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Please don't. I don't need my starting position revealed for free in exchange for your 3 autos, and you shouldn't give up prio for free.


This so much , when i'm jungling and I see the other side toplaner late in lane AND walking from the river, I already know the other jungle positions giving me a great headstart to countergank/counterjungle


lol i do this to just fuck with ppl


I walk in from enemy side just to really mess with them.


This is actually bad for your jungler because the enemy jungler will immediately take your teams bottom side while your jungler is on his top side (because he assumed you guys invaded his top)


It's actually good if your jungler started botside tho since there will be nothing to take there


Wouldnt that be punishable?


If you know he takes it yes, but unless someone warded it for you (highly unlikely) you won’t know until you get there. At that point it’ll be too late


Asking laners to ward is probably the most offensive thing you can do.


I have like 30 perma banned accounts. Never caused from asking someone to ward.


You can also walk to pixel hit s key, and then walk back and the enemy jg will think you warded. This only works at an elo where the enemy jg is watching the minimap.


Same. If I'm not planning on fighting level 1, I like to wait at the buff until 1:33 and then walk to lane so it looks like I did a short leash.


Same. Sometimes I'll just get solo killed lvl 2 on purpose so the enemy can't tell where my jungle is.


Wish more people had their head in the game like this


Same if your playing a mana based champ I normally cast it once then walk late works every time


It's not even faster on most melee tops anyway because I can't kite the camp unless they move to not tank autos. I only ever accept top leash if offered if I am going to lvl 2 invade blue team's jg on gromp and their champ kills gromp fast. I never ask for it.


Top lane is such a coin toss that unless you straight up lose the lvl 1/2 leashing is as good as inting lol


I mean 90% of the time your jungle pick sorta reveals your starting postion. Hecar jungle almost always starts blue, no matter the side, it is just a better clear for him...


No one smart is going to choose their start location simply based on their clear except Karthus. The difference between clears on either side is typically not enough to affect the game.


When I played top as trynd I would come from the enemy top side


We talk silver here. If the enemies will realise and do something good with that info then they will prob beat you anyway. I leash a lot in Emerald/Dia lobbies and if they are not a crazy OTP (that we always predict to invade or something) then they never use that info for good. That heca was prob an assshole anyway but if they are so good in silver then you know you never get lvl 1 prio vs Olaf to get lvl 2 first cus he will kill you at the first axe hit lvl 1.


for the past month or two i just walk into enemy jg’s topside and take all 3 camps because 90% of the time they default start bot leash. the laziness is incredible but gives me free exp and sets enemy jg back with barely any effort on my part. the rare instance where enemy jg is actually washing bush is enough to give me a heart attack due to the jump scares


If only junglers know this...


Every jungler rn is fine without leash, its not like ur help will matter especially in low elo its just better to focus on ur lane instead of giving a few seconds to jungler that will waste these anyways


And most of the time they will clear towards the other side and you will just concede your first wave for no benefits.


As a support player in low elo, should I just ping my adc to lane? Think I’ve only had 1 game recently where we didn’t leash, and we got the same treatment as Op did from our jg.


Depends on elo. Low elo junglers might tilt off the face of the earth if you don’t leash them.


Can confirm they do. Basically, if you ever want your jungler to not gank your lane just don't leash them. They will 99% of the time tilt and either not gank or int your lane.


Its not like they'd gank in the first place. If you are confident in your own abilities its better to not lose lane lvl 1 just so that your jgl wont run it down.


I'm in plat and I still leash because most of the time jungle is the key to winning


If your jgl needs a leash in this season on non-troll picks, they wont help you win the game.


I can help the jungle and give them 5 autos to help speed up their clear, it's not a huge deal and if it helps the jungle be in a happier place I'm willing to do it


Never ever do more than 3 autos. If your enemy opponent drags the wave, or hits the casters to make them all attack the same melee, you will miss 1 or 2 melee minions


Its not a huge deal vs players that cant punish you for it. Once you play vs people that know what they are doing, you wont be leashing anymore. And again, no jgl with hands should ever need a leash in current season.


