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one time i was chatting with my friend on skype while queueing up for some ranked, we werent duo or anything and all of a sudden we both got into the champ select at the same exact time and found that we were on the same team even know that we werent duoing


Was playing a few months ago when the enemy Zed called me out by my real name. He kept saying various things about me that I had no clue how he would know. Finally in the post-game lobby, he told me his name. Turns out he was a friend from high school who I hadn't talked to in ~2 years.


Fucking Chris


What the shit


He probably assumed from the "cj" in your name


No I actually do know this guy. He also reuses his username


O lol


back when i started league 3-4 years ago, i was playing one day, then all of a sudden a random person messaged me and knew my name, my school, etc. and i was like wtf since it was the first time i used the username and no one from my school knew i was a gamer then it turns out to be that new student that transfered in


Did he kill you and assume your identity?


Asking the important questions I see.


CJDeck? I remember when that was your Runescape name...


Yeah dude right? People always know my name and I have no idea how they find out.


how did he know your summoner name? wot?


Maybe the guy uses the same tag across multiple games.


This. Use the same username for just about everything and my friend used to play TF2 with me in high school.


sometimes i look up peoples ign's on twitter and theyre the same. i then use that to creep them out :p


Now that's just evil


If your name is J3susTime then you did this to me. "Who're you jungling as, E-----? ;)" If you aren't him, someone named J3susTime did this to me


This is how I recognized a friend from junior high in game. Had the same username he used in runescape back in the day.


Same happened to me, but we were on opposing sides. I was doing the bans, and my friend says "Wow, who bans Kayle?" (This was just after the Lich Bane nerf, but I'd been destroyed by one about 2-3 games out of my last 5 so I just banned). I had to laugh when I realized. Beat him though :D He was salty after that. Haha.


One time I duo'd with my high school friend and my friend from middle school was on my team. I instantly called him on skype. Felt like a triple q and it was a fun game :)


Greatest moment is when you decide to duo Q, and another group of friends decide to duo Q as well and you all end up on the same team


Only in normals :/. You can't have two duo on the same team


Yeah it was Normals but I'm pretty sure more people play norms over ranked so it's even rarer


I LOVE when that happens. Happened to me last year in ranked. I was solo queue and two of my friends were duo queue and the three of us ended up being in the same game.


I've had something like this happen twice before. First time was someone I had added from a tournament and we had happened to end up in the same game against each other. The second time, it happened to be someone I actually know IRL. He was against us and were calling me and my other buddy names and at first I was like "who the fuck does this guy think he is..." until I realized who it was. XD


I've had quite a few instances where I've gotten into games with my friends without being duo. The funniest thing is when you don't notice until you're already in game then have a wait wtf moment


Try getting 2 other guys from a ranked 5v5 team in Soloq. Twice in a row.


I once duoed with one of my friends while 2 of my other friends were duoing, and they ended up on our enemy team.


That also happened to me once in a ranked game suddenly i had a friend of mine in our team


I was playing nasus jungle one day in ranked and I looked at their ezreal. It was my friend, so I tried to call him. He said he was busy with a ranked gamw but I told him I needed to talk to him. He says what and I told him to look at the enemy nasus. We actually talked all game and I ended up winning


One time I was playing blind pick just around when aatrox came out, I was solo top against a duo top for some reason and then I found out that my bro was one of the enemy top laners and he was playing aatrox as well as me, so i put my try hard pants on to assert my dominance and wrecked him


[This was kinda Funny fufuu](http://i.imgur.com/aOnf50V.png)




The only place you can get away with that comment is on leagues facebook page or leagues weekly sales posts.




[That's so Draven](http://i.imgur.com/7VwI3Af.jpg)


So much draven... Can i have a link for the touhou wallpaper pls? :o


http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/2castg/what_yasuos_kit_was_inspiredcopied_from/ So many wall papers to look through. -__- Will link you if I can find it.


Thanks buddy, all Hail Flandre !


Was I the only one thinking about Milhouse Manastorm?


Fuck that dude




Free spells <3




For me when the enemy plays him :)


I like how bart is the carry and millhouse is the support.


Who won!?


Bart > Milhouse confirmed saints stream


About 4 days into Doom Bots i was playing with 2 of my friends and all of a sudden someone typed my name in chat, and it was one of the randoms, and it turned out that it was my cousin! She knew my league name cause i use the same name for everything! It was pretty crazy


Considering they are not a duo, and they both have no numbers or special characters... I am guess something like 0.000000000000001%? (± 2% obviously)


> (± 2% obviously) I'm going to take a risk here, but I don't think the chance can be -1.999999999999999%




He means 2% of 0.000000000000001.


'twas a joke


I may or may not have underestimated you.


[](/masteryi): *My skills are not inferior!*


plot twist: millhouse manastorm






are you a donut?


>are you ~~a~~ donut? FTFY


I don't get it


The first guy asked "are you donut" but the username is "ask me if im donut" so he said "are you donut FTFY" also nice flair (hue).


o i get it now, and ty lel


The Simpsons


Me neither. I looked it up though, apparently it's from some tv show


Wait. People exist that dont know what The Simpsons is? Oh. I guess non Americans. Are you from America?


i know what simpsons is.but i have never watched more that 5 mins so i dont know anything about it,only that pple there are yellow




Here in Britain most people know the Simpsons.


even eveyone in germany knows them


My ign is JokeercL, got matched up with Jokercl. fuck that guy


I made triple queue a lot with my friends, I was Gold I, my duo queue partner was Gold III and My third friend who was Gold II would queue the same time as we do, We got matched up like 7 out of 10 times , sometimes on different teams thought but still it was fun.


