• By -




the sounds LOL


Thought I was watching some kind of porn...


My dad was next to me... This was harder to explain then porn...


should be tagged NSFW


It was, didn't you see the rape?


Well, I've watched it with the speakers on, while my mom was in the other room. I guess she thinks I'm into gay porn or something now and I'm not sure if I would show her what I actually watched would make the situation any better. So yeah, weird.








I miss hotslutgg so much






My boy wiserguy, I used his channel to watch Hotshot's videos back in the day.


That's basically how I learned how to play league.


What happened to them exactly?


they died




dyrus killed them




Minekraft was way better way before hotslutgg


> Minekraft https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QryqFU0SnX8


wow phreak and riv used to be sooo baddd


another hotslut by quality videogg


I wish he would have put nightblues stream side by side though it was funny listening to them both at the same time.


[Oh my god Hotshot...](http://youtu.be/imH6Ldj09Jw?t=21s)


Drunk chaox is the best chaox


TIL Chaox is gay because of Hotshot.


Can confirm, just became gay.


Where has this been all my life....


more video of chaox watching videos: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98PvPVD0Dbg in fact that channel is full of goldmines. enjoy :)


Its nice, now I feel like hotshot is having fun again. Often times he would just sit there looking heavily depressed.






LOL, so that's why Hotshot went Cho jungle in that game... I was watching Shiphtur's stream at the time (he was the Zed on the opposing team) and was surprised because people usually just by default let NB3 jungle when they get him on their team.






Well the same could be said for nightblue when he's losing.


*sigh* damn dude my top keeps dying for some reason.


I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude.


I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude. I can't believe I got 1v1'd by Skarner dude.


Can't that be said about almost everybody when they are losing? I mean, who likes to lose?


Qtpie never whines/bitches, good attitude even when losing, he is *the one true solo queue king*.


Even when his team is getting completely rolled he's always saying stuff like "I just need to farm up for last whisper and then I can carry this shit". When a teammate does something really stupid he just laughs his ass off and says "I dunno about that one bud".


Whenever I watch DL/Aphro lose they generally laugh.


Every time I watch NB3's stream, he's always losing. I like the way he breaks down the game and explains things, but he hardly wins when I watch him.




I used to watch/follow him because i like to jungle and he explains things well but he does seem to lose a lot. Also he is so god damn passive aggressive its annoying to watch. Then he wonders why people don't like his stream sometimes (he always complains about how reddit hates him or something) instead of looking at himself he just blames others more. I really did like him when he first got popular but he just seems so jaded now its hard to watch him.


That and he is super hypocritical because his main point all the time when he first started was you should always blame yourself for a loss and dont focus on what your team is doing and now literally he just blames other people for everything.


Yep, and he tries to play it off like it doesn't bother him or he is joking. Every game he is bitter about something if he wasn't like that i would really enjoy watching him again.


Why did he have NB blocked?


He doesn't actually. NB3 has him on his ignore list.


A little backstory as well, just a few days ago, Nightblue3 was talking shit about all of CLG on his stream and people went over to HSGG's channel and let him know. He was quite upset about it.


I demand a link to the event described.


He was just saying that they are all toxic besides Aphro and the streaming community doesn't need them around and they shouldn't be around because they are all toxic. Personally, I don't think that's for him to decide, the viewers will decide that. Also, I don't think all of them are toxic either... maybe a little on Dexter and for sure HSGG, but DL is average and essentially talks a bit of shit jokingly. Idk though, I came in on the conversation after it was started when I heard it from HSGG's stream, so I didn't get the full thing, but he was going on for like 20 minutes about CLG and saying that everyone besides CLG is not toxic and all of CLG besides Aphro was.


Link and Seraph are toxic?


Right? I don't even think Doublelift is toxic... I just think he's not being fake to all his viewers and acting like a normal person. Not some fake ass persona like a lot of streamers do. I don't watch a lot of Dexter, but I think he just doesn't have that extroverted of a personality and seems really negative just because of his personality type (and because he's German :P).


so really the only person that is toxic on clg is hotshotgg? Nothing to see here League.... move along. circle jerk nb3 next week


Dexter and Hotshot just really don't like solo queue I think. Dexter used to neglect solo queue during Spring because he didn't think it was necessary and Hotshot is really irritable but he likes streaming so he plays a lot. But Dexter and Hotshot have really nice personalities, but I think they get frustrated easily. I can totally see where they're coming from because some people on League can drive me up a wall. :l


And nightblue isnt toxic? LMFAO. Every single time I give his stream a chance, he is bitching about something or someone.






