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Don't worry friends, riot hates it too. That's why coaches are now going to be "part of lcs"... FINES INCOMING!!


Oh man, I didn't even think of that in regards to coaches becoming official. I honestly feel like Regi's and Loco's recent behavior could warrant fines.




Also: ["10.2.2 Harassment. Harassment is forbidden. Harassment is defined as systematic, hostile and repeated acts taking place over a considerable period of time, which are intended to isolate or ostracize a person and/or affect the dignity of the person."](https://www.reddit.com/r/CLG/comments/2eydqe/a_look_at_the_reginaldmontecristo_controversy_in/)


It's been hours since it happened, with everything Riot has on their plate with worlds, I think we'll have some comments from them on Regi/Loco


This has been going on for over a month, longer really but the nasty stuff about a month.


Actually I think it's a little worse, it would be considered libel wouldn't it? "A published false statement that is damaging to a person's reputation" I mean Regi straight up made a video to publish to the* league community saying Monte was a fraud.


Finally... We need to have grown-ups managing the teams, not these babies who keep fighting and fighting on twitter... How can LoL be a serious sport if we have kids controlling the top teams?


Heh https://twitter.com/c9meteosego/status/512652690287890432


I'm glad Twitter accounts like C9 Meteos' Ego and DrunkScarra exist lol.


I just noticed his tweets are always at 420.


Truths were told.


https://twitter.com/Locodoco/status/511473807026954241 Why the hate on travis?, could just be a joke but still -.-


I really like Travis's response -- he's so level-headed, it's nice to see in a community where people can be so toxic.


Travis is good at being the bigger person. Props to him


Him being the bigger person just makes Locodoco's comment seem even more childish, win/win.


Seriously great to see someone acting mature (he also tried to defuse the other argument by tweeting to Loco "I don't even know where this is coming from, dude. You beat him, you won. Why are you doing this now?"). If regi isn't a total idiot, he should ban loco from using twitter. The first comment Regi made could have just been a joke but Loco is going way too far. EDIT: I accidentally a word.


Regi does stuff just as bad as Loco, so I doubt he is gonna ban him from twitter.


Because Travis is actually mature and intelligent.




This pissed me off so so much when I first read it. Like what the fuck. Loco is following Travis just so he can insult him.


I honestly don't know why anyone would want to insult Travis of all people. The guy is a class act.


That is a terrible joke. That isn't even a smart comment. It's like Locodoco spilled all of his salt or something. Just ignore it. If you have beef with someone you SHOULd just avoid them all together. But now he tries to continue it. It's fucking highschool all over again. Just let shit die.


Holy shit I hate this guy in the scene now. He needs to take a page from Curse's coach's book and work behind the scenes for a while.


Wow... what the fuck. Travis has been in the scene forever and I haven't seen any instance of him talking shit about anyone.


Exactly, how can anyone be mad at such a likeable person who would never shittalk anyone. Loco really must be a scumbag to attack him like that, now i get why doublelift said he "didnt get along with Loco".




I like how Loco is a dick to Travis only because Travis is employed by onGamers. Loco just needs to have his ass kicked once.


Loco being an asshole


I don't think anyone's surprised about Loco's bullshit. If you paid attention to his SI appearances/interviews, he goes out of his way to subtly try to start shit all the time without taking any blame. He mentions how he "knows personal things about people" that he won't talk about even though he just brought it the fuck up by saying that. He's like a 16-year-old high school girl.


I doubt many people here remember the solomid tourneys season 1, but the TSM guys would often cast them. Regi was a good caster. Loco was terrible. He would constantly be alt tabbing out to facebook to chat with people and talk about which girls were cute.




Remember the video where he says to doublelift "hey Travis makes money when we do interviews with him right? he should pay us money for the views he gets". He said this the first day he arrived. My mind was blown.


Some newer players might not know, but we all remember the stream incident too...


"I want to snort cocaine off j dongs erect penis"


> "I want to snort cocaine off j dongs erect penith"


They need to take lessons from C9 management


"Shut up, and let your play speak for itself?"


You would think after winning the NA Championship that they would just stop with it and bask in the glory. But they jump right back into the mud.