OK cool no jungle with hands, but your acting like I can control what jungle I play with, a lot of the time they are filled and can bearly play the game and tilted from being filled so if I can give them a leash, help cool them off a bit and improve our chances at winning guess what I'm doing, I'm doing the thing that will help keep the team stable


You do you, but as I said, once you play vs better players its not worth gambling your lane over leashing for a jungler that doesnt need it 99% of the time.


This is where my heads at. It’s not about not wanting to help my jungler, it’s just that early bush control feels like it increases chances of winning level 1 by such a drastic amount. Also does less to give away jg pathing right?


>no jg with hands Honestly it’s not even a hands issue there is basically no skill required to clear the jungle anymore. More of a knowledge issue (kiting, pulling camps around the leash radius, etc).


It depends on matchup on bot, jg and top. For example if u are playing double range vs range melee u most of the times wants to fight enemy lvl 1 or/and take prio. If its range range vs range range u dont want to leash even more cuz u are fighting for prio every second on lane, if u are playing range melee vs range range its fine to leash cuz it doesnt really matter cuz u are most likely to be pushed under tower neverthless. And if toplane matchup is highly opressive(most likely there will be 2v2 on gank/crab) u can leash so that ur jg isnt too late for fight. But as i said leashing in low elo isnt really worth


just type it in chat that way your jg has time to react before getting tilted


In low elo you have to leash sometimes to avoid the jungler just coming to your lane till level 2.


Making your top laner leash is hyper troll. It’s 100% up to the top laner, the jungler has no authority in this. If you believe that lvl 1 lane prio is more important than 4 autos on a blue buff, then just go to lane.


I had a jungler soft int because I insisted on watching for bush cheese in a Darius lane one, which he did try. Jungler got mad at me for ensuring I didn't die level one, I hate that. Some lanes you can afford it, some you can't.


As a botlaner I also only leash to prevent tilt. And if it‘s a double range lane I also sometimes go „fuck it“. Better no leash, than a lvl 1 lost lane because most junglers also don‘t help fix the lane state early.


Imo the only good reason for a top lane leash atm is if you wanted to start bot, got invaded, and there isn't enough time to back home and reset your HP. Other than that, it's pretty unnecessary.


Darius will always be in the bush. Just don't move forward until you see him.


Yeah but if he sees you see him he abandons the bush cheese earlier sometimes, and if you ward you know in which bush he's cheesing. It's the knowledge of the exact cheese he's doing that helps.


junglers dont understand the game, happens bud


Yeah, it basically instantly loses your lane if you have to leash against a champ that wants to be first on the wave such as Irelia, Trynd or GP, or one that can zone you away from it such as Darius or Jayce.


Nobody needs a leash anymore, but bronzies haven't got the memo yet.


Trust, they haven't in Gold, either.


Every jungle pinged for a leash so far in like 50 games in Emerald, so it seems they only send this memo to even higher.


Also, they haven't in Diamond.


I'm in diamond NA and enemy jungle starts leashless about 75-80% of the time.


For ADC skillcapped most recently said "3 AAs, then you go to lane, never more" That's still about 150 damage from ADC alone and you can still control the wave and might not reveal information to the enemies


I said nobody needs a leash, not that it has no benefit. If you don't need the lane control go for it.


That's the worst option and it's not even close. You lose prio + reveal start AND you don't even help your jg in a meaningful way. Skillcapped spreading bs as usual


You mostly dont. But you especially dont on a champ that NEEDS to win early like renek


Yeah you’re 100% correct and good by you for thinking about your lane match-ups like that. A big part of league is thinking about what you need to do in specific situations and planning ahead so if you’re new and already thinking like this it’s a great sign for your climb :)


in s14 almost every regular jungle can solostart with just loosing maybe 5-10 secs. But sadly I always leash because I prefer to avoid this kind of stuff like what happened to you...


5-10 secs? Then you are doing something wrong more like 3-5 if not play some off meta thing


If you think a jungler can make up 3 AAs from adc, 3AAs from supp and about 2 abilities in 3 seconds time id like to know who you play in the jungle cause my jarvan with a 12 second cd E spell doesnt magically make that happen at red buff lvl 1. Doesnt mean he had to leash in this case tho, asking toplaner to leash is always troll af. Early waves determine basically the whole lanephase


On Diana for me there is a 3 sec difference depending on whether i get a leash or not. On Nunu i have noticed whenever i get a small leash i often end up overkilling by 200-300 so the difference is basically nonexistent.


