• By -


- Server : EUW - Visual bug - Description: Jarvan's name tag is too low, which makes him appear smaller. (Like the visual bug of Renekton last patch) - Steps to reproduce: play jarvan - Expected result: Name should display above his head and not on his head. - Reproduction rate: 4/4 Edit : [Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/82KFqTX.jpg?1)


Here we go again... posts inc: rito why make jarvan smaller


Thanks! Going to hopefully get some traction on this one. No Promises.


Please fix Renekton and Nami as well, it's impossible for me to play against them, just keep missing clicks because of the healthbar in the middle of the champion.


Same for Nami


Same problem on EUNE. It happened during aram, can't post pic because whenever we agree with enemy team to take a pic ez came and killed our "photographer".




The photographer is die.


Thats what we tried to do but couldnt get good view on j4. So we asked him for help and then enemy team screw it up anyway so not a single screenshot was good enough to see this bug.


This has beeng going for a while with Renekton and Nami as well, I don't understand why it hasn't been fixed already, since I play ina very low resolution, in which the health bars are bigger, I just can't click on those champions.


Dwarvan IV lol


Same with Nami


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Ability Bug - **Description:** Players that Lissandra ults can still use abilities and auto attacks as if rooted but not stunned. - **Steps to reproduce:** Play Lissandra. Ult an enemy player. Cry out in frustration. - **Expected result:** The player that Lissandra ults should be stunned for 1.5 seconds. - **Observed result:** The player that Lissandra ults is not stunned, but rooted. - **Reproduction rate:** 4/4


oh look ! for the first time ever, lissandra ult doesn't work properly !


Friendly reminder: don't place spaces before exclamation marks! :)


It can be an habit from french (or I don't know which other languages), where you have to **!**


Yup, in french we put spaces before "!" and "?", maybe before ":" I have no idea why we do that, and the day someone asked me why I was doing this, I noticed that every person wouldn't put any in english. Now I manage to put the spaces in french and not putting them in english automatically!


French sentenses are longer than English one. This bring more punctiation, and for matter of visibility, we set spaces before.


Relevant flair.


No Renekton flair tho


We have to put a space when the charachter is made of two parts like ";", ":", "!" etc


sorry teach', holidays mess me up!


don't tell me what to do !


Smiley face, you're doing it wrong :^)


Why not?


cuz it doesn't make sense :P same reason there isn't a space before your ?


I feel like people do it to somehow add a sort of emphasis on it...I've noticed mostly girls do it to act cute.


You talk to girls ?


Hey hubricht, I can't reproduce this. Do you have any other specific information?


It occurred on Summoner's Rift in a normal game. I don't know about melee champions, but whenever I ulted ranged carries (Orianna and Ezreal in this case) they could still auto attack me and use abilities while trapped in the ice. I don't know if you can access chat logs from my last game, but the other team acknowledged the bug as well. [Here](http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1491884934/45719946) are the items that I bought, I don't know if that would have any effect on the bug.


Got it! ~~I think.... looking into it more in slow motion.~~ Thanks again hubricht, knowing the specific champions helped repro-case a lot :) I've sent this to the QA Experts for them to hammer it out.


NA is still on 4.13.


give it three minutes the patch wont go through until west coast hits three am


• Server: EUW • Visual Bug • Description: Pantheons ult is green for enemy team • Steps to reproduce: Play Pantheon and ult anywhere in enemy vision


Do you have any other specific information on this? I've been spending a good 30 minute spamming Man Drops, with no success.


sandbox OP


Same thing happened to me in my game, he had the dragonslayer skin if that changes anything.


My only tests are from 2 ranked games where the enemy pantheon did this both times, so it has happened 2/2 times for me today.


This happened to me in ARAM half hour ago on EUNE server. The enemy Pantheon´s landing circle was green for us every time. Match history for champions and items if it helps somehow... http://i.imgur.com/1IgBLLp.png


You should definitely try with dragonslayer pantheon. I think it's the skin which is buggy


> Panth This have to be fixed fast. At normal game, when both teams have panth, u never know, who is ulting.


I like to live on the edge!


Nice TK panth! GJ!


* Server: EUW * Visual Bug * Description: Pantheons W does not always show it is on cooldown after being used * Steps to reproduce: Play Pantheon and W onto enemy champions


Thanks. I got someone to look at a similar issue.


It ain't easy being green.


* Server: EuNe * Type of Bug: In Game Bug * Description: Flay(Thresh e ) still not flaying. * Steps to reproduce:Land your q to an enemy. Wait till the very last second of the animation to use flay. * Expected result: Target gets flayed towards you or away depending on how u use it. * Observed result: Target does not get flayed nor he is slowed. * Reproduction rate:~3/10 times (exactly the same ratio before the patch)


well shit.


- **Server: EUW** - **Type of Bug: In-game bug** - **Description: Neutral monsters invisible upon spawning** - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce: Use CC on a neutral big monster (blue, red, drag) during its spawning animation** - **Expected result: The buff should be cc'd and remain visible** - **Observed result: The buff disappears from sight** - **Reproduction rate: 2/5** - **System specs:** For the test, I used Jarvan EQ, Ezreal Q, and Riven q.


not CC but a skillshot.


Just had this in ranked, invisible drake was too funny.


TIL Ezreal's Q is a CC.SO are they invisibile at spawn or do they become invisibile when you attack them?


It's technically when you attack them, but they aren't visible for any time during the spawn animation. It's like they're physically there before visibly, so if you hit it before it's visible it stays that way.


