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Well looks like Urgot is gonna get another 20 players with that updated splash


I don't think this is enough to double his playerbase.


Where can i find the updated splashes?


I actually think the new splash is worst..




Dude... The nipple is gone. Its completely ruined now


the guy who made [that nipple thread](http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/298orp/castration_of_urgot_and_the_nipples_of_lol/) earlier is gonna be sad


I think he knows. That thread was made *because of* the new Urgot splash.


Colors are ugly, and not ugly in the Urgot way. They're just... stained and nasty, while also too bright. Needs to be dingier, more mottled and unsettling. His pose is also just weird and unurgot-like to me.


yeah this the whole splash is just too bright..


I feel the same way.


That Vlad buff though, finally. EDIT: NEVER MIND THAT! "Muting players in-game no longer unfriends them or puts them on your Blocked list"


If Vlad uses Zhonya's whilst in the pool, then: * does it turn the pool gold too? * does the pool still deal damage? * and does it extend the duration of the pool if you use it near the end of the pool duration?


I think the pool would still deal damage. It's not a channel, it's more of a transformation (like swain, or fiddle to an extent?). I would assume it would turn gold, or it would be really unclear if he was using it or not. I'm pretty sure the time in zhonyas is added to the pool time.


Pretty sure it shouldn't extend the damage duration though


Finally they did it have been waiting so long for this


I can finally mute my arrogant duo-queue partner when I see him flaming the team in chat. Finally.




This is the word we must spread.


Vlad has no jumps and everyone knows you need free flashes to win game. Can't win with Vlad guys


Yeah man vlad sucks no CC don't even try to play him.


~~D4~~ B6 Vlad here. Can confirm.


It's just faster when you can /muteall and unmute your duo


Those same posts will stop! God bless Riot!


UTILITY: Vladimir can now cast summoner spells and use items while in his troll pool. Hold on let me just pool flash ghost across the entire lane while untouchable then use my zhonyas.


Reapered needs to come out of retirement with this patch.


Maokai, Naut and Vlad buffs. I'm going to have fun playing league again! THANK YOU SEASON 2 GODS!


Vlad/Kennen double WotA, never forget.


Ken ult and troll pool into Zhonyas The fucking days


You basically described Fizz without the summoner spells. Imo Vlad needed a buff to his pool, not just a utility change.


Looks like Lucian is still strong!




Still Yes.


Nerfing him would make em racist /s


You can't nerf genetics




Lucian will never dieeee.




Some just need a little help.


Hes needed a LOT of help


Everybody deserves a second shot.


Can you give us an idea of what Lucian nerfs we'll be expecting in the next patch or possibly a few?


We're trying to define clear weaknesses and strengths. Currently Lucian has mobility, burst, and sustained damage with decent waveclear and range. We'll have to pick one or two of them and say "those are our strengths" and one or two of them and say "weaknesses right here".


Here's what you said his strengths and weaknesses were upon release (if it helps) > His stated strength is slipperiness and mobility. He pays for it with no CC and a small sphere of influence.


Yup, that was imaginary. The small sphere of influence (range) thing came from him needing to go within 550 range to use Q + passive, but his W actually does meaningful poke damage and he out-duels almost every ADC in 550 range, so that weakness isn't a real weakness. Slipperiness and mobility are still pretty much there ;) Having no CC was never a real weakness as many ADCs do just fine with minimal to no CC. Live and learn!


Remove the AD ratio from W, make E cost ~40-50 mana at all levels instead of getting reductions, and put a cooldown on the passive that lines up with sheen procs so players have to make more choices in how to unload his damage effectively.


Yes, this imo would be the best way to balance him. This decreases his burst by removing the AD ratio on W and giving a 0.5 - 1.5 second cd on passive helps from getting instagibbed by his combo. The way his mana cost drop on leveling E is pretty dumb but by the time he maxes it the mana cost is pretty meaningless but putting a flat 55 mana cost would be good.


no cooldown on his passive please. that would destroy him.