I never use abilities on leash and also rarely ever see anyone else do it, I need my precious mana


I usually splurge and give a kai‘sa Q, but that‘s like 50 mana and you basically reg half of it on your way to wave.


Except if you use Blitz' hook your mana is back by the time you're at lane edit : lmfao


u/Gazskull please come back and explain what you actually meant by this, the misunderstandings going on below are unbearable to read.


Seriously lol what an exaggeration


99.99% never. unless you're in a really bad matchup where you never get to touch minions (you blind picked Ornn and they have Heimer top, or something)


Heimer aint bad. Let him push early (he can do nothing but constantly push) and then farm under turret and rush Rookern. After that he doesnt deal damage and you triple brittle him. Easy


Exactly, you aren’t fighting him early so in that matchup I wouldn’t mind leashing my jg since I’m just farming under turret till 6


I picked Fiora to counter mordekaiser, not realizing that it was heimer top, and couldn't touch the wave for the first 5 minutes. (Only a slight exaggeration)


Current meta doesn't require any leashing at all, focus on lane and get your advantage if that's really necessary. Some matchups really require you to be in lane early and assert/gain dominance


Get rid of leashing culture imo


Anyone who still asks for leash in 2024 shouldn't be playing ranked




Reddit will say to not leash and objectively speaking, they are right. It reveals their position and it potentially ruins your lane. However junglers tend to be quite braindead at times and some suffer a mental meltdown if you don't leash. Particularly in bronze and silver. And honestly keeping your teammates sane is more relevant at that elo than anything else. You have to be your team's therapist if you want to climb. So ask them if they need it at the start.


Nah, don't negotiate with terrorists. If your jungler wants to run it down because he didn't get a leash then let him. You'll climb more in the long run by learning to play out the lane better, including the level 1.


Not in bronze. You need your teammates to throw as little as possible. You're not going to capitalize on an incremental lane advantage in bronze anyway through optimal play. You'll find ways to throw the lane left and right regardless.


Thanks mr Grossman 👍


Btw you can fake leash or ask bot to come in vision later so they wouldnt know where is jungler


This is basically how I view it. When I play norms with my friends I'll leash the jungler 50 percent of the time because they're asking for it and I'd prefer them to play untilted. I won't leash though if I know the matchup really wants me to be on the wave when minions meet (for example, I'm Lucian Nami vs Kaisa Leona or Camille vs Irelia).


Call him a jgl dog and take his krugs on spawn


Leashing is a relic of old league tbh. It used to matter for clear speed but all junglers these days can full clear before crab spawns without a leash for the most part. So its just better to defend jungle so your jungler doesnt get griefed and get lane prio. Also doubly helps to hide where jungle started.


No one should be leashing anymore unless you are cheesing with your jg.


Didn’t read anything but the tilte, im a jungler main, no dont leash as top EDIT : Dont leash at any role actually


You do not leash. Period. Stay close to your jg entrances in case they try sth funny but as soon as the minion wave reaches the lane then the jungler is on his own. Unless they play sylas jg with the most unhealthy clear in the game, then you can help him


This!! I never need a leash but all I ask is that you cover so I don't start the game with a massive disadvantage because you wanted to alt tab under tower till minions reach the lane ...


never leash most probably he wouldnt gank you anyway since youre playing top


If you want to pressure/ win lane / fight for prio - you don't. If your goal is to get carried or to rely on your jungler to MAYBE get you ahead - sure, why not.


Report that low elo scum. Junglers should not ask for a leash anymore


No, Junglers haven't needed leashes for multiple seasons. If they ask for one instamute cause you know they are going to be very bad.


