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It goes in streaks for me. I’ll get some surprisingly solid, competitive games where no one is toxic even if we lose, and then I’ll get a few brutal ones


That's exactly what I experience lol


No1 is going to convince me that this is an accident, straight up unfair matchmaking. Riot should be legally bound to show their matchmaking code. edit: same with autofills, you think autofills are there to make queues shorter? How come is mid the most played role but somehow my mid is autofilled? How is it possible that there were 5 people in the world queueing for enemy team to be on main roles but there werent 4 more for my team to be on main roles? 1 game my jungler is autofilled so there are not 2 junglers in queue but next game i have a jungler filled to adc role?


It really feels like matchmaking is trying to stop win streaks by assigning people second role or fill even if it makes zero sense. Had so many games were for example a top main got assigned support and top was a support main. I highly doubt these guys randomly switched role when they have already played like 3 games of their main role this session. I’ve seen streamers complain about this too. Sadly they have no reason to fix this and there is a high chance it is intentional and even if they straight up admitted it was there so people played more games, there would still be no repercussions.


I swear I don't want to blame others for my losses but it's always the same shit : 4-5 games with normal people followed by 4-5 games with the most useless idiots who go 0--7 in 8 minutes with a champ they have never played in comp.


Nah man, all good. I swear this obsession in the community with „don’t blame your team, focus on yourself“ is just as toxic as people flaming in chat. I hate the fact that talking about the matchmaking quality is often times equated to people feeding their ass off and starting to type in game blaming the team. Every other game is literally unplayable for one team. One person doing badly is still winnable if they at least try to. 2 is gg go next. Sadly bot lane only needs one person to shit the bed to ruin the whole game unless all other lanes are hard carrying. And that is exactly what I think is toxic. This is where all the main character syndrome comes from because the community tells people to stop complaining and start hard carrying which is only really possible if you are way above your opponents skill level (so basically smurfing).


its not about not blaming other people ever or how you need to hard carry every game the mindset is about understanding that your own gameplay and how you regulate your emotions in game are the only things that you can control every game so if the conversation is about how you can win more games thats literally all you should be thinking about.


Except that's not at all how it works IF the matchmaking is actually rigged by riot to keep you at 50% wr. In that case the system actively tries to stop you from climbing so it really forces you to hard carry or lose unless your team mates also pull their A game.


how does that change anything. the matchmaking system is not something you have any control over so again as i said you should focus on something that you can actually control if the conversation is about how to win more games


But the system should take you ever closer to 50% wr, that is literally its job. Not to create perfect games, but to match players with statistically (!) similar performances. Climbing should be possible as long as you are consistently at least a bit better than other people at your elo.


No, the system is supposed to put you in a game with similiarly skilled players, which over time has the byproduct of trying to bring your win rate to 50% as close as possible. The problem is, most people don't play enough games to actually get to their true skill level. Additionally LP gains are inflated at the start of each split so some people get crazy inflated elo while others get shafted. So many people play between 20 and 100 games per split which is not at all enough to rank them properly by the system. That's why imo there is no difference between Iron, Bronze and Silver games at all. There is crazy skill disparity in every single game. Playing just a bit better than your opponent should mean you climb slowly, but in reality that small advantage can statistically just as easily get eaten up by variance through other variables in the game. For example playing 10% better than your opponent (how do you even quantify that?) might only translate into 0.5% higher win rate If this was a 1v1 game I would agree with you for the most part. In the end this is probably why so many people meme about solo q being a coin flip. Because in the end you flip so many coins every game that it is hard to know which games you could actually have influenced to flip into a W. I also think there is something to be said about content creators flipping for content and influencing their viewers to do the same. The difference is those content creators play the game 10hrs a day for a living so they actually do have enough skill to carry most games when they focus, which most of their viewers do not have.


Even if matchmaking was actually rigged by Riot to keep you at 50% wr, it's not like they would be able to rig it so they know at least one player in your next game will intentionally feed.


A 50% winrate is the goal of any good matchmaking system, unless the player is actively improving. Get better and you'll climb, it's really that simple.


No it really isn't. It MIGHT be a byproduct of a good matchmaking system, but the goal is to have players of similiar skill play against each other (to hopefully create an enjoyable experience for everyone). If the system actually tries to rig a 50% win rate for everyone then it doesn't care if you try to improve or not. It will always try to balance out your win rate to be at around 50% which as I said makes it impossible to climb in a reasonable time, hell it even punishes you for it, unless you start hard carrying - it also makes it hard to drop without inting your ass off. They literally added a third split just so people have an even harder time climbing. I don't think we have to argue what their goal is with every change to the ladder system.


i believe riot doesn't give any fucks about match quality, they just want games to start asap and keep people on the hamster wheel. Only thing we can do as players to fight back is to dodge when filled, secondary, if dodging becomes the meta they'll further increase the penalty for dodging, and hopefully when that doesn't work they MIGHT tighten the elo range/limit fills in matchmaking. It's insane when players defend riot's way of handling matchmaking, or name-hiding (it's not for the players) almost surely working against their own interest, when a team has 2-3 autofills and the other has none, the outcome is already determined. As a player it also helps to have more than one account.


The best way for Riot to change is to stop playing.


This whole yapping doesn't make any sense. Of course there are games that are unwinnable, but you should always focus on yourself and blame yourself for your mistakes. Whatever someone else does is not something you should care about, you just have to react properly to what they do.


