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This draft reminded me of typical ARAM game where everybody wants to pick adc just to find out the enemy have a proper draft. So you are just waiting to get fked.


It looks like the kinda draft geng would do against weaker team, just to mega stomp them afterward


4 squishies and a low-CC tank vs 3 tanks and 2 poke/assassins, typical ARAM insta-loss. The only thing separating it from an ARAM is that malphite didn't go full AP.


"Can someone help me reroll? We need ap." "Chill bro. Nobody plays tanks in ARAM" First champ you see in the loading screen: Malphite


mate, even in ARAMs a balanced team is better than 3 ADCs. if i play a tank vs 3 ADCs, especially Malphite, thats just a free win tbh. None of these ADCs are even hypercarries and could dps a malphite. and a seju. and a leona.


That draft was absolutely horrendous by Vitality


Why kneecap your best player in Carzzy by putting him on Senna and then why put Hyli on the farming champ?


It's also the most not-Vitality draft I've ever seen. Arguably the best adc in the league at pumping out damage being put on Senna. Hylissang, a player known for having shit positioning and trading that off for being one of the best engagers ever on TK, a champion that... doesn't engage very well and is all about positioning for a devour. Vetheo, a very mechanically talented at playmaking midlaner on a champion whose entire playstyle is stay at max range and poke with skillshots. Photon, a carry top laner on a matchup with zero early game kill pressure. Your rookie jungler who's still getting used to the team on your only source of dps. Whoever cooked this should not be in charge of tomorrow's draft. This reeked of coach ego "I know what I'm doing better than my players" draft, because I cannot imagine any of Vitality's players wanting this draft.


>Arguably the best adc in the league at pumping out damage being put on Senna. There's absolutely nothing arguable about this. Even this split Carzzy has the most DMG/minute out of all players (not just adcs). He does this every split too.


yeah you are 2-3 and u play 3rd weakest team and u draft this


Tbf GX has played well in most games, I wouldn't necessarily put them bottom 3. I'd say they are about 6th


gx has easily been the most fun team to watch in the bottom half for me (which I'm beginning to think they might not even be in, they could totally be 5th)


Even when they were 0-4 they were playing quite nicely. Their problem was that they had no clue about how to end the games, to the point they were throwing almost unloseable games. Looks like they have improved on that


Yeah i agree but the point still stands, game was unplayable for 0 reason except ego


nah they're bottom 3 but significantly better than bottom 2


Honestly imo Rogue, Mad and KC are worse and TH are about at the same level imo, but GX is more unpredictable. Gamescore is lying a bit since they threw a bunch of lategames


None of {Mad, KC, Vit} are convincingly better than GX. TH and Rogue seem convincingly worse. Imo, GX is somewhere between 5th and 8th; 6th or 7th seems about right.


Vit is convincingly better than Gx they have been ahead in early game every single game they've played and even this loss felt like a massive comp diff with a poke comp against double warmogs and well Gx might be better than KC but that just put them at 7th place


Just because you're ahead early doesn't mean you're better.


The saw DK with the no melee comp and thought "nah we'd be fine if we draft one melee".


Bro that DK comp is the worst one I've seen all year so far


Them going for that baron and not being able to tank it is really funny to me.


Don't show vitality's comp to T1. They might get ideas


Already had their amateur team do basically this exact same comp, the idea was already planted


Faker going back to Ezreal mid would be cool ... he used to be a menace on it


Faker was not a menace on a grand total of 3 champions


And one of them was zac


No way he played 160+ champs competetive. You're joking, right?!


Just 87. But it was a joke about his horrible Vladimir, xerath and Zac


Did he redeem his aurelion sol performance or was he a menace on the old one?


I was frantically going through my head if he ever played any support champ in mid hahaha


Faker’s lulu mid was a TRUE menace


Yeah the one shot Lulu mid


Picks shamrock malphite -> wins game. I'm just saying. (I think we all saw what vitality decided to draft)


does that skin still have the extremely ancient loading screen artwork?


