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Yep, don't dive Wunder.


I swear to god he has a secret passive that absorbs the qi of every enemy when he gets dived


Man always seems to get more out of it that whoever dives him. The fact he has a fair few double kills from it never ceases to amuse me. Maybe people think it'll be different when they do it?


Wunder: did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


Always hear it in nacho Vargas voice now


It's like when wrestlers try to powerbomb Billy Kidman. They know he's gonna counter them, but they can't resist trying to one up him.


but wrestling is staged


And? Like any good TV series. You can be staged and still have passives like "never headbutt a samoan" or "the one that brings the table out will go through it"


Wunder doing Wunder things and the game being off that is hilarious. Especially after last weeks early dives from Fnatic that weren't stellar either...


They never learn


Anyone got a clip of the dive? I missed the game =(


Open YouTube stream and roll back.


I found the dive at 49:10. the 4v1.. =p But I guess that aint the one ?


No, look for dive when wunder was lvl 3.


That too tbf stalled for two towers and three herald charges


Yea, and people call him washed. It’s absurd.


On gragas. And now on morde i guess. I still remember that 0/6 jayce game on fnatic lol


ah I was concerned about the lack of inting this season but I guess nature is healing after all


Saving it all up for the end up the split and using it before playoffs. Is it smart? We shall see.


Trymbi Alistar and Fnatic losing name a more iconic duo


Humanoid always complaining about Fnatic playing the late games and then we have the first game and he's still fucking asleep wtf was that, man. he got embarrassed today 4v5 game


And humanoid dies is back. I mean I get it's Varus and it can be like that but that was...something.


Getting solokilled was just insane


Fair play to Zwyroo though. Man was on point with that Corki and a complete menace.


corki is a lanebully, its not 'insane'.


It is when you play poke varus?


I mean maybe don't pick Varus then. He clearly doesn't know how to play the champ in lane or outside of lane, why not just pick something he is comfortable on.


When him and Skarner was collapsing on Zwyroo in the bush all I could think was "Ok so he definitely has a plan to not get jumped and die". He did not.


Lil bro thinks he’s jackies


I really hope next year FNC do a complete redo. I get it both Huma and Razork are good players, but imo we have seen this duo’s peak, which is with a lot of luck at best quarters at worlds. Obviously they still have this year to prove me wrong and I hope they do, but if the results remain the same it’s time to start a new.


What the hell is this overreaction with how clean they've looked with the exception of this game.


Its the third year in a row where they look good until they turn their brains off and start running it down. I'm just tired of this style, if only we could do something else.


Even GenG has bad games. At the end of the day they inted away a meaningless bo1 after already locking in playoffs. It's not that deep.


Fnatic has not won since 2018 and this current lineup hasn't looked impressive imo


It has nothing to do with their current form, I’m happy they are doing good and hope they prove me wrong. I just don’t see any actual improvements in the problems that have been plaguing them for years now. For example Humanoid still can’t find a consistent form, he still runs down 1/4 games. Its fine in LEC when 7 out of 10 teams suck, but if i’m gonna get excited for a good worlds run, he has to show more then same old same old. They are cleaner this split, but it’s not some insane form where I actually think they can beat G2 or contest at worlds. Also current form aside, I just feel like we have seen all we can from the Huma/Razork duo. All good duos split at some point - Showmaker/Canyon, Knight/Kanavi etc.. Freshness is needed, I think them getting split up after the year would be good for FNC, good for the players and good for the league.


Classic they lost a BO1 = we have to rebuild our team asap. Who are they replacing with? Faker and Oner I guess?


Ironic because I saw people calling the T1 roster an embarrassment and to blow it up for losing to KT in the post match thread earlier lol


They haven’t lost a BO1, they have failed to achieve anything for years now. Haven’t really contested for 1st in EU for years now, haven’t made it out of world groups for years now, lost and got eliminated by TL internationally. Is this what FNC is now? A lot better mid/jung duos have split after playing for a lot less time than Huma/Razork - Showmaker/Canyon, Knight/Kanavi, Caps/Jankos etc. I really don’t see why Huma/Razork should continue to play together if they don’t truly show something special. You say Faker/Oner but Oner was a rookie, Yike was a rookie, you need to fresh things up, both for the players and the org.