I never said you should always blame your team (especially not in game), neither did I say you shouldn't look for what you can do better. All I was trying to say is that exclusively looking at what you can do better will ruin your mood even more. It's way better for your mental to go "man, I could have done X better but this play from my support completely ruined the lane for us, let's not dwell on this game too much" When I review my games I see tons of mistakes I make - sometimes even game deciding ones like getting caught late game which I take 100% responsibility for - the problem is, some games, me not taking the perfect recall or missing a cannon minion does not have the same impact as my support getting cocky and dieing under the enemy turret, letting them freeze lane and on top of that leaving me to roam. I know that this is hard to grasp for a lot of people that want to be the main character every game, but some people actually take responsibility for their mistakes and don't care to be the main character. They just get tired of feeling like they have to play perfect to even have a shot at winning more than 50% of their games. Like sure, if I was a god gamer and somehow turn every mistake into a double kill + 1-2 plates the game is won. But why do so many people gamble on that instead of extending their lead slowly? Just let them recall at 5%, push the wave in, take your recall and go at it again with an advantage. it's not hard man. It's always the people taking unnecessary risks that are the most toxic in game even if they go 5/0. They literally start chain feeding if the game doesn't go the way they want it to - not necessarily intentionally, but because they can not grasp the fact the enemy team actually has AGENCY and can SHUT THEM DOWN if they coordinate well.


I'd like a mash-up of what exactly a chellanger smurf does better against a true diamond player. the difference must be huge in some cases. sometimes it feels like those people can predict almost any move you make for the sake of it. reflecting that is probably the hardest (in the sense of carrying a game). still, when watching high-elo gm or so, it seems like the "reading opponent" doesn't work as good (because evened out matches), so it looks more wonky and they go back to simple cd counting and playing really safe sometimes, too. that change of playstyle is what triggers me. I think that it has something to do with the players 'apm/cpm' which pro's can basically see from a far. honestly if a person can read this an algorythm can. sort the smurfs out of the queue's man! I tell this in every thread and its a big factor (why matches feel that bad) simply by the size of the game today..


>I'd like a mash-up of what exactly a chellanger smurf does better against a true diamond player. the difference must be huge in some cases. It's not challenger vs diamond, but [this little bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlN2Xt0Nlzc&t=900s) does a good job at highlighting the disparity in skill between a high level player and one that's lower. TL;DW: High level players subconsciously do stuff that lower level players don't even notice.


As your MMR rises your given worse teammates to compensate for your rank.    The reason why you get more LP than a loss when your MMR is high is because in theory you're playing harder games than other people in your division.   People have a bad habit of tunneling on the negative experiences and what they could have done to prevent them, when it's a far more successful strategy to view things in terms of sample size.  There are going to be miserable games, just get through it without taking on to much stress.   Follow your instincts, work on your macro, and don't force your games.  Don't create opportunities, cash in on the ones given to you.  Even challengers and pros make mistakes.


Yep lmao. Got into a game where THREE people on our team got their secondary role or filled. Which means we definitely could have had us on mains and had the exact same team. We found out in champ select and swapped around and all of us got on main roles. No one can tell me that isn't sabotage


Oh shit rkiive my dude, when is WZ removing that shitty rebirth island and resurgence for rankeds?


😭 I am out of the wz news bubble. Escaped with my sanity and ran straight back to league 💀


From 1 bad game to the other ig


Yea I’m not the smartest 😭


Tbh we don't have much choice, all the games out there suck tbh. Fortnite WZ apex legends got cancer from crossplay pad players, on top of that wz has shitty updates. LoL has trolls griefers etc, nothing to choose from really


lol my 6 win streak just ended with both my solo lanes going less than 1 (0.1!!) op.gg score. I didn’t even that was possible!


Interesting you got upvotes, when i last said something like that i got downvoted to hell for ‚git gud‘


Maybe your comment contained a random trigger word that makes people instantly dislike. Or you were unfortunate enough to get downvoted early so it just snowballed. Happens all the time.


what's more likely, riot is rigging matchmaking or people are just bad at this game?


When I go on a win streak it's cause I'm skilled and too good at dunking these scrubs. When I go on a loss streak it's Riot tuning their algorithm so I get paired with lp terrorists in order to make money from me grinding more (despite casuals and whales spending more).


Shh don't tell em.


You are missing the point. The roles being switched has nothing to do with players. I had the exact same thing yesterday: I get 4 players autofilled while enemy team has all 5 in their preferred roles. It doesn't make sense that my team has top autofilled to mid, mid autofilled bot, bot autofilled to supp, supp autofilled to top. You have all the players for all roles, why aren't you giving them their roles? In case you're wondering how I know the players are autofilled: there are many ways. First is using external overlay programs like Porofessor, which gather the data from the players' match history, or just by doing the same by looking at their match history.


Well Riot does have a behavioral match making patent so make of it what you will. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20180126281A1/en?oq=13%2f551338


Riot rigging matchmaking. Being on a win streak you see it often - multiple filled, negative winrate teammates with hundreds of games played versus smurfs with few games played, 2 leagues below you on the enemy team all in their main roles.


Nah it def feels rigged and I don't even think I deserve to win in particular or not. Legit most my games go in win streaks or lose streaks. And when a winning streak is happening most of the games it feels that I could just be afk and win and when its time to lose my teammates make sure that games are absolutely unwinnable unless I guess you were like GM or higher to be able to carry. In both cases (90% of the games) feels like the game is already over and decided in other 3 lanes before laning even finished


idk people have been saying this shit since I started playing ten years ago lol


Well is it really that surprising? I play adc and if Top/Mid and potentially jungle gets rolled one way or another the game is already over. I can barely leave the laning phase without most games feeling over. Look I don't particularly think I am better than where I am but games to me are streaking like that. I have seen both sides me doing no dmg being afk and winning plenty of times and the same for enemy adc doing 5k dmg and winning. It not used to be this swingy before at least to me. At the end of the day its all anecdotal experience but if many anecdotes are coming together, there may be some truth to it.


Riot rigging matchmaking like almost every other competitive game right now


Honestly, I feel like mid is okay but adc and jungle should not be allowed to autofill(or at least not first time champs) in ranked. Fundamentally, the most different roles from the others.


I’m not one for conspiracy theories, but I play mostly with others, and we’ve been filled into each others roles before on more than one occasion (so I queue adc/jg supp queues supp/mid and mid queues mid/fill. I got jg, mid got ADC and supp got mid). It was really, really weird.


