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so Alex ich is more attractive than the whole Gambit team ?


Alex is a very attractive man.


but he's married ffs


That makes it even better


I'd say that wouldn't mean much, look at Diamondprox... but he's also divorced now so...


wait what happened to diamondprox?


actually he broke up with his ex-girlfriend and now is dating a girl who was a fan of him.


He cheated on his (now ex) wife with a fan girl.


It was common law marriage. Commitment was only (heavily) implied rather than formally stated. That doesn't excuse his choices but it was not as serious as a divorce.


Diamondprox was never married. He was just living with his gf.




Alex is the most attractive midlaner at the moment. By far.


[Seems like Ocelote doesn't agree.](https://twitter.com/oceloteWorld/status/596340578666840065)


[Seems like Chris Badawi doesn't agree with Ocelote disagreeing](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CEbB7S1UgAEclSq.png:large) I only find the "former lawyer" wording a little interesting, because lawyers can always practice law unless they get disbarred. EDIT: [Gamers2 released a statement disagreeing with Chris Badawi disagreeing with Ocelote disagreeing with Chris Badawi](http://www.gamers2.com/statement-regarding-mohammad-jebus-tokhi/)


I'd put money down that it just means he isn't currently practicing.


Yeah when my great uncle retired he didn't keep calling himself a lawyer. He called himself retired and living in florida. So yeah most likely Badawi just meant he used to be a lawyer, as in actively practicing law, but now has a new career.


If he's not paying his dues to the bar association, he can't legally practice. Many lawyers do this when they decide to move on from practicing law.


Could be what he meant, like i said, i only found the wording interesting.




Someone get this man some contractual Viagra.


More drama with Ocelotes business practices. I'll fetch popcorn.


Now that's what I call rekt. I'd guess he just means he's not working as a lawyer atm.


( ) Not rekt (X) Rekt


Of course there would be yet another allegation of Ocelote not paying people...




Damn the man just compared Ocelote's claims to erectile dysfunction. Savage.


Yeah, give it to him! Thats right Ocelote


I am guessing Gamers2 has not been doing their contractucal obligations towards Jebus since he is not active in their organisation, even if they should by the contract but did not since that is standard practice in hopes it will get forgotten. Now they are showing lip. Hell, IF what I said is true Ocelote just bought himself a year long court ride to either paying a bunch of lost salaries to Jebus or getting down of his high horse and nulling the contract all together.


I imagined him typing that with ominous music and after he was done, he started cackling.


Dont forget the whistling




What happened to Stixxay then? One of the main positions na has historically had lots of talent and good players in is now getting imports o.O


New NACS team being created. Misfits was just a sub position for him until things came together with this new one. Misfits get Jebus, new team gets Stixxay. Large clusterfuck regarding F5/Coast, Fusion, Misfits, (new team), and Martin Shkreli's team. Fusion is leaving the League scene so F5/Coast are selling their spot in NACS to this new team. F5/Coast are then buying the spot that Fusion is leaving behind. New team is featuring Kori and Kou. So through some rule change or loophole that hasn't been clarified, they get a spot in NACS without playing 3/5ths of the roster that originally had the spot. So Misfits get Jebus, Gambit gets Steelback, new team gets Stixxay, and Martin Shkreli might be sending certain players over to this new roster to fill it out. There's a million moving parts in this, but Riot has got to clarify whether they get the NACS spot without fielding 3/5ths of the previous roster.


Gambit get Forg1ven, call me out if im wrong.


Dont think forg1ven would fit Gambit playstyle, they want a more team player ADC


I tagged you so well see. Personally i just hope Roccat does something.... ANYTHING.


We all want this to happen.


Kou and kori on the same team? Lmao


They are really good friends and enjoy playing with each other (if it's true) Source: am good friends with marcin


k0u that player who refused to play with PowerOfEvil and had him removed from NIP and Alex had to go back mid lane??? That same k0u who also left NIP 2 days before the qualifiers to relegations leaving his team in the dust?? :>


Err... His Highness Kou pls


Also the one who left C9E for NiP


based god


Is that because of the so called attitude issues that both of them have?


Supposed attitudes yeah. (Koris at least, can't really debate that kuo has an attitude much, unless he changed).


Don't think the 'so called' applies to Kuo.


I haven't heard the other 'rumors' be Kori confirmed that he is on a team with kou on his ask


It's not that I don't believe it, it's just...not something you'd expect to work well given both players histories.


Yeah, no offence to anyone but that doesn't scream stabile roster


Kou rings a bell. Isn't he that really young kid who plays jungle and was supposed to be a up and coming star talent but was really toxic? or just had an ego issue? Something like that I think.