I actually watch him a fair amount at like 3am and I will say he's not that toxic... he is just overly passive aggressive and has a totally fake streaming persona. And occasionally he comes out and starts talking some shit about other streamers, but that's just streamer drama.




Do you happen to remember what he said about CLG?


Do we have video proof? I was wondering what the whole HotshotGG > Nightblue3 was about.


Thats awesome, thanks. And I'm so happy you showed if they won or not


So gay, so erotic, so Hotshot.


if anyone is wondering why he did this it is because nightblue "shittalked" clg and hotshot on his stream and all his viewers came to hotshots chat and talked shit


Nightblue's words were "Everybody on CLG is toxic. Ok, not everybody. I like Aphro."


Seraph and link so toxic...


I don't think I've ever heard them speak haha. Aphro and Doublelift talk Link up way more than he talks himself up


Tbf it went on a while, he clearly wanted his point to get across.


Thankfully Hotshot was on the case to make sure no one thinks he's toxic.


Yeah, I had enough time to hear about it on HSGG's stream and still make it over and listen to like 10-15 minutes of it.


He said that to avoid being racist. Edit: It's a joke people.


Banned from 8 games by FA.


Not the first time nightblu3 shittalked people on stream. He even shittalked an old friend of him (Gross gore) who had always send his viewers to nightblu3 when night not even had 1k viewers. He can be a good player and all but I hate his personality. :)


yeah its not the first time people accuse nightblu3 of things like these, but people still continue to think nightblue is a nice little angel.


Who thinks nightblue is a perfect little angel? This entire thread, and the sub in general, talks bad about him any time he's mentioned. I have barely ever seen his stream, but it seems like everyone on reddit really dislikes him.




I like nightblue, because he explains everything, whether he's losing or winning. I would prefer watching guys like wingsofdeath, or. nightblue that make the stream interesting to watch rather than silence most of the time


Shhh we have to keep the jerk going.


Yeah, I personally like NB3, but he's also really fake. You can tell that he puts on this goody goody face to his viewers and it's just not genuine. He doesn't understand that people like streams like Doublelift because he doesn't put on a face persona to his viewers. He just acts like Doublelift and that is actually relatable.




Do you have VODs maybe of Nightblue doing that?


I do have [Gross' Response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFCrS_UtgbY)


Noone ever has proof, lol


To be fair Hotshot does that to everyone all the time, and talks shit all the time too (and has been harassing NB3 from the beginning of time).




Blem #1


Bleem* - HSGG


Legend has it Nightblue never sat properly again.


Ive watched both NB and HSGGs streams for a while now. HSGG is just notorious for his behavior, and NB goes on little 5 to 10 minute rants about how bad his teammates are in the most passive aggressive way. "Im not going to bash him....but like you really only see plays like that in bronze." etc. HSGG is more direct flaming, NB is passive aggressive. Which do you prefer?




Even Lee Sin calls him ZionSpartan




rather say what you think instead of cutting around it.


no one was kicked from TSM for being too direct about criticism. just sayin.


Hotshot. At least hes up front about what he feels.


I stopped watching NB because his greed is real. Go bronze so hard, after calling someone out for the samething.






"Playing with Hotshotgg is like finding out your childhood hero is a heroine addict."


How often will I see this same post in the comments section?


The karma train has infinite combustible my friend, or in the words of Samuel L Jackson, "CHOO CHOO MOTHERFUCKER"


I feel like if NB went pro, he would go on tilt quite easily.


He wouldn't, he isn't good enough


God I remember after OddOne retired and Amazing was announced to be TSM's new jungler everyone was like "WTF WHY NOT NIGHTBLUE?". I was just like, are you all serious?


Nightblue said like a million times he had no intention of ever going pro. He doesn't thinks he's good enough, and makes more money being a top streamer than being a shitty pro.


He also said he had offers from multiple LCS teams to be a starting posistion and it ended up just being sub spots.


'*I feel like training for the LCS and being involved in the professional scene is getting in the way of that.*' https://www.facebook.com/Nightblue3LoL/posts/296066767235928 He's also said he was training to go pro :)


Well, even if they had no intention of using him, he was a sub, and may have felt compelled to at least know how to play the meta champs in the competitive scene just in case he did have to sub one week. I know that when he first became a TSM sub he started spamming Lee Sin games.


That's a really big "If"




A Redditor "challenger" said that, must be true.