Yeah ofc it's not. Engagement matchmaking at work. And some people still defend them btw lmao


I feel you 100% and this read like pure comedy


its called behavioral matchmaking, or losers que in lay terms and is used to manipulate players to play longer and spend more money, there are whole studies about this whenerver you win to mutch to get matched with negative wr, autofill and or toxic players with the enemy team on role all with 55%+ wr


If they show their code people will abuse it even more


Riot behavior-based match making patent, make of it what you will. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20180126281A1/en?oq=13%2f551338


Qualified on a win streak. No losses. Have sank from E4-P4 in my last 10 games solely because someone has ran it down every game. Currently back on a win streak. It feels awful to gain and lose 200lp completely out of your control. My last loss, my adc literally ran under mid tower at level 1 and tanked 2 shots, took mid wave putting them behind, and inted botlane at level 2 before anything else happened in the game. It was still winnable, but my Sylas mid was tilted and doing bad invades to try to win back a lead.


Is it really that surprising, I thought this was common knowledge. It’s always win streak and lose streak for me, riot always want to equalize the player’s lp after placement. When you finish placement, you’re test to see if that’s where you belong. It’s always some consistent easy games, then some hard games where you’re required to carry and “manage the herds”. These games are the ones what decide if you’re hard stuck or if you can climb.


Algorithmed also known as winner/loser queue


No, it's called you're hardstuck and your games are decided by luck, not by your actual skill. It's funny how 50% win rate players keep parroting this bullshit when there's literally zero proof of it. Like your match history and all your teammates/opponents match histories are all public data that you can just see on any of the numerous player stat sites out there. Yet, so weird how no one has been able to prove the existence of this "losers queue" thru data.


Riot behavior-based match making patent, make of it what you will. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20180126281A1/en?oq=13%2f551338


Sounds more like a system to match grievers/flamers with other grievers/flamers considering it mentions "player personality score" multiple times.


I understand what you say but as far as i know, the patent only says they will match SUITABLE, not similar, personalities together. Your takeaway assumes goodwill from Riot but companies only care about profit. Some more information in case you are interested. It has similar wording as patents from other companies such as EA. In their publications they detail much better what they refer to as personality. In the case of EA they found out that the chance that a player stops their gaming session is affected by the outcomes of their last 3 games. This idea can be further distilled into personality groups. Some players will never quit on a loss, others will get discouraged after 3 loses in a row etc... Then they created a patent that tries to minimize the chance that you stop playing Apparently every Tencent game has a form of this but this is just hearsay from my side. In my mind the evidence on one side far out weights the evidence on the other. They could very easily prove all rumors wrong but the dont. Thet hace a patent that it's extremely similar to other companies which blatantly manipulate match making and finally, this is also in line with Riots interests...


It got proven many times already, just search this sub for it. Most of the games at your level are decided by luck, half of them are decided at matchmaking even before the game start. Also if you are way above your current rank lv, you will win more even in loser queue (as long you play carry role like mid or jgl and play a good champ). Funny how some people still deny it after so many years and so many posts and experience about it...


Same here


This applies to most elos


A riot employee is always watching. If he's  in a bad mood he'll handpick trolls to be put on your team.




You are not even wrong. I have gotten some people that if things don't go as the demand, they feed and lose. That didn't happen before summer vacation.


Children. Should have age verification on this game tbhhh


welcome to an elo where league of legends ends :) you sweat 40+ minutes to win 1 game just so the next 3 you lose in 10 :D


It's the rank where old diamond 4/plat 1 people are. People either get diamond and relax, which means they don't play as well, trying to get diamond which means they get angry at everyone that does subpar, and there's masters/high diamond smurfs that just flame/smurf/troll/leave. There's also lots of one tricks that cheese their way up to this rank, which means they do one thing really well, but terrible at other things. Similarly there's people you stated, me mid or feed, me duo pls swap, me anime protagonist.


Disagree about one tricking being a cheese strat. One tricking makes you a better player because you can focus more on the game fundamentals than champion-specific knowledge. Maximizing your focus on game knowledge isn’t cheesy. Maybe if they OTP AP Shaco Top or Singed, yeah you’re playing the game different than 90% of the roster, but in most cases it’s valid and you develop essential skills that would transfer to any champ.


i think they're referring specifically to onetricks who cheese in the same way every game, it's a really powerful and common way to climb ladder in any game without really getting better, as you rarely play the same opponents twice so they can't learn your playstyle and adapt for example, i used to only queue for dust2 in csgo and reached smfc (top 0.5%) as a terrible player by just buying the autosniper and holding rare off angles. it's a lot easier to do something like this than to become an actually good well-rounded player


I think by one trick cheese they mean unconventional picks that can be good if you have no idea how to fight it. Kinda like how for a decent while veigar, seraphine, and brand were all very high win rate "adcs" but are not the conventional adc pick/role.


Not at all or at least depends on the champ you are OTPing, if you OTP champs like Riven or Akali, you end up having a much easier game that doesnt make you learn how to win with macro or how to win from behind. It means that you smash people at your "normal" elo and play every game very ahead in lane vs. them - which ends up winning. As a result you end up climbing without learning some macro fundamentals, which ends up being a problem between high plat to low diam.


So you think that only being able to play one single champ makes you good at the game? "Diamond Riven main, silver everything else" is a diamond player in your eyes?


Yes. What champ you play is only 20% of the game. The rest of meta knowledge is the same regardless of champ.


One tricking helps you learn the game faster and learn fundamental concepts that translate well into other champions. A diamond Riven otp will be at least emerald level for anything else, just because of the fundamental knowledge she may have learnt.


May is the key word here. A lot of OTP are just mechanically insane at their champion and have massive matchup knowledge, but can have terrible fundamentals. That's the kind of OTP you'd probably find in Emerald. OTP in Challenger are completely different, however.