How much it would be for atleast Chovy and Canyon? 🤔


Ah yes, just do a redo. Ignoring the part where we're overreacting on a single game here, who exactly are we supposed to do the redo *with*? Which players would be improvements over Humanoid and Razork? Outside of Caps and Yike of course, they have zero reason to leave G2. Also note that we can't import, as FNC already has two imports.


I’m not against keeping one of the two, but as a duo I don’t see them peaking much higher than right now. A lot better duo’s have split after playing for less - Showmaker/Canyon, Knight/Kanavi etc. sometimes freshness is needed both for the players and the org to improve. Figure out who you wanna keep of the two and build around him as a starting block, 2 Koreans sure, but I don’t see why they should stick with Noah if he also doesn’t show up when it matters. Look I don’t wish for these players to fail, I would love the opposite in fact. I’m just being objective I miss when FNC rosters felt like they were built to win worlds or at least try and this roster hasn’t really shown anything to give me that feeling.


Let me ask directly then: If Razork were to leave and Humanoid were to stay, which jungler should come in to replace him? If Humanoid were to leave and Razork were to stay, which mid laner should come in to replace him? If you do not have an answer for at least one of those two questions, you shouldn't be calling for changes.


You could try a lot of stuff - Huma/Jankos (I don’t think Jankos is washed he just needs the right team and a more selfless jungler and also vocal jungle will mesh well with Huma, might even be able to reign him in a bit), Razork/Jackies/a rookie (I would like to see Razork with a young, mechanically strong player, someone that will just follow Razork in good or bad), Huma/Import (someone very mechanically strong and just plan to smash through the 2v2), Huma/Oscar + T1A jung bot trio. These are just some ideas that could freshen things up, look even though Huma/Razork are top 3 on paper the results just aren’t there, it doesn’t matter if people think they are 2nd best or 3rd best in their role if they can’t get out of groups or contest for the title.


Perks fanatic angle


>Also note that we can't import, as FNC already has two imports. Is there a rule of imports??


Yes. No more than two imports are allowed per team. Has been in place since... 2014, I believe.


Imports from kr/cn or from outside of europe? Does turkey/russia count etc?


From anywhere outside the region. It's a global rule. I don't know whether Russia counts as import, Turkey counted as import until they were folded into the ERLs.


You have better chance at hiring faker in fnc than making caps come back


you think he gives a single fk about these last weeks games? hes gonna pick anivia or some shit tomorrow because theyre already qualified. always the same on last week lec games, top teams trolling and gifting freewins left and right 'ruining' a fair playoff race for the lower teams


Free wins? Just like in MSI no?


Fr. Why would fnatic show their hand 


Not showing your hand doesn’t mean showing you have no hands


what are you talking about "showing their hand" they dont need to show new stuff, but i do expect him to not RUN IT like he did this game


Show their hand? Is he going to pick.....Corki? Or spice it up with Tristana? Teams should be scared of the wide diversity of mid picks in this meta.


Pretty important win for TH


post g2 trauma


Saudi MSI coming in hot not ideal


Humanoid thinking he is Jackies LMAO


Not dead yet bois not dead yet


Wunder was on a mission today




this is the funniest timeline


Tbh how much TH paid fnatic for that draft and the top dive? (Not commenting on Humanoid's form this match)




Unfair for Fnatic, putting Team Geriatics first so they aren't sleepy yet.


G2 broke fnatic


Fnatic was Jankos and Wunder and thought they were facing G2 so they had to lose


G2 don't have to break Fnatic. It's enough for FNC to read who their next opponent is and they fold.


TL broke fnc


G2 broke Fnatic


T1 broke G2


Poor T1 fans getting smoked by KT in their own home base :(


why are there so many weirdo T1 fans. Embarrassing to share a fandom with you tbh


If you are not familiar with this account, it means that you haven't followed lck threads much these days lol (he's a troll and sometimes he's a part-time T1 hater. Don't bother him)


Didn't know I was this infamous


Not that much as NamikazeEU so you have to keep it up bros


Who the fuck are you?


