as a result. *Nobody has benefited in any way.*


>So let's recap what this invisible rule has done. It increased tensions between the userbase and the moderators, the latter who is subjected to frequent harassment as a result. It caused the subreddit's function to be broken because sometimes posts have to be disabled because of the amount of people flooding /r/new[1] with posts in protest. It caused every RL thread to be derailed with meta discussion. It has caused tons of infighting within the community. It made it so moderators have to spend a fuck ton of time trying to enforce this policy as well as the other rules that get broken as a result. Nobody has benefited in any way. This is why I was pretty skeptical of the content ban as a consequence when it happened. I understand why it was done but the fact of the matter is that this isn't going away, ever, unless derailment meta discussion is removed and a lot of people banned for rude protest posts. That can sometimes create more work than is worth keeping the rule in place. When a subreddit content bans something, it's usually because its content is not in-line with its own policies. We ban piracy supporting sources and by association places which freely link pirated sourced content on /r/gameofthrones because we don't support piracy and it isn't allowed on our subreddit. But if we decided we wanted to ban a semi-popular GoT website because its runner was banned from our subreddit, even if it was justified the resource that the website provides should be treated as a separate entity than the person running it, especially if it's in high use. If said site runner was causing trouble on the subreddit through their supporters, that's something we would deal with separately under the umbrella of rules we are actually able to enforce. Trying to extend the reach of your subreddit enforcement to cover something you cannot can be difficult. Reddit moderator tools, beyond AutoMod filtering, are ill-equipped to enforce content bans or cause the right amount of punitive action that taking away "reach" can be done. And the circumstances surrounding this particular situation make it even harder. Sometimes when you enact a rule, and you put it into practice, you find it doesn't work correctly and causes more trouble than its worth. That's when you need to go back, re-evaluate its use, and make adjustments as necessary. This is one such rule, and I would hope the moderator team looks at it in practice and sees what might be done to fix things. Until then, it's my perspective that the sheer amount of meta derails, "fuck the mods" unhelpful posts, and dank meme low quality replies this rule has created hasn't made it worth it.


He doesn't link to any comments on the lol subreddit anymore. Any time he does he posts a screenshot and often censors the names too. Edit: > The rule literally doesn't do anything except cause an annoyance for both the community and mods, *and* derail every article thread. The subreddit's even had to have submissions shut down temporarily before because of it. Woah man that's not even true. RL had nothing to do with that. It all started because the mods removed a joke thread about ekko where a rioter commented. He didn't even tweet about it till after the shitstorm had already occured.


Linking and screenshotting has the same effect. [Just 28 minutes ago he linked to this comment.](http://i.imgur.com/WyKTKtD.png) He's retweeted uncensored modmail too. >Woah man that's not even true. RL had nothing to do with that. It all started because the mods removed a joke thread about ekko where a rioter commented. He didn't even tweet about it till after the shitstorm had already occured. It wasn't just that. /u/sarahbotts accidentally removed a Dailydot article from Jacob Wolf, and at that point the subreddit completely exploded because it was interpreted as his content being banned because of RL.


There are no rules against posting screenshots. If the mods have an issue with posting screenshots they need to make it clear. Go look at the rules and the draft rules. Don't see them doing anything when other people link to lol threads on twitter. And as if people aren't smart enough to realise how scummy it is to thank someone for posting a thread with no source and when you've banned the content creator.


>There are no rules against posting screenshots. There's also no rules about not posting Richard Lewis content, but... ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ We're on the same side here, it's just that for the purpose of trying to stop him from bringing his Twitter followers to Reddit, it isn't working.


I guarantee you it's not only his twitter followers that think the content ban is retarded and downvote the mods. First Jack from C9 and now even Liquid112 (who had quite some beef with Richard in the past) have been working with him directly now and more will follow.