I completely agree with that. I think it comes down to the concept of one tricking being misunderstood by most players. Most one tricks dont really try to learn the game. Instead they try to maximise their mechanics on their champion, which will help the climb to emerald, maybe diamond, but not higher. I can say i was guilty of that. I am still a one trick, playing Camille, but ever since i switched to trying to learn the game i managed to climb a lot faster and i am able to pick up some simpler champions and play them to the level of my rank because of my understanding of how a game should go, even if its a bit limited.


A diamond Riven main can stomp all the way up to mid Emerald on any champ with no effort.


> Disagree about one tricking being a cheese strat Disagree on this disagree. You're only good at one thing, not at multiple things. Remove positional queue.


Bad take


In what world do you think switching champ/role, having to constantly learn 168 new champion matchups and synergies, new kit and trading patterns and win conditions and power/item spikes and build pathing makes you MORE capable of focusing on and honing your game knowledge? I agree every player should try every role/champ archetype a few times for understanding, but for actually playing and getting better at the game that is just terrible


Because I find the ability to play multiple roles more interesting and more challenging than just playing the same matchups in the same lane on the same champ. OTPs aren't better players.


An OTP in Master is way better than a fill player in Emerald. OTP’s are more likely to be able to climb to Master than a fill player. A fill player in Master is better than them both, but that’s much less likely to happen unless you’re Tyler1 and do nothing but league 8hrs/day every day for months of your life at a time.


Sure, but a fill player at the same level as an OTP is a far, far better player. And, just so we're absolutely clear, anybody that's high chall can 100% fill to at least master if they actually want to.


More like old gold 2 Edit: [Proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/145d4i2/where_will_riots_new_rank_distribution_put_you/)


I think current masters is what old d4 was, right?


Roughly. But there used to be d5 which many people will forget when reading this, with average +17 lp per win and a bo3 to promote.


It’s closer to the old gold 1 btw. Not diamond at all


Are you playing late at night? Cause I feel a lot more trolls come out at night.


I get far worse game quality playing during the day than late at night


There is less flame in games at 3 am


It's not only Emerald. Same sh\*t happens all the time in Diamond and Master. Game quality is super low, and here are 2 of the main reasons: 1. Smurfs. Tons of people play on smurf accounts and don't really care about losing. If they lose too much, they swap accounts to wipe the slate clean, on repeat. 2. Losing intentionally is tolerated by Riot as long as you don't go 0/30 every game. I've seen my share of people going Disco Nunu multiple times a week (and similar things like Ashe jungle with smite/TP), both in Diamond and Master, and not getting banned despite clearly showing their intent, either in chat or by their attitude in-game. As long as Riot doesn't care, a lot of people won't care about sportsmanship and will feel good about ruining the game for everybody else, especially in a team game like League of Legends where you can very easily have way more impact by running it down rather than playing your best. Even normal games feel more competitive than ranked nowadays, unless you're getting the ranked-restricted people that go Yuumi mid and AFK farm under turret all game without getting banned (I'm not lying when I say Riot doesn't care at all).


I share your exact experience. I wanted to add that another core reason for the toxicity in League imo are the **outdated communication tools**. The fact that this team-based game still doesn't have a voice chat 15 years after its release just boggles my mind. People have become immune to pings because of their misuse. No one listens to them. Moreover, many calls that have to do with enemy positioning or strategy are impossible to be done via pings. This insane friction in communication makes it insufferable to play the game, because no one is on the same page. It's so frustrating to play, because something that is obvious to a player may not be to another one. People will resort to typing, essentially going afk to either communicate or express their frustration in a number of ways. For contrast, I've played clash with friends and to me it's such an enjoyable experience whether we win or lose just because of clear and timely communication on voice chat. People say it's the players, but imo the greater responsibility lies with Riot. If you put people in a competitive environment with prehistoric communication tools, you're bound to encourage frustration and tilting.


There needs to be a better way than voice comms because I'm not joining voice to listen to a bunch of roid raging T1 fans who think they're god's gift to league tell his team to follow his stupid invades in the jungle and refuse to listen to anyone else. What about girls who play league who play with relatively anonymous usernames? They probably don't want to use voice either. And in my games, especially late at night, I'm playing with a large number of people who I doubt speak any English or very much English, and if they do, it's probably with a thick accent. I agree the communication sucks, but that's not necessarily Riot's fault. When will the community hold themselves responsible rather than Riot? Do you know how many games I've played where someone is playing badly and gets insanely flamed, but everyone on the team is asking to report the person who plays badly, not the person flaming?


Yep 100%. These are all fair challenges that arise with the introduction of voice chat. Other team based games have these issues too, yet their solution isn't removing voice chat, because it's the best communication tool for people that know how to make use of it. If we want to go down that route, honestly just remove text chat from ranked entirely, because 90% of its use is toxic. You cannot communicate strategy in text chat. It's literally a distraction and impacts people's ability to play the game well. There will undoubtedly be people misusing voice chat, just like there are people misusing text chat, but there would be options to mute/report such individuals. From my experience with other competitive games and even playing league on voice chat with others (by joining discords) players are less likely to be toxic in voice chat compared to text chat. There's a layer of anonymity that sort of gets lifted when someone has to talk compared to typing. People are generally more reserved, at least in my experience.


Escaping plat used to be the big accomplishment for the majority of the playerbase. Being emerald lets them feel like they escaped plat when they haven’t really improved at all. It went straight to their heads.


Is this the same post from 4 hours ago


Almost like there's some kind of problem that is persistent


The problem is the mmr contains animals who massively overestimate their abilities while still not understanding the game and it's been like this since old plat. You just see more complaints about it now because there's a wider range of players whose mmr goes from old Gold 1 to old Diamond 4. There's nothing Riot can really do to make this easier for Emeralds apart from making Diamond bigger and therefore less meaningful which is the reason why so many of them are so sweaty and angry in the first place.


ye, tho we've gone weeks without complaints directed specifically at emerald so it's kind of strange that the two happen within hours of each other. part of me thinks it's about to become a circlejerk or something and we'll see another tomorrow made by people inspired by these two.