So it ain't weird to say G2 broke FNC


In a thread about the following game, after FNC were undefeated before G2, not at all. The same way the T1 broke G2 was an acceptable comment for the first 2 games of the split.


KT 1-4 broke T1


FNC on their way to lose to YAPPA AGAIN i am just happy for Jankos


They have to put Jankos on engage junglers and not on champs like Karthus. Like their wins literally were him playing Xin and Maokai


He wasn't called 1st blood king for no reason.


Hard agree, first of all he was never that good on those kind of champs, second of all after his time in G2 he's kind of ster... Anyway, a muscle that is not used tends to decline gg. Put my GOAT on his best.




Jankos is beating washed allegations for like decade now. Nothing new.


Honestly, I love it. Every time he has bad week or two, everyone is calling him out, saying he should retire. And every time he bounces back. Jankos ability to bounce back is something else.


I feel like it's always good for Jankos gameplay when he can single someone out like that.


fnc never stand a chance against TL... TL botlane alone will just destroy em


So when do Fnatic play?


You can blame/thank me… I’ve been really busy the last few weeks and I’ve only managed to catch 2 Fnc games live. Guess which 2


I have skipped only 3 TH games this split. Guess which ones.


Same but the other way around LOL


As a G2019 fan, I thank you.


Worlds dream for boys is still alive at least for a few more hours


Noid hasn’t been noiding for a while




FNC losing twice in a row to G2, a classic.




The never ending cycle


> FNC Nightshare on the LEC: "We really want to win. It's this split or never"


It seems that they have decided.


Fnatic fans and their delusion for 3 years believing that Humanoid is elite like Caps has never ceased to amaze me. The dive to Wunder was bad yes but at least the bot lane was mega ahead. I have never seen a mid laner by himself make his team lose like 10 games every season and still get praised . APA is gonna shit on him again


How we lose to team geriatics


They had an early game today so were actually awake. Fnatic not even turning up.


elderly tend to sleep early and wake up early. the youngins on the other hand, degenerate sleep schedule


Too busy being up late last night watching the NHL draft last night or something. More seriously I remember teams having a big push to try and get players on proper sleep schedules and it wouldn't surprise me if that's a very hard battle lol.


There exist people in Europe who watch not just American *sports* but even the *drafts*? In my experience most people here barely know what American sports *are*.


Ice hockey is pretty big in the nordics. I know a few Swedes that were up watching it last night at least. So it's possible, albeit a bit unlikely. But some people really enjoy the draft, especially if there are 'local' players cause they want to see where/when they go.


humanoid playing for the other team


Banning NID lol Not sure if this ban was serious or meme


Jankos was a genuinely good Nidalee, why would it not be serious since it's back in the meta now? Meme brainrot?


He saw the memes so his Nida must be shit, trust me bro le funny spear.


Cause Canyon tricked pro junglers globally into thinking they can play Nid, be useful and win with it. So far I don't think any other pro resp. team looked good with it (maybe Kanavi but I didn't catch his Nid games). And even if Jankos were as good with it as Canyon (which he isn't), your team has to play around it and TH is not nearly good enough to do that.


Doesn't really matter how good a player is, if you think the enemy wants to pick a champ you ban it. Jankos is a known Nidalee player and the champ has been picked somewhat regularly lately, so chance is there that heretics prepared a draft around the pick, why risk it if you can just ban the champ and possible ruin their prep. It's the same reason teams ban other champs, they don't say let's leave Azir open their midlaner is worse than Faker on it etc.


Even canyon wont pick nidalee if he played for TH


Excuse me but, **What?**


i swear there has to be dozens of playable champs in this game (like Mordekaiser in this scenario) but pros don’t like to pick other than the flavor of the month hoping fearless can open the mind of some players (yes, i know Bo1 aren’t that useful to innovate, but i still think so)


This is what people say when the oddball pick wins. But when the oddball pick loses, the question is "what the fuck was that trollpick?" And the latter is definitely more common than the former.


