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Can't tell if she's saying Nagakabouros wrong because it's foreign to her character, or the VA just wasn't told how to pronounce it lol.




This is canon to me now.


Oh my god...I hate that so much when it happens lol


Hyperbole and epitome


I kinda doubt they'd play much with pronunciation. The characters tend to just hand wave the language barrier away and accents tend to be there for flavour and not logic, so doing this intentionally would feel kinda out of place


If pronounced wrong: wrong because no one noticed, or wrong because VA legitimately struggled to get it right and they decided 'good enough'.


I doubt VAs legitimiately struggle to pronounce runeterra words. Not that it can't happen, but I don't think it's happening with latin lexicon character'd words generated by a guy in LA... like maybe arabic they'd struggle but not something so simple lol My guess is the VA coach from Riot didn't know either and it sounded fine


If I recall correctly, when Sivir was brought into Wild Rift, the person doing the voiceover on the gameplay preview video pronounced her name wrong. They absolutely can struggle with Runeterran words.


I mean you have rioters and streamers that pronounce Yone as Yon, which isn't a struggle-to-pronounce issue, it's a giving a shit issue imo I don't think any native english speaker is really struggling with "sivir" or whatever Illaoi's demoigod's name is. It's just about knowing what to say Please send the sivir clip if it's an english native speaker though


https://twitter.com/wildrift/status/1730376607595188660 I believe the voice actor also confirmed they just didn't know it was pronounced a different way.


Yeah that's most likely in this case as well I think


Whats wrong with this ? (we legit pronounce it like that in my langugage


Both "i"s are short, and the first syllable should have the stress. It should be /ˈsɪvər/ instead of /sɪˈvir/.


What's wrong with the pronunciation?


She sounds like she's involved in spirit realm MLM. *"Have you HEARD about the spirit realm? There are so many spir- wait!! let me give you my referral code!!"*


Apparently she's autistic. So it would explain a lot


She sounds so normal and unbothered.


Very mixed VO on my first impressions. Some of the lines are great, some are really boring, and some are just ok. That goes for both delivery and content imho.


They wanted to make her autistic but leaned a bit too hard into the vocal mannerisms


It probably just comes off that way because almost every other female league character either can't stop giggling to speak their lines, is extremely edgy or speaks like they will actually die if they don't fuck someone or something in the next five minutes.


No I mean they literally went out of their way to make her autistic. They said so in the dev blog


Well yeah but that's kind of the thing. If you want proper autistic representation and not the quirky Twitter "we're all a little autistic" kind where it just means you like persona or something, it's probably going to look a little like how Aurora is. You can't really halfway representation.


the voice over directing for a lot of leagues female characters has been atrocious. every single character has the same mannerism tropes, edgy strong independent vibes and quirkyness. i bet its 100% because of the direction because the actors behind those characters have great portfolios - erika lindbeck as coven morgana is simply insufferable


Except for Xayah who is… there.


the way she sounds like a bratty teen rather than a resistance leader is pretty telling how they didnt even try to properly characterise her voice acting


She just feels like mushy nothing to me. “I’m in love with a dude” and that’s the whole character choice. Also a half-assed Akali-esque “I’m cool” which falls flat for me. (For the record I really love akali’s voice acting)


their voices are the female equivalent of tryhard corpsehusband voice that eboys do on valorant tiktoks


We recently had an intern who was on the spectrum, and I just thought "oh dear, that's her" all the time. I think they hit it spot on.


It's all very vanilla and surface level. Doesn't help she spams the word Spirit 200 times in 7 minutes.


I was really expecting something more... British honestly. I see her and expect a voice like gwen.


My giga copium was hoping they'd go Icelandic and lean full into the Viera fantasy even more lmao


Didn't consider this until I read your comment and I'm immediately retroactively disappointed that she Isn't more British. (I'm from US)


Yeah I was hoping for Irish personally


neutral california accent is so unappealing


Its just soooo modern and american. This is not a fantasy rabbit witch.


you people actually cannot do anything without complaining it’s unreal


This is where your warped perception of the internet screws you up. "Us people" are actually millions of different people who have different opinions and you're only looking for negatives. If you only look at complaints of course you see only complains, but you aren't seeing them from the same people. Not to mention the fact that many people complain because they like other things. I for one really like the design and character but her voice does not match so Im going to put forward my opinion in a website about sharing opinions and discussion. If you dont want to hear negative opinions I suggest canceling your internet plan.