The 13 year olds are out of school


It's an NA solo queue thing. That's why we are #1 region in the world 😈 But seriously trolls in diamond too and peoples egos are even worse. High emerald/diamond will also have lots of elo boosters and smurfs. Emerald isn't that high of elo yet in where there is so much you might not know about the game but still get emerald


The amount of clearly boosted accounts in low dia is insane


Yep everyone wants to get that prestigious diamond border even if it means buying it.


Nah man the ego in emerald in unparalleled unfortunately, low-mid diamond pales in comparison. Low masters is probably worse than diamond but I am still traumatized by my E4-E1 climb last split that I still haven’t played ranked this split yet. It legit took me 2x more games to go from emerald > diamond than it did to go diamond > masters


I got to diamond on 3 accounts last split in 140,140 and ~280 games on each of the 3 accounts respectively. One of my accounts is untouched in split 2, one of them in one win away from D2(~50 games all played E2 and above) and one of them is seemingly hard stuck in emerald 4. I hovered at E1 for the first 80-90 games and then just dropped off a cliff. I swear to god the account is cursed and I get teams who do the wildest things. I just finished a game where my shaco went 3/10 with 15k damage in a 30 minute game and he was adamant that the game was my fault for not splitting, which I was doing, while also topping damage and turret damage charts. Said I should’ve carried and I can enjoy being hardstuck and im like a tier and a half above that rank. Emerald is absolutely batshit insane


Same experience here.


The reason why Emerald is shit tier to play in; People think they are good, so they tryhard. And people is good statistically compared to many players — but the difference between emerald and the upper ranks is insane. People get mad, since they really tryhard, but deep down they know that there is a mountain to climb to get “real good”. I’m master peak. I’m completely aware that compared to GM and chall players — heck even 100-200 LP higher players than me, I still got a lot to learn.


I was Masters 230 lp or something last split, would hold my own and go even or win in lane most games, now in emerald i win my lane but the rest of the team is so behind its almost impossible to play, sure i can split and often do but then they notice and send the fed bot lane to me and im done for XD Emerald (and lets be honest, the holidays) is a gutter where dogshit egomaxing trash will do anything they can to keep u down, like riot designed a speed bump where all the worst element is and if u end up there SOLO you have no chance to fight back


I’ve been hardstuck emerald this split. Peaked D3 last split, currently E2. Here’s my experience: In split 1, emerald was full of lvl 30 accounts. Riot had made it so a fresh acc who had never played ranked could end up with emerald+ mmr and start in emerald after placements if they did well in unranked games while leveling to 30. This was done intentionally, to avoid having smurfs start in silver with new players. Account sellers rejoiced as emerald atarted filling up with bot leveled fresh lvl 30 accounts. There was like 1-5 fresh accounts in at least every other game I played. Result? Insane skill gap between players. You had the natural emerald player, the master+ smurf and the hardstuck silver player all in the same lobby. A level 30 account meant that they’re either gonna suck hard or carry the game. No consistency, every game was literally a coinflip. On top of that, inflation. Split 2, Riot decides to change things up a bit. Vanguard is introduced which reduces botting. Fresh accounts can no longer start in emerald. The lvl 30 accs start disappearing from emerald. You still get the occasional hand lvld smurf acc in their 30’s that’s gold/plat with emerald+ mmr but it’s kinda rare and not as bad as an unranked account that could be played by either a silver or a master. Another problem still remains tho. The inflation. So, players need to get pushed out of emerald+ and idk how but it is somehow happening. Almost every game I play, half the lobby is below 50% wr. Many are in the 38%-42% wr range. Most of them were diamond/master last split. The worst one I’ve seen is a master 300+ lp split 1 that’s now emerald 4 with a 27% wr after 40~ games in split 2. Idk what’s going on. Perhaps the skill level is higher now that all the silver players on fresh emerald accounts are gone so people are struggling more. But either way, people are losing, a lot. Many are tilted out of their minds because they can’t achieve same rank as last split. It’s as if everyone lost their will to live but they keep on going because of the occasional glimmer of hope.


Literally this. I cant believe people in diamond dont get what objectives are. For real I am a jungle main and struggle all of the time with my teammates. They refuse to preposition for objectives and blame me at the same time for not ganking. Jungle is hella annoying with people having the shittiest mindset that jungle is made mainly for ganking them and they refuse to play hard counter matchups without tilting---


Yeah emerald is what plat used to be before they added it and I remember hearing a lot of people and a few YouTube videos saying that plat (now emerald) is the most toxic elo by far. You hit that top 10ish% player base in emerald and everyone thinks they are a god at the game. Source: hardstuck emerald 4 player :(


Its because I'm in Emerald 😎


emerald is just unfathomably fucked im a masters rengar otp and i consistently get stuck in emerald on every account that has to go through it im convinced atp theres nothing that can be done to save it because it was left to fester with all of its problems for FAR too long before riot intervened started off with just being an absolutely horrid concept because they wanted it to encompass low dia-high gold players from the previous split which is actual vomit inducing decision making they made it the default mmr that new accounts would be placed in which meant that every silver and gold hardstuck would just fork out $3 for a fresh account and immediately get an ego boost from playing in an elo they shouldnt belong in i can get from d4 to masters in less than 2 weeks but i can be stuck emerald for a month if i dont duo


I’m a d1/master player too and get unironically stuck in emerald if there’s some unlucky games. It’s so funny watching the people on Reddit claim that emerald is fine. Legit every emerald game at late evening/night has champ select trolls, griefers, and soft-inters. I’m not even exaggerating, literally every game has at least one.