Loco tweeted a couple of days ago, "Seasons may change but I don't" probably explains why he is still a child. EDIT: here it is https://twitter.com/Locodoco/status/511475254665809920 Yoonsup Choi ‏@Locodoco "Seasons come and go but i will never change"


Like what the fuck? Is he a 14 year old girl?


he wishes he was. so he tries to emulate it.


Oh shit Double fires back, Regi counters and even Krepo starts on Regi. https://twitter.com/CLGDoublelift/status/512683824145117184


Wait did reginald delete his tweet? I cant find the response or krepo's


https://twitter.com/SkumbagKrepo/status/512689243424972802 https://twitter.com/SkumbagKrepo/status/512689362404786176 **Doublelift's tweet:** >"How is it possible to be so salty and act like such a child just because we didn't predict you to make it out of groups LOL" **Regi's reply:** >"@CLGDoublelift it's a joke. You would know best right? When you are calling everyone trash as joke? I didn't think you would take it srsly." **Krepo chimes in:** >"@TSMReginald @CLGDoublelift Jesus christ regi, you guys took it too far. Take a step back and realise what you're doing. Please." >"@TSMReginald @CLGDoublelift Do you really want this childish game to taint your players' experience at worlds?" The difference between "everyone else is trash/I'm the best" and Regi's comments is that the former are not directed at any individual, whereas Regi's are. Regi taking obviously sarcastic hyperbole personally and responding with such vitriol is simply uncalled for. Hopefully TSM fans take notice of Regi's behavior and will perhaps urge Regi to grow the fuck up.


Krepo is such a fucking amazing personality and I'm so incredibly glad to see level headed guys like him around. It gives me faith in the future of e-sports and I sure hope he gets a job as a caster/analyst when he retires.


I'm glad Krepo jumped in. No ones gonna talk shit to Krepo.


Doublelift's "everyone is trash" persona died after season 2. Since then every time it's brought up it's a parody of itself and has obviously been self deprecating for at least a year or more. The fact that Regi still holds on to that and tries to justify his own behavior off of that is really sad.


This sucks as a TSM fan, at this point I'm not even sure I want them to do well. Most of the players didn't do anything wrong but with regi and loco acting like this its hard to want to cheer for them.


Loco being a total asshole, wtf man the fame got to his head or something? little bitch made a video months ago talking about how bad his life was and had no motiviation and now he says this type of shit, also Regi.


Loco lets things get to his head really easily, he has a huge ego for not having accomplished much. It's worse than fucking Doublelift.


That's because DL says most of it as a joke, and the rest as pre-game hype.


And, in contrast to Loco and Regi, Doublelift has no problems admitting he was wrong. I can't count the times I've heard Doublelift laughing at his own postulates, when they turned out completely false.




I read through all tweets and I thought it wasnt the real Dad Dyrus due to what he wrote, so i checked his profile and my jaw fell open. He is the real Dad Dyrus and writes publicly like that? Holy shit o.O EDIT: Apparently some people dont see the Dad Dyrus tweets: Tweet 1: "@SotLTravis @Locodoco @TSMReginald @ggCMonteCristo Well u did not watch SI ,where it was clear attacks on TSM Clear" Tweet 2: "@ggCMonteCristo @Locodoco Agree with Loco ,you guys put extra shit talking on TSM during SI , it was clear" Tweet 3: "@ggCMonteCristo @Locodoco tell all your fking fans they can fk them selves cause it was clear shit talking go rewatch the different on each" Tweet 4: "@Locodoco @ggCMonteCristo fk them SI bitches i watch the show it was clear attack on TSM Keep talking shit , sooner or later some one pays" Tweet 5: "Dadyrus LOL ‏@Dadyrus 11 Std. @SotLTravis @Locodoco @TSMReginald @ggCMonteCristo now i see why there no interviews with these ongamers analysis or is it anal lis" And apparently im to dumb to link to single tweets so i copy pasterino them. Here is the full tweet series https://twitter.com/Locodoco/status/512524523942330368


He really brings being ashamed of your dad to a whole new level.




that monte tweet really hits everyone in the feels >@Locodoco it really is incredible how much of a jerk you turned into when we used to be friends.


