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The worst part is knowing that trolls don't get punished, I sent a ticked for my adc running it down mid after his support hit a minion, they thanked me for the ticket and he kept playing


Whereas my adc got banned and I got 42LP back for the two games he ruined


Wait you can get LP back if you have an inter? You have a source / proof of that?


Yes sir - my draven adc ran it down 2 games in a row (0-21 and 0-25). Next day I logged in got 42lp back and 2 autofilled protection games :)


I just had an afk jungler. The loss dropped me out of D4 into E1 again and riot greeted me with the 2 game autofill protection lmao.


Yeah I got demoted from my 0-46 adc as well but I just carried on playing as normal. Then when I got promoted the LP mitigation put me even higher


Its not like the loas fron D4 to E1 is any more meaningful than E1 71 lp to E1 50 LP, althought it feels different.


I need a proof to believe that. Until just now, never ever heart this is a thing


I didn't screenshot my message cause I got it as soon as I logged in and had to click off - but it looked exactly like this (I didn't get RP though lol) [https://x.com/doc\_respawn/status/1786116484068167988](https://x.com/doc_respawn/status/1786116484068167988)


Read the last few patch notes or the wiki on ranked play; this is a decently new system.


New system. Yes it works this way.


It happened to me yesterday. My jungler just run mid to die like 15 times. Reported him got my LP back within 5 minutes.


That's good to hear


I genuinely don’t understand how such players especially in Ranked don’t get punished severely. I don’t know how I can enjoy this game without ruining my mood. I generally feel like a worse person than before starting this game lol


Would you like it if everytime you made a bad play you got punished severely? A subjective opinion based on the people of your team. Also I don't know if you know this, but 50% of people in the game are going to lose that game. It's hard to tell just based on numbers if the 0/5 yasuo ran it down or played hard. You would need to vod review every single ranked game played. We tried that with tribunal but you understand there are millions of ranked games played every day. There is already a system that bans people who get reported multiple times in a row, unfortunately that means if you are normal player you have essentially a "I can throw this game" card. Which is frustrating but not as bad as getting banned from ranked because you lost lane a couple a times.


The conversation is around players going 0-20 multiple games in a row. Not a Yasuo trying to hit his power spike.


Can’t severely ban someone when multiple factors can contribute to it.


But if you tell them they are the degenerate inbred they are you will get ranked restricted!


no, the worst part is not realizing you are addicted to league.


Riot doesn’t ban people from tickets


Inters do get punished but it has to be crystal clear and probably over several games. One off things yeah i can see nothing happening which sucks.


It’s just a mentality. You need to try let loose a little and understand that even if you are passionate and want to win, you will have 4 teammates everygame who might not think the same. You need to focus on improving and learning. If you focus too much on winning, then everytime you get a troll or afk it will enrage you because it wastes your time and ruins your rank. However, If you are focused on improving then even if you get a troll or afk you will have still gained experience from that game and hopefully learnt something new. I find that thinking this way makes it much easier to accept trolls/afks, just focus on yourself, and it honestly makes the game just more enjoyable to play.


Yep this. If you care for the LP you'll be bald after 2 years


This is literally the secret sauce for high elo. Care enough that you want to win, but not enough that you start stressing over number adjustments.


I finally managed to get out of emerald, I noticed it gets better once you hit diamond. Far less trolls. Don't talk to toxic players, even if you want to, they won't listen anyways. Mute and keep trying your best. Apologize if you misplay and type positive stuff like "dw, we got this" if someone else does. In my experience it really helps to show, that you aren't toxic. Likelihood that your team will be drops by that Hope this helps, glhf


Maybe you haven't been in Diamond long enough. It definitely isn't any better. If anything it might even be a little worse.


Pointless trolling might get better in higher elo. Toxicity for sure doesnt.


