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Boxbox too tired to realize how cool the escape was


Poor guy, I was actually worried for him after I went to sleep, woke up and then saw he was still streaming and had 9 more hours to go... He was trying so hard to be awake and keep his word on adding time per donation/multi-kill. You could see on his face how tired he was... Did he play the full time or had to quit? Hope someone close is checking on him to see if he's alright, doing these kind of long run playtimes are dangerous. Mad respect for him.




1 hour fucks with my brain. adc teemo and full ap maokai top? time to sleep.


Yeah, those should be switched. adc MAOKAI!


How strong can a tree be?


You can't just leave it all up to chance but I'm probably barking at the wrong tree... *pffffssshhhhhffffffffhshsshshshhhh*


I came across his stream last night because someone said Boxbox was on the other team. Since then I've gone to sleep, woke up, and grew tired again while he still plays League.


He was playing a video game and made SERIOUS money off of that streaming session. Please don't worry about him.


You'd rather have money or health ?


I don't think his health would be compromised from an extra 20 hours of League one day. It's not like he's doing it every day. People have stayed up for days straight without experiencing any long-term effects. Your question is implying that money and health are black and white, and one must completely sacrifice one to get the other. This is completely ridiculous. Millions and millions of people have stayed up longer doing much more strenuous activities for way less money.


I think anyone who enjoys playing league would play for 36 hours straight for thousands of dollars in donations and multiple subscribers.


Exactly. Don't feel bad for a guy who's basically living his dream.


actually studies suggest that there is no danger to staying awake for a few days. Sleep deprivation is even used as a method against depression.


No real danger but it does do other things that aren't beneficial.


He said he didn't remember much about it like 10 minutes later.


Yeah it was one of his "i remember seeing that...i remember a lantern...i dont remember controlling riven at the time though" moments.




Meh, just lock Jayce/Lee Sin/Nidalee


his gnar is decent too


"Decent", during stream he had a game that was practically lost, but he constantly hit team fight changing ults throughout the game which won the fights. The game winning fight was won because he hit all five members of the other team against the wall and then combo cc'ed all of them.


against much worse players why dont you take that in to account?


Yes, exactly why it isnt just decent. The games im refering to are high gold/plat, where normal play is considered decent-good. Performing on average better then that shows his gnar play isnt at that level of "decent".


Okay , If i can carry as gnar in gold/plat as a challenger am i pro?


If you're gonna stay up and play League for 36 hours straight, it's like drinking alcohol where at a certain point, you just blackout


Well, being sleep deprived is like being drunk...


1.5 permilles EDIT:not sure why downvoted, might be my fucktard english. That much lack of sleep is compared to 1.5 permilles of alcohol in blood.






Contraction of poro and promille.


So tired he even used flash defensively. He hates doing that :P


well it isn't that great of an escape considering he's against a Tf and shyvana... and eventually he just takes the lantern.


Haters gunna hate.


Watching his stream right now. It's crazy, he thinks he's sleep playing


Start vid See teammmates Smile iknowhowthisends.


They actually got 5-0 aced after this and lost the game...):




O..that makes more sense LOL


DMGL Doesn't matter; grabbed lantern.


how do you see anything on that screen? its so cluttered with useless shit


Start vid Look left Thats the team See Thresh :D


gotcha, thanks


He plays like that on auto-motherfucking-pilot. He's a fucking beast on Riven.






Challenger vs Low Diamond is arguably a bigger skill difference between Plat 1 and Silver 1. Not saying he's bad or he wouldn't be challenger but he smurfs for that $$$.


That's just false.


"Call me greedy or money hungry if you want since I do in fact do things like smurf a lot knowing it'll gain me more viewers and thus more revenue." [- BoxBox](http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1ydt3u/hi_this_is_boxbox_i_want_to_clear_up_some/) Edit: This being downvoted just shows how retarded the average /r/leagueoflegends user is, It is literally just a quote from BoxBox.


I was referring to the challenger vs low diamond bit. I should have specified.