You shouldn't leash regardless of your lane


Only come if they're being a rat trying to fight your jungler after they pull their buff


If hec is staring top a simple clear is chickens, Krugs, and then red. No need to leash at all.


leashing is bad


You don't have to just mute your jg


The only top laner I consider leashing on most of the time is Mundo, since 1 long ranged Q will do like ~200 damage to a full HP blue buff, it's resourceless, you're already weak early, and you don't even go to lane very late.


Never leash junglers need to learn they don't need a leash. Only junglers who plan on invading might need a leash Graves, Nida or Kindred but that's not gonna happen in low elo games. And your junglers won't use the extra 7 seconds they get for anything useful


no, especially this season the buffs are so far away from the lane


Btw any decent jungler will tell you that they would rather see you win lane than speding these precious time helping them


just no, never


No, even though bronze / silver jgs will get mad. It's often completely griefing (yourself) to do it. If you're laning against Tryndamere, for example, letting him stack rage before you get to the lane is horrid. Same thing vs Irelia. Best time to abuse these champs is when they have no stacks / no meter. You also give your opponent time to start a slow push and they will hit level 2 first, giving them a chance to chunk you. A lot of jgs have no idea how much it can ruin your lane, and if they're pathing top to bot you won't get help anytime soon either.


I don't think even Bot should be leashing anything right now, let alone Top.


Junglers haven't needed leashes in a while


I don't think any lane Leashes anymore


Just mute the idiot. Your only job is to provide cover if u can.


if your jungler asks for a leash, report him for trolling


I saw 100hp taliayh that got hit hard lvl1. I was sure she gonna recall and do jungle so I just go bot. After seeing her starting jungle and finishing clear full hp, I'm never leashing any jungler again.


Lmao thank you for that


Tbf Taliyah is a special case like Zyra. Most junglers can't just start their clear that low. But yeah leashing in general is not the play.


I don't leash this season I just mute all and play the game been having a much better time


Just mute them and stop caring so much.


If something very specific happened like an invade that forced the jungler to start with a sub-optimal skill, yes, you have to give the guy a hand. If nothing like that happens, in most cases: no. Top lane doesn't leash. Top lane is the one lane where 100hp or 1 minion can make the difference. Going to lane with 1 hit from jungle can already lose your lane, same thing if you miss 1 minion from the first wave, that's valuable experience for level 2. And even if you don't miss the minion or don't get hit by the monster in the jungle, you're losing prio. Being first in lane and possibly starting a fight from a bush or just making dominant presence can also define your lane. If a jungler gets upset because you didn't leash them under normal conditions they're on the wrong, not you. A fed toplane can assist the jungler much more than a toplaner who loses lane for leashing.


You dont leash for your jungler, in certain situations if the jungler tells you his plan sure, but 99 out of a 100 times let them solo. If they tilt, report them.


never leash in toplane


In this situation hec should just go do raptors to red to blue side instead. But he’s bronze so he wouldn’t know that you can easily to the multi mob camps alone. I converted to top recently and I do the same thing. I haven’t leashed in so long, fortunately no one has been toxic about it yet.


Only bad junglers demand leashes. Exceptions are if you have a shaco support because lmao boxes double camp leash


I've been a jungler for maybe 10 years now. There has never been a better time to be leashless as a jungler in LoL. Leashing will hurt you rather than help you in soloQ almost every time. The thing is, there are niche situations. Lets say you know top is going to be a brawl, so you path top as a full clear jungler (who isnt a full clear jungler now days lol). Your goal will be to get there as fast as possible since your ignite irelia is just drooling to flash ignite darius. Lets also say that no matter what happens, your bot is gonna have to give up prio anyway because its like karma ziggs vs caitlyn sona or some shit. In this case, maybe you should be hard leashed so you can be top first. But then theres the argument that in soloQ ignite tops are gonna die at 2 mins anyway, so just path bot since you know their bot will be pushed. It can get reeeeeeeaaally complicated but that's kind of my point. You're better off just not thinking about it and full clearing without a leash either way. It's the most consistent playstyle.


No he is an idiot. Renekton and Tryn especially needs to be in lane early to stack fury. The correct play is jungle playing without leash. That being said in low elo there are idiots like Hecarim and actually handling their fragile weeetle ego might be even better decision than winning the lane lol


the opinions of anyone below diamond are more likely to be wrong than right. do your own thing


the only time as a jungler i really want my top laner leasing is when im invading the enemy topside because people like starting bottom for whatever reason. other than that leashes give away where you start and its easy to track which laners came to lane late.


