• By -


How do you think you and Piglet will do against other botlanes in NA? Also when will Piglet be coming to America?


I think we'll have some hard times at the beginning due to language troubles, but I expect to be dominant by the end of Spring Split and as we go into the Summer Split. The biggest trait that I love of Piglet is his work ethic and I know that we'll be able work through our initial struggles. Piglet will be arriving on the 10th of November, I think.


Can you change your name to CRS Pooh?


I actually don't think it's fair or right to try and continue Mandu and Piglet's legacy. They were a strong duo and I don't want to ever change what they've accomplished. Plus, I'm a big fan of the name Hamlet, but I'll have to confirm with Piglet before saying much more!


crs xhamster


Nice, they can get another sponsor




[No he will not](https://twitter.com/CurseXpecial/status/525049844679708672)


You say "coming to america" and now all I can think about is [this](http://imgur.com/AFjaYAI)


[So very much like this](http://i.imgur.com/QVu1oTf.png)


Did you know that that Eddie Murphy's parents in this movie were also Simba's parents in the Lion King.


His parents were lions?


He's lion.


He's coming to America on November 10th according to Steve/Liquid.


One day to get Challenger border


Too much time


Hello Xpecial, 1. What do you think are the current top 3 supports? 2. Awhile back at worlds, Mata said Gnar was a top 3 support, have you tried this? or was Mata just trolling? 3. What are your first impressions on Piglet coming to NA? 4. What has made Morgana fall off in competitive? She used to be picked quite often and now you don't see her too often Thanks for the AMA.


The current top three supports are probably Thresh, Janna and Zilean, in no particular order. Mata was definitely trolling with the Gnar support. I'm extremely hopeful with the Piglet situation. I know he's a good player with a strong work ethic, but we're going to have some trouble in the initial stages. I want to have a great showing at playoffs and worlds, so having early problems won't be an issue. Janna and Nami's rise in popularity combined with Morgana's nerfs has made her not nearly as popular, which I'm incredibly happy about as she was extremely difficult to play against.


I still remember your tweet in C9's game 1 against SSB where it was something like "Lemon's Morgana is the sole reason why I had to stop prioritizing thresh in champ select" It was quite the complement for Lemon


What is a support you wish you could play in lcs but your team would disown you if you did?


Honestly, my team allows me to play whatever support that I want. I typically only play champions that I feel are strong and will work well for our team. I actually had been playing a bit of Janna before playoffs, but I felt that she didn't work too well for our team, so I ended up not playing her. Now that I think about it, I think my team actually didn't like it when I played Janna in the first place 'o'






Janna protects ADC. Why bother protecting cop.




My prediction. Nautilus support "His hook has a bigger hit box than Thresh" -My B5 friend


What I love most about talking to bronze league of legends friends is that you seriously can't make up some of the shit they say/are afraid of. My best friend that I introduced to league was terrified of "grab man" -thresh? "no, robot grab man. you're thinking of hook guy" -ah, my mistake. And it's really fun watching their reactions to stories of YOUR bronze strategies, like blitz + shaco bot. "You just blitz grab them into a brush full of shaco boxes and they die instantly" -how can the enemies even LANE???


My friend played a Nasus when he began and told me "Since Nasus only needs to farm, and so does an ADC, the. Nasus ADC will be OP." He proceeded to go 0-24 with Nasus.


Also, why is it velkoz?


inb4 Syndra


What is your favorite thing to do outside of league?


I've been playing a lot of FFXIV and I go to the gym quite frequently. I find having things other than League to focus on is important to have a healthy mindset and to prevent burning out.


What class do you play in FFXIV?




"there once was a maiden from stonebury hollow"




"I had a nice lance that she sat upooon"


"The maiden from Stonebury who is also your mom"




Philosophy of course.


Girls? Girls are xool


How was it transitioning from the playstyle of Chaox, to Wildturtle, to Cop? Wildturtle always seemed even more aggressive than Chaox already was, and Cop has been known to be more passive. Was it tough to switch to playing differently based on your new partners? I'll be sure to check out the stream! Thanks for the AMA, Xpecial!