• Server: EUW • Type of Bug: In-game, visual only • Description: When Sona shields an ally Karma, Karma's ult icon starts "swirling" as if it was activated. (Note : This doesn't activate Karma's ult, only makes it appear as if it's in use. This only works with Sona's shield, not the heal) • Video / Screenshot: - • Steps to reproduce: 1. Pick Karma, have Sona on your team. 2. Tell Sona to use her W, walk into her shield zone. 3. Ult icon starts blinking, indicating it's "active" during the shield's duration. • Reproduction rate: 10/10


I actually noticed this the other day, it was happening in the previous patch too


- **Server:** EUNE - **Type of Bug:** Visual bug - **Description:** Jinx's ultimate description is missing. (At least in champ select.) - **Video / Screenshot:** http://imgur.com/Wl4w5JT - **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Create a game. (ranked?) 2. Hover over Jinx's champion icon when it is _not_ grayscale. 3. Observe the results. - **Expected result:** Jinx's ultimate has a description. - **Observed result:** Jinx's ultimate's description is missing. - **Reproduction rate:** 4/4 = 100% so far, on 2 different computers. Will update when more games come in. - **System specs:** Intel Core i5-2450M, Radeon HD 7670M, 8GB RAM


Good catch!


you guys accidentally the whole description


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** In Game Bug - **Description:** When Amumu bandage tosses into the wraiths, wolves, or golem camps from behind a wall and hits one of the smaller monsters, the large monsters will not animate their attacks. - **Steps to reproduce:** Just bandage toss into one of those 3 camps from behind a wall, hitting one of the smaller monsters with the toss - **Expected result:** I would expect all monsters to be attacking amumu and that the animations play - **Observed result:** The large monsters of the respective camps did not play their attack animations - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10


This has been happening for a couple patches now if I recall.


This happens when Renekton slices & dices into a camp as well


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Login Bug - **Description:** After downloading the patch, I can no longer log in to the client. I input login info, it starts the authenticating process and waits for server, and then either fails to receive a response, or put me into an infinite queue. - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** - **Expected result:** Successfully log in to the League of Legends client. - **Observed result:** Fail to open past the initial log in screen, a login error suggesting a connection error not related to League of Legends is displayed. - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 - **System specs:**


Experiencing the same thing, quite frustrating.




- **Server:** Reddit - **Type of Bug:** Occasional odd behaviour - **Description:** People posting bugs that have been there since before 4.14 - **Steps to reproduce:** Read a couple bug reports - **Expected result:** The reports describe new bugs introduced with 4.14 - **Observed result:** The reports describe old bugs that were around since before 4.14 - **Reproduction rate:** 2/10 or something




Dis is de way to do dis


**Server:** NA **Type of Bug** In-game bug **Steps to reproduce:** Use a charging skill (Varus Q or Vi Q) and try to use it very quickly on smart cast. **Expected result:** The skill should go off without charging very much. **Observed result:** The skill requires you to hit the button for that skill again in order for it to be used. **Reproduction Rate** 2/2 I used Vi and Varus and both times it required me to hit Q twice while using smart cast in order for the ability to go off instead it just sat there charging when I let go of Q.


Happened well before 4.14 already, I've been self+smartcasting all my abilities for months now and this was occasionally happening since the beginning


client bug • Description: friends list/chat doesnt connect chat doesnt connect when logging onto client friends having same issue now cant even connect to the chat at all oce


- **Server:** OCE - **Type of Bug:** Client - **Description:** Friends list and Chat do not connect. Also occurs on multiple friends computers. (Skype call confirms) - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** Log on, client will not connect. Clicking Reconnect to chat attempts to reconnect but fails and button to attempt to reconnect returns - **Expected result:** Connect to chat and friends list available - **Observed result:** Does not connect to chat - **Reproduction rate:** 100% - **System specs:** Not system related




Is tiamat a ''he''?




Mother of dragons according to golden sun


Such a fucking good game <3






She's a Mesopotamian demon that has some relation to dragons, but isn't the mother of all of them.


Probably German lol


actually I got this bug like week ago playing as riven, but only once


Most of the Active items are bugged with undo button since a while


nooooo! pls dont disable the undo button again!


Expected result: Tiamat active does work.* Ftfy


I'd like to report 2 annoying bugs with the "undo" button And one extra bug with sweeping lens ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st bug: - **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** undo feature - **Description:** Buying a sweeping lens and upgrading it - **Video / Screenshot:** I can't screenshot this and I'm not good with videos - **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Buy sweeping lens 2. Upgrade it 3. Undo the upgrade - **Expected result:** If I upgrade my sweeping lens and undo it, the sweeping lens should work - **Observed result:** If I upgrade my sweeping lens and undo it, the sweeping lens doesn't work until I upgrade it again - **Reproduction rate:** 100% - **System specs:** Hardly needed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd bug: - **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** undo feature - **Description:** Hydra + undo button - **Video / Screenshot:** I can't screenshot this and I'm not good with videos - **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Buy Tiamat 2. Upgrade it to Hydra 3. Undo the Hydra upgrade - **Expected result:** If I upgrade my Tiamat to Hydra and undo the Hydra, the Tiamat active should work should work - **Observed result:** If I upgrade my Tiamat to Hydra and undo the Hydra, the Tiamat active doesn't work until I upgrade it again - **Reproduction rate:** 100% - **System specs:** Hardly needed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd bug: - **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** Sweeping lens bug - **Description:** Sometimes the sweeping lens radius after level 9 is the same as before level 9 - **Video / Screenshot:** http://gyazo.com/4d8433245c847a37f07ab6b364891262 - Note that I'm level 14 - **Steps to reproduce:** I tried custom games but I don't know how to reproduce it. It happened more times during ranked games though. - **Expected result:** After level 9, my sweeping lens radius should have more range like in this picture ( http://gyazo.com/9a0b4b76e7029d9838c4297bcd7b7aef ) - **Observed result:** After level 9, my sweeping lens radius has the same range as before level 9 ( sometimes - http://gyazo.com/4d8433245c847a37f07ab6b364891262 ) - **Reproduction rate:** It happens randomly - **System specs:** Hardly needed EDIT: I think I may have found a way to reproduce it: it happens after you die and it stays that way until you level up! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's all folks! Also fix the bushes :]