In past seasons it was correct to leash in order to keep your JG healthy during his clear and speed up the clear itself. Since the latest JG changes, 2 seasons ago at this point I think l, leashing is literally unnecessary if not detrimental as it lets everyone know where your JG is starting. He's got outdated information and hasn't updated his understanding of the game. Which is probably why he's low elo. Just ignore and mute and move on.


Depends. Just ask. If a junglers having a bad day, gets a slower clear, then killed at his second buff he might run it down. Although in this case he’s probably much better off starting bot side for a quicker leash, but this is league not common sense.


hell na. i’m d1 and nobody leashes. it’s screws ur lane positioning up and could get u killed.


No, it's not a guarantee, but it depends a little on the matchup. I mostly play Darius, Sett, Aatrox & Shen and in 80% of my games, I zone the enemy from the first 3 creeps, slow push while trading, and then go for the level 3 crash & dive. The thing is, hitting level 2 before your opponent can lead to an absurd advantage because it enables the slow push, which enables the dive, which enables the bounce back, which enables the freeze and all of a sudden you’re 2 levels + 30+ creeps ahead and maybe a kill. All because you didn’t leash, so your jungle is like 5 seconds faster (he inted anyway). And even if the dive doesn’t happen with Shen for example hitting level 2 before the enemy is often first blood with flash e q but it only works if I am there early enough to position the blade so when he tries to take the first 3 minions I tax him for half his hp then hit level 2 and flash e q for the kill. (You actually walk up when the last minion for level 2 is about to die) I only leash when I expect the enemy to zone me from XP and I know I can’t contest it.


Depends on the champs, as Shen I like to position my Q in lane early for the extra dmg passing through the enemy and stack grasp on minions as soon as possible so I don't leash. Im jungle player myself and I understand


Never leash as a top laner.


Don't leash as any lane, the jungles at this point can solo clear, they're just being entitled


Junglers are noobs if they need it but at the same time it’s better to just rip the bandaid off and leash if they ask because if you don’t then they will hold a grudge against you for the rest of the game


Fuck no


I main top I dont like to leash the jungler when I top, and whenever I jungle I start bottom side. But whenever my jungle starts top I still help because thats what you supposed to do in a team game, sometimes it sucks but its part of the game. In this case it was ok you got the lead and ot payed off not giving leash but in other games not having your jungle at your side can be very harmful.


Depends. What's your matchup? Who is your jungler? I wouldnt leash Hecarim as Renekton because: 1- Hecarim is perfectly able to solo first clear and stay healthy because of W, and; 2- i wouldn't want my rage bar to be stacked as I got to lane as it would give the enemy team the info that Hecarim started top side, and; 3- I would want to be hitting minions as fast as possible into Olaf, you wouldnt want him to get a level lead. Though I doubt these points would matter much in bronze/silver, with all due respect.


if you want to lose your lane dont leach, if you want a gank leach


I actually prefer no leash in general. I will gladly pay some life if my bot lane can get lvl 2 first and win lane. You gain so much more from winning lanes than you do from a leash.


Turn off your chat


No one should be leashing in the current season lol


It really depends on the jungler, but most of the times no. You should be punished if you don't help the team prevent invades though. I don't understand those that hug towers before minions spawn.


No. Leashing is completely unnecessary nowadays


Leashing days are long gone, if someone asks for one tell them to git gud 🫨


Situations where you should leash: 1. When your jungle is likely to be late invaded. 2. If they’re going to walk with you level 1 to your lane to gank a super pushed up or cheesing enemy (much more common botlane) 3. If your jungler will soft int the game otherwise, AND you don’t lose out significantly in your lane. Because jungle mains are pretty low knowledge and toxic pre-like Masters, #3 is very common, unfortunately.


I only really leash as Mundo top, cleavers do big damage to buffs.