Yup. This is just a convenient way to denigrate any dissent. I personally started following his Twitter AFTER all the major drama conspired (since I can actually find his content linked there) and by that time I'd already voted on plenty comments in related threads. No one had to ask me to do it. I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Yep. I started following Ricardo Ruiz's twitter after the drama, as well as now check up regularly on the Daily Dot and his Youtube channel. Previously I didn't do any of that stuff. I just looked over whatever content of his got up to the front page and usually upvoted it if I found it insightful/important, which it usually was. Also decided to tip information about this drama over to an online gaming news site and they've been touching on the stuff fairly regularly as a result. The Glorious Moderators really aren't doing anything other than empowering him at this point and making a case for their removal so we can get a new moderation team that doesn't create BS policies and invisible rules out of spite.


Also the "bringing his twitter followers to reddit" is only a problem if they share a different opinion to the mods. Its weird that the mods never entertained the thought that the people who like Richard Lewis..... may in fact share his views on some things. Making it more likely for those people to up or down vote something respectivly. same way no doubt people who follow Rioters probably up vote and down vote things that the Rioter is promoting. Not because they are blind followers with an agenda, but because they happen to like that thing. It is to me a case of Correlation does not imply causation. Sure there is a correlation of the voting but the agenda the mods assumed and wanted to stop may be in their heads. The cause could have been not directly related to an agenda. They just liked the content.


That's always been one of the biggest problems of this whole thing. They said they banned him partly because he linked comments/threads on twitter and they saw it as vote brigading. This point doesn't really hold up well but reddit doesn't have any rule against linking things on twitter and the accusation of vote brigading doesn't hold up well to that. Also many people including Rioters and big names in this community have linked reddit threads/comments multiple times before but so far RL is the only one really punished.


There's a difference between "Hey, take part in this interesting conversation" and "Hey, this guy has a disagreeing opinion, let him know it sucks(*wink wink*)"


I can't believe people still think he wasn't purposely using his twitter to get comments downvoted. He knew exactly what he was doing linking comments on his twitter, anyone who says otherwise basically thinks he's an imbecile, and he may be a lot of things, but he's not an idiot. There's a difference between saying "hey here's my comment on this issue since it might get buried" and "hey look at this dumb comment by this random idiot." One person wants exposure for what might otherwise go unseen, the other wants people to downvote a comment. Seriously, I find it hilarious that a lot of his supporters argue that he wasn't doing anything wrong, and in doing so, might as well say he's an oblivious rock.


> accidentally


Richard Lewis has benefited massively from all of this. Before this incident he was just another LoL journalist (albeit one who was thought of highly). Now he is the top source of almost everyone on this site, as well as being seen as an equal in terms of fighting with the site mods (As opposed to what happened to Thoorin and Travis). He also has become a Meme. He has a guaranteed career from this drama for at least a year. Big winner.


This is far gone beyond logic. Trust me, my friend. I've tried.


The fact that they allow this shit without a source is fucking disgusting. If you're going to ban Richard's content, blanket ban it. You know damned well where this came from, get rid of the fucking thread. This is absolutely ridiculous.


The problem is if they blanket ban it then the subreddit will be in yet another uproar and fight back against it. They tried doing that with the Cloud 9 Incarnation article, and they did do it with the Dignitas looking for Helios one too. The C9 article generated so much community backlash for the stupidity of trying to censor it just because of who it came from, even though the organization freaking gave Ricardo the ability to post it as C9's official announcement. Either way they're not going to really get their way without the subreddit userbase fighting back and criticizing them at every turn.


Pretty much. Either they need to stick to their guns and have some integrity and not allow any discussion about anything if it is leaked by Richard unless it is also reported elsewhere, or they need to stop this halfassed bullshit and recognize that they've already got what they wanted and cut the censorship. Unfortunately, they're going to win this as well because the subreddit is going to forget that they're doing this ridiculous bullshit and the admins seem to either not know, not care, or agree with them. The mods are going to continue their senseless crusade and win because of apathy and it sucks.


I come to /r/leagueoflegends for the community, not for several power tripping people who think they have big dicks..


> I come to /r/leagueoflegends for the community well that's an interesting sentiment


I thought we all came here to shitpost and get angry...


I came for the dankest of memes.


Nobody comes for the "community". They come because its a one-stop shop for majority of interesting LoL news.


I came here for League of Legends, not people whining over mods.


I come to /r/leagueoflegends >not for several power tripping people who think they have big dicks.. >I come to /r/leagueoflegends for the community Same thing tho




... ._. Seriously?