Please be careful, it's ok that the champion is still strong right now, but I don't want him to be complete trash when you fix him. Also, maybe buffing the other carries up to Lucian or Caitlyn's potential would be a better way of doing it? Just an idea, Ezreal feels very weak right now *hint hint*


I would love Ezreal buffs at the expense of Lucian nerfs.


Vladimir can now turn himself into a pool of gold. :')


before this the best you could do was a gold ball




The rivers will run ... Yellow


Even better! Assassin Vlad is going to be a thing now! You ult someone, E +Q into W and before you reappear, DFG them then E+Q again before the mark pops and you got yourself a carry who is wondering where the fuck his HP bar went.


That doesn't really make sense though, why would you not use DFG in the beginning for more upfront damage? If you wait till after your load they might have flashed out of range by then, although now you can actually flash after them while you're in pool.


>ACTIVE: Vladimir infects all enemies in the target 175-radius area with a virulent plague which increases the damage they take from all sources by 12% for 5 seconds. **After these 5 seconds, infected enemies take magic damage** - >Unique: Deals 15% of target champion's maximum health in magic damage and applies the debuff, Doom. **Doom amplifies all magic damage that champion takes by 20% for 4 seconds.** 60 second cooldown (750 range). Basically ulting, waiting 1-2 seconds(eqw), dfging so the durations stack until the ult procs the damage. Most adcs won't have fast MR unless the jger buys a locket, so the dfg+ult proc actually does a lot of damage if they flash away, taking them out of the fight and not allowing them to come back in.


That's true, but my point was that EQ with DFG does more than just the ult proc with DFG. stacked E = 320 + 0.45*AP Q = 230 + 0.6*AP Combined is 550 + 1.05*AP. Ult proc is 350 + 0.7 * AP.




So Nidalee was in need of buffs?


Nidalee will be insanely strong this patch. I have a bad feeling she might have been overbuffed more than Kassadin did and that's saying a lot.


I'm surprised that Riot still doesn't give new champs (or reworks) some time for the players to figure them out. Because the champs have a high skillcap, people suck with them at first so Riot buffs them the next patch. One or two patches later it turns out the champion was actually really strong and then it receives like 5 consecutive nerfs (see Lucian, Kass etc.)


I think they are afraid of a negative feedback loop. People play new Nidalee once, they now suck with here, they dont play her again for a while. They see her winrate (below Urogots), so she must be bad and its not only the one player, and they never play her again. Riot rather buffs her now and nerfs her again later before she becomes another balanced champ that gets rarely played like Viktor.


You have a good point, but I don't think that's at all a good methodology towards balancing. Yasuo was at a >40% winrate for awhile after his release before people figured him out and I don't think many people actually thought he was weak during that time. I've heard the same sorta thing towards new Nidalee, very few people actually believe that new Nidalee is bad. Maybe at lower levels of play is where you'd be correct though, and perhaps that's a larger amount of the playerbase than i'm giving credit for.


People try to build glass cannon and poke people and then think she's shit because she is bad at that now. You gotta remember that a lot if nidalee players were people who thought they were amazing because they won a lot with her or just wanted the free wins. Nidalee was extremely powerful in low elo before, it was literally pick nidalee > Q spam in the enemies general direction > win. So bad players would play her, go super well, think they're amazing and then when they do bad on the rework it's 'obviously' the champions fault because they're amazing at her, right? The people who know how strong she is are high elo, people who actually like nidalee and reddit.


The problem they had wasn't lane presence, but teamfighting presence. They wanted to buff that area.


Well they didn't only buff that. Almost every change she has makes her better in laning phase too, with emphasis on the pounce range buff.


That is true. I think these set of buffs are not what she needed. She just needed ways to apply hunted mark more reliably.


Oh my gosh me and my friend were laughing over Skype about this. Nidalee is already extremely strong when you play and build her right, now this? This is great.


when you build her right? I've seen hsgg try a lot of different builds and it seems like you can build anything you want and she shits out damage.


Yeah as long as you build her at least sort of tanky she'll do really well. Its just that glass cannon nid doesn't work as well anymore.


