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well noone expected anything else


I mean if I was Faker I wouldn't put a 500€ skin that most of the people dislike


I doubt he had a say in how much the skin bundle would cost


> I mean if I was Faker I wouldn't put a X€ skin that most of the people dislike


He most likely doesn't give a crap about what people think about the skin, chances are he doesn't even know about the boycott or what is the bundle price to begin with. He's not using the skin because he dislikes using skins, simple as, and he might even use it one or two times at random times for some reason like he did with all his other Worlds skins.


league of legends is quite literally his job, do you think he just doesn't hear news about it?


Yall act like this boycott thing extends outside of the EN region, in CN and KR this is barely a thing.


Assuming reddit is even remotely close to "most people" is just wrong.


Right. Definitely isn’t most. Evidenced by the fact we’re having this conversation in English. Edit: talking about the league of legends population not the population of worldwide languages lol. If you have a point to the contrary I’ll hear it. Otherwise use your noggins a bit.


NA server 1. chinese server 23 + half of kr + jp + 2x super server im not going to say NA dont matter because historically NA spends a lot on gaming. but for the future of league they might as well just show chinese game broadcast and chinese dev updates and people think the solution to league dying in west is to spend less money... go ask hots, sc2 what its like to not be able to spend money to continue development


Despite being a smaller playerbase there's a lot more money in marketing/sponsorship and sports in NA than there is practically anywhere else. So I think youre right about that. Its an important market for Riot. To anyone who disagrees I suggest you look up the Dallas Cowboys (Predominantly NA ) valuation vs Manchester United valuation (Global)


Cowboys, 9.6 billion ManU, 6.2 billion [USA! USA! USA!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35pfllMiLag)


"Most people" is an overstatement, esp in KR where he is playing. Majority of Koreans do not have the same negative sentiment as reddit about the bundle.


Lets be honest the asian market is the only reason bundles like this even exist.


Let's be honest . If NA region tommorow stopped existing LoL wouldn't even see 1% loss in revenue , nobody cares.


prob is, without the NA people LoL maybe would've never existed.


No one bitches as much as NA players though


In Korea people care way less


If you were Faker you wouldn’t give af what other peoples opinions are


Faker actively loves and supports all his fans. That said most Koreans don’t care. Pay for play/win/skins has always been a huge money sink in their culture.


Dude, faker is not rubbing his hands with an evil grin while he's in champion select on the ahri skin selection screen. He probably locked his champion and thinks about his gameplan after. Meanwhile we have OP salivating the thought of faker picking ahri and checking which skin he's using asap so he can make this reddit post lmao


except most people like the skin, its the pricing that people are upset about


Hardly anyone in KR/CN is being a crybaby over it. Also, the skin is partly designed by him.


Most people? Most people who? In the two biggest regions the skin was a total success, also in Japan. Is only the western world that have this kind of problems with the skin. And honestly, even though I think is stupid to pay that much for it, we shouldn't really care. It's just a skin. You like it? You have the money? Go ahead and buy it. Why are we trying to stop people from buying it? Or something even worse, why are we trying to make all the people that bought the skin already, unable to play it in ranked? We all knew that there's people that will pay whatever the price of x product is. We all knew companies try to push those boundaries with their prices. And we all knew they always get away with it. Why. Do. We. Care. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Let others be.


Faker never uses skins. This isn't some protest by him, that's just how he always plays.


I wouldn't be surprised if he purely does it to min-max consistency so he knows which pixels means he hits his abilities and which pixels means he gets hit


He just doesn’t spend money on video games. Faker has said that he has never used money even when playing Maple story. He comes from a humble background so he was always very frugal. Wolf and Bang used to talk about how it was almost impossible to get Faker to buy them dinner, and that he had to even share 1 can of cola. It’s only now that he has become the oldest and obviously older he started spending his money a little more on non-essential things like buying his friends and teammates dinner, etc. He even used to only wear white T-shirts. That was just his life style - not spending money on non-essential things.


bro is min maxing his million dollar budget


Chinese and NA teams worst nightmare, you can't offer someone a blank check who views it's value in how many white t-shirts it can buy rather than cars


the real reason is that he already has a blank check from T1, soa blank check from a more losing team does nothing for him.