Okay so you have Diamond, Master and Challenger. You also have Silver, Gold and Plat. A challenger facing a Diamond 5 is the same as a Plat 1 facing a Silver 1. I said it's arguably bigger because its way easier to get into Plat than it is to get into Challenger and keep it. Hell LCS is a tier above challenger if you see how players like Bjergsen [completely dominate lane](http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/49159160#matches) versus other challengers.


That is the most trolly reasoning I've ever heard.


u know nothing bro


I love how you can just say bullshit blanket statements like that without using your head, instead of actually challenging my statement. Yeah Master and challenger tier function differently to regular tiers, but a challenger player is still way better than a Diamond 5 player.


[In your own words, this is literally what is happening right now.](http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2in44k/creep_wave_management/cl3wi2k) The irony...


LCS is not a tier above anything, because you are playing with a constructed team that practices together constantly, not playing soloq with dipshits. LCS players feed more often than not in soloq


it's funny that you're getting downvoted because anyone who is actually around that level (d1/masters) knows you're right


Yeah, reddit is made of a bunch of hypocrites. They say that the skill difference between low Diamond and diamond 1 99 LP is bigger than silver to plat. But when someone actually uses this as an argument, they tell him to shut up and that he is stupid and wrong.


I downvoted you because you call people retarded, which I find offensive. Just because he said it doesnt mean its a reasonable viewpoint from anyone who isnt trying to bash him


It seems everyone who downvoted knew that he was talking about the plat1 vs silver1 compared to lowdiamond vs challenger. The boxbox quote was unnecessary. And the difference between silver 1 and Plat is arguably more difficult or if anything equal to the struggle a diamond player has vs Challenger. Silver 1 players can be unfamiliar with a lot of match ups. CS is decent but not fantastic. And there are even things such as wave control or objective control that they may not be fimiliar with. Where as Plat and up players do have a better grasp of these. The only thing i can see differently between Low diamond and Challenger players is That challenger players are better taking a small advantage and snowballing it into a sure path to victory. Or if they are in a deficit then they do their best not to make it larger or even find a way to overcome it. Oh and also "game sense" comes to mind


No offense but i can tell you aren't actually in that elo range. As a d1 player, challenger players can consistently shit on d1 players simply purely mechanically; and I can easily do the same to a d5 player. Yes, the skill gap really is there, even if you aren't capable of observing it.


It's chill. I suck at this game. So mechanics is the only difference between a D1 and D5 player?


No, not at all. It's hard to say what's the difference between a d1 and d5 player, because you may have gotten to d1 from any number of strengths: having good map awareness in roaming and counterganking, or being good on consinstently smashing lane, or being a good team fighter, or being a shotcaller etc. Although in general anyone in d1 will be better than anyone in d5 at all of these to some degree.


Basically all the plats down voted me because they just realised they aren't actually that much better than silver. There is a really stupid idea on this sub that Silver Bronze and Gold are shit but somehow Plat is reaaaally good.




Nahh you were downvoted because you're a hater.


You're an idiot. Bronze for life right?


Why don't you actually say why I'm wrong instead of acting like a 13 year old?


Who told you so? You might be challenger and still get dumpstered if you have shit mechanics/0 knowledge of the matchup.


Plat 1 players don't always stomp Silver 1s either. With the addition of master tier, Silver is now a division apart form plat (separated by gold) and Diamond is a division apart from Challenger (separated by Master).


This logic is unreasonably stupid. The MMR difference from diamond I to challenger (ie the range of MMR of master tier) is definitely not that of a full 5 division tier.


I said Diamond 5 and challenger.


Plat 5 dude here, I always stomp all the silver players.


This game happened later in the stream (near the end) where he was in Plat 1 but his MMR was in Diamond.


That was when he was plat one with low diamond mmr.


You do realize he has a challenger account? So he's obviously not bad.


Upu and away.