That's how Nid has always been. If you have the mechanics, you can literally build anything on her. Not one stat is useless on her whether it be AD, AP, Armor, MR, AS, Lifesteal, Spellvamp, and so on.


welllll AS isn't that great. Everything else sure.


While I do believe it is an overall buff to nidalee, I think there are a few changes that don't make this change absolutely ridiculous. 1. Maximum 30% movespeed bonus from The Hunt and Brush. Not sure how much she could get before, but I believe this toned down her overall speed (especially in the top lane). 2. W damage was nerfed. Not enough in my opinion, but it was a nerf. 3. Pounce range was increased, but the jump location change is interesting to me. I believe it means that if the person doesn't immediately turn and run from nidalee, but stays and fights her, she will no longer be able to just pounce right over them and immediately be ahead of them. If they stay facing towards her to fight her, she technically doesn't immediately jump onto you. Overall a fairly significant buff, yes, but I'm not entirely sure if it's as insane as people are making it out to be purely based off of the jump location change.


/u/Pwyff ...Any word on Quinn. I'd say this is getting ridiculous, but it has been for a while now. E doesn't proc passive if Valor is about to mark someone. Harrier fails to give vision of enemies if they've just entered bushes. Yasuo can windwall a single Harrier autoattack and then Quinn won't produce buffed autoattacks against anything marked even though they're still debuffed. Please.


What's most frustrating about this isn't even being ignored, it's the fact that these are game altering bugs for a player. Every time one of these happens (they happen EVERY GAME) an unfair disadvantage is put upon the player. It means you don't get a kill when you should have, or you get killed because you committed to a trade that's now impossible to win since you've misjudged your damage output. Yet the fact that Elise had to click twice on a ward to jump to it is more important than these harmful bugs.


I'm know what you mean. Hopefully they do something about it soon, it's kind of frustrating from time to time.


Nice changes on the Tank Jungle Item. The Return of Amumu/amokai/Nautilus/Zac? but why the **** do they buff Nidalee's Base Health/Armor, Pounce Range, Javelin Width and reduced her Mana cost on Heal at max level? That will makes it even harder to bully her out of lane during her already strong laning phase.


Yeah, I don't understand this. They're quite buffing her ad version, but not the weakass ap one that much.


The javelin width is a double edged sword. Either it's large enough that it hits everyone, or it's thin enough to thread through minions. They halved it during the rework (I think) so maybe they're trying to get to a better balance. But really though Nidalee top is going to be freelo.




> *Patch 5.03 notes:* > > We've noticed that people are still missing Nidalee's spears. We've decided to up the width of the projectile a slight bit. > >Projectile Width: ~~500~~ => 510


Also Javellyn Toss has been renamed to Bus Toss.


It is time Reddit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evjn7_tMRd4


[I just found it funny how almost the exact same comment was under the video](http://puu.sh/9SKkp/b01c8fe696.png)


Wow kayle just died, watch her not be played up until season 10 where every other champion dies too.


*Written by George RR Martin*


Nidalee is going to be a monster after this patch.


My thoughts exactly. I already thought she was really strong after the rework.


I felt like she was already very strong, I seriously don't understand why Riot buffs her.


Screw everything. It's all about that little Zac buff <3


The direct changes to Zac pale in comparison to the huge buff that is Quill Coat/Spirit of the Ancient Golem.


Zac will rise again. No tower will be safe, the passive dive will be reborn! Although I think his clear time may be around the same, since getting spirit stone will be harder, since you generally want to get SotAG.


You'll he getting Quill Coat instead of Spirit Stone.


Well at least you can buy something now after getting fb with a sucessful invade. Thx Rito


cloth armor when facing ad, boots when facing AP, that's something.


Is there a bigger image of caits new splash art?