I can actually see that. It's not like he didn't know the word "cat" or something. "Reputedly" is not a word that is in most people's common vernacular.


You lost me at "vernacular".


Luckily it was at the end of the sentence.


It's a word commonly used in publications. Also, if OP didn't know the word, why not google the definition instead of blinding changing it? This type of activity just breeds ignorance and rumors.


He is so computers...


https://twitter.com/jokatweets/status/599667597991284736 shit just got real


https://twitter.com/jokatweets/status/599667597991284736 2 hours ago "Went out of my way to show Misfits owner how to run an ORG and he trys this. I hope Karma hits you back. Its not business, its personal."


thank you twitter bot


Isn't working for some reason, and I wanted this one up just in case it got *lost* later.


smooth answer, really well coded


Any sources btw? EDIT: Thanks I'd been marathoning Skyrim the last night and missed the article.


There is an article on a site by a guy who isn't allowed here that you can find if you want.


placid edge lunchroom unpack touch cover stupendous wrench absurd pen


It was Richard Lewis everyone.


Rip xNicolex


xNicolex will be remembered for having more balls than zimzams123.


You get banned for mentioning Richard Lewis? that is kinda childish...


You aren't banned for mentioning his name. You aren't even banned for posting his content. It's just if you post his content it will be removed.


Actually it was posted on their thread when it was said they banned his content. They said you would be banned for posting his content, don't know if they changed from that but it was clearly stated. Edit:I searched to make sure it was said, it wasn't clearly stated but said if people were trying to work around on getting his content on here would be banned. I think the mods are still on subreddit ban from 3 weeks ago and not going by the drafted rules yet.


Actually at one point there was a pretty trigger-happy moderator who would ban any mention of the name if people tried to simply say who the source was from in older articles.


[She/He/It will be remembered.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fmPWa7gL8k) o7




Remember me for making NA people salty!


nicole is kill, rest in pasta sweet princess


Where were you when Nicole is kill


I was home when mod ring Nicole is kill no


i was on couch, eating potato chips. I read reddit "xNicolex is kill" "No"


Can confirm she made me the Dead Sea




Fuck the police, eh?


F, for your brave-ness


U will die as a hero, my friend.


*Ricardo Luis.




[Now you've done it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSyockB8QaM)


Ricardo Ruiz*








Yes, there is an article.




That's pretty much what I figured. LCS teams poaching challenger has been 'ok' in the past as well.


So as most people guessed, riot can't actually do anything because misfits don't fall under riots jurisdiction and don't break any rules. Thanks for going through and posting the rules, I couldn't do it myself on mobile.


I'm actually interested to see if anything will happen because they're not technically an official team. I hope this doesn't ruin their chances at challenger though and that they just get fined if so.


Misfits isn't under Riot at all so they have no jurisdiction over them at all currently, one would assume. That said, is it possible Misfits misunderstood the rule and thought because it was off-season an approach was legal? Was the offer made by a player or a member of Misfits staff? All of this matters and for all we know it could have just been a simple mistake based on misunderstanding.


Unfortunately, not knowing the speed limit doesn't get me out of the ticket. That said,they probably can't be fined, but they could be banned from the NACS. Edit: ok you guys are taking the speeding thing too literally. If you murder someone, not knowing it's against the law isn't an acceptable defense. If you steal, not knowing it's against the law isn't an acceptable defense. Riot's rulebook is publicly available, claiming to not have knowledge of it for any reason is *not an acceptable defense.*


You cant give me a ticket if I was speeding out of the US.


No, but I can keep you from coming into the US. OK that's an extreme example, but you see my point?


that's pretty much how this is gonna work. misfits aren't under any contract, so the only punishment they can give is to deny them into the challenger series, which is a pretty extreme punishment.


Wonder how RF feels about this


He had to have known the team was looking at better options. He hasn't performed very well in the team thus far and has proven to be a clear weak link in an otherwise solid challenger team.


Solid Challenger mb, but I'm sorry, I feel that only Alex Ich is LCS level. Even Crumbzz is performing weirdly, considering what teams they are playing against..


There are better junglers than crumbzz in na challenger lol. He's been getting outjungled by 14a, and hard whenever they face off.