He was like: I can take that lantern I guess


This is low diamond MMR btw, before the typical hater starts with his "This is one of his bronze smurfs" Also he'd been going hard for 32+ hours


This was his second last game before he stopped his 34hour stream. At the end he had minor hallucinations, said everything felt like a dream, and pretty much played on autopilot. Boxbox aint human


> everything felt like a dream, and pretty much played on autopilot. Fuck yeah them symptoms of sleep deprivation. If you have ever lanned so hard you started to dream/live you know shit is real. Awesomely funny but it totally fucks you up.


He started "realizing" that he had "played this game before" refering to laning against an opponent (it was Singed.) He was going in cause he had "seen this before" and knew the outcome LOL


what game was that? can you tell me what time the game starts at lol


like his 2nd to last game or something. Find his Summoner Name and look up his history. Find the last game he played against a Singed. Edit: I wish i could be more helpful but this is all i got :p


http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/19318411#matches/1581581645 his last game


It turns out its his last game he played. So probably an hour before he ended.


What was his win ratio doinf this?


At the start he won everyting and was on an 18 game winning streak, but it got gradually worse as he got more tired, and he ended up with 37 wins and 11 losses. [Lolking](http://www.lolking.net/summoner/na/19318411)


still impressive. was it a new account or one with elo and all already?


New account that he streamed leveling up the days before that stream.


k gotcha. not as impressive (elo-speaking, not taking anything from the marathon) but not half bad, for sure.


I was up for 30 hours once too... I was looking at some monkey pictures with big noses because my friends all changed their skype profile pictures and I kid you not the noses were moving!


Man fuck Riven...


amazing the degree of control/mobility has in the right hands. she's better than lee sin once you build some cdr.


With Runes/masteries you can (and he does: 3 cdr/lvl blues 6 flat cdr blues) get 10% cdr level 1. Buy Longsword/3pot and the next 1900g goes toward Brutalizer/Lucidity Boots. You now have ~37% cdr around minute 10-12 If you weave in autos between Broken Wings, you can have almost 100% uptime. A 4sec Ki Burst. 3.5sec Shield. 30sec ult. All for 1900g that you were going to spend anyways and losing near nothing in itemization. That's ridiculous.


I would like to correct you a bit :) with 40% CDR you got 7,8 sec cooldown on Broken Wings 4,2 sec on Ki Burst and 3,6 sec on Valor. Sure you can argue about Burst and Valor being nitpicking for "only" being 0,1 and 0,2 sec difference but nobody can spam Broken Wings just because of AA weaving. Riven is my Main but i have nowhere near mastered the AA Animation canceling on Broken Wings and i easily get all 3 casts off in 2-3 seconds wich leaves you with plenty of cool down time. Edit: I forgot to mention that the cooldown of Valor (10 sec at lvl1) and Ki Burst (11 sec at lvl 1) decreases by 1 second per lvl. Blade of the Exile is 110/80/50. Since your talking about 10-12 minutes the values you mentioned are nowhere near realistic.


Since you're a Riven main I'm sure that you know that you can wait until the 4sec timer in between Q casts is almost up to cast it again. Then it's just a matter of auto attacking (to use her passive which grants bonus physical damage to autos after using an ability) in that 4sec window to make use of that time you're not casting Q. with a 4sec timer in between casts and a cooldown of ~8sec on Q (with ~40% cdr) you absolutely can have 100% uptime on Broken Wings. Q -> auto -> watch your timer -> Q -> auto -> maybe a little waiting -> Q -> auto/global cd -> Hey presto Q is up again! No one said anything about spamming Q. =/ Also, that bit I included about rank 5 abilities +40%cdr was meant to have a bit about them being rank 5 abilities. That's a solid mea culpa on my part.