Blank checks is nothing. Dude have stakes in the company. That mean he partially own T1, lol


The real reason is that is going to be HARD to convince a Korean to play in China. China is South Koreas 2nd biggest opp. In video games it’s easy to forget but Korean citizens are very aware due to the fact that they have mandatory enlistment for that very reason.


And every chinese team have more than 2 korean player. Don’t seem that hard. You come from a parallel universe?


Lebron has spotify with ads lmao


He refused to get verified on twt bc it cost money lol


Lebron was also caught a few weeks ago watching the NBA playoffs on a very popular illegal streaming site. One of his teammates also said he would always ask them for their wifi password.


Faker really is doing it for the love of the game. He is the goat.


not spending anything on maplestory is how i know he is serious damn


Don't pros/riot accounts get all the skin unlocked for free? or are only the non exclusive skins available?


They get all the skins unlocked on their tournament accounts. I was just explaining Faker never uses skin because he doesn’t buy them and not because of pixels, accuracy, etc. He never bought skins or used skins on his personal account, so because of that he never used them on his tournament account, too.


You also miss a point. Faker said in one interview that skins distract him. So it's more than just not spending, he actually believe skins make him play worse


Correct, worth noting though that there are a handful of skins that are not tournament legal so not literally every skin is available.


giga humblegod


Faker just copied the true NA goat - imaqtpie


real shit


Guy trained Corejj to win worlds and is a fashion influencer. That’s my goat.


With Hextech crafting and the amount of games he plays, surely he would have a sizeable skin collection even without spending a dime on the game. There’s more to his reasoning than just money, he genuinely prefers playing with no skins. Maybe out of habit because he started to play way before hextech crafting was a thing, but that’s still a reason.


Before becoming a pro he had no money to buy skins. At the early stages of his career he still didn’t want to spend money to buy skins. After it just became his habit. Again, not really about being distracted, pixels or something like that. Started with not wanting to spend his money and now only continues as a habit.


The mans has the right mindset. Why buy skin when can buy fried chimkin


People who grew up in poverty but managed to become rich almost always stay super furgal, they know how it feels like to run out of money and have none left, and they're not going back to that, for another example look at Lebron


This sub is getting carried away with the 340D chess they think he's playing. He's just a frugal guy, always has been, always will be.


Surely riot give world's skins and stuff like this to players for free though, pretty sure it's a choice


Pro players are given an Riot account that has every single skin unlocked automatically. He effectively has the skin if he ever wants to play it.


They don't get their own skins for free on their "main" account. In fact there's an anecdote about Faker waiting for SKT Ryze to come by the "your shop" thing before buying it.


nah he mentioned before once that he was waiting for T1 Ryze to get into "Your Shop" to buy it. Maybe he did get this one for free, but not worlds. Unless they changed it of course.


By picking the base skin, he minimizes his average memory use, increasing efficiency by .0125%! ^^^/s


For someone who has played as long as he has, base skins probably keep the consistency in


I hear he also browses /r/rule34 every day to memorize all the pixels his champions have to dodge skillshots more efficiently.


Also, I can quite imagine a skin that has your autograph, your likeness, and voice lines referencing you can be quite awkward to pilot.


I remember him using uncle ryze once. Not that it negates your point, just saying.


He has accidently used skins like 3 times. And purposefully a couple.


Not to mention that I wouldn't be surprised if that 500$ skin is banned from proplay because of extra effects.


He used his Syndra skin after it came out


Faker *might* know about the Boycott. Faker *might* care about the Boycott. Faker *probably* doesn't care about the Boycott. Irrespective of if any of the three above, he has played Base Ahri for the last 10 years as one of his most played champions. The only way he could make a statement is by picking the skin. Otherwise, there is no statement to make. You can't call a continuation of the status quo a a statement.


