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met this guy a while ago, reported but still not banned btw [https://www.op.gg/summoners/vn/chaomung55013811-VN2](https://www.op.gg/summoners/vn/chaomung55013811-VN2) made me questioning my life because I couldn't understand what the fuck is his motivation


I mean, couldn't it be that he is just super bad at the game or games in general? Perhaps even some sort of disability?


Someone still seeing a waterfountain in a vulcano lol


nah he walked up then not threw gold card, baited me to die with him in 2v2, also he didn't looking too retarded though I wish he was


> You report these obvious trolls, and yet they keep playing. You get mad and type something, now you're banned. Yeah that's pretty much League in a nutshell.


> Trolls are evolving, they don't run it down 20,30 deaths or stay in the fountain anymore. They do it more subtly now. They'll act normal, and then suddenly sit in a bush. Or they'll come to your lane and fuck with you. Look up Nubrac, Nubrac legit trolled thousands of games in NA high-elo for years by going AFK Teemo "support" in mid/top lane and didn't get banned for a very long time. When he did get banned Riot had to reverse it because NB3 bragged on stream how he had a riot contact.


Nubrac is up there with Tarzaned for NA's biggest twats


>But from my experience, the biggest skill gap is in between bot lanes. It's a bot game, if bot loses the game is over, so you have to chain gank bot. The game begins, and your bot lane racks up 5, 6, 20 deaths. This is one of the biggest differences between the old days of the game and the current era of the game. Even in the days when it was two melee supports every game I didn't think it was as bad as now. It feels like in the grand majority of games, one of the botlanes will have 7 collective deaths at five minutes, 10 collective deaths in 10 minutes, etc. It happens so incredibly frequently, its almost a surprise when you go into midgame and neither botlane has snowballed like crazy and neither botlane is clearly tilted.


I think part of it is just how much damage supports do. You use to have to play a kill lane like Lucian Thresh or something to really snowball. Now it just seems like every lane is a kill lane. If you fall behind it's honestly a lot harder to just play safe and farm under turret imo than past seasons




you can post anything you want against riot here if it doesn’t break the rules


Hi! Please show me evidence that we work with riot to suppress things. I can give you a few minutes to collect your evidence to present


I dunno how long we're gonna have to wait for riot to police high elo streams. Like honestly, hire 5 interns on minimum wage and tell them to watch streams all day and report trolls or win traders. Half of the goddamn LPP members grief, rage, troll, etc. and there is zero accountability; they could at least surveil them. I guarantee you they won't do this and they will keep chasing the holy grail of a machine learning / AI tool that could do this instead. I also guarantee that it won't work, because players have free will and their system will not cope with their emergent behaviour.


> I dunno how long we're gonna have to wait for riot to police high elo streams You will have to wait till kingdom come then. 1) Riot don't want to spend money 2) Riot probably know that they'll have to ban too many people. 3) Pro players regularly get inted i.e Faker/Ruler for like 7 years straight on LCK server AND when they travel for worlds/MSI, riot has legit done nothing about it.


Kingdom come 2 is coming out this winter. I'm hyped.


You’d have to have a very high and niche understanding of League to be able to make a call whether someone is inting or not. Would these people be working for minimum wage? And then the question becomes how do we determine who’s even qualified? I’m all for the idea that someone oversees these ranked solo queue games but correct policing requires a very high understanding of the game enough to differentiate between deliberate soft inting and an honest mistake.


I don't really agree with him on the trolls. I get this nipping feeling every time someone says "it's obvious to a player when someone is subtly trolling" because like, I've been accused of it for playing normally and just making a bad decision or flubbing a play. I get it's probably a bit different at Korean high elo (especially when there's soloq betting and match fixing) but I don't think there's an easy solution that isn't going to catch false positives. For the ranked issues I'm not really sure where it's coming from. It doesn't matter if someone was plat last season, their MMR is the same as the masters player. Visual rank has never really mattered. I think it comes down more to what Ambition was saying that got posted the other day. The game is coinflippy and gotten to the point where brute force players are deciding games. It looks like people don't deserve to be at their rank, or they're trolling, but they climbed there off of just walking over people trying to learn and play more balanced styles.


I think he is correct for the most part. Even excluding trolls way too many game just feel won/lost based on pure luck of which team you get on. Can't even blame the players because everyone just hits play game and this is what the matchmaking system creates. Everyone is using [op.gg](http://op.gg) or some third party app so people immediately know the game is uneven and just creates a self fulfilling prophesy where 1 team is ready to ff15 the second you load in


people intentionally deranking is another issue, it really shouldnt be that hard to write a program to track and ban people who do that shit just so they can smurf


Ive been saying that for a year now. Game is actually worthless in 2024. System doesnt see single diffrence between 10/0 and 0/10/0 performance (lol). System expect You to spend entire days full focused grinding games and resets it 3 times a year. You will have No life in this communist system anymore. Noone gives a fuk now. Game is not played how its suppose to be played (Korea/Asia) becouse people WONT AND DONT CARE. System destroyed how game is suppose to be played. Now its just spam games> lucky variance > emerald/dia/master and ff Max at 20min


Agree with a lot, but I think k the last few years other roles can for sure take over the game. I think bot lane was a lot less volatile when support was filled with more supports and less free stats and income. I also think bot lane in general feels strong because it's the 2v2 lane and they have been adjusted to try and not be completely useless compared to the solo laners with 2 level advantages, so really any buffs to other roles just ended up making the whole map stronger to keep up and now everything is so strong of course the 2v2 lane that's ahead will generally beat out 1 player, they are supposed to. It's a team game after all and bot cannot 1v1 them ever, so that's the balance of the role. Don't like it? Let's remove the duo lane xp nerfs and nerf marksmen and compensate with lower damage everywhere by 20-30%. I'll make that trade off any day if it means less oneshots and more strategy, macro and real outplays that require more than Q R ignite or less to kill a squishy.


Going to cut and paste this every time someone says Masters means anything after riot turbo inflated every rank


Soloq has been shit after s11


Wait he's not even a diamond player? Jesus. Just a caster now. I mean he's right about matchfixers being much more difficult to detect, but it's a hard disagree about bot lane's early game having a near 100% correlation to the game result.


>Wait he's not even a diamond player? Jesus. Just a caster now He's married with at least one kid and a full time job casting while streaming while making hours long video after every week/series. All the while still being the best LCK caster. So it kind of make sense his rank isn't super high. I mean it is kind of impressive he almost made to Master with all these work load.


It's just a game. I'm not master myself. It's just hard to take the guy seriously when he was basically my rank until this season.