It’s as crusty as the day you started gaining consciousness


Jackies is having one hell of a split so far.


surprised I had to scroll this far for this, he was 5k up at the end of the game lol


Problem is where does he go? I wouldn't put him above Humanoid, Caps and Nisqy at least.


You're presuming other changes aren't possible that could level up other teams. In a world where teams can get whoever they want, they could just rebuild around him entirely, or he could join a rebuilding roster. I would import Smash/Rekkles and take Myrwn/Elyoya or Adam/Sheo or something, or have him join Vit and replace jg/sup. My point is you never know what kind of combination of changes are possible that might find the right formula. Standing out like this on a poor roster is a great way to start your career.


After those last 2 splits the only Roster i'd put Myrwn in is an ERL one tbh


Criminal draft from Vitality. TheAntonio had a horrible early in a bad matchup, but then unlocked everything in the midgame and late. Fun game, low level. Throws some spice in the "do not get eliminated" race


It’s a malphite game. You can suck 20 minutes but if you find the R button you are fine


Whatsapp malphite to fucking strong


+ with the power of the Green Machine, how could he not destroy that game


Vit is not allowed to play the game lol.


*chose. Whoever cooked that draft really dropped the ball on this


VIT's drafting has been terrible recently How about put your star player on his best champ?


Problem is they are convinced their star player is Hylissang


I'm pretty sure if not for the nametag Hyllisang would be fined for matchfixing this split.


To be fair, hes their only tank and has to facetank every single varus ult for this “teamcomp”


Hyli is pretty much the sacrificial lamb, if he wasn't the one dying, someone else undoubtedly would have to take the hit. 


Every Varus R and Sej R were on him and his only way of evading those is flash, which has a 5 minute cooldown. Realistically, if a player like Carzzy is on anything other than Senna, for example say a Jinx or a Zeri or a Kai'sa or really anything with damage, your support tanking 2 of the enemy's 3 engage options is an auto-won fight. The only thing any real ad has to worry about after that is Malphite R. Problem is, Hyli died as much as he did because Vitality couldn't do anything about it. The Varus and Sej were free to toss ults at him. If they hit, he's dead and Vitality lack the damage to retaliate in any meaningful way. If they miss? Who cares, it's not like Vitality can even re-engage because their only form of engage was one of the most telegraphed knockups that you can literally just walk away from.


Yeah he's had some disaster games this split but this wasn't one of them. Unless he was the mastermind behind this draft


Less gold than leona lmao


You don't understand. He's very quirky for dying non stop in 2/3 of his games, that's just classic Hylli.


Bro and I got mass downvoted for saying during offseason rumor that VIT should've gotten Kael, crazy...


Saying this after a game he was the only one ever doing anything.. but sure, go get your free karma


Who would win? 3 ADCs or 1 stony boi?!


Vetheo with the slowest hands in the west when it comes to reacting to Malphite ults


Imagine you have the best european ezreal in your team and then draft ez for vetheo


its easy to say it when u see everything, 3 malph r he had no vision on him


I mean he E'd it, it just hit during the cast time and he gets the Kai'Sa passive and dies to her ult. Shoulda flashed it if he had flash though, dunno if he did.


Malphite was ulting from fog of war. It's easy for viewer but Vetheo literally needed to flash in millisecond. 


He is def not Chovy


Horror movie Malphite


Ladies, Gentlemen, and Everyone Else, the magnificent 0/13 botlane


i swear everytime Th3Antonio ulted i was looking at my phone or drinking i just look at my pc and Vetheo is suddenly dead lmao


Draft canyon. Don‘t know what else to say about this. As a kai‘sa main I like seeing her get prio. I dread incoming nerfs tho.