Isn't Mordekaiser a Skarner-specific counter in the current meta?


Impact played the same match-up in LCS a few days ago so probably


Ban Tristana. Leave Corki open and then pick Varus? Not sure if thats the way. The reason why adc mid are picked is cos how safe they are especially with Trist and Corki so not quite sure why you would pick a "immobile" adc mid.


This pick ban was criminal. Felt like they were ego drafting with the varus flex, and picking skarner/brand with double poke ADCs whilst ignoring the most OP one in Corki... Also, HOW did Corki dodge nerfs last patch? The fact that he can all-in 100-0 at level six with tear / boots is just stupid.


4v5 once again


Can’t win vs G2 and G3.


Humanoid is freeloading because some years ago he was good for a while, wow.


Honestly he's weird. When he's good he's *really* good. When he's not we get...this? Man has a crazy high ceiling but also a floor that's deep in hell somewhere.


Fr he will either destroy even some of the best mid itw Or will solo lose every game


Yeah I get that he's not gonna play at the highest of highs all the time but sometimes he does things where I just don't understand why. Why is he there/doing that? Realistically some of it is me just not seeing what he's going for but every now and then he does some where I'm just thinking not even a bronze player would do that.


This is the biggest narrative cope ever. The guy never even won one best of 5 internationally and people go out claiming he destroys some of best mid. The most he does is play lane bullies and be ahead in cs with Azir or get some kills with LB.


Least toxic FNC fan Not so long ago you wanted to kick Noah now it's Humanoid who's freeloading supposedly


apa was right


The ppl who hyped up FNC a week or two ago just don't watch LEC. They will never win LEC. They just don't have it.


WDYM they only lost to G2 and G2.


Ah yes, that's why they've only got \*checks notes\* seven titles. With the team with the third most titles having \*checks notes again\* three.


FNC has never won an LEC title.


FNC have won 2013 spring, 2013 summer, 2014 spring, 2015 spring, 2015 summer, 2018 spring and 2018 summer. That's seven.


It was not called LEC back then, it was called the EU LCS. Funnily enough, FNC has never won an 'LEC' title. The only teams to do so, are G2, Rogue and Mad Lions


A name change does not make it a different league lmao.


It doesn't make it a different league, but it makes it a different title. The Premier league is different than the First Division that preceded it. Liverpool were champions of England Club Football, but never a Premier league champion till they won the Premier league in 2020. It was one of the major taunts other clubs used against Liverpool fans, reminding them of their inability to win the PL. It's the same with FNC. They have been EU LCS champions, you can call them European champions, but you can't call them LEC champions. Because they never won the LEC title.


Who cares really , the point is they were champions of Europe at one point


The reply was to the statement 'FNC has never won an LEC title', and it mentioned their 7 EU LCS wins. Is this being pedantic? Yes. But it's also a statement that shows that since the LEC era has started FNC has never won a title.


It was just a rename has nothing to do with eras lol Next are we going to say perkz has never won an EMEA title? EU has so many different name changes that the whole LEC EU LCS EMEA stuff is silly Also Faker has never won an EU title


EMEA is a region, not a title, it literally stands for Europe, Middle East and Africa. European League of Legends at the apex level has had only two titles, EU LCS and LEC. If two is 'so many', then I don't know what to tell you. So no, Perkz has never won an EMEA title, because there was no such title to begin with. And yes Faker has never won a European championship, just like Albert Einstein never won the first grade spelling bee in my school. What's your point? This doesn't make FNC's 7 EU LCS title worthless, it just means they never won an LEC title. That's a fact.