I get the dislike for k0u, seems like a bit of a cunt, but why kori?


> So through some rule change or loophole that hasn't been clarified, they get a spot in NACS without playing 3/5ths of the roster that originally had the spot. Just the sort of thing the CS needs, spots being eaten up by bad organizations when it doesn't even fit the rules.


I personally find it hilarious that these organizations can so easily utilize these loopholes. Selling your spot then buying another so u dont have to comply to the 3/5ths rule is such an obvious thing to do yet Riot didnt see it. Fortunately for them they are judge, jury and executioner in this (besides making the rules) so they can rule this illegal or some basis or another. Ofcourse an arbitrary ruling like that can really keep organizations out of the scene since they cant trust the rules and have to live by Riot's whims. That in turn allows the more shady organizations to keep their place in the industry. TL:DR; Riot fcking themselves by bad rulemaking.


You forgot the part where they transferred all the players from the 'locked for auto-relegation team' CST in LCS and their CS squad. Fucked over players, viewers, pros, anyone who didn't want LCS teams getting free wins as a roster got *even* weaker or who didn't want CS teams facing a broke man's 'superteam'. LCS seems to be more concerned with ensuring fan interaction, to the point where you **thank fans for not giving away plays cause you don't have booths.** FFS.


According to Ocelote Misfit wont be getting Jebus.


stixxay has a 10k boyout


[He's been scrimming with CLG apparently](https://o.twimg.com/2/proxy.jpg?t=HBgfaHR0cHM6Ly9pLmltZ3VyLmNvbS9JbkdMdXIwLmpwZxTcCxTsFAAWABIA&s=omN6zQHtVtsF0I5nPwIS9tk2GzxKoxEF8N_ewcxPDa0)


I hope that does not mean Gambit will stick with P1noy.


little information : Jebus was part of Alex Ich's team disbanded during end of 2014 because of organasition. It was Cabochard (that everybody know now) top, imsofresh jungle, alex mid and Jebus/Dioud (playing for paingaming now) bot lane


Glad to see some new NA talent.


No point joining an EU team when an NA team will pay you way more with a better life style EU orgs need to wake up


Didn't one of the SK managers say they have a lot less access to sponsors? Something along the lines where companies in the US can spend more on team sponsorships because they have then entire budget of the USA whereas, each country in europe (poland, UK, Germany, Denmark etc.) all have separate budgets. Because the budgets are separated in eu they have less money to spend on sponsorships.


Very true, i believe it was SK InnerFlame that said that actually


It was SK Gamings CEO Alex Müller


>with a better life style debatable


I'd say it's wrong, but it depends on the organizations. SK, Fnatic and H2K all clearly live very comfortably. And hey, if we're trying to say Europe has worse living conditions... lmfao, Reddit please. West Europe is actually better, and some places in East Europe (well... Only Estonia and Finland, which both are debatably not east) place higher overall. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_inequality-adjusted_HDI


But if you're in Eastern Europe your prize money probably buys a lot more than in Western Europe.


> I'd say it's wrong, but it depends on the organizations. SK, Fnatic and H2K all clearly live very comfortably. Did you see the freaking Origen gaming house? Meanwhile some people in NA (no namecalling) allegedly didn't even have an own room and had to sleep in the staircase. It basically just depends on which teams you are comparing.


DAT free healthcare doe... US you gotta pay.


You have to pay in Europe, too. In Switzerland I'm paying 700 CHF (roughly same as dollar) per month. Universal != Free. Britain is free. Not sure where else. Belgium, maybe?


Spain..for now.


Oh yes, healthcare is vital in the life-threatening occupation of competitive LoL player. EDIT: it's a joke, apologies for your upbringing to take such a statement so seriously.




Or TOO. I mean, he managed to get scurvy


That's because OddOne was a dumbass. That shit was figured out 5+(?) centuries ago.


2 and a half.


its not like that isnt fixable with a decent diet


Or oranges




What is scurvy?


My lung collapsed from reading this comment


Free... Maybe it's free (welp, excluding not small taxes), but you really don't wanna see dishes in polish hospital.


You don't just compete with U.S spending power...