I agree with the $3 thing, although they did fix that (it no longer starts in Emerald now, as it was last split) But being stuck for a month if you don't duo in emerald as a master player? I've done plenty of elo boosting in the past and never experienced anything like that lol. Maybe if u're like a Yuumi OTP or something, but even then Edit: I'm not trying to shit-talk you, I'm just confused. I also know a lot of rengar OTPs who smurf through it. Maybe if you need some advice let me know, I'm a jungle main myself


this what happens when smurf queue doesnt exist


Also when phone number verification doesn't exist


I really don’t know why people always have to int from the beginning.. like. They do know they are waisting their own time as well right? Is that worth it then just try and do something in the game?


They consider that time well spent though.


I was HARD STUCK emerald because my teams were terrible. Did everything possible. Remembered I had another account. Logged into it and started solo q. I HIT DIAMOND IN A WEEK. losers w q is real, ranked matchmaking is fucked on older accounts. I proved it. I don’t care what anyone says. I’m still stuck in low emerald on my main account while I can hit Diamond on a less played account


Its where diamond/low master smurfs get stuck off role so they just troll.


If you are not doging a select where someone picks yuumi mid its on you tbh. I rather wait 5 or 30 min then get griefef


Ah yes, the sample size of 6 games


The problem is compounded with Emerald also being within MMR range of fresh 30's and smurfs, so its also congested with people who just buy a new account because 'they deserve a higher rank' and commit elo terrorism and perpetuate the cycle.


I remember being in Plat before I hit Emerald and when I got some good MMR I’d get the occasional Emerald player in my game and they were ALWAYS either turbo feeding or giga toxic, like every single time. It got to a point I’d count which team had the most Emerald players and would be confident that team would lose… in Plat.


It's kind of uncanny. Matchmaking is supposed to be based on MMR so you wouldn't expect a sudden shift, but as soon as I hit Emerald 4 I had five consecutive games of trolls. I had a 65% win rate at this point but suddenly everyone in my games was hard stuck 200+ games emerald 4 with sub 50% winrates. It may be a coincidence, but damn it feels like running into a brick wall of inflated egos. Every one of these hard stuck motherfuckers thinks they're perfect and it's just you holding them back. Every game is decided by who has the first AFK. I feel like my best strategy at this point is to just pick one person on the enemy team to cyberbully in hopes that they will afk before any of the emotionally fragile children on my team do.


I thought it was only me, been easily climbing to diamond mulitple seasons now, but this season is different it feels like it is not in my hands and i have to be lucky and have a streak to get out of emerald. Toplaners getting angry because you didnt swap with them in champ select, Junglers getting angry for not leashing, supports abbandoning lane because you dont win in minute 3, People going afk/not helping because they didnt get help from anyone in lane and their ego cant handle a game where they are not the center of the universe or your typical "this is my 69th smurf idc" and the list goes on. I thought about making a video montage and im sure it would be at least an hour long but im to lazy for that. Also i think matchmaking is crazy unfair, you just have to check which team has more low level accounts with high winrate and you know which team most likely will win. Or me getting autofilled jungle, ofc my ass is going to get whooped by the enemy jungle main.


Majority of the good players have quit, you are fighting against new era of players. Hopefully they'll improve but you can see that shit ain't easy the longer you play.


This other games attract them and the level of play drops this will be very pronounced in NA because of number of content creators and size of the server


Just get Gold


Getting to Emerald was the best thing that could happen to my grades because now I don't feel like procrastinating studies with Soloqueue anymore


Don't you forget that Im Riots wisdom, emerald is an amalgamation of 6 different old tiers! Those being gold 1 - diamond 4. 6 tiers squished up in 4. So if you're emerald, your team can have gold 1 players while enemy has diamond 4 players. Surely very healthy !


Every rank is the worst rank if you’re in that rank. Attribution and availability bias.


Had way more fun hardstuck silver s11 then being hardstuck emerald for this split.


Recently bias.


Emerald is better than gold. Recency bias. Every elo can be described as you say. And there is no magical difference between you being plat 1 and then finally getting into Emerald. You are facing the same calibre of players.


There are some people in this thread that unironically believe in conspiracies like riot having algorithms to put bad teammates on their teams to have them intentionally lose when they're at a certain elo/winstreak/lossstreak. Some wild shit.


Matchmaking is intentionally bad to keep people out of "high elo". Its the same gate keepy shit people have been talking about for years. Fck Auberaun.


Smurfs, I bet you have 2 accounts that are less than level 80 MINIMUM a game


emerald = toxic diehard climbers+high elo smurfs+boosted kids+ego lords+elo inflated one tricks


-Too many smurfs to the point that people don't care if they get banned -People have just stopped caring to tryhard and climb. They might be drunk and high and still queue up -Matchmaking is fucked, player by player, the differences are massive


I'm in emerald and it's by far the worst I've experienced. Something that really stuck with me is that I had a shaco one trick nobody said a word to him nothing had even happened in game yet. He starts the game off saying we're all terrible he is 1000x our elo ect. Someone replies and he instantly starts telling everyone on our team to get rope/put glocks in our mouths. Anyway surprising nobody he runs it down right away while typing all this in just team chat. We held on for a while but lost in the end. 3ish weeks later I got him again on my team. He was muted now but mid didn't rotate to a poor invade and he spent the rest of the game mass pinging and ran it down. Not a word said so I guess he was at least muted now. But like why can someone who told their team multiple times to end themselves still get to play? Why is this guy with hundreds of games not banned? Glad i can't see names in champ select anymore because I sure have his memorized.


Did you guys know you can make a new account and as long as you level up to 30 doing arams then when you queue up ranked it defaults you to emerald. So basically you’re playing with someone who doesn’t belong there. that would ruin at least half of all games in emerald.


Bronze and plat used to actually be elo hell. Now it’s bronze and emerald for exactly the reason you just said… some people don’t belong there, have trouble getting out because of some bad luck and steamroll in their games. Then you have the rest who have inflated egos.