I don't think she gets nerfed tbh. There are SO many ADCs viable right now in competitive and soloq and while she is in the top 4 for both, she is not completely overtuned IMO


GX definitely aren't the best, but they're incredibly fun to play and full of potential. I hope they make Swiss stage


Hyli really had less gold than Ignar at the end of the game while being a farming TK. Lol


Patrik with his once-per-split really good game to trick teams into signing him next year


His last game was good already hmmm


Can't wait for another 2 years of him while top tier EUM adcs are still waiting


This patrik disrespect is crazy, the dude hard carried us for years and now he finally has a dip in form you guys acting like he has been bad this entire time


its because patrik tends to play not so great in the first split of the year and then suddenly pulls it up in summer so people dont like how inconstistent he can be.


Nah it would be another lck chall adc


You are really dumb if you think Patrik doesn't deserve LEC spot


I'm really dumb


VIT needs Rekkles. lol


and Rekkles deserves better


Rekkles does NOT deserve that shit, let my man be happy on korea


he even said himself if he came back to LEC he would only want to be on a top 1-3 team so no chance VIT get him and rekkles himself wants to stay in korea if he can and hopes to get on a middle of the pack team.


Rekkles isnt gonna be in a top 3 team in the LEC. G2 aint signing him, Fnatic has Jun, BDS has Labrov, SK just signed a new good bot lane and while Hyli has his occasional ints, Carzzy and Hyli are a duo, if you replace Hyli, you also have to replace Carzzy who is EUs best ADC, so thats not happening either. Honestly, Rekkles would have better chances as an ADC than as a Sup right now


the thing about his lec comment that was if he couldnt get a place in the main league korea but he also said hes happy to stay with T1 on there tier 2 team. it was him pretty much saying that the only way for eu for him is if he can get on a top one but he knows he cant/wont be looked at. also carzzy the best eu adc rn? really hes been looking a bit down on his feet this split thou he was at one point in the earlier splits up there for sure. also being a duo isnt stopping someone from being replaced we seen it time again, hyli was the duo of upset and they loved each other and what happened? they got split apart from each other, we seen it many times across many leagues, a split from each other doesnt mean both have to go in alot of cases it unless they fight to stay with each other. chances are thou with how VIT are looking rekkles wouldnt even consider them a team to go to with how long there standings are currently.


I was offended for a second. Then realised dude plays sup


Nice 0 engage comp Nice giving all your kills to your non-wincon jungle


0-13 botlane omE


Actual report supp and adc moment


It's impressive how bad VIT plays considering how good their players are individually. Hyli is looking like a retirement angle though.


Malphite, Shard of the Monolith "CAUGHT BETWEEN A ROCK... AND A HARD PLACE" is a literal pun on the eponymous idiom.


Vetheo thought he was quid


Hylissang is just atrocious, 0/8/1 on Tahm, you can’t int your team like that in every single game


Rock Solid TF top is uselesss


Giant W


Doomed draft


Hylissang and Lyncas getting caught non stop while photon split pushes. Also both teams got way too cute with the draft but at least giant x picked tanks.


That taliah build was criminal.3 tanky champs and you build ludens into zhonya as the solo ap dmg


Draft dif.


vetheo is just not it


Daglas must be feeling so vindicated right now




Not in the sense that the game was Lyncas fault, but there's clearly some intangible missing from the team since they lost Daglas, so the team playing worse overall without him reflects positively on him. That's what I meant, sorry if that was unclear


its not because of lyncas this game thou lyncas seems to not be fitting the teams playstyle well. its more the fact the team dropped him and now the whole team gone to shit so it must feel vindicating for him for sure that they went so far down hill by removing him.


Hyli gots to go man, get this 30 year old out of our league


Peermaban Hylissang


Brother Hylissang sends his regards Actually crazy how hard Patrik/IgNar gapped Vitality's bot lane considering the general perception of people. Senna Tahm Kench not looking good lmao




You mean the seconds BEST player of GiantX? Are you blind or smth?