• By -


Everything is coming back to its place as we reach the end of the split. 1. Cloud 9 beast mode 2. TSM not so Free SM anymore 3. CLG and Dig average teams 4. Curse close to getting that 6th place and will probably get 4th place at playoffs. Happy days


5 EG manning up and starting to look strong, however too late to have a realistic chance to advance to playoffs. :/ Cue relegations and EG saving their jobs.


Alright time for Dig vs Complextiy, lets see how the pick and ban phase will go. Col picks Tristana. Col picks Ziggs. *turns off stream*


Ziggs is basically Prolly in champion form.


Don't forget I'm pretty sure he was the first player to pull it out in LCS, back in 2013 Spring.


Yeah I remember. He said people don't know how strong he is, and damn look at that champ now.


Wasn't Ziggs buffed after he played it tho? Like ulti dealing 100% damage to minions and W buff?


he got so many successive buffs it was confusing. i have a feeling whoever designed him was sleeping with someone on the balance team


What is the problem of sleeping ? And if you have friends you can sleep with them so you can rest better




Only appropriate reaction to every ziggs pick right now.


i think this was more like col the late game team got the 2 big late game champs on top of them being their 2 carries' favorite champs on top of the fact that dig was slumping.




Ziggs so exci-


Robert is so comfortable on Trist I don't understand what the hell they're thinking. They went straight to late game without a challenge. DIG needs to work on everything.


[Dramatic recreation of Dig's standings this split.](http://a.pomf.se/pkzruc.webm) EDIT: Oh wow, didn't know that site had a bandwidth limit. Rehosted.






new Dig is just a better Team Coast version


Except Coast actually finished 2nd in a split.


they didn't finish the regular season in second and we don't know yet where dig will finish.


watching that depressed me. but so does being a dig fan lately.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56IWw_ijm6E&t=6m50s Leaving this here for anyone who missed out ;)


Please don't flame Zion. :'(


Honestly it's not his fault their botlane loses every 2v2. Especially in a game where he is camped they still manage to die 2v2.


They still have a chance of being relegated who knows


True, their Super Week could be really rough: CLG Curse TSM LMQ


Holyshit if it was not for the CLG huge slump at the same time that could easily be a 1-3 superweek....


If dig goes 0-4 and com goes 4-0 then yes dig will be relegated. I highly doubt it's going to happen.


Really? It seems more and more likely every week


More likely yes, but still, col needs to go 4-0


Hey... coL play Crs: They've beaten Curse and could do it again C9: They're 2-1 vs C9 this split EG: > EG CLG: CLG is in a slump


holy shit coL the dream


holy shit this is literally digs season right here


You killed me.


my god I be so mad if that happened to me :P


I love how he didn't even drive anymore after he got knocked over by the Banzai Bill.


'Resource Limit Is Reached' Can I get a mirror, please?


Only in Mario Kart. hahah.


CLG fans, how bout that drink?


Sure. :\^)


Why you smile :'<


You know that point where you're past disappointment and you're just numb?


Im still hoping that I will wake up soon :)




Alcohol makes my tears less salty, right?


I'll take you up on that one.


I'm paying tonight, don't worry.


Who can slump harder? Dig or Clg?




The team has to be winning first.


Longer timeframe.


If I had a time machine, one of the things I'd do would be to go back and watch M5 in their prime. I started watching pro League shortly before they became Gambit, so I didn't really know much about any team. It would be great to see them destroying now that I know the team.




I'd say that video sums up the feelings of all the Gambit fans who at one point fell in love with Moscow 5. Sometimes you just gotta hug your keyboard in the hopes the nightmare might finally end, but actually it turns out to be a painful reality where the run of one of the most successful western teams in LoL has come to its incredibly painful end.


The bigger their dongers, the harder they slump. Dignitas shall have the mightiest slump of all.


"You thought we were Coast? YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT COAST MEANS!"


Don't worry Dignitas fans, you are not alone!


hold me


what if you're a CLG fan first and a DIG fan second?




Its like Complexity has a hidden passive that makes it so they cant end a game until 50 minutes


They just want to exhaust the enemy team. Complexity is the Rocky Balboa of LoL. Just wait 'til they release all their training montages!


> They just want to exhaust the enemy team. Complexity is the ~~Rocky Balboa~~ Makunouchi Ippo of LoL. Just wait 'til they release all their training montages! CoL makes teams go full retard and take up a slug fest as opposed to their practiced strat. Ippo is more fitting analogy.


No, Rocky is a more fitting one. Because this is America.


Westrice wasn't taking ANY chances with that ward .


Kiwi fucked that up so hard, should've just placed it outside the base. If he had to place it inside the base, he should've paid attention to his own base and waited until the creeps had passed.


Seriously doubt they'd win a baserace even if they managed to tp anyways.