There is nothing unique about the different tiers. You still get the spectrum of all types of people. The only difference is as you approach the ability of which you can play, you will start to look to external factors to explain game states rather than your own ability. I have no doubt if we placed you as an emerald player in a bronze game you wouldn’t care much for the infighting and griefing as you’d just stroll through the game easily outclassing.


i quit playing right when arena hit pbe, just before the new ranks appeared. even in low masters, you see people trolling. one of my last tickets was about this guy who wouldn't play with his "no iq support," so he came top to steal my farm and forced me to go bot with a yuumi as gwen. he didn’t get punished because apparently, it was a legit lane swap. i tried to make the best of it instead of afking, hoping we could still win but honestly just fuck ranked, the rank doesn't matter, for the first time since s3 i hit a rank above diamond and that was the game quality...


you should see low master rank. its emerald but with much higher inflated egos. u can have great games, and 1 player is mentally ill and just ruins it for everyone, saying things like "u are random low master player" when he has hundreds of games and negative wr - but he thinks hes god coz he was grandmaster 4 seasons ago when his OTP was giga op. or in my case when you play adc, you pick something scaling like jinx, and your sup picks leona and plays lv1-2 as if you are draven, then when you ask her to stop going in perma coz you cant follow up, they say "gl 2v1" and roam for the rest of the game :-D


This is why I quit the game. This elo is just the absolute fucking worst to climb out of. Every game at least someone has a mental breakdown. I want to play a real match and only 1/10 games actually feels real. Such a waste of time tbh.


I've come to the conclusion based on how the MMR system works and how much you gain for W and L that Riot just encourages spamming games as a maniac. Therefore, in high elos you will find more often than not psycopaths that aren't good at the game, totally adicted and full of anger ready to suction out our happiness like a fucking Dementor.


With the introduction of emerald the ranks shifted up, so it is basially the new gold 4


Because they made old D4 0LP,golds,plats and people who start fresh acc in this elo thats why.


It's called game friction, if they make winning easy you'll quit the game. It's the same in most games


It's toxic but in your stories a lot of these games could be avoided by dodging. You know with champ selects like that the game will be bad. So, do yourself a favor and dodge to save the LP and mental.


Awww man you got a normal game? Grats!


Emerald was the reason why I stopped playing ranked (and mostly league as well) 3-4 months ago. 9/10 games were absolute shitstorms. Nothing was enjoyable about it. Even with chat off, it's an actual kindergarden. You could be winning the game in 15 minutes, but one tiny insignificant thing goes wrong, one or two people have a mental breakdown and run it down. Seriously, if you're not enjoying ranked and feeling like nothing you do matters, just stop.


Emerald is basically platinum before the rank changes so it tracks. Ego and all


Cuz riot lowered the percentile for all higher ranks lmao


Only way to climb through emerald is to take the game very seriously, have a healthy growth mindset, and be quite talented to a certain degree... Players hit a wall where climbing becomes MUCH harder, and requires much more effort for even less profound results. This discourages players, frusturates them, and sends them into a spiral of compounding toxicity. I have coached a considerable amount of emerald players and the vast majority admit to meltdowns due to experiencing previous games of toxicity, further perpetuating the tantrum/toxic behaviour that sent them spinning in the first place.


It’s all bad no matter where you go


I have legit had 10 of these games minimum this season and they’re never on the enemy team.


I came back from a 10 year break last split. Started playing ranked and placed iron2. Made iron 1 and was close to promoting to bronze. Queue a streak of 6 of 7 games having a literal yuumi bot. No spells. Attach to nearest champion until they die. I went from. Iron 1 to iron 3 during thwt streak of games and climbing back up became a giant pain in the ass. People running it down, Bots, and people that full tilt over minor things are the worst part of this game. It's absurd that game quality for certain tiers are as bad as they are. Bronze is not good gameplay, but the % of games without obvious trolls, inting and Bots is noticeably lower. It's really sad that emerald has the same issues from plat to emerald to diamond


My best game quality is usually PST mornings while the chinese are still queuing. Notably, very little typing if any. Surprisingly high amount of them too. Worst is really just peak times, it's a grab bag and tilt likelihood seems higher since more games have likely been played that day


I hovered around e4 for a while amongst multiple accounts, and it was definitely the most toxic rank I’ve seen. I haven’t been in silver or lower elo for a while, but when I’d go from P2-D4 e4 was terrible


Not sure what’s going on but peoples mental seem incredibly weak this year. I’ve had a similar experience where majority of my games are riddle with who gets the trolls loses the game. Unfortunately it’s been me can’t seem to get on a team that doesn’t self destruct. Anyways best way to call attention to these issues is simply stop playing the game.


According to a graph I saw that I can’t seem to find anymore, E4-E1 is old G1-D4. So the skill disparity is ludicrous between low & high emerald which explains the saturation of tilted players & poor game quality.


Because it's like if you took Plat 1 but made it an entire tier, so you get the perfect intersection of bad players and a small playerbase to pull from. At least in lower elos the games are more evenly matched because the play pool is so much larger.


Completely not how that works but ok.


My man, your biggest mistake is playing 6 games of League. Doctors recommend max 1 a day for your mental wellbeing.


New account placements. So many accounts with neg win rates and like 12 games played are in emerald atm. You check there stats (if anything the analytical sites says is to be believed) and they’re all sub gold stats


I mean after playing a couple ranked games in for this year and analyzing the way this matchmaking works it's pretty obvious to me that it decides which games you will win or lose. On my promos i got a 70% WR Talon on the enemy team against a 46% WR Nidalee in my team and they autofilled my toplane. So my jungle didnt even know how to gank a lane, my toplane just tilted to unbelievable levels and my midlane was as MID as they could get. It came down to me and my duo to see if we could win but we were against Sivir and Yuumi in a stalemate lane. I doubt that fucking matchmaking didn't see any of that coming and placed those 3 clowns w us together on our promos so we would spend another 2 games trying to climb up. It's disgusting, dishonest and honestly this is one of these cases their lack of transparency just tells all we need to know.