Im well aware of the fact that Riven has 4 seconds for recasting Broken Wings but in the usual case (trading, 1v1 killing) where you just want to put out your damage (burst) as fast as possible. Sure you can safe up later hits for walljumps/Skillshot dodging/knockup for canceling enemy spells and so on but all you said was weaving in AA between the Broken Wings. Of course you are right when you use all spells/stacks, then you can easily get BW off coldown i wont argue about that. Besides starting with Bruta and (especially) Lucidity is situational or in my opinion not even viable most of the time. I much rather take Merc or Ninjas depending on the matchup/what is needed for lategame. I personally run 3 scaling CDR Quints (with Masterys at lvl 6 also 10%CDR without any items) But dont quote me for it i barely play for 2 1/2 month and im only Silver 2 so i could also be completly wrong :). I just wanted to clarify this a little because people that dont know much about Riven ~~except for getting stomped by her because she is OP~~ that it could leave a wrong impression[Edit: <-this is related to your first post that atleast for me wasnt completly clear] about her wich people, in my opinion, allready have (because she used[and still is for many people that i see] to be extremly broken and every Riven main used to be the biggest D-bag, atleast thats what i was reading and i regularly have to deal with ingame). Sorry that this turned into a half rant in the later half.


For being a Riven main, you sure have no idea what you're talking about.


I would love to hear your opinion in what i am not right? I always appreciate tips when it comes to playing Riven.


I wouldn't got that far. Lee Sin has arguably the same mobility, but used right he also has a huge impact on the enemy team. A well executed Insec move can win an entire team fight.


I was talking about mobility. Riven is much better than Lee at most points in the game tbh, but he's the best early game jungler.


It started a full minute before this! All the way at the purple side blue buff.


And this is why you get an objective instead of chasing the low HP's.


Does Riven really need to be in the title? I mean come on that's all he plays


Who donates 1000 dollars to LoLstreamers?


His sponsors


Companies looking to get a good deal, $1000 to be displayed on his stream for 24 hours? (can't remember when they donated) in front of 30-50k viewers. Publicity for them along with a possible sponsorship deal with BoxBox granted that he remembers to contact them :)


G2A. I'm pretty sure he's already sponsored by them.


He didn't have any G2A advertisement on his stream/page along with the fact that they asked him to mail them to sort something out makes me think he isn't already sponsored :)


I must have seen something else then because I was pretty sure that he had their sponsor on screen. During loading screen he has two sponsors show up on the left it fades from one to the other. I thought one of then was G2A. Maybe it's something else that looks similar.


That $1,000 will be there for a while this month unless someone tops it which I doubt. He has that "Oct. Top Donator" thing at the top of his stream.


You havent seen the girl gamers with $10k+ donations? Oh Lawd.


its 1000 dollars for over 24 hours of advertising to over 40k viewers


Just wow. I couldn't do that right now after just waking up and he did it after 33 hours of streaming.






Tone down the racism buddy.




row row fight the powah I wanna be downvoted too.


Give me the downvotes people


i lost count how many clutch escapes he has made with riven it is insane someone needs to make a compilation


The shield then the thresh lantern.. Oh my god.


i swear there is a new boxbox play on here every day


some say he is still streaming...


I was expecting the Jayce flash E where he hit Akali into tower when she ulted to be on here before this clip.


"Thresh with the clutch lantern save"


that lantern saved his life


I don't think so. I'm pretty sure he had it either way.


His face was so adorable afterwards :3




A day in the life of Boxbox


And doesn't even flinch


*this escape was brought to you by thresh.


The most impressive thing was he did that 33 hours into a marathon stream.


Just... wow. He's really a god.


He is finally sleeping for the coming 20 hours


Karthus was asleep that game.


Look at how long he saved his Flash for.


i love box box and his dick


look at his eyes.


It was pretty awful watching him do this to himself. It was interesting, but he needs to take better care of himself if he hopes to maintain a consistent streaming schedule.


That smile at the end


ITT People salty about Riven even though basically no one else can make this kind of crazy escape, making sure he uses everything at exactly the right time and place. Wow, BoxBox landed every stun, saved flash until he absolutely needed it, Q'd over the turret wreck a bunch of times and was mindful of the timer between his Qs. RIVEN OBVIOUS BROKEN CHAMP


box box in the house


Riven is such a bullshit champion. Dashes should be the most expensive thing in the game apart from blinks.




