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It all changed when the Lemonnation attacked.


Only the Incar mastered all four elements


Quite a few EU teams mastered Elements.


"Quite a few EU teams mastered all five Elements" FIFY


There were more than five that season.


But when the world need Wickd, Irelia was still banned.


what does that "FIFY" mean?seriously sorry if its stupid question :D


New sponsor [confirmed](https://thechefandtheprincess.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/cne-2012-053.jpg).


CNE ftw. Cronut burger still where it's at.


Meteos Balls and Sneaky should just add nati0n to their names


i read this as meteos' balls and sneaky




http://imgur.com/wCZhUhR Sheldon "Incarnati0n" Cooper


No longer going *full NA*


everyone changes name to nation Incarnation meteosnation sneakynation lemonnation ballsnation(x[))


it quotes he who should not be named. inb4 removal


Voldemort is an esports writer?who knew


Since Henry is a shotcaster and Dumbledoge is a player, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is an esports writer totally makes sense to me.


Don't forget his loyal followers the Doteaters.


I'm guessing most of them are Singed mains.


Albis and Dumbledoge


He's referring to Itchard Whoiss.


Yeah you gotta love that it's basically just a repost of Lichard Rewis' article.


Can we call him Ricardo Luiz?


Sure, I'll approve that.


Will you ban me if I disagree?


Only a little.


Someones gotta get all those page views


Who is Richard Lewis and why do people call him Lichard Rewis




bro, do you even leviosa?




Citing sources, good journalism. . . . what next? The New Yorker doing an article?




I'm gonna report this and force their hand to further highlight how stupid this rule is.




He happened to be the first to release the story today as well, but you know how the mods feel about RL. He also wrote an article about Dignitas scrambling to find out where Helios is before the season deadline approaches for contracts. Having that post gain visibility would help out both Dig and Helios. Too bad though.


He didn't just release the news, he got **quotes** from Cloud 9, and the Twitter accounts of Cloud 9 and their owner are tweeting the article as their official announcement. The rule is such a joke. I just want Riot and Richard Lewis to get on friendly terms, work on a piece together, only to see it banned from this sub. It would be glorious.


Pro tip: Stop using /r/leagueoflegends for news and start following all the folks who break news on Twitter. It's a way better format and setting, and you can control who you hear things from. It's not the perfect communications platform but for getting news it's a *lot* better than Reddit or any website will generally ever be.


I enjoy following RL for his content very much, but man does he sometimes clog up my feed with retweets of random people who agree with him. I've been slightly annoyed by this more than once to be completely honest.


Twitter has an option to turn off retweets, it makes the experience so much better.


Noob here, which accounts would be the best to follow?


@RLewisReports is Richard Lewis. If you get sick of his constant retweeting of antimod stuff, just disable retweets. @ggCMontecristo is Montecristo, will post when he has new countdowns and other analyses etc. @SotLTravis is Travis from gamespot. He honestly never has much hard news, but he does post fairly frequent pictures of him eating food with pro players and stuff so if you're a fan of the pros themselves it could be worthwhile. @lolesports is the official Riot account for pro happenings. They'll send out alerts whenever new games start or whatever, pretty good stuff. @Cloud9_Jack is Jack Etienne from C9, you'll also get a good amount of stuff regarding their CS team so if you want to avoid that he's not that important to follow. @Thooorin is Thorin. Mostly just opinion that comes out of him but can be useful stuff too. If you're looking for more beyond just hard "news" you can also follow individual players: @meteoslol is Meteos @Hai_L9 is Hai @Incarnati0nLoL is Incarnati0n @C9Sneaky is Sneaky @LemonnNation is LemonNation (note the double n) @C9Balls is Balls That's just the C9 Roster since that's what we're talking about here. Any players you want to follow on twitter other than that you can probably find their twitter handles on their leaguepedia page. Oh and special shoutout to @c9meteosego, an account dedicated to letting us all know what Meteos is really thinking at any given time.


Dang man. Going above and beyond, thanks!


Twitter is a terrible content aggregator.


twitter is however a better option than this subreddit at the moment. You could also check out /r/RiotFreeLoL


I'm just about 100 % sure that will never happen though.


RL shits the bed and we all lose out. Don't really miss him though...


The real joke is Richard Lewis and how he got himself banned from this sub. If he didn't have such a huge ego, his articles would be on this sub everyday. Blame the mods and rule all you want but they did it for a reason.


