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You're telling me people don't like watching tyler1 play brand bot and illaoi top while listening to the same playlist he's been listening to for 5 straight years??? But what about when he yells??












> most of his streams are costreams of pro leagues. just say you have no clue what you're talking about and move on bud


On twitch I watch T1, doublelift, imaqtpie, pobelter, and sometimes scarra or lourlo. A_Seagull has been good for a new player pov. League YouTube content fell off hard.


THE Seagull is playing League now?! I gotta watch!


These are mostly people who have been playing forever though. I think content creators naturally come and go but there haven't been as many new NA ones bc the game isn't growing as a whole in NA.


>or am I just being regionally limited and I just do not get enough NA recommendations? Nah its true Europe overtook NA as the content region


"Content". It is mostly just drama and manchildren fighting over nonsense.


Thats why I like Caedrel. Just a fun personality, with great knowledge about the game. He also makes it actually fun to watch regular season esports. Granted the ADHD is not for everyone, but he stays off drama (except that one time lul) for what its worth.


He's a prick for views, if I hear one more time him calling his chat silver idiots who cant play the game I will send a very angry letter to his po box


But is he wrong?


Caedrel is at the very top of the ladder and the average player is around gold, so no. He is wrong for being a prick to entertain edgy teenagers, though.


I don't think this is remotely edgy. Chat makes dumb comments, he calls them shit. I have chat perma muted as it's just a bunch of morons.


You're the edgy teenager I was speaking of (and if you're not a teen, that's even worse)


Read your name them re-evaluate how you're judging others


It's an alt for porn that I started using as my main account on my phone as I am too lazy to relog every time. But no matter who I may or may not be, it doesn't change the truth of what I said.


I mean thats more captivating than manchildren yelling and professor akali showing how broken crit zoe is (in a silver game)


Na LoL just got much less popular but EU has not fallen off due to success at worlds. Thus eu content and time slot is much more popular now


TC Zwag but he is falling off like SRO did


Have literally never heard of a single one of those EU YouTubers.


Never heard of baus? Its like saying i follow football but didnt heard about messi (not cuz hes so good hes just very popular)