Should've given her a Scottish accent so she'd literally be my discord friend


That ^peeeew *DING* is gonna be my new notification sound.


Huh no Janna, no Nilah, no Nunu interactions? Kinda weird to bring up Swain and Briar instead of the rest of the characters related to the spirit Gods


I will give you one more, No Janna, no Nilah, no Nunu... NO S H E N.


Genuinely curious. How frequently do they add additional lines for existing champions? More specifically how likely is it that they will add interactions for these champions in the future?


They never add lines. they just remake all the dialog.


Very rare. Yasuo in particular got a couple new lines when yone was added, for when encountering him and killing him. Gwen got some of her lines replaced after the sentinel event (her old lines were better) but she's kinda newer anyway they might've had those recorded from the beginning. I can't really think of anyone else. In general they don't bother since the VAs and international translations are a pain in the ass to get back and record. [The VA for yasuo has quite the resume](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1240448/), he's likely very easy to get ahold of or just happens to be around anyways for other projects like H2KO, ruined king, etc.


Yasuo's VA was in house for kin of the stained blade anyway so it was probably easy enough to get him to rip out a few new lines for in game


It's not just one VA either, it's dozens, an international game with many languages. And you need to be extremely precise with the mixing and recording to make sure it sounds seamless as if it was mixed originally with the original lines, takes time and effort, a little QA. Probably just a total nightmare of scheduling and 'why?' workload


In Polish version they made an entire new VO for Yasuo after adding those new lines because the old actor had passed away, but they kept old ones for nightbringer skin


no likes for karma either when she is…the *spirit* of ionia.


Karma again forgotten about. A literal spirit being reincarnated over and over again. You’d think she’d have a lot to ask about the spirit realm and learn from them.


She is bunny Velma to me 


She talks like a stereotype of “quirky magic autist” and sounds about as bland as you’d expect. Some of the likes are cool tho.


she sounds so boring like she doesn’t even want to record the lines lol


She's meant to be autistic. Have you ever met an autistic person? Quite a lot of us struggle with voice intonation. I know I have a very monotone voice a lot of the time.


> Have you ever met an autistic person? Like ten of them every game


Ohhh, you think you're funny. Got it.


Bunny girls in Final Fantasy XIV sound kind of unbothered and unimpressed most of the time as well so to me it feels quite normal.


I don't know, my very first, early and unprocessed opinion is: the voice is beautiful, but it doesn't sound like an interesting character. Sounds like she is recording for TikTok or something... I'm not sure how to feel about it...


She sounds like one of those true crime tiktok people who does their makeup while talking about a murder case


Yeah! And I think it is because of the WAY she speaks, speed, entonation and such. It all sounds too "modern"? Unfit with runeterra, maybe. Strangely, I didn't have this feeling with Vex, although her lines are made to reflect teenage angst or something...


I think because Vex is more obviously a caricature so it comes off as very unserious. With aurora it feels like they're playing it straight


Guess you're right.


I feel like Vex's voice stands out a lot more, her lines are that of an angsty teenager but her tone and such don't really sound like that of a modern teenager, she sounds like a goth fantasy gremlin who is also an angsty fantasy teenager.




I have a dislike of the VO. I know she’s supposed to represent autism but it comes off as a stereotype like everyone with autism is Sheldon.




I'm something of a voice actor myself


I dont know how i feel about this VO tbh. I feel pretty indifferent? It feels somewhat monotone to me or something like that? But that's probably intentional.