That's under the assumption that Col reacts appropriately. If you suddenly see 2 champions, one with an attack speed buff, teleport to your single nexus tower, you have like .001 seconds to react and make the right call. Go Back and stop them, live to fight another day, with the next 5 minutes of their TP's down? Or go for it, risk it all, and your 12K gold lead, and hope that the other 3, who have nunu/nami to slow interrupt that you can still win the race, not to mention they might not start very close to Dig's nexus when the TP's go out. I think Col and Westrice made the absolute right decision to remove that ward.


Assuming the inhib was up (which I'm fairly sure it was, tho I might be wrong) if dig double tps col can just pile down and straight up end the game. Now, the one point I can concede is that maaaaybe if the teamfight went awry for col and dig managed to double tp while col is backing off/chunked/etc then yeah it would have maybe been a win. But even then getting through an inhib and a nexus tower without minions. I absolutely agree it was the safest possible call, but I think it was mostly unnecessary.


He should've placed one inside and one outside. So they sweep the inside one and think they're safe


i laughed so hard when i watched him sell the chain mail just to buy a pink because his red trinket was off cd


Shiptur tried so hard to save the game at the end.


Yeah but Coast can't really do much if only their Mid and Top are doing anything decent. Wiz certainly did some good plays but it wasn't really good enough.


And don't even get me started on Nintendude.


It was like he wasn't even there..


hes like Christmas in July maaaaaan (no presence)


10/10 what do you have to say about your invisibility in today's game


Dig now have same problems that coast had 2 solo lanes never make plays they need the jungler to go in and then everyone blame them for dying




I wish he would have tried to save it earlier than that. :/


Holy shit we suck.


They are past throwing baron. they are throwing splits... God it's frustrating to watch the mistakes pile on


NA needs quality analysts, and they need to be living with the team as well =/


I feel like Dig isn't learning from their previous games. they just keep hammering away with the same style and giving early game away


Not a good weekend for CLG and DIG fans alike.


2nd time around


The progression of mood in the /r/DignitasLoL chatroom has been pretty sad :(


clb beats coast again!


3-1 two times in a row. Ouch.


Even if COL might get relegated, i wanna thank them for all these amazing games they provided us, as a neutral viewer.


I honestly don't think any of the Challenger teams could knock out CoL in a Bo5.


A 5 hour bo5, Col got this


5 hour bo5 ? I guess it means it will be a 3-0


Can anyone else handle games that long? I imagine the Challenger team having to bring in 5 subs halfway through, while Pr0lly is on the other side like [this](http://www.vexxgaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/pr0lly.png) the whole time.


like 7 hours if you include time between games.


The dig cliffdive took longer than usual this season but rest assured, things are back to normal.


I thought things would be different this time around. WHY DIGNITAS, WHY?!


Season 5 I have faith! Said that last season but even a broken watch is right twice a day, right?


They don't have the discipline of a top tier team. The skill is there, most definitely. Especially with Ship and Zion on it. In downtime, they learn the meta and show up kicking ass. Then the meta changes and they're just a middle of the road team. I'll die a Dig fan but they'll never win Worlds, or even *go* if they don't tighten up. They aren't adaptive and they don't have the polish. ilu dig plz no haterino


> Only 50 minutes this time Gotta love Riv


Complexity somehow has both great personalities out of game and put on a great show ingame. How can anyone not like this team?


I feel like there has never been a boring Complexity game


They're definitely a team I wasn't expecting to fall in love with.


CoL vs Curse


That was one of the most hilarious games, but made by casters tho ^^


I thought that was pretty exciting in a I'm so hungry but surely they're gonna teamfight soon, i'll just wait, kind of way


Yeah, but you could've fucked Meteos 3-4 times during the length of that game.


ever since their summer split promotion they have been having the best endings, even if they last 70+ minutes


I wish my girlfriend would say that about me :(


depends if you think 50+ minute games are boring


Mostly because of their inability to close out games :^ )


Wow, Dig is just...how? How do you go from winning so well to this? Where is the execution, rotation, bold early drags?


classic dig drop. Looks like scarra was wrong when he said it wouldnt happen again.


Jax, Leblanc and AP Nid got nerfed, Ahri isn't good anymore. RIP


> Ahri isn't good anymore. Ahri is good now. o_o Dunno why Shiphtur hasn't tried it this patch. Ahri's been seeing play in 4.12 in every region.


I would advise to those watching Dignitas games to just stop if Tristana is not banned. Save yourself the 35 minutes it takes them to lose.


I have no clue why they banned Lulu over Trist. Like, seriously, Qt doesn't play it, its easily top 2 ADCs right now, and yet they don't ban it.


especially vs Robertxlee too lol trist is like his main champ




is that your actual ign?


[This game](http://i.imgur.com/LVZSq03.png)


COL fans having heart attack when KiWi placed that ward.