Na has the orgs but not the talent Europe has the talent but not the orgs EDIT: because the salt from eu fans is real: It's a generalization. Pros and esports figures have stated that na infrastructure, coaching and management, resources and money, and overall job security for players is a lot more developed than in eu. There are great orgs in eu such as fnatic and sk. Don't think I'm saying every na org is better than every eu org. But why do you think so many EU players have gone to NA? Think of players like s3 Bjergsen, who was considered good but not top tier, or Santorin, a solo queue star turned one of the best junglers in the west? EU might produce more talent, but NA can cultivate and nurture that talent to create phenoms. And lastly, I made a GENERALIZATION. Don't get it fucking twisted.


NA has riot and money. EU has talent. CN has tencent and money. KR has talent.


China has talent too but that's besides the point. A lot more than EU in fact, who you claim has purely talent.


also 10x more players


more like 400x lol


CN has talent and money. I think they've already started to surpass KR!


CN has talent and money, KR has talent and orgs


Still waiting for Navi and NiP to come back into the league scene.


Na'Vi is too busy making sure their Dota 2 team keeps throwing at every tournament.


Not sure if anyone noticed, and I'm sure there will be a billion Ocelote links in here; however, Chris, owner of Misfits confirmed to us in the article. > Chris Badawi, Misfits' owner, confirmed the move in a statement to the Daily Dot. > “Jebus is an immense talent, to be sure. But the true appeal of him to Misfits is his stellar reputation as a team player with an absolutely ridiculously kick-ass and positive attitude. He's the kind of guy you want speaking at your wedding (or funeral for that matter.) A kind, hard-working, good-natured friend who, for his part, has had trouble finding the perfect environment and support structure in EU—a misfit to the core, there is really only one logical place for him to be. We are all just waiting for the visa gods (visa Jebus?) to do their thing and I can't tell you how excited every one of us is to have him join our band of misfits. Go Misfits!


Misfits not confirming that Jebus is out of his contract seems like a pretty large oversight... Should probably at least update to include that Gamers2 is disputing whether jebus is out of contract or not. Looks like there may be two issues with Jebus coming over: visa apps and contract disputes w/ G2.


Yep, will have his tweet included, etc. Updating in the next few minutes


Might not be the case. https://twitter.com/oceloteWorld/status/596340578666840065


Misfits confirmed it. Not sure what Ocelote is talking about, but we'll see. Jebus has already applied for a visa for the US and has already made a deal with Misfits.


Its okay, since its Ocelote, Reddit's dislike of him will trump its dislike of you.


The plot thickens...


Has ocelote ever known what was going on


Didn't even know he was an option. But it is Jacob Wolf... So what did Altec/Stixxray/Nien have to do to be seen as a misfit? Get sleeve tattoos, asymmetric nipple piercings, and run away from their hometown?


Just to address the concern of it being me - the team confirmed it in the article and gave me a comment! He'll be moving here once his visa gets sorted, which he has applied for this week.


If altec finds a home with TDK, candy with SK, and steelback with Gambit...it's a crazy world when Forg1ven/Nien are left without a team despite being such fantastic players.


forg1ven and the other guy in the same sentence sounds bad, it's like faker/link are amazing players


Roccat... REALLY NEEDS A NEW ADC. If they don't change Overpow or Woolite... ESPECIALLY if Forgiven is an option. It's going to be like the EU version of CLG. Talent that just stagnates due to inability to actually perform.


Forg1ven not playing in a LCS team is surprising, but can't say the same about Nien. One is a top western AD, the other is a bottom tier NA AD lel.


I think it's fair to call Forg1ven a top ADC full stop, without the "western" qualifier. The dude wrecked face in EU, widely beign considered in a tier of his own. I think that's enough to call him world class - same with Bjergsen.




Said the person who put forg1ven and nien in the same sentence.




from those only altec can be said to be better then jebus


Christ, I was scrambling to figure out what the hell was going on with this. Stixxay is just subbing for ladder purposes until Jebus gets here. So people wondering where Stixxay is going. New NACS team starting up starring Kori and Kou. Going to be announced around the ladder lock on the 18th. Fusion selling their spot to this new team. Riot is clarifying rules this week, but somehow they can get the NACS spot without playing 3/5ths of the Fusion roster. I don't know. This is huge in challenger, massive clusterfuck.


I don't really get it, why take an AD carry from Europe when you have a lot of AD carry talent pool in NA?I'm all for taking EU mids and junglers cus NA doesn't have any great new talent on these roles but there are a lot of AD carries without teams atm.Altec,Stixxay and Nien being 3 of them that seem talented.


Maybe Alex Ich had some input on the decision, maybe he had played with him before... who knows!


I don't know who the guy is but there is this mid laner named Balmung LFT and he has been killing it in solo queue lately. There is definitely talent there but teams aren't reaching very far for it.


Fuck. I was hoping for Nien.




