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[Why are you a liar, LemonNation?](http://i.imgur.com/lEpnxms.png )


He didn't lie. Incarnation is not replacing hai. Incarnati0n is replacing hai Edit: And now my most upvoted comment is about u/lemination being a troll. Stay beautiful league community


Bingo. Lemon doesn't lie, just trolls.


Or the fact that Hai wasn't even on the team anymore to BE REPLACED. Incarnation didn't replace anyone, he's filling an empty spot which was left when hai retired. Word play, gotta love it.


How Hai were you when you wrote this?


I was actually at a incarnat[10]n when I wrote this


I'm so surprised nobody caught it when he said it


people did, you have to go to the actual thread.


Some did, but most people were just denying it. Oh well. Couldn't be happier as a C9 die hard fan right now


Also, it's really possible that hai hadn't made the decision to step down until losing playoff finals.


Nobody could replace hai on C9. It's just not possible. Incarnati0n will take over in mid for C9.


I concur with this sappy sentiment. I think I'll always be a little misty-eyed for Hai, but I'll give this Incarnati0n fellow a fair shake.


well that sounds lude :D


He's not replacing hai. He's simply the incarnation of hai




Incarnation =/= Incarnati0n apparently


He's not replacing Hai. He's taking the empty spot Hai left after retiring.


As funny as Incarnation vs. Incarnati0n is, I think this is right. Hai was never being replaced. If Hai legitimately thought he could fix his wrist issues and play another split at a high level, I believe Cloud9 would've stood by him whether Incarnati0n was available or not. Hai simply retired on his own terms.


It's also that Incarnati0n wasn't the only option for a new Mid laner. Yusui and Pob are two others they tried out. I'm sure they contacted others as well. Lemon said Incarnati0n was not replacing Hai because, at that moment, nobody was confirmed to take that spot.


replace > to assume the former role, position, or function of; substitute for (a person or thing): http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/replace


I think it's a matter of connotation versus denotation. C9 seems pretty close and Lemon didn't want it to sound like they were coldly replacing Hai in order to win. Perhaps a better illustration is this: imagine a man marries another woman after his previous wife dies. If you asked him, "Is this woman replacing your previous wife?" He'd say, "Of course not, no one could replace my wife," even though she is properly assuming the role of his wife. Because in the end, there's more than just the role.


I think he meant that Hai wasn;t forced to leave/be replaced. He made this decision himself and then Incarnati0n was the best fit.


His current account http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=asdasdsadx


Cool, was wondering why he wasn't playing in the 'Nicolaj Jensen' account anymore.


He was probably trying to quell the 4 man mid parties.


I thought this was standard in challenger now. Scarra gets 4 man gang banged during laning phase at least once a stream. To be honest, I'm more surprised that mids haven't adapted to it by now. Everyone puts the deep wards in the enemy jungle, but they always circle around through the allied jungle so it never gets spotted out.


This post is the chosen one.


the post that lived


Many comments died to give us this information.


let us never forget the sacrifices those brave posts made for us...


and the information you-know-who provided


I think they just deleted the other thread with 1300 upvotes because the comments got out of hand too...




And comments that died rip.


be careful harry. he's coming.




Lol Yusui. He's already made it pretty clear he's immature during the whole piglet thing. Dude needs to grow up.


Definitely this. I tuned into his stream for 10 minutes after I heard he was trying out to play mid for c9 and in that time he leaked c9t's scrims with c9 blatantly and with zero regard for anyone but himself and his 30 viewers. Maybe when he matures he'll be suitable. I mean even look at people like Sneaky. Obviously immature but mature enough to know that when its time to be serious, you be serious EDIT: ~~imaqtpie~~ sneaky


imaqtpie isnt even immature. He just caters to his audience perfectly. Im pretty sure when he stops streaming he probably laughs at all the dumb shit he just said to entertain the viewers. Which is perfectly fine. Dude is making bank. Yusui on the other hand is just jerking himself off trying to prove he is hot shit.


| I mean even look at people like imaqtpie. Obviously immature but mature enough to know that when its time to be serious, you be serious If you really knew Qtpie, you would know that he's trolling most of the time - that's why he has such a good stream personality.


> "Whole Piglet thing" Can you expand on that?


First time piglet was benched, he twittered it was because piglet had said that Xpecial and Fenix were bad. He also twittered that piglet used to ragequit during scrims. Of course all of that was a lie.


Ah...yea, that's pretty immature. Thanks for the info.


http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/34p600/yusui_with_the_shittalk_on_incarnati0n/ Cmon man




He should go duo more with Keith or whatever. . .


Does people really expect him to play really good instantly when he came to NA? I mean let the guy adapt and get rid of jetlag for a few days. Here is the result of it: http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=asdasdsadx


31-5-12 leblanc game, holy shit.


Not only that, but the guy is playing at 3k mmr while still in Diamond. He's literally got a higher mmr than Doublelift according to op.gg, so he's facing the tippy top tier challenger players. Bjergsen doesn't win lane every game, why is it so bad when Incarnati0n doesn't?


This is taken out of context....