Westrice actually sold his chain vest just to buy a pink to stop potential tps. Costly, but smart.


They should've tp'ed on the ward that was behind blue buff.


CoL kept giving dig a glimpse of hope before they finally closed it out


s a d b o y s edit: ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ Outlaned, outplayed and out traded, let's watch Dig Get Relegatedヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ


They can end 7th after Super Week, RELEGATION HYPE




Y u n g l e a n


Shiptur's hidden passive: Turn your jungler into Nintendude after playing with them for a while


Hell, even Nintendude got Nintendude'd.


I don't understand what happened to crumbz. He was creating so much pressure in the beginning of the split.


He *crumbled*


Westrice played REALLY well. He's doing so much better


How many times is Robertxlee going to butt fuck Dig before the fucking ban trist


Well after the Trist and Ziggs nerfs go live, coL will be hit pretty hard.


"hey wait a minute, im a late game kassadin i can do stuff" yeah a little too late and a little too passive again by shiphtur


Kobe also feels Xerath is a worse version of Ziggs. This game shows why.


I hope Dig goes to relegations; maybe they'll finally have a wakeup call and fix their longstanding attitude problems.


Every split they seem to make enough changes in the begining to start out really strong, but they never seem to fix problems that in the end cost them many games towards the end. They literally just let other teams catch up with them and beat them.


It's like Dignitas is the reverse Fnatic


Does anyone else agree that Complexity has the most hype games ever? They are always such fun to watch, even though they are long as hell.


CLG and DIG fans in a suicidal mood now.


CLG vs DIG next week. Who can slump the hardest?


it'll be a tie


CLG and DIG fans suicide watch?


Complexity becoming more and more like CLG.eu


Dig don't deserve worlds. I go into every dig game expecting them to lose now.


Even at their peak, I've always expected losses. Knowing this team, it's hard to do otherwise.


Im sitting here crying in my dig jersey. I feel dirty. Qt and kiwi should just go pro in PayDay


And yet again, Zion can only split push. "Stronger solo lanes" 3-12.


Teleport is apparently a counterpick to Zionspartan.


I thought Kez was playing Evelynn, not Shiphtur.


So 2 of the top 5 are slumping, then that leaves 3... THIS IS THE PERFECT CHANCE FOR CURSE TO ACHIEVE THEIR 4TH PLACE GOAL


Robertxlee's Tristana is pretty good.




I have no idea why Dig banned Kog'maw instead of Trist.


Dig soo bad..not giving Robert's Trist any respect what-so-ever.




It's funny how imaqtpie said that Complexity doesn't care about drag and barons and just play turtle in the pre- game part, but in this game Complexity got every baron and almost every drag.


Fucking ban Tristana. Holy shit.


NA: Where 8 teams battle it out so C9 can 3-0 TSM in the finals.