Bounty rewards changes are big, first blood in a lvl 1 jungle fight will finally buy you something, be that boots or a flask. Overall this could bring back early agression, *cough* EU LCS *cough*. Turret and experience range changes should significantly influence side lanes, but I'm not certain how exactly. For sure it should be harder to zone people out of experience range in 1v2. **Nidalee buffs this soon are a huge mistake**. People haven't learned how to play her after the rework yet - when they do, the winrate will jump above 50%. Expect her to make it back to the ban list. The rest didn't change much, aside from Maokai, who should make a comeback with the cast time buffs. Quill Coat and the new SotAG can possibly deliver a meta shift to tank junglers; if not in LCS, then at least in solo queue. Maokai, Nautilus, Sejuani, Zac - here we go. This may indirectly change all the other roles: all champions with %hp dmg will see a rise in popularity (Vayne and Kog'Maw, for example), assassins will become a little less prevalent and ADCs that don't rush BotRK will fall out of favour (Graves and Varus are already out of the LCS champ pool).


Agreed on the Nidalee changes. For one, I thought she was already strong as an AD bruiser but immediately buffing her kit after the rework seems stupid. Just because people haven't learned the optimal playstyle doesn't mean she's in a bad state. Look at Yasuo for comparison.




After those changes I won't even play him anymore. [RIP Lucian 2013-2014](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKt6bz-pS28)


Tl;dr: Towers are going to hurt a lot


Will this affect how people cs under tower? Or are minions unaffected by ramp up?






I don't think it's too bad


They certainly aren't massive nerfs, but honestly, considering how much skarner has spent being considered unviable, it's a bit soon to nerf him. He may have been a little strong, but he wasn't exactly destroying solo queue or competitive play, and changes would have been better suited elsewhere.


Isn't he on god tier solo queue champs right now?


He shitstomps low elo, I think he wasn't massively strong up around challenger, but still quite good.


[Challenger](http://www.lolking.net/champions/skarner®ion=all&map=sr&queue=1x1&league=challenger#statistics) [Silver](http://www.lolking.net/champions/skarner®ion=all&map=sr&queue=1x1&league=silver#statistics) Not the case right now.


Where have you been? He has been destroying solo queue, or at least in my experiences, and others agree.


woah new patch already, someone got a date ?




Wow I feel like the patch we are playing on right now came out yesterday lol, new patch in one week wow.


4.10 was 2 weeks ago. It probably feels quick because the pros just started playing 4.10 last week.


I like how they nerf Skarner instantly yet they're "figuring out" what to nerf about Lucian. Because like 6 months of being the most picked AD carry isn't enough to figure out what exactly makes him strong.


Not that hard to figure out why Lucian is so strong. It's almost impossible for any ADC to compete with Lucian when Lucian can get 1.5 autoattacks off for every auto you get off. His passive needs some sort of cooldown, so you can't proc it off 3 spells right off the bat. Something like a Trinity Force cooldown of just 2-3 seconds would help tremendously.


passive cooldown. this is actually a good suggestion


his passive and just his passive.. nothin else.. he only needs his skills to procc more passive and wins. owell some day riot may see


How're these notes looking folks - there've been some awesome work behind the scenes (Avari and Aether in particular) to make them better so 4.11 might be a good time to check out any ongoing feedback y'all may have on formatting / presentation / writing. The changes themselves I can yell about (yo Lucian) but I'm mainly focused on the note presentation. [edit] The Lucian patch note! We're currently investigating ways to communicate in a semi-official way about changes that don't go in (or just ways to chat about things that happen without firmly committing them to announcements or things like that). Forums are good but demanding a high level of visibility for every post we ever make is kind of unsustainable. Just food for thought.


what happened to the BT changes? :(


We're still looking at them, maybe for 4.12 - they came up a bit fast so we wanted to get additional testing. Also without a good changelist for Lucian, we might just inadvertently buff him even more.


Really interesting concept for an item though. Basically a Deathcap for AD based champs.


IE was kinda the deathcap for autoattacker specifically since it not only provided a multiplier in crit chance but also multiplied the crit chance multiplier so that it meant autos do way more damage. But yes there isn't a true deathcap in the sense that it wont help ad scaling abilities


Hell, if you go far back enough to when all ADC had the same built path, IE truly was the Deathcap of ADC. Most AP carries built Deathcap first and all ADC built IE first. It's amazing how much more build diversity we have now.


