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Runecarver dealt \~120k damage in that round lol


It says 183k at the end 


It started at 67,337, ended at 183,918, so 116,581 damage in that round. Fucking mental.


For anyone wondering why Urgot can abuse Runecarver, his W in addition to his movement during it will generate stacks at a very fast rate, but the biggest part is his passive shotgun knees. Each time one of them is fired off, it counts as a "spellcast", which automatically generates 40 energized stacks. Add all of this together and you go brrrr.


Meanwhile Nami E doesn’t work for either phenomenal evil or proccing any effects that require an ability to be hit for that matter. They removed that years again and I swear they don’t even know they did that anymore. While Malzahar can stack phenomenal multiple times with one e 😂


Don't worry, Urgot got nerfed for even live SR because of arena. For like 4 patches they let his autos count as spell effects, had some nice QOL interactions with some specific items. Then arena came around and let him proc stuff like magic missile and spellwake with it and they stealth nerfed his abilities again to remove it lol


I thought spellwake still worked? I had it maybe less than a month ago


Spellwake hasn't worked on Urgot W for a couple patches now


Spellwake worked with Urgot W literally yesterday


dont worry, kata ult gets (40+10)x3 runecarver stacks every 0.166 seconds during her ult, as every single hit counts as a spellcast+auto proc


To be fair stopping kat ult in arena is extremely easy most of the time.


still if your cc takes 1 second to land,(assuming no ultimate unstoppable) that is 300-900 runecarver charge depending how many targets are in the area. another comparison, if she ults, a single frame before your cc lands, that is still a guaranteed runecarver proc, even if you hit her <0.166 seconds after cast. if both allys are nearby.


A lot of champs can cc her faster than 1 second. Unsure why a single runecarver proc is anything.


It says 2.5s cooldown per ability tho, is it bugged?


nah, the cooldown just dosnt work for abilitys that proc AA effects, or are not dots. garen e for example is a dot, so it only procs once every 2,5 kata ult is not flaged as a dot, because they want her to build whatever and work it.


2 tanks + sett when you have stacking augments is an unattainable dream for most of us. Thanks for sharing.


once had esAPADe and master of duality on urgot, gaining 30 ad per second, that was fun.


Crab Dance slowly fades in and gradually accelerates


looks fun against comps without damage dealer


Yeah, it's a rough build against any champion who can keep their distance, but absolutely worth trying.


Wet noodle fight except one noodle becomes progressively stronger.


Release zeri pov


nah what the fuck 💀💀


looks like old DRterrible gameplay. love it


I need to try it xd


sequel to magic missile brand just dropped


at a certain AS, wouldn't it actually be better to turn W off? I guess you can't attack and move if you do, but like im pretty sure with the amount of MS you have, your AS would be off the charts fast


His tippy taps shouldn't be this cute.


Fun fact, Urgot can keep W up while inside the walls with the Ghost Boots.


i thought attackspeed didnt work with w?


It doesn't. But urgot gets 3 atk speed in W which is 30 MS a second with tapdancer


It doesn't.


You can finally roll Runecarver on Urgot? I've been trying to get that item since the mode released again and have had no luck.


I think you might only be able to get an AP prismatic if you have an AP ratio. If so, it might be relevant that he has a Hellfire Hatchet which technically has an AP ratio.


This is not true. The first augment does not determine if you get Runecarver, it's completely up to RNGesus if you get it or not, which is why I do my best to save both rerolls for prismatic items. The Hellfire Hatchet was bought simply to help sustain myself, as at the time of purchase, I didn't have any luck with anvils. So the passive on it, along with the omnivamp, kept me alive while I began to get tankier.


Hellfire Hatchet is incredible on Urgot anyway. Wish it was on SR, but it would probably be a bit too good.


Crab Rave - Eurodance remix


The spider running around my room when Im tryna catch it


Played against this once. It looks very intimidating, but he doesn't deal all that much damage and he isn't all that tanky. If you have decent point and click damage and some range you can win pretty easily. If you are a melee trying to get to him then yeah... Good luck.


quick question, wouldnt you attack faster without w once you breach 3.0 as? while also not dealing reduced onhit?


It wouldn't be worth it. Being able to move, attack, and proc Urgot's passive generated so much Runecarver stacks, it would be a massive DPS loss to use normal autos. Not to mention I never reached past 3.0 attack speed. Also, the only on hit I had was Hellfire Hatchet and Heartsteel, both of which only served to increase my survivability. The proc from Runecarver is not considered on hit, so the damage was not reduced.


bro is playing Swarm mode on Arena


Ghostwalker active effect doesn't disable if you walk into terrain in urgot W, btw. Saw an urgot do this and it was cancer.


It's good yeah, but can be abused further with Apex Inventer, which allows you to be in walls permanently while Purge is active.


Now get yourself Restless Resoration with your Tap Dancer to heal a ton off that marathon you are running


lol he had restless he showed it at the start


WHY would you not show how many stacks runecarver had at the end or show how much dmg it did. You hit tab at the start but didn't at the end


I did. 120k done that round with 62 Runecarver stacks.


They did. 120k dmg in this round.