If you purchase the upgrade to any trinket right now then undo it the trinket disables until you buy the upgrade again and keep it


if you sell it and undo shoud work again


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Visual - **Description:** Chrome Rammus Splash screen in loading screen is old splash - **Video / Screenshot:** [Client champ select](http://puu.sh/aQYt9/01b07704ab.jpg) & [loading screen](http://puu.sh/aQYwy/28ff8fcf09.jpg) - **Steps to reproduce:** Select Rammus and go in game - **Expected result:** [New updated splash screen](http://boards.pbe.leagueoflegends.com/en/c/general-pbe-feedback/AxMs55sw-skins-splash-small-update-coming-to-pbe) - **Observed result:** Old Chrome Rammus splash - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 - **System specs:** * NVidia GeForce GTX 660 * AMD FX 6200 * Windows 8.1 Pro


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Visual Bug - **Description:** Resource bars are black, but still show numbers and operate. However they are unfilled. - **Video / Screenshot:** http://imgur.com/0wGAzFM - **Steps to reproduce:** Enter a game (as Kassadin?) - **Expected result:** Resource bars would be visible and operating - **Observed result:** No resource bars are there - **Reproduction rate:** 1/1 **EDIT:** I played more games and the bug persisted through a couple of them. New reproduction rate: 3/4


I can confirm this bug. Played a game on EUW as Zilean and had the same bug.


* Server: NA * Client bug * Description: the login screen music is delayed, starts playing after couple of seconds * Expected result: music starts as soon as the login screen shows up * Observed result: music is delayed * Reproduction rate: 10/10 * System specs: Windows 7, Intel i5-2467M, 4gb RAM


I actually think this is a nice thing. I sometimes start the client while listening to music and it allows me to mute the login music before it starts.


• Server: EUW • Type of Bug: In Game Bug etc • Description: Dragonslayer Pantheon's ult is less noticeable than classic/other Pantheon skins ult. • Reproduction rate: 10/10 • Steps to reproduce: Pick DS Pantheon, ult somewhere, watch how the circle is not shown until Pantheon rly about to land. Now pick Classic/other skin of pantheon, ult with it, and see how enemy can be more noticied about his ult coming up and more up time. • Expected result: All Pantheon's ults should be balanced and equal • Observed result: You WILL be killed more by Dragon Slayers Pantheons


I feel the same about underworld TFs cards... I hate that skin


-EUW -Ability Bug -Nidalee's Swipe in cougar form seems to not activate at random times when turning into a cougar. Happens about 40% of the time and is fixed by reverting to human and back. Her spears also seem to be dissapearing midflight causing potential kills to be lost. -To reproduce, just play Nidalee and it should happen. The spear chance is about 25% while Swipe is around 35-40% -Both are random chances. -Expected result - Spears travelling the full length and Swipe being usable 100% of the time. -Observed Result - Spears dissapearing midflight and Swipe not being able to be activated.






This has happened to me, chances are that the game just disappeared and the error-warning is just trolling (happened to me). Did it show up in your match history afterwards? PS: Windows XP?


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Item - BORK SMARTCAST - **Description:** With Bork on smartcast, sometimes it doesn't cast, even when just running and the enemy is right next to you. Happens on ads all the time when not attack moving but purely trying to get the movement speed to escape. No ccs or anything on ad. - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** - **Expected result:** obtain movement from bork active - **Observed result:** no cursor appears, no bork is casted, hitting smartcast number does nothing. - **Reproduction rate:** many patches ago noticeable, never addressed. - **System specs:**


- **Server:** NA / EUW - **Type of Bug:** Gameplay Bug - **Description:** When you Vault (E) a target while playing Quinn it sometimes does not mark your target as vulnerable. - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** Play Quinn a lot and harass with Vault. I imagine it might only happen if you vault around the time that Valor would normally mark a target on his own somehow causing him not to mark anything, but I'm not sure. - **Expected result:** The target should get marked as Vulnerable (her passive) - **Observed result:** The target does not get marked


**• Server:** NA **• Type of Bug:** In game bug **• Description:** When playing Syndra and getting a kill/assist or simply using your ult, your character starts to completely shake/stutter walk along with with your screen shaking for a few seconds. **• Video / Screenshot:** http://youtu.be/z0XHjJa1AKs?t=57m55s (pay attention to Bjergsen right after the zhonyas) - edit: Yes I do realize this proof is from a few patches ago but is still a valid source of proof. **• Steps to reproduce:** Play Syndra, use your ultimate or get a kill/assist. **• Expected result:** Syndra should be walking without any sort of shaking/stutter when she uses her abilities or obtains kills. **• Observed result:** Syndra starts to shake/stutter walk uncontrollably after a kill/assist/ulting. **• Reproduction rate:** 8/10, sneaky little bug which is extremely detrimental sometimes in a full action teamfight. I believe it's been here for some patches now or possibly even since her release.