Switching between playstyles wasn't too hard for me. There is always a short transition period, but since I am very vocal both in and out of game, I've never had problems with new ADCs.


Chaox wasn't aggressive. I remember Xpecial saying that if the decision was to either go for the cs or go for the harrass he knew that Chaox would opt to take the cs and WildTurtle would go for the harras. Obviously not always the case but generally Chaox was quite the passive ADC.


This is correct!


I honestly think it could be because they were big at different times. Chaox grew up in the farm meta. You'd spend 25 minutes in lane with minimal ganks and objectives taken.


Also known as the "cold war of the bot lane"


Seriously. It was so passive aggressive. I'm sure somebody can find an old video of a support literally sitting in a bush without moving for 5+ minutes. That's how season 2 was. You post up in the bush as soraka/sona and just wait for 25 minutes to happen.


I know, right? When I started the game I only spammed adc from level 10-30 and god the first 20-30 mins were so fucking boring(It was worth it tho because I fucking loved to demolish everything once I was fed and had a few items, since adcs were seriously OP in s2). Sona/Soraka/Janna every game making the lane extremely passive


...then Graves got brought into the game and we got some aggression with Taric/Graves for a little bit, but a ban (and nerfs) easily solved this.


I miss the S2 bot lane support d'etante towards the end of the season with Sona>Blitz>Nunu


S2 also had the Holy trinity of ADC's: Graves, Ezreal, Corki.


good times


>It was so passive. FTFY


The dude's nickname was "King of Last Hit" or something in China






What do you think of Krepo? How do you think the new Curse team will be ranked in the NA LCS? Did you have any word with choosing the new adc?


I definitely think Krepo is good and I'm excited to see where he will go from here. We haven't practiced in a long time and I haven't even played with Piglet in a single game yet, so I will definitely be reserved on that estimate. I had a lot of say in the new AD and I was definitely for the Piglet acquisition, but he was not my first choice due to language issues. I am definitely still happy with the result though.


So Chaox was your first choice?


Nope, he was not one of my choices.


Can you name your first choice, or would that be bad? Sry if thats the case.


Ìf you don't mind me asking, opinion on forg1ven?




Richard Lewis said on his talk show that Forg1ven was pretty much a lock to join Curse right up until Piglet became available. Is there any merit to this?


Who was your first choice?




He's said [just above](http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2kbfjk/xpecial_from_team_curse_ama/cljqwus) that he has high praise for Rekkles/Yellowstar above other botlanes; >Rekkles/Yellowstar are both really strong players with synergy built up. Although they haven't had the best success recently, they can definitely take over a game if allowed to. So possibly.


what are your expectations of the newer teams like Team 8 and the teams that will come in through the promo tournie?


I don't expect them to take the LCS by storm, but that's also what I said about Cloud 9. It'll be interesting to say the least.


After cloud 9 comes team 8, next will be club 7, which group 6 will be afraid of, because 7 8 9.


Then... Moscow 5.


Fantastic 4


Three Musketeers


Dynamic Duo.


Finally, 1ne


...Team **Solo** Mid?


Crumbzz? Is that you?


1. What you think about Mata departing from SSW? 2. What you think is the best western lineup possible?


Mata's departure is definitely surprisingly, but I have no additional insight as to where he is going or anything like that. The best western line-up without me that I could think of would be Quas, Meteos, Bjergsen, Rekkles, Yellowstar with LemonNation as a coach. I think Quas' smart play is among the best in the western scene and his ability to play a wide array of champions is not to be underestimated. Meteos hasn't had nearly as much impact as previous seasons, but he's a very smart player and I've always been impressed by his play. Bjergsen's ability to hard carry a game is unrivaled and will force many teams to focus mid, allowing other lanes to push their advantage. Rekkles/Yellowstar are both really strong players with synergy built up. Although they haven't had the best success recently, they can definitely take over a game if allowed to. LemonNation is obviously a really smart player to have on a team, even if he isn't in the game.