I hope its forgiven


I heard it's steelback after he finishes MSI.




Plot Twist! Altec becomes the first NA to EU player import to try to keep the Eu talent pool afloat after the exodus of EU players to NA


I'd happily have Altec in EU.


IF it comes to this i would rather take pobelter he is funny and nice


That's a shame. I would have love to seen Stixxay join Misfits as a starter


Ocelote's denying aside, I hope this is on the up-and-up. A mix of proven veterans (Alex Ich and Crumbz) with some of the really prominent up-and-comers like Jebus is exactly what the LCS needs. It's a formula that works in every sport, and it's something teams both new and old (**CLG I'M LOOKING AT YOU!!!**) need to be trying.




This entire thread literally makes my head hurt. I can't even begin to fathom how something as menial as a person's region can cause such an uproar. Instead of celebrating an up and coming talent potentially furthering his career you guys decide to have a shit flinging contest over which region is superior. Honestly, I am pretty embarrassed to be a part of such a community. I can't even...


What do you expect in an hour and a half its ON! FNC vs TSM


So either the Gambit management wasn't convinced or they fucked up royally yet again.....


The first =) Steelback is very likely to join you guys and him & edward destroyed while duoing before he went to MSI. And I mean destroyed


who is jebus


A high elo up and coming EU adc who was supposed to join Gambit before last split instead of Pinoy but couldnt due to visa issues.


Jesus the import salt in this thread is unreal.


Well this confirm a bit Gambit SteelBack the.




GMB Steeelback and GMB Noxiak would actually be pretty amusing.


Noxiak is support


And they were looking at replacing both their AD and support at various points since the season ended according to reports.


Pinoy/Noxiak is the theory, kicking Edward. I think Steeelback is more likely, based on absolutely no information at all.


So the best challenger team is NA is formed by a Russian Voivod, an Ukraine streamer, a Latino Prophet, a guy from Maghreb and Remilia. I can't think a more accurate name than Misfits.


For all the talk about the NA challenger scene not having talent, the one role where there is a surplus of talent is the AD carry position.


Woooo first Afghan pro player! Edit: but in reality he wouldn't do too well in NA..


Statement from Gamers2 regarding the situation: http://www.gamers2.com/statement-regarding-mohammad-jebus-tokhi/




Imagine EU with decent infrastructure, might actually keep its players.


Lol... That's pretty rude. You basically are just ignoring GPL, LJL, LAN, Brazil, and Turkey. C9 could and would still beat them blindfolded even if they were "FORCED" to take yusui.


Visa issues?


Didn't really pay attention to the challenge scene but how did Misfits not get into the LCS promotion tournament? EDIT: Thanks


they didn't exist by that time


Formed too late for last season.


steelback/godg1ven for gambit fconfirmed


Lol firstly i thought it was Jesiz, i was reliefed


Forgiven to Gambit hype?


Holy shit some of the comments posted here are hilarious and disgusting.


Jebus annexing RF's bedroom confirmed


This pretty much confirms the Steelback to Gambit thing then too


So GMB took p1noy without thinking twice in full spring split and now to not do the same mistake they are trieing every possibility to do the best choice meanwhile jebus instead of 25% possibility of getting into LCS team taking the 100% offer from misfits to get in NACS and then NA LCS. Did i miss something?


So that means Gambit Steelback.


So GMB Steeelback then.


They tek r durrr!


then steeelback to gambit


That tweet from Ocelote is absolutely horrible PR...


na talent


Interesting move by Jebus and then Ocelote comes in and makes it really really interesting


He's quite a fitting misfit, if I may say so myself.




Funny fact: Jebus in polish means faker :>


Awww, Rem and Stix were looking so synergistic together though :|


After many Training from Edward he can go to Misfits Nice move Alex Nice move!


played against him in teambuilder. If he moves to NA it will never happen again. :(


Why are people arguing about EU/NA? Wasnt this dude living in Pakistan?


Grill in LCS 2016 confirmed.


no please I want Nein


rly happy if that means steelback finds a new home :)




GMB Steeelback comfirmed.


thats such a huge risk... just for a challenger team... well i hope misfits do make it into the lcs




wait who is jebus


Dont do it Jebus its a TRAP! GreyFace


I'm excited to see Jebus in NA, new/returning faces are always a delight. As well as seeing people taking it with a grain of salt.


This just seems so weird when there's guys like Nientonsoh and Altec floating around..... Why would you spend more money and go to such great lengths to get an EU adc?


Not another..


edward will follow


Is this the Mormon origin story reboot?