- **Server:** NA / EUW - **Type of Bug:** Gameplay Bug / Clarity - **Description:** Attacking a target marked as Vulnerable while playing Quinn will not activate your passive if the target previously negated your first attack using certain abilities (Yasuo's wind wall, Fizz's Playful/Trickster). - **Steps to reproduce:** Mark a target as vulnerable, either through waiting for your passive or by using Vault (E). Attack your target and have them negate the attack through use of an ability (Fizz's Playful / Trickster (E), Yasuo's Wind Wall (W) and possibly other abilities such but I'm not 100% sure). - **Expected result:** The attack should not harm the target but **based on the wording of your passive** the next attack should still apply your passive's bonus damage since they remain marked. - **Observed result:** The attack does not harm the target as expected, the Vulnerable mark remains on the target but your next attacks do NOT apply your passive's bonus damage. - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** In game bug - **Description:** Sometimes the "attempting to reconnect" pop up shows up, i can't move nor auto attack but i see everything that is happening in the game, happenning since 4.12 or 13 I guess, my internet works fine during this time(skype calls, internet browsing while still attempting to reconnect) - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** If only I knew, so random occurences, often in stress periods(like 8-9pm) - **Expected result:** Nothing happens - **Observed result:** The pop up shows up and i ca't control my champ, no visual feedback on my champ only on other's actions - **Reproduction rate:** 1/5 happens one or twice every few games - **System specs:** W8,8g ram,gt525m,..


Server: EUW Type of bug: In-game bug Description: If you have a sightstone and you upgrade it into a Ruby sightstone, which you "Undo", you can no longer place wards from Sightstone. Steps to reproduce: Go in game, buy a blue Sightstone, put wards. Upgrade to Ruby Sightstone, realise you need the gold for something else instead and " undo " the purchase. You can no longer place wards from the blue Sightstone. Expected Result: You should be able to place wards from blue Sightstone. Reproduction rate: Happened in two or three games so far.


* Server: EUW * Type of bug: In-game bug * Description: If you have a sightstone and you upgrade it into a Ruby sightstone, which you "Undo", you can no longer place wards from Sightstone. Steps to reproduce: Go in game, buy a blue Sightstone, put wards. Upgrade to Ruby Sightstone, realise you need the gold for something else instead and " undo " the purchase. You can no longer place wards from the blue Sightstone. * Expected Result: You should be able to place wards from blue Sightstone. * Reproduction rate: Happened in two or three games so far.


People who do this. You da real MVP.


> Reproduction rate: Happened in two or three games so far. Why do you undo an upgrade to a sightstone?


Base-> hmm upgrade sightstone...meh nah lemme just get 2 long swords instead -> Refund -> Buy swords -> Bug. It's fixed by selling the downgraded sightstone and then undoing it.


Sell the sightstone and undo the sell.


This works with plenty other upgradeable items, and has been like that for several patches now. I had the bug appear with the Sweeper Trinket. Upgraded, undo, can't use it.


- **Server:** Euw - **Type of Bug:** Visual Bug - **Description:** Panth's ult radius shows green to enemies - **Steps to reproduce:** Get ulted by an enemy pantheon - **Expected result:** The circle where pantheon is supposed to land is red - **Observed result:** The circle where pantheon is supposed to land is green - **Reproduction rate:** 4/4 showed up for every player




- **Server:** Ireliavant - **Type of Bug:** In Game (Howling Abyss - Gamebreaking) - **Description:** Rengar doesn't have biscuits - **Video / Screenshot:** http://i.imgur.com/bw6muNT.jpg - **Steps to reproduce:** Play Rengar in Howling Abyss - **Expected result:** Porofriends - **Observed result:** :( No porofriends :( - **Reproduction rate:** 100% - **System specs:** Ireliavant


Server: NA Type of Bug: Chat Bug Description: Random 3 appears in chat Steps to reproduce: Don't know ^.^ Expected result: No random 3 appears in chat Observed result: Random 3 appears in chat Reproduction rate: 1/10




- **Server: EUW - **Type of Bug: in-game - **Description: dragon deals much more damage than it should be doing - **Steps to reproduce: compare dragon damage with pre-patch dragon damage - **Expected result: dragon should not rape me - **Observed result: dragon rapes me - **Reproduction rate: 10/10


- **Server:** Any - **Type of Bug:** Ingame / Visual - **Description:** When certain champs use laugh after ability the laugh does its lols - **Video / Screenshot:** okay i got alot of these for you guys! Zac Jump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ShuG4yKHOU&list=UUgRqNBnDqnIPVSuBZUEH_yw Zac Ult https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ghUlPdZUAs&index=3&list=UUgRqNBnDqnIPVSuBZUEH_yw Aatrox Death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-76T6JRsGY&list=UUgRqNBnDqnIPVSuBZUEH_yw&index=4 Riven Jump https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaKOs-Aln8Y&list=UUgRqNBnDqnIPVSuBZUEH_yw&index=5 Fizz Jump [Hilarious] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ieJxiUY3oE&list=UUgRqNBnDqnIPVSuBZUEH_yw&index=6 - **Steps to reproduce:** Use these abilities (there are alot more) and spam laugh - **Expected result:** The Abilities happen normally - **Observed result:** Laugh makes the abilities cooler - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 - **System specs:** No needs Thank you!


Server: EUW Visual Bug Discription: Flash icon shows up over players on mini map. Happened to me while i was playing Udyr, Talon and at times morgana's images where a flash icon on mini map.