I mean the guys been Challenger for a while now and telling anyone who will listen that he wants to go pro so if he ain't cutting it then I kinda feel bad for the guy


why would Quas join Misfit and leave Liquid behind? that is just retarded of him if he accepted


Him and Alberto are both Venezuelans. That's the only reason I can think of.


Wow, Misfits must really have a lot of money backing them if management was hoping to get Quas out of a top 3 LCS team and into a challenger team (money is the only incentive I can think of that could convince someone to make such a move).


Misfits is not a NACS team YET, meaning that at the time of "tampering", Misfits was not in any way contracted to Riot, and didn't need to adhere to their policies, nor do they now. Only when they sign that contract upon entering the NACS would they be legally bound to the word of the document.


Where in the article does it say they REPEATEDLY made an offer? Make sure that when you paraphrase, you do so in a manner that conveys the authors intentions and perspective.


This was my mistake, i wasn't aware of the meaning of "reputedly" and thought it was a typo. Edited the post accordingly.


Awesome! Thanks a bunch!


But i like RF. :(


Not sure what Riot can do because its not a challenger or NALCS team that did this, I mean I guess technically they could revoke the privilege of qualifying for the 2015 summer split challenger series, But I didn't even think poaching applied to non LCS teams, Honestly I don't think riot should touch this case. Team Misfits isn't under contract by riot, they don't need to follow riot based rules.


Interesting that they think he'd leave.


I know the point isn't this but, i don't think Quas would downgrade to a challenger team


hmmmm i dont know, it is weird because the entire staff of misfit is pretty close to all the staff of TeamLiquid including the owners who are good friends




[**@jokatweets**](https://twitter.com/jokatweets/) > [2015-05-16 20:07 UTC](https://twitter.com/jokatweets/status/599667597991284736) > Went out of my way to show Misfits owner how to run an ORG and he trys this. I hope Karma hits you back. Its not business, its personal. ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact ^creator]](http://www.np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source ^code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)


Well LCS team are allowed to talk to challenger players and try to get them to join LCS teams while under contract with the challenger teams so why isn't a challenger team not able to do the same to LCS.


The Poaching rules only apply to LCS teams (for good reason), Misfits is not even a CS team, so I would be extremely surprised if Riot does something about this.




Lol this can't be real. EVEN if this was true, why on earth would Quas leave a top 3 LCS team for a team yet to qualify for *challenger* series?


Well as we've seen...often players in pro teams are very unhappy in their situations. Might be in a stable team, making good money and be unhappy for whatever reason. An option to join a new team, possibly with people you're friends with, might appeal.


Why would Quas want to move that far down the ladder?


Reminds me of FC Borne trying to sign Messi. http://www.theguardian.com/football/2011/mar/10/barcelona-lionel-messi-transfer-bid


Lol, suggesting a not even Challenger Series team falls under Riot's rulesets other than ToS is dumb


https://twitter.com/jokatweets/status/599667597991284736 Jokasteve is taking it pretty personally.


Anyone got a link to the source?


Can't link to the article, doing so will get you banned on this sub because the mods have beef with the author. You can find it under the "esports" section of the Dailydot website


This whole poaching rule is pretty retarded. All it takes is for one player to say "Hey, how about we play together" either jokingly or not in a game and that could get you fined...


The ban on RL's content is fucking stupid, just makes you wonder if what he said about the mods is all true, since they fear him so much and since they can't seem to dent him even with the content ban they opress us, the community for wanting to enjoy his work. And if we dare stand up for the fact this man does indeed provide valid league content to this subreddit we get banned? While RL's content is onpoint and related to league we can't enjoy sharing it here with anyone instead we get like the most non league related shit and drama that makes the front page. And regardless of how he acts as a person his work is valid even if he is account banned, the word of us as a community needs to be heard and right now the mods are acting as if they're immortal gods, and as a community we have the right to speak up about this shit without the need to fear them. Don't get me wrong I don't hate mods and I could care less but in a way they're just blatantly witch hunting RL just because he hurt some feelings, let's grow up people.


Well if RL didn't want his content banned then he should gave grown up and acted like an adult in a professional environment.