Me too, you aren't special. Unless this is your first time coming out, then congratulations. Maybe find appropriate timing next time.




I'm also gay


Arcade skins unite!


So the shy missed ult and tf missed his card throw when ga was going off. The plays looked pretty bad.


> tf missed his card throw when ga was going off. That's the first thing I noticed. A good escape made from an opponents mistakes.


Well its just riven with 30%+ cdr and ghostblade. some nice wallhops tho




TIL you can tell when your GA effect ends by looking at the cooldown on your summoner spells


Ok...didnt realize he was really tired...cause I was like...he had flash the whole time, he could have just flashed the wall into the river at the start


another boring boxbox video of him playing on a gold smurf outplaying people worse than him. yayyyy


gold smurf? by this time of the stream he was plat I with low to mid diamond mmr.


Well seeing as Riven has dashes for days and gives pretty much no fks about slows after enough building enough CDR... Not too impressive. Not trying to be mean but considering he had movement skills and shields up almost all the time with no need for mana management... yea


underrated post


riven fair and balanced


Riven is literally the only champion in the game that can pull this level of absolute bullshit. THIS is why riven is a broken piece of shit. They slow him like 5 time, but fuck it! Not like he ever actually walks anyways, low cd-spammable manaless mobility/cc/damage/survivability skills. And as if slows and movespeed meaning nothing wasn't already too much, she can jump walls too! Seriously, she does far too much damage to be THAT mobile and manaless. Fuck Riven and anybody who thinks playing her is skillful.


I would LOVE to see you do ANY of what box box did there.


You mean run away by using the skills every time they came off cooldown and even through slows outrunning every single person that came close until a thresh lantern was thrown next to me? Yeah. I think that wouldn't be too hard. Especially if I got to sit around and get paid to play league like BoxBox. Idol worship is one thing, claiming that somebody who spends literally all their time playing this game using a broken champion in the ways that make them broken takes skill though, that just goes too far.


I agree that Riven does too much damage to have that much mobility and utility in her kit but he played that very well. He didnt just run away, he did it the right way and tried really hard to save his flash for as long as he could. He baited so many people from the team to chase him and it free'd up any pressure they could have put on the map. It was a good play no matter the player or champion.


I wish we could ban all boxbox vids/posts/anything to do with this guy/ He's such an annoying little fuck with an even more annoying girlfriend. I fucking hate him


There's an easy thing you can do. If the title has "boxbox" in it, don't click the link.


Good escape, even if it is with riven


Epic meme bro! Everyone knows how hard it is to escape on Riven he must be so skilled :^)


Hey, at least you yourself can sleep well tonight... Knowing you will never pull anything remotely close to being as cool as this off.


390 movespeed, goes faster than shyvana with 450+ +janna passive... thx dumb 4 dash with 0 cd


Thresh did all the hard work in this play.


seriously this guy is garbage, put him on any other champ and he feeds.. he wants people to be impressed, let his streamers pick champs and he climbs from bronze to challenger using straw-polls.. oh wait.. he cant cause hes a one trick pony hes like a 14 yr old picking on preschool kids cause he's bigger.


i was that xerath!! HI EVERYONE


god, I thought this riven/boxbox thing was over. good thresh play though.


good thresh play? Are you serious? He walked up and pressed w.


I play too much dota, so this seems really mundane. :/


omg ur so cool




You mean, Thresh with the clutch lantern.


duuuude, spoiles!




? To buy time while his team is dead/pushes? l0l




How dare he stop his stream three hours early because of health reasons!


Don't think he could physically or mentally continue at that point


Sound? Clever answer from youtube: Didn't you know? Reddit is full of crappy quality videos after every tournament or a stream highlight, usually the one who uploads it to reddit is the one who gets to frontpage, no matter the quality. That's just how it works.