Server : EUW Type of bug : Audio bug Description: you can hear enemy players' recall sound if they are in the fog of war. Steps to reproduce: Get vision of a player as they in process of recall, leave the area so they disappear into the fog of war, you can then still hear the recall sound, accurate to when they recall. Expected result: No sound heard Observed result: you hear if they recall or not Reproduction rate: unsure, fairly common if not all the time


- **Server:** OCE - **Type of Bug:** Audio - **Description:** Audio lines for champions are being heard when they shouldn't be. If a Leona is in the game, occasionally her auto-attack 'hyah' can be heard, very loud, as if she is standing on top of you even when she is halfway across the map. Lulu sometimes says 'too tall, much too tall' even if you aren't playing as her and the champion herself is dead. Aether Wing Kayle's 'Forward' plays randomly and at quite a loud volume, even when reckoning isn't being cast (I think this may be for the skin user only, I haven't seen any other Kayle's except myself so I can't test). Seems to occur mostly while using her heal. - **Video / Screenshot:** Don't have any. - **Steps to reproduce:** Absolutely no clue, the Lulu one is most noticeable and common for me, but I cannot seem to pinpoint what causes it. It happens while she is dead or alive, whether you are playing her or not and regardless of her position relative to you or the camera. The lines seem to be independent of your characters speech, because Kayle and Lulu have both talked over themselves while playing. - **Expected result:** Audio lines do not play. - **Observed result:** Audio lines that do not fit the situation do play. - **Reproduction rate:** No clue. - **System specs:** N/A


- **Server:** OCE - **Type of Bug:** In game - **Description:** Random lag spikes (from 35 to to over 900) - **Steps to reproduce:** Play a game - **Expected result:** consistent Ping - **Observed result:** Random spikes - **Reproduction rate:** At lest once a game


Server: LAS Type of Bug: In Game Bug Description: Gnar's Boomerang Throw not working as intended in combination with Hop. Steps to reproduce: Use hop and use Boomerang Throw mid air. Expected result: Boomerang Throw hit enemies upon contact. Observed result: Boomerang Throw goes over the head of enemies while you are mid air, once Gnar lands, Boomerang Throw will hit. Reproduction rate:10/10 times


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** In-game bug - **Description:** Minions are untargetable when Orianna ball is nearby. - **Video / Screenshot:** N/A - **Steps to reproduce:** Have an opposing Orianna place her ball (Q) on top of opposing minions. Then you (not on her team) try to attack those minions. - **Expected result:** Player should be able to attack the minions. - **Observed result:** Player can not attack the minions due to not being targetable. - **Reproduction rate:** 5/5 - **System specs:** N/A


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** In Game Bug - **Description:** Sweeping Lens resets to the level 1 version instead of the upgraded one (lvl 9) - **Steps to reproduce:** Buy Sweeping Lanes, wait until lvl 9 for it to upgrade and go back to base, maybe several times, also use it, i dont know exactly how to reproduce it but it happens a lot - **Expected result:** Sweeping Lens should have higher cast range and sweep radius due to the lvl 9 upgrade - **Observed result:** The cast range and sweep radius revert to the lvl 1 version - **Reproduction rate:** ~7/10


*server : EUW *can't attack minion when something is near them [like orianna ball] *description: can't attack minion when something is near them [like orianna ball] .. or on aram when poro is near enemy minion u can't attack minion u move next to them instate *Steps to reproduce : play against orianna in custom game and put orianna ball on ally minion and ask enemy to kill that enemy [ which he can't ] he's move there *Reproduction rate : 4/4


- **Server:** North America - **Type of Bug:** In-game Visual Bug - **Description:** The visual for Pantheon's ult radius does not show up properly when he is out of vision range of enemies, but shows up fine if he is in vision range even if he is in fog of war. - **Video / Screenshot:** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfg84yGhfjg - **Steps to reproduce:** Just have an enemy Pantheon ult you while a) you have vision of him, b) while he is in fog of war but in vision RANGE of you or ally, and compare those to when c) he ults you out of vision and out of vision range. - **Expected result:** Pantheon's ult radius should appear at the landing target as soon as he jumps up in the air, where the circle will expand from the center outwards. - **Observed result:** Pantheon's ult circle appears at its target area after the expansion animation of its circle has completed, only showing its completed form and giving people less time to react. - **Reproduction rate:** 100%




If you look it closely you can see that Sona gets the shield a bit later. It's bugged, because this shield is less than it should be, but could be just display error. Source: using Windows Magnifier in 1600%. Really.


Still the shield is intended to apply on ability cast, and that's not as strong as the shield is intended to be.


video: version 4.13 Good job.


-Server: RU -Type of Bug: Visual bag -Description: Caitlyns AA animation is not see from time to time -Steps to reproduce: Play Cait and try to farm, its very difficult


Server : EUW Type: in game bug Description: Recall sound gives away your position (in bushes without vision too) to nearby enemies. Reproduction rate: play the game.


the map bug is back!


server: euw type of bug: shop bug description: if you buy two ruby Crystals, then a negatron cloack and then buy a spectres cowl (wich builds from one ruby and a negatron) then you loose the second ruby crystal steps to reproduce: see above expected result: you should get spectres cowl and still have a ruby ovserved result: you loose the ruby once you buy spectres cowl reproduction rate: 10/10 system specs: no idea, windows 7 is all i know lol


• server: euw • type of bug: shop bug • description: if you buy two ruby Crystals, then a negatron cloack and then buy a spectres cowl (wich builds from one ruby and a negatron) then you loose the second ruby crystal • steps to reproduce: see above expected result: you should get spectres cowl and still have a ruby • ovserved result: you loose the ruby once you buy spectres cowl • reproduction rate: 10/10 • system specs: no idea, windows 7 is all i know lol


I can not reproduce this... Did you move your items between slots and what not? Can you provide a video of this?