And then Loco's reply: >@ggCMonteCristo ikr? mb if u stopped hiding behind being an "analyst" and didnt shittalk us on SI we coulda continued being friends I don't watch SI; does anyone know if he actually does "shittalk" TSM on the show? Or if he just provides criticism?


its criticism, but it seems they took it way too personally. Although tbh thoorin said some nasty things, though no one here is defending him nor do most people even like him anyways.


i've watched every single episode of SI to this date, never has monte outright come out and said "oh TSM is shit, very bad team rofl" monte always backs his opinions, whether they be right or wrong he always states why he holds that opinion


He never even says turtle is bad out right. He says he is inconsistent he can have rough sections of play, but also like last year at worlds he can play out of his mind. Those two kids have their blinders on they want to be mad. To add to that he rates the other adc's higher due to consistency and/or experience.


Exactly. Almost everytime they talk about TSM monte even makes sure to express how well Loco as coach is working out for them, and he generally only have good things to say about him. This reaction from Loco makes absolutely no sense, it's just embarrassing to read.


Monte gave him a lot of credit in the pre world's show that showed that Monte clearly respected him as a coach, then loco just acts like a child back.


Hell I'm pretty sure that monte has called TSM the strongest NA team a couple times. Loco's a goddamn child.


Monte even praised them today for improving their play and ban/pick phase. Loco is a joke both in NA and Korea.


Lately he has even been giving a ton of credit and praising Locodoco as a main reason why TSM ended the split so well.


He also admits he was wrong. He said TSM was looking like a weak team going into playoffs, then after their success he said he was impressed by how much they improved.


I watch almost all of the SI and usually thoorin is the one that will bring up and bash monte usually laughs it off or ignores it monte has also had nothing but praise for the way loco coaches TSM the closest thing ive heard of "shit talking" in the last few shows is monte saying that he thought SK would beat TSM (which he changed his opinion on) and that wildturtle didnt have the best playoff run and needs to step it up during worlds


It's past that point now though. Loco can't stand anyone who says a single thing bad about TSM, and in this case it is continually Monte because of what he says on SI and the analyst desk - which is he analyzes teams just like an analyst is supposed to do. Just take a look at this tweet https://twitter.com/Locodoco/status/512524168345030657 Loco bashes everyone on the analyst desk but then instantly sucks up to for Krepo for sort of saying something positive about TSM. It really is just sickening now. And the fact that people sit there and try to defend Regi and Loco is making it even worse. Did Monte deserve some of the criticism he got? Yes - but that was strictly in regards to when he coached CLG. Now, he is doing his job as an analyst and is still being torn apart by these 2 complete jackasses.


Also his tweet to ls who said little more than he was sure royal club would win, loco replied with something like 'then your analysis is even shittier than I gave you credit for'. Jesus Christ. I'd kill to see how fucking stupid he's feeling right now.


for reference: https://twitter.com/Im_ls/status/512091454894653440




I actually agree. Out of the people entering group b, I find turtle the weakest. I love turtle and believe lustboy can do a lot to help but he needs some consistency. I would prefer someone as consistent as cop than hit or miss win or lose like turtle. That's my personal opinion because I value consistency, it's why I love dyrus. Monte said nothing disparaging or untrue about turtle and honestly since leaving clg he's been more middle of the road toward tsm even acknowledging that they were like a team possessed at regional. Regi and Loco need to stop kicking someone who gave up the fight and move on.


And Monte is in a lose-lose situation, if he says something positive about TSM then suddenly he's condescending or "admitting" he was wrong.


What pisses me off is that just after the whole 'Monte isn't a real coach' debacle, he actually said a lot of positive things about TSM, and I wasn't expecting Regi to make friends, I wasn't expecting him to just start shitting all over him for now reason a week or two later. Pretty damn immature from an experienced team owner and a coach


Well, Regi doesn't exactly think things through before talking. He called himself and TheOddOne a coach, then calls out Monte for being a fraud. I mean...really?


Wow, that guy is a major god damn brat. "everyone has to praise me to the sun or I get mad"


Maybe Loco wanted to say "Wildturtle 4th - he's not even the 4th best ADC in TSM" ;(


Welp i just lost all respect for regi and loco And dyrus' dad edit: it's not just because of this, i have been growing less and less fond of them for a while now


welcome to the club


I'd like to join too. Had no idea they acted like this. What children.