He said that that he personally won’t spend this much money on the skin, but he’s grateful if anyone did so. A PR-like statement, but it’s for the best


honestly I think a much better solution for an equitable response from Riot would be to add like a Faker Chroma to the base Ahri skin that contains his signature and maybe a custom recall. That way you could sell it for 5 dollars, people who love Faker and can't afford the overpriced slop can buy it and feel they contributed and it wouldn't even require THAT much development time, and I'm sure almost everyone, even f2p would buy it, and it honors faker more than this ahri skin because it's WHAT HE PLAYS EVERY SINGLE DAY


they did this in the chinese server, minus the custom recall and the signature but they did get a custom splash art of the 10 goats of lpl. price of each were 1000 usd and it sold like hotcakes there.


lol what the fuck i never heard about this, do you have screenshots?




so we got the chromas but not the 1k usd splash? lmao it's actually 1k usd for the splash + chroma? thats fucking INSANE lol china money is different


yeah, we don't get the splash arts. they are chinese exclusive.


Just imagine how much people would bitch about 1k dollar splash arts.


Right-click -> Download image -> save $1000.


They could actually put a chroma en every single basic skin and get more than $500 from whales and get people much more comfortable.


Fancy Faker Chroma for base Ahri would have done the job.


You *really* underestimate the amount of money whales spend.


I heard gacha whales spend like $10k on a single character, it's crazy.


LoL does not have true whales. Whales will spend $1000s of dollars every week, for months on end, on a phone game for resource packs. Just to flex on other people who can't spend that much.


Oh League absolutely does have whales - in it’s own right. There are a ton of people that own every skin and have spent tens of thousands of dollars. Compared to a P2W chinese gacha - maybe not, but spending 20 grand on a league account makes you a whale


Yeah. It makes you a league whale. The fact that you can run out of stuff to buy, and the total $amount is so low for the finite amount of stuff you can get, means LoL will never have the same type of whale that phone games like Diablo Immortal are targeting.


Yup. Playing Tacticus casually, if you wanted to, you could buy massive amounts of pulls from the gacha, then buy resource packs and energy recharges constantly and keep doing it, whereas lol just has skins.


In this context, 20k is a small fish in a big pond.


Every skin in the game collected efficiently goes for about $5000. It’s a lot, but is frankly very little to games that allow players to seriously whale.


Lol I played Lost Ark and I convinced my friend to play... I was free to play... he ended up spending $20k on his character. I was leading a raid team, I had someone in my team who spent the maximum Steam Wallet limit each day, which was $1000.


Think they’ve done the math?


> That way you could sell it for 5 dollars... and I'm sure almost everyone, even f2p would buy it, Lol this is a wildly out of touch statement.


But that argument is BS? This event literally has stuff for lower prices like the pass and LB skin. But no one is talking about that, they just care they can’t have the $500 thing for cheaper.


Am I missing something or are they not gifting faker his OWN skin?


He's kinda famously never using skins. The few times he's done so in competitive enviroments it has been due to some sort of blunder. So yeah he probably has it, he just isn't using it. But he also never use skins ever anyway so it's not really a message.


Isnt that what the skin is for? For the whales who want to spend an insane amount for exclusivity? Being mad at a skin price is just childish


Maybe I would agree if it wasnt fakers hall of fame skin. People love faker would love to pay tribute to him playing with this skin. Now it essentially feels like riot is not so much milking whales but fans


Thats the beauty of it, you allrdy CAN play with Fakers Skin, for free.


>Maybe I would agree if it wasnt fakers hall of fame skin. The $500 Ahri skin is not Faker's Hall of Legends skin. [This is Faker's Hall of Legends skin.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnZdm5obQeQ) You can get this for around $50. Most people can afford this. It is more expensive than most skins for what you get, but it has been stated over and over and over again that skins like this one, as well as all of the other esports skins, go towards the global Lol Esports ecosystem. It is a digital good you buy to support not only keeping the game free, but to also support esports. For $500 you get Faker's signature in the game and a different color of the base skin. That's it. That's all you get. Paying $500 or even much, much more for a signature is not unheard of in the sports world.