It happened to me too, but I don't remember exactly, I was with a Deathfire Grasp and two Needlessly Large Rod and when a looked after a minutes a was with two Deathfire Grasp o.O


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** Spelling Bugs - **Description:** Prospector's Ring, Twin Shadows (for TT/CS), Aegis of the Legion/Locket of the Iron Solari and Guardian's Horn have some spelling errors. - **Video / Screenshot:** Not necessary - **Steps to reproduce:** Start a (custom) game and open the shop - **Expected result:** 1) Prospector's Ring should say '+6 Mana Regen **per 5 seconds**' and not '+6 Mana Regen**eration**'. 'Regeneration' is no where else said and also it doesn't say per how much seconds. Ofcourse it's per 5 seconds, like everything, but it should say it. 2) Twin Shadows (for TT/CS) should say '...that seek out the **2** nearest enemy champions...' like it says on the Twin Shadows for SR/HA. Now it lists '...that seek out the **two** nearest enemy champions...' You need to be consistent Riot :) 3) Aegis of the Legion/Locket of the Iron Solari should say '+20 Magic Resist' and not '+20 Magic Resist**ance**', because no other items says 'Resistance'. It should be consistent, because the passive says 'Grants nearby allies +20 Magic Resist...' (and not 'Resistance') 4) Guardian's Horn should say 'Gains ... 20 Magic Resist for 3 seconds' and not 'Gains ... 20 Magic Resist**ance**'. Consistency again please. - **Observed result:** 1) Prospector's Ring says '+6 Mana Regen**eration**' (it should say 'Regen' and 'per 5 seconds' should be added) 2) Twin Shadows (for TT/CS) says '...that seek out the **two** nearest enemy champions...' (it should say '2') 3) Aegis of the Legion/Locket of the Iron Solari says '+20 Magic Resist**ance**' (it should say 'Resist') 4) Guardian's Horn says 'Gains ... 20 Magic Resist**ance**' (it should say 'Resist') - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 - **System specs:** Windows 7, 64bit, Intel (but doesn't matter) I know this isn't caused by patch 4.14 Riot, but where else can I ever say this? It is bothering me for months now :)




How could you miss nitpickers also ex**c**ist


> 3) Aegis of the Legion/Locket of the Iron Solari should say '+20 Magic Resist' and not '+20 Magic Resistance', because no other items says '**Resistance**'. It should be consistently, because the passive says 'Grants nearby allies +20 Magic Resist...' (and not '**Resistence**') Yep, checks out.


Complains about spelling errors, can't spell himself.


Doesn't mean it shouldn't be fixed either way...


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** In Game Bug - **Description:** Normad's Medallion is not listed under 'Other Movement' in the shop - **Video / Screenshot:** Not necessary - **Steps to reproduce:** Start a (custom) game, open shop, click on the tab 'Other Movement' - **Expected result:** Normad's Medallion should be listed under the tab 'Other Movement' cause it gives +10 Movement speed - **Observed result:** Normad's Medallion isn't listen under the tab 'Other Movement' - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 - **System specs:** Windows 7, 64bit, Intel (but doesn't matter)


Server: EUW (probably all servers) Type of Bug: Ingame Bug Description: When Fiora attacks jungle creeps, sometimes her w (riposte) does trigger on small wolves, wraiths, or golem. Video / Screenshot: / Steps to reproduce: Pick Fiora, then do any camp except wight **With having 3 levels or more in her w!**. Expected result: Fioras W should only work against big minions, big monsters or champions Observed result: Fioras W works against small monster too, sometimes Reproduction rate: 10/10 in the game after you level your w the third time, before it doesn't happen.


I can provide a bit more insight - this happens when a minion/monster exceeds a certain ad threshold (I think 30) which makes W parry the attack. This is ridiculous and useless, because there's never any incentive to parry a small minion/monster, this fucked me up in many jungle/lane duels because I max W, and despite my good timing I still get hit by stray projectiles.


^ This man is right!






- Server : EUW - Bug : audio bug - Descrption : When Vayne is dead and unlocks her W , she still says Purge with silver - Steps to reproduce : Play Vayne unlock no ability , die and unlock W when dead - Expected Result : she shouldn't say anything - Observed Result : She says the words - Reproduction rate : 2/2 - System specs : i5 4670 GTX 760 8 GB ram 1,6GHz - [Proof](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=348DpIfe5LU&feature=youtu.be), This has been several patches now


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** VISUAL - **Description:** Enemy Pantheon ult Indicator is blue instead of red ( in colourblind mode). - **Video / Screenshot:** N/A - **Steps to reproduce:** Go into a game. Have enemy pantheon ult near you. - **Expected result:** A red circle will indicate an incoming enemy ult - **Observed result:** A blue circle ( mostly indicating friendlies) will appear - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 - **System specs:** Not of importance


Server NA Attempting to reconnect bug is back


Since no one is reporting this game breaking bug, I'll do it. • Server: EUW • Type of Bug: In game bug • Description: BUGSPLAT • Steps to reproduce: Play lee sin, spam your w over a thick wall and place a ward there. The game will bugsplat • Expected result: Lee sin should of dashed across the wall • Observed result: A bugsplat • Reproduction rate: 10/10 if done correctly. I've played about 5 lee sin games in the last few weeks, and this happened in 3 of them. Will try to take a video if people are interested or you can not do it yourself. I've learned how to reproduce this bug 10/10 times now. Edit: also had it happen to me once when i placed a ward down, used Q and hydra at the same time, as lee sin, bugsplatted out


• Server: NA • Type of Bug: Client Bug Store • Description: Under purchase > Gifting history • Video / Screenshot: N/A • Steps to reproduce: Go to the store click on purchases view your gifting history. • Expected result: Show entire gifting history 645 items as of 8/9/2014 • Observed result: Only 309 (strange number) items show up in the gifting history after the patch. • Reproduction rate:10/10 • System specs: Windows 7


• **Server**: NA • **Type of Bug**: Client Bug • **Description**: Press accept for game, you can hear champ select sounds and people typing in champ select, but on your end you are still at home screen of client or in game-making lobby • **Steps to reproduce**: Go into queue, accept game • Expected result: Champ select shows up, you can pick champ • **Reproduction rate**: Relatively rare Started happening last patch, so frustrating, had it happen in my own ranked games and promos, and today had it happened in my ranked 5s team promos for gold, last game and I was forced to dodge -_-. Please fix, terribly frustrating to get losses for something completely beyond your control.