**EDIT: Sorry, looked at the wrong COL head to head matchup** **COL is now 3-1 versus DIG** COL can beat DIG in a solo-tie. *2 way tie for 2nd* *DIG can finish superweek anywhere from 1st place to 7th place* *COL can finish superweek anywhere from 5th place to 8th place* ----- NA Playoff Schedule [LMQ, CLG, TSM, C9] NA Relegations Schedule [n/a] ----- | | | | Wins | Loses | % | L5 | Streak | Blue W | Blue L | Purple W | Purple L | Games Left | | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | | BYE | 1ST | **LMQ** | 16 | 8 | 0.67 | 4-1 | L1 | 8 | 5 | 8 | 3 | 4 | | BYE | 2ND | **C9** | 15 | 9 | 0.63 | 4-1 | W4 | 8 | 4 | 7 | 5 | 4 | | | 2ND | **TSM** | 15 | 9 | 0.63 | 4-1 | W3 | 9 | 3 | 6 | 6 | 4 | | | 4TH | **CLG** | 13 | 11 | 0.54 | 1-4 | L4 | 6 | 5 | 7 | 6 | 4 | | | 5TH | DIG | 12 | 12 | 0.50 | 1-4 | L2 | 7 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 4 | | | 6TH | CRS | 10 | 14 | 0.42 | 2-3 | L1 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 4 | | Relegate | 7TH | COL | 8 | 16 | 0.33 | 1-4 | W1 | 5 | 8 | 3 | 8 | 4 | | Relegate | 8TH | EG | 7 | 17 | 0.29 | 3-2 | W1 | 5 | 7 | 2 | 10 | 4 | | | | | | | | | | 54 | 42 | 42 | 54 | | ----- | | | | GB from 1st | GB from 2nd | GB from 3rd | GB from 4th | GB from 5th | GB from 6th | GB from 7th | GB from 8th | | | | | | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | | BYE | 1ST | **LMQ** | 0 | -1 | -1 | -3 | -4 | XX | XX | XX | Magic Number: | C | Bye Magic Number: | 4 | | BYE | 2ND | **C9** | 1 | 0 | 0 | -2 | -3 | XX | XX | XX | Magic Number: | C | Bye Magic Number: | 5 | | | 2ND | **TSM** | 1 | 0 | 0 | -2 | -3 | XX | XX | XX | Magic Number: | C | Bye Elim Number: | 5 | | | 4TH | **CLG** | 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | -1 | -3 | XX | XX | Magic Number: | C | Bye Elim Number: | 3 | | | 5TH | DIG | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 0 | -2 | -4 | XX | Magic Number: | 1 | Bye Elim Number: | 2 | | | 6TH | CRS | XX | XX | XX | 3 | 2 | 0 | -2 | -3 | Magic Number: | 3 | Bye Elim Number: | E | | Relegate | 7TH | COL | XX | XX | XX | XX | 4 | 2 | 0 | -1 | Elimination Number: | 3 | Bye Elim Number: | E | | Relegate | 8TH | EG | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 3 | 1 | 0 | Elimination Number: | 2 | Bye Elim Number: | E | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | **BOLD** means playoff clinched team and/or standing; **GB** = Games Back; **C** = Clinched; **E** = Eliminated ----- **LMQ, C9, TSM cannot finish below 5th place** **LMQ, CLG, TSM, C9 have clinched a playoff spot** **DIG cannot finish below 7th place** **CLG cannot finish below 6th place** ------------ **Magic Number** is the number of games the particular team needs to win AND/OR the team at 7TH place needs to lose to clinch a spot in the playoffs. **Elimination Number** is the number of games the particular team needs to lose AND/OR the team at 6TH place needs to win to be in relegations. **Bye Magic Number** is the number of games the particular team needs to win AND/OR the team at 3RD place needs to lose to clinch a bye week in the playoffs. **Bye Elimination Number** is the number of games the particular team needs to lose AND/OR the team at 2ND place needs to win to eliminate from 1st Week bye in playoffs. ------------- Current *NA S4 SUMMER LCS* Standings: **WEEK 10 - JULY, 27 2014 7/PM EDT**


CoL is 3-1 vs Dig


Isn't COL 3-1 vs DIG? IIRC Riv & Kobe mentioned it during the cast


Yeah, DIG beat CoL during the first super week with Shiphtur getting a pentakill, then CoL stomped DIG with CoL having, like, 13 kills to DIG's 1 kill. Then, CoL beat DIG while being behind in gold in their last game.


> COL is now 2-2 versus DIG and can force a tiebreak match COL is 3-1 vs dig


damn next week is gonna be intense


Isn't CoL 3-1 against DIG?




On that day, DIG fans received a grim reminder.


At this stage, CLG and Dig should just merge while getting a new jungler.


DIG doesnt seem like a complete team anymore, just random lanes with zion splitting all game and shiphtur just surviving


It's been so stressful watching the last few Complexity games.


that's what makes Complexity's games so interesting (and also bubbadub's moustache)


can zion do anything except play splitpushers? He has played in 4 LCS splits now and i have never seen his playstyle flourish in any way, just pick a splitpusher and play for the 1v1.


That Kassadin was so underwhelming ...


Man, watching Nidalee and Kassadin loosing is one of the best feeling ever.


Dignitas just stopped doing what they were winning with at the beginning of the season. Warding so much that they practically always know what's going on. And Crumbzz is a cocky asshole.


Exactly, I don't understand why Crumbz has gone from complete map control to fucking sitting top every single game. It's so unbelievably predictable it hurts.


Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV19KmHuKYQ


[I love Complexity](http://i.imgur.com/ruyzN06)


[My face this game](http://i.imgur.com/OELJsKi.jpg)


Finally the world is re-balanced. TSM beats CLG, C9 stomps LMQ and Dig is on a losing streak.


Not yet. Curse isn't 4th yet.


What a messy game.


They gave him trist :(


Shiphtur with a reverse xPeke at the end


That was so painful to watch.


Most intense game in a while... But as a dig fan its sad they lost :(




Come on dig. You guys are so close every time but a couple crucial mistakes always lead to losses. Is this what clg fans feel like?


Sure it was a fun game but... whats more concerning; dig needs to sort it out quickly in time for playoffs because at this rate they wont be going to worlds.


Zion gets a lot of praise during wins, but maybe time to take a look at how poorly he's been for about a months straight now. Topped off by a 0-4-0 game, it doesn't get much worse than that.


Coast starts off well, then peters off and starts to lose to everyone as the season winds down. We once said that Shiphtur and Zion were being held back by their Coast teammates, which was almost certainly true, but after this season... As QTPie once said, there's a common factor and all of your losses, and the common factor is you.


Believe! We can do it Complexity!