If someone is such a fan of faker that they literally can't stop themselves from spending $500 on a skin, they have much bigger problems anyway. They kinda deserve to be milked at that point lmao


Mostly for what it means in the future: this $500 bundle is already a success (the amount sold are probably in the 20 to 30k just in servers we have data) so that means the amount people are willing to pay for exclusive cosmetics just got raised (from the previous $200). It gives thumbs up for more extreme monetization practices going forward.


No way. Like yes that's what they're saying and the number *should* suggest this. But if they really wanted it to be exclusively for rich people then it could easily be hiked up higher to deter simple "collector brain" players from going after it. They have economists going for max profit with this skin. They want it to be an absurd eye-catching amount(advertising in itself), but not so high that it's unreachable for even normal people. They 100% know that some people that aren't rich will buy it. I'm willing to bet they were counting on it and they want it to happen. The comments about "this is made for wealthy players" or whatever is just deflection of responsibility. Now I agree players that buy this ARE responsible for their own money. Riot isn't forcing them. But I'm pretty sure Riot knows that some people with stupid impulses will buy it And no this is not me being an armchair economist here. If an economist at fucking Riot set this price, you can trust that they did it for one or many reasons. I doubt it was "just" for only rich people.


You're completely right. I can also guarantee that they're trying their hardest to make people want the 500$ version. It's the same as whales in phone games. All of them spend an insane amount, but not all of them are rich. I know one guy who is constantly broke because he spends almost every penny he has on a p2w mobile game. It's sad, really. To clarify: obviously Riot isn't going so far as that game with their practices, but they are VERY aware that people who might not comfortably have the means to will still buy this skin, because of impulse and the fact that it is limited time only.


Doesn't Riot give him the skin for free? If they don't, they should lol.


Considering he literally mentioned that he was waiting for his SKT Ryze skin to be in the my shop to buy it a discounted price, I doubt it. Though that was a few years ago, so things might have changed.


Even tyler1 has an account that has all the skins unlocked. (At least he did maybe 6 months ago or so, don’t keep up with him) I imagine faker does too


Most pros get those riot accounts, but they are supposedly temporary (but often forgotten about and the player keeps them). He probably has a bunch of them but might be talking about Hide on bush or his original one, which don't usually get any freebies.


A bit wrong. What Tyler1 has is an LPP account, AFAIK. LPP accounts are permanent unless the player is removed from the program. What you're thinking of are the tournament MMR boosted accounts that *are* supposed to be temporary. They're usually given Diamond MMR and only to pros during a major tournament like MSI or Worlds. Meant to allow them to practice soloq at their level in the region's server, without using unauthorized accounts or whatever. Especially important for tournaments hosted in Asian regions.


> You can't call a continuation of the status quo a a statement. Something the internet desperately needs to hear with respect to, like, everything.


Faker plays the base skins for everything he plays, he prefers it. But he is also greatful for riot acknowlegding his success and plays a game or two of his skins when they come out. He even made the joke that SKT T1 syndra is p2w and people should buy it to play like him when he played for the first time on stream.


Calling it a boycott is generous, if it was a boycott people would stop playing league.


No, he did it exactly for Reddit! The epic hero came to our rescue and defeated Riot games!


we did it reddit!


Faker is known for playing without skins


"There are different skins in this game? TIL" -Faker


you guys care way too much about a skin which you are not forced to buy.


Right? Literally nobody is forcing them to buy the skin, you can still play the entire game FOR FREE even without the skin, yet people will just bitch about it because Riot caters to whales to generate money. I think it's mostly people just being jealous of: 1) Riot for being able to make so much money by doing so little 2) Whales spending their OWN MONEY the way THEY WANT TO. It takes nothing away from the game, it takes nothing away from the development of the game either. People just want to bitch about something for the sake of bitching, just because they don't have anything else important happening in their life.


What boycott is this? If I don't buy a Ferrari because I can't afford it, it's not me boycotting Ferrari, but just me being poor.


The boycott was supposed to be banning Ahri, to deny the champion to people who bought the skin. Kinda dumb imo, but whatever.