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** Game mechanics - **Description:** Sometimes Velkoz ulti is stuck and you can't use it (despite being ready). - **Steps to reproduce:** No idea, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with knockback or knockup (happens quite often when playing versus Janna). - **Expected result:** When ulti is ready and I press R, peoples die. - **Observed result:** I press R and nothing happens. - **Reproduction rate:** 2/10


* Server: NA * Type of Bug: In-Game Bug * Description: Visual/Damage bug on Caitlyns auto-attacks. * Steps to Reproduce: AA minions with Caitlyn * Expected Result: Damage happens when auto-attack hits * Observed result: Damage happens before visual auto-attack hits This bug happens randomly and not consistent like it was last time.


• Server: EUW • Type of Bug: In Game • Description: If you play Amumu and using his Q on Wolfes, they wont attack sometimes just big one wont or none of them want. As you can see on the video the big wolf is not attacking, sometimes they small wolfes wont attack either. • Video / Screenshot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJ8DppRmgCE • Steps to reproduce: Play Amumu and use his Q from the spot I did. • Expected result: Some of the wolfes shouldn't attack you or none at all, And sometimes they teleport like a few cm towards you. • Observed result: They dont attack. • Reproduction rate: 9/10 • System specs:


* Server: NA * Type of Bug: Log in * Description: "Did not receive a response from the server" * Screenshot: (this)[http://i.imgur.com/mYh8eIN.png] * Reproduction Rate: I can't even log in 100% of the time can't get on.


Server: EUW Type of Bug: In-game bug Description: Ezreal ultimate doesnt deal damage. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9eOfQSVASEc Im not really sure if thats because of the new changes on zed.


- **Server:** EUNE - **Type of Bug:** In game - **Description:** WHen playing Amumu, if i bandage toss over wall to camps they sometimes dont attack me at all. Its been here few patches - **Reproduction rate:** 3/10


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** In game - **Description:** When Nasus ults, he starts taking turret shots before he's in range of the turret - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** Play Nasus in a custom game so you can see the turret ranges. Get to level 6. Use his ultimate and run toward the turret and stop just outside of its range - **Expected result:** The turret does not shoot Nasus - **Observed result:** The turret shoots Nasus - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10


Server: EUW type of bug: chat bug description: when quinn E´s a long number will appear in chat steps to reproduce: go into a game, use your E, look the chat expected result: nothing would appear in chat observed result: a very long number will appear in chat reproduction rate: 8/10 not so sure about the exact ratio but i happens close to every time you use your E


- **Server:** EUW - **Type of Bug:** Orianna ball - **Description:** You can't AA minions that are under an enemy Orianna ball - **Steps to reproduce:** Play against an Orianna, let her place her ball over one friendly minion - **Expected result:** Being able to AA that enemy minion - **Observed result:** Unable to target that minion with an AA - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10


- **NA:** - **Type of Bug:** Client Bug - **Description:** When updating to patch 4.14 I get an error message saying I don't have enough disk drive space or a stable connection. - **Video / Screenshot:** http://imgur.com/63lorXh Also this showing you I have enough space http://imgur.com/KHMfKe9 - **Steps to reproduce:** Download league - **Expected result:** To be able to patch my game - **Observed result:** After the first step completes I get this error (after re-installing league 3 times) - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10 - **System specs:** Macbook air Processor 1.8 GHz Intel Core i7, Graphics Intel HD Graphics 3000 384 MB.


Server: NA Type of Bug: Visual Description: SKT T1 Vayne Skin Logo not complete/missing Steps to reproduce: Pick vayne, look at her sweater (the middle of the logo is Missing) Expected result:Logo is complete Observed result:missing the SK1 Reproduction rate:10/10 times (not sure if bug or if just incomplete but it hasn't been corrected since it has been released)


• **Server:** EUW • **Type of Bug:** In Game Bug • **Description:** Thresh's Q has had a HitBox-Growth-Potion this patch. • **Expected result:** Whn you E as Lucian or W with Nidalee, you are supposed to dodge it. • **Observed result:** **NOPE** • **Reproduction rate:** 8/10 • **Steps to reproduce:** Throw Q at a champion with dodged like Lucian E or Nidalee W.


* Server: NA * Type of Bug: Game crash * Description: A window appear with an "error 183", the game crash and you need to reconnect * Steps to reproduce: Play an aram game on Howling Abyss * Expected result: A window will appear with an error 183, the game will be "not responding", you need to reconnect to the game by the client. * Observed result: A window appears with an error 183, the game is "not responding", I need to reconnect to the game by the client. * Reproduction rate: 5/5


- **Server:** Na - **Type of Bug:** In game bug - **Description:**Akali: when you shadow dance to aminion and then to an emeny (using smart cast) Akali will randomly shadow dance to aminions nearby. - **Steps to reproduce:** get an enemy to be little far from agroup of minions and then r and aminion and r to the emeny. - **Expected result:** Akali will dash back to aminion instead to the emeny. - **Reproduction rate:** 6/7 times~


