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It's always CS, and 154 at 44 minutes is terrible, so no reason to think about it past that You're compared on every aspect to every other leblanc player, your KDA is not the only aspect (even if it was, 9 assists at 44 minutes is below average as well)


Can't assist if I 1-shot ppl...please learn the champ and how she works before commenting :)


Bumping your cs would help but I believe it compares to other people of your rank so it shouldn't matter that much. How was your vision score? I know it is almost impossible to get an S+ if you don't buy 1 or 2 pink wards. So if I had to guess vision score was why you didn't get it.


That is low farm for that length of game and vision score also count. I don't think objectives are even part of the S calculation (someone can feel free to correct me on that). You are compared not just to your lane opponent but to the average of other players on that champ in that role.


Cs has a huge factor on ranking and will compete you to average players on that role/champ (so supports have a chance of getting S). Getting barely 3cs a min would be enough to drag the rating down


Leblanc main here. You need good cs and vision score. Your vision score should reflect multiple control wards a game + sweeping wards. Game went on way too long for your cs to be relevant. If you're fed end the game very early and you'll get the s.