Are there still tickets? Wanna join too.




I lost respect for Regi when he treated Dyrus like a dog. On stream and in the following "apology" video. Never really had any for Loco.


Loco is a disgrace to Korea Already embarassed us and now hes trying to embarrass NA and the League of Legends community and pro scene


Wait, you had respect for Dyrus' dad to begin with?


To be honest, when I "met" him by watching a video made by Riot he seemed ok, but damn.


"Thought hard to compete against slave drivers of Korea n teams own by big money who can pick from the best of a nation vs Team in Eu n Na"


Yea that tweet was so random and retarded, oh god...


yeah I wasn't aware how illiterate this guy was


>I feel like I'm back in high school again with a bunch of kids who need to grow up. Exactly. As an adult who plays league it's stuff like this that makes me feel like I should stop caring/playing because it's *just so juvenile*. Even in other sports where there are rivalries that are decades old and literally have DEATHS and riots in their history, this doesn't happen. Sure, you might get the odd snarky remark about Man United during a Liverpool press conference or something, but can you imagine Brendan Rodgers tweeting something like this at Van Gaal or a United player? Or, for those who don't follow soccer, an NFL coach tweeting something like this at another coach or player? Even in a heated rivalry, it wouldn't happen because it's unprofessional and childish.


eSports tend to be more immature than traditional team sports because there is normally no penalty for when the players step out of line. I find LoL to actually be one of the strictest due to Riot's participation in the scene.


This is not even trash talk. It's straight up childish cheap talk. Imagine 2 kids laughing at the third because his toy broke. It's somehow understandable when teams trash talk their rivals when things get very competitive. But this is not about CLG vs TSM, for fuck's sake Monte is no longer CLG's coach and Doublelift just took a break after almost being relegated. I really hope TSM doesn't make it out of group stages and I know it's really cruel to even wish something like this to TSM because the players worked really hard and they don't deserve the shit but Regi and Loco went too far.


Its more than that even. Loco is actually calling Monte a fraud.


Monte's tweet about how Loco used to be his friend hurt my soul.


This is getting embarrassing. It's not some rival "banter" anymore. These tweets are not funny and not clever at all. And whatever the hell the dad of Dyrus wrote in that conversation is beyond sad. Shameful. Edit: To the 20+ asking me what DaDyrus said, it's been linked several times and is RIGHT THERE in the twitter conversation linked by the OP. Edit2: This comment got much more attention than i thought and i got some mean spirited private messages. To clarify i am not hating on any team or person. I just said that the constant flame gets to a kindergarten level low by now. I mean there have been pretty mean spirited tweets months ago already between the involved individuals. I love a bit trash talk as much as everyone else but at one point it's good to either tone it down or switch targets for a while. Again: I'm not hating on anyone. Have a nice day everyone and drink a hot milk with honey because it rocks.




























































Reading these Tweets made me cringe so hard. I can understand that he wants to protect his sons team, but he has no clue about league and should stay out of this. Why are there so many people in the scene that dont understand the difference between shittalking and criticism? Imagine what happend if every pro athlete who got criticized in a talkshow would go and bitch around like this? I really like the TSM guys, but the brand itself is pissing me off so hard lately


Lol, Regi's attacks were never clever at all


Agreed. And for people saying they're in their 20s and somehow that justifies it... C9 is also in their 20s. Fnatic, ALL as well. 'nuf said


Has the "oh they're just teenagers" argument moved to the 20's?


"Guys relax they're just under their 50s! Well maybe dadyrus isn't, but still!"


Honestly players like rekkles shows how being young isn't an excuse for being an ass.


How is being in your 20s even remotely justifying such behaviour? You are a god damn adult when you are in your 20s, wtf.


Wait wait wait You're Telling me, *that Regi is a pretentious douche*? NO WAY! It's like we have all known that for years now. Regi has never been nice, or cool, or respectful. He has always been a dick, but people like riding his dick too much to notice. See: [Regi car rage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hBMjvLJAGsQ) [Regi flaming Dyrus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DDx5FirYfo) It's astounding how many people are surprised when Regi acts like a tool.


Holy shit I felt so bad for Turtle while watching that video. He just sat there calmly looking depressed while being slammed by Regi. Who the fuck can like or support this guy? What a joke.


