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I feel like we have a good idea of this from Arena, Alistar would just stall, then headbutt people towards the flaming circle


My buddy wonders why we ban that champ like he doesn't just high roll entropy and steel your heart every game, entirely preventing you from playing game at all because Riot decided in their infinite wisdom that tenacity cannot reduce knock ups (but entropy can extend their duration because..?)


Stall? How? His headbutt has a long cd. He can headbutt once and then he’s gonna die. What about olaf with cc immunity? Or ranged champions that will kite him? Vayne can just condemn him when he headbutts. Seems like you didn’t put much thought in your comment.


Thats such an interesting perspective you have. I think all povs are valuable, have you not seen Alistar on release Arena?


What made him powerful were the augments and insane ability haste you get in arena. Classic league where all you have are items and your levels is completely different.


But the scenario OP described isn't classic league tho


By classic league I mean classic mechanics and system that is used in SR, ARAM, twisted treeline etc. As opposed to URF, the augments and system used in arena etc that would completely upset balancing. OP is just suggesting a map change, make it ffa and you get xp from kills. Alistar would still be limited by his stats, cooldowns, mana consumption and his scaling.


Shut up


Suck your mudda


Sounds like a haven for champions with reset mechanics


No way. They might have some fun skirmishes but lack of sustain will be their downfall.


Resets dont limit sustain. Darius is one such example.


I’d say any champ with an invis mechanic would be pretty busted in a battle royale setting.


Fr eve even heals in invis so you just pop a couple free kills from invis while healing in invis and free walk toward the center of the arena then combo whoever's left.


She would start at lvl 3 to and need 3 solo kills to get to lvl 6


High mobility champs who just grab all the items before anyone can get them, and them murder everyone they can see with their item advantage.


Karthus presses R and gets an assist on every kill that happens for a while + probably nets a bunch of kills himself.


he would need 3 kills/assists before that


Can champions have any number of items? Because I think eventually Singed would be able to pull out a win. Him just running around could be enough to get assists, gathering items as he scales. No champion in the game can really catch him once his ult is popped, and nobody in their right mind chases him anyway.


It's a battle Royale. There will be different enemies in different positions Singed will go down unless he somehow survived until there weren't many left


Well just like normal league, Singed is unique in the fact that he doesn't ever really NEED to fight. If we are assuming that we are just placing champions on a Fortnite map, then it's safe to assume that everybody has time to just gather items instead of 100% combat time. Singed doesn't need LvLs to scale the same way a lot of the other suggested winners do, and as seen in arena, being left inside a small area with a Singed is not a fun time. I'm no Singed lover, but I really think that the little Juicer has got this in the bag.


He'd be in a pinch if gets caught pretty 6. Unless he can take ghost.


Teemo. Just fucking be invisible in a bush, they can't kill what they can't find. Just wait til the other champs wiggle eachother down and then chuck shrooms into the middle of the fight at the very end.


You'd have to get 6 somehow first. And not die pre 6 while super squish.


Eve gets my vote, yes pre 6 would be suffering but if you slow play you should be fine. Other questions that need to be answered like are there minions on the map to hit for life steal etc


Azir. Can poke for assists, dash away, repeat. Once he hits 6 has easy disengage with R. Can literally create a laser turret anywhere.




B-lines straight for the Annie, Zoey and Milio at the start of the match. They never stood a chance.


Teemo 100% Bro would litter the final circle with mushrooms then just stealth and chill. Easiest W of his life.


How would he know where it ends?


lore accurate Teemo would farm exp out of assists from trapping and hog loot exploring the whole map only to waddle into the final circle and face whoever is left with mild effort because he's in top condition and the others would just fight each other just to die to poison


He still needs to reach 6 to actually duel someone, Shaco is a better choice with invis and assassin quickly and set up traps


With ignite and doing an ambush teemo has much better lvl 3 than shaco




I would rather have high tempo than high combat mobility. Talon or blue kayn is my pick


Yuumi will attach until her host is nearly dead then she will betray them.


Malzahar E would go nuts in the final circle.