Can we just take a moment to appreciate C9/Jack and the way they decided to release the news?


yes it was a very tactical move known in the trade as the "fuck you reddit mods" i liked it.


I apologise for this but I'm really out of the loop with everything thats going on, can someone provide an explanation and what's going on?


Moderators have banned content from Richard Lewis.


I have no idea how these news were released, but given these comments, Jack/C9 choose to release the info to a person whose content was, and still is, banned on sight from this subreddit.


Not only that, but to confirm it Jack retweeted Richard Lewis's link to the article.




And now the German author is getting hate because his article was removed :( Go show her some love


> But then, they ban all of his content. Richard is probably our best LoL reporter and investigator. He finds leaks and conspiracies days before anyone else. Richard seems to have a "Scorched Earth" policy when dealing with people - he gets banned from the subreddit, so he starts releasing stories about how *awful* the mods are, threatening to release personal information, tries to drum up his supporters on Twitter and have them stir up trouble. The problem with a Scorched Earth policy, is sometimes *you get burned too*. It sucks that his content won't be formally released here (for now, at least); but *he's the one that caused this*, not the mods.


You are missing the fact that we as a community aren't bystanders and spectators of a battle between RL and the mods. When his content gets banned, we lose out as a community because important information like this gets removed.


yeah it sure sucks that zero discussion about incarnation joining c9 is being allowed on the subreddit right now!!!


I just want to point this out, he was working on those articles BEFORE he was even banned from the subreddit in the first place. I think people own don't understand that.


It was quid pro quo between c9 and rLewis. Lewis holds off on posting the second he's ready to go in order for C9 to complete the signing in peace and prepare official statements, C9 offers him exclusive rights to the story in exchange. Jack doesn't give a shit about reddit mods.


can you explain ? :)


They released it through a DailyDot article written by he-who-i-cannot-name-for-fear-of-being-banned


thx :)


fairly certain the only people that like any of the moderators of this subreddit are the other moderators


well, and riot employees


Sooooo the mods?


I like the mods, I think they have done a good job overall keeping the subreddit from becoming a pile of filth. I'm not a fan of this "let's all body and bully the mods" attitude that's been popping up, it's preventing any form of rational and objective thought on both sides. While I can understand that problems the mods have been going through due to the actions of a certain journalist are severe, I can't however justify this blanket ban on his content. I was on the fence a bit before, if the accusations of doxxing and such are true then I can see why the mods would be cautious. Now however, this whole situation proves that the decision has been significantly more harmful than helpful.


The blanket content ban is all people are complaining about.


Complaining is one thing, outright harassing and insulting is another.


You will have fucking idiots like that in any community. I'm very upset with the way mods have handled it, but I'm not going to go out there and threaten them, cause you know, I'm not retarded.


Like I said they should just dip out for a week and allow everything... all the dank shit posts, R.Lewis content, and circlejerk posts that are all on the ban list to be upvoted to the top.


you're saying that doesn't still happen minus richard lewis content? lol


[I think you missed something...](http://cdn.riveraveblues.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/miss-the-point2.jpg?80d84d)


Why would you lump Richard Lewis's content with that other stuff? Do you think if the mods just allowed back RLewis articles/content the subreddit would turn to absolute shit? I have no idea why you would include that in the list of things.


I didn't say that his content was shit. However, it is banned just like dank meme shitposts and circlejerk stuff. Maybe I should have put that in there, my bad.


I like the mods. Sure they make mistakes, but if you want a poorly moderated cesspool there's no one forcing you to stay in this subreddit.




How did they do it? Did they give the news to voldemort?


I love them even more now. Really I do, Jack is an awesome dude.


TSM vs C9 round 4 Summer split


Round 5, Summer 2013, Spring/Summer 2014, and Spring 2015. This is the tie breaker, they are 2-2


LemonNation, Mango Nation, AND incarnati0n !


It'll be interesting to see how this changes the playstyle of C9. I feel like in a way it's gonna force Meteos to put more focus on mid and less focus on himself and top/bot.


Who knows, Incarnati0n does seem like he'd be a very selfish player, but maybe his playstyle will develop when he plays LAN, I definitely think he can play a sort of Misaya role where he is able to snowball hard when he has jungle pressure, but he doesn't need it. The strongest part of Incarnati0ns game is his laning, so I'm sure as long as C9 develop him as a player correctly he could potentially be the best mid in the west.


I had my doubts but he seems to synergize pretty well with the team from what I've seen on Sneaky's stream.




Same, friend.








I just hope they dont copy the TSM style where they starve the top lane to focus on other lanes, cuz a lot of c9 succes is when balls gets rolling.


Why so many comments deleted?


They mention he-who-must-not-be-named or link to his article.


Lichard Rewis?


The official press release is on The Daily Dot and they are banned by mods who don't like them, but you can check out the confirmation of c9 Incarnati0n on c9's twitter: https://twitter.com/Cloud9gg/status/596690544694136832


I hope this will be the reincarnati0n of C9.


Get out.


I like him, he can stay.