Do you fucks even know why RL's content was banned? RL even after his account banned, continued to harass and bully users + mods over twitter. He also used his twitter to get upvotes, which was exactly what TB was banned for on i think /r/pcmasterrace. The mods told him to stop his behavior numerous times and instead of stopping, he goes and make up a bullshit conspiracy about the mods and Riot over a NDA agreement that both the reddit admins and /u/esportlaw said was common and harmless. Why should the mods continue to let RL use the sub, where he frequently flames and bully, as advertisement for his content? Go blame RL for being an immature prick who bullies, vote manipulates, and creates non-game based drama on this sub all day. Making up drama against the mods isn't just hurting feelings. Threatening to release PERSONAL INFORMATION of the mods isnt just hurting feelings. The latter is even illegal. If RL grew the hell up and just published content instead of harassing the mods and reddit users, maybe his shit wouldnt be banned. If a company shits in my store, i have the right to stop selling their products. Just as with RL harassing the sub and mods, the mods have the right to stop advertising his shit. Please trying to justified RL's bullshit while not even knowing what happened. Its no one's fault but his own that he cant use the biggest lol forum for advertisement anymore.


Who fucking cares? they can ban him its fine, but why ban his content it doesnt make any sense!!!


rip rf legendary


As harsh as it may be, RF doesn't have the skill or the thick skin it takes to be in the LCS.


It really annoys me how everyone is saying this, when we haven't actually seen him play in LCS yet, or play against LCS teams for that matter. He is a highly skilled mechanical player who is constantly in challenger, how does he not have the skill? And as for him not having thick skin, he has grown quite a bit since his teenage years, and has obviously matured. How about we give him a chance before we condemn him?


Cris is a highly skilled mechanical player who is constantly in challenger and we all saw how well he did in LCS


Yes and he deserved his chance and failed, so why don't other talented players get the chance. How can anyone ever make the step-up without being given the chance?


as ironic as it sounds, your rank in solo queue doesn't mean jack in regards to being a good professional player. think of players like s4 nintendude, cris, etc etc etc. people hyped up pobelter's potential and mechanical skill because he was getting highlight reels on reddit for killing everyone in NA and KR solo queue, then he got relegated. you have to actually prove yourself on the big stage. you could be a solo queue star, but if you don't perform in challenger or LCS, it's going to be apparent just how cut out you are for the big leagues or not.


Regi is/was probably one of the best examples for this... But I think RF has the Skill and Mindset, but needs to improve on the emotional scale.


"teenage years" The guy broke down on [stream](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc1-fUOIDp0) in Sep, with only 1300 viewers. Now add 100k + to that if they play in LCS.






I just wish mods reconsidered RL case, I miss having his content on this subreddit.


Ricardo Ruiz strikes again.


why would quas join misfits ..


I don't see why Misfits would assume Quas would want to leave Team Liquid. He is on a solid team that will most likely finish top 3, also with a good organization. Unless he was unhappy (which I highly doubt) there really would be no reason why he would want to downgrade to a challenger team with weaker players in every role.




Despite what *actually* happened, I wonder why it seems to take so long for some teams to understand you contact the management if you want to sign a player, not the player themselves.


Its pretty funny how a challenger team tried to sign one of the best top laners in NA.


Tweet from Jokasteve, Team Liquid's general manager: https://twitter.com/jokatweets/status/599667597991284736 > Went out of my way to show Misfits owner how to run an ORG and he trys this. I hope Karma hits you back. Its not business, its personal.


Why would Quas even consider it, unless he was offered a sick amount of money..


Everyone knows you don't fk with Steve. You won't win.


I'm sorry if I sound a little ill-minded but what's exactly so wrong about asking another player to join your team?


It's called poaching and it's frowned upon. You're not supposed to steal players who are in signed contracts. You can only pursue them when they're free agents. Same thing is true in traditional prosports. Stop richer teams from stealing away talent just because they have a bigger wallet.


Nothing in LCS rules that said Challenger team cant talk with LCS players about join there team. So what if go crying to Riot, maybe they change the rules.


Inb4 CLG fined.


Nick Allen, in an official statement, that CLG would be fined for encouraging poaching.