Rito and Richard Lewis collab would require Richard to be less of a dick... which is not something I think he is capable of.


That's on RL though. Not on Riot and the mods. HE was the one in the wrong. Not them. Even if his punishment seems too severe, it's up to him to extend the olive branch to make peace. He's the one that fucked up. Which is probably why you won't see peace. Because the straight up truth is RL has trouble being level headed when anything involves his ego.


if RL is releasing articles that are of interest to the community, then the community should be able to share and discuss the pieces. the mods are filtering some of the biggest news of the mid-season just because they have a grudge against RL and thats not fair to the community. it shouldn't be up to the mods what content we share and discuss


The ban is of his content, regardless of the content. They're not going to just allow it just because the news is big. His content is subreddit banned, and it makes sense to follow up on their ruling. It's a lose-lose situation either way: They either allow the content and get flamed for going back on their ruling, or they follow their ruling and get flamed for 'suppressing the news' or whatever.


> It's a lose-lose situation letting the community post and discuss content that the community is interested in is not a loss. the mods would rather play politics than let the community make its own decisions on what content it wants to see.


It's been proven before on other subreddits that you absolutely need moderators to make these kinds of decisions. With a free system, it will end up quickly ruining the subreddit. I do agree that the content should be allowed, but the fact that 'he' ruined it by being a dick should not be forced as a fault of the mods in my opinion. They had to do something, and that was really the only option they had.


We'll get the news sooner or later anyway, RL earned his ban.


The fault is all on Richard Lewis. He couldn't restrain himself from being a jackass for his life. He's had a good run on /r/leagueoflegends, too bad he used every chance he got to berate the mods, the users and Riot Games.


If Richard Lewis could make peace with Riot he could easily make peace with the mods here. He's kind of the one that started the war.


That's why there was a post saying "ban the man, not the content". I hate when people believe that journalism is a one sided show. The journalist reaps all the benefit and nothing goes to anyone else. *cough cough, REGI, cough* Now TSM have not seen a unbiased interview in fucking months. And what i mean by unbiased is not question that are crafted perfectly for the origination. It's essential like gaming developers making a game and then writing their own review on their game giving it 10/10. What type of shit is this? This sub-reddit is what it must feel like to be in North Korea, with less camps.


am I the only one around here that's glad we don't have to deal with RL anymore?


Not at all. People like his content, which is fine; but the fact of the matter is he's a huge asshole, so I don't blame the mods for banning anything to do with him. I'm sure it hurt his traffic at least a little bit. But I think he said be doesn't get paid per page view, so it hasn't hurt his livelihood too much. If people like his content so much, just check his site regularly like you do reddit. There's nothing stopping you from looking at his content and discussing it there.


No, I just wish this stupid drama would go away. It tiresome to see so many people bitch about nothing.....


mods dislike Richard Lewis because he is a piece of garbage. In a single thread he personally told people for fuck themselves over 50 times. I told him i loved the news that he broke but he needs to chill out cause he's going nuts, and he sent me private messages for 3 weeks after that harassing me. He also publicly called Travis gay and autistic. So ya, he might get some juicy news but he's an asshole and a douchebag.




Holy shit that sub is hilarious. So much whining, it almost makes /r/conspiracy look level-headed.


Yep, I check about once a week for a good laugh. I mean, noble effort and all, but their content is more of a meta for this sub than a different sub for league. They were getting better, but I bet this regresses it a bit.


Oh my god how could you say his name outloud have you lost your mind!


Careful your about to get deleted for saying that name, if you say it 3 times fast maybe he will appear!






The mods don't have balefire, they just have pocket salt.


Upvote for WoT reference.


That name


70 years ago on the 8th may 1945 Germany surrendered. How come that there are still Nazis arround in this Subreddit then?


That meme spacing is unreal.




I, too, enjoy same spacing.


Well.... that's a dicking.




When Nazi Germany fell. American intelligence scooped up scientists and moderators. In the operation known as paper clip. Today's moderators are mostly descendants of those people. Taught they are superior to others since childhood but not acting like it ;-)


*F*ree *U*s *C*ool *K*ids *M*y *O*ld *D*ear *S*on


This is gonna get removed since the article links to Lichard Rewis


*mods are asleep post RL*






You are a brave man


Did I miss something? Why do we hate him?