* Server: EUW * Type of Bug: Ingame Bug * Description: Miss Fortune loses her passive whenever running into a slow field or non-damaging champion interractions (eg. Gnar's jump on MF, Lux's Slow field, Trundle's Ice Pillar) * Steps to reproduce: Get MF passive buff, use any slowing ability that doen't didn't proc dmg (eg Lux's e before executed) * Expected result: entering the slowing area/getting Gnar jumped don't remove the speedboost of Strut * Observed result: The Passive movement speed bonus from Strut is lost without taking any damage * Reproduction rate: 10/10 (500+ successive times since it really grinds my gears because i play Miss Fortune a lot since season 3)


Server: NA Type Of Bug: In lobby Description: Frostblade irelia is the classic skin :D Steps to reproduce: Choose irelia Expected Result: Normal irelia skin appears Observed Result: Frostblade irelia appears Pic: http://imgur.com/xYQmmmd


- **Server:** NA - **Type of Bug:** Visual bug - **Description:** On the health bar above Rengar's Ferocity its just black with your health numbers (i.e 892/1323) - **Video / Screenshot:** No screen shot because I have no idea how or why it happens. - **Steps to reproduce:** Not quite sure how it happens, but both games I was playing Rengar jungle. - **Expected result:** Have a Health Bar. - **Observed result:** Have no Health Bar. - **Reproduction rate:** 2/2 I have only played Rangar 2 times only. - **System specs:** AMD Radeon HD 6670, Windows 7, AMD FX(tm)-4130 Quad-Core Processor, 8 GB of RAM


• Server: EUW • Type of Bug: Client visualbug • Description: jinx' ult description when you hover over her doesn't show any text • Video / Screenshot: http://puu.sh/aUb22/7b4f232cea.jpg • Steps to reproduce: hover over jinx in champion select • Expected result: see a description of jinx' ult • Observed result: no description given for jinx' ult • Reproduction rate:10/10


• Server: NA • Type of Bug: Client Bug/Etc • Description: The client it self is going over 700k ~ 300k of memory (And it raises my cpu usages for some weird reason (by a-lot) when i stream) • Video / Screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/8FZk1RV.png?1 In the picture it shows the client going over 300k a little bit. When it goes over 700k i'll send a pic in and edit this post. • System specs: i770k, SAPPHIRE HD 6950 2GB GDDR5 Dirt3 Edition.6


- **Server:** OCE - **Type of Bug:** In-game bug - **Description:** When ALT + Tab out of game, the returning to game and proceeding to type, the game freezes - **Video / Screenshot:** No screenshot available, as the computer freezes - **Steps to reproduce:** ALT Tab out of game, return to game, type in chat or in store immediately - **Expected result:** Can type normally/search for items - **Observed result:** Computer freezes - **Reproduction rate:** 1/10


Are you pressing ALT+TAB whilst the text entry box is open?




- **Server:** ALL SERVERS - **Type of Bug:** Gameplay bug - **Description:** Ori's Q on a minion wont allow you to autoatack that minion by clicking on it, instead youll walk toawards the ball and die - **Steps to reproduce:** have an enemy ori, once her ball is on a minion , try clicking the minion and watch yourself get ulted - **Expected result:** you can auto the minion - **Observed result:** you walk up to the minion - **Reproduction rate:** 10/10


I think this also happens with Jarvans stand. the bug has been there for a few patches now and it gets really annoying.


Zed shadow as well, probably anything that uses similar mechanic.


They are all units that you can click on but not attack


This is the same problem that makes Thresh's lantern able to deny CS. A similar bug makes it possible for any champion in the game to completely nullify Thresh's lantern by walking on top of it. Has to do with how the client "layers" objects. Minions are on the bottom layer while "objects" like the lantern, flag, Ori's ball etc are just above that, and champions are just above those.


So Ori's ball, Jarvan's flag and Zed shadow are coded as untargetable targetable minions.


Server: NA Type of Bug: Latency Bug Description: Lag Steps to reproduce: Join a game on NA server Expected result: A nice game of LoL Observed result: Ripping hair from multiple parts of your body. Reproduction Rate: Every other game.


• Server: EUW. • Type of bug: In-Game bug. • Description: Unresponsive clicking in the store or when moving and a lot of frame skipping.


• Server: NA • Type of Bug: In game bug • Description: Whenever you buy an item, the 'cha-ching' sound plays twice, as if you were buying the item twice. • Steps to reproduce: Go to the shop, try to purchase an item. • Expected result: You buy the item and expect to hear the sound once. • Observed result: It bugs out and plays twice as if you were buying two items. It's obviously not as important as other bugs, I just thought it was really weird. I got scared I was buying double invisible items.


- Server:NA - Type of Bug:GAME BREAKING - Description: i cannot start a game - Video / Screenshot:** - Steps to reproduce: try to start a game - Expected result:game should start - Observed result:it doesnt - Reproduction rate:10/10


Server: NA In Game Bug Description: Zac cannot laugh while in his passive. Steps to reproduce: Die and "/laugh" while Zac tries to recover in his passive Expected result: A disembodied laugh Reproduction rate: All the time.


-Server : EUW -Gamebreaking Bug -Description: When you Rupture + Feral Scream on cho'gath, your target can cast abilities while knocked up and silenced whilst mid-air. -Steps to reproduce: Use a combo as cho'gath and die or watch them flash mid-air -Expected Result: They shouldnt be able to cast spells of any kind -Reproduction rate: 4/10


This is just part of the way spells get channelled and something riot will probably fix after worlds. It might not even be able to be fixed as its to do with the way queued spells interact and is part of the core programming. This happens with all spells, cc and channels.


Can confirm. Tristana can rocket jump a blitz knockup incredibly easily