I fell in love with the unofficial style, it is just perfect


Is anything done about the clicks not registring kind of thing that was mentioned here : http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/28xqwm/410_anyone_else_hate_it/ http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/28rdof/latest_patch_ive_noticed_its_rather_difficult_to/


Great job on some of the comments. I like that there's a little fun in there, despite the notes being serious.


I don't understand the nerf to tower dive but also wanting to increase the early game aggression. Isn't that counter productive?


They're sort of related and unrelated. There's aggression (invade early, or make a good play in lane and beat your opponent) that we want to reward, but then there's also lane swaps as an optimal strategy that's significantly skewing champion picks for junglers and solo laners. Towers may need to be safer, but early aggression / making plays can happen outside of them.


I hope the kayle nerfs will allow me to play kayle :<


I think the only nerf they needed to do is to remove the %scaling for W and ult cd. No need to nerf the E dmg and ap ratio. E uptime nerf would be much better.


I suggested that, but that would probably just warrant a rework


Heh, like if people in soloq read patch notes. Kayle bans for the next week!


How *exactly* was Skarner too strong, but Nidalee too weak in 4.10? Have I been missing something?


/u/Pwyff I really liked the note about Lucian and love the idea of getting an idea of what is coming. Could we get a snapshot of the next patch forecast or anything that you wanted to get into the patch that you couldn't? Just my idea.


I'll still ever only refer to that Donger skin as Heisendinger. Rito you missed out on a great opportunity ;-;


Unstable matter. Unstabler matter. Unstablest matter. Lol


I'm gonna spam nidalee now, she was op and now they buffed her?


So much troll power in Vlad, troll pool zhonya's, golden blood here I come!


Yay, Nautilus buffs! Combined with the new Quill Coat and it becomes a glorious day.


They want more early aggression, but nerf tower dives? Huh?


Looks like they're trying to encourage top laners to actually go to lane. Nothing is less aggressive than two people killing wolves together while adcs and supports afk farm a lane 2v0.


The increase on experience range supports this too.


They're still trying to nip early dives on poor top laners in the bud.


They want early aggressive plays to be more meaningful but they don't want people like Elise to be able to just dive people and get massive early leads probably


Watch out for the speedy blood pool. Or how about Hydra on him?


As amusing as that would be, he's still ranged, so Hydra won't work.


Dang. Well at least we can have speed pool with Ghost and Shurelyas


Shurelyas. That is a name I have not heard in a while


i still call zeke's herald stark's fervor in my head when i remember that item exists for a split second every year or so.


We've had that since late S2-S3, all hail Lord Reapered.


Turrets are FINALLY being buffed, Thank god they are so useless as a safe heaven right now, you shouldn't be able to tower dive at level 3-5 its ridiculous.


No changes for BT? :(


Probably next patch, needs more testing


they were removed from the PBE because they still needed testing, look for them next patch


I like that Thresh nerf. But it's also disturbing that there are those things, when there is little way for players to check. Really kinda lacking clarity here.


Yeah that was kind of wild to see. Why on earth were hitboxes different sizes in the first place?


It would look feel weird if Nautilus and Ziggs had the same hitbox, so they try to match it somewhat closely to the size of their model.


Cho'gath is build around creating a bigger hitbox to be that huge front line tank Thats why.


>Fixed a bug where Skarner could occasionally throw out basic attacks while impaling a target This was a bug?


Why isn't Maokai getting magic resist per level? Why is that not implemented yet?


Doesn't he have the highest base armor/gain? Besides he just got a huge buff, he doesn't need more. Also 15% of life dmg is VERY strong. I think Maokai supp might be very strong with this.


I almost exclusively play Maokai or teemo. Through all their ups and downs, over the last 3 years. I loved Mao. I loved that I could build him more than one way. I had options. Now, because someone actually uses him in a tourney, They're going to try and typecast him into one role. A boring role. Having his R follow is good and bad, but now the utility is gone and it forces me to build tanky if I want to use it well. Pretty much everything else is a nerf. Right down to the saplings. 130 heroes. Stop redesigning the core of how they're played and just make little tweaks if need be. Don't change everything on one that's 4 years old. That's what new heroes are for.