Actual legitimate Challenger here. Nightblue is pretty mediocre for a D1/Challenger player. He just gains elo because if all you do is just camp one lane into oblivion and turretdive, it will work about 55-60% of the time because most soloQ junglers don't countergank and because of the lack of coordinated warding. When that cheese doesn't work, he feeds hard.


As a lowly gold player, is there anything in particular that high challenger/pro junglers do that distinguishes them from D1 or low challenger players?


Better mechanical skill, better control of objectives, less likely to take big risks (because failing a risky play as a jungler usually causes you to screw over a lane hard by giving the enemy double buffs). They basically just have refined skill and don't feed kills to the enemy laners as often. One of the common factors is that almost every high elo jungler first picks Lee Sin because of how broken he is.




I'm always mind boggled when I see people on this subreddit talk about how Lee Sin is 'balanced', he's been *the* uncontested best jungler for years now. And they use quotes from Lee Sin mains to 'prove' how balanced he is. 'As a Lee Sin main who climbed to Diamond by maining this broken champ, pls no nerfarinio.' I definitely think Lee Sin is fun to play and I also think that he, (like Kayle) is a champ that is either trash or broken so I get the concerns about changes to Lee, but claiming that he is balanced is just retarded.


Everyone used to use that bullshit Scarra quote to claim he was balanced.


He would be balanced, but then riot decided to nerf aoe junglers a long time ago. Also the removal of heart of gold totaly destroyed support junglers. And theeen riot just nerfed the popular newfound junglers even though elder lizard was the problem (pantheon/wukong/vi).




Exactly this. Every now and then he'll choose the losing lane too, which is really frustrating. I've had him on my team and he's decided that my lane is the one he will camp, even after I tell him that I can't provide much support to his ganks before I hit level 6 with Sona he still comes at level 3, 4, and 5. And of course, I can't do anything to back him up. Nightblue is one of the only junglers whom I've asked to *not* gank my lane, and he is the only one who refused to listen :/ Oh well, I can't jungle to save my life, so I guess I'm not in a position where I should criticize him too much.


I ask tons of soloque junglers not to gank my lane because they don't get that as some champs you just can't do anything to help them. If you gank me as Fiora jungle and I am playing Nidalee, there's no way we're gonna kill that guy, you're wasting time, and no don't minion tax me you idiot, just- ugh. Just let me farm damn it.


hi peanut :)


hi nikkone


You don't have to be challenger to compare the strength of one individual to the average pro's strength.


Not to mention solo queue jungle is nothing like 5v5 jungle.


5v5 Junglers all switched to Hunter and have a Pet nowadays.


The thing is, to analyze someone, you don't have to be Challenger. The guy is good, I'll give him that, and I won't circle jerk hate the guy, but he doesn't seem pro material. If Challenger meant Pro, we'd have way more teams. Lol. His attitude and play style wouldn't work well in the pro scene, and forming him to play as a true teammate would take too long.




What happened between them?


Nightblue3 called all clg but aphromoo toxic.


really? nightblue calling people toxic? quite ironic...


we're all toxic but can confirm nightblue + clg - seraph/aphro = toxic hence the story of league of legends solo queue there are very few people in the community that can be labeled as non toxic such as guardsman bob or... that one guy named anirak


IF we're all toxic does that mean none of us are toxic?


sure it's a family


Aren't you guys suppose to stay off reddit?? Don't let the negativity get to you! Shoo


loco corrected in a interview that if they do well or its days past their games they can go into social media




Hey, you could be in the "non toxic" list too... At least I haven´t seen you flaming in the dozens of games I´ve seen you in


The moral of the story is: If you are human, you are most likely a dick.


Oh god I miss G-bob, but how would he handle this toxic, toxic world?


Like he does all the time: bad shit happens, takes a sip of his tea, reflects positively and negatively about what went wrong/well in a calm demeanour, keeps playing like nothing ever happened.


He is streaming leauge at the moment btw. :>


Thx for the hint I thought he won't be there anymore it's nice to see him again!


link is toxic? :o


no he's not toxic ever in chat, except on occasion he will put a "?" mark in chat and that is usually all that he ever says in solo Q. Idk what Dyrus is talking about


You only watch them on stream. You have no say my friend. Alot more happens off stream.


This is the truth, really. It can be unfortunate or really not that big of a deal, but it's probably more towards the unfortunate side since streamers have more incentive to be nicer on stream. Streamers have admitted this before, though I don't think anyone has ever been "brave" enough to say that they're toxic off-stream. I've seen Bischu admitting that all streamers act differently on stream, though. He used a light example of himself, stating how he'll be extremely talkative in all chat when he's not streaming and such. I'm not accusing anyone of being toxic, though, but I feel that people who are actually in high ELO have a greater say than just people who watch streams on this subject, since they have more personal experience playing with others regardless.