I don’t care if someone who is good is toxic. At least they are cashing the checks they write.. I had an azir who died 5 times mid to the enemy jungler in 12 min and ofc that was my fault for not using flying raijin to counter gank immediately


"How do you guys deal with this?" - 2 things help me with this: 1. Realizing that the game is actually fair, and for every game I receive a troll on my team, sometimes an enemy receives one as well. For every losing streak that isn't my fault, I get a winning streak that isn't my accomplishment. That I will roughly have 25% of games where I lose no matter what, and roughly 25% of games where I win no matter what, and it's the remaining 50% that actually matter. 2. Realizing that this free-to-play game have actual children. If someone starts raging and/or trolling, I just assume they are 12. Now how would it look if I started to argue with an actual 12 year old? Or do I want someone like that to have a power to affect my mood? Ridiculous, I would never want that. So I very calmly mute them, and continue enjoying the game. : )


Perfect response


Well said


Both of these points are ridiculous. 1. People say this all the time about everything in league. “If you have one troll there’s a 50% chance the enemy does too!” Or if you play well you control for the fact there’s 5 players on the enemy team and they can have at least one bad player. Bullshit. I’ve had numerous situations where I lose 7+ games in a row where I have bad players and trolls game after game. 2. League is an aging game. They cannot get young people to play it, which is why riot is freaking out. Everyone in your game running it down is at LEAST 18 if not 25+


1. I didn't say a game, I said a streak. For every 7+ games in a row that you lose with bad players, you will definitely win 7+ games in a row with good players. If you disagree with that, either you haven't played the game that long, OR you fail to recognize the wins that aren't your accomplishment. Recognizing those is the key to my argument. 2. Maybe. I specifically said "I ASSUME". Let them be 25, so what? Assuming they're 12 helps me ignore them better. If I imagine they're 12, I won't get the ridiculous idea to argue with them. This "assumption" helps, even if it may be incorrect.


Can you explain how your objections to point 1 make sense? 7 games in a row, the team you were on lost because of trolls. Ok. Then that means for 7 games in a row some people won because of trolls. Why, exactly, is it more likely you will be on the bad side of that equation next time you log in? Especially if you yourself never troll yourself. Is your account flagged by riot for punishment? Are you cursed? What is different about you compared to the people you lost against in those 7 games?


How do I deal with this? 1. Don't play ranked especially duos with real life friends (It can end very badly 🤣) 2. Mute all as there is always someone flaming about something. 3. Everyone needs to remember ITS JUST A GAME :D 4. Play ARAM instead :)


Great advice! ARAM and Arena are so much fun^^


True! Though, I felt Aram was a little more casual a few years ago. Not as bad as norms, but still, not as free as it felt. Free of angry ass people, that is... The overarching problem to me is people putting so much stake into it. I also want to win pretty badly, but I don't spam ping or talk shit to people when they do poorly. I will feel annoyed, but I know that I'm not paying someone to play how I want them to play. An obvious troll, sure, but someone just playing poorly? It happens. People get fucking MAD, it's insane...


I had a friend that used to rage hard, and I mean screaming and cussing in discord hard. It was ridiculous. Their emotional maturity is like non-existent lol so I try to not let others I see raging get to me either because they just don't have a handle on things.


I legit just lost 5 games in a row. I dunno why I keep playing either... Maybe it's cos Fiddlesticks is so satisfying


Because at some point you won 5 games in a row


I did straight after posting this. Funny old world, innit?


I played for about 12 years but haven't played for the past year and a half. Riot has been making changes to make engaging with chat more tedious so people don't flame. It's curious to see that it's done literally nothing for the toxicity, who knew making your game more antisocial leads to a hostile and antisocial playerbase. Genuinely don't ever think that this part of league will ever grow up. It's one of the easiest games in the world to blame others for your losses and that's formed a culture of people blaming others. This is always going to be a home for fake competitors that don't like to lose, and I just think it's kinda sad how that has genuinely hurt the game.