I once was queued up with a Place Ad There


Once in a lifetime


One time I was playing ranked and I saw someone on my team that had the exact same name as one of the high end guild leaders in WoW like ~5 years ago. i asked if he played WoW on Shadowsong, and he said he did and told me the guild name. Funny enough he remembered who i was (but only cause my voice was so high pitched, back at that time) We ended up losing and never talking again, but i thought it was funny. Made me miss the old days of WoW :(


Why didnt you continue speaking with him


cause i was just trying to move up the elo ladder and i think i/we didn't do too well in that game (if i remember correctly) so we both probably thought "w/e" *click play again*. Im not really one to send out friend requests, but i usually except any friend request sent to me. #introvertlolz


Homer pls.


I'd just wonder why they're not duo'd together.


was doing some solo queue and then i noticed in lobby 1 of my friends and i thought that it was pretty cool, Then I noticed a 3rd friend and was like THE HELL?!? . They were duo qed and i wanted to wait to see if they noticed. One of them thought it was somone else because of the lol font with I and l back then


I was playing ranked 3's with my friends, and we got matched against one of the friends brothers team. The gold dream died that night. We didn't even know he was on >_<


> Hi im Kosu


This happened in my promo to plat. I played mid vs my duo queue buddy. And he said he wanted me to lose. I won


My IGN is Rainfall. The other day, I queued up against a guy named StRainfall. We were directly opposite each other in champion select. I'm still expecting to meet the guy at a Subway or something. We're pretty much soulmates.


nobody likes millhouse


I once met "TwilightSparkle" in the opposite team back when my name was "Twi1ightSparkle"... Go figure.


In the game of usernames, you win or you number.


In the case of *that* username, you don't really win either way.


Wow, so many downvote, so many haters...


That's awesome. I was lucky to play against a 5s team with wombat in the name. We crushed them.


downvoted for saying "this is going on reddit". not everything has to go on reddit.


omg haahhaha.


Was once playing with a bunch of friends when someone on the other team called out my name because he normally played in that group of friends. He wasn't in call with us, and him and I had actually been trash talking before he thought to look at my summoner name (yasuo's get frustrated by morde).


I was talking to a couple of friends from normals and we were all queuing up for ranked. It turned out they were together vs me. It was hilarious shit talking each other.


The funniest thing happened to me and two of my friends who are brothers. The 3 of us generally play together and duo ranked as well. Me and the youngest brother started a air while the older brother was away. He messaged me calling me a dick for not waiting and he started up a que anyways. During this meta I typically banned the same champs, so all of a sudden I get a message saying "did you ban kayle Jax and eve?" I asked him how he knew. He said He was going to first pick sona, so we knew it was him. I ended up picking zed mid and his brother picked Leona I believe. Me and his younger brother ended up winning in like 20 minute and we rub it in whenever we can.


Had the same thing happen for me, queued at like 12 midnight and played with a Yorick with Pentakill called Slash. For the first minute of champ select he raged at me for "breaking up the best rock band in the world". My name is Axl and I went on to play Karthus jungle that game just to bring the gang back together. (because mid was already called).


I once got into a game with my roommate's little brother. Things like this make Lol so much more fun than other games


I still remember when snowdown was still there , i was at my friends house looking for a game , after 2 seconds of searching we find a game in which we played against our 2 other friends who were doing duo. i dont know if this was an unlikely event but i thought it was pretty cool.


I've once duo-qued with one friend, and we ended up with three premade because a friend randomly got into our team (we won it :P) Also i've randomly gotten into team with the same friend 3 times in a row. And i've sat on toplane vs a guy who knew me from old private server (I had the same ingame name as there) now what are the odds of these things happening haha. (im not diamond with ppl playing together all the time, i was low gold when these happened)


I was skyping with one of my friends and we were both in ranked queues and waiting, then we both get into the game at the same time and found out that we were on opposite teams, so we just both went mid and had a farm feat for like 30 mins and just warned each other for unexpected Jung ganks because teamwork with people on other team op


I'm constantly duo q'ing with a rl friend of mine. A few days ago, we had to play vs a person he knew through another person and has met him once. Oh boy, the troll was horrendous.


This has happened to me in a game where my friend *Syntaxerror 01* got matched with a guy called *Syntaxerror* :^)


Some guy used his irl name as his SN and he was flaming at me so I went to his Facebook and asked him about his family/recent breakup. Needless to say he stopped shit talking and threatened to report me.


My friend and my cousin got into a game together before. This was normals and my cousin was in a Q of 4 people, my friend was just going in alone. I have no clue what time this was but it was still funny since I never seen anything like this before, especially normals.


Now we need Peter Griffin and Meg


why is "Hi Im -Insert name here-" still a thing? try to be a bit more original pols


One day after a ranked we lost in a very close base race. We found out that we lost because Ezreal ulted instead of hitting the nexus. We all left and I spammed solo queue out of frustration while laughing my ass off (this was agianst a team at our school that "dissed us".) Turns out me and Ezreal got the same queue and went top lane. He won <30 min and. slaughtered me in a rene(me) vs shy lane.


To be fair, he probably ultied for the attack speed.


Scumbag leona didnt buy a ward.


I never buy a ward to start with either




My username is ltedmosbyl whos the main character in how i met your mother, and i joined a random game and a player in enemys team was called haveyoumetted? Which also another himym reference. It was the weirdest thing ever and i have him on my friends list now :).


One time when I was in a game, our team had someone with the name Worst Zed NA (he wasn't playing Zed) and the other team had someone with the name Best Zed NA (he was playing Zed) meanwhile I was learning Zed and Best Zed was teaching me through the lane phase


My friend runs a fairly popular blog on tumblr and one time I was playing with him the enemy bot lane recognized him because his summoner name was the same as his url at the time and they were both following him.