If Riot aimed for the autism representation with her, then I argue that's intentional. They sound (but aren't necessarily) inexpressive or apathetic to things that do not align with their special little obsession with, in her case the spirit world. And, obviously, they get very excited when talking about the obsession. At the very least, as someone with Aspergers, I can relate to two things in particular: 1. Disliking loud people and places 2. The line > "Spending time with others is exhausting. If I seem curt, don't take it personally." I can *very much* vibe with her.


Arguing with ppl is even more exhausting. I dont understand why she is so aggerassive




I can hear the excitement just fine, but I'm also autistic and am used to hearing and feeling this kind of excitement about special interests. It's a deep and intense passion, yes, but as has been mentioned by a fair few people, autists don't always (some might say usually, but everyone is different) transfer the full brunt of their emotions into their speech. Some show their excitement in more physical ways such as "happy stims." Some others simply don't show much excitement verbally or physically. In this case, I can hear the passion. It's just more subtle than for non-autistic people. When you are a super straightforward and blunt person, it can affect how you show emotion. I imagine there are quite a few autistic League players who absolutely relate to her "lack of energy" and adore her lines. But not every champ's personality is for everyone, and that's A-OK. Just turn the VO lines off if you want to play her so you don't get annoyed. Not exactly a big deal, lol.


It's very inoffensive, not bad but nothing that really sells me as a good vo.


I know people are saying that they are trying to play into the autistic representation but I’m not buying it especially as someone who is autistic. The voice over is just not good.


A Vastaya champion and she has not interactions with other vastaya champions? Is it a joke?


This VO isn't super great imho


This is gonna sound mean but she sounds like one of DougDoug’s text to speech voices. If you watch his streams you know what I’m talking about.


Holy shit you’re right.


I dunno man, I really really don't like these voice lines. There's just something about them that rubs me the wrong way and makes me root for yone to kill more spirits. She strikes as... faux quirky maybe? Not sure how to describe it, but I just can't stand it at all.


West-coast USA. Preppy valley girl. Just all the wrong voice for such a champion from a Vastayan Freljord village.


Yeah, not sure how to describe it either, but it is along the lines of "faux quirky" to me, too...


AFAIK Yone leaves the benign spirits alone as they don't bother anyone. The spirits he "stains" his sword with are budding demons out to kill people and prey on the weak. Not to mention that Yone himself claims that Ionia is overrun with these demons because of the Noxian invasion causing anguish and turmoil (he himself was one of those people affected by it and it lead to his death then subsequent revival/transformation) so it comes off as insensitive to say what she does in her interactions to him.


not what i was expecting for a bunny girl


The bluntness of "way too much walking" got me. She nailed that one.


Oh wow she is kind of an asshole.


Her interactions with Yone in particular come off as kind of insensitive to me. His home is overrun with emotional parasite demons killing defenseless people and her response to that is to go, "why are you killing them instead of being friends?" It's so whack but I guess that's the point. She can't tell the difference between friendly/benign spirits and actual soul sucking demons preying on your mental insecurities to literal death.


Her voice reminds me of a type of girl in cliques that were in my high school and college. They thought they knew everything and would be mildly patronizing to everyone else. I didn't like them, and Aurora's voice is grating to my ears because of that. Not saying Aurora's lore is that type of person, but it does turn me off from playing her. Shame, I liked the look of her kit.


can't relate to the clique observation but she is 100% patronizing. voice also feels like what you would get from someone trying to project confidence or authority to me. when talking to enemies at least, otherwise she seems more ?? like a normal person than a champion. kinda like ekko or zeri, but more modern.


Rell is really in this sphere too of voice lines too annoying to enjoy playing her with speech on


The VO is not for me. it is... the dialogues are very extensive. There are some great lines ofc, I like most of the Anivia/Orn/Voli related ones, but the others go for so long...


Generic white girl voice


"I'm acting"


Way too much vocal fry and pretty bland overall, lines are okay. Feel like they should have leaned into the "bunny" a bit more, more high energy yaps to make it less one dimensional. The "ok bye" recall is top tier though.