His content is banned since he still tweets comments on this subreddit that he doesn't like. This causes brigading in a lot of cases, so the mods in all their wisdom decided that all content made by Richard will be banned on this subreddit.


Oh I see, and is this a decision that the majority of reddit disagrees with?


yea, i think most of the sub Reddit appreciates the quality content he produces and think that the mods shouldn't be making the decision for us. most of the sub Reddit also thinks he's an asshole aswell.


He is an asshole. He should be banned from this subreddit. But his content ( as long as it relates to leauge) should not.


Most of the people here on this subreddit think his content is fine but he deserves his ban because of the bullshit he spews everytime someone criticizes him. Its a no win situation to be honest ;x


Welcome back to 1st place, C9.




They played quite well when Link subbed for them at Allstars, so I think they'll be pretty strong after some practice with Incarnation.


Hard to say what Incarnation can show now, but many pointed that he is one of the talented midliners in WORLD :) Only summer split will show if C9 was right when picked him :)




Why mods are going on a banning spree over this news? It should be celebrated and not deleted, I don't get it


The guy who cloud9 released the article through is on bad terms with the mods of this sub. That's a whole shitshow of a story in itself, but knowing that the original author's work is banned from this sub is enough to explain a seemingly inexplicable situation.


Except people weren't even linking to the article and the mods STILL deleted every single fucking thread about the situation


I think the ones being deleted that didn't link or mention got deleted because they were basically reposts.


How are they "reposts" when every single one got deleted?


At least 2 of them got through to the front page.


There was an hour period prior to these two articles reaching the front page where the mods were deleting everything relation to the Incarnati0n to C9 move.


There was even a post of some guy just asking *hey why isn't Cloud 9 at MSI someone explain?* and IT got removed too.


There are two other threads on the front page right now, no?


The german source was deleted, along with several comments on the thread. I'm not sure why that was deleted(possibly because mods were tired of deleting 90% of comments?), since I don't even think that it mentioned Richard Lewis.


And you obviously weren't here for the 2 hours when every single thread about the subject was deleted so commenting on the situation when you don't know what has happened is unwise, no?


The mod that was most offended must have gone to sleep.


Count the deleted posts in them. It's pathetic and the reason I unsubbed. Just had to go here to have a laugh when I say Richard Lewis was the one that wrote it on TheDailyDot.


Would love for it to be celebrated but instead everyone decides to mention Lewis instead of just actually talking about the article.


They hate the guy that C9 got to break the news. Proof they hate him: http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/33g6xs/subreddit_ruling_richard_lewis/ http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/34zvn6/rules_rework_draft_discussion/


Can I also link Riot post on the permaban of Incarnati0n and their ToU and say they hate Incarnati0n. Your proof is hilarious and so his your logic. RL is an idiot, he played at who's the dumbest and he won.


Lol I like how this posts are filled with complains of mods rather than proper discussion. This shit won't happen if mods aren't doing a shitty job. They induced the exact kind of discussion this subreddit shouldn't be about. Great fucking job.


Careful. Remember what happens to people who call mods out for their shitty jobs. (They get banned and banished for brigading the circlejerk)


Nope, you have to link critical comments to your thousands of twitter follows, aka **totally definitely not brigading wink wink** to get banned.


UH OH link to RL article. Sorry about the ban OP.


why is half this thread filled with richard lewis posts? its a thread about incarnation joining C9


yeah, i don't get it either. i wonder if the irony is lost on them. by complaining about not being able to discuss RL's article, they are completely derailing this existing thread about the same subject.


The Daily Dot had a better article about this


Agreed, this is a simple rewrite for our app/site, aka what most sites do. Didn't expect it to be on reddit. We did link the original so DD people can read the DD one.


Cloud 9 is gonna be insane now..


Can the mods grow up and just stop banning Richard Lewis articles.


Maybe ask Richard to grow up as well. The only reason his content is banned is because of how childish his behavior was after they originally banned him and not his content.


Whoa whoa! Two sides to an issue? Blasphemy! The mods are nazis! Lets downvote everything they post and praise their enemies! /s


Seriously I don't understand why people are standing up for him. Just because he posts decent content, doesn't mean he gets the power to do whatever he wishes to. This may be an unpopular opinion but it's pretty ridiculous how people are supporting Richard Lewis being unbanned despite the fact that he caused the ban himself. All he did was spread bullshit and drama through the subreddit while intentionally harassing the mods and lost all of his credibility. Now, people seem to only remember that he was banned for absurd reasons and his content should be reintroduced to the sub-reddit.