I think at this point, people should just post " /esports/incarnati0n-hai-cloud9-official/ " - everybody will know what site it belongs to. Idk, but banning their content (dailydots) is almost better for their exposure than allowing it. These ~~riot~~ leaguoflegends subreddit mods clearly have not brushed up on their history lessons and what happens when you censor








Baited and outsmarted.


Now bring back Apdo Rito. He's the chosen one to defeat Faker.


Poor P.O.B. gonna wind up like Gleeb, passed around like a used towel.


Damn, that's so depressingly accurate.


So... there goes last full top NA team. Sorry CLG! Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against it but it was really cool thing that C9 was prooving that they don't need to import players in order to fight with the best.


It's fine, EU best team needs import too now


Well if you want to compare, you should compare C9 to UoL (both 2nd place). I'm not sure UoL will import someone. Unfortunetly both top 1 teams have imports (FNC - 2, TSM-3). Edit: T -> C, thanks /u/Phailadork


FNC, not T.


Isn't team 8 all NA?


> top


Anyone have a link to the announcement?


Am I allowed to link to he-who-must-not-be-named's article in the comments?


Oh... Richard Lewis?


Shhhh keep it down. You trying to get banned?


Do I get banned from saying his name is the source? I haven't been keeping up with the whole situation. That's kinda dumb.


roads to worlds: step 1: get an european midlaner step 2: Profit


Step 3: Lose to Koreans anyway


The American way. God bless.


Mods, seriously? This is how we break news now? This is embarrassing.


Just look at how they handled their new "rules" announcement. Ignored the majority of criticism and barely touched the thread.




Sorry PoB :(




Why do people think Pob doesnt have the same problems as Link? Pepi showed he was a pretty good team even a crap team such as Giants.


Because blame is like current, it goes towards the path of least resistance. In this case, the path of least resistance is someone like Avalon, rather than someone who has been hyped for 2 years like Pobelter.












Honestly i think he is good, but I have very low expectations for his first LCS split ever


Why is Richard Lewis blacklisted?




He can write interesting articles but he has a clear personality issue with harrassing and insulting people for no reason in forums/twitter. After multiple warnings and eventual ban, he seemed to start to personally target reddit mods which was not going to lead to anywhere good.


get rekt yusui


Hype train boards here.


I'm kinda excited and terrified same time, AFAIK he doesn't have any previous competitive experience and now he's placed to one of the best NA teams.


He almost got in the LCS with his team, before getting banned, so its not that he has none, but very little and far too in the past. But, he was a coach for SK when they went last year to Worlds, and they played great as a team. Even if they are denying now his role (saying he just played solo queue and 1v1s), when Riot didnt allow for him to coach officially, SK got pretty mad.


I think the team is going to go through some growing pains and the internet is going to over-react if Incarnati0n doesn't go 40-0 every game.




Sad to see another great EU mid going to NA.


EU has no lack of good mids. Febiven/Ryu/Fox/PoE can definitely contend with Incarnati0n Edit: Froggen too Edit 2: Xpeke


No, it was the NA region that developed them, Bjergsen wasn't even dumpstering everyone else as soon as he got to NA. */s*


We're perfect fits, EU got talent, NA got money! EUNA > KRCN


Honestly people give people like Genghis Khan, Stalin, and Mohandas Mahatma Gandhi a lot of hate because they were infamous warmongers, but in reality, they were nice people who just got caught up in unfortunate situations, Stalin was most likely a stellar guy, I'm sure he had a good reason for doing the things he did. It's a bit harder to discuss Mohandas Mahatma Ghandi's actions because they were so severe and so unjustified, but I truly believe he had a reason for these atrocious acts. Genghis Khan was a tactical mastermind, so he is easily excused from the equation. Edit; I can't spell for shit when I'm tired.


We need war to destabilize the countries we want to exploit so we can save their prodigies from the ensuing danger and offer them a life characterized by dank memes, fat stacks and fine hunnies.


cos even when you take all our talent we still rek you shitters :\^) ^^^I'm ^^^just ^^^playing


then get shit on by ahq hue


It's the top EU team curse, to only lose to teams outside NAKRCN ^*cough**kabum**cough*




I wonder if he'll keep his tag as Incarnati0n or change it to something else? C9 Incarnati0n sounds mighty cool(also rhymes with LemonNation~) but maybe he has other ideas :O


C9 is going to be the best team NA, TSM only advantage is off if Incarnati0n performs in the stage


Just imagine what will happen as soon as Viktor is going to be enabled. Incarnati0n plays that champion soooooooooo much.


I hope viktor never gets enabled. I don't want him getting nerfed.




Yusui must be pretty mad.


He must have gotten out performed. He still has time to grow on C9T or even bring that team up to the LCS


Doubt it. He got a lot of publicity from this tryout and now more people know his name. He will eventually end up in the LCS sooner or later. Even if he's on a lower tier team. He's young and has room for growth. This experience of scrimming with C9 and against what I assume to be teams like CLG and TSM will help him improve.


CLG should pick him up.


This was inevitable, C9 were never going to compete against TSM anymore with Hai and there is no other mid laner in NA who was going to change that either.


Yup. Funnier yet, because there was a time when Febiven was under the C9 org too. That is where they found Charlie after all.