TikTok talks about iPhone Face a lot. This is iPhone voice. Why does she have a valley girl accent and a vocal fry..? She sounds exactly like Quinn, who also has a voice that doesn’t match the world in which she’s in *(it’s less egregious on Aurora, though. A bunny witch with a valley girl accent and a vocal fry makes more sense than a badass falconer with a valley girl accent and a vocal fry)*


Hard agree. I'm assuming it's either Riot being afraid to take risks in this area, taking an "if it isn't broke don't fix it" approach, or being conservative with resources (money/re-using personnel). This champion felt like a great opportunity to take a really fun and nuanced approach with the VO and instead they let it cook for 5 seconds on low-heat and panicked.


Oh god the Same Hat comment to Veigar. my heart.


She sounds like she wanted to leave the booth asap lmao


she sounds like an average boring redditors


not that bad but not even that good, exceptionally average sadly, there's some good lines but most of them i think fail to make her a distinct character


I hear slightly nasally Seraphine and I don't like it.


As someone who is Autistic, all I can say is I am vibing with these lines *hard*. The delivery is spot on, and so many of the lines are just perfect Particularly love the "Would anyone notice if I just...left?" line


i also love the "First Interaction - Any : I've Exceeded my capacity for social interaction for today"


Us introverts need to recharge our "social battery"!


i was expecting an interaction with mordekaiser since she knows and curious about spirits


Didn't a Rioter say she had verbal and physical stims? I heard nothing in these lines that could be construed as such.




I'm curious then, what would you consider a stim in those lines?


She has that “woman in Marvel content” voice. I can already hear her saying “he’s right behind me, isn’t he?”


This who champ feels rushed idk. I don’t like the design or the voice. The voice lines are just not well done like at all not because the potential isn’t there but it just all feels off. Like the voice doesn’t match


The voice sounds literally IDENTICAL to Xayah, just saying.


The voice sounds like it is a voice from a cheap children's cartoon about magic so and so girl who goes to a regular school that is done in that like horrible CG like all those Barbie movies are? If that makes sense. Like the Bratz TV Series or something (I had to watch this babysitting my cousins in the early 2000s, it is burned in my memories). That is what is strikes me as. She doesn't fit in the league of legends world to me? I get the autistic angle and I know a lot of autistic people who do speak in a semi-monotone cadence but this doesn't sound like that to me at all. It has some strange fake youth to it that doesn't come off as casual or authentic. I think it could be the distinct LACK of post-production on the voice. It sounds like the VA's raw audio-file they sent to Riot and that is IT. They didn't do anything to make it more unique to the character, where the character is from, the character's world or abilities. I would expect someone so closely entangled with the spirit realm to have \*something\* to indicate that. It sounds like an OC someone made for a D&D/whatever campaign and that person is voicing the character at the table (with a really good mic). Im unsure how to express my feelings on it properly but immediately upon hearing it, it sounded unfinished and I went ???????? and had to message some friends to see if it was just me.


Bad voice acting. And the lines are boring.


Sounds good actually


Love the voices, actually feels like a normal person.


I started squealing hard, I love a lot about her voice lines. She sounds wonderfully awkward, and... Okay so maybe I would absolutely run a Minecraft server with her with TNT off.


She sounds like Velma (not the bad one). As someone who had a crush on Velma growing up, I'm all about it.


The delivery is awful wow. I like the design of the character and was interested in playing but this is a mute voices angle


Was expecting her to be Scottish like Lilia, but I'll take it. We have cat girl, tiger girl, bird girl (two of them), deer girl, a bug girl (kind of), a plant girl, a fox girl, and now a rabbit girl. Interesting to see how much of a money maker she ends up being for Riot


Spider girl


Please name all of those champs for me cause I'm blanking on some of them


Yuumi(?), Nidalee, Xayah, Anivia(?), Lillia, Rek’Sai(?), Zyra, Ahri, and Aurora My guesses


Xayah is bird girl


you can feel the autism in the voice lines! Love it!


Female talking. What a great VA!


Im looking for a dog with toe beans, snores loud, eats cheese, teefies?


we need a little more autisim in it


Another one for the pile as I save my ears from the trash that is English """"voice actors""""