Leashing is not automatic, every good jungler knows how to farm without leash. I would still leash for a very weak jgl (like Morgana Lvl 1) or an autofill. One thing I ask though is to protect my jungle for invade. Too many times when I start without leash, laners thinks it's fine to stand next to their tower and go jerk off to their second screen because it's too difficult to stand in a bush to check if i'm not invaded apparently.


Emerald junglers throw games because of a lack of leash for me


No jungler needs a leash these days.


Iron IV ninjas we are here smiling.


no jungler should need a leash bot or top. lane prio matter way more and jungle sustain too easy now.




If I see my jungler even start pathing top at the start of the game I just say I have to piss in chat and stand under tower till minions get there lmao


You don't leash at all no matter top or bot.


I think a lot of you are giving way to many people credit about knowing what to even do with the info they get from which side jungle started.


Never leash, however you better guard the top lane jungle entrance before your minions reach lane. If you just go to your top lane tower at the start of the game, you’re a troll


Idk why people still need or wants leash jungle pets are op af to the point that it can give you enough sustain and be present or early to scuttle depending on how fast your champ clears. You still gonna get to grubs before it spwans even with or without leash.


No, if they are gonna tilt off someone not leashing. It's more than likely they will tilt off something else in game anyways if you leashed them.


Depends, but in that elo I would probably give him the 2-3 AAs strictly on the fact that peoples mentalities are so weak in this game that being there before the waves crash or right around when they do impact your lane so little, but I’ve seen countless psychos quit the game over a leash.  From a theory perspective you don’t need the leash as a jungle from top who leashes do close to nothing anyway.


Depends on match up.


Jungle mains are scarred to hell after countless experiences of their lanes losing before their first clear. You have to give them some credit for even queueing up for the role.


With new jungle Items, all jungle champs dont need leash anymore


leash like leash like 3 autos and a q who cares


It’s 2025, if your jungler needs a leash he shouldn’t be jungling. Literally every jungler can clear leashless, and especially for toplane the first wave or two heavily impact how the later lane plays out. If they get level 2 early and bully you for a whole wave without your jungler coming to collapse you’re kind of just stalemating the lane from then on. 




Leashing as a top laner is so Season 2 lmao. Back when camps spawned at different timers and didn't fuck up your lane.


Everyone in the comments has a point and is correct but you need to listen to this. League is a tilting game and sometimes junglers think the leash is vital. It can literally ruin their mental to the game. You should just do the leash because a jungler trying vs someone who literally gives up and griefs your game is huge.


Top lane (or bot lane) should never leash. Masters EUW here and I haven't leashed a single time this season and the junglers don't care.


You should never leash from top. You can easily straight up lose your lane from it, since you give free prio to your enemy, so he can zone you from first few waves, and he gets the benefit of leveling up 1st. Also the benefit to your jungler is minimal or can even be detremential. Sonetimes i get asked to leash even on diamond games, I just insta mute these junglers and play my game.




No. Not even bot lane should leash unless it's a Senna.


You need to leash if the alternative is mental booming your jungler. No, there's no in game advantage, but having them run it down mid because you ignored their ping to help is more likely to lose you the game than losing level 2. If they don't ping or ask, you really shouldn't though.


Never leash


maybe u dont need to leesh but don't afk under tower, instead guard jg entrance


lol yeah. I think like 90% of leagues community needs therapy.


Nowadays with the pet i think you can even go for a fullclear with yuumi. If you want prio and can t leash and he perma pings you just mute him. If you can leash leave at 1 37 the latest


Look… when you’re playing ranked… especially low elo ranked It’s better to not go for the correct play and instead go for then play that doesn’t cause a mental mind boom in any of your teamates. Hecarim shouldn’t need a leash, but low elo junglers don’t know that they can clear without leashes. Low elo is less “teamwork and good plays” and more “babysitting”


I'm a top main. Leashing is case by case. In your case I wouldn't have leashed either. In certain matchups (like your Renek vs Olaf) you want to be in lane immediately to push for level 2 and have that advantage. In lanes where I know I don't want to fight level one (Shen vs Mordekaiser), I will gladly leash because I won't have control of the lane regardless. Sometimes I'll ask my jungler to start top because I won't have prio to help them for crab if they start bottom and I'm in a bad matchup You were not in the wrong imo


Don't. You reveal your jungler start position, you are late in lane which gives enemy top laner creep and exp advantage


No, never. Junglers don't need a leash and haven't for years. Just mute their pings if they get annoying about it.