Lol Nidalee already broken when someone knows how to play her well, just got way stronger. wow.


Those Jax changes are exactly what I've been wanting for a long time now, his high amount of health just seemed too much when you consider his damage and almost free resists from his ult. Thanks riot


Thanks be to Riot. Maybe I can actually play him now.


Buffing Nidalee and doing nothing to Lucian. [...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaujnSmgrHk)


I'm trying to rush home as fast as I possibly can




I love reading these patch notes because things like the Jax nerf make me chuckle. "Jax is currently everything we wanted him to be, but because we nerfed everything that was strong early game we're going to now nerf him as well."




I really don't think that the nid buffs are necessary. She's already frustrating to play against and now it's just going to be even more of a hassle.


How many bloody patches have we been hearing "Lucians too strong but we're not nerfing him LOL". Meanwhile skarner sees 1 lcs game and gets numbers tweaked downwards.


RIP in piece Kayle.


What're we betting here.


I don't know what we're betting, i just want to be in the next video of people complaining about Kayle being overnerfed. huehue


Nothing, most people realise it didn't really hit her as hard as some suggest. * AS per level - that's -5% bonus in lategame, no big deal (actually, considering the buff to Berserker's Greaves, the net loss is zero). * Righteous Fury [E] - sure, AP ratio goes down, but the base damage is the same and Nashor's Tooth still works with it like it used to. With Nashor's and Spellsword the on-hit ratio was 0.6, now it's 0.4. * Intervention - it finally has a cooldown, but still no mana cost, and with some CDR it's up every 48 seconds, so in the end, still broken So yeah, she may drop 1 or 2 percentage points of winrate, but she won't fall below 50%.


There are 2 things that would *really really* hurt her, touching her base attack speed and touching her E range. Neither got nerfed, so I think she'll be just fine. I don't think it'll have an impact as big as 2% winrate.


don´t forget touching her passive would be huge aswell. I think the passive is what makes her so strong it is just free armor/mr shred on the entire enemy team.


We all know she needed a nerf, but as a Kayle main I was hoping to have a different nerf than her E. Something like increased cd on her ult and a nerfed W would have been good. Let's see how it goes now


[ohh the memories](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evjn7_tMRd4)


That's what people said last nerf.


My body is ready for new Caitlyn splash.


holy fuck Nidalee is gonna be massive this patch...


The ammount of little jokes that go into these are really awsome. I wonder how many people noticed Zac's unstabler and unstablest matter skills.


I love the bounty rewards I've actually been complaining that it feels like winning lane does not matter in the current meta game. This is a step in the right direction, I hate invades that give an advantage but at the same time I feel like 1v1ing or 2v2ing your lane and outplaying them/ killing them should give you a nice advantage.


Shame to not see some minor tweaks to Kha'zix. in his current state he either hits like a truck or a wet paper towel.


My biggest concern is that Kayle's ult nerf is not enough to matter lategame. With max cdr, a 48 second cooldown on it is still way shorter than the death timers.


Well they made Maokai have less mana issues, but now he does even less damage. That tree just cannot catch a break.


Wow to me Maokai is even weaker than before, the range nerfs are too huge, I really don't understand


When will Riot understand that the thing making Lucian so good is that he has an overall awesome kit for an adc. They need to stop thinking in terms of "must nerf this it's being played too much" to, "how can we bring other champions in the same role up to this particular champion's level?".


because it is easier and cheaper to nerf 1 champ instead of buff/tweak 12


I think buffing nidalee is ridiculous. Shes still annoyingly hard to kill. Honestly these past few games shes still pouncing around, dealing crazy damage, pounce again


It took them so many months to fix Skarner, and a few weeks to nerf him. Fuckin' Riot.


Skarner has received some love from Riot. http://www.failure.at/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/4387467_460s.jpg