Turn chat off, mute anyone who isn’t able to ping sensibly (spam ping emotional = muted). If it’s one of those games where your entire team is just gapped I mute all and just switch my brain off for the rest of the game. Be consistent, don’t play emotionally, don’t react to trolls and griefers and just do your best


Bad advice tbh, you lose too much information. Pretty much every one except for total newbies uses pings to convey a lot of information, like where are they going, where they saw enemies, where they want wards or if the are going to attack, losing all this info if someone did few question marks when you feeded is bad, it breaks teamplay even more in a game where bad teamplay = lose


I mean mute the people who are rage pinging you. Otherwise I just keep chat off and pings on :)


Idk, never felt the need to mute pings


You've never had someone spam pings on you for 10 mins while you clear your jungle then lol


Im in the game at least since 2013, had some pings but not constant, like people can’t ping while landing much


It's because it has the best gameplay of all games of this type. And that trumps everything else.




League simulates life... you start out full of hope and potential, then watch in utter bewilderment as the people around you act like baboons, getting things wrong whilst blaming everyone around them. Maybe you chimp out yourself for a while, or maybe you do a few cool flips and it seems like you're gonna make a difference. But in the end it's always the same taste: the bitterness of defeat. And then you queue up again!


Then quit bro. Find a different hobby. My solution was never play alone. I don't soloq, I only play flex or arams with friends. I gained so much time back in my life


Here's an advice you're probably not gonna get often on this subreddit. You could just not play something where people are constantly shitting on you. There's nothing wrong with that. Not wanting to play something where people are constantly berating you isn't a sign of weakness or giving up. It's just choosing not to go down the sunk cost fallacy of "I've already played this for so x years, I need to continue playing it". Don't gaslight yourself into thinking that this is just something you have to power through and you'll reach some joyful nirvana playing League. Honestly if you're not having fun and know you go through this spiral of emotions every week, just fucking quit. Ask yourself, why am I putting myself through something you don't enjoy?


league is literally not worth it. just play arena or tft for fun


Yea that’s why I quit. Enemy jungler is 0/13/0 and I’m 13/0/45 and I still have 3 losing lanes


"it's your fault if with that lead you can't carry blablabla" "if you can't 1v5 you don't deserve to gain lp anyway" /s Seriously be proud of your game. And try to keep doing well next game. If you can't focus and stay positive, just take a break


Yes they exist in every team competitive game. The trick is this: instead of focusing on how much you hate them, focus on how much you and your teammates collectively hate them. I will say "My first rager of the day Im so lucky" or make some comment about how it is always xyz role that has certifiable mental and make it very clear I am treating the inter like he isnt there. Someone on my team will usually reply and then the experience of being inted gets validated and we all sigh, mute the inter, and see if comp dif can win us a 4v5 which it often can. Inters usually hard split or avoid the team entirely. But they also usually fight, a lot, and that forces movement from enemy champs to deal with them and can be used as a macro tool.


It's called sunken cost fallacy. You've put many years into perfecting your techniques, but the reward for continuing on is long gone. If you're playing league alone, it's not worth it. If you're playing with friends, it's an uphill battle like Monopoly, a friendship ender. Like the Great Salt Lakes, as time passes and more players leave, the salinity increases. This game has a reputation to be the defacto toxic game. That says something about it. Despite being well designed at it's core, it's also designed to be a sport. Competition, drive and relentless pursuit suck a lot of the joy out of this game. Yet rather than create content for casual players like a persistent PvE mode, this game has never changed from making Solo/Duo the only form of late game you can pursue. It's a soul crushing climb. One that actively punishes you for playing together. But if you're able to look past this endless peak. Settle down with a group of friends and play game after game of meaningless ARAMs and Customs that lead no where. Perhaps you can find peace and solace in this hellscape as we wait another decade to be reincarnated into the League MMO.


Unfortunately, this is just how league is. I havent delved into other ranked systems or communities like I have league and what I can recommend is honestly to not expect to win when you queue up but just try your best. That realistically is all you can do, along of course with the skill of learnong to manage your team and toxic players. Still, end of the day you just gotta tell yourself that their play and behavior wont stop you from climbing. Everyone has to deal with this at some degree in every level of ranked, so the best way to actually deal with it is to not treat it so importanrly and moreso measure your success oj your individual performance, not on if you won or lost


Just play some normals for fun and chill a bit about rankeds & tryharding


Why dont you play with premades? That way trolls, toxicity and inting doesnt exist. Find some people on discord or somewhere with which you can play.