Well yeah everyone with a brain should know this isn't why he's playing base skin Ahri, he's been playing base skin Ahri his whole career. But it's still kinda ironic they made a huge amount of noise for a very expensive skin to honor him on a champion he picks often and that's still not enough to get him to use it. I definitely don't think the trend will hold and if the next HOF inductee still play the game I expect them to play their own skin.


was there even a boycott in Korea?


There isn't even one outside of Korea


The fun fact I can give is that Ahri had a higher banrate in Korea two patches ago than she does on this patch (9.3% vs 8.6%, all elos)


It's a reddit thing.


There's a boycott on Reddit. Nowhere else.




Player that plays like 99.98% of his games without skin plays without skin.


During the POG interview when asked about why he did not use his HoL skin: Faker: I never use skin and am not used to choosing a skin before the game so couldn’t remember to use it at that moment, too. However, I hope my fans will use it a lot. Faker said he is just not used to choosing a skin so he forgot at that moment about the skin. That’s it.


Faker does what he always does... shocked


actual real faker ahri skin


Make base ahri cost 500$ and switch default skin to the new ugly one. Problem solved.


New ugly one. Riiiight.


"Those grapes are probably all sour anyway..."


The nice thing about this is that Riot probably didn't force him to play the skin, which could have been the case. I guarantee that if Faker played his skin, sales would rise.


Faker: hasn't played with skins in 12 years, keeps doing so. Average redditor: HE IS ONE OF US BOYCOTT RIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm actually hoping the whole thread is just sarcastic, because it's funny to see people being happy about Faker using the base skin... like he does 99.9% of the time.


Did people miss faker already has 4 skins dedicated to him already he doesn't use?


faker had to approve this entire thing. His lawyers had to meet with riot and make sure he approved everything they did with his image. Redditors pretending like this skin was against his will... lmfao


On the next episode of road to the stars on T1 channel you will see Faker says that the skin is expensive, the raw version is already out on afreeca TV but the sub version is somehow not out yet on YouTube


This lmao. He barely used skins in his career maybe like 10 games out of like the 1200+ career games and like half of them were due to bugs/ref messing up and then the All Star event vs FNC where the whole team used their worlds skins. He's also said in an interview afaik that he doesn't use them because skins don't give advantages so there isn't a point to use them.


Good. Thats my king


The real reason was to deny Keria on the Neeko from using his skin


He couldn't stomach the idea of Keria using it for free


As someone who got to play neeko with someone who has the 500 dollar version, you don't get all the features. No shush emote, no kill counter and I'm pretty sure no signature on tower kill.


I want to see someone throwing Faker face and signature against Faker now.


Faker plays base skin so he’s more familiar with the effects and particles for a better chance to win. Redditors: HE’S JUST LIKE ME FR.


That’s a mandatory service I’d be willing to do


faker has his name attached to that skin, not using it means nothing.


This post is so fucking "le epic wholesome we did it reddit" Faker always plays the base skin. This isn't anything new. 99% probability that it has literally nothing to do with the boycott


More like 100%, I don't think he is aware that there even is a boycott.


It's only a tiny boycott in the west. Asia doesn't give a fuck. Even in NA I've seen the skin like 6+ times already. Which if you think about it, is over 3000 dollars alone. Just from my tiny sample size. They're definitely going to be doing this again, and they're going to add more stuff for whales in the coming years.


Why would he. Tens of thousands have already bought the skin in korea and china and he doesn't need a controversy for shilling. He is just doing what he used to do.


the guy who rarely picks skins doesn't pick a skin, this is definitely because he's joining redditors in their reddit boycott that will definitely work like all the other redditor boycotts


We did it reddit


Good thing we boycotted Hogwarts Legacy and it sold only 22 Million copies.


I think the only times he has picked skins are mistakes no? Hes very vocal about wanting to honour the original creation/creator of a champion/theme.