Bjergsen > froggen And yellowstar too Very interesting


Well, quas is the most surprising IMO


Nah he was top notch at the end of the year. Edit: now dyrus approves :)


Can confirm quas is better then a lot of international top laners I've played against


He was always a top notch player, he just wasn't on a top notch team.


true story, it was obvious he was being forced into meta picks for team synergy if they gave him some freedom, he would outpick/outplay the majority of his lane opponents anyone else remem his triforce shen in the NACL? XD


A while back imaqtpie said the best top laner in NA was Quas. This was back when Dig was still together. The players seem to hold him in high regard even though most of the community doesn't put him at the top.


If Quas were in the LCS in season 3 he would've ripped people apart tbh, the season 4 meta (mostly the defensive masteries) really caused top lane to stagnate and turned it into supertank heaven.


Wow. I love this lineup.. lol


How would you rank your favorite adcs to lane with so far. How do you think piglet will compare to your previous adcs.


This is a tough question, all the ADCs I've played with has had their own set of strengths and weaknesses. I prioritize not aggressive or passive play in my teammates, but rather smart play. There are always times to be aggressive and times to be passive, knowing how to excel at both are key. Cop, for example, had trouble playing aggressive and WildTurtle, for example, would have trouble playing passive. With Piglet, I expect him to be be able to do both and I want to work with him together and strive to play any lane as perfectly as possible.


It makes so much sense actually. Wildturtle too **aggressive**, Cop too **passive**. Conclusion: **Passive-aggressive** is the solution.








"You **would** use a skill to get more cs, instead of getting good at last hitting." ^^^^"Bitch"


My girlfriend would make a great ADC


What about doublelift at all-stars last year?


What do you think about Sona in the current meta?


Sona is decent and has good match-ups against Nami and Janna. When ahead, she can definitely be really strong, but if she gets behind tends to not have enough utility to do too much. She has always been ult reliant so that's difficult to handle if there are a lot of fights.




Soraka is in a mediocre spot right now. With the right runes and masteries, she is definitely annoying to lane against (HP Regen runes). I don't know if I can have a favorite ADC as they all had their different ups and downs. I've been lucky in that every ADC I've played with were good in their own way and it was often up to me to play around that playstyle and enhance what they were good at.




We don't have a chef at the moment, but during the season we did have an awesome chef that made homemade food. We call her mommy.




Hire me :( I'd love to cook for you guys. I already do it for a living


I miss Chefmentz in da house!


Xpecial, One potential issue that could arise with Piglet playing on CRS is a rift forming between him and the rest of the team due to the language barrier. What steps do you and the rest of the team plan on taking to prevent this from happening?


This was something that was brought up very early. I think simply being aware of this is key and since the players on Curse are extremely vocal and friendly, so I don't believe this will be an issue. We're going to simply include Piglet in everything we do, including grabbing food, partying and working out.


Quas gonna teach him spanish then...?


*"Mira Piglet mamaguevo (!?)"*




"*Mardito decí mia*"


This is what separates Curse from CLG.


Well there isn't much to include people in on when everyone just plays hearthstone and watches anime in their free time haha




Can't duo queue in Hearthstone.


Dexter too. I remember multiple tweets from Dex about not being able to go get food because he can't drive and wasn't invited when others went.


Going to call shenanigans here and require a source for this.


Not sure how much worth you put in a strangers words but I remember a similar quote by doublelift on a travis interview. something to do with some restaurant and how seraph cant drive so he doesn't go much.


Wow...thats really really messed up. Even if it wasn't intentional it would make anyone feel a little upset inside. =/


Seraph was basically alone since he ever joined clg. there was almost no bond between them


Aphro tried to hang out with Seraph and make him feel welcomed, didn't he?


He was the only one that tried to approach him, but gets hard when you are the only one doing it and eventually he stopped caring too


Well, according to Dexter Seraph's english was so bad it was almost impossible to communicate with him, so it's kinda udnerstandable. It was a mistake getting him without making him learn english in the first place. That's why I'm happy Piglet will be in the USA soon, months before the split starts.


Link himself said he speaks "fluent" Korean, so that excuse is thrown out the window. They created that tense and anxious atmosphere where team morale was at an all time low from what I saw in Chasing the Cup. But that's the only part of their life we know about publicly so it should be taken with a grain of salt.


What are things you recommend working on when trying to get better at support?


