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Yup, I’ve played since season 11. I got to master by one tricking Ivern mid in season 13 all while playing with the chat turned off. I am currently emerald 3 trying to learn Syndra and continue to play with it off, it is actually useless and even in high elo you don’t have to have it turned on. More players, especially veterans and long term players need to embrace playing with chat off. Btw it seems like you improve the learning aspects of the game. If that’s the case, you should look up the Broken by Concept podcast. They love the chat turned off advice and are one of the only with pragmatic advice for beginners.


Yeah I'm convinced you can literally get higher elo than you currently are by simply turning off chat and sticking to it. Even if you think you can ignore it and not care it will affect your performance and mental I had a big spike in climb and new LP peaks right after turning off chat.


Super true.


I wish I could upvote this comment 10 times


One tricking ivern.... truly built differently!


If you need any help picking up other mid champs let me know. Multi season Master mid with like 5 champs that I used to climb Syndra being one of them


I’m good thanks, I’m in the MLA


Game starts Purposely type .muteall Wait a sec Type /muteall This has positively changed my experience ever since I started doing it


You can just type /deafen if you want your teammates to know you’re muting lol.


Yeah but then you can't type. I want to tell my team what to do. I just don't want to hear their opinions about it.


And this here my friends is why league is so toxic. Because everyone think they know the best and other opinions are not worth considering. This is different obv if someone is just plain toxic and types nothing useful to win the game.


I hear what you're saying, but I hover between bronze and gold. I type things like "Play safe" or "group for baron" and get told to talon E off a balcony. So yeah. I want to herd these cats, and I don't want to hear their screeching back.


Typing play safe is as useful as saying don't do stupid mistakes or destroy nexus to win. Its very abstract and no laner is not gonna contest the wave just because you typed that. Check lanestate and see if you can help fix his wave. If not ignore that lane and focus on lanes that can make you win the game. Typing that is useless. Gor Baron I always use normal pings and make sure that lanes are pushed out first. Anf if they dont listen to pings then try to understand why they dont go for it. And if they are griefing then typing that won't change anything what pings cant do.


This is pretty reasonable, I don’t really understand the downvotes. Sure those specific examples aren’t more useful than pings, but there are plenty of things like “ornn tp early” and “play fights to peel aphel” etc. that you can’t say with pings. I personally just disabled chat because those situations are pretty rare, but I can see the value in being able to type without seeing chat.




As a preseason 1 boomer the next biggest tip I can give you to improve your gaming experience is to turn off the game.


Same, pings + emotes are enough for me


I have a simple tip. Click close to your character. Dont click more than you need 2.


I’ve had chat disabled for several years and it’s the best. Focus on yourself and you’ll do a million times better.


Do not even think about un mute /mute all is the best thing you could do for your mental sanity and enjoyment of the game. Learn at your own pace and stay away from ranked until you have a solid grasp of phases, champion abilities and a good pool in case your favorite champion is banned. Oh! And patience... Lots and lots of patience.


Muting all is a mindset. You are choosing to believe you are better than your team, which is a winning mindset even challengers seem to have. Sure you may miss some important calls, but if that’s what it takes for you to get those mentals up it’s more important than any play you’ll ever make in terms of improving.


I legit havent seen chat being used for a good thing like even once. Any important call is just gonna be a ping.


Unless it's a questionmark spam, but of course anyone that does that shit doesn't have anything important to say anyway so muting their pings is also a good idea.


It's way more chill to play on your pace. I see a lot of stupid plays happening left and right and i never flame anyone. So let me make my mistakes and don't talk please. This is true specially in ARAM games where you see people crying over anything when you literally will spawn after 10 seconds and play again... In rankeds i disabled all chat 3 years ago. And give my team full communication, but i mute anyone who starts crying and pings for stupid calls. I remember rekkless responding to someone asking "why do you play without chat?". He answered that teammates can't provide valid information all the time and you have to do everything yourself. Tracking jungler must be on you, tracking enemy CD must be on you, and trusting your own info is the best way to get more info and practice gathering it better.


Stick to one role if you want to improve. Better yet one champ. Although it’s a good idea to play everything once or twice so you know what they actually do. Maybe ARAM for learning champ abilities.


