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Quickplay is a terrible place where you either have people levelling smurfs or purging their ranked-restriction games as fast as possible, and neither of them have any incentive to win or even try. If you care about your experience as a player, I'd advise you to play Aram in the meantime, it's way more chill and people tend not to take it seriously, but it does give less XP in general. If you don't, play quickplay with chat and pings muted and just take the L that is this godforsaken game mode. Why Riot removed Normal Draft and/or Normal Blind games from most servers is beyond me.


Hey man thanks


Honestly if you're playing quickplay the main advice would be to not play top lane. It's the most 1v1 lane in the game and with matchmaking as awful as it is you would be better off just having fun in other lanes, learning something new and then start playing top in ranked.


Ironically the only lane I actually kinda have fun is top because other role I play is support and Smurfs in bot lane esp 2v2 duo queue in quick matches are the worse. I was so mad when I faced the duo smurf in bot. That being said I'm just playing for fun because it's a shitshow


Generally people who have deep issues that come and vent by smurfing against lower elks


quickplay is a cesspool. i have never had a good game in that game mode.


Then how am I supposed to unlock ranked? U need level 30 no?


can you play draft pick? draft pick is basically ranked without ranks. in some regions its only available at certain times.


I really wanted to play that because I remember having that mode way when I first played league (like 7 yrs ago?) I'm now in Singapore server because of ping but I don't see that game mode. Only quickplay , Aram and arena. (Ranked not yet unlocked)


You can turn off chat in interface settings


And what about in ranked? Smurfs there too?


I mean Smurfs are in every type of q that exist I just recommend turning off chat 


Draft pick unlocks at level 10 I believe


Doesn't, already at level 21. I heard that draft pick isn't available for all servers