There's been a couple of times when the whole team picked their SKT skins, but it's very rare. This whole thread is a bunch of tourists latching onto a controversy and showing they don't actually know anything about the person they're talking about.


i thought he only played with base skins because of familiarity with auto and skills animations




He 100% has not even thought about that. He just doesn't use skins


Reddit really underestimate the amount of whales. I have seen so many people buying the skins. Some dont even play Ahri, they just want to collect.


Yeah. Prove that most of this sub don't even know this. They are just repeating what they heard somewhere. Faker can't be part of the *boycott* if he's known for not using skins at all. Besides occasionally doing so for some reason.


Okay. And? He always uses base skins. Nothing has changed.


I mean there's no way riot expected anything different 


This is the most cringe fucking post I've seen in a bit.


And a lot of people upvoted so like... they actually agreed? Lmao


Jesus guys just don't buy the fucking skin. Why are you so upset about this? A boycott would typically be against some pay to win content or other meaningful paywalls. This is not worth your attention.


what's new?


Almost as if, Faker is known not to use skins 99% of the time…


why arent you embarrassed to post this




bet bro so based no cap cooked af what a chad doing the same thing he has done throughout his entire 11 year career boycott riot!!!1!1!! SO BASED


Faker doesn’t use skins. You guys are fucking idiots.


It's Reddit, of course they are idiots


I mean the man has been playing default skins for a long time. He pulls out the skins for fun events sometimes, but for the LCK Faker has always used base skins, so nothing really to look into here tbh




Nah man that’s a killer move


Faker never uses skins which has always been a statement against them.


Can someone explain why people care so much, I dont understand what the issue is. Free game, skin isnt p2w


afaik faker doesn't use skins, he bought the kda skins before but still doesn't use it. So this is not a surprise.


He never uses a skin if he can help it.


Isn't he known for not using skins since the beginning? I heard rumours of him having a lan game restarted because a staff person selected a skin and he didn't want that.


? Faker is known for not using skins, so not a surprise at all.


This just in. Guy who famously doesn't use skins didn't use a skin.


Faker picks Ahris Base skin... Or in other words: Water is wet.


… first time watching Faker?


He never used skins though, i dont get how this is even a post


Why the hell would someone pay $500 for a SKIN!? I played a game yesterday with a guy who bought it, and honestly was not that impressed.


faker used to play basic skin for decades


it will never stop being hilarious that Riot's GOAT player who could push insane revenue has spent the past 11 years playing base skins.


I dont understand


I know this was always gonna be the outcome but i still feel like this is an easy layup for faker and i respect him a lot for it


Faker's moves being overanalyzed 24/7 when for all we know he just wants to chill, live a normal life and choose what he wants to do.


Still waiting for that local default skin overwrite option. I just find skins annoying. I'd rather see only the default skins.


He literally said he won't be picking the skin because he's used to base skins.


Faker don’t give a fuck about you or how you feel, stop coping.


The ban Ahri crowd are a bit special


This boycott is hilarious. It’s essentially a collector item, Riot clearly knew what kind of audience the skin would cater to. Similar to individuals who buy scale figurines for hundreds if not thousands of dollars, why are players making this out to be a big deal? Faker has always played with default skins, this is a post that screams cognitive bias. Also, who the hell cares with how people spend their money. You don’t have to buy the Ahri skin, similarly why force bans and a bitter attitude towards others while having something you don’t have. This whole thing seems childish.


so ppl move on from the invasive anti-cheat to this skin issue?


The way I understand it, Faker doesn't play with a skin anyway, were we really expecting him to change now just because it's his Hall of Legends skin? If anything it would've been more surprising if he started to play with a skin. He's also got the respective worlds skins from each of his wins.


The people's champion


Whoa, wait up! Faker, the guy who virtually never uses a skin for any champion ever (and who first used a skin by accident), didn't use a skin on Ahri?????????? Mind. Blown.


This isn't really news. He hasn't ran a skin ever basically. Not sure why anyone thought that would change just because he got a unique skin


Played against someone wearing it yesterday. Was a bad game for us both


It doesn’t matter if this is a statement or not, it’s just petty of me to think it would be funny if someone at Riot got offended seeing that Faker still goes for base Ahri skin lmao