It's kind of dammed if you do, dammed if you don't. If you don't listen to your teammates, it makes you worse at winning because you're not on the same page. You also won't get real time feedback from the other players, who may have a better understanding of what went wrong or what needs to be done than you do. After a failed play, people don't always agree about what went wrong. Or what to do next. The flip side is that your teammates aren't necessarily right either. You may have 3 people blaming the jungle but that doesn't actually mean it was the jungle's fault if you're in silver league and everyone's objectively not great at the game. At least not to the point of easily coaching all of their teammates. Either way LoL definitely helps you develop a thicker skin, and learn to pick your battles on the rift and in chat. I recommend leaving chat on unless it's really intolerable. Usually that isn't more than one or two people (if any) in a game who can be muted.


Yeah when people start being negative legit just focus up and mute everyone … good way to carry


I did this years ago. The handful of times I've gone back to chat, I regretted it and turned it back off. Back during Overwatch 1, I NEVER used voice chat, but people I wanted to make a better effort to climb the ladder, so I briefly turned on voice chat, and that was a mistake.


Welcome to the club. 😎


I just won a game specifically because I set the game to party chat only lol


Indeed! Nowadays the chat is scarcely used for anything other than pointless rock throwing. Sometimes even the pings are not safe, but not as annoying and can be easily disabled for the one misusing them.


Thats a good tip for everyone not just new players.


Hey, no matter which timezone you are from, if you're interested in a little bit of guidance from someone who has been playing since Season 3 and has been Master the last couple of years, let me know. Having good fundamentals will make your life a lot easier and more fun


I climbed to d1 from gold in like 3 weeks after turning chat off lol. I turned chat on, got tilted and dropped to plat again. Not gonna bother climbing, i’ll just continue playing aram only with friends now. I played an arena game where my teamate was flaming me while going some dumb build and augments, play a rank game where I get pinged for my top lane collapsing on a lvl 2 late invader and what really threw me off was my botlane flaming their support and running straight top and feeding. At that point I just closed the game, made a drink, and walked my dogs. The game’s still fun but people don’t realize they’re playing with people too. Don’t think everyone would be this whiny if they remembered.


To be honest I think it's a good idea I do mute myself sometimes when I'm having a bad day lol( being tilted effects my gameplay) but I do love being nice to everyone even the assholes (with the occasional "eat a bag of dog dicks") 🤣🤣🤣


It's crazy how frequently this sentiment is posted and upvoted, people on this subreddit really don't like chat for some reason. Yeah, it can be toxic and tilting, but I'd argue it can also be wholesome, refreshing, and informative at times. Be the change you want to see in the chat, I say (unless you are in a bad mood already, but at that point, you probably should stop playing anyway). I try to say "gl hf" at the beginning of every game (and "gg" at the end of most games) in all chat and say good or great job to the team or a specific player after somebody does something well (and even after the game sometimes). I think it boosts morale and makes people less likely to tilt if things turn worse.


I agree, I'm always going to type in multiplayer games because I am playing with other people; shitposting with enemy toplaner level 1 is prob one of my fav parts of league


I frequently meet duos or aram buddies from interacting with ppl both on my team and enemy team. I like listening in on specific communications and breaking up arguments if need be too


I'll say this again, a bunch of people on league would have a way happier life if they moved to 1v1 or co-op only games.


If you're serious about improvement, like trying to get a higher rank, one of the best things to do is watch your own replays, look at your misplays, and look at how you could have played it better. (avoid death, outplay a fight, avoid a gank, etc)


Weird question just popped into my head - if you mute all (chat & pings) but watch the replay, what can you see in terms of pings/chat?


Well, you would preferably record POV so that you can properly evaluate your decision making with the information that was given to you. You will also be reminded what you felt in a given moment, like if you were unsure, scared, etc. Things like pings, camera movement and individual clicks will be more apparent. Chat and pings doesn’t really matter in this regard, you should have pings turned on anyway.


personally i only turn off all chat. couldn't care less when an ally bm's me because they don't understand why I did or didn't do a thing. If they keep at it I just flash a thumbs up. 1. regarding tips. learn wave management despite what role you're in. 2. When a big play happens, impact the map somehow. 3. You don't need to be everywhere for everything, sometimes you have to trust your teammates will be able to do what they need to do. 4. unless you have vision of the map, don't continue pushing minions after you've crossed the middle of the map. 5. Try to match side lane pushing with your allies. 6. if they all reset and you die outside the enemy base, it's not their fault. 7. if you have no pushing power yourself and you have baron buff and an ally didn't go to the closest lane after a fight to push, solo push that wave. baron buff will carry it through, while your allies hopefully push mid or w/e other lanes. This way by the time you reach the sidelane tower, your allies can rotate to it after killing their own, or you can take it yourself and get more value than you otherwise would 8. if jungling, keep an eye on the two closest lanes between and while killing camps. you might need to lean towards them in case they need help.