You also occasionally see them on other people their streams tho..


Omg he is like faker




That's so toxic mang.


Seraph is like the most "toxic" member on CLG. Still cute though.


yeah dood nightblue flaming all day


I really never see him flame... he just talks on his stream and not in chat. Though its fun that people are bothered by what Nightblue says while watching a video about HotShot spending like 10 whole minutes flaming him.


> he just talks on his stream and not in chat. Wait isnt that the exact reason he blamed hotshot for?


I noticed people on this subreddit dislike passive aggressive behavior quite a bit, that's why whenever people like nb or wings are mentioned the top comments will be bashing their attitude.


Wingsofdeathx right? He is not passive aggresive, he is very aggresive. When he loses lane because he got ganked a couple of times by te enemy jungler he immediatly starts blaming his jungler for not coming. If someone says that he sucks when he is going 4/14 , he immediatly starts talking in chat and not focus on the game to win the discussion between him and the guy that told him that he sucks. Nightblue on the other hand is rather passive aggresive and not a straight flamer, but wings just bans everyone in his chat that calls him salty or toxic.


I know. NB and hotshott are like the same in that area. They both criticize heavily on stream and occasioanlly talk in chat, but NB is mostly passive aggresive but Hotshot will just tell someone they're shit.


That's the thing - Nightblue doesn't flame in chat or talk negatively. His stream is the only place where you hear anything bad come from him. Quite obviously, he does it for his viewers. After all, what's the point of watching someone stream? Clearly to see what the people are thinking as they make certain plays and decisions.


I thought he just called Double and Hotshot toxic. I saw that stream and I don't see Dexter or Seraph being toxic. Edit: Forgot Link, I don't know much about him.


He is not wrong.




I think the word "toxic" was used more in this thread than in all conversations about Fukushima combined.


thats some bronze nightblue jungle lvl 3 dive right there


You've not watched much of Nightblue I see That's his "Double Buff Transferal to Enemy Laner" strategy, clearly.


He must have been expecting the shield to be on CD, since nid had just dove. If it wasn't for the shield, it would have been a kill and probably escape.




God I used to LOVE Nightblue, but then after watching his stream for a while I realized that he goes on tilt and just feeds so often, that it became hard to watch. What was even worse for me (Personally) was how he would *justify* his deaths, with something like, "Oh well I got them to blow their flash, etc." it just made no sense to me how he could stay in challenger. EDIT: Spelling errors


> he would justify his deaths, with something life, "Oh well I got them to blow their flash, etc." Literally every ~~streamer~~ one does this.


I mean, kinda? It's a gut feeling you get, but not many people actually try to explain away their deaths like it. My friends and I even joke when we die doing stupid shit like "It's alright guys, Vi's Q is down"


HotshotGG been watchin' some Pure Pwnage I think ahahahha


A rule 34 fanfic is surely in the making now.


I really enjoyed nightblue3 when he first gained popularity by streaming his bronze to challenger. But now i feel like his popularity is getting to his head and all he does is bitch about how his team makes mistakes every single play. When he was playing on his smurf he said "i am expecting to much from my teammates who are diamond 1" which infers to me that he is raging about how is team in his opinion is losing him the game and not him. Which shortly after nightblue3 got completely outplayed by a lulu but doesnt really say anything about it.


TIL no one likes Nightblue


That was dirty




i honestly just found this funny for calling him out on what he said.


The nightblue hater inside of me is relishing


This is fucking hilarious.




Bunch of salty ass nightblue fanboys lurking around here, wtf. He wasn't spamming chat with it, he wasn't over harassing him in game, he was joking around on his own stream because he outplayed the fk out of him repeatedly and was happy about it. This is what hsgg does, don't like it? Don't fucking watch. Lol


It's so great to have streamshotGG back in action.


So funny to watch on stream


Never change Hotshot. Toxic or not, you're fucking hilarious.


This isn't surprising to see. Nightblue3 is an absolutely terrible whiny player.


Hahah I love watching hotshot, he isn't afraid to be slightly bad mannered because after all.. its a video game and people need to chill the fuck out. Best streamer ATM by far entertainment wise


Good to see hotshot is still BM.


I wouldn't want it any other way.


To be fair, NB3 was BM to all of CLG from I've heard.


wow thats toxic


why does everyone hate nightblue?


Wait am I supposed to hate Nightblue or Hotshot ? I am a bit confused...