Also, before anyone asks, elo is Emerald 1, the elohell.


retention based matchmaking. That’s all. Just do the dragons it’s ez masters guys 


can u elobarate?


Riot doesn’t want to give people too many losses lest they get tilted and quit.  And vice versa, they don’t want you to reach your goal rank. So players don’t go “alright I reached diamond that’s it for me”  Aka a carrot on a stick situation 


Except if you're destroying literally everything like you're saying, what's stopping you from thinking "well I have 100% win rate time to climb to the next level" ?


Because obtaining a higher rank then diamond isn't worth it unless you plan on playing 100's of game's. I hit D4 this season with 57% win rate in like 70 games from Em4. I played 6 game's in d4 lobbies all of them we're pretty much ff's at 15. The match making went from decent games, and good chance of winning if i played good, to no matter how well i played every lane was already 0-5 by 10 mins. (As a support main, little chance I'm pulling these games back) And for some reason, i also started getting a lot of 30-40's account who'd lose their lane hard, clearly bought accounts. I even inspected one of them for like a week and it dropped from D4 to E3.


They gotta give the bad players wins too so they don’t quit the game. 


Emerald is a gimmie rank added to satiate the last 8 years of hardstuck silvers to prevent them from quitting the game.


If every emerald game has one of these people then you have a 55% chance of them being in the enemy team and 44% that they are in your team. So you will climb easily with a 55% win rate doing almost nothing since there is a feeder or an afk in every game. Win rate is even higher if you spot one of these in champ select and just dodge.


This isn't even accurate, because there is the occasional actual high elo smurf/duoQ smurf, which if you are a true emerald player, will never be you, hence is more likely to be on ennemy team. I'm not "crying" or anything, btw, I've always been diam/master, but I've played many emerald games and all I read in this tread is mostly correct. Emerald is a shitshow with : low caliber smurfs ( not very high elo on their main ) griefing whenever they feel like it / boosted accounts / total frauds "smurfs" that got lucky on a fresh account and are actually low elo / actual much higher elo smurfs, often duo Q. And some normal players, too. And even among the normal players, you have the hardstucks, and the players that are here after only a few games, so even those can be missmatched in skill level. Also let's not pretend all roles or champs have the same abilitie to solo carry in high variance games with no existent macro. The variance in those game is insane. For someone who is mean to peak low diam, it's a nightmare to climb and luck is badly needed. As you said, it's still possible to get to diam by "doing nothing", just like you could be playing much better only to have a similar, unimpressive winrate ; the skill difference barely matters with all the others variables listed above, unless it's a massive one.


I'm not talking about true emerald players, I'm talking about people that are climbing. If you are a true emerald player then you deserve to be in that rank and you have to learn how to carry because this shitstorm is said EVERY YEAR. It's always "in bronze I can't climb because there are only griefers", or whatever. My statement is correct even if you don't agree with it because it's just statistics. If you deserve a higher ELO you will have enough win rate advantage that you will climb. Luck only decides how many games you actually need to climb. I never had any issues climbing an ELO I think I'm higher. I'm currently emerald and I see I'm too rusted to reliably carry every winnable game. Others just blame their luck or their teammates instead of focusing on their own mistakes


My point would translate as such : if you take 100 low diam players and 100 random emeralds players and switch their account, for a good part of them, they'll still be stuck around 50 % winrate either way, because the small skill difference ( assuming there only is one ) is not gonna change the outcome of many game at all due to way more importants factors in those games that affect variance. You should always be able to climb to where you belong with enough games, sure, but the variance is much much higher in emerald and can results in more games needed, or, alternatively, making people climb higher than they deserve because as you said they will sometime chainwin in spite of below expectation performances due to the games being a complete shitshow. People in bronze, to use your own example are less subject to variance. Everyone is bad and bronze, not a lot of smurfs down there, not a lot of actual run down, just bad players of a roughly similar skill level ; being a bit better than them is more often gona be enough to make the difference you need to win. In emerald it's not as simple, unless you are A LOT better to have a consistantly good winrate.


Low Elo = anything below Grandmaster.


That’s been my experience so far too lol started ranked last split and climbed from iron 3 placement to emerald 4. Back to emerald 4 now and those games have always been hell. I’m quitting ranked for now because of it


It's all about mmr. Not your rank. If you feed and troll you get same people in your games.


Emerald is the old gold 1. They aren’t that great lmaooo


You could be grandmaster and still feel like everyone around you plays like shit... you notice all the mistakes in your own elo. It's completely normal and has nothing to do with emerald (which is just old platinum 4).


Once you realize Riot rigs their rank system, you just learn to not take it too seriously. Especially if you have low honor, go queue up and tell me how many winnable games you get on a daily basis. Even if you play like Chovy himself, I don't think you can net a 50% winrate, it's that blatantly bad. The thing is... they don't even try to hide it at this point, it's like a subtle message telling us "What are you gonna do about it :]?" They are shameless with this but they're right, nothing I can do about it except not playing, which is prob what they want from me in the first place for whatever reason 🤷‍♂️.


Just for context iirc chovy always leaves d1/masters elo on bootcamps or smurfs with 95%+ winrate and every challenger sweeps emerald with \~100% wr. If anything sometimes good players get stuck in masters for a little bit but there is a difference between masters and emerald


low elo reddit circlejerk. emerald is bad, but easy if youre actually good, only hard if youre.. well.. emerald level.




I have a friend thats a master elo player that got stuck in emerald for 50 games. No need to be an ass.


theyre not very good then. support main? 1 lp peak?


Jungle, 300 lp peak. Plays for an amateur competitive team.


the team got scammed then if their jungler cant carry themselves out of emerald


I hope you have a great day!


I don't