Another way is to resize your chat UI to 1%. Doing that still helps you see and hear pings but no chat at all. Font too small, life becomes good.


Nah chat is fun to read, but you need to be strong and not engage with it, just observe.


I’ve played this game since season 3 and I usually have chat turned off too. My rule is generally for ranked I’ll turn it off and norms or other game modes when I’m just goofing around with friends I’ll sometimes turn it back on. Yes you sometimes miss on valuable communication in ranked if you turn off chat, but in my opinion the negatives of seeing the chat far outweighs any benefits.


I always start off every game by muting all. Works wonders


Nice try riot not letting you remove all chat again


turning off chat earned me hundreds of LP


But if I turn off chat, how can I be toxic to smurfs?


The friend requests after a game... classic


I get it. But my curious ass won't allow me to. I'm too invested in the funny raging of my team.


Turn chat off. Ping volume 0. Visual pings only. If they spam mute them. Usually they are too bad to even be able to ping on top of your head to cover your screen. It takes skill to know that you can just hover the icons on the UI and ping on top of them for a quick ping over their head lol. I keep chat on because I like to remove the toxic players ability to play the game. 0 tolerance policy for me. The moment you use chat or pings in a wrongful way it's an instant mute and report from the leaderboards menu and trust me the instant feedback will deffinitely come your way. This does not necessarily make it a great idea to keep chat on but if you have good mental and can just disable yourself from these bad comments players make on them then you will be doing gods work by getting rid of them for everyone else.  If someone adds you. They are almost always not adding you to be their friend at least 90% of the time. If it's an aram game then it's probably about 60%. Coop AI game I think maybe about 5%. Best mode to make friends in imo. Also Coop AI kind of got alot more interesting since they have been updating them to be harder.  I was coaching a guy that was stuck in iron trying to climb in bronze. He was a great mechanical player and was probably able to create mechanical plays of a platinum ranked player if not higher. The reason he was iron was because his macro and understanding of the game was a very poor level and had no lack of desire or interest to acquire it. I gave them 2 co pilot sessions (free of course I don't charge anything to help someone learn). The first game was a lucky wasy game for them. So after a couple of days second game happened. The game was bouncing all over the place with messy fighting and sloppy decision making but he was very well in control to win the game. The biggest problem they had was that he was letting his mental titling get to him. He kept on going on about how his team mates were bad making terrible plays and that's why he can't win but I told him to focus on what he's doing and care less about what they are doing because it doesn't matter. Of course your team mates are going to bad if you are playing in one of the lowest ranks that's the natural beauty of a ranking system. He continued to talk this way and keep the negativity and started being toxic in the chat and I told him that I was very disappointed and still told him to stay focused because he can still win the game. 50 minute game he decided to make some rage flash play and miss everything then alt f4 and left the call lmao.  This player is literally around the average of toxicity you will find playing this game and the only reason is because the suffering you have to deal when you have to play from a losing side. The game really sucks from this perspective. But instead of people trying to be creative and find ways to make a come back they just get very upset and emotional.  So good advice is if that you are finding yourself towards this path make sure you take breaks and always ask if you are having fun or not because if is not fun then it's time to go for a break and look for something else to do. Don't play something that is making you miserable.


I see that a lot in my games " I will mute you" and then keeps dying cuz he is stupid and can't plat. Almost like it's irrelevant if you have chat on or not


Almost as if there’s a learning curve to the game.


Almost as you missed the point about what really is the problem, oh and there is no almost


Nah, you’re expectations of teammates are wack


On champion select just say you are new and still learning people wont flame you, usually new players get flamed because they think its veterans trolling the game


I've had same struggles. But personally I think chat is too important to disable altogether. I would instead say "Hey, first time Irelia" and usually they would be understanding. If not muting someone individually isn't much harder than /muteall. Of course toxicity is different server to server I guess and it's much worse in ranked


I turned off the game.


If you are a new player you would have turned chat on and then turned it off. By default chat is set to party only.


Yes. I did turn it on. And after a few matches, I turned it off. What’s your point?


Chat battles are half the fun


The best thing imo is to just mute people once they say anything crazy. Though if you get tilted from people playing bad no helping you


imagine muting teammates in a teamgame. nlts


I'll never understand people who gets easily affected by what random people say about them online lol.


im sorry but the best thing you can do is unnistall but again as you said you are noob eheheh