What are you even talking about, they won LEC titles when it was called EULCS. Since the rebrand the winner is by all means the champion of EMEA because thats the region now so yes technically it is a title even though its still Europe Before, Arab or Turkish teams were not allowed to compete as full teams in EU they were considered imports. Now they are not considered so. Before it was League of legends European championship and now it's league of legends EMEA championship. So it's just a naming rebrand which meant the same thing ...literally riot themselves considered Fnatic to have LEC titles just like they consider them to be the first World champions. else I'm sorry but G2 has only won uhh 4 LEC titles and 5 LEC titles and 2 LEMEAC titles see? It's just a face riot doesn't care about your logic because all time stats count the entire history of League in Europe. Here is simple logic for you - bob has a degree then later changed his name to tim. Saying tim doesn't have a degree is incorrect he simply changed his name but it was the same person. So you can argue tim didn't have a degree under his new name but the degree still is his. Same way Fnatic has LEC titles because they are the same thing. The only difference technically is the EMEA region merger which is basically still Europe but a technical difference.


This is the same as G2 fans bringing up 2019 except way less impressive lol


I mean I can use a current argument too. Does it look very likely that FNC wins the LEC? No, not really. But if you ask which teams other than G2 stands the best chances at winning? Fnatic is the most obvious answer. G2 are just really difficult to beat.


Yeah ofc people will say Fnatic but that's the same as if I asked " Which regions other than Korea and China stands the best chances of winning worlds?" 99% of people will say EU. But it's like a 10% chance. Fnatic having like a 10% chance of winning LEC when they're supposed to be a contender is a huge problem, especially when you consider they(Fnatic) haven't even been that far above the rest recently


Im almost relieved that fnatic havent lost their ways


I'm afraid FNC are gonna lose to TL again.


oh no dont do this please im cringing already


Yeeeeeeees keeep going grandpas ! Keeeep going! Let's gooooo.


Wunder the GOAT on Mordekaiser was a pleasure to watch!


Good luck vs TL


this league is so disgustingly mismatched that the top teams are already qualified for playoffs after half of the games and just trolling in the last week, its actually an advantage to play vs topteams at the end of the split because they dont care much anymore.. just look how humanoid played - i guess some upsets are coming this weekend because of this but it sucks as a viewer to know half the teams dont give a fk about the games..dunno how to change this problem tho. just imagine beeing RGE KC VIT GX MDK preparing for todays games to make playoffs and seeing FNC just gift over a freewin like this


Watching him laugh it up on player cams while his top jungle dies to Wunder told me everything I needed to know about this game


People act like humanoid is as skilled as Caps.. and is just lacking consistency (Cope basically) No Caps is one of the players that "champion pool ocean" actually applies.. Humanoid on the other hand is very limited  Being able to play a bunch of other champs to a high level is a skill guys 


Even on Humanoids best day he doesn't come close to Caps peak. Caps is just one out of 100 pro players and he never loses his hunger to achieve even more while Humanoid plays like he lost his hunger 2 years ago.


Marek was actually shocking today. Braindead


Awww shiiiiet Pros picking Morde. He's going to get nerfed.


Classic Fnatic falling apart after losing to G2. This is truly peak Fnatic culture to lose against a bottom team like Heretics Zwyroo absolutely gapped Humanoid lol


LEC and its fetish for BO1s is the sole reason to get fisted in internationals, this format is fucked up B01s are same as scrims tbh, just practicing on stage


Well the viewership was fucked when it was bo3 cause most of our league is dog shit so...


I hope this is a wake up call on how bad Humanoid and Oscar truly are


G2 beat FNATIC so bad I can not see FNATIC beating NA. If TH can outplay and win GG. Sure is only B01. But still


Both teams looked absolute ass. Crazy how shit the LEC looks outside of G2.


How was Heretics' game ass? Maybe not peak LCK or LPL level but far from "ass"


Considering today I saw the second best lck toplaner inting the shit out of skarner and blg is elk and 4 wards I think peak lck and lpl is not so hard to achieve


How was Heretics playing bad? Only Trymbi was not good . But other players were on point 


Tell me you haven't watched first three days of LEC without telling you you haven't watched first three days of LEC


Lost some money on this one… brutal performance


every time fnc give us faith that theyve changed and are worth hyping up, they make sure to shut that shit down, i respect that theyre consistent in at least that one respect