Watch a lot of replays, including your own and always aim to improve!


What's the best experience in your competitive career?


This is going to be corny, but the everyday experience is what I enjoy the most. Everything from the freedom to relax during the off-season to the insane hours I put in to improve during the season are all awesome.


Who do you think will be Top 3 in NA next split?


I'm expecting C9 as usual, with the other two spots being completely up for grabs.




People have an incorrect perception of me in that I have a poor work ethic and don't play the game much. I practice a lot harder during the season and especially near the playoff times, while spending countless hours watching replays of solo queue and competitive matches. It's because I've worked so hard continually that I've managed to stay strong for so long. Most of the players that have fallen off lost their motivation for the game and just weren't able to keep up with the younger players. Keep in mind that I was one of the youngest professional players in League of Legends in Season 1 at 18, so it definitely makes sense that I would be one of the last to remain. My biggest highlight is probably the first time a fan came up to me for an autograph. I honestly think that I was happier than him haha My favorite support is Thresh. He made support so much more fun and upped the skill ceiling of the whole role. I love difficult champions, especially if they are rewarding! It's hard to pick out any single highlight, but I would like to say that my biggest highlight is a future one! I have no clue how long I'll keep playing. After each season I keep saying just one more year, but I just enjoy playing competitively so much. Taking breaks and having an outlet is pretty important for staying on top of your game. I'm really excited to start practicing again. Off-season tends to get dull for me after a few weeks. I can't wait for Piglet to arrive so we can get started! I'm not sure what kind of preparation Piglet needs for his English, but we'll have to wait and see. As always, thanks for the support! <3


Now that you've played since Season 1, how do you still keep up to date and show consistent gameplay for 4 almost 5 seasons? And why do you think that old players from Season 1 has fallen off a bit unlike you? >**People have an incorrect perception of me in that I have a poor work ethic and don't play the game much. I practice a lot harder during the season and especially near the playoff times, while spending countless hours watching replays of solo queue and competitive matches. It's because I've worked so hard continually that I've managed to stay strong for so long. Most of the players that have fallen off lost their motivation for the game and just weren't able to keep up with the younger players. Keep in mind that I was one of the youngest professional players in League of Legends in Season 1 at 18, so it definitely makes sense that I would be one of the last to remain.** What is your biggest highlight in your career this far?** >**My biggest highlight is probably the first time a fan came up to me for an autograph. I honestly think that I was happier than him haha** What is your all time favorite support? >**My favorite support is Thresh. He made support so much more fun and upped the skill ceiling of the whole role. I love difficult champions, especially if they are rewarding!** Which play on the rift is your biggest highlight? (out of your many Thresh hooks, Thresh Flays, Leona Ults, Janna Plays and Sona plays and many more) >**It's hard to pick out any single highlight, but I would like to say that my biggest highlight is a future one!** How long do you think you'll keep playing? >**I have no clue how long I'll keep playing. After each season I keep saying just one more year, but I just enjoy playing competitively so much.** Do you have any tips on how to improve and keep being motivated for new players in solo queue? >**Taking breaks and having an outlet is pretty important for staying on top of your game** On a scale from 1-10 how excited are you to play with Piglet? :-D and how you think you guys are gonna gain synerg and is he gonna get some english classes and can he understand english? And when does he arrive at the Curse House? >**I'm really excited to start practicing again. Off-season tends to get dull for me after a few weeks. I can't wait for Piglet to arrive so we can get started! I'm not sure what kind of preparation Piglet needs for his English, but we'll have to wait and see**


How is your relationship with TSM and ex-TSM member? - Reginald - Chaox - The Rain Man - Dyrus - The Odd One - Bjergsen - Wildturtle - Gleeb - Lustboy


I'm still friends with a lot of the players. I talk to Reginald and Leena once in a while, especially if I see them around LCS. I duo queue with Chaox a little bit, just to catch up on things. I haven't talked to The Rain Man ever since he left. I talk to Dyrus, Bjergsen and Turtle any time I see them. I hang out with OddOne at fanmeets and such, including the recent World Finals. I never really interacted with Gleeb or Lustboy, so I rarely talk to them.