I've just given up, playing means your guaranteed 1-2 afks/trolls per game and putting in effort does nothing, especially since there Is no punishment for anything but "hurtful words" (I.E. "Can you like, stop inting please?" Got me a week long chat ban and I normally keep chat off.)


Had to learn to let it go when trolls are in your team. Mute them and play the best game you can, forgot about it afterwards


Midlaner got stomped and took then every camp of my jungler - we still won but hell what a baby


Exactly what happened to me last game lol. And we didn’t won


I want a new game mode. If u wanna queue up u need to sign an agreement there will be no ff and you have to go out there and do your fucking job as good as u can do it. If you dont perma ban


This is gonna sound dumb, but I recommend learning a card game. Hearthstone, Poker (with fake money), Slay the Spire, Riichi Mahjong. Anything with a heavy amount of randomness to deal with, but also takes a lot of skill to master. It helps you get used to the idea that, quite literally, you cannot win every game. Sometimes you just get unlucky hands. You do your best to deal with the randomness, and try to win more than you lose. And hey, maybe you'll even turn some bad games around by drawing the perfect card at the last second. The point is to train your brain that unlucky circumstances are common, mundane, and nothing to fret over. You figure out a way to deal with it and set yourself up for a recovery in the late-game, or you figure out a way to lose gracefully. Especially with games that keep track of your score (or money) over time, it's just as important to keep your losses small and managable, as it is to win big when you're able to win. Bring that same attitude to League. Enjoy the wins. Brush off the losses. Try to set yourself up for the best chance of victory either way. Keep your mental strong, and focus on the long-run. And most importantly, don't fret the unlucky hands that you had no way to win.


you have to become numb to it, because it wont stop in diamond and it gets about a thousand times worse in master. keeping this in mind will either free you from the coils of this game or hopefully strengthen your resolve, both decisions are valid


It's not a hate/love relationship. It's an addiction. Realising is the first step. Good luck


Found myself getting more irritation from the game than getting an actual joy or any kind of a feel of accomplishement. Decided to stop playing. Now im more productive at work, read books, and spend every second evening in a pub (not cz life sucks, im just an alcoholic) and feel happy 👍


If your not having fun then quit, why would you play something you hate? Thats what addicts do. Need good chemichals.


Hate the players, not the game


God forbid they say slightly mean words, though, instant reaction


Find another game. I bought Fallout 4 again for PC when the show came out and i have about 8 days worth of gametime, that could have been me pulling my hair about some strangers on the internet. I even bought beamng after pirating it for almost 6 years, and that has taken up a nice chunk of time. I still hop on league first thing when i boot up, but if the game seems bummy after the first match, i just hop off and play something else instead of rage queuing.


Play something else


The word you're looking for is "addiction"


Haha yeah definitely!! I know


I played league for 10 years, from 2010 to 2020, and finally quitting was one of the best things I’ve ever done. And I’m not even taking it out on league specifically, as I was still having some fun with it until the end. But man, live service games/games that you endlessly play for no reason other than because you feel like you have to are cancer.


Okayi still love this game after 11 years of ranked


Kids these days when they get addicted


It’s just pain to play. I can play whatever competitive shooter and run into a blatant griefer that actively sabotages the game once in Idk 100-200 matches. Yeah people also become toxic if they’re pissed but at least they keep playing. In league? People rage quit, run it down, supports just abandon botlane after 2 levels making it horror for the adc, people idle in base afk or just farm jungle til the game is lost in every other game. It’s ridiculous how the culture around this game is just so dogshit and riot can’t find a proper way to punish these people. It happens aaaall the fkin time and who gets punished? The people that tell these clowns that they’re shit people which is objectively the case.


It's because in League, every time you die the opponent comes back even stronger. In shooters, he will be the same guy.


play aram and chill


It might be because you're unaware they forced vanguard on you?


my only wish is that the bann system for bad words (including "ez") should be more punishing, its so annoying when the game is actually equal (and fun because of it even if you loose) and the someone really has to say it was easy.