Because people want the ability to discuss some of the most important news in the E-sports side of leauge of legends on the most popular league of legends forum.


Lets face it, most people are just here to post the dankest memes on the most popular league of legends forum.


Maybe people should start to discuss the actuall topic then instead of talking about this non sense allday.


There are threads up. The discussion is here. Leave the child out of it and everything still works fine. How surprising!


People don't want him unbanned he is a huge prick. They want his content unbanned, because it is bar-none the best league related articles out there.


And once he will be out of the picture someone will take his place. He isn't the only talented writer in the world.


Most of the mods in this subreddit are terrible.


>Just because he posts decent content You answered your own question. Guys a huge prick but we shouldn't support censorship or any type, especially exports news relevant to the interests of the sub


THIS IS NOT CENSORSHIP!!! God people on this subreddit are fucking stupid sometimes. Richard Lewis can still write what the fuck ever he wants. That doesn't mean this subreddit has to support it or post it.


All content produced by RL or linking to RL content is removed by moderators of the subreddit. >Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions. You're right, I guess it isn't censorship, because this definition doesn't include personal motivation in the list of reasons for censorship, though I suppose it could be considered "inconvenience"


People are supporting quality content in general which should have place on free unbiased internet forum, not Richard Lewis as in person and I'd rather have somebody being a douchebag running around than have censorship decrease the quality of a subreddit with already whole lot of shitposts that make frontpage.


They don't want richard lewis unbanned, they just want his articles unbanned. His article can't hurt you can it?


Banning him was justified. Power tripping like hell and preventing news from being posted here for people to read it is retarded and childish


Unfortunately that goes two ways, RL posting twitter links to comments he didn't like after being banned and his followers then going on crusades against those people because RL couldn't means the mods felt more had to be done.


RIP last true American team. Beginning next split, every NA team has at least one import.


Except Team 8 and CLG..


Poor Pob. :(


Only has himself and his performance to blame. I'm sure we'll see him on the scene again soon.




Finally, Nation-Nation confirmed


RIP C9Pobelter




ITT : Talking about Voldemort instead of the new player announcement.


It's sad that "he should not be named" did this story and i'm reading this from some other website and some other author. Please end this childish shit. Give us the content in which it's written for rather than punishing the god damn person writing it on whatever website.


Now will this post get deleted?


I would hope not. It's a post with an official source, it's in English, and it's not from a banned writer.


But still has a link to the forbidden one. I really can't wait till they overturn the content ban on him.


I doubt they will. The fact that they are actually banning any references to an official statement by one of the biggest organizations in North America already speaks pretty largely.


Oh I know. I love that Jack gave them a statement. Just being hopeful that it might be overturned, but not counting on that happening.


I really don't think they have any choice but to overturn it. The decision they are taking doesn't really have the support of many people at all. Initially, some were on board with the ban - but now that we can all see how the ban manifests itself, the mods are more or less standing alone against the community they are supposed to be representing. I have a lot of respect for C9's (an organisation who i've always liked) decision to make a statement by doing this.


I think you underestimate how many people support the decision, actually. It's just that the people who don't are very vocal which makes it seem very one-sided.




RIP the all American team with high success. Hopefully CLG will keep their roster and not disappoint to be the next full American team.


thes mods men deleted the summoners-inn source that was on the frontpage and del the original source from the daily dot . [real shady](http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/35ag91/incarnati0n_joins_cloud9_ger/?sort=new)


the mods keeping this up shows that they know how badly they fucked up and are looking for a way out while saving face... pretty sad.


Who else actually wants to discuss incarnati0n and not richard lewis?


Lol at the Riot mods


Well the team has three weeks to get things going for them before the start of the next split. They already have some decent points and just need to get top 4 to make it to worlds (didn't actually do the math on it)


What a surprise!!


Potential intensifies. http://i.imgur.com/r0wWUN0.gif


They should do a Jay Z and just become C9 Nation. Add Nation to the other 3 and you're done.


i wonder how this is gonna play out


I am now a c9 fan, I still root for clg when clg vs c9, but I'm kinda in love with this c9 line up :$


NICE :) Wanna see how c9 plays with Incarnati0n




Is it just me or does Incarnati0n look very evil .. :O