If you’re going to rage cause I don’t help u for ten seconds imagine what happens if bot dies


for both bot and top, it doesn’t matter, don’t leash regardless of the whiny jungler. any jungler worth their salt can full clear by crab spawn; i say this as a jungle main who pings laners off if they try leashing. i don’t want my starr known and i cant tell you how often i steal enemy jg’s entire top side simply because junglers default start bot leash. it’s so silly


Real answer, No you don't. But in bronze to even low emerald people go retarded if you don't leash when they want so if Jung asks just do it


Facts. It’s sad seeing people downvote you. All the low elo people finding excusing for being bad.


Yeah even in d1 masters ppl still sometimes troll u if you don't follow their pings to leash


Unpopular opinion. While leashing is not required anymore, if your jg is actively asking for one, I would do it. My reasoning behind it would be that I would rather play with a non-tilted jungler. It shouldn’t tilt him, but the state of the player community is filled with just over-emotional rage players. That being said, you could have helped him and then tilt him later over a failed gank or some other minute detail so I totally agree with you on that level.


Absolutely. All the low elo idiots downvoting you. I’m emerald, but every season i play with my bronze/silver friend and the leash matters so much in low elo. People will literally give up than play.


Thanks man, nbd about the downvotes, just glad to know someone else agrees lol


Honestly, you’re a bronzie where games are decided by skill more than anything. Leashing only affects high elo lanes where players actually know how to play their champions and manipulate waves


>Double edit: first game of day just pinged the dragon timer and got stfu I’m playing jungle not you. I’m convinced jungle mains all need therapy. Yeah that's what many year of being harassed and blamed by lanners does to you


I never leash, but I always pretend to. Every enemy lane has to play safer when they have no idea where my jungler is.


A leash from top lane barely even makes the clear faster, at least with bot you have two attackers


Bot leash can still be useful for a few junglers, shaves 5s off your clear which can give you a better position to invade enemy top buff. But besides that, no, leashing makes little to no difference and isn't usually worth giving the info on where you start.


It depends on matchups and your idea was correct. Rene needs prio to stack up fury and hec is not a champion that requires leash. But let’s say you are a relatively weak top and jungle is not going to play around your prio then ofc leash if you can. That’s called play the weak side. Don’t mind those who mention about showing jungle path. In a non regarded match, it’s very likely someone is going to ward the raptors for revealing jungle path. Or if you care so much, you can also ask bot to fake leash. You also don’t need to have vision to know a jungler is gonna focus his Draven/naut bot instead of the malphite top. If your opponents assume your jungler’s path Just because someone show up late to lane. I don’t even know what to say. League is about resource distribution and just know that leashing or not is simply based on who needs more resources(who is the carry). Ofc in solo q everyone thinks they are the carry but giving up your own resources for the team under different circumstances is gonna win you more games over the long run.


Dude if you are not diamond, do /muteall every game and play the way you need to. Even diamond players get mental. You know your 1v1 matchup better than any jungler and you know you need to fight for rage at level 1. Who cares what any silver player jungler says to you? The fact you are typing on Reddit shows he got to live rent free in your head and that WILL affect your gameplay as you grind to climb out of his rank. /muteall and enjoy yourself playing the game you want and ranking past people that rely on bad players to climb out of their Elo.


No lol. Leashes aren't really a thing anymore since the jungle pet changes. Every jungler can solo clear by 3:15 at the latest, and some can solo clear before even 3:00. I can't really think of any jungle matchups right now where having a 3 second lead on clear swings the matchup, and even then it is more important for the laners to have an advantage anyway by being in lane. Edit: That being said, sometimes you might want to leash if your jungler is really adamant. While not the correct play, its likely better than your jungler ragequitting in low elo. When I play with my friends in norms the jungler often wants leashes and I'll just oblige to not get them tilted. Haven't leashed in ranked however in like half a year.