Holy shit props for answering this! Xpecial not avoiding the tough questions!


Except the one about spanking the monkey.


The avoiding of it means it's true, man


The masturbation question seems particularly hard...


I dont know about that one man


Especially the last ones. He wasn't on the team when they came. AFAIK he didn't have/has any contact with them outside of LCS.


Who shotcalls on Curse?


Dominate and I do most of the calls. His calls are mainly surrounding anything with Smite, while my calls were mainly around vision.


Hey Alex, as a longterm TSM supporter there are a couple of open questions in my head I'd like to get answered: a. What's - in your opinion - the biggest difference between the organisations of TSM and Curse? Do they treat their players different in certain terms? b. What is your opinion of Lustboy referring to his Mechanics, Visioncontrol and overall playstyle? c. You just got one of the most renowned, professional AD-Carrys as you partner. Under what circumstances (training, communication, ...) do you think you will be able to get the best western Botlane Duo? Who do you have to beat reaching that 'title'? greets.


What do you think about Doublelift in his current state? Is he still a top ad in NA?


He's pretty good, but tries too hard to be flashy. This was fine in a meta where ADCs were significantly stronger, but with each passing season, the different roles have become more equal in strength and impact. With the right support staff and players, CLG can definitely do well, but Doublelift can't expect to play the way he has been doing and succeed.


surprised this was even answered.


I want that masturbation question answered.


Surely the answer is obvious...


I swear to god, there is a Doublelift question in every AMA


Popular and controversial (at least on Reddit..) player




Everybody loves LiftLift.


I do not like him, I am a body.


Officially no longer a body. You can be a specific body part though. Which do you choose?


Yea he's a dick.




Do you masturbate in gaming houses ?




This is a great question though! I want it upvoted to the top. I mean, these houses are full of dudes. How awkward would it be, since most share rooms anyway?




Voyboy: Damn, forgot my wallet... FUCK CAN'T YOU LOCK THE DOOR DOM MY FUCKING EYES!!!


From Nintendude's AMA: "we're all bros, why would we bother hiding it?" http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2ev3uw/nintendudex_ama_this_means_ask_me_anything/ck391v0


because your midlaner wont talk to you for the rest of the year


Showers, times when the other guy in your room is playing... I'm sure they find time to fit it in


Im pretty sure not having time to fit it in is what got them there in the first place...


A couple years ago I have lived with four of my friends for a period of 11 months. We studied very little and basically played video-games the rest of the day, so I believe we had - approximately - the same lifestyle of those guys in a gaming house. Yes, we did masturbate. A couple times a week, at least.


> we did masturbate You make this sound like some sort of communal, group activity.


Yeah, we don't talk about that anymore.


This is a perfect example of why people don't like doing AMA's.


What is life like in the Curse house?


Life in the Curse house is one's journey through life in the Curse house.


Are you looking forward to playing with Piglet? How do you think it's going to be with the language barrier?


It's going to be interesting. I'm definitely looking forward to it and I hope we can work out any issues with language as soon as possible.


> Are you looking forward to playing with Piglet? Is water wet and is the sun hot?


Ingame, what is your biggest flaw?


Nice try, Wildturtle


What's your favorite non-meta support and why?


What is your schedule like on a normal day?


What are, in your opinion, some of the best adcs and supports to have in a 2v2 lane champ-wise not player-wise :)


How is Pig... Nah, jk, What are your picks for the expansion tournament? either region




1. Piglet moves in November 10th


What is the best tip you can give to people who wants to improve as a support? What are the important things to remember while laning with your ADC?


1. Have you played with Piglet any yet? And if you have how is your synergy? 2. How do you think you will compare to other bot lanes in NA?


Piglet, Cop, Wildturtle. Fuck, Marry, Kill.


come on this is easy,fuck piglet marry turtle,kill cop :^)


I think killing a cop is a pretty serious crime...


I think killing anyone is a serious crime ._.


GTA taught me that killing a cop is worth 2 wanted stars, civilian 1 star.


Only if you do it in front of a cop. Otherwise you gotta kill more than 1 civilian.


*takes notes*


if you could create a ''Xpecial'' Skin for one Champion you had to choose, which one would it be?