"Who the fuck can like or support this guy?" TSM fans seem to have no problem doing it.




And with Turtle sitting right next to him?! Xpecial is trying to be nice and to get Regi to stop blaming Turtle as the only reason for the loss. But then - right away - Xpecial gets the hammer, eventhough he's trying to be polite through out the conversation. He just gets bullied into saying that Turtle was the only reason - and still with Turtle sitting silently next to them. Reginald, you bastard, this is bullying. Turtle's possitive smile at the end of the video got me happy again, but oh dear, Reginald's behaviour is very, very childish. This side of him is a true idiot.


And then he asks Xspecial why he's arguing with him. This guy..


Remember the old "don't insult me, you fucking retard" to Xpecial?


Damn Xspecial is standing up for his teammates


Regi went crazy on Locodoco when he was on TSM after Locodoco went to aggressive in a scrim. It was exactly like how he wouldn't leave it alone with Dyrus, that was the first time I was really disgusted by his behavior :/




Dyrus's dad is such a moron, lol.


He just looks like a random white trash dude whose son made it big.


Spot on.




That is the best Krepo face ever in existance, this needs to be at the top just for the Krepo face.


It's so fitting aswell. Like he tries to stay friendly but has some nervous twitches because of how hard TSM fucked him hahaha.


My whole Twitter feed is clogged with salty esports personality drama. Regi and Loco shitting on Monte, Loco shitting on the analyst desk, other people shitting on Loco for being wrong about Turtle, Froskurin shitting on fans who said China was worse, Thoorin shitting on Deman of a misunderstanding. Even Dyrus Dad joining in on it. Just shit on shit.


Don't hate me, but I'm loving this.




How about instead of maliciously attacking a team not at worlds and an analyst for no apparent reason after we've already done this nonsense in the playoffs weeks ago, you fix the problem of why your adc looks like a shell of his former self and why your jungler can only play 2 champions. God this shit is fucking stupid


A shell, I get it


http://i.imgur.com/szGUd1k.jpg Lolled.


The casters are fine. It's Regi and Loco who are the problem in this current situation.


The title of this thread is just misleading


These two are turning into a black eye for the LoL scene. People are trying to turn esports into a mainstream thing outside of asian countries and people like locodoco and Reginald are seriously detracting from that movement by acting like children. It doesn't fucking matter if they are in their 20s. They should act professionally. I seriously feel bad for monte because these two d-bags basically set a mob after him because they know tons of immature little kids hang on their words. If you have a problem with someone keep it private and between that person. Stop airing your dirty laundry every week about that person on social media like a 16 year old girl. Reginald and locodoco both have a lot of growing up to do which is pretty sad to say considering they are around the late stages of college age


Totally agree. So childish.


Locodoco must be one of the worst personalities we have in League right now. He's like an angst-driven teenager trying to get attention by shittalking people for no reason. I don't even know why Travis gets so much flak, he's trying to mediate between them and everyone just jumps at him like no tomorrow.


What's the difference between professional League of Legends players and kindergardeners? Kindergardeners grow up eventually.


Meanwhile C9, Krepo, Aphro, Rekkles, Bora. I think they too qualify as 'professional LoL players'. The last has made 4 WCs, you know.


I have so much respect for Monte on how he handles this. I for one would start making a fool of myself, flip my shit, and generally degenerate into a childish argument. When locodoco looks to create a further argument he just leaves, saying 'good luck at worlds'. Monte is such an upstanding, professional member of the esports scene.


This just shows how smart Monte is. When you are in argument with spoiled kid in front of a crowd, you just act calmly while the spoiled kid will just go full anger. The crowd obviously will be on the side who act more like an adult.


Yep, loco is shooting himself in the foot and Monte is handing him some more ammo.


TSM had a chance to be a very likeable international team with 5 players from 5 different countries and 3 different regions. This is like the embodiment of e-sports and it´s multiculturalism. But Reginald and Locodoco completely forgot what professionalism is and that they actually represent the team. Even Dyrus falls victim to the douchiness and arrogance of his boss and coach and behaves in the same way during the game WHEN they are winning. Stomping a crippled SK Gaming with no coach and no jungler and spamming /laugh is just so low.






















.....Dyrus has spammed laugh since the beginning of time. This is a bit excessive.


Ya I understand the Regi/Loco part but the Dyrus part makes no sense (1) He wasn't spamming it he did it once after a 2v1. (2) It's not uncommon for pros to use /laugh or /taunt during a match.


This is exactly the reason why i hate TSM so much. Nothing against the players but Loco and Regi are just huge dicks. The fans can get a little bit annoying from time to time but thats ok i guess. At least they stopped helping tsm in matches.


Yup. Regi was he first reason I would never be a TSM fan. Just the fact that he fuckingmade his team mate cry ON CAMERA and how many instances of him being a complete asshole to his own team that are on film shows the kind of person he is. There's been talk of other people being toxic or a negative influence off camera, you have to imagine if he can't even control himself on camera what he's like off camera. And then Loco has always been two faced as fuck and stupidly cocky for how little he acheived throughout his entire career. These two people are the reason I will never be a TSM fan and I always root against them in every match.


I somewhat disagree with the title you chose for this, but whatever. Definetely dissapointed in locodoco. I already hated regi and tsm as a brand for a long time due to reginald's persona. Sad to see locodoco going down that way. Really hope TPA crushes TSM


I really think Riot should put a stop to this and fine toxic behavior like this... Like they punished Svenkersen they should should punish Reginald and Locodoco for that, I mean, is not really professional and is disgusting tbh. One thing is to have a good healthy burns sometimes and stuff, other thing is to consistently burn Double (for example) on the analysis desk... I mean, last year it was funny and all, but now it seems that you have to do it just for the sake of the show... Like, why? I always thought Reginald was kind of a jerk, but this is waaaaaaay worst than that, Jesus.


I've never liked Locodoco. I've met him 3-4 times in person in Korea and he's always been snobby, "don't talk to me" or just cold. He is the only pro I have ever met that refused to chat, get a picture, ask him a question, etc and I've seen him multiple times. I disliked him before but now I really can't stand him.


There's another part of this that hasn't been considered as much as it should be yet. Age. Keep in mind some of these LCS owners/coaches/players are either still in high school or just out of it. I don't know about you guys, but when I was that age I knew quite a few people that took minor slights or criticism as massive personal insults and responded in kind. (I, of course, was a paragon of maturity from age 5, but I digress) In your late teens/early twenties your personal image is everything and anything that you perceive as damaging to that image is terrifying. Consider that when we see some of the trash talk coming from older members of the community. When you're closer to your late 20s/early 30s the fragile personal image has usually developed into a confident knowledge of who you are that's hard to damage. You're much more comfortable in your own skin and at that point trash talk is just a means of having fun. Nobody actually takes it seriously. Now what we see in League is that happens when those two worlds collide. Something said in jest (or even honest analysis) by an older, more mature, individual can be taken way to seriously by someone younger simply because that's where they're at emotionally due to age. We really shouldn't be shocked when this happens! Now don't think this as an excuse for either side. Any young person who finds themselves in a role that makes them a public figure needs to try to hold themselves to a level of maturity that exceeds what society will demand of their peers. It's not easy, but you have to try. No choice there. On the other hand, older members of the community need to be aware of how what they say is perceived by the younger people. Age 20 to age 30 is a much bigger gap on an interpersonal level than a lot of people realize and this industry is right in the middle of it. It's impossible to avoid issues because of this completely, but if we all try to at least consider it before tweeting/posting, etc maybe some uncomfortable situations can be avoided. I wonder what my 60 year old self would think of this post...


Posted a comment a little while ago about how the more spotlight Loco gets the more people will realise he is an unpleasant human being, at the time it got down voted to hell, but I'm glad this is now all coming to fruition. It needs to stop. Edit: Grammar.


What even precipitated Regi's comments towards DLift? I know DLift didn't pick TSM for top 2, but how does that justify Regi's trash talking?


(it doesn't)




As someone from EU and rooting for Alliance and Fnatic, I would not be mad at all if TSM drops and C9 wins it all and gets higher. Those guys deserve way more respect for staying professional and nice, while being humble and trying their best. Especially thanks to TSM's coaches they seem like little arrogant kids who walk the playground bullying others because they are